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34 Chapter 2 ■ Cryptographic Protocols and Perfect Secrecy

Alice and Bob are fictional characters originally invented to make research in

cryptology easier to understand. In a now-famous paper (“A method for obtaining

digital signatures and public key cryptosystems”), authors Ron Rivest, Adi

Shamir, and Leonard Adleman described exchanges between a sender and

receiver of information as follows: “For our scenarios we suppose that A and B

(also known as Alice and Bob) are two users of a public key cryptosystem.” In

that instant, Alice and Bob were born.


One of the most critical aspects of cryptography is safely exchanging secret

keys without being compromised. During the 1960s, key exchange was costing

the government, banks, and big businesses a fortune as they exchanged

keys using heavily guarded couriers who traveled around in person to deliver

cryptographic keys. Fortunately, the Diffie-Hellman protocol was introduced

to handle the growing issues with key exchange.

As with any other protocol that only covers key exchange, the Diffie-Hellman

protocol does not perform any authentication. Therefore, neither Alice nor Bob

knows with whom they are exchanging the message after the protocol is run.

The Diffie-Hellman exchange cannot guarantee the privacy of a communication

following the exchange; it has to be combined with an authentication

mechanism. The protocol design does offer an advantage, however; it allows

the protocol to guarantee the property of perfect forward secrecy (PFS), which

protects the message from a compromise of any data that has been protected

with other keys prior to the compromise.

To explain further, imagine that Alice and Bob both sign the data exchanged

to compute the shared key (SK) with their private keys. Even if one of the private

keys is compromised in the future, it will not allow a third party to decrypt

the data that has been protected with the SK. Authentication can be broken

down into two security service categories: data origin authentication and entity


Data Origin Authentication

Data origin authentication, also known as data integrity, is the security service

that enables entities to verify that a message has been originated by a

particular entity and that it has not been altered after the message was created.

One approach can be conjectured by assuming that everyone knows Alice’s

public key, and that Alice can ensure data integrity of her messages by using

her private key to encrypt them. Additionally, Alice can compute a modification

digest code (MDC) over her message and append the MDC encrypted with

her private key to the message. MDC is an encryption algorithm that produces

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