A Thousand Splendid Suns

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On the way back, Aziza's high-spirited fa9ade waned the closer they got

to the orphanage. The hands stopped flying

up. Her face turned heavy. It happened every time. It was Laila's turn

now, with Mariam pitching in, to take up the chattering, to laugh

nervously, to fill the melancholy quiet with breathless, aimless

banter-Later, after Rasheed had dropped them off and taken a bus to

work, Laila watched Aziza wave good-bye and scuff along the wall in the

orphanage back lot. She thought of Aziza's stutter, and of what Aziza had

said earlier about fractures and powerful collisions deep down and how

sometimes all we see on the surface is a slight tremor.

* * *

"Getaway, you!" Zalmai cried.

"Hush," Mariam said "Who are you yelling at?"

He pointed. "There. That man."

Laila followed his finger. There was a man at the front door of the

house, leaning against it. His head turned when he saw them

approaching. He uncrossed his arms. Limped a few steps toward them.

Laila stopped.

A choking noise came up her throat. Her knees weakened. Laila

suddenly wanted, needed, to grope for Mariam's arm, her shoulder, her

wrist, something, anything, to lean on. But she didn't. She didn't dare.

She didn't dare move a muscle. She didn't dare breathe, or blink even,

for fear that he was nothing but a mirage shimmering in the distance, a

brittle illusion that would vanish at the slightest provocation. Laila stood

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