POTTER Familles unies

Nic est co-auteur de six grands enfants à Bruxelles et de six beaux livres à Bruges. Avec des réseaux de volontaires, son agence de renseignement a enquêté sur les familles Potter pendant vingt ans. Les Potter Millenium Mysteries, découverts - siècle après siècle -. 1100 : Quête du Graal du roi Godefroy (Ardennes) 1200 : Artisans celtiques héroïques (France, Royaume-Uni) 1300 : Rebelles hérétiques du textile (Flandre, Royaume-Uni) 1400 : Brillants éclaireurs de Flandre (Bruges) 1500 : Rebelles au sanglant duc Alba (Brabant) 1600 : Agent secret de la grande maladie (Hollande) 1700 : Chef de la révolution courageuse (Bruxelles) 1800 : Migrants oubliés (Italie, Amérique) 1900 : Évasion de héros de la Première Guerre mondiale (Allemagne) 2000 : No men's Land (Belgique)... 2020 : Incroyables aventures illustrées authentiques. 2050 : Rejoignez la Book-Chain ! https://gw.geneanet.org/nicolaspotter

Nic est co-auteur de six grands enfants à Bruxelles et de six beaux livres à Bruges. Avec des réseaux de volontaires, son agence de renseignement a enquêté sur les familles Potter pendant vingt ans. Les Potter Millenium Mysteries, découverts - siècle après siècle -. 1100 : Quête du Graal du roi Godefroy (Ardennes) 1200 : Artisans celtiques héroïques (France, Royaume-Uni) 1300 : Rebelles hérétiques du textile (Flandre, Royaume-Uni) 1400 : Brillants éclaireurs de Flandre (Bruges) 1500 : Rebelles au sanglant duc Alba (Brabant) 1600 : Agent secret de la grande maladie (Hollande) 1700 : Chef de la révolution courageuse (Bruxelles) 1800 : Migrants oubliés (Italie, Amérique) 1900 : Évasion de héros de la Première Guerre mondiale (Allemagne) 2000 : No men's Land (Belgique)... 2020 : Incroyables aventures illustrées authentiques. 2050 : Rejoignez la Book-Chain !


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At other times, he would carry a sheet of skin, as a paint shearer who

makes a sheet! In this way he has allowed sick people to fulfill their

ecclesiastical obligations, and assisted them in their distress.

Roeland has been so concerned and responsible that, to his

knowledge, no human being should ever die without spiritual help.

For example, he has repeatedly put himself at risk and assisted the

entire poor and ill inhabitants of the whole city of Delft. They

sometimes thought he had the plague too… But the ill missionary did

not die; he recovered from his cold again.

He even had a sick person meet his church obligations inside a

Mayor's home, not the best friend of the missionaries. The Mayor

warmly opened his house to him. The sick person was a servant of

the Mayor and lay in the back of the garden.

I was also visiting the sick person, upon the orders of Roeland. Father

has done all such things in Delft. He never allowed himself to be

misled, but, on the contrary, always tried his best not to let anyone

die without help.

When the French had committed their crimes of murder in Tienen,

and plundered the people of the prince, fugitives were cut off from

their retreat. They could not return to France as they intended. Many

French who lost themselves came to Holland on foot or on

horseback to beg.

There were sick soldiers everywhere; among them were many

Catholic French. In the inn at the Haagpoort, Father asked if they

wanted to confess. The Frenchmen who were sick, said yes. Roeland

went straight there. Reportedly they had an army disease.

Paternally, Roeland helped them completely, had them fulfill their

ecclesiastical obligations, gave them the Holy Oilsel and assisted them

very kindly. Father confessed the Frenchmen because of what they


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