Bay Harbour: November 01, 2023
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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Connecting Your Local Community<br /><br />
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work, please apply below.<br />
Leopard seal’s<br />
lazy long<br />
weekend<br />
Page 3<br />
Couple make $1m,<br />
buy new home<br />
on same day<br />
Page 3<br />
Email:<br />
Include your name, address,<br />
email, phone number<br />
Banks Peninsula electorate race<br />
• By Dylan Smits<br />
FRIDAY 2PM.<br />
That’s when Vanessa Weenink<br />
and Tracey McLellan will know<br />
who will be in Parliament as<br />
Banks Peninsula MP.<br />
National’s Weenink held a<br />
tight 83-vote election night<br />
majority over sitting Labour<br />
MP Tracey McLellan, with the<br />
all important special votes to be<br />
known at 2pm on Friday.<br />
Said Weenink: “It is not an<br />
easy time for those of us who<br />
are on the cusp, waiting to see<br />
what might happen.”<br />
Weenink was part of the blue<br />
wave which swept across the<br />
country. But she will need to hold<br />
her election night majority to<br />
make it into Parliament. She is<br />
No 40 on the National list – not<br />
high enough to become an MP.<br />
It is also unclear whether<br />
McLellan will make it into<br />
Parliament if she loses the<br />
electorate. She is on the cut-off<br />
point at No 27 on the Labour<br />
list and her fate may depend on<br />
the outcome of other electorate<br />
results when special votes are<br />
released.<br />
• Turn to page 7<br />
• Davidson resigns, page 7<br />
Vanessa Weenink, National candidate<br />
Tracey McLellan, Labour candidate<br />
THE<br />
#1 in sales for<br />
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2 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong><br />
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neighbours in the following areas<br />
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12,000 readers every week<br />
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A division of Allied Press<br />
Regional Manager: Steve McCaughan<br />
PO Box 1467, Christchurch<br />
359 Lincoln Rd, Addington<br /> /<br />
Sumner to hold climate discussions<br />
• By Dylan Smits<br />
THE Sumner community<br />
will come together<br />
tonight for an evening of<br />
environmental education<br />
and discussion. Guest<br />
speakers will present<br />
on the climate risks to<br />
the area and methods to<br />
reduce waste.<br />
The event is part of<br />
Sumner Community<br />
13/10 Across<br />
Down<br />
1. Blow the contrivance stage producer will 1. Alert, and almost complete in following the<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 use (4,7)<br />
night-watch (7)<br />
8. The prestige of the French, backed in 2. Is crookedly prodding one (7)<br />
knockouts (5)<br />
3. Craftsman appears as taken in by a chess<br />
9. Make one go without pride, perhaps, love piece (5)<br />
8 9<br />
being half gone (7)<br />
4. Graced with disorder, he will sponge on<br />
10. Decorative ware, if first-class, is accepted people (6)<br />
by receiver (7)<br />
5. Post I am to distribute, which is laying it on<br />
11. A flying baby-carriage? (5)<br />
a bit thick (7)<br />
10 11<br />
12. According to one’s such, is one shady or 6. Biblical priest who features in the liturgy (3)<br />
not? (6)<br />
7. Intermission taken up as one will leave<br />
14. Chit-chat about pigs, so disjointed (6) school for the holiday (5)<br />
18. How one is at war, as to one’s screw (5) 13. There’s nothing in a russet sort of cloth<br />
12 13 14 15 16<br />
19. A relic quietly replaced by an exact copy (7)<br />
17<br />
of it (7)<br />
15. Hairstyle that may be suited to the beach<br />
21. A politician or, ah! a spell of jug (7) (7)<br />
18 19 20<br />
23. Pot found around Georgia is heathen (5) 16. One may be surrounded by growing<br />
24. A Dresden figurine that may be crooked things as they’re heard in court (7)<br />
(11)<br />
17. Quietly get to read a sermon (6)<br />
18. Goes around in clothes as one is wasted<br />
21 22 23<br />
by time (5)<br />
20. Did he not give a blow for his son Tom?<br />
(5)<br />
22. What is the matter with the cat that lost<br />
24<br />
its tail? (3)<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
9 10<br />
11 12 13<br />
14 15<br />
17 18 19<br />
8<br />
16<br />
Residents’ Association’s<br />
(SCRA) event series,<br />
Future Sumner.<br />
SCRA chair Liza<br />
Sparrow said the event<br />
will become a regular<br />
part of the association’s<br />
calendar if it is well<br />
attended.<br />
“This event will<br />
also offer an excellent<br />
opportunity to connect<br />
and celebrate what’s<br />
news<br />
New books for summer reading<br />
Heathcote Valley and Redcliffs libraries have received funding for new<br />
books, and are hosting sausage sizzles to raise money for more.<br />
Page 14<br />
puzzles<br />
Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3<br />
SUDOKU<br />
box contains the digits 1 to 9.<br />
Page 20<br />
happening locally in<br />
the environment and<br />
sustainability space,” she<br />
said.<br />
Heathcote Ward<br />
city councillor Sara<br />
Templeton will present<br />
on the council’s role in<br />
mitigating and adapting<br />
to climate change.<br />
Miriama Buchanan<br />
from Para Kore will give<br />
information about Oranga<br />
Taiao, a Māori-centred<br />
zero waste educator.<br />
There will be a Q&A<br />
after the presentations<br />
and attendees will have<br />
the opportunity to share<br />
their concerns and<br />
solutions for the future of<br />
the Sumner environment.<br />
All Sumner residents<br />
are invited to the event at<br />
the Sumner Centre from<br />
6-8pm.<br />
Test your skills<br />
Give your brain a workout with our epic crosswords, code-cracker and<br />
sudoku puzzles.<br />
20<br />
21 22 23<br />
Across<br />
18. Muddy, sucking<br />
1. Something handed sound (7)<br />
down (6)<br />
21. Fruit with large<br />
Sick of late night tenant phone calls and being on call 4. Profoundly (6) 24/7?<br />
stone (7)<br />
Tenants not paying their rent on time?<br />
Can’t find a tenant for your vacant property?<br />
Katrina Green<br />
Operations Manager<br />
027 606 0030<br />
24 25<br />
9. Lukewarm (5) 22. Conditions (5)<br />
10. Public facility (7) 24. Expensive (6)<br />
11. Luxuriant (7) 25. Colour/fruit (6)<br />
13. Part of foot (4)<br />
14. Adhesive used by Down<br />
painters (7,4) 1. Balm (6)<br />
17. Luxury car (abbr) (4) 2. Space (3)<br />
Let us take the stress out of owning a rental property.<br />
Contact us for a free no obligation chat today.<br />
3. Scrounge (5)<br />
5. Graceful, stylish (7)<br />
6. Head of a school (9)<br />
7. Child’s toy (2-2)<br />
8. Final remark (7,4)<br />
12. Agreed by all (9)<br />
15. Smart alec (4-3)<br />
16. Pure (6)<br />
19. Say (5)<br />
20. Powder (abbr) (4)<br />
23. Fled (3)<br />
Across: 1. Wind machine 8. Kudos 9. Deprive 10. Faience 11. Stork 12.<br />
Lights 14. Gossip 18. Wages 19. Replica 21. Amphora 23. Pagan 24.<br />
Shepherdess.<br />
Down: 1. Wakeful 2. Nudging 3. Mason 4. Cadger 5. Impasto 6. Eli 7.<br />
Break 13. Tussore 15. Shingle 16. Plaints 17. Preach 18. Wears 20. Piper<br />
22. Pus.<br />
Across: 1. Legacy, 4. Deeply, 9. Tepid, 10. Amenity, 11. Opulent, 13.<br />
Arch, 14. Masking tape, 17. Limo, 18. Squelch, 21. Avocado, 22. Terms,<br />
24. Costly, 25. Orange.<br />
Down: 1. Lotion, 2. Gap, 3. Cadge, 5. Elegant, 6. Principal, 7. Yo-yo, 8.<br />
Parting shot, 12. Unanimous, 15. Know-all, 16. Chaste, 19. Utter, 20. Talc,<br />
23. Ran.<br />
TARGET<br />
clod cloud clouds coil coils coir<br />
cold cord could coulis crud<br />
curd curio curious curl curls<br />
disc disco doric loci locus lucid<br />
LUDICROUS oculi oculus scold<br />
scour scrod scud uric<br />
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I L R<br />
S C D<br />
U U O<br />
Good 18<br />
Very Good 22<br />
Excellent 25+<br />
How many words of four letters or more can you<br />
make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />
Each letter may be used only once and all<br />
words must contain the centre letter.<br />
No words starting with a capital, no plurals<br />
ending in s unless the word is also a verb, e.g.<br />
he fires the gun.<br />
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our dynamic team and deliver<br />
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Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />
Latest Canterbury news at<br />
NEWS 3<br />
DOWNSIZING: A couple sold their Scarborough home for $3.05 million and bought a new<br />
build in Sumner for $2 million just hours later.<br />
Couple make $1m, buy<br />
new home hours later<br />
• By Nikki Preston<br />
A COUPLE pocketed $1 million<br />
of rainy-day money after<br />
they sold their lavish home in<br />
Scarborough and bought a newbuild<br />
just hours later.<br />
Their four-bedroom home on<br />
Scarborough Rd, sold under the<br />
hammer for $3.05m – $300,000<br />
more than RV – after competitive<br />
bidding from two buyers.<br />
<strong>Bay</strong>leys listing agent Steve Ellis<br />
said it was a good result considering<br />
the house’s age.<br />
His delighted<br />
vendors moved<br />
from one sale to<br />
the next, going<br />
unconditional just a<br />
few hours later on a<br />
smaller three-bedroom,<br />
new-build<br />
Steve Ellis<br />
on Nayland St, in<br />
Sumner, which had been priced<br />
at just under $2m.<br />
Ellis said the downsizing<br />
market in Christchurch was<br />
“significant” and was driving<br />
demand for single-level homes,<br />
which, he said, were few and far<br />
between.<br />
“That’s what I’m trying to<br />
encourage developers to build<br />
more of because (my buyers)<br />
don’t want stairs.”<br />
Other options were building<br />
the master suite downstairs and<br />
having the guest wing upstairs or<br />
installing a lift, he said.<br />
“As soon as 70-year-olds walk<br />
in, who have quite good money<br />
to spend, they go ‘oh no we don’t<br />
want stairs’.”<br />
– NZ Herald<br />
A charming lay-about<br />
• By Dylan Smits<br />
KŌANGA THE leopard seal<br />
spent Labour weekend lounging<br />
on Scarborough beach.<br />
And he lived up to his name,<br />
charming passers-by.<br />
Kōanga was chosen for its<br />
double meaning – “joy” or<br />
“spring”.<br />
He was given his name<br />
by iwiw collective Taranaki<br />
Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika<br />
when he stopped in Wellington<br />
at the start of September.<br />
Leopard seal researcher<br />
Tineke Joustra said once a seal<br />
was given a name “people tend<br />
to look after them a lot better”.<br />
Kōanga arrived at<br />
Scarborough on October 21.<br />
Wildlife volunteers put out DOC<br />
signs warning onlookers to keep<br />
20m away from him.<br />
Joustra thanked the volunteers<br />
for monitoring Kōanga.<br />
“Those guys were there,<br />
religiously sitting there,<br />
