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<strong>2022</strong><br />
<strong>MIT</strong> <strong>IDE</strong><br />
Shaping<br />
a Brighter<br />
Digital Future
<strong>MIT</strong> INITIATIVE ON THE DIGITAL ECONOMY | ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />
02 New Initiatives<br />
03 Research Groups<br />
04 Research Projects<br />
05 Collaborative Partnership<br />
06 An Event-filled Year<br />
07 Conferences<br />
08 <strong>2022</strong> Awards & Accolades<br />
09 Media Coverage<br />
10 <strong>IDE</strong> Team<br />
The digital economy is at the center of nearly every<br />
global event and every critical issue we confront<br />
today—as is the <strong>IDE</strong>. Our work is spot on: We are<br />
(indeed) shaping a brighter digital future.<br />
From the information war in Ukraine that led<br />
off the year, to ongoing AI bias; from intense<br />
platform marketplace competition, to Twitter’s<br />
recent acquisition; and from quantum computing<br />
to Web3, the <strong>IDE</strong> has been super-charged and<br />
involved in <strong>2022</strong>. We shine a beacon on current<br />
issues, evaluate the next big digital trends, and<br />
help stakeholders prepare for the increasingly<br />
digital future. Our globally recognized, sciencebased<br />
research, education, events—and now, our<br />
new Digital Insider podcast—are at the epicenter<br />
of international business and policy discussions<br />
that change at lightning speed.<br />
The <strong>IDE</strong> is a team effort and we’re proud of our<br />
long list of accomplishments, many awards,<br />
accolades, and achievements this year. I’m honored<br />
that my new Digital Insider podcast, launched in<br />
June, reached “Top 20” status within six months.<br />
Also paving the way, <strong>MIT</strong> <strong>IDE</strong> leaders, David Rand<br />
and Alex Pentland, collaborated on a massive,<br />
three-year project to test a variety of simple and<br />
scalable ways to counter anti-democratic beliefs<br />
that threaten the country’s political future. And<br />
always aiming high, Lecturer Jonathan Ruane<br />
successfully climbed Mount Everest!<br />
This year’s events—including our second Social<br />
Media Summit, 10th annual Platform Strategy<br />
Summit, and our inaugural CMO Summit—<br />
brought together leaders from diverse business,<br />
technology, and academic backgrounds, meeting<br />
online and back in person for the first time in three<br />
years. The Conference on Digital Experimentation<br />
(CoDE) drew the largest crowd ever, with more<br />
than 350 attendees sharing cutting-edge research<br />
on experimentation and analytics.<br />
But we’re not resting on our laurels. The <strong>IDE</strong> is<br />
taking bold steps forward by refocusing our core<br />
research groups and our leadership team with<br />
additional scholars and topics. Our new mission<br />
statement, Shaping a Brighter Digital Future,<br />
reflects a proactive and optimistic perspective<br />
with the goal of addressing some of the biggest<br />
Staying Nimble in<br />
Tumultuous Times<br />
Our new mission statement,<br />
Shaping a Brighter Digital<br />
Future, reflects a proactive<br />
and optimistic perspective<br />
digital economy issues today with an emphasis on<br />
prosperity and inclusiveness. It’s a tall order that<br />
we are prepared to meet.<br />
We’ve added two new research groups, bringing<br />
the total to eight: I will lead the Web3@<strong>MIT</strong><br />
group to identify, test, and validate designs and<br />
approaches to Web3. <strong>MIT</strong> Research Scientist<br />
Neil Thompson joins the <strong>IDE</strong> to examine<br />
Technologies that Create Prosperity.<br />
As the digital economy heats up and transforms,<br />
we will continue our rigorous scientific<br />
experimentation about social media, marketing,<br />
and technology and stay nimble to meet the<br />
needs of our stakeholders. The <strong>IDE</strong>’s work to<br />
highlight the promises—and the perils—of digital<br />
technologies is possible thanks to the sustained<br />
support of our members and sponsors. Join us.<br />
Engage. Collaborate, as we boldly step into 2023’s<br />
white-hot spotlight together.<br />
12 Thank You to Our Supporters<br />
