bob maepe healing book 2023 english

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why didn‟t God stop the Devil?” Good question. We might also ask, “Why

doesn‟t God stop earthquakes or famines or wars?”

The answer is, not everything that happens is God‟s responsibility. He left

the planet in Adam‟s control and Adam handed it to the Devil. Satan went

for Job because he could. When God said, “All that he has is in thy

power” (Job 1:12), He wasn‟t handing Job over to Satan - God doesn‟t do

deals with the devil! - He was simply stating a fact. The whole

unredeemed “world is under the control of the evil one” (1 John 5:19). Job

was without protection from Satan or the effects of sin because he was

not in the New Covenant. God doesn‟t give Satan ever permission to cause


Another important aspect is that Satan, not God, is the one who attacked

Job's health, causing the suffering (Job 2:7). So for anyone to say that he

is trying to hold on to his sickness, just like how God had given Job

would be unbiblical. The three friends, Zophar, Eliphaz and Bildad, claim

that if something bad happens to someone, it must be because they did

something bad. If something good happens, it must be because they did

something good. Using this theology, they try to get Job to admit what he

has done wrong. God rebukes all of the religious-sounding “advice” and

“comfort” that all of “Job‟s friends” had to say and even ends up saying

“they have not spoken truth about me” (Job 38:2, 42:7). Job himself also

accused God of quite some awful things.

If I called and He answered me, I would not believe that He was listening

to my voice. For He crushes me with a tempest, and multiplies my wounds

without cause. He will not allow me to catch my breath, But fills me with

bitterness (Job 9:16-18). God throws me into a pit with filth and even my

clothes are ashamed of me. If God were human, I could answer him; we

could go to court to decide our quarrel. But there is no one to step between

us no one to judge both God and me. Stop punishing me, God! Keep your

terrors away! (Job 9:31-34, GNB). Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him

(Job 13:15a).

Job claimed that God was responsible for bringing disaster and suffering

upon him, yet he would still trust God. This sounds an awful lot like

those who accuse God for killing their children or loved ones, but say, “I

still trust God.” Come on, wake up! If God were responsible for doing

such things, why would you even want to have a relationship with Him?

How can you trust someone that murders your loved ones? Who would

want to hang out with an unreliable, quick-tempered, angry serial killer?

God doesn‟t kill His children. Elihu, the only person in the whole book of

Job who wasn't rebuked as speaking “words without knowledge,” rightly




Medicine is something that treats, prevents or alleviates symptoms of

diseases. The word of God is a medicine freely available to all people. It

has power to remove symptoms of diseases and to bring divine health, to

make people whole and sound. This medicine works effectively in all

circumstances that afflict mankind. You can take the word of God as

medicine without fear of overdose because, it does not have negative after

effects like other natural medicines. On contrary when you take this

supernatural medicine of God you will reap healing and divine health.

You don‟t have to buy it, since it is free. Christ has already paid for it

through His life on the cross of Calvary. Therefore like other medicines

the word of God must be taken (to be read, to be believed with the heart,

to be meditated and confessed with the mouth) so that it can work in our

spirit, soul and body. The medicine that is put on the shelf has never

healed any person. You are supposed to drink the medicine according to

the prescriptions of the doctor, so that it can be effective.

Here are the directions:

My child (son), pay attention to my words; listen closely to what I say

(bend your ear to my speech). Don‟t ever forget my words (let your eyes

slip); keep them always in mind (guard them in your heart). They are the

key to life (life) for those who find them; they bring health to the whole

body. Be careful what you think (above all that you guard, protect your

heart), because your thoughts run your life (life flows from it) (Proverbs

4:20-23, EXB).

Verse 22 tells us that the words of God will bring healing to our whole

body. The way in which the medicine of God works is when you take it

through your whole being. This you do by listening to the word of God,

reading it, meditating it and confessing it day and night. Meditating on

the word of God includes saturating your mind and heart with the word

of God and confessing the word of God in your life.


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