Leading Digital_ Turning Technology into Business Transformation ( PDFDrive )

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What Is Digital Mastery? 19

Digital Capability and Revenue Generation

Companies with stronger digital capabilities are better at driving

revenue with their physical assets. On a basket of measures including

Ârevenue per employee and fixed-asset turnover, Fashionistas and

Digital Masters outperform average industry performance by 6 and

9 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, Beginners and Conservatives, both

of which lag in their digital capabilities, trail their industry competitors

by 4 and 10 percent, respectively.

These differences between high and low digital capability make

sense; digital activities can improve and extend the reach of physical

ones. With e-commerce, companies big and small now have access to

a global marketplace for their goods and services. Digital business can

help companies to manage more volume with a unit of existing physical

capacity. And digital capabilities can also help companies grow revenue

by reaching out to new customers or engaging with existing customers

in new ways. Nike’s ability to generate buzz through social media, or

Asian Paint’s use of call centers and mobile devices to leverage its salespeople,

helps these companies grow revenue without investing in more

employees or facilities.

The revenue-generation difference is substantial. For example,

Fashionistas—strong on digital investment but not on leadership—gain

16 percent more revenue per unit of human and physical assets than

Conservatives do, and 10 percent more than Beginners. Conservatives,

being weak on digital investment, have lower revenue leverage, but they

excel in other ways.

Leadership Capability and Profitability

Moving in the other dimension, companies that excel in leadership

capability are significantly more profitable than their peers. On average,

Conservatives and Digital Masters are, respectively, 9 and 26 percent

more profitable than their average industry competitors on a basket of

measures including EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) margin

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