13 From the Executive Director<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> INITIATIVE ON THE DIGITAL ECONOMY | ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />
New<br />
Initiatives<br />
Nobel Prize Laureate, Maria Ressa, talks about the perils of<br />
fake news with Sinan Aral on the Digital Insider podcast.<br />
The Digital Insider Podcast with Sinan Aral<br />
CMO Summit@<strong>MIT</strong><br />
THE<br />
DIGITAL INS<strong>IDE</strong>R<br />
Launched in June <strong>2022</strong><br />
The Digital Insider Podcast with Sinan Aral<br />
launched in June and is already one of the<br />
Top 20 podcasts in the U.S., with speakers<br />
REVS UP<br />
Held April 28, <strong>2022</strong><br />
For the first time, the <strong>IDE</strong> hosted the CMO<br />
Summit@<strong>MIT</strong>. Marketing technologies help<br />
global brands—from beer to newspapers—<br />
like Nobel Laureate Maria Ressa, Facebook<br />
identify, attract, and retain customers in<br />
Trust is the new differentiator, not<br />
just data. How will organizations<br />
gain the trust of users? We have to<br />
pay a lot more attention to that.<br />
Whistleblower Frances Haugen, MSNBC<br />
Host Ali Velshi, business guru Scott Galloway,<br />
and Paul Daugherty, CTO of Accenture. Each<br />
episode takes a deep dive under the hood<br />
of how the digital economy actually works.<br />
From AI bias to NFTs; fake news to twosided<br />
markets; cryptocurrencies to quantum<br />
a fast-paced, omnichannel world. These<br />
trends, as well as partnerships between <strong>MIT</strong><br />
<strong>IDE</strong> researchers and industry executives,<br />
were highlighted at the CMO Summit@<strong>MIT</strong><br />
on April 28. The <strong>IDE</strong> helps marketing execs<br />
understand today’s networked consumer and<br />
how to use cutting-edge data science to meet<br />
— Paul Daugherty, CTO, Accenture<br />
computing, Sinan and guests make sense of the<br />
customer’s needs. In the process, our work<br />
lightning-fast changes taking place in the tech<br />
is upending conventional approaches and<br />
driven world—from a scientific perspective.<br />
strategies. Read the report.<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> INITIATIVE ON THE DIGITAL ECONOMY | ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />
Research<br />
Groups<br />
The entire <strong>IDE</strong> team recently spent three days developing a<br />
strategic growth plan for the <strong>IDE</strong> going forward. Our mission<br />
statement has been revised to reflect a proactive approach to<br />
solving some of the biggest issues of our digital economy and<br />
Shaping a Brighter Digital Future.<br />
We’ve updated and boosted our research groups to reflect eight<br />
key topics, as described at right.<br />
Misinformation and Fake News<br />
David Rand<br />
Understanding and reducing the spread of<br />
false and misleading information online.<br />
Human-First AI<br />
Renée Richardson Gosline<br />
Designing, understanding and shaping Human-<br />
AI interaction for optimal decision making and<br />
responsible innovation.<br />
Technologies that Create Prosperity<br />
Neil Thompson<br />
Analyzing and quantifying which digital<br />
technologies are shaping our shared prosperity.<br />
Social Networks and Digital<br />
Experimentaiton<br />
Dean Eckles<br />
Creating next-generation analytics for a<br />
digitally connected world.<br />
Web3@<strong>MIT</strong><br />
Sinan Aral<br />
Identifying, testing and validating designs and<br />
approaches to Web3 that ensure an inclusive<br />
and prosperous Internet future.<br />
AI, Marketplaces & Labor Markets<br />
John Horton<br />
Identifying, designing and evaluating<br />
problems, opportunities and solutions for the<br />
digitization of labor markets.<br />
The year also featured groundbreaking research by <strong>IDE</strong><br />
leaders Renée Richardson Gosline on Human-AI interface<br />
and algorithmic bias, and by Alex Pentland. Pentland’s<br />
work on “Subversion Dilemma” methodology placed first<br />
in Stanford’s Strengthening Democracy challenge, which<br />
rigorously compared dozens of methods for depolarizing and<br />
reinvigorating American democracy across a demographically<br />
balanced sample of 31,000 citizens.<br />
View Our Latest Research Projects<br />
Building a Distributed Economy<br />
Sandy Pentland<br />
