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Chapter 7 ■ Message Integrity 201

private key. This means that anyone who has the sender’s public key can

decrypt the MAC; this method is to ensure authentication. This scheme

is the basic concept behind a digital signature.


Symmetric public-key confidentiality: This scheme builds on the

public-key MAC encryption where the message is concatenated with the

encrypted public-key MAC, but then the concatenated message is encrypted

again with a symmetric key. The scheme is frequently used when both

authentication and confidentiality are needed.


Hidden secret: In the next scheme, nothing is encrypted. The sender

appends a secret string S, also known to the receiver, to the message before

computing its MAC; the sender then removes the secret string. Before

checking the MAC of the received message for its authentication, the

receiver appends the same secret string S to the message and computes

the MAC to confirm both matches.


Symmetric key confidentiality: This scheme is similar to symmetric

public-key confidentiality with the exception that instead of using a public

key to encrypt the MAC, the sender uses a symmetric key. He then concatenates

the MAC to the message and encrypts the message again.

You might wonder why we do not do something simple like H(K|m) for some

secure hash function H. We do not explore the details of how hash functions

compress large amounts of data down to something fixed length, but they use

something analogous to a block cipher mode for compression, called the Merkle-

Damgård construction. The heart of most hash functions is a “compressor” that

takes in two fixed-length inputs and spits out one output of that length. Then it

concatenates the block compressions into the final hash. Knowing that, we can

forge signatures with an unknown secret key. Next, you will learn how to generate

your first cryptographically secure MAC, which is a clever application of

hashing to generate a difficult-to-forge tag. The system is called the Hash-based

Message Authentication Code, or HMAC.

Hash-based Message Authentication Code

A cryptographically secure MAC is known as a Hash-based Message

Authentication Code (HMAC). For a hash function to be considered cryptographically

secure, it must satisfy two properties:


One-way property: The one-way property refers to a hash function that

makes it computationally infeasible to find a message that corresponds

to a given MAC.

■ ■ Strong collision resistance property: The strong collision resistance

property refers to a hash function that makes it computationally infeasible

to find two different messages that hash to the same MAC.

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