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Source: Reprinted from Research Policy 24, Clayton M. Chistensen and Richard S. Rosenbloom,

“Explaining the Attacker's Advantage: Technological Paradigms, Organizational Dynamics, and the

Value Network,” 233–257, 1995 with kind permission of Elsevier Science—NL, Sara Burgerhartstraat

25, 1055 KV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Figure 2.2 illustrates three value networks for computing applications: Reading top to bottom they are

the value network for a corporate MIS system-of-use, for portable personal computing products, and

for computer-automated design (CAD). Drawn only to convey the concept of how networks are

bounded and may differ from each other, these depictions are not meant to represent complete


Metrics of Value

The way value is measured differs across networks. 9 In fact, the unique rank-ordering of the

importance of various product performance attributes defines, in part, the boundaries of a value

network. Examples in Figure 2.2, listed to the right of the center column of component boxes, show


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