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proudly presents<br />
I V A N C O<br />
P A R A C O S M<br />
09 January to 16 March 2024<br />
Gallery C l Level 3, Conrad Manila
P a r a c o s m<br />
Conrad Manila proudly unveils the 28th edition of its highlyacclaimed<br />
“Of Art and Wine” exhibition series at Gallery C with a<br />
solo show by the internationally renowned sculptor Ivan Co.<br />
The hotel aims to kick off the year remarkably strong with this unique<br />
and marvellous roster of artworks, as it strengthens and elevates its<br />
commitment to providing its patrons with touches of luxury and<br />
splendor in 2024. These are best exemplified in Ivan Co’s artistic<br />
mastery, which has brought pride to the country.<br />
Of Art and Wine: <strong>Paracosm</strong> will be on exhibit from January 9 to<br />
March 16, 2024. The sculptures are available individually for<br />
purchase. For more information, please contact Conrad Manila at<br />
+632 8833 9999; Ivan Co at +63917 179 5821; or email<br /><br />
I v a n C o<br />
P a r a c o s m<br />
P a r a c o s m<br />
PARACOSM is a term used to describe a complex and richly detailed<br />
imaginary world created over the span of a number of years. The creator of<br />
paracosm has a deeply felt relationship with this subjective universe, which<br />
may incorporate real-world or imaginary characters and conventions.<br />
To open its 2024 Of Art and Wine Series, Conrad Manila is proud to<br />
present paracosmic artist IVAN CO in a solo exhibition at Gallery C. Using<br />
semi-precious gems and metals as materials and employing gravity and<br />
balance to create kinetic sculptures that mesmerize viewers, Ivan Co’s ten<br />
alluring sculpture pieces conjure grandeur, elegance and wisdom, and<br />
evoke serenity and peace for those watching these pieces move.<br />
The artist elucidates, “All of human creation and concepts has been born<br />
in part from the depths of human imagination, molded into being through<br />
creativity and ingenuity. Imagination is arguably the most powerful and<br />
influential aspect of our consciousness. These swiveling pieces came from<br />
that innate calling to think, explore and create outside the limits of what<br />
the eyes can see. As I have created and forged complex worlds in intricate<br />
detail, I found moments of solace and respite from reality. I invite you to<br />
do the same -- to enter and peer into a new world and find your path to<br />
paracosm – as therein lies your grandest version and your greatest power.”<br />
By: ROBERT JOBSON, Royal Biographer of the British Monarchy<br />
To create art that immerses the soul has always been my goal,” says Philippine-based artist and<br />
jeweller Ivan Co. “We are currently at war with distractions and I want my art to help people<br />
relearn how to focus. This intention and its proper execution, I believe, brings art to a higher<br />
plane.” These are bejewelled works of wonder, made of hand-wrought precious metals and<br />
semiprecious stones, which swing to their own beat. With scientific precision – using<br />
pendulums, axles and intricate balancing points – each piece is a moving sculpture that rocks<br />
and swivels to mesmerising effect.<br />
On view at The Conrad Manila as part of its Art and Wine series is Ivan Co’s “<strong>Paracosm</strong>.”<br />
<strong>Paracosm</strong> is a term used to describe a complex and richly detailed imaginary world created<br />
over the span of a number of years. These latest works gives us a peek into the paracosmic<br />
artist’s belief that all of human creation and concepts has been born in part from the depths of<br />
human imagination, moulded into being through creativity and ingenuity. Imagination is Co’s<br />
most powerful and influential aspect of consciousness. Through his swivelling pieces, we see<br />
that they’re created from the artist’s innate calling to think, explore and create outside the<br />
limits of what his eyes can see. He has created and forged complex worlds in intricate detail<br />
where one can find moments of solace and respite from reality.<br />
Take Ivan’s Fenestra, a wall-hanging sculpture composed of concentric shapes with pendulums<br />
that oscillate at different speeds to draw the audience in a different world. Intended to be a<br />
gateway to an unknown world that only the mind can create, it invites its audience to free the<br />
mind from its limits and peer into its most creative aspects. Then there is Orbis, a spherical<br />
sculpture that features a series of concentric wheels that rotate at different speeds, to<br />
appealingly disorientating effect. These are ornate, ingenious, mobile creations, involving both<br />
art and craftsmanship; natural gems are used as weights, their pendulum action deeply<br />
engrossing. “In a sense, they are collaborations with nature, too,” Co explains, as the effect of<br />
gravity is key in their making and operation. “Every piece is one of a kind. Whether sapphire, or<br />
tourmaline, I weigh each gem to create the perfect balance for a certain movement,” he says.<br />
Having a stress-relieving quality, Co’s sculptures reflect the pushes and pulls and tensions of<br />
everyday life, their elegant movement has a calming and hypnotic effect on the viewer. Energy<br />
fields are balanced and audiences are drawn in by their trance-like qualities and exquisite<br />
workmanship. “I want my pieces to provide an escape, as they do for me,” he says. “I stay with<br />
a piece for an hour; it helps open the mind. I find this in my work: sometimes my hands just<br />
move of their own accord when I am creating.”<br />
In today’s uncertain times, the demand for Co’s work has continued to rise as he enjoys success<br />
in a global scale. Take his Rotundum series, each with moving sceptres that flows elegantly,<br />
creating a paradigm of serene mobility that is undisturbed by global strife or mental stress. To<br />
move rhythmically with the tempo and melody of life is in itself a balancing act. And the artist<br />
reminds us of that majestically through his distinct bejewelled art.