Managing finance, manufacturing, data and<br />
human resources in a distributed world<br />
where the traditional roles of corporations<br />
and employees are facing profound<br />
transformations.<br />
Tech for Good<br />
Andrew McAfee<br />
Illuminating how technological progress<br />
can contribute to human flourishing on a<br />
healthier planet.<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> INITIATIVE ON THE DIGITAL ECONOMY | ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />
Research<br />
Projects<br />
Above all, the <strong>IDE</strong> is a collaborative of research scholars.<br />
Our academic papers appear in prestigious journals<br />
accessed by experts as well as general audiences.<br />
Among the most important work published in <strong>2022</strong> are<br />
these five projects:<br />
Here’s How to Make Deep<br />
Learning More Sustainable<br />
Neil Thompson<br />
AI IEEE Spectrum<br />
The impact of Deep Learning-driven<br />
systems is unmistakeable. The problem<br />
is that enormous computational and<br />
energy costs are required—which makes<br />
AI based on deep learning unsustainable.<br />
Neil Thompson and his co-authors<br />
suggest that these costs can be lowered<br />
by metering when and how these DL<br />
systems are utilized.<br />
Megastudy: Identifying Successful<br />
Interventions to Strengthen<br />
Americans’ Democratic Attitudes<br />
David Rand & Co-Authors<br />
Deep partisan conflict threatens the stability<br />
of American democracy. The authors<br />
conducted a megastudy based on a national<br />
sample of American partisans testing 25<br />
interventions designed to reduce antidemocratic<br />
attitudes and partisan animosity.<br />
These interventions were selected from<br />
a pool of 252 interventions submitted by<br />
social scientists, practitioners, and activists<br />
as part of the Strengthening Democracy<br />
Quantum Computing for<br />
Business Leaders<br />
Andrew McAfee & Jonathan Ruane<br />
Harvard Business Review<br />
Quantum computers can solve problems<br />
exponentially faster than classical<br />
computers can. They will bring about<br />
two huge changes: an end to our current<br />
infrastructure for cybersecurity over<br />
public networks, and an explosion of<br />
algorithmic power that holds the promise<br />
to reshape our world. Scientists face myriad<br />
challenges in developing commercially<br />
relevant quantum computers. But once<br />
Challenge. Contrary to the expectations of<br />
they are overcome, the disruption caused<br />
expert forecasters, the authors find that<br />
by post-quantum cryptography will eclipse<br />
nearly every selected intervention (23 out<br />
that of Y2K, which cost the United States<br />
Why AI Customer Journeys Need<br />
More Friction<br />
Renée Richardson Gosline<br />
Harvard Business Review<br />
A Causal Test of the Strength of<br />
Weak Ties<br />
of 25) significantly reduced partisan<br />
animosity. The findings provide a toolkit of<br />
promising interventions for practitioners,<br />
and shed new theoretical light on challenges<br />
facing American democracy.<br />
and its businesses more than $100 billion<br />
to mitigate. This article examines the way<br />
quantum computers will not only upend<br />
digital security but spur investment,<br />
reshape industries, and spark innovation.<br />
Friction isn’t always a bad thing, especially when<br />
companies are looking for responsible ways to use AI.<br />
The trick is learning to differentiate good friction from<br />
Sinan Aral, Karthik Rajkumar, Iavor Bojinov,<br />
Guillaume Saint-Jacques, & Erik Brynjolfsson<br />
Science<br />
bad, and to understand when and where adding good<br />
The authors analyzed data from multiple<br />
friction to your customer journey can give customers<br />
large-scale randomized experiments on<br />
the agency and autonomy to improve choice, rather<br />
than automating the humans out of decision-making.<br />
Companies should do three things: 1) when it comes<br />
to AI deployment, practice acts of inconvenience;<br />
2) experiment (and fail) a lot to prevent auto-pilot<br />
applications of machine learning; and 3) be on the<br />
LinkedIn’s People You May Know algorithm<br />
with a focus on weak ties. They studied<br />
networks of over 20 million people over a<br />
