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Chapter 4 ■ Cryptographic Math and Frequency Analysis 127

and if the words are not readable in English, you can start swapping the most

common letters with the frequency key of letters produced by the following code:

import urllib.request, random, ssl

import operator

def getLetterFreqs(text):

frequency = {}

for ascii in range(ord('a'), ord('a')+26):

frequency[chr(ascii)] = float(text.count(chr(ascii)))/len(text)

sum_freqs_squared = 0.0

for ltr in frequency:

sum_freqs_squared += frequency[ltr]*frequency[ltr]

return sum_freqs_squared

def getFitnessScore(message):

lower = message.lower()

score = 0.0

for word in longerwords:

wordWeight = lower.count(word)

if wordWeight>0:

score += wordWeight * 50 * len(word)

return score

def getFreqKey(text):

frequency = {}

message = text.lower()

normal_freqs = {'a': 0.080642499002080981, 'c': 0.026892340312538593, 'b':

0.015373768624831691, 'e': 0.12886234260657689, 'd': 0.043286671390026357, 'g':

0.019625534749730816, 'f': 0.024484713711692099, 'i': 0.06905550211598431, 'h':

0.060987267963718068, 'k': 0.0062521823678781188, 'j': 0.0011176940633901926, 'm':

0.025009719347800208, 'l': 0.041016761327711163, 'o': 0.073783151266212627, 'n':

0.069849754102356679, 'q': 0.0010648594165322703, 'p': 0.017031440203182008, 's':

0.063817324270355996, 'r': 0.06156572691936394, 'u': 0.027856851020401599, 't':

0.090246649949305979, 'w': 0.021192261444145363, 'v': 0.010257964235274787, 'y':

0.01806326249861108, 'x': 0.0016941732664605912, 'z': 0.0009695838238376564}

tolerance = .013

for ascii in range(ord('a'), ord('a')+26):

frequency[chr(ascii)] = message.count(chr(ascii))

sorted_x = sorted(frequency.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1),


print (sorted_x)

sortedkey = ""

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