
by Cyrus Meurant | Piano

by Cyrus Meurant | Piano


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<strong>Sortie</strong><br />


Cyrus Meurant<br />

<strong>Sortie</strong><br />

Piano<br />



<strong>Sortie</strong> (PE204), by Cyrus Meurant (2020), for Piano<br />

© Cyrus Meurant 2020<br />

First edition © 2023 Promethean Editions Limited<br />

Series Editor: Ross Hendy<br />

Editor: Ben Woods<br />

ISBN: 978-1-77660-924-6 (print)<br />

ISBN: 978-1-77660-204-9 (ebook)<br />

ISMN: 979-0-67452-336-3<br />

Promethean Editions Limited<br />

PO Box 10143<br />

Wellington<br />


https://www.prometheaneditions.com<br />

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by<br />

any means without permission in writing from the Publisher.

Cyrus Meurant (1982)<br />

Cyrus Meurant’s music has been performed internationally and featured in an array of<br />

collaborative contexts. From opera and dance theatre in Europe through to the concert hall<br />

and the health sector in Australia, his music has been described as evocative, hypnotic,<br />

wistful, deeply rich and hauntingly beautiful. He has written music for organisations such<br />

as The Australian Ballet, Theatre Basel (Switzerland), Ensemble Signal (USA), Alleyne Dance<br />

(UK), the Adelaide Festival, new music ensembles such as Omega Ensemble, Nexas Quartet,<br />

Arcadia Winds, Syzygy Ensemble, as well as several Australian regional and youth orchestras,<br />

and Beaumont Care.<br />

Meurant studied composition and violin at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University<br />

of Sydney, and with teachers including Anne Boyd, Ross Edwards, Matthew Hindson,<br />

Richard Meale and Ronald Thomas. Expanding his horizons from 2007, Meurant studied at<br />

the Conservatoire de Paris on a Churchill Fellowship with Frédéric Durieux, as well as at<br />

the Royal Academy of Music, London. He holds a Doctor of Musical Arts from the Sydney<br />

Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney. In 2020, Meurant was recognised as one of<br />

Australia’s ‘Outstanding Composers’ by international music magazine Interlude.<br />

In 2018, his opera Herakleitos premiered at the Laeiszhalle Hamburg, Germany, performed<br />

by the Kreuzberger Kamerata conducted by Rebecca Lang, whilst his score for the ballet Le<br />

Petit Prince, (after Antoine de Saint-Exupéry), with choreography by Margaux Thomas, was<br />

premiered by the Divadlo F. X. Šaldy to critical acclaim, and repeat seasons, with Meurant as<br />

solo violinist. His work, Vessel, commissioned by the Australian Chamber Orchestra, was also<br />

taken on tour directed by violinist Pekka Kuusisto.<br />

In 2020, the Canberra Symphony Orchestra premiered When I stand before thee at the day’s<br />

end at the National Portrait Gallery, featuring concertmaster Kirsten Williams as soloist.<br />

Other orchestral works include Tableaux (Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, dir. Martyn<br />

Brabbins), Underworld (Orchestra Victoria, dir. Richard Mills), All things come into being and<br />

PE204 – iii

pass away (Momentum Ensemble, dir. Ariel Zuckermann) and The Fall for soloists, chorus and<br />

orchestra commissioned for the POW Requiem on the occasion of the 80th Anniversary of The<br />

Fall of Singapore (presented by the Flowers of Peace in association with the Australian War<br />

Memorial).<br />

Meurant’s 2016 album Monday to Friday, commissioned for Beaumont Care, garnered national<br />

media coverage for its contribution towards research of music in the treatment of dementia.<br />

Meurant’s work in the health sector continued as musical director for To Whom I May Concern,<br />

a theatre work which gives voice to people living with dementia. Presented by the Australian<br />

Chamber Orchestra at The Neilson, Pier 2/3 in association with Group Homes Australia<br />

the score included selections from Meurant’s String Quartet, his song cycle Stray Birds and<br />

Monday to Friday.<br />

In 2019, Meurant released the EP Four Pieces as a limited edition 10-inch vinyl record,<br />

featuring Andrew Smith on soprano saxophone and the composer on electric organ. In 2020<br />

Meurant released <strong>Sortie</strong> for solo piano, featuring the composer on piano. Courtesy of funding<br />

from Create NSW, Meurant then completed a Sonata for solo violin which was released as an<br />

