A Thousand Splendid Suns

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Zalmai's new goat. Laila watched the rain slide off Zalmai's scalp-he has

asked that he be shaved, like Tariq, who is in charge now of saying the

Babaloo prayers. The rain flattened Aziza's long hair, turned it into

sodden tendrils that sprayed Zalmai when she snapped her head.

Zalmai is almost six. Aziza is ten. They celebrated her birthday last

week, took her to Cinema Park, where, at last, Titanic was openly

screened for the people of Kabul.

* * *

"Come on, children, we're going to be late," Laila calls, putting their

lunches in a paper bag-It's eight o'clock in the morning. Laila was up at

five. As always, it was Aziza who shook her awake for morning namaz.

The prayers, Laila knows, are Aziza's way of clinging to Mariam, her way

of keeping Mariam close awhile yet before time has its way, before it

snatches Mariam from the garden of her memory like a weed pulled by

its roots.

After namaz, Laila had gone back to bed, and was still asleep when

Tariq left the house. She vaguely remembers him kissing her cheek.

Tariq has found work with a French NGO that fits land mine survivors and

amputees with prosthetic limbs.

Zalmai comes chasing Aziza into the kitchen.

"You have your notebooks, you two? Pencils? Textbooks?"

"Right here," Aziza says, lifting her backpack. Again, Laila notices how

her stutter is lessening.

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