watching and looking after<br />
him.”<br />
After a well-earned rest,<br />
Kōanga returned to sea on<br />
October 24.<br />
Joustra said leopard seals are<br />
unlikely to be dangerous to the<br />
public.<br />
“They have got an unjustified<br />
bad reputation,“ she said.<br />
“If they do get harassed, they<br />
seem to try and leave to go back<br />
into the water.<br />
“They are a very special<br />
species. Anything we can<br />
do to increase people caring<br />
for leopard seals is a good<br />
opportunity.”<br />
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<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong><br />
4<br />
NEWS<br />
Latest Canterbury news at<br />
Coastguard Sumner: Making a splash<br />
Coastguard Sumner is<br />
celebrating 125 years<br />
of daring rescues with<br />
a community open<br />
day on Sunday. Longtime<br />
member Howard<br />
Nicholls looks back<br />
on the organisation’s<br />
history<br />
ONE OF New Zealand’s oldest<br />
search and rescue institutions,<br />
Coastguard Sumner (formerly<br />
Sumner Lifeboat) has reached<br />
a milestone very few can boast<br />
about – 125 years since its first<br />
dedicated lifeboat.<br />
The 25-foot clinker-built rowing<br />
boat Rescue was launched<br />
at Cave Rock in 1898, with coxswain<br />
Joseph Day at the helm.<br />
It was funded by the Lyttelton<br />
<strong>Harbour</strong> Board.<br />
It marked the start of a legacy<br />
of saving lives, with the Sumner<br />
Lifeboat institution formed soon<br />
after.<br />
But volunteer rescues date as<br />
far back as 1864, when William<br />
Henry Turner was appointed<br />
first pilot for Sumner Bar. During<br />
his tenure, Turner called on a<br />
volunteer four-man crew for rescues<br />
using a pilot boat, making<br />
five successful rescues over the<br />
summer of 1864/65.<br />
Day was one of the group’s<br />
notable figures and led many<br />
daring rescues from 1867-1897<br />
with scratch volunteer crews,<br />
using both a dinghy and a large<br />
boat. By the 1890s, the crew<br />
consisted mostly of Day, Charles<br />
Phillips, James Williamson, C.<br />
Dunn, and Joseph Hines. Their<br />
collective efforts saved many<br />
lives.<br />
Day’s actions did not go unnoticed.<br />
In September 1875, he was<br />
honoured by the Royal Humane<br />
Society of England with an<br />
honorary testimonial for saving<br />
the life of a 14-year-old boy who<br />
had been tipped out of a capsized<br />
boat near Sumner in January<br />
1875.<br />
As the institution continued<br />
to evolve, new vessels took to the<br />
water. The 15-foot clinker-built<br />
four-oared lifeboat Aid was<br />
launched in 1909.<br />
The transition to motorised<br />
vessels was made in 1930 with<br />
the 30-foot Rescue II, built by<br />
Whites of Cowes in England.<br />
Rescue II was fitted with a radio-telephone<br />
for the first time in<br />
1958, improving communication<br />
with other rescue agencies and<br />
those on shore.<br />
The 1970s saw the evolution<br />
ON THE WATER: From clinker boat Rescue to the modernday<br />
Blue Arrow Rescue, Coastguard Sumner has been<br />
saving lives for 125 years.<br />
of jet boats, which were ideal for<br />
‘inshore’ rescues, operating in<br />
shallow seas and surf conditions.<br />
It was also during the ‘70s<br />
Sumner became one of the<br />
founding members of Coastguard<br />
New Zealand. To this<br />
day, most incidents Coastguard<br />
Sumner attends are in surf or<br />
near the rocky shoreline, where a<br />
jet boat is ideal.<br />
Vessels continued to evolve<br />
over the years, with volunteers<br />
operating purpose-built jet<br />
boats, jet skis and offshore rescue<br />
boats. Unlike most Coastguard<br />
units, Sumner volunteers are<br />
highly skilled jet ski operators<br />
– the first one was added to the<br />
fleet in 2005, equipped with a<br />
rescue sled.<br />
In 2<strong>01</strong>0, Blue Arrow Rescue<br />
was launched. A 12.5m-long<br />
all-weather rescue vessel<br />
equipped with twin jet units, it<br />
was designed from scratch and<br />
equipped with state-of-the-art<br />
systems, including radar, sonar,<br />
and infrared camera rescue<br />
sensors. Capable of reaching the<br />
edge of Pegasus <strong>Bay</strong> and beyond,<br />
Blue Arrow Rescue has worked<br />
alongside other agencies like Surf<br />
Life Saving for the past 13 years.<br />
Iongairo<br />
community<br />
hui<br />
HURRY! 25% off<br />
Iongairo is a collaborative<br />
project aiming to explore<br />
and characterise the<br />
seafloor around Te Pātaka<br />
o Rākaihautū/Banks<br />
Peninsula. The information<br />
we gather will help kaitiaki<br />
better understand and<br />
manage the valuable<br />
resources we all rely on.<br />
Thursday<br />
30 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Gaiety Theatre, Akaroa<br />
7.30pm (Doors open at 7pm)<br />
This public hui will provide an<br />
insight into the project and share<br />
some interesting findings.<br />
You will get the chance to check out<br />
the scientific equipment we use and<br />
ask questions.<br />
Speakers include Robin Wybrow<br />
of Wairewa Rūnanga, Rik Tainui<br />
of Ōnuku Rūnanga, Matthew<br />
Desmond from the University of<br />
Otago, along with kaimahi from<br />
Environment Canterbury and the<br />
Department of Conservation.<br />
Please register for this free event<br />
at<br />
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Saturday 9am - 1pm<br />
Phone. 365 4666<br />
Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />
Latest Canterbury news at<br />
NEWS 5<br />
for 125 years<br />
In recognition of their<br />
exceptional service, Sumner<br />
received the rescue of the year<br />
award at the 2022 Coastguard<br />
Awards of Excellence, for<br />
rescuing a hang glider pilot<br />
who crashed into the cliffs at<br />
Whitewash Head. This rescue was<br />
notable not only for retrieving<br />
the injured casualty from a tricky<br />
location – he was first attended<br />
by volunteers and then evacuated<br />
by helicopter - but also for the<br />
safe extraction of crew by sea in<br />
deteriorating conditions.<br />
Across 2022/23 alone, Coastguard<br />
Sumner volunteers contributed<br />
more than 4000 hours to<br />
the unit – responding to 39 calls<br />
for help and bringing 46 people<br />
home safely.<br />
Said Coastguard Sumner president<br />
Blair Quane: “As the oldest<br />
marine-rescue organisation in<br />
New Zealand, our unit has seen<br />
incredible change over the last<br />
125 years. Our volunteers today<br />
have dedicated themselves to<br />
continuing our proud history of<br />
innovation and commitment to<br />
bringing people home safely.<br />
“We thank everyone in the<br />
Sumner community who has<br />
supported, volunteered, and<br />
donated to our organisation over<br />
the years. Innovation is at the<br />
heart of Sumner so here’s to the<br />
next 125 years of transformation<br />
to continue saving lives at sea and<br />
keeping our volunteers safe.”<br />
• To mark the milestone,<br />
Coastguard Sumner<br />
welcomes the community<br />
to an open day at the<br />
base on Sunday from<br />
10am-noon . See the unit’s<br />
Facebook page for more<br />
details<br />
• By Dylan Smits<br />
THE LONGEST serving female<br />
skipper at Coastguard Sumner,<br />
Heather McDonald has spent 32<br />
years saving lives at sea. Always<br />
on call, she has lost count of how<br />
many times she has rushed to<br />
the station for a rescue.<br />
When undertaking a rescue,<br />
McDonald says good teamwork<br />
is most the most important<br />
thing to get right.<br />
“It’s definitely a team sport.<br />
When you have managed to<br />
resolve whatever the situation<br />
is in one piece, that is really<br />
satisfying.”<br />
Being a coastguard has<br />
its frightening moments.<br />
McDonald says she usually<br />
feels very safe on the boats, but<br />
one day early in her service she<br />
wondered what she had got<br />
herself into.<br />
She and a group of new coastguards<br />
were training on a jet<br />
boat when the waves got out of<br />
control.<br />
“Oh my god, what is going to<br />
happen now,” she remembers<br />
thinking.<br />
“But we got out and got<br />
through it.”<br />
McDonald said she was<br />
inspired to join the coastguard<br />
in 1991, because her father was a<br />
skipper and crew member.<br />
Now 87, Peter McDonald<br />
always kept his cool under<br />
pressure during more than 20<br />
years of service, his daughter<br />
said.<br />
One of Heather McDonald’s<br />
most memorable rescues was at<br />
night near Motunau beach. The<br />
Heather<br />
McDonald has<br />
been saving<br />
lives for 32<br />
years.<br />
Skipper’s countless rescues<br />
skipper and her crew saved two<br />
men from a stranded yacht in<br />
rough conditions.<br />
“There can be some long<br />
nights,” she said.<br />
Another interesting rescue<br />
was when McDonald’s crew<br />
saved the same windsurfer four<br />
times.<br />
“We did start to joke that<br />
he might need to find another<br />
hobby.”<br />
McDonald enjoys giving back<br />
to the community she grew up<br />
in.<br />
“I know I’m going to be<br />
able to contribute something<br />
worthwhile,” she said.<br />
Now a proud life member,<br />
McDonald will be celebrating<br />
Coastguard Sumner’s 125th<br />
anniversary at the station this<br />
Sunday.<br />
Flooring to suit your style<br />
Get in touch to book your free measure + quote<br />
Ferrymead Flooring Xtra Unit 1/950 Ferry Road<br />
P: (03) 376 4974 E:<br />
6 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong><br />
Spring Planting Staples<br />
Tui<br />
Tomato Grow<br />
Tower<br />
343342<br />
$49<br />
Growfresh Pot<br />
Tomato Campari<br />
100mm<br />
173838<br />
$8 98<br />
each<br />
Tui<br />
Tomato Grow<br />
Tower<br />
343342<br />
Self watering pot with<br />
8L water storage. Hold<br />
30L bag of mix. 1.5m<br />
high supports. Suitable<br />
for all tomato types.<br />
Yates<br />
Thrive Tomato<br />
Plant Food 2Kg<br />
350387<br />
$15 98<br />
Yates<br />
Thrive Tomato<br />
Liquid Plant Food<br />
500ml<br />
229463<br />
Nitrosol<br />
Tomato Liquid<br />
Fertiliser 500ml<br />
273764<br />
$39<br />
Was $49<br />
Tomato Mix 30 litre<br />
142733<br />
Tui<br />
$16 98 $16 98 $15 48<br />
Number 8<br />
Compost 40 litre<br />
246152<br />
$5 99 Tui<br />
Mobile<br />
Vegetable Patch<br />
343341<br />
$99<br />
Gardena<br />
Water Control<br />
Select Timer<br />
347540<br />
$146<br />
Prices valid until 5 th <strong>November</strong> <strong>2023</strong> or while stocks last.<br />
Mitre 10 MEGA Ferrymead<br />
1005 Ferry Road. Christchurch<br />
Phone: 366 6306<br />
Find us at: /MEGAFerrymead<br />
Opening Hours:<br />
Monday – Friday:<br />
7am – 7pm<br />
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays:<br />
8am – 6pm<br /><br />
Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />
