BLOCKED issue 6

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CUFF<br />

Cast on 48 (48; 52) stitches<br />

Round 1: *k1 tbl, p1* Round 2: *k1 tbl, k1*<br />

Repeat round 1 and 2 four times or to your<br />

desired length.<br />

LEG<br />

Round 1: *yo, slip1, p1*<br />

Round 2: *k2tog, yo, slip1*<br />

Round 3: *yo, slip1, p2tog*<br />

Repeat round 2 and 3 seven times more.<br />

Round 16: *k2tog, p1*<br />

Round 17: *k*<br />

Round 18: *k1tbl, p1*<br />

Round 19: *k1tbl, k1*<br />

Repeat round 18 and 19 twice more.<br />

Now repeat the leg pattern three times more or<br />

to your desired length.<br />


Knit the stitches from needle 1 onto needle 4 and knit<br />

them as they are (knitting knit stitches and purling purl<br />

stitches). If you knit a contrasting heel change the color<br />

now and knit the heelflap.<br />

Row 1: *slip1, k1* turn the work<br />

Row 2: *p* turn the work<br />

Knit that way until you have knit two rows less than you<br />

have stitches on the heel flap needle in total.<br />

© AnnaKnitter<br />


Now we have to divide the heel stitches:<br />

8/8/8 (8/8/8; 8/10/8).<br />

With right side facing knit the first 8 (8; 8) stitches. Then knit<br />

the 8 (8; 10) middle stitches until one stitch of the middle<br />

stitches is left. Knit 2 together. Turn the work, slip the first<br />

stitch. Purl to the last of the middle stitches and purl 2 together.<br />

Turn the work and slip the first stitch. You see two<br />

gaps. One before and the other one after the middle<br />

stitches. That shows you where you have to knit or purl 2 together<br />

without counting. Go on this way until you only have<br />

the middle stitches left.<br />

GUSSET<br />

Right side facing knit the 8 (8/10) stitches and with the<br />

same needle pick up on the side of the heel flap as many<br />

stitches as you see slipped stitches on the side. To avoid<br />

holes you can also pick up a few more if you think it's<br />

needed.<br />

With an empty needle knit the stitches on needle 2 and 3<br />

(the instep stitches in pattern). With an empty needle pick<br />

up the stitches on the other side of the heel flap as well.<br />

With the same needle knit the half of the stitches of the<br />

heel stitches. Now you have the stitches seperated on four<br />

needles again.<br />

Knit one round but the picked up stitches knit through the<br />

back loop. We knit the foot in stockinette.<br />

For the following rounds: decrease gusset stitches (picked<br />

up stitches) in every second round until you have the correct<br />

amount of stitches again.<br />

Different decreases:<br />

On needle 1: Knit until you have 3 stitches on the<br />

needle knit 2 together, knit the last stitch.<br />

On needle 4: knit 1, ssk knit the rest of the stitches<br />

After you have finished the gusset you knit the foot<br />

and instep stitches in stockinette. Knit 18 cm/7 inch<br />

(20cm/7.8 inch; 22,5cm/8.9 inch) until you start the toe.<br />

TOE<br />

Decreasing round:<br />

Needle 1: Knit to 3 last stitches, Knit 2 tog, Knit 1<br />

Needle 2: Knit 1, ssk, knit<br />

Needle 3: Knit to 3 last stitches, Knit 2 tog, Knit 1<br />

Needle 4: Knit 1, ssk, knit<br />

Knit 2 (2/2) rounds.<br />

Knit a decreasing round.<br />

Knit 1 (1/1) round.<br />

Knit a decreasing round.<br />

Repeat last two rounds three times or to your desired<br />

length.<br />

Knit 4 (4/5) decreasing rounds.<br />

Cut the yarn, pull it through the remaining stitches and<br />

weave in the ends.<br />

29<br />

© AnnaKnitter

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