five-year period during which 2 billion new<br />
ties and 600,000 new jobs were created.<br />
The results provided causal evidence<br />
The Strength of Weak Ties is one of the most influential<br />
social theories of the last five decades, but until now no<br />
comprehensive experimental causal tests of this theory<br />
existed as it relates to employment.<br />
lookout for “dark patterns.”<br />
supporting the strength of weak ties.<br />
— Sinan Aral<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> INITIATIVE ON THE DIGITAL ECONOMY | ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />
Collaborative<br />
Partnership<br />
We have continued to deepen our<br />
collaborative work with Accenture,<br />
Founding Member of the <strong>IDE</strong>.<br />
This engagement includes six<br />
different streams of research with<br />
active participation from both<br />
<strong>IDE</strong> researchers and Accenture<br />
business sponsors; multiple speaking<br />
engagements by Accenture leadership<br />
and <strong>IDE</strong> researchers.<br />
With plenty more in store for 2023, the<br />
collaboration this year included:<br />
An interview with Accenture CTO<br />
Paul Daugherty on Sinan Aral’s<br />
Digital Insider podcast.<br />
A quarterly newsletter customized<br />
for Accenture.<br />
A Business of Quantum Computing<br />
Competition sponsored by Accenture.<br />
Image at left: Dr. Svenja Falk of Accenture Research (at left) led a lively panel on scaling innovation,<br />
monetizing data, and more at the 10th <strong>Annual</strong> Platform Strategy Summit.<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> INITIATIVE ON THE DIGITAL ECONOMY | ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
Zoe Cullen<br />
Harvard Business School<br />
SPRING/FALL <strong>2022</strong> SEMINARS<br />
<strong>IDE</strong> Seminar Series<br />
Himabindu Lakkaraju<br />
Harvard Business School<br />
Philippe Roussiere &<br />
Praveen Tanguturi<br />
Accenture<br />
Catherine Thomas<br />
London School of Economics<br />
& Political Science<br />
Svenja Falk, Accenture<br />
Geoffrey Parker, <strong>MIT</strong> <strong>IDE</strong><br />
Scott Kominers<br />
Harvard Business School<br />
Filippo Menczer<br />
Indiana University<br />
Ziad Obermeyer<br />
UC Berkeley<br />
Steven Tadelis<br />
UC Berkeley<br />
Catherine Tucker<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> Sloan School of<br />
Management<br />
Avi Goldfarb<br />
Rotman School of<br />
Management<br />
Emil Palikot<br />
Stanford<br />
Sonny Tambe<br />
Wharton School<br />
Damon McCoy<br />
NYU<br />
Daniel Rock<br />
Wharton School at University<br />
of Pennsylvania<br />
Gordon Burtch<br />
Boston University<br />
Hanna Halaburda<br />
NYU Stern School<br />
Manish Raghavan<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> Sloan<br />
Marshall Van Alstyne<br />
Boston University<br />
Kristina McElheran<br />
University of Toronto,<br />
Scarborough and Rotman<br />
Anjana Susarla<br />
Michigan State University<br />
Broad College of Business<br />
Rem Koning<br />
Harvard Business School<br />
An Event-Filled Year<br />
Events continue to be our primary means<br />
for spreading our research insights far<br />
and wide. The <strong>IDE</strong> is becoming known as<br />
a resource and a connector for industry,<br />
academia, and executives to meet and<br />
share thought leadership.<br />
Spring Seminars<br />
Fall Seminars<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> INITIATIVE ON THE DIGITAL ECONOMY | ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />
Conferences<br />
Social Media Summit (SMS@<strong>MIT</strong>)<br />
For the past two years Social Media Summit at <strong>MIT</strong><br />
(SMS@<strong>MIT</strong>) has been the most successful event in<br />
our history with more than 30,000 virtual attendees.<br />
The <strong>2022</strong> event focused on “What’s Next for Social<br />
Media?” with five global trends to watch in volatile<br />
times. Read the report.<br />
12,000<br />
Platform Strategy Summit<br />
The 10th Anniversary of the Platform Strategy<br />
Summit was held in person (after a two-year virtual<br />
presence) with more than 350 participants. Riding the<br />
Platform Wave was the general theme, showing how<br />
far we’ve come in the past decade; a special half-day<br />
program focused on Healthcare Platforms.<br />