NEWS 7<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
10- 70% OFF ALL FOOTWEAR<br />
HOKA MACH 4 M+W<br />
WAS $280 SAVE $140<br />
NOW $140<br />
WAS $240 SAVE $170<br />
NOW $70<br />
McLellan hopes<br />
special votes<br />
NEW BALANCE 624 M+W<br />
WAS $150 SAVE $50<br />
NOW $100<br />
WAS $210 SAVE $70<br />
NOW $140<br />
follow<br />
left tradition<br />
• From page 1<br />
“It’s almost exciting, but I’ve had<br />
enough of the excitement now,’ said<br />
McLellan.<br />
Weenink polled 14,888 votes to<br />
McLellan’s 14,805. Green Party candidate<br />
Lan Pham was third with 6470 votes.<br />
Pham is assured a seat in Parliament as<br />
No 6 on the Green list.<br />
In 2020, McLellan won the seat as a<br />
first time candidate with 25,393 votes,<br />
13,156 more than National’s Catherine<br />
Chu. McLellan had succeeded the<br />
retiring long time Labour MP Ruth<br />
Dyson.<br />
McLellan said she hopes the special<br />
votes will follow past election trends<br />
of favouring the left. When it comes to<br />
making a prediction on the result she<br />
said, “I have absolutely no idea.”<br />
McLellan said she had not thought<br />
about what she would do if she loses her<br />
seat in Parliament.<br />
Before she became an MP, she was a<br />
union organiser for the New Zealand<br />
Nurses Association and a brain injury<br />
researcher.<br />
Weenink is also unsure of her future<br />
if she loses, but she would not go back to<br />
working as a GP.<br />
Davidson resigns<br />
from board<br />
ASICS 2000 v10 M+W<br />
WAS $250 SAVE $130<br />
NOW $120<br />
WAS $170 SAVE $100<br />
NOW $70<br />
ASICS 1000PS B+G<br />
WAS $120 SAVE $50<br />
NOW $70<br />
WAS $80 SAVE $40<br />
NOW $40<br />
30-70% OFF ALL APPAREL<br />
• By Dylan Smits<br />
INCOMING Labour MP Reuben<br />
Davidson expects a by-election will<br />
be held for his seat on the Te Pātaka<br />
o Rākaihautū Banks<br />
Peninsula Community<br />
Board in February.<br />
Davidson formally<br />
resigned from the board<br />
at a meeting on Monday.<br />
City council electoral<br />
officer Jo Daly said the<br />
Reuben<br />
Davidson<br />
by-election date will<br />
depend on when city<br />
council chief executive<br />
Dawn Baxendale gives notice to her.<br />
Davidson won the Christchurch East<br />
electorate in the October 14 general<br />
election with 12,680 votes, beating<br />
National’s Matt Stock who received<br />
10,712.<br />
He resigned from his position as chair<br />
in July, but kept his Lyttelton seat on the<br />
board while campaigning.<br />
Davidson now lives in the Christchurch<br />
East electorate in North New Brighton.<br />
Reflecting on his time on the<br />
community board, Davidson said he<br />
was proud of its involvement in the<br />
redevelopment of Naval Point.<br />
He says there are several good potential<br />
candidates for the vacant board seat.<br />
“My hope is that some of these people<br />
will step forward again to serve and<br />
represent.”<br />
30% OFF ALL SOCKS<br />
8 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong><br />
JuST 7 WeeKS...<br />
Tillyou’ll<br />
be Seeing me<br />
Ferrymead<br />
neW ReleASeS<br />
Secret Gardens of Aotearoa<br />
Field notes & practical wisdom by Jane Mahoney<br />
From a hidden suburban food forest to a flower farm to an organic vegetable patch<br />
to a large station garden, each is described in detail, along with their owners’<br />
challenges and delights. The gardens have been selected for their diversity in<br />
gardening styles and for their humble, passionate home gardeners. These growers<br />
have developed a wealth of knowledge over their lifetimes and have generously<br />
contributed their practical advice and wisdom. Though each garden is so different,<br />
they all embody the values of sustainable gardening practices, of tuning in and<br />
learning through observation, of kaitiaki and of knowledge sharing.<br />
Host Your<br />
Own Pub<br />
Quiz Game<br />
Amazing<br />
Space -<br />
Activity<br />
Boxset<br />
Dish - Sweet<br />
by Sarah Tuck<br />
Following on from the highly successful Dish: Fast & Dish: Summer. Dish Sweet is<br />
all about Baking, Slices, Desserts, Tarts and Icecream. Recipes by Dish Magazine<br />
and Dish Editor Sarah Tuck. Stunning full colour illustrations, recipes that will end<br />
up being your go-to!<br />
Dish Sweet features a round up of our absolute favourite recipes from dish,<br />
including baking, desserts, slices, ice creams, cheesecakes and more. Ideal for<br />
taking away on holiday or having on hand at home, it’s chock-full with easy to<br />
make, delicious recipes all conveniently arranged into sections – there’s no doubt<br />
you’ll find the perfect sweet treat for your next picnic, celebration, or cheeky<br />
dessert.<br />
Tayla Jane<br />
Fragrances<br />
Christmas<br />
Candles<br />
Sequence<br />
Classic Game -<br />
5 rows of fun<br />
The Abundant Kitchen<br />
by Niva Kay and Yotam Kay<br />
The bestselling authors of The Abundant Garden, Niva and Yotam Kay, share their<br />
wealth of knowledge and experience in making ferments, pickles, preserves,<br />
sourdough, koji, cured meat, ginger beer, yoghurt, vinegar, kombucha and much<br />
more. With 100 easy-to-follow, meticulously written recipes, this book will<br />
become a much-loved fermenting bible. Using these recipes is the perfect way<br />
to preserve and transform the bounty from your garden into delicious classics,<br />
Middle Eastern flavours and other wonderful tastes from around the globe.<br />
Whether you are a seasoned fermenter or taking your first steps into the world of<br />
live cultures, The Abundant Kitchen, with its helpful tips, step-by-step instructions<br />
and timeless techniques, is a must-have.<br />
World of<br />
Discovery Bees<br />
Educational<br />
Box Set<br />
Hangman<br />
- Guess<br />
The Word<br />
Game<br />
Rock Pets - Paint a<br />
Colourful Turtle<br />
The Twat Files<br />
A hilarious sort-of memoir of mistakes, mishaps and mess-ups<br />
by Dawn French<br />
A hugely-relatable, funny, honest and inspirational ‘memoir of sorts’ in which Dawn<br />
celebrates what it means to be gloriously, messily human We’re told we’ve got to be perfect,<br />
and we’ve got filters and selfies and all we ever present is the good part. But in my life, there<br />
have been far too many times I have jumped the gun in a spectacular display of tw*ttery.<br />
Don’t aspire to perfect! Go on your journey knowing you’ll never get there! Dawn French<br />
is on a one-woman mission to encourage us all to be more at ease with our proneness to<br />
gaffes, our mistakes, our moments of sorrow and regret - to celebrate our shared ups and<br />
downs rather than pretending Instagram perfection.<br />
The Times Rugby World Cup Moments<br />
The Perfect Gift for Rugby Fans with 100 Iconic Images and<br />
Articlesby Stephen Jones, David Hands, Michael Lynagh,<br />
Anna Richards, Times Books<br />
The ideal gift for rugby fans Pairing epic sports photography with articles from<br />
The Times and The Sunday Times archive, this volume brings together 100 of<br />
the most iconic moments from World Cup history. With striking, full-colour<br />
photography, rarely seen archival images and sensational reporting on the<br />
action, The Times Rugby World Cup Moments tells the story of one of the world’s<br />
greatest single sporting events as it unfolded on - and off - the pitch. Featuring the<br />
most memorable tries, historic drop goals, legendary players and unforgettable<br />
controversies, these split-second moments have changed the course of Rugby<br />
World Cup history and generated a global sensation along the way. The perfect gift<br />
for any rugby fan.<br />
Christmas Square and<br />
Tall Bags & Tags<br />
Little Yellow<br />
Digger Books<br />
- 2 for $15<br />
DIY Hair<br />
Clip &<br />
Gems Set<br />
Economy Courier Express<br />
Rest of the world<br />
South Pacific, North America, Asia, UK and Europe<br />
Australia<br />
New Zealand<br />
Mon 20 Nov<br />
Fri 24 Nov<br />
Wed 29 Nov<br />
Mon 18 Dec<br />
Wed 29 Nov<br />
Fri 8 Dec<br />
Mon 11 Dec<br />
Wed 20 Dec<br />
Wed 13 Dec<br />
Fri 15 Dec<br />
Mon 10 Dec<br />
Ferrymead<br />
1005 Ferry Road,<br />
Ferrymead<br />
Ph: 384 2063<br />
While stocks last<br />
(see instore for terms and conditions)
2<br />
[Edition datE]<br />
keep it local<br />
Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 9<br />
and support businesses in your community<br />
Introducing...<br />
Hair by Jena<br />
SIROCCO Hair Studio now has a full<br />
quota of senior stylists with openings for<br />
new clients.<br />
Based in Mt Pleasant, the recently<br />
renovated studio has been operating<br />
under the ownership of Rosanne (Rosie)<br />
Marks for the past 10 years. It’s serene<br />
suburban vibe set in stylish, comfortable<br />
surroundings is popular with both regular<br />
and new clients.<br />
“We’re excited to welcome Jena to<br />
our team,” said Rosie. “Jena has been<br />
hairdressing for around 15 years. She<br />
trained and worked in Balclutha and has<br />
been in Christchurch for the past 6 years.<br />
Most recently at the former Soulstyle<br />
Salon in Lyttelton. Like Emma and myself,<br />
Jena is an extremely experienced and<br />
competent senior stylist. She loves the<br />
challenge of a trendy new look and is<br />
known for her short funky haircuts and<br />
colouring masterpieces”.<br />
Sirocco Hair Studio offers a wide range<br />
of professional hairdressing services to<br />
men, women and children. They recognise<br />
how fast fashion styles and colours change<br />
and make sure they always employ up to<br />
date designs, equipment and techniques.<br />
With these credentials, Sirocco Hair<br />
Studio is more than qualified to offer<br />
inspiration by way of a chic new cut and or<br />
a sensational new colour.<br />
“You can trust us to work with you to<br />
ensure that your hair reflects your own<br />
unique style and personality, while staying<br />
in trend. We want to give the advice<br />
needed to have you leave looking fabulous<br />
and feeling relaxed and pampered,” said<br />
Rosie.<br />
But their wide selection of services<br />
doesn’t just stop at cutting hair, they also<br />
offer Colour/Foils, Men’s, Ladies and Kids<br />
Haircuts, Consultations; Fashion Waves,<br />
and Conditioning treatment for hair and<br />
scalp.<br />
The girls also have extensive product<br />
knowledge and assist with supplying the<br />
best take home products to keep your<br />
hair manageable and healthy between<br />
appointments.<br />
Permanent curls are back in vogue<br />
and Jena is an expert in the latest<br />
Fashion Waves. Call now and booking a<br />
consultation.<br />
Support local. Sirocco Hair Studio is<br />
open Monday to Wednesday 8am - late,<br />
Thursday 9am - late, Friday 9am to 5pm,<br />
and Saturday 9am to 3pm.<br />
Sirocco Hair Studio, 4/2 Soleares Ave,<br />
Mt Pleasant. Book your appointment<br />
now on 03 384 1743.<br />
siroccohairstudio<br />
& SHOES<br />
