Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss First Fascicle

Islamic Book of Ilm i hal Book (kalam,fiqh,tasawwuf).

Islamic Book of Ilm i hal Book (kalam,fiqh,tasawwuf).


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belief of their descendants, they wrote valuable books and left

them as a legacy to us. We should learn our holy faith by reading

the sincere and virtuous books written by the blessed hands of our

famed and honorable Islamic scholars, whose beautiful morals,

justice, diligence, and whose records in art, science, and bravery

are inscribed in world’s history. Moreover, they shed their blood

for our faith, lest the enemy hands might touch it, and they left all

these valuable writings in their original purity as an inheritance to

us. We have to be very careful not to be deceived and not to let our

sacred iman be seized by reading books that are written by those

using the same names (as real Islamic scholars) but veiled in

sequined words written by zindiqs that sold themselves out to

British spies! Let me also inform you that hadith sharifs and

explanations of Islamic scholars (rahmatullahi taala alaihim

ajmain) strongly prohibit the interference of men of religion in

matters of politics. Ahl as-Sunna scholars observed this

prohibition very carefully. Muslims don’t exploit Islam as a tool for

politics. Therefore, I have never entered politics. I haven’t

defended any type of political state in any of my writings. It has

reached my ears that there have been people who, disliking this

behavior of mine, try to prevent people from reading and learning

my books by calling them corrupt, and who then are bewildered

and unable to answer when they are questioned about what parts

of the books are corrupt. I wrote a book called Yuz Karesi (Black

Faced [disgraceful]) to advise those who slander me so that they

may wake up from their stupor and attain true guidance.

With the encouragement of those who read my book Seadet-i

Ebediyye, which consisted of sixty pages and thirty chapters, I

prepared the second volume in three hundred pages, and I had it

printed in 1957. These two volumes aroused so much interest and

attraction among the innocent youth towards Islam that I

experienced a shower of questions. To answer these various

questions by translating from reliable books and by adding seventy

new chapters to the original thirty chapters of the first volume, the

second edition was formed and printed in four hundred pages.

Later by the blessing of Allahu Taala, and with exhausting labor,

the accomplishment of the third volume was granted by Allahu

Taala, and it was printed in 1960/1379.

Though I was not authorized, only as a reward for my

admiration of the dumbfounding superiority of Islamic scholars,

for the love and respect which I had had towards them, and as a

reward for the prayers which I had sent with the utmost suffering

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