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KINGDOM Animalia

PHYLUM Vertebrata

CLASS Echidnæ

ORDER Praesidium


GENUS Sphinx

SPECIES Sphinx alatus

MANY DETAILS REGARDING the heraldry of the sphinx are still unknown. Thes

creatures varied widely throughout the African continent. In Egypt, there are great statues

of this animal—the sphinx sol, the protector and scourge of Ra, the sun god. Sphinxes are

shown bearing a ram’s head (a criosphinx) or a goat’s head. These species are typically depicted

without wings; I suspect that, like many flightless birds, the sphinx lost its need for flight because of

geographical isolation. This evolution likely occurred before the animal’s arrival in Egypt or Africa;

however, I cannot determine whence it originated.

The famed sphinx of Thebes appears strikingly similar to the specimen in my record. Though few

in number, the species had a developed human mind with an advanced intellect; they were more than

likely fierce and successful predators.

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