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KINGDOM Animalia

PHYLUM Vertebrata

CLASS Echidnæ

ORDER Praesidium



SPECIES Canis hades

IORIGINALLY BELIEVED THE hell-hound was a singular creation, much like the ganesha an

the chimæra. However, I had the peculiar fortune to come into the possession of eight beasts, all

of which appeared to have perished together as a pack. Several of the beasts had two or three

heads, and one of the dogs possessed six. A specimen with three heads and a serpent tail is the case

for study here.

There must be some element in the bone, blood, or brain of the cerberus and the chimæra that

allowed for the growth of multiple heads. These creatures are not mere mutations born of unnatural

conditions; their design is far too deliberate and intentional. Despite their superficial similarities I

have no evidence that these two creatures are closely related. I am not related to a fish simply

because we both have a single head.

The cerberus would have been warm blooded with many traits likened to other mammals: a fourchambered

heart, normal-sized organs, mammary glands, et cetera. A natural conclusion to draw

would be that the serpent auxiliary to the body of the cerberus (as well as the chimæra) had adapted

appropriately, losing the need for cold-blooded temperature regulatory systems. Similar adaptations

are found in other reptiles, such as the Dermochelys coriacea, the leather-back turtle. There may be a

shared ancestry among these reptiles, suggesting that the bloodlines are vast and still flourishing in

regions yet unknown.

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