Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss First Fascicle

Islamic Book of Ilm i hal Book (kalam,fiqh,tasawwuf).

Islamic Book of Ilm i hal Book (kalam,fiqh,tasawwuf).


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Islam, they will no longer have to pay jizya. The symptom of

iman’s existence in a heart is its not loving disbelievers. [Not loving

occurs by the heart. We should live in harmony with disbelievers

or any others; we should not cause harm to anybody.] [1]

[Temporary co-operation with disbelievers can be formed only

politically and when necessity requires it. Yet this shouldn’t go as

far as to be integrated with them, and it should end when the

necessity is over.

Question: “We should not have suizan (distrust or have a bad

opinion) of anybody; we should not look at their words and actions

exposing their disbelief, but those indicating their iman. Iman

exists in the heart. Allahu Taala knows if there is iman in a heart.

No one else knows it. One who says ‘disbeliever’ about a person

with iman in their heart becomes a disbeliever themself. We

should regard everybody as a Muslim and love anybody who does

not openly speak ill of Islam,” is said. Is this point of view correct?

Answer: It is wrong to say we shouldn’t distrust anybody. Its

correct form is “We shouldn’t distrust a Muslim.” In other words,

when a person who says that they are a Muslim and does not

express a word or does not do an action rendering them a

disbeliever, says or does something which may mean belief as well

as disbelief, we should understand it as belief, and we should not

say that they have gone out of Islam. But when a person strives to

demolish Islam and to make youth become disbelievers, or if they

say “good” about one of the haram, tries to make it popular so that

everybody will commit it, or if they say that one of Allahu Taala’s

commandments is retrogressive and harmful, they are called a

disbeliever. Even if they say that they are a Muslim, performs salat

and goes on a hajj (pilgrimage), they are still called a zindiq

(unbelievers pretending to be Muslims). It would be stupidity to

regard such hypocritical people, who deceive Muslims, as


Allahu Taala says in the twenty-eighth ayat of Tawba Sura of

the Quran al-Karim, “Najas,” and in the ninety-fifth ayat of Tawba

Sura, “rijs,” that is, “foul,” about disbelievers. Then, disbelief

should be foul and base in the eyes of Muslims. The meaning of the

fourteenth ayat of Rad Sura and the fiftieth ayat of Mumin Sura

purports: “The prayers of these enemies are without a result.

[1] Please see the first chapter of the fifth fascicle of Endless Bliss for

terms such as ‘dhimmî’, ‘harbî’, ‘zakât’, ‘jizya’, and the like.

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