A Thousand Splendid Suns

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In less than two hours, both towers have collapsed

Soon all the TV stations are talking about Afghanistan and the Taliban

and Osama bin Laden.

* * *

"Did you hear what the Taliban said?" Tariq asks. "About bin Laden?"

Aziza is sitting across from him on the bed, considering the board. Tariq

has taught her to play chess. She is frowning and tapping her lower lip

now, mimicking the body language her father assumes when he's

deciding on a move.

Zalmai's cold is a little better. He is asleep, and Laila is rubbing Vicks

on his chest.

"I heard," she says.

The Taliban have announced that they won't relinquish bin Laden

because he is a mehman, a guest, who has found sanctuary in

Afghanistan and it is against the Pashiunwali code of ethics to turn over a

guest. Tariq chuckles bitterly, and Laila hears in his chuckle that he is

revolted by this distortion of an honorable Pashtun custom, this

misrepresentation of his people's ways.

A few days after the attacks, Laila and Tariq are in the hotel lobby

again. On the TV screen, George W. Bush is speaking. There is a big

American flag behind him. At one point, his voice wavers, and Laila

thinks he is going to weep.

Sayeed, who speaks English, explains to them that Bush has just

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