New shipment of Art, Fashion,<br />
Lifestyle books... just in!<br />
BOOKS<br />
SUMNER<br />
GO SEE JOE<br />
19 Marriner St<br />
03 962 2233<br />
For men, women<br />
and children<br />
From<br />
$79.95<br />
to $250<br />
47c Garlands Road, Woolston<br />
Phone 389 3431<br /><br />
32 London Street, Lyttelton<br />
Phone 328 7350<br />
OB<br />
Advertising enquiries Jo Fuller | Ph: 027 458 8590 |
10 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong><br />
03 384 7950<br />
TO THE<br />
OFFICE<br />
The local real estate experts within and around the south-eastern<br />
suburbs of Christchurch. We know our community here better<br />
than anyone else. Our focus is always on your success. Talk to us<br />
and discover why we are the very best at what we do.<br />
With a diverse background in Paediatric<br />
Nursing and Lactation Consulting, coupled<br />
with a proven track record as a thriving small<br />
e-commerce business owner, Julia brings<br />
an unparalleled blend of empathy, business<br />
acumen, and strategic thinking to the world<br />
of real estate.<br />
022 030 5285<br />
Lucy has a background in design and sales<br />
and through her role as a personal assistant to<br />
experienced Real Estate professionals Lucy has<br />
gained a deep understanding of the industries<br />
intricate dynamics. Her attention to detail,<br />
organisational, skills and natural relationship<br />
building abilities form a solid foundation for<br />
seamless transactions and client satisfaction<br />
022 315 6814<br />
Grenadier Real Estate Ltd MREINZ. Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />
Are you looking for a country lifestyle while remaining close to<br />
the city? Then welcome to your dream family home, nestled<br />
in picturesque Waikuku. This unique property, originally<br />
designed in the 1970s, has undergone a complete and<br />
spectacular renovation, seamlessly blending high-end modern<br />
finishes with the charm of its original architecture.<br />
As you step inside, you’ll be immediately struck by the<br />
spacious, light-filled open-plan living, dining, and kitchen<br />
areas. The high cathedral ceilings add an elegant touch,<br />
creating an atmosphere of space and openness. You will also<br />
benefit from a generous sized second living room. We love the<br />
connection this home has to the outdoors with doors opening<br />
out onto the sheltered patio and BBQ area for entertainment<br />
and enjoyment. The inbuilt outdoor fire creates a warm and<br />
inviting atmosphere for gatherings, surrounded by greenery.<br />
Waikuku is a charming, family-friendly community with<br />
excellent schools, local amenities, Ravenswood Shopping hub<br />
and beautiful beaches conveniently nearby, while also being a<br />
short commute to the city CBD. Don’t miss the opportunity to<br />
make this exquisite property your forever home.<br />
3,146m 2<br />
Closes 2pm, Thursday 16 th <strong>November</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
1020 Ferry Road (Unless Sold Prior)<br />
Saturdays & Sundays<br />
2:00PM - 3:00PM<br />
5 2 2 3<br />
0274 318 960<br />
027 828 1710<br /> ID#FM6109<br />
Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 11<br />
Discover your secluded sanctuary in this charming standalone<br />
townhouse, nestled away on a private rear section.<br />
With three upstairs bedrooms - the master including a walkin<br />
robe and an ensuite for added convenience, this home is<br />
designed for modern living with a touch of rustic charm.<br />
Downstairs is the laundry and a fully appointed family<br />
bathroom which has a bath and separate shower, catering<br />
to everyone’s needs. The large open-plan living area boasts<br />
an exposed tongue and groove ceiling, infusing the space<br />
with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. This cozy rustic<br />
touch is perfectly balanced by the seamless flow of the<br />
living area to two inviting patios, making it an ideal spot for<br />
relaxing and entertaining.<br />
The separate kitchen offers a tranquil view of the beautifully<br />
landscaped garden, complete with manicured Buxus<br />
hedges, providing both privacy and a touch of elegance.<br />
The single attached garage ensures your convenience and<br />
security. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to<br />
make this hidden gem your own. Embrace the tranquillity,<br />
convenience, and beauty that this stand-alone townhouse<br />
has to offer!<br />
3 2 1 1<br />
Closes 2pm, Tuesday 14 th <strong>November</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
1020 Ferry Road (Unless Sold Prior)<br />
Wednesdays, Saturdays & Sundays<br />
11:00AM - 11:45AM<br /> ID#FM6132<br />
ALISON<br />
CARTER<br />
0274 318 960 | 03 384 7950<br /><br />
Grenadier Real Estate Ltd. MREINZ Licensed Agent REAA 2008.<br />
Discover the epitome of architectural elegance in this<br />
contemporary home, nestled atop Richmond Hill<br />
overlooking Sumner. Completed in May 2020, this residence<br />
offers a luxurious lifestyle and breathtaking panoramic<br />
views stretching from Scarborough Hill through to New<br />
Brighton, encompassing both the vibrant coastal beauty<br />
and serene rural landscapes of the Port Hills.<br />
Presented in a Scandi beachy style the home boasts<br />
meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail<br />
throughout. All 3-bedroom have views up the valley with<br />
the main bedroom featuring an ensuite. A study nook close<br />
to the kitchen is handy for checking your emails.<br />
With two separate living areas, this home effortlessly<br />
combines comfort and functionality.<br />
Outside, a flat lawn area beckons children to play freely,<br />
while the surrounding grounds are planted with tussocks<br />
and natives, offering ample space for gardening, veggies,<br />
and outdoor activities. Seize this rare opportunity to own a<br />
recent build with panoramic views, in a tranquil setting and<br />
truly embrace the Sumner lifestyle.<br />
774M 2 3 2 1 2 3<br />
From 11am, Thursday 9 th <strong>November</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
98 Moorhouse Avenue (Unless Sold Prior)<br />
Saturdays & Sundays 12:00PM - 12:45PM<br />
Wednesdays 5:00PM - 6:00PM<br /> ID#FM6110<br />
ALISON<br />
CARTER<br />
0274 318 960 | 03 384 7950<br /><br />
Grenadier Real Estate Ltd. MREINZ Licensed Agent REAA 2008.<br />
12 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong><br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
1/110 Rocking Horse Road, Southshore<br />
Listed & Sold by Shaun Davey & Callum Brownlee<br />
6 Palmside Street, Somerfield<br />
Listed & Sold by Joy Butel<br />
27 Woodglen Drive, Woodend<br />
Listed & Sold by Emma Baird<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
857 Ferry Road, Woolston<br />
Listed & Sold by Sally Pomeroy-Fitzgerald<br />
64 Mt Pleasant Road, Mount Pleasant<br />
Listed & Sold by Chris Moores<br />
9/71B Main Road, Redcliffs<br />
Listed & Sold by Shaun Davey & Callum Brownlee<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
1/31 Main Road, Redcliffs<br />
Listed by Alison Carter, Sold by Harcourts<br />
1/7a Sullivan Avenue, Woolston<br />
Listed & Sold by Jobi Smith & Hamish Craw<br />
91 Rowses Road, Aranui<br />
Listed by Jobi Smith, Sold by Harcourts<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
Lot 516 Westwood, Faringdon, Rolleston<br />
Listed & Sold by Elisa Jordan<br />
38 Sledmere Street, Burnside<br />
Listed by Joy Butel, Sold by Harcourts<br />
180 McGregors Road, Linwood<br />
Listed & Sold Emma Baird<br />
1020 FERRY ROAD &<br />
03 384 7950<br />
Grenadier Real Estate Ltd MREINZ. Licensed Agent REAA 2008
Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 13<br />
A warm welcome awaits you when you step inside this<br />
‘one owner’ home and you will understand why once they<br />
bought the home they did not wish to leave!<br />
The home offers three true double bedrooms, family<br />
kitchen/dining and expansive lounge. Both the lounge<br />
and main bedroom flow out to the tiled patio and glorious<br />
garden that is currently a blaze of colour. You will enjoy<br />
hosting friends and family for a BBQ, or just relax and soak<br />
up the peaceful oasis now the warm evenings have arrived.<br />
The main bedroom offers a walk-in-robe and ensuite while<br />
the other bedrooms are served by a full bathroom and an<br />
internal access double garage completes the home.<br />
Location truly counts in real estate and this home offers<br />
it all: For families, sought after schools in zone include<br />
Cashmere High School and St Martins School while St<br />
Martins Shopping centre is nearby for your retails needs. If<br />
you are looking to downsize from a larger family property<br />
look no further as the quality of this home allows you to<br />
downsize without compromise with viewing essential.<br />
456M 2 3 2 1 2<br />
Thursday 9 th <strong>November</strong> from 11:00am<br />
98 Moorhouse Avenue (Unless Sold Prior)<br />
Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday<br />
1:15PM - 2:00PM<br /> ID#FM6116<br />
CHRIS<br />
MOORES<br />
027 588 4440 | 03 384 7950<br /><br />
Grenadier Real Estate Ltd. MREINZ Licensed Agent REAA 2008.<br />
TOP<br />
SUMNER<br />
027 953 8860<br />
027 526 4585<br />
Grenadier Real Estate Ltd MREINZ. Licensed Agent REAA 2008
<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong><br />
14<br />
Latest Canterbury news at<br />
New books for summer reading<br />
THE SUMNER Ferrymead<br />
Foundation’s focus is ‘locals<br />
helping locals,’ both individuals<br />
and community groups, through<br />
their grants programme and<br />
the scholarships and awards<br />
programme. The Redcliffs<br />
and Heathcote Valley libraries<br />
were recent recipients of the<br />
foundation’s grants programme,<br />
with funds provided for the<br />
purchase of new books.<br />
Both libraries operate<br />
independently of Christchurch<br />
City Libraries, and to<br />
provide a service to their<br />
local communities they need<br />
volunteers to run the library and<br />
funds to purchase new books.<br />
“We like to continually add<br />
new books to our collection so<br />
that our readers can access the<br />
latest books, but that means we<br />
need to continually raise funds,”<br />
said Heathcote Valley Library<br />
secretary and treasurer Liz<br />
Hughes.<br />
“We have purchased a range of<br />
new titles with the funds from<br />
Sumner Ferrymead Foundation<br />
that will appeal to a diverse range<br />
of readers. We’d really like the<br />
ALL SMILES: Jaine Cunninghame and Nic Holdaway of Redcliffs Library with books by<br />
New Zealand authors. Right – Liz Hughes and Dorothy Burrows of Heathcote Valley Library<br />
with the new books purchased with a grant from the Sumner Ferrymead Foundation.<br />
local community to come and<br />
have a look at what’s on offer,<br />
and if they are not a member<br />
they can sign up at no cost. They<br />
may want to join our monthly<br />
Thursday book club too.”<br />
