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KINGDOM Animalia

PHYLUM Vertebrata

CLASS Gorgonis

ORDER Perissodactyla

FAMILY Equialatus

GENUS Pegasus

SPECIES Pegasus gorgonis

FAMED FOR ITS ASCENT to Mount Olympus, the pegasus has inspired many tales o


The size and breadth of the animal’s wings afford it a greater capacity for flight than might

seem possible; certainly the riddle is simple once one peers beyond the veil of the flesh. The air sacs

throughout the animal’s body would have to be more than twice (by measure of proportion) the size of

any bird’s, thus allowing tremendous breathing potential. This would be an evolutionary necessity.

The muscles governing the wings were likely very large. If given the opportunity to view genuine

pegasus cells under a microscope, I believe we would unravel the secret of their extraordinary

strength. These types of cells are not absent from human muscle tissue; they are merely less active. If

human cells could be trained to perform with the same functionality as those of the pegasus, then all

would marvel at the greatness achievable by man.

The skeletal structure of the animal will seem familiar to any anatomist familiar with the Aves and

Equus forms. Surprisingly, there is no structural deviance from the horse or from the wing structure

typical of a common bird. I speculate that this could be quite different among different species of this


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