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KINGDOM Animalia

PHYLUM Vertebrata

CLASS Mammalia

ORDER Proboscidea

FAMILY Homoeboreus

GENUS Ganesha

SPECIES Ganesha orientis

MY STUDY OF THE ganesha answered one of my most persistent questions regarding the

bone matter in a host of creatures: How can such small and slight bones support such

massive appendages and disproportionately sized heads? It seems the ganesha had a

sinewy fiber woven throughout its bone structure, independent of the ligament and tendon systems.

This sinew acted as a resistance barrier for undue or excessive strain—much as a splint protects a

broken limb. The sinew functioned not unlike an external skeletal structure for the bone; this material

helps explain how many animals could withstand excess strain and torsion. Unfortunately, I do not

know of any living creature that evolved with this material.

My specimen is one of the great treasures of the east. Though only a portion of the creature was

recovered, it was well-preserved, and wrapped in hundreds of yards of decayed cloth. Future

discoveries are a possibility. I happened upon chance to come to the tomb of one, and surely there are

many more.

The ganesha’s skull would not have housed what would be classified as either a human or an

elephant brain; however, the shape and position of the brain, especially the cerebral cortex, is cause

for more extensive study and additional research. I can conclude that the animal was more than likely

of a high intellect, confounding one who considers why it failed to prosper as a species.

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