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tools to alleviate safety control during design and construction period (Benjaoran & Bhokha, 2010). By having

technology, it has a potential to reduce and manage safety and health issue in construction industry. In fact,

according to Mordue and Finch, “the potential benefits in improved safety and health by reducing accidents

and death are so great as to be most unquantifiable” (Mordue & Finch, 2014). Simulation of a building will be

easier when adopting BIM.

The objective of this paper is to identify the information that should be prioritized to integrate BIM

application and safety performance. This paper intended to provide an understanding of the ability of BIM in

preventing accidents in construction industry. This objective will be achieved from the literature review and

respondents who work in the field.


Planning Phase

All tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Every table should have a caption. Headings should

be placed above tables, left justified. Only horizontal lines should be used within a table, to distinguish the

column headings from the body of the table, and immediately above and below the table. Tables must be

embedded into the text and not supplied separately. Below is an example which the authors may find

useful.Three Dimension visual medium and Building Information Modelling (BIM) can play as the main role to

lower the safety and health risk during design and also throughout the project lifecycle in construction

(Ahankoob, Manley, & Abbasnejad, 2019). The usage of BIM techniques in the construction projects will

enable the project team to visualize all the scope of the project as using the virtual reality perspective on the

every phase of development, to ensure it is integrating each contributors work into the tools model and create

a good communication among the different project stakeholders, such as the designers operators,

subcontractors and also site practitioners that can help the planning process from the beginning of a

development (Hossain, Abbott, Chua, Nguyen & Goh, 2018).

Furthermore, the usage of BIM tools on the any identify of site risk will enable the designers and the safety

health officer to eliminate or decrease the risks before real physical work starts (Shah & Edwards, 2016). Also,

by linking the model intelligent (digital) of the building to a timetable to be added with time dimension, and

forward to Four Dimension, it will allow the flow of construction to be seen as artificial intelligent (digital) and

easier to identify potential risk of the building development (Sloota, Heutinkb & Voordijka, 2019).


Using the visual reality presentation will allow a real challenge in construction to become easier to

understand or communicate, thus, it is easy for the client or contractor to test and practiced all the design and

phase process for a safer environment (Bradley, Li, Lark, & Dunn, 2016). Then, when viewing 3 Dimension

plans of buildings, safety and health officer that have a good experience can detect any problem that can

happen to the building based on that drawing to ensure there will be no issue during the construction (Ganah,

& Godfaurd, 2015). But interpretation can be obstruct by the drawings complexity, 3D models will remove any

ISrJ Vol. 11 - 2022, Session 2022/2023 6

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