Mad Magazine #540 GetMad

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My dad, Bentley Little. has been a d"di;tJf;since

1960s andhe gave *" the

r r"ur.ripi#;-ffffilrdayseveral

years. ago. My dad,s a horror writer, and ,i"." ifr"r" i,

llllig.*"* terrifiring tr,",, uaE il;";;ilced

to mention your him

sad excuse fo,

books in_my ^ ^^g^ri.n"i"


shameless attempt to get free junk. """ Here,s "f

copy of the pase


from The coisuttai;;i";;;;t"ns

E. Neuman:


Itwas amanwith the face of Atfred E. Neuman.

Chase Simonds . paw pa-, MI

simple simonds

- we have to For years admit that we were relieved to see your letter.

- decades. even._ *",r. t .rroilo

becomin .n'ri*i_rrai.higan g. unhea lthy, bias even that tor rr. ert'ili,li





no oih e r .h;i.&;i;

r oo iln th" ;;l#

gin with), [',-#,I,iX! ill;l"::fl 'Jflil search within ourselves il;1;ffir'irrrr,", missive.


your feilow Wotverine To you

Staters and

considei thi, ;;i,si;i;p in the righting of our

Xi?llj;lllll[ild to arr or vou rifth, M;il;;;;',, there: our prohibiuon



CorU Danger of Laguna Niguel,

CA sent in this picture of his

son, Elliott


a lad who could

onlg be described as .,more

lhan a little Alfred_esque.,,

As with all featured doppel_

g€ngers, we offer our deepest

thanks for sharing, and even

deeper apologies for their lots

in life.

Craig experienced a tingle of fear. He had never liked

the Mad-mwzine mascot. He knew th, fiir, *o,

supposed to be comicol. but there *o, ,o*ritfiin oUor,

that perpetua,y grtnning gap ,;";;;;;';;;; tfrot t ra

always creeped him out ini set lri^ ,"iigJ.'" '' "

It was impossible to tell who was behind the mask.

Emerson Little . Fullerton, CA



We,re not

*$:u*rttirililufriiittt-.ffi you like to know something


TRlty terrifying? Alfred

rs a trademarked E.

character-and.yrrii;ti;;{ Neuman

ii'.rllr.riorrtion or

::|ll,gT!y y. rhat rur. frope notsrrot+or-_i,vr'i*'i,

experrence ready

a tingle to

of bankruptcy,,! _Ed.


I am a recent collese gr.aduate and in the-process of finding

a job. Now, this is iot',1ust any job, but a high school math

teaching position. I am aski"i ii y." ..Jj b?" *r"r".r.. ro,

me. If anyone calls about me,"h"r;;" _y;;p tirree qualities:

1) Loyalty: I have been a MAD subscriber for the last

three years.

2) Always on time: I have paid for your magazine before

my subscription ends.

3) Patience: I have read every single page of your..wonderful,,

magazine for the last thiee yI"r. " r -*'

Thank you for yow time and please put a good word in for mel

Anthony paldino . Bristolville, Ohio


I am 12 years old and I.have U""" ,"Jirg frAAD since I was seven.

Recently, I was home ri.t rro_ ,lh;;ffi"dffimach virus and had

to watch an old showwith__y_o*.)i"iiriytrdy Loves Raymond.

It was boring until a funny part came on where Raymond,s brother,s

brother-inJaw gets realy LaJ *rr""i"'ir"ir-i'r, ,"r".,,s throwins

away all the "trash,,thelfind tn hi;;il;.


magazinesl your the trash was magazines rr"


rro., o, o-la fVrur.rrrt

Laila Wilson . Minerva, OH

Wil-son of a Gun



"boring' and "ord"

- r*:::9lP dismiss Everybodv Loves.Ravmond as

oo"r .irv.ii,i"i.r, #"r'r"tt'"nts

we pretty much agree with


th. th;

;1t'#lxx,;id'JJ';ilirl{i',,,*.;:l[fl','Ifi'fi ;x;r*lf ,",.,

nirlt","ru:;ff l;[l'il''Hlf :1ff :?tx5',';,"ffi '*'-i':1,',*ki''


- you,ve put us in a very awkward situation. lf we,re

contacted by a potentiat emptoyer (il;;i;;ir';,r,,,


how completely unhire-able you seem), we,re Oulyl66und to teil

the truth. And,_in risht of td irf"rmri;fi;;:'ffi;ided, we

have a very different assessment


Here are

your most obvious faults.

1) Doesn't tearn from mistakes _ has been a MAD subscriber for


2) Can't wait to waste morley subscription endsl ! I - pays for his magazine before his

3) Unapologetic masochist _.has read EVERY StNGtE PAGE of

our magazine for the last THREE YEARS ! l;

Don't feel too bad _ iust r

trllie,lT:;il;lY;',::ff lffi',lli::'ff :Hfl,,,*t*;

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