Read the report.<br />
350+<br />
EVENT<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> Analytics Lab (A-Lab)<br />
The <strong>MIT</strong> Analytics Lab exemplifies our mission: it offers an<br />
opportunity for <strong>IDE</strong> stakeholders to submit projects and<br />
data to <strong>MIT</strong> graduate student teams that will use analytics,<br />
machine learning, and other methods of analysis to solve<br />
real-world problems. The teams develop results that will<br />
diagnose, enable, or uncover solutions to business issues<br />
and uncover new opportunities. At the <strong>2022</strong> Pitch Day<br />
on September 9, 21 companies vied for students to select<br />
their projects. Then, on December 2, with a semester’s<br />
work behind them, the 21 student teams presented their<br />
final results and recommendations to companies. It was<br />
a celebratory Final Presentation evening, where the best<br />
team, Handle Global, was announced the <strong>2022</strong> A-Lab Cup<br />
winner! Read more.<br />
EXPERIMENTATION (CODE @ <strong>MIT</strong>)<br />
With about 355 in-person attendees, this<br />
year’s Conference on Digital Experimentation<br />
outperformed in many ways. In addition to<br />
record attendance, the two-day agenda was<br />
packed with expert speakers and presentations<br />
on cutting edge analytics and randomized digital<br />
experimentation. We view the capability to<br />
rapidly deploy and iterate micro-level, in-vivo,<br />
randomized experiments in complex social and<br />
economic settings at scale as one of the most<br />
significant innovations in modern social science.<br />
The event, held October 20 and 21, featured<br />
<strong>IDE</strong>’s Sinan Aral, Dean Eckles, and David Holtz,<br />
along with speakers from Meta, LinkedIn, Etsy,<br />
Microsoft, Hinge and more. Watch the video.<br />
08<br />
42<br />
21 47<br />
TEAMS<br />
POSTER<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> INITIATIVE ON THE DIGITAL ECONOMY | ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />
<strong>IDE</strong> RESEARCHERS<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
Awards & Accolades<br />
Our team of researchers, faculty, and students<br />
received international recognition for cutting-edge<br />
work on the digital economy this year. The list of<br />
accolades speaks to our researchers’ contribution to<br />
academia, industry, and the public sector reaffirming<br />
our goals and our diligence. Among these:<br />
Georgios Petropoulos,<br />
<strong>IDE</strong> Research Associate<br />
Recently contributed to the World<br />
Intellectual Property Organization’s<br />
(WIPO) Global Innovation Index<br />
<strong>2022</strong> as an expert on the topic of<br />
innovation and productivity.<br />
Rebecca Wenjing Lyu,<br />
Post-Doc<br />
Best Paper Finalist (AOM)<br />
Thomas Davenport,<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> <strong>IDE</strong> Visiting Scholar<br />
New book out from <strong>MIT</strong> Press.<br />
Working With AI: Real Stories of<br />
Human-Machine Collaboration<br />
is based on 29 examples of how<br />
companies can use AI responsibly.<br />
It is co-authored by Singapore<br />
Management University professor<br />
Steven M. Miller.<br />
The <strong>MIT</strong> <strong>2022</strong> CMO Summit <strong>Report</strong><br />
Received a NYX Marcom gold award<br />
for design and content. Read the<br />
report and find more details here.<br />
Professor John Horton<br />
Best Paper Award (INFORMS) Runner-Up<br />
Alex “Sandy” Pentland<br />
The book, Global Fintech, co-edited by <strong>IDE</strong><br />
lead, Alex “Sandy” Pentland, is a Choice<br />
Outstanding Academic Title winner for <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Madhav Kumar, Post-Doc<br />
MSI Clayton Best Dissertation Award, <strong>MIT</strong><br />
Sloan Best Dissertation Award<br />
Professor Abdullah Almaatouq<br />
Winner of the Wade Award at <strong>MIT</strong>,<br />
Most Inspiring Research Paper<br />
Award (ACM).<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> INITIATIVE ON THE DIGITAL ECONOMY | ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />
Media<br />
Coverage<br />
<strong>IDE</strong> IN THE MEDIA<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> Research Proves the Strength<br />
