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Company 4: MultiTel

Business Description

MultiTel is the no.1 mobile operator in Nigeria, and also owns an international phone card

distribution business. The company has over 35% market share in the country, and its brand is

very well recognised. The company is managed by a British businessman who came back to its

native Nigeria in 2005 to take the post as CEO, and the business has grown very rapidly since.

The company is partly owned by South Africa company SA Telecom (40% stake), various

investors from India (25%) and the rest is owned by the management. Due to financial issues,

SATelecom has been looking to sell its stake, however other shareholders’ intentions are not

known at this stage.

Multitel Markets

Multitel only operates in Nigeria, although it has plans to take advantage of its widely

recognised brand to expand in neighbouring countries. The Nigerian market growth potential is

substantial, as there are currently only 44m subscribers for a total population of 159m. In

additional, GDP growth rates have been stable and the population is very young and

increasingly sophisticated. Growth for mobile phones is primarily driven by the unreliable

landline network, and most people have more than one cell phone. The main competitor is the

government-owned Company Nigeria Telecom, however the company has been loosing market

share gradually due to the below average quality of service and poor network reliability.

Recently, several African and Middle Eastern telecom operators have started to set up

operations in the country, and the market is expected to become significantly more competitive

if those manage to establish a strong presence.

Financials in €m

MultiTel 2010 2011 2012 Forecast


Mobile 11.2m 15.4m 20.1m

Growth +38.1% +29.8%

Revenue 405.1 534.1 662.2

Growth +30.1% +26.1%

EBITDA 48.2 59.1 66.2

Margin 12.1% 11.4% 10.0%

Estimated valuation based on peer companies: €600m-1,000m


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