EP in 2022 featuring the composer on violin. The sonata featured in the National Youth Ballet<br />

Company’s Au revoir mon ami which toured New South Wales during the same year with<br />

choreography by Brett Morgan and Timothy Gordon. Courtesy of funds from the Seaborn,<br />

Broughton and Walford Foundation Meurant recently composed the extended work Music for<br />

Dance for his own ensemble.<br />

As an arranger Meurant has worked for Anne Sofie von Otter, Terry Riley, Kamran Ince,<br />

The Presets and Synergy Percussion. In 2015 his arrangements for Taryn Fiebig and Richard<br />

Tognetti were featured in the Australian Chamber Orchestra’s Helpmann Award-winning<br />

Reflections on Gallipoli, directed by Neil Armfield (Winner for Best Symphony Orchestra<br />

Concert). Meurant also performs on violin and keyboards as part of The Cyrus Meurant<br />

Ensemble.<br />

Latest information about the composer may be found at www.cyrusmeurant.com.<br />

PE204 – iv

<strong>Sortie</strong> (2020)<br />

Commissioned by Linda Beaumont in 2020, <strong>Sortie</strong> was written during the early stages of<br />

the COVID-19 pandemic, and was subsequently performed by the composer for a recording<br />

released later in 2020. <strong>Sortie</strong> takes the listener on a journey instilled with anticipation and<br />

hope, despite being written during a time of great uncertainty in the world.<br />

Meurant employs a restrained palette of musical concepts throughout this work. Simple<br />

ostinati are carefully layered, and they gradually build in intensity as the upper melody<br />

slowly climbs ever higher. As the hands spread apart, the ostinati pickup pace before forte<br />

bass pedals continue from the climax through into the next section. A fourth voice enters<br />

with dyads to conclude the main section of the work, before a reprise of the whole work from<br />

the beginning. A serene coda follows, with bell-like chimes in the upper register sitting on top<br />

of a familiar rising ostinato, now in the left hand.<br />

The listener’s ear is kept engaged throughout as the downbeat pulse undergoes constant yet<br />

subtle subversion — the metre expands and contracts seamlessly between odd and even time<br />

signatures. This push and pull occurs underneath a continuous flow of the accompanying<br />

ostinati, which itself ebbs and flows with directed rubato markings.<br />

The composer writes:<br />

Having had numerous theatre and ensemble works postponed or cancelled since the start<br />

of the pandemic in early 2020, <strong>Sortie</strong> — French for ‘exit’ or ‘launch’ — was essentially<br />

created out of a desire to continue on working, composing and even performing during<br />

lockdowns.<br />

<strong>Sortie</strong> was later paired with my Sonata for solo violin and piano piece Pas de deux to form<br />

the musical basis for the dance theatre work Au revoir mon ami which was presented by<br />

the National Youth Ballet Company, with choreography by Timothy Gordon and artistic<br />

director Brett Morgan.<br />

PE204 – v

<strong>Sortie</strong> was commissioned by Linda Beaumont and its premiere performance was given by<br />

the composer at The Sound Lounge, Seymour Centre, Sydney, Australia on 28 May 2022. A<br />

recording, performed by Meurant at Sydney’s Dodgy Sound, was released as an EP in October<br />

2020.<br />

Performance notes<br />

• Pedal is to be used throughout at the discretion of the performer.<br />

• Repeats are to be observed on the D.C. al Fine.<br />

• Suggested hand crossings are marked with L-brackets<br />

PE204 – vi

SORTIE<br />

Cyrus Meurant<br />

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a tempo (q = 80)<br />

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œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 4<br />

<strong>Sortie</strong> © 2020 Cyrus Meurant<br />

This edition © 2023 Promethean Editions Limited<br />

PE204 – 1<br />

ISMN: 979-0-67452-336-3

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Poco più mosso q = 84<br />

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PE204 – 2

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PE204 – 3

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a tempo (2nd time only)<br />

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PE204 – 4

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49<br />

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5<br />

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# 5 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ<br />

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Y 4 .<br />

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-<br />

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4<br />

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Ó. ˙˙<br />

Ó. ˙˙<br />

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# Y<br />

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Ó. ˙˙<br />

# 5 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ<br />

Y 4<br />

˙.<br />

-<br />

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PE204 – 5

PE204 – 6


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