Ivan Co<br />
Born in 1984, Ivan Co started his artistic journey in the jewelry<br />
industry at an early age when he was exposed to his<br />
grandfather’s pearl farm in Palawan and his father’s jewelry<br />
business. He finished his Bachelor of Arts degree in Multimedia<br />
Arts at the DLSU College of Saint Benilde before starting a career<br />
as a fine jewelry designer in Hoseki Jewelry Art. While working in<br />
the family business handling operations and design, Ivan was<br />
awarded a full scholarship in 2006 at the GIA Gemological<br />
Institute of America Hong Kong for his winning design in the<br />
International Jewelry Design Competition organized by the South<br />
Sea Pearl Consortium.<br />
In 2014 he started his own business, Ornamento Jewellery, crafting statement jewelry pieces<br />
that later on led to a stronger need for a bigger platform for creative expression. This need<br />
steered Ivan into living in a modern-day temple for a year, seeking self-discovery and solace.<br />
His days of isolation and deep reflection catalyzed his decision to finally embrace his artistic<br />
nature fully, and begin a career in fine arts through sculpture-making. His hands found their<br />
way to create pieces that transcend the limitations of wearability.<br />
With his decades of experience in metallurgy and jewelry-making, he started to build intricate<br />
and ornate sculptures in 2018. He translated his deep connection with the life force and energy<br />
into moving pendulums using semi-precious gems set in aurichalcum, a special metal alloy that<br />
the artist forged himself. Ivan spends thousands of hours creating elaborate art infused with an<br />
array of emotions and revelations, making each piece one of one. He then joined multiple<br />
group shows and held solo exhibits locally and internationally in Asia, Europe and North<br />
America.<br />
In 2022, he was the only Filipino invited to be featured in The Official Platinum Jubilee Edition<br />
book to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s 70-year reign. The exclusive commemorative book was<br />
launched in London in October 2022, where Ivan’s artworks were exhibited alongside royaltyfavored<br />
brands such as Bovet, Breguet and Lladró.<br />
Ivan continues to evolve as an artist by focusing on innovation and strives to inspire his viewers<br />
to pursue higher ideals for a more purposeful and awakened existence. He is currently working<br />
on ‘never been seen before’ artworks for his upcoming international shows and is expanding<br />
his art’s presence globally.<br />
P a r a c o s m<br />
2022<br />
50 x 42 x 42 cm<br />
PHP 2,200,000<br />
Reimagined *Aurichalcum with Amethyst, Aventurine, Mystic Topaz,<br />
Lemon Quartz, Crystal Quartz, Rose Quartz, Tourmalinated Quartz,<br />
Yellow Calcite, Opal, Malachite and Pearls on hand-poured resin<br />
2021<br />
72 x 28 x 28 cm<br />
PHP 1,700,000<br />
P a r a c o s m<br />
Reimagined *Aurichalcum with Obsidian, Garnet, Sandstone,<br />
Moonstone, Onyx, Clear Quartz, Agate and Pearls on hand-poured resin<br />
P a r a c o s m<br />
2023<br />
46.5 x 44 x 28.5 cm<br />
PHP 2,200,000<br />
Reimagined *Aurichalcum with Green Gold, Amethyst, Black Onyx, Rose<br />
Quartz, Clear Quartz, Agate and Pearls on hand-poured resin<br />
2019<br />
50 x 28 x 28 cm<br />
PHP 1,300,000<br />
P a r a c o s m<br />
Reimagined *Aurichalcum with Amethyst, Jade, Tiger’s Eye, Onyx, Rose<br />
Quartz, Kyanite, Carnelian, Agate and Pearls on hand-poured resin<br />
P a r a c o s m<br />
2023<br />
80 x 50 x 50 cm<br />
PHP 2,600,000<br />
Reimagined *Aurichalcum with Emerald, Sapphire, Blue Topaz,<br />
Amethyst, Agate and Clear Quartz on solid Acacia<br />
2022<br />
72 x 72 cm<br />
PHP 3,100,000<br />
P a r a c o s m<br />
Reimagined *Aurichalcum with Emerald, Labradorite, Green Gold, Jade,<br />
Onyx, Clear Quartz and Agate on solid Acacia<br />
P a r a c o s m<br />
2023<br />
72 x 72 cm<br />
PHP 3,100,000<br />
Reimagined *Aurichalcum with Citrine, Green Onyx, Amethyst, Sunstone, Smoky<br />
Quartz, Jade, Aventurine, Carnelian, Malachite, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Cherry<br />
Quartz, Jasper and Pearls on hand-poured resin and solid Mahogany frame<br />
2021<br />
72 x 72 cm<br />
PHP 2,400,000<br />
P a r a c o s m<br />
Reimagined *Aurichalcum with Green Amethyst, Lemon Topaz,<br />
Labradorite, Green Onyx, Blue Topaz, Prehnite, Garnet, Clear Quartz,<br />
Agate and Pearls on hand-poured resin and solid Mahogany frame<br />
P a r a c o s m<br />
2021<br />
47 x 28 x 28 cm<br />
Artwork not for sale<br />
Reimagined *Aurichalcum with Sapphire, Green Onyx, Amethyst, Lapis<br />
Lazuli, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Calcite, Agate and Pearls on<br />
hand-poured resin<br />
2023<br />
122 X 77 X 77 cm<br />
Artwork not for sale<br />
P a r a c o s m<br />
Brass, Golden Healer Quartz, Sunstone Obsidian, Glass spheres, Black<br />
Onyx and Pearls on hand-poured resin and solid Acacia<br />
Published 2024 by Conrad Manila<br />
All rights reserved @ 2024<br />
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,<br />
electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and<br />
retrieval system, without prior permission inwriting from the publisher and/or artists.
Seaside Boulevard Corner Coral Way, Mall of Asia Complex,<br />
Pasay City 1300, Philippines<br />
Tel.: +632 8833 9999 Email:<br />