Redcliffs Library are using the<br />
funds to purchase books by New<br />
Zealand authors.<br />
“There is a growing interest<br />
in New Zealand writers,<br />
especially crime writers,” said<br />
Redcliffs Library treasurer Jaine<br />
Cunninghame.<br />
“Each year we aim to purchase<br />
at least 300 new books, so the<br />
grant from the foundation will<br />
help us to do this. This is not the<br />
first time they have helped us<br />
out, so we are very appreciative<br />
of their support.”<br />
Redcliffs Library is also<br />
looking for volunteers.<br />
“It’s just three hours a<br />
fortnight, so if you love books<br />
and have time to give back to<br />
your community, pop in and<br />
have a chat with us,” said Jaine.<br />
The Sumner Ferrymead<br />
Foundation likes to support a<br />
diverse range of community<br />
groups within its catchment area.<br />
“We have supported so many<br />
Support your local<br />
community library to raise<br />
funds for new books.<br />
Used Books Sale and<br />
Sausage Sizzle<br />
Heathcote Valley Library<br />
45 Bridle Path Rd,<br />
Heathcote<br />
Saturday <strong>November</strong> 4<br />
10.30am–noon<br />
Redcliffs Library<br />
91 Main Rd, Redcliffs<br />
Saturday <strong>November</strong> 25<br />
10am–3pm<br />
organisations over the 30 years<br />
we have been in existence, from<br />
our surf lifesaving clubs, the<br />
Sumner lifeboat and the fire<br />
brigade through to the bridge<br />
club and libraries, and many<br />
sporting clubs and community<br />
pools, to name just a few,”<br />
said foundation treasurer Max<br />
Mathias.<br />
“The wide range of community<br />
groups we have makes the<br />
Sumner Ferrymead area such a<br />
great place to live. If you’d like<br />
to help us help others, you can<br />
make a donation via our website<br />
or you can contact one of the<br />
trustees directly.”<br />
Springtime Mobility Savings<br />
Wide range of accessories available:<br />
Sherpa coloured backpacks Safety flags Windscreens All-weather storage covers Only while stocks last<br />
FREE<br />
$500<br />
Accessories<br />
with Scooter<br />
Purchase<br />
113 Blenheim Rd, Christchurch | 0800-666-222 | |<br />
Open 9-5pm Monday to Friday & Saturday 9am-2pm<br />
FREE Home Demonstration available.
Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 15<br />
Key<br />
Construction area<br />
Opawa Road<br />
Traffic flow<br />
Brougham Street<br />
Wilsons Road<br />
Hornbrook Street<br />
Opawa Road<br />
N<br />
Night works on Brougham<br />
Street in <strong>November</strong><br />
Opawa Road intersection<br />
Orion is installing a new 66kV<br />
underground power cable at the<br />
intersection of Brougham Street<br />
and Opawa Road from Monday 6<br />
<strong>November</strong> until early December.<br />
Please expect delays and allow extra<br />
time for your journey. Thank you.<br />
PHONE 0800 363 9898<br /><br />
To do this construction work safely, traffic<br />
management will be in place at night from<br />
6pm until 6am, seven days a week.<br />
• Brougham Street will have a lane open<br />
in each direction<br />
• No travel on Opawa Road across<br />
Brougham Street<br />
• Left in left out access only at Opawa<br />
Road and Brougham Street<br />
The traffic management will change as<br />
work progresses. Follow all signs and<br />
instructions from our crew.<br />
We’re strengthening<br />
our electricity network
<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong><br />
16<br />
Lyttelton’s first radio station makes waves<br />
IN ABOUT 1926, a curious<br />
crowd gathered outside the<br />
shopfront of H. H Lublow, Ladies<br />
& Gents High Class Tailor, at<br />
what is today the Civil and Naval<br />
Bar on London St. Ms Rosa<br />
Moir’s vehicle was apparently<br />
parked out front with her leaning<br />
on the bonnet, and Mr Dick<br />
Pascoe was striding towards<br />
the crowd (from the right in<br />
the photo). The object of the<br />
townspeople’s curiosity was the<br />
strange and wondrous sound of<br />
the first public radiotelephonic<br />
broadcast in Whakaraupō<br />
Lyttelton <strong>Harbour</strong>.<br />
Just over 30 years earlier, in<br />
1895, Guglielmo Marconi’s<br />
invention of wireless telegraphy<br />
had marked a pivotal moment in<br />
the history of telecommunications.<br />
Marconi’s ground-breaking<br />
innovation allowed Morse<br />
code signals to be transmitted<br />
over electromagnetic waves,<br />
revolutionising long distance<br />
communication.<br />
In 19<strong>01</strong>, Marconi achieved<br />
another historic milestone by<br />
successfully demonstrating the<br />
first transatlantic broadcast,<br />
showcasing the immense potential<br />
of his wireless telegraphy<br />
system.<br />
The year 1904 saw the invention<br />
of the diode vacuum tube,<br />
often referred to as the ‘Fleming<br />
valve’ after John Ambrose<br />
Fleming, who developed the<br />
technology while working for the<br />
Marconi Company.<br />
Subsequently, in 1907, Lee de<br />
Forest introduced the audion<br />
tube, a rudimentary version of<br />
what would later become known<br />
as the triode valve amplifier.<br />
These inventions turbocharged<br />
the development of electronic<br />
technologies and engineering<br />
in the early 20th century, and<br />
most especially the development<br />
of wireless communications. By<br />
1910, the term ‘radio’ had been<br />
adopted to describe these various<br />
wireless systems, and radiotelegraphy<br />
spanned the entire planet.<br />
Then WW1 drove the rapid<br />
technological development of<br />
wireless telegraphy and telephony<br />
for military communications,<br />
which became key to dominance<br />
of the modern battlefields across<br />
Listening to Ōhinehou Lyttelton’s first radio outside H.H Lublow’s. Te Ūaka The Lyttelton<br />
Museum ref. 11898.1<br />
Europe and Mesopotamia and<br />
around the world’s oceans.<br />
Post war, radio wave transmission<br />
and reception remained<br />
largely within the domain of<br />
secure government communications.<br />
However, the technology<br />
had matured, setting the stage<br />
for broader public applications.<br />
In New Zealand, only a select<br />
few enthusiasts possessed the<br />
resources to construct their<br />
own radio receivers, and even<br />
fewer could build transmitters.<br />
Government oversight was<br />
established over this nascent<br />
amateur radio field through<br />
radio licensing under the<br />
authority of the 1908 Post and<br />
Telegraph Act.<br />
The dawn of public radio<br />
broadcasting in New Zealand<br />
began on <strong>November</strong> 17, 1921<br />
when Otago University head<br />
of the physics Robert Jack<br />
transmitted the first public<br />
radio broadcast to a handful<br />
of listeners as far afield as<br />
Auckland.<br />
Collaborating with his<br />
students, he had assembled a<br />
small transmitter using parts<br />
imported from Britain, achieving<br />
the first successful nongovernmental<br />
radiotelephonic<br />
transmission in the country.<br />
The broadcast included music<br />
and featured the popular song<br />
Hello my dearie. Professor Jack<br />
was a visionary radio pioneer<br />
who realised through this new<br />
telecommunications technology<br />
“the whole life of the community<br />
will be broadened and educated<br />
by being brought into more<br />
effective touch with the life of the<br />
whole world”.<br />
His work led to the<br />
establishment of the Otago<br />
Radio Association and Aotearoa<br />
New Zealand’s first public radio<br />
broadcasting station, known<br />
today as Radio Dunedin, which<br />
started regular broadcasts on<br />
<strong>November</strong> 15, 1922. The station<br />
was the world’s fifth public radio<br />
station to start broadcasting, predating<br />
the BBC by five weeks,<br />
and is still operating as the oldest<br />
station outside the United States.<br />
By the end of 1923, Dunedin,<br />
along with Christchurch,<br />
Nelson, Wellington, Whanganui,<br />
Gisborne and Auckland, had<br />
active broadcasting stations.<br />
In 1925, the Radio<br />
Broadcasting Company<br />
Henry H. Lublow’s RCA Radiola 20 radio receiver (1925<br />
model). Te Ūaka The Lyttelton Museum ref. 1390.1<br /><br />
commenced broadcasts<br />
across New Zealand, further<br />
expanding the reach of radio<br />
communication.<br />
The growth of radio<br />
licensing in New Zealand was<br />
likewise remarkable. In 1922,<br />
approximately 750 individuals<br />
held radio licences, a number<br />
that soared to over 100,000<br />
by 1930. This transformation<br />
reflected the rapid and<br />
widespread adoption of radio<br />
technology across the nation.<br />
Aside from being a high-class<br />
tailor, Henry Herman Lublow<br />
was also a long-time member of<br />
the Lyttelton Fire Brigade and<br />
the Marine Brass Band, as well<br />
as an early radio enthusiast.<br />
On August 6, 1926 he paid £1<br />
(approximately $150 in <strong>2023</strong>)<br />
for a radio licence to establish<br />
and operate a radio receiving<br />
station using his battery operated<br />
Radiola 20.<br />
A five-valve radio receiver<br />
manufactured by the Radio<br />
Corporation of America,<br />
this was reportedly the first<br />
radio receiver in Whakaraupō<br />
Lyttelton.<br />
By 1930, the entrepreneurial<br />
Mr Lublow was riding the crest<br />
of the retail commercialisation<br />
of radio and gramophone<br />
technology as an agent for<br />
various luxuriously appointed,<br />
wood panelled radiogramophones,<br />
including the<br />
Majestic “Mighty Monarch of<br />
the Air” radio receiver priced<br />
at just £29 10s – or around<br />
$5000 in today’s currency.<br />
Such extravagances were<br />
becoming the middle-class<br />
norm as New Zealand embraced<br />
the modern age of global<br />
telecommunications, and never<br />
looked back.<br />
In years gone by,<br />
Whakaraupō’s well-regarded<br />
and eclectic Volcano Radio<br />
88.5 FM transmitted out of the<br />
former <strong>Harbour</strong> Board offices<br />
at Shadbolt House until the<br />
building was demolished after<br />
the devastating February 22,<br />
2<strong>01</strong>1 earthquake. Today, the<br />
harbour’s fine radio broadcasting<br />
tradition is carried on by<br />
Ōhinehou Lyttelton’s very own<br />
Rotten Radio 107.7 FM.<br />
Join the rebuild<br />
Enjoying the regular stories from our collection?<br />
Just imagine what we could offer with a physical<br />
Museum!<br />
Your donation can help make it a reality.<br />
Please consider donating today<br /> OR scan here ><br />
to donate your chosen amount
Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 17<br />
To find out more, go to:<br /><br />
03 363 9898 | 0800 363 9898<br />
Orion operates, and maintains, the electricity<br />
distribution network that provides power to central<br />
Canterbury. We are always here to help if you have<br />
any questions or concerns about the network.