of Weak Ties on Social Media<br />
Led by Karthik Rajkumar and Guillaume Saint-Jacques<br />
Researchers included Sinan Aral, Erik Brynjolfsson,<br />
Iavor Bojinov<br />
Research finds acquaintances can be more helpful in<br />
finding employment than close contacts, particularly for<br />
jobs in the digital realm.<br />
The longstanding theory of “the strength of weak ties”<br />
suggests that acquaintances we know peripherally can<br />
have a more direct impact on us than closer friends.<br />
Read the full study<br />
The <strong>IDE</strong> has been featured in the global media<br />
in print, on TV and podcasts, and as expert guest<br />
speakers. Among these are a Washington Post<br />
op-ed and NPR interviews on the information war<br />
Medium publication. This year we have grown to<br />
4,267 followers on Medium.<br />
In addition, we have increased content output with<br />
10<br />
Connections with 10 mutual<br />
friends were the most<br />
effective at helping LinkedIn<br />
between Russia and Ukraine, an NBC News article<br />
on Russian-linked social media manipulation, and<br />
<strong>IDE</strong> partners, including an Accenture newsletter<br />
and AI report; and a Capgemini report on B2B<br />
users find and secure new jobs<br />
an article on job-seeking in the age of<br />
platforms. We produce quarterly research briefs<br />
social media. Our researchers were also featured<br />
summarizing <strong>IDE</strong>-written papers, as well.<br />
in TechRepublic, Forbes and TechTarget,<br />
among others.<br />
Our integrated promotion of <strong>IDE</strong> research<br />
accelerated on the <strong>IDE</strong> site, on social media, and in<br />
Our social media presence has grown this year as<br />
news updates to stakeholders, such as the recent<br />
indicated by our following on LinkedIn, Twitter,<br />
“Weak Ties” study, which included a site page, blog,<br />
Medium, Facebook, and our monthly newsletter.<br />
social media, and publications.<br />
We continue to make audiences aware of our<br />
Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Medium, Facebook,<br />
work on blogs featured on the <strong>IDE</strong> site and on our<br />
Instagram, and YouTube for the latest on our work.<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> INITIATIVE ON THE DIGITAL ECONOMY | ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />
<strong>IDE</strong> Team<br />
The <strong>IDE</strong> formula for success melds the best <strong>MIT</strong> minds in<br />
academia and research with outstanding administrative<br />
and outreach staff to produce leading-edge thought<br />
leadership. Then, we add the fierce resources of industry<br />
veterans, international scholars, and top-tier executives to<br />
the mix. These team members are highlighted here.<br />
Sinan Aral<br />
Andrew McAfee<br />
Director, Professor,<br />
Co-Director,<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> Sloan School of<br />
Principal Research Scientist,<br />
Management<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> <strong>IDE</strong><br />
Devin Cook, Associate Director, speaking at the <strong>2022</strong> <strong>MIT</strong> Platform Strategy Summit.<br />
Daron Acemoglu<br />
Dean Eckles<br />
Professor, <strong>MIT</strong> Economics Department<br />
Associate Professor,<br />
Abdullah Almaatouq<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> Sloan School of Management<br />
Assistant Professor, <strong>MIT</strong> Sloan<br />
Renée Richardson Gosline<br />
Wang Jin<br />
Senior Lecturer, <strong>MIT</strong> Sloan School of<br />
Research Associate, <strong>MIT</strong> <strong>IDE</strong><br />
Management<br />
Kristina McElheran<br />
John Horton<br />
Assistant Professor, University of Toronto;<br />
Associate Professor,<br />
Visiting Scholar, <strong>MIT</strong> <strong>IDE</strong><br />
<strong>MIT</strong> Sloan School of Management<br />
Geoffrey Parker<br />
Alex “Sandy” Pentland<br />
Professor, Dartmouth College;<br />
Professor, <strong>MIT</strong> Media Lab<br />
Visiting Scholar, <strong>MIT</strong> <strong>IDE</strong><br />
David Rand<br />
Georgios Petropoulos<br />
Professor, <strong>MIT</strong> Sloan School of<br />
Research Associate, <strong>MIT</strong> <strong>IDE</strong><br />
Management<br />
Jonathan Ruane<br />
Neil Thompson<br />
