POTTER Familles unies

Nic est co-auteur de six grands enfants à Bruxelles et de six beaux livres à Bruges. Avec des réseaux de volontaires, son agence de renseignement a enquêté sur les familles Potter pendant vingt ans. Les Potter Millenium Mysteries, découverts - siècle après siècle -. 1100 : Quête du Graal du roi Godefroy (Ardennes) 1200 : Artisans celtiques héroïques (France, Royaume-Uni) 1300 : Rebelles hérétiques du textile (Flandre, Royaume-Uni) 1400 : Brillants éclaireurs de Flandre (Bruges) 1500 : Rebelles au sanglant duc Alba (Brabant) 1600 : Agent secret de la grande maladie (Hollande) 1700 : Chef de la révolution courageuse (Bruxelles) 1800 : Migrants oubliés (Italie, Amérique) 1900 : Évasion de héros de la Première Guerre mondiale (Allemagne) 2000 : No men's Land (Belgique)... 2020 : Incroyables aventures illustrées authentiques. 2050 : Rejoignez la Book-Chain ! https://gw.geneanet.org/nicolaspotter

Nic est co-auteur de six grands enfants à Bruxelles et de six beaux livres à Bruges. Avec des réseaux de volontaires, son agence de renseignement a enquêté sur les familles Potter pendant vingt ans. Les Potter Millenium Mysteries, découverts - siècle après siècle -. 1100 : Quête du Graal du roi Godefroy (Ardennes) 1200 : Artisans celtiques héroïques (France, Royaume-Uni) 1300 : Rebelles hérétiques du textile (Flandre, Royaume-Uni) 1400 : Brillants éclaireurs de Flandre (Bruges) 1500 : Rebelles au sanglant duc Alba (Brabant) 1600 : Agent secret de la grande maladie (Hollande) 1700 : Chef de la révolution courageuse (Bruxelles) 1800 : Migrants oubliés (Italie, Amérique) 1900 : Évasion de héros de la Première Guerre mondiale (Allemagne) 2000 : No men's Land (Belgique)... 2020 : Incroyables aventures illustrées authentiques. 2050 : Rejoignez la Book-Chain !


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During the great mortal plague, Roeland stayed with Miss Anna

Sandelin. The lady noticed how much Roeland’s support helped the

ill persons. She was so angry about her situation but "Father Roeland

was coming” and they were not so scared of the illness anymore.

Roeland was with so many sick people. I have no idea how many,

there were so many! And when he came home from helping the sick

at night, my wife took a bucket of water. We put it in the middle of

the room. In the morning there was a thick ice membrane on the

bucket of water.

In the houses where he came, there was always a fire. Then he held

his cloak before it. That is very good against the disease. And the lord

saved him. Roeland was equally cordial and willing for all the sick

across the years. He had a catalog of all the streets of the whole city.

He was equally concerned for maids and servants or rich persons. He

was so worried to help the people that I cannot describe it with a pen!

He never asked: "Who is it?" He went straight to the child, when he

knew in which house he was, for him to be baptized. If someone

asked for Roeland ‘s proposed spiritual things that affected the souls,

Roeland said all the things that suffering person needed to know

without delay.

Father Makeblijde organized the school for Maria Bartolomeus. She

was a good sister, along with another sister named Anna Jans.

Because Anna was less appreciated than Maria, Father Makeblijde put

the school in the name of Anna Jans, in case the Sheriff or the

Magistrates would do something against the school, at unfavorable


Roeland then became a guardian of the school. He and Marie worked

conscientiously. They did everything for the school with accuracy.


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