POTTER Familles unies

Nic est co-auteur de six grands enfants à Bruxelles et de six beaux livres à Bruges. Avec des réseaux de volontaires, son agence de renseignement a enquêté sur les familles Potter pendant vingt ans. Les Potter Millenium Mysteries, découverts - siècle après siècle -. 1100 : Quête du Graal du roi Godefroy (Ardennes) 1200 : Artisans celtiques héroïques (France, Royaume-Uni) 1300 : Rebelles hérétiques du textile (Flandre, Royaume-Uni) 1400 : Brillants éclaireurs de Flandre (Bruges) 1500 : Rebelles au sanglant duc Alba (Brabant) 1600 : Agent secret de la grande maladie (Hollande) 1700 : Chef de la révolution courageuse (Bruxelles) 1800 : Migrants oubliés (Italie, Amérique) 1900 : Évasion de héros de la Première Guerre mondiale (Allemagne) 2000 : No men's Land (Belgique)... 2020 : Incroyables aventures illustrées authentiques. 2050 : Rejoignez la Book-Chain ! https://gw.geneanet.org/nicolaspotter

Nic est co-auteur de six grands enfants à Bruxelles et de six beaux livres à Bruges. Avec des réseaux de volontaires, son agence de renseignement a enquêté sur les familles Potter pendant vingt ans. Les Potter Millenium Mysteries, découverts - siècle après siècle -. 1100 : Quête du Graal du roi Godefroy (Ardennes) 1200 : Artisans celtiques héroïques (France, Royaume-Uni) 1300 : Rebelles hérétiques du textile (Flandre, Royaume-Uni) 1400 : Brillants éclaireurs de Flandre (Bruges) 1500 : Rebelles au sanglant duc Alba (Brabant) 1600 : Agent secret de la grande maladie (Hollande) 1700 : Chef de la révolution courageuse (Bruxelles) 1800 : Migrants oubliés (Italie, Amérique) 1900 : Évasion de héros de la Première Guerre mondiale (Allemagne) 2000 : No men's Land (Belgique)... 2020 : Incroyables aventures illustrées authentiques. 2050 : Rejoignez la Book-Chain !


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It is also in Keyem that the direct ancestors of this family are found,

in the 16th century. A genealogy of this family was published in the

“Annuaire de Noblesse Belge” in Brussels, in 1896, I, pp. 144-153,

without the name of the author. See the first paragraphs of this study

here besides. Although incomplete, this work was reliable for the

period after 1650, but remained incomplete for the period before.

Pieter Donche reconstructed the genealogy of the family “de Potter

de Droogenwalle” for the period before 1800. It was done accurately,

between 2017 and 2019, on the basis of authentic archival sources

such as: “states of goods” (possessions), “orphan accounts”

(inheritances), “parish registers” (churches records), and numerous

other official archival sources out of the formerly called “Free State

of Bruges”. Ties to the present day were ascertained by DNA-tests.

The most ancient and certain ancestor of that line is Pieter de Potter,

son of Jacob (1525). He was born around 1540 and married Maria

Boone. He owned two lending estates in Keyem, south-east of the

church, attached to the lending estate of Schorre (Dixmude). Jacob

and Pieter belong to the branch of Jan Dries, esquire of Dixmude in

the 13th Century with coat of arms in the Royal Library in Brussels.

Dixmude was attached to the County of Middlebourg, like the family

lordships Droogenwalle and Haveskerque, bought to cousin Merode,

as indicated in the library of the Castle of Loppem. Based on a text

by Gaillard, their arms were carried over from Catherine de Pottere,

Dame of Mortaigne and Potelle, heiress of Alix of Flanders in Lille.

Throughout the entire 16th century, we came across several

inheritances with the name de Pottere in and around Keyem. From

the earliest one, it can be concluded that this branch had already been

present in the region at the end of the 1400s but the complete

destruction of the municipal archive during World War One prevents

us, for the time being, from finding more evidences than the ones in

this book. Online DNA-results are instrumental in this verification.


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