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Module 1: Spot the Challenge<br />
In addition <strong>to</strong> knowing the basics<br />
about <strong>climate</strong> <strong>change</strong>, it's also<br />
important <strong>to</strong> understand how humans<br />
have responded <strong>to</strong> it over the past<br />
several decades through policy and<br />
decision making, research, and<br />
activism.<br />
A <strong>recent</strong> <strong>his<strong>to</strong>ry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>our</strong> <strong>response</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>climate</strong> <strong>change</strong><br />
These moments, and so many more<br />
like them, have helped <strong>our</strong> societies<br />
move <strong>to</strong>wards the green transitions<br />
that are needed in how we work and<br />
live <strong>to</strong> address <strong>climate</strong> <strong>change</strong>, paving<br />
the way for more and more jobs <strong>to</strong><br />
become green.<br />
Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform<br />
sustainable develeopment goals
Exploring and adding <strong>to</strong> the timeline<br />
Module 1: Spot the Challenge<br />
By clicking “next” you will be taken <strong>to</strong><br />
a timeline <strong>of</strong> <strong>recent</strong> events in <strong>our</strong><br />
<strong>response</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>climate</strong> <strong>change</strong>.<br />
Once you have looked through the<br />
timeline, add y<strong>our</strong> own moment when<br />
you, y<strong>our</strong> family and friends, or y<strong>our</strong><br />
community responded <strong>to</strong> <strong>climate</strong><br />
<strong>change</strong> by changing ways in how you<br />
work or live.<br />
You can add a moment by clicking the<br />
yellow "+" but<strong>to</strong>n in the bot<strong>to</strong>m<br />
righthand corner <strong>of</strong> the Padlet screen.<br />
Look for this but<strong>to</strong>n in the<br />
bot<strong>to</strong>m righthand corner <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Padlet screen <strong>to</strong> add y<strong>our</strong> own<br />
<strong>climate</strong> <strong>change</strong> <strong>response</strong><br />