Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss First Fascicle

Islamic Book of Ilm i hal Book (kalam,fiqh,tasawwuf).

Islamic Book of Ilm i hal Book (kalam,fiqh,tasawwuf).


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is called maal. When an ayat is said word for word in any foreign

language, it is called a translation. Ayat karimas cannot be

translated into concise and proper forms. Islamic scholars tried to

explain ayat karimas by using long tafsirs and tawils, not by

translating. In my book, I have mostly used explanations from

Tafsir-i Mazhari and Tafsir-i Husayni. I have placed the sequence

of the numbers of the ayat karimas as they appear in the mus’haf

(a written copy of Quran al-Karim) by Caligrapher Hafiz (one who

has memorized the Quran al-Karim) Uthman (rahmatullahi


He who reads this book will accurately learn the faith of his

ancestors; he will not be taken in by the slanders of the enemies of

Islam; he will be safe against the superstitions of the ignorant and

against the material and spiritual exploitation of zindiqs and

munafiqs (those who hide their disbelief in any of the ayat karimas

or hadith sharifs with open meanings) who poison the youth under

the names of great men of tasawwuf. Muslims will be united on the

right path and will become beloved brothers of one another.

A Muslim is a good person who is serious-minded. A true

Muslim always obeys the commandments of Allahu Taala. It

would be a sin if we did not obey the commandments of Allahu

Taala. A Muslim pays the due rights of others on him, and also his

debts to the state. He never violates the laws of the state. It would

be a crime to violate the laws of one’s state. A Muslim commits

neither sins nor crimes. He loves his country, his nation, and his

flag. He does favors to everybody. He gives good advice to those

who act wrongly. Such Muslims are loved both by Allahu Taala

and by His human creatures. They lead a blissful and peaceful life.

The ???? edition of all three volumes of the Turkish version of

Seadet-i Ebediyye and the ??? edition of the English version of its

major sections in six fascicles has now been printed. [1] There are

ninety-eight chapters in the first volume, seventy-three chapters in

the second volume and seventy in the third volume. Of these two

hundred and forty-one (241) chapters, one hundred and eight [108]

chapters have been compiled from Maktubat, Vol. II and III by

Imam Rabbani mujaddid-i alf-i thani, Ahmad-i Faruqi, the great

(thousand year) Islamic scholar, a source of knowledge and

[1] As of January 2009 (Muharram Hijri 1430)????, the sixth fascicle, the

last fascicle of Endless Bliss, the English version, was accomplished.

May our hamd be to Allahu Taala, who has so magnanimously

honored and blessed us with that greatest fortune.

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