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282 Index ■ N–P


described, 3, 5

installing, 5–7

MD5, 203

MDC (modification digest code), 34–35

membership operators, 15

Merkle, Ralph, 224

Mersenne Twister algorithm, 116

Message Authentication Codes (MACs)

birthday attack, 59, 207–209

cipher block chaining message

authentication code (CBC-MAC),


crafting forgeries, 209–210

hash-based ones, 201–205

NIST compliance, 205–206

overview, 200–201

message digest, 67

message hashing, 200

message integrity

Message Authentication Codes (MACs),


setting up secure channel, 210–221

message space, use of term, 49

"A method for obtaining digital signatures

and public key cryptosystems" (Rivest,

Shamir, and Adleman), 34

Meyer, C. H., 159

Miller, Gary L., 100

Miller, Victor S., 239

Miller-Rabin primality test, 100–104

minus - operator, 12

(m) K (notation in cryptographic protocols), 37

modification digest code (MDC), 34–35

modular arithmetic, 96–97

modular inverses

Fermat’s little theorem to find inverse, 110–111

overview, 109–110

modules, defined, 28

modulus % operator, 12

multiple-domain Kerberos, 40–41

multiplication * operator, 12

mutable, 24



as case sensitive in Python, 9

examples of, 9

numbers as not starting, 9

National Institute of Science and Technology

(NIST), 205

Needham, Roger (protocol inventor), 36

Needham-Schroeder protocols, 36–38

Network Time Protocol (NTP), 42

NIST compliance, 205–206

not (logical NOT), 14

not in membership operator, 15

NPM, Pip as similar to, 5

NumPy, 3, 5–7, 117


OFB (output feedback) style, 157

OFB mode (Output Feedback mode), 162–163

one-time pad (OTP), 51, 141

one-time pad (OTP) function, 56–58

one-way hashes

cryptographic one-way hashes, 59–60

overview, 58–59

online word list, use of, 125–126

open method, 27, 28


arithmetic operators, 11–13

bitwise operators, 15, 52

comparison operators, 13

identity operators, 16

logical operators, 13–14

membership operators, 15

relational operators, 13

use of, 11–12

OR, 50–55

or (logical OR), 14

OTP (one-time pad), 51, 141

OTP (one-time pad) function, 56–58

Otway-Rees protocol, 38

Output Feedback mode (OFB mode), 162–163

output feedback (OFB) style, 157



best practices for, 66–69

hashing of, 67

salting of, 67–68

storage of, 66

stretching of, 68

tools for, 68–69

PEM (privacy enhanced electronic mail),


perfect forward secrecy (PFS), 60–61

perfect secrecy, 51, 56

perfect security, 50–51

Pip, installing, 5–7

PKI (public-key infrastructure)

described, 223–224

implementing of in application using RSA

certificates, 255–261


constructing plaintext communications

application, 248–253

conversion of hexdigest to, 140–141

Playfair, 79–82

plus + operator, 11, 12

preimage resistance, 59

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