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Three of the plants that Spencer Black illustrated for the botanist Jean DeLain; all are well known for their distinct


The English Yew bears a seed that is extremely poisonous. The tree can live for more than two thousand years; some are

believed to be as old as nine thousand years. In certain spiritual circles, the yew is celebrated for its transcendence of

death. Its resilience has inspired many cultures to revere it as a symbol of rebirth and everlasting life.

Myrrh is the tree from which the reddish-brown gum resin is derived; it is famous among Christians for being one of the

three gifts bestowed on the infant Jesus. Myrrh is a well-known incense and is still used for its aromatic and medicinal


Lily of the Valley, extremely poisonous, has many stories and legends ascribed to it. Also known as Our Lady’s Tears,

the plant is believed to have sprung from the tears of Mary while she wept at the crucifixion of her son Jesus Christ. It is

believed that the plant can grant the power to envision a better world. It also symbolizes the return of happiness, or the

return of Jesus Christ.

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