Research Scientist, <strong>MIT</strong> <strong>IDE</strong><br />
Research Scientist, <strong>MIT</strong> CSAIL and <strong>MIT</strong><br />
Sloan School of Management;<br />
Director, <strong>MIT</strong> FutureTech<br />
STAFF<br />
Joanne Batziotegos<br />
Finance Administrator<br />
Tammy Buzzell<br />
Associate Director, Finance Operations<br />
Devin Cook<br />
Associate Director<br />
Paula Klein<br />
Contributing Writer and Editorial<br />
Content Director<br />
Aileen Menounos<br />
Events Coordinator<br />
Carrie Reynolds<br />
Assistant Director of Communications<br />
and Marketing<br />
David Verrill<br />
Executive Director<br />
Researcher Jonathan Ruane making his ascent up<br />
Mount Everest.<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> INITIATIVE ON THE DIGITAL ECONOMY | ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />
<strong>IDE</strong> Team<br />
Joshua Gans<br />
Professor, University of Toronto Rotman<br />
Elizabeth Altman<br />
School of Management<br />
Associate Professor of Management<br />
Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella<br />
with Tenure, UMASS Lowell Manning<br />
Assistant Professor,<br />
School of Business<br />
Rutgers University School of<br />
Matt Beane<br />
Communication and Information<br />
Assistant Professor,<br />
Shane Greenstein<br />
Technology Management Program,<br />
Professor, Harvard Business School<br />
University of California, Santa Barbara<br />
David Holtz<br />
Seth Benzell<br />
Assistant Professor<br />
Assistant Professor,<br />
Haas School of Business, University of<br />
Argyros School of Business and<br />
California, Berkeley<br />
Economics, Chapman University<br />
John Irons<br />
Thomas Davenport<br />
Senior VP & Head of Research,<br />
Professor, Babson College<br />
Siegel Family Endowment<br />
Alan Davidson<br />
Hyoseok Kang<br />
Digital Economy Director,<br />
Assistant Professor,<br />
U.S. Department of Commerce<br />
University of Southern California,<br />
Paramveer Dhillon<br />
Marshall School of Business<br />
Assistant Professor,<br />
Paul Kedrosky<br />
University of Michigan<br />
Writer and Investor in the<br />
Apostolos Filippas<br />
Digital Economy<br />
Assistant Professor, Gabelli School of<br />
Tod Loofbourrow<br />
Business, Fordham University<br />
CEO, ViralGains<br />
Anna Pastwa<br />
(<strong>MIT</strong> <strong>IDE</strong> Research Affiliate) Assistant<br />
Professor, University of Warsaw,<br />
Digital Economy Lab and Department<br />
of Technology Transformation<br />
Claudia Perlich<br />
Data Scientist, Two Sigma<br />
Mohammad Amin Rahimian<br />
Assistant Professor,<br />
University of Pittsburgh Swanson<br />
School of Engineering<br />
Maria Ressa<br />
CEO, Rappler<br />
Daniel Rock<br />
Assistant Professor Wharton School,<br />
University of Pennsylvania<br />
Michael Schrage<br />
Visiting Fellow, Imperial College<br />
Department of Innovation and<br />
Entrepreneurship<br />
John Van Reenen<br />
Professor, London School of Economics<br />
Irving Wladawsky-Berger<br />
Visiting Lecturer,<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> Engineering Systems<br />
Nuruddin Ahmed<br />
Postdoctoral Associate<br />
Jennifer Allen<br />
PhD Candidate<br />
Mohammed Alsobay<br />
PhD Candidate<br />
Michael Caoson<br />
PhD Candidate<br />
Sukwoong Choi<br />
Postdoctoral Associate<br />
Ziv Epstein<br />
PhD Candidate<br />
Harang Ju<br />
Postdoctoral Associate<br />
Madhav Kumar<br />
Postdoctoral Associate<br />
Wensu Li<br />
Postdoctoral Associate<br />
Rebecca Lyu<br />
Postdoctoral Associate<br />
Ben Manning<br />
PhD Candidate<br />
Hirotaka Miura<br />
PhD Candidate<br />
Tamay Besiroglu<br />
Leonardo Serra<br />
Capgemini Consulting<br />
Alex Moehring<br />
PhD Candidate<br />
Zanele Munyikwa<br />
PhD Candidate<br />
Robin Na<br />
PhD Candidate<br />
Roy Reinhorn<br />
Masters RA<br />
Ziv Heimlich Shtacher<br />
MBA Candidate<br />
Sebastian Steffen<br />
PhD Candidate<br />
Maja Svanberg,<br />
PhD Candidate<br />
Ben Tang<br />
PhD Candidate<br />
Hong-Yi TuYe<br />
PhD Candidate<br />
Ehsan Valavi<br />
Postdoctoral Associate<br />
Emma van Inwegen<br />
PhD Candidate<br />
Jerry Zhang<br />
PhD Candidate,<br />
Visiting Scientists<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> INITIATIVE ON THE DIGITAL ECONOMY | ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />
