Mad Magazine #540 GetMad

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itre aiotit...w"lt"k" ih" Bibte ail the way!,, And there

was great tumult, and the cable news did rend asunder.

And the man spoke unto the masses for a third time,

proclaiming, "The Bible means a lot to me, but I don't

want to get into specifics.,, But we do!

Do not ft*ve sex,${re[-sttafls wfifL both s

wo'ftwn anil fwr drugftter,,,Thgl sre c[ose

re[attyes, ffidtfvs wou{d 6e awirfr,ed aLt.

-LevinLus 1-8:16-L7

She does have a very nice figure. I've said

if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps

I'd be dating her'


Donard 3t6t2,o06

N 'i''"t'

I try unto you,'Ifwtye resktrct ai[: 6ut

whosower sfisff sr*ie tfwe ontfly ,rgfrt cfwek,

fiffrlto fttmthe other ako.

-Matthew 5:39

When someone crosses you, my advice is

"Get Even!" That is not typical advice, but it

is real life advice. Ifyou do not get even, you

are just a schmuck!... I love getting even.


Donald 11/1/Ee7

: +"inteffrgatt fwart arqnres

i fuowtedge) sndtfte ear'of the

: wke seefr,s frnowtedge,

-Prwerbs L8:L5

We won with poorly educated.

I love the poorly educated.


Donald 2/23/2016

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