18 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong><br />
Jena welcoming new clients<br />
Open Monday to Saturday<br />
Late nights:<br />
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday<br />
Ph 03 384 1743 | 4/2 Soleares Ave | Mt Pleasant<br />
Christmas is<br />
just around<br />
the corner<br />
Avoid disappointment,<br />
book your Christmas<br />
appointments asap.<br />
Tina has been doing amazing work<br />
on my skin for a year now!<br />
I recommend. - Léa<br />
Our team’s goal is to offer<br />
exceptional service using both<br />
genuine and OE parts as per<br />
specication.<br />
The forefront of operations is a<br />
commitment to ever increase the<br />
customer's experience through clear<br />
communication on all we set out to<br />
do on your vehicles to the highest<br />
of industry specied standards.<br />
Expires 31st December <strong>2023</strong><br />
PH: 03 384 9092 693 FERRY ROAD, WOOLSTON
Heart and Soul of the <strong>Bay</strong><br />
125 Main Road, Governors <strong>Bay</strong><br />
Deadline Sale: Wednesday<br />
15th <strong>November</strong> 2pm (Unless sold prior)<br />
3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 living<br />
1 seperate toilet, 2 car garage<br />
Listing no. RX3809498<br />
Open Homes: Suns 12pm-12:45pm<br />
This warm and inviting well maintained home<br />
with its wrap around verandah and magnificent<br />
views has so much to offer:<br />
Beautiful & wide harbour views to enjoy the<br />
spectacular sunrises<br />
● Two living areas with heat pump & wood-burner<br />
● Recently renovated kitchen & bathroom<br />
and new carpet<br />
● Generous decking and covered verandah,<br />
a lovely place to embrace the views or relax in<br />
the spa pool.<br />
● Extensive landscaping & established garden<br />
with a range of fruit trees<br />
● A large & warm studio, perfect as a home<br />
office or sleep-out/games room<br />
● Double garage, double carport, woodshed &<br />
great off-street parking<br />
● Groundwork done for proposed subdivision<br />
opportunity<br />
● Easy walking access to the beach and jetty The<br />
original Cholmondeley home & home for 70<br />
odd years to the highly regarded Lachie Griffen.<br />
Our vendors are reluctantly leaving this much<br />
loved home to pursue another adventure so here<br />
lies an opportunity for someone to relish this<br />
special property. Governors <strong>Bay</strong> is only a quick<br />
20min drive from Christchurch CBD, it is a<br />
desirable community to live in, set amongst<br />
established and historic gardens with an array<br />
of old and new architecture. There is a wonderful<br />
range of amenities including the local hotel, pool<br />
& community centre, school, reserve and public<br />
tennis courts. Excellent walking tracks and easy<br />
access to the beautiful Sandy <strong>Bay</strong> Beach.<br />
Kate Hitchings M. 021 596 229<br />
Tim Dunningham M. 027 651 5474<br />
Min Sarginson Real Estate Ltd. Ph. 03 329-4161<br />
Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />
Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 19<br />
OUR bUSInESS IS gROwIng...<br />
here’s how we can help grow yours too!<br />
Deliver your mailers to your<br />
customers with us:<br />
.<br />
We can deliver your mailer targeted locally to the customers most<br />
likely to buy from you or offer you mass reach via our South Island<br />
network.<br />
Your mailer can be delivered as an insert in our paper or separately<br />
in the letterbox.<br />
Contact us today for<br />
a plan to suit your<br />
business.<br />
We have delivery rounds available<br />
across all areas of Christchurch.<br />
If you are aged 11 or older, join our<br />
dynamic team and deliver<br />
The Star Newspaper to local homes<br />
every Thursday.<br />
To be a supervisor you will need:<br />
• A suitable van, mobile phone and computer with internet access<br />
• Ability to handle deliveries of large quantities each week<br />
• Ability to manage your own team of deliverers<br />
Contact Mark Kelly<br />
OR SCAN<br />
Contact Cathy Payne Distribution Manager<br />
South Island Distribution Manager<br />
P: 021 340 771 | E:<br />
P: 029 983 2293 | E:<br />
<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong><br />
20<br />
1 2 3 4<br />
5 6<br />
7 8 9<br />
10<br />
11 12<br />
13<br />
14 15<br />
16 17<br />
18 19 20<br />
21<br />
22 23<br />
3/11<br />
Latest Canterbury news at<br />
ACROSS<br />
1. One working a less precious metal than<br />
Oliver’s (11)<br />
7. It is money that makes interest in a<br />
principal city (7)<br />
9. It is too much for the French to return to<br />
harbour (4)<br />
11. Being walked on, it may stump one (5)<br />
12. Means of approach to a sporting location<br />
(6)<br />
14. The ability class can carry it: come round<br />
to it (11)<br />
18. An infant’s toy may disconcert one (6)<br />
20. It gives one the flavour of fine perception<br />
(5)<br />
22. Stringed instrument one would blow if<br />
loudly begun (4)<br />
23. Extreme delight is rare, put it how you<br />
will (7)<br />
24. Retailer who is environmentally friendly to<br />
a food store (11)<br />
Down<br />
2. Beg one to make lip more fluid (7)<br />
3. Part of a petrol engine is to show it (4)<br />
4. Old letter was intended to protect Rose (5)<br />
5. Make fun of one’s food (5)<br />
6. Nerve oneself to sharpen a knife on it (5)<br />
8. How awful, Ivan! (8)<br />
10. Go beyond mark on top of short walk (8)<br />
13. It used to be a shilling for a haircut (3)<br />
15. Actor’s period dress some cut into shape<br />
(7)<br />
16. Girl might use laptop to cook (5)<br />
17. Bar given over to merrymaking (5)<br />
19. Academic coach has rut to get out of (5)<br />
21. Most ruggedly constructed part of a fruit<br />
basket (4)<br />
SUDOKU<br />
Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3<br />
box contains the digits 1 to 9.<br />
24<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6<br />
7<br />
8 9<br />
10 11 12 13<br />
14 15<br />
16 17<br />
18 19 20 21 22<br />
23 24<br />
25<br />
26 27<br />
Across<br />
1. Sample (5)<br />
4. Optimistic (6)<br />
7. Lid (3)<br />
8. Mischievous (6)<br />
9. Chess piece (6)<br />
10. Free of charge (13)<br />
14. Happen (5)<br />
15. Unemotional (5)<br />
18. Latest and best<br />
(5,2,3,3)<br />
23. Hound (6)<br />
24. Regular customer (6)<br />
25. Snakelike fish (3)<br />
26. Daze (6)<br />
27. Precise (5)<br />
Down<br />
1. Pace (5)<br />
2. Tighten your belt (5)<br />
3. Cultural (6)<br />
4. Maintenance (6)<br />
5. Constructed (5)<br />
6. Detest (5)<br />
10. Angry (5)<br />
11. Type of coffee (5)<br />
12. Fragrance (5)<br />
13. Sailboat (5)<br />
16. Killjoy (colloq) (6)<br />
17. Paper fastener (6)<br />
19. Characteristic (5)<br />
20. Hike (5)<br />
21. Surplus (5)<br />
22. Perch (5)<br />
Across: 1. Taste, 4. Upbeat, 7. Top, 8. Impish, 9. Knight, 10.<br />
Complimentary, 14. Occur, 15. Stoic, 18. State of the art, 23. Harass, 24.<br />
Patron, 25. Eel, 26. Stupor, 27. Exact.<br />
Down: 1. Tempo, 2. Skimp, 3. Ethnic, 4. Upkeep, 5. Built, 6. Abhor, 10.<br />
Cross, 11. Mocha, 12. Aroma, 13. Yacht, 16. Wowser, 17. Staple, 19. Trait,<br />
20. Tramp, 21. Extra, 22. Roost.<br />
Across: 1. Silversmith 7. Capital 9. Port 11. Floor 12. Avenue 14.<br />
Meritocracy 18. Rattle 20. Taste 22. Lute 23. Rapture 24. Greengrocer.<br />
Down: 2. Implore 3. Role 4. Thorn 5. Scoff 6. Steel 8. Terrible 10.<br />
Overstep 13. Bob 15. Costume 16. Grill 17. Revel 19. Tutor 21. Trug.<br />
TARGET<br />
actin alit amity anti antic cant<br />
city intimacy intimal italic laity<br />
licit limit lint linty litany malt<br />
malty mantic matily matin<br />
MILITANCY milt mint minty tail<br />
talc tiny<br />
EASY<br />
TARGET<br />
I N L<br />
I T M<br />
Y C A<br />
Good 8<br />
Very Good 13<br />
Excellent 20+<br />
How many words of four letters or more can you<br />
make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />
Each letter may be used only once and all<br />
words must contain the centre letter.<br />
No words starting with a capital, no plurals<br />
ending in s unless the word is also a verb, e.g.<br />
he fires the gun.<br />
Mon-Thurs: 7am - 4pm<br />
Fri-Sun: 7am - 5pm
✓<br />
✓<br />
✓<br />
✓<br />
Trades & Services<br />
& GROUT?<br />
Tile & Grout Cleaning<br />
Mouldy Silicone Replacement<br />
Tiled Shower Makeovers<br />
Old Grout Re-Colouring<br />
✓ Tile & Grout Sealing/ Repairs<br />
We specialise in professional cost<br />
effective solutions for ALL your tile &<br />
grout issues.<br />
Classifieds<br />
Trades & Services<br />
HOME<br />
Decks, fencing, retaining<br />
walls, kitchens, sleepouts,<br />
kitsets, renovations and<br />
more. Greg 022 475 8227<br />
All types of int/ext<br />
painting undertaken. 30 +<br />
yrs exp. Ph Michael 022<br />
496 3322<br />
Do you need a reliable<br />
