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management have to come out with a new working system, schedule, policies, rule and regulations etc. which

is time consuming as well as triple up their current responsibilities.

According to researcher’s observation, there is a difference of opinion between researcher’s findings with

previous studies. Michielsens et al (2014), indicated that the top challenge for employer to implement flexitime

in an organization is the business working culture while all researcher’s respondents agreed that top

management’s burden in implementing flexitime is the most challenging. This difference is due to a previous

study by Michielsens et al (2014) were focusing on four multinational service companies in London, United

Kingdom consisting of Telco and financial services and such where the availability of employees are very

crucial. Thus, it is challenging for the management to implement the suitable flexible working arrangement for

their employees due to their job scope.

While researcher is focusing on the challenges of implementing flexitime in Malaysian construction

industry where availability of employees is also important however top management’s burden in implementing

flexitime is the most challenging. This is because construction industry is a team member dependent therefore

it is a big challenge for employers to come out with new policies and working schedules, rules and regulations

and such to gather employees with different skills such as the QS, architect, client, contractor and engineer to

find a suitable working time solution.


To conclude this chapter, referring to Table 4 above, all interviewed firms’ applying standard working hours

according to the Malaysian employment act and only one company practice Flexitime that is R5. After

analysing all the interviews, researcher found that the four challenges identified are mostly agreed by majority

of the respondents and only fifty per cent (50%) of the respondents found it suitable to implement Flexitime for

their company as what have been explained in the analysis. Overall, although there are challenges that

employers may face in implementing flexitime in their firm, researcher believe flexitime still possible to be

carried by firms in construction industry. The first issue that needs to be addressed by employers is that

employers should put a trust towards their employees that their employees can produce a high-quality work

just like working according to standard working hours. Employers also need to have some empathy and

consideration towards their female employees especially if they request for flexitime. With that, employers and

employees can create a more robust productive work culture even if employees work with flexitime. Malaysia

have highly educated women, however if the trend of women quitting their job due to inflexible working hours

or lack of work-life balance continues, it will be a great loss to the industry and country.

ISrJ Vol. 11 - 2022, Session 2022/2023 24

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