Mitchell Baker<br />
Chairwoman & Co-Founder, Mozilla<br />
Carl Bass<br />
Former President & CEO, Autodesk<br />
Marc Benioff<br />
CEO, Salesforce<br />
Mary Callahan Erdoes<br />
CEO of Asset & Wealth Management,<br />
J.P. Morgan<br />
Reid Hoffman<br />
CEO, Linkedin<br />
James Manyika<br />
Senior VP, Google-Alphabet<br />
Marissa Mayer<br />
Co-Founder, Lumi Labs<br />
Eric Schmidt<br />
Technical Advisor, Alphabet<br />
Robert Solow<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> Professor of Economics &<br />
Nobel Laureate<br />
Michael Spence<br />
NYU Professor of Economics &<br />
Nobel Laureate<br />
Accenture (Founding Member)<br />
3M Company<br />
Akkodis<br />
Anheuser-Busch Companies, LLC<br />
Autodesk, Inc.<br /><br />
Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC<br />
Caltech Executive Education<br />
Capgemini America, Inc.<br />
EcoDynamics<br />
EMC Corporation (Dell EMC)<br />
General Motors Holdings LLC<br />
Grant Thornton, LLP<br />
Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc.<br />
(IRC)<br />
McFadyen Digital<br />
Meta Platforms, Inc.<br />
Netflix, Inc.<br />
Schneider Electric USA, Inc.<br />
TechnoPro, Inc.<br />
Nobuo N. Akiha<br />
Joe Eastin<br />
Michael Even<br />
Wesley Chan<br />
Aaron Cowen<br />
Ellen and Bruce Herzfelder<br />
Reid Hoffman<br />
Richard B. Homonoff<br />
Edward S. Hyman, Jr.<br />
Gustavo Pierini<br />
Gustavo Marini<br />
Tom Pappas<br />
Jeff & Liesl Wilke<br />
Xianghui Zhang<br />
and other individuals who prefer to<br />
remain anonymous.<br />
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation<br /><br />
Thank You<br />
to Our Supporters<br />
<strong>MIT</strong>-IBM Watson AI Lab<br />
Nasdaq<br />
New Venture Fund<br />
TDF Foundation<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> INITIATIVE ON THE DIGITAL ECONOMY | ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />
From the<br />
Executive Director<br />
The <strong>MIT</strong> Initiative on the Digital Economy (<strong>IDE</strong>)<br />
is squarely focused on research that is “shaping<br />
a brighter digital future.” More than a slogan, we<br />
strongly believe that technology can improve lives<br />
and societies with careful use and design. That’s<br />
the world we envision and the one we want to<br />
shape, inhabit, and share.<br />
I am very proud of our academic team and their<br />
achievements that distinguish the <strong>IDE</strong> in the<br />
research community and move the dial on critical<br />
issues. But it’s also our staff that contributes to<br />
the <strong>IDE</strong>’s success and growth on a daily basis.<br />
Finance Administrator, Joanne Batziotegos;<br />
Associate Director of Finance, Tammy Buzzell;<br />
Associate Director, Devin Cook; Editorial Content<br />
Director, Paula Klein; and Assistant Director of<br />
Marketing and Events, Carrie Reynolds. We also<br />
welcomed Aileen Menounos to our team during<br />
the year. We’ve been working with her through<br />
the Analytics Lab, and we are so pleased she has<br />
joined us as Events Coordinator. This small team<br />
packages, promotes, and presents our ideas for a<br />
broad audience – from our generous stakeholders<br />
(the individuals, corporations, and foundations<br />
named above) to academia, public policy leaders,<br />
and the press.<br />
<strong>2022</strong> was a year in which we deepened our<br />
research and sharpened our goals. We’ve launched<br />
new research areas, produced the largest number<br />
of papers in our history, and refined our mission.<br />
We rely on generous donors – alumni, corporate<br />
members, and foundations – who make it possible<br />
for us to do this important work. We appreciate<br />
your participation and engagement, as well as<br />
financial support, so that we can continue to grow<br />
and excel.<br />
Thank you, and here’s to a brighter digital future<br />
for all.<br />
David Verrill, Executive Director of <strong>MIT</strong> <strong>IDE</strong><br />
FIND US<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> Initiative on the Digital Economy<br />
<strong>MIT</strong> Sloan School of Management<br />
245 First St, Room E94-1521<br />
Cambridge, MA 02142-1347<br />
617-452-3216<br />
Event photos by Andrew Kubica<br />
<strong>Report</strong> designed by Gravity Switch