plumber? Quality and<br />
timely services. No job<br />
too big or small. Phone<br />
V Plumbing Ltd. 022 351<br />
4125<br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
CARAVAN. With, shower<br />
& toilet . Any condition.<br />
Reasonable price. Ph<br />
Steve 027 622 0<strong>01</strong>1.<br />
Stafford Trading wanting<br />
to buy duchesses, bedside<br />
cabinets, whiteware &<br />
deceased estates. Phone<br />
366 5994 and leave<br />
message.<br />
ADD SOME<br />
COLOUR<br />
Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 21<br />
Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />
CLUB 328<br />
Call 0800 882 772 for a FREE quote<br /><br />
Dirty Grout &<br />
Tiles?<br />
Tuition<br />
Catherine Bracegirdle<br />
12 Ridgeway Pl, Richmond Hill, Sumner<br />
PH. 021 044 5102<br /><br /><br />
Patios Need Cleaning<br />
Wanted to buy<br />
Mouldy Silicone?<br />
+6421-2088-183<br />
*<br />
FREE<br />
Quote<br />
On the flat<br />
2 to 3 bedrooms,<br />
double garage.<br />
Older couple are<br />
downsizing, cash buyers.<br />
Trades & Services<br />
Full renovations<br />
specialists, LBP builder.<br />
Free quote, all building<br />
property maintenace. Ph<br />
387-0770 or 027 245 5226<br /><br />
George Lockyer. Over<br />
40 years bricklaying<br />
experience. UK trained.<br />
Insurance work, EQC<br />
repairs. Heritage<br />
brickwork & stonework<br />
a speciality. No job too<br />
small. Governers <strong>Bay</strong>.<br />
Home 329 9344. Cell<br />
027 684 4046. E mail<br /><br />
Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />
relaying,<br />
Phone John on 0800<br />
003181, 027 240 7416<br /><br />
Trades & Services<br />
tintawindow<br />
advanced film solutions<br />
99% uv block<br />
fade protection<br />
heat control<br />
reduce glare<br />
25 Years Experience<br />
privacy films<br />
frosting designs<br />
non-darkening films<br />
Workmanship Guaranteed<br />
Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />
UV<br />
block<br />
SWEEPS<br />
We’ll sweep your<br />
logburner’s flue, check<br />
firebricks, baffles, airtubes<br />
& controls. We’re experts<br />
on coal-rangers, and can<br />
sweep any sized open fire.<br />
We quote & undertake<br />
repairs, flue extensions &<br />
install bird netting. 0800<br />
22 44 64 www.chimchim.<br />
nz<br />
Total gutter / spouting<br />
clear out & clean. House<br />
wash & windows. For a<br />
professional & reliable<br />
service call Greg Brown<br />
A1 Spouting Cleaning 027<br />
616 0331 or 384 2661<br />
restretching. Quality<br />
local<br />
professionals. E: corban@<br /> Ph:<br />
027 846 5035<br />
Phone 021 153 3513<br />
Public Notices<br />
Charitable Trust<br />
CLUB 328<br />
NEW<br />
SEASON<br />
MENU<br />
OUT<br />
NOW!<br />
GREAT VALUE $25<br />
FROM 5.30PM<br />
Free Quotes Canterbury and Districts<br />
03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />
23 Dublin St, Lyttelton | Phone 03 328 8740<br /><br />
22 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong><br />
from<br />
from<br />
386 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch | Ph 03 379 0588 |<br />
*Prices listed are for Eclipse Cross XLS & Outlander LS models. VRX models pictured. Prices excludes on road costs, which includes WoF, Registration and a full tank of fuel. Red and White Diamond colours are available on selected models<br />
for an additional $500. Visit for full Diamond Advantage Warranty conditions. The Clean Car Discount Scheme is operated by Waka Kotahi and is independent of Christchurch Mitsubishi and Mitsubishi Motors NZ.<br />
*<br />
CHRISTCHURCH NISSAN, 380 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch<br />
Ph: 03 595 6820<br /><br />
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Connecting Your Local Community<br /><br />
INSIDE<br />
COST + GST on<br />
Appliances & Tech ~<br />
ONE<br />
DAY ONLY<br />
That’s COST+GST on TVs, Audio, Whiteware, Tech<br />
Small Appliances, Floor Care, Air Conditioning and more.~<br />
Ari 2.5 Seater Fabric Right Chaise<br />
Lounge Suite - Charcoal 9062445<br />
$1499 $ was<br />
2499<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
Avalon Queen 4 Piece Slatbed Bedroom<br />
Suite with 6 Drawer Tallboy 9070256<br />
$1999 $ was<br />
3579<br />
40%<br />
OFF #<br />
Samsung 55” CU8000 Crystal<br />
UHD 4K TV 9077056<br />
$1295<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
40%<br />
OFF #<br />
Valid until 21st <strong>November</strong> <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Valid until 21st <strong>November</strong> <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
48<br />
MONTHS<br />
24<br />
on beds & furniture<br />
$999 & over*<br />
MONTHS<br />
on purchases<br />
$499 & over*<br />
Appliances, Beds, Furniture,<br />
TVs, Audio & more.<br />
Offer valid dates vary, see product pages online for details. Available while stocks last. Mates Rates prices may vary at any time without notice. #Discount is off our full retail price, not available in conjunction with any other offer. *Lending criteria, $50 annual Account Fee, fees, and terms and conditions.<br />
Minimum spend applies. Excludes gift cards and some promotional items. $55 Establishment Fee applies to your first LTF transaction, $35 Advance Fee applies to subsequent LTF transactions. Min payments of 3% of the monthly closing balance or $10 (whichever is greater) are required throughout interest<br />
free period. Paying only the minimum monthly payments will not fully repay the loan before the end of the interest free period. Q Mastercard Expired Promotional Rate or Q Card Standard Interest Rate (both 27.99% p.a.) applies at the end of LTF Interest Free Period. (See Ts&Cs for Q Mastercard Standard<br />
Interest Rate applicable to outstanding balance of a Standard Purchase.) Mastercard and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated. Columbus Financial Services Limited and Consumer Finance Limited reserve the right to amend, suspend or terminate the offer<br />
and these Ts&Cs at any time without notice. See in-store or visit for details. *2 Valid 27 October - 21 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2023</strong>. Promotion and Airpoints terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. See individual products for details. ~ Available Smiths Hornby, Smiths Colombo St and Smiths<br />
Northwood stores only. Cost reflects the average invoiced purchase price of the product but does not include any volume-related adjustments or other rebates which may apply. Some products may already be advertised below Cost. “Appliances and technology” refers to televisions, audio, whiteware,<br />
small appliances, floor care, air conditioning, computing, communication devices. Excludes Apple. Available on in-stock items only. Trade not supplied. Limit rights apply, no rainchecks or laybys. Excludes gift cards, all pre-paid Cards, mobile phone top ups, warranties, subscriptions, delivery and<br />
installation. Not available in conjunction with other offers or promotions.
Don’t buy a cheap bed. Get an expensive one cheap as.<br />
50% off #<br />
Sleepyhead Chiropractic<br />
Equalise Beds Excludes pop up<br />
60% off #<br />
Sleepyhead Chiropractic HD & HDX<br />
Model Runout Beds Excludes Ultra Beds<br />
Fabric may vary<br />
Mitsubishi Electric 328L<br />
Stainless Multi-Drawer Fridge<br />
$1899<br />
9071546 / MR-CX328ER-ST-A<br />
Adler Outdoor Corner Lounge<br />
Setting with Cover 9071939<br />
$2499 $ was<br />
3799<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
30%<br />
OFF #<br />
Smiths City, proudly<br />
supporting I Am Hope.<br />
Add a donation to your purchase<br />
and help join us in making a<br />
difference to NZs future.<br />
Raidmax Drakon Gaming<br />
Chair - Blue 9066714<br />
Also available in Red<br />
$179<br />
SAVE<br />
$70<br />
Miele Blizzard CX1 Cat & Dog<br />
Bagless Vacuum Cleaner<br />
9047520 / 10502220<br />
$899<br />
Russell Hobbs Air Fry Crisp’n<br />
Bake Toaster Oven<br />
9060751 / RHTOV25<br />
$149<br />
was<br />
$249<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
MATES<br />
RATES<br />
Smiths City<br />
Colombo Street<br />
550 Colombo Street,<br />
Christchurch<br />
Smiths City<br />
Northwood<br />
1 Radcliffe Rd,<br />
Christchurch<br />
Smiths City<br />
Hornby<br />
6 Tower Street,<br />
Christchurch<br />
Appliances, Beds,<br />
Furniture, TVs,<br />
Audio & more.<br />
Offer valid dates vary, see product pages online for details. Available while stocks last. Mates Rates prices may vary at any time without notice. #Discount is off our full retail price, not available in<br />
conjunction with any other offer. Visit for more detail. Finance, Price Promise, Airpoints and promotion, terms, conditions, exclusions, credit criteria and limits apply. Personal shoppers<br />
only, trade and commercial not supplied. See for details.
Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 25<br />
Live Local.<br />
Sell Local.<br />
Ray White Ferrymead<br />
Lyttelton & <strong>Bay</strong>s<br />
Phone (03) 384 4179 | Email<br /> /RayWhiteFerrymead @raywhiteferrymead<br />
Prier Manson Ltd. (Licensed REAA 2008)<br />
26 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong><br />
s ERi E s<br />
A Love Affair in St Leonards Square<br />
10 St Leonards Square, Sumner<br />
3 bedrooms, 1 living, 2 bathrooms, 1 car garaging<br />
sympathetically retained character qualities bond with contemporary design<br />
at this renovated home settled across from st Leonards Park in the heart of<br />
suburban sumner.<br />
Behind its classic facade, the residence reveals signature features such as panelled<br />
walls, timber joinery and traditional bay windows. A number of recent aesthetic<br />
enhancements including updated flooring, a fresh interior paint job, a renovated<br />
kitchen, and a modernised bathroom, elevate its comfort without sacrificing its<br />
enduring allure.<br />
The sunny and spacious open-plan living room is an inviting centre for everyday<br />
life, anchored by the modern kitchen; it also incorporates a concealed study nook,<br />
dining space and a timeless lounge.<br />
The outdoor connection is maximised by both a large bi-fold door and a<br />
complementary bi-fold window off the kitchen, linking seamlessly to a built-in bar<br />
leaner, deck, and paved patio in the north-facing garden for effortless outdoor<br />
entertaining.<br />
Open Homes: saturday & sunday 2:00 - 2:30pm<br />
Auction: Coastal Auction series, Wednesday 15 <strong>November</strong> from 5:00pm,<br />
sumner surf Life saving Club (Unless brought forward)<br /><br />
Simon and Paula Standeven<br />
No.1 sales Consultants<br />
2<strong>01</strong>7 - <strong>2023</strong><br />
M. 0274 304 691<br />
E.<br />
Prime Street, Affordable Retreat<br />
24a James Street, Redcliffs<br />
4 bedrooms, 1 living, 2 bathrooms, 1 study, 2 car garaging<br />
A colonial-inspired design entwines with a superb colour palette and relaxed<br />
modern finishes at this appealing family home, presenting attainability in everdesirable<br />
James street.<br />
Unfolding across two timeless levels, the home plays host to a ground-floor<br />
bedroom and bathroom, delivering a masterstroke in convenience, while the<br />
remaining three bedrooms and second bathroom find their place upstairs.<br />
Bamboo flooring seamlessly unites the open-plan kitchen, dining area, and lounge,<br />
creating a cohesive and casual environment for daily life and entertaining.<br />
The heart of this home opens outdoors to the exceptional entertainer’s courtyard,<br />
enjoying in-built seating, a devoted BBQ zone and a children’s play fort, ensuring<br />
it’s perfectly tailored for family enjoyment and relaxed gatherings.<br />
Open Homes: Thursday 1:00 - 1:30pm, saturday & sunday 12:00 - 12:30pm<br />
Auction: Coastal Auction series, Wednesday 15 <strong>November</strong> from 5:00pm,<br />
sumner surf Life saving Club (Unless brought forward)<br /><br />
Simon and Paula Standeven<br />
No.1 sales Consultants<br />
2<strong>01</strong>7 - <strong>2023</strong><br />
M. 0274 304 691<br />
E.<br />
Ray White Ferrymead | | 03 384 4179 | | Prier Manson Limited Licensed REAA 2008
Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 27<br />
s ERi E s<br />
Vistas and Vibes<br />
6 Gardenhill Lane, Redcliffs<br />
3 bedrooms, 1 living, 1 dining, 2 bathrooms, 2 car garaging<br />
With panoramic coastal views from almost every perspective, this home<br />
seamlessly merges the striking allure of its surroundings with a design optimised<br />
for entertainment, balancing easy maintenance, expansive outdoor spaces, and<br />
convenient access.<br />
Constructed from a combination of concrete block and plaster, the exterior<br />
has undergone stringent maintenance and repair under the watchful eye of the<br />
vendor, ensuring minimal upkeep and peace of mind for the incoming owner.<br />
several interior enhancements have been executed throughout their ownership,<br />
including new flooring and an upgraded ensuite and main bathroom, and while<br />
there’s potential for further refinements, the home currently radiates comfort and<br />
liveability.<br />
The approx 240sqm layout is superbly balanced, featuring three bedrooms<br />
and two bathrooms. The upper-level primary bedroom comes complete with<br />
a walk-in wardrobe and ensuite, while a ground-floor bedroom and bathroom<br />
promote accommodation flexibility. The dual living area amplifies its bond with<br />
the outdoors, seamlessly merging with the vast courtyard and terraced garden,<br />
setting the stage for exceptional alfresco gatherings.<br />
Open Homes: Thursday 12:00 - 12:30pm, saturday & sunday 11:00 - 11:30am<br />
Auction: Coastal Auction series, Wednesday 15 <strong>November</strong> from 5:00pm,<br />
sumner surf Life saving Club (Unless brought forward)<br /><br />
Simon and Paula Standeven<br />
No.1 sales Consultants<br />
2<strong>01</strong>7 - <strong>2023</strong><br />
M. 0274 304 691<br />
E.<br />
Family Space and Privacy Aplenty<br />
50 Van Asch Street, Sumner<br />
3 bedrooms, 1 living, 1 bathroom, 2 toilets, 2 car garaging<br />
Boasting a sprawling 873 sqm approx footprint on the Sumner flat, this private<br />
and meticulously enhanced home couples living excellence with local convenience,<br />
perfectly tailored to families seeking a seamless living experience.<br />
Extensively revamped, this three-bedroom residence boasts a range of upgrades:<br />
from new kitchen and bathroom, joinery, relined, a fresh plaster reclad, updated<br />
wiring and plumbing, to new spouting and landscaping- each enhancement<br />
elevating day-to-day functionality to a superior standard.<br />
Aesthetic upgrades are unveiled in the kitchen and bathroom, embracing a crisp,<br />
streamlined design that infuses the home with a modern coastal ambience.<br />
Enjoy a captivating outlook of the surrounding hills; the layout is advanced by<br />
flawless bi-fold access outdoors. The spacious kitchen has been designed for<br />
sociability and transitions effortlessly onto the expansive deck crafted from<br />
premium hardwood, where a spa and wood fire promise unforgettable summer<br />
gatherings with friends and family.<br />
Open Homes: Wednesday 1:00 - 1:30pm, saturday & sunday 1:00 - 1:30pm<br />
Auction: Coastal Auction series, Wednesday 15 <strong>November</strong> from 5:00pm,<br />
sumner surf Life saving Club (Unless brought forward)<br /><br />
Simon and Paula Standeven<br />
No.1 sales Consultants<br />
2<strong>01</strong>7 - <strong>2023</strong><br />
M. 0274 304 691<br />
E.<br />
Ray White Ferrymead | | 03 384 4179 | | Prier Manson Limited Licensed REAA 2008
28 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>November</strong> 1 <strong>2023</strong><br />
series<br />
New Built Home Awaiting Your Purchase!<br />
15 Timara Crescent, Marshland<br />
4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 car garaging<br />
With a clear mandate to secure a new owner on or before auction day, this<br />
outstanding proposition is ready & awaiting your acquisition. Four bedrooms,<br />
including master suite with ensuite and walk-in robe, two bathrooms, gracious<br />
open plan kitchen with walk in pantry & multiple living spaces combine with the<br />
north-westerly facing garden and patio areas to secure this home as being well<br />
specified for fantastic family living.<br />
Located in the heart of Prestons Park, a location admired for being a family<br />
friendly community featuring quality homes provides for great proximity to<br />
amenities and recreational opportunities such as Bottle Lake Forest, Waimairi<br />
Beach, The Palms, Homebase and Taiora Qeii. Additionally, with Marshland school<br />
& Burwood Hospital being only minutes away it doesn’t get much better.<br />
Why wait? The time to act is now. register your interest today, and discover how<br />
effortlessly you can step into your new home this summer!<br />
Open Homes: Wednesday, saturday & sunday 3:00 - 3:45pm<br />
Auction: Coastal Auction series, Wednesday 15 <strong>November</strong> from 5:00pm,<br />
sumner surf Life saving Club (Unless brought forward)<br /><br />
James Shepherd<br />
M. 027 554 5046<br />
E.<br />
Ahmad Sultani<br />
M. 021 104 7115<br />
E.<br />
Character Treasure with Large Back yard<br />
180 Tancred Street, Linwood<br />
3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 car garaging<br />
sure to capture your heart! sympathetically renovated to retain the romance<br />
of yesteryear, whilst ensuring all modern conveniences are well catered for.<br />
Entertainers and families will love the light & flow of the modern kitchen, open plan<br />
living & dining with french doors to a spacious north facing deck. so much space<br />
amongst these large grounds so rarely found today! enjoy afternoons relaxing and<br />
soaking in the sun on the front verandah. A glass of old fashioned lemonade will<br />
go down a treat after a day in the garden or fire up the BBQ on the back deck and<br />
enjoy entertaining with friends and family. Children and pets will thrive amongst<br />
the fully secure grounds. Perfect for trampolines, ball games, running around and<br />
playing with friends. extensively refurbished including re-plumbed, re-wired,<br />
re-lined, re-insulated and re-leveled. Two stunning tiled bathrooms and modern<br />
kitchen have been added for a contemporary feel. Three spacious double bedrooms<br />
with built in wardrobes and ensuite to the master along with two heat pumps<br />
will ensure all are comfortable and cosy. secure double garage with room for a<br />
workshop plus fully fenced 847m 2 (approx) section really tops off the ‘Character<br />
Dream’ lifestyle option. superbly positioned to soak in all day sun amongst this<br />
quiet haven so close to so many handy ammenities including schools, Wilding Park,<br />
even a day spa and just 2.7kms to New regent street & the city centre.<br />
Open Homes: saturday & sunday 12:00 - 12:30pm<br />
Auction: Coastal Auction series, Wednesday 15 <strong>November</strong> from 5:00pm,<br />
sumner surf Life saving Club (Unless brought forward)<br /><br />
Pip Sutton<br />
Energy, Ethics, Results<br />
DDI: 03 421 8417<br />
M. 027 224 9524<br />
E.<br />
Ray White Ferrymead<br />
Phone (03) 384 4179 | Email |<br />
/RayWhiteFerrymead @raywhiteferrymead Prier Manson Ltd. (Licensed REAA 2008)