bob maepe healing book 2023 english

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body is naturally getting better by itself, but the process is speeded up

through laying hands and the prayer of faith.

In this way, the process of healing can be shortened and instead of weeks

or months healing should take place, usually, within hours or days. And

there should be some progress immediately. And the prayer of faith will

save (heal) the sick, and the Lord will raise him up (James 5:15). It does

not say the sick will always be raised up instantly. Its just that they will

be raised. “They will recover.” All healing is a process that happens

through time as you continually improve in health. With God, healing can

sometimes be so speeded up that to us it seems almost instant! Many

people who have not understood that healing is a process involving time

have given up on getting healed, or to minister healing when they did not

have an instant miracle recovery. Don‟t let the devil steal from you

through this wrong thinking; healing is yours, because Jesus paid for it

(1 Peter 2:24).

But the Bible never says we will all receive healing instantly. Sometimes it

can be instant, and we know it is a miracle. Other times it can take a

while, but no matter how long it takes, we have the promise of God that

healing is ours, giving us divine assurance that we will be healthy and

whole! So never accept that healing is not God‟s will just because it does

not happen instantaneously. Let me give a true story of a man who was

sick that I prayed for to show that healing sometimes happens in stages.

One Sunday after church I went to a home of one of church members

after I was told that he was sick. After arriving at his home I told him that

healing belongs to him, because God already made a provision for his

healing through the stripes of Jesus Christ according to 1 Peter 2:24 and

Isaiah 53:4-5.

God quickened his understanding to know that healing is already

available in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so he just had to reach out

in faith for it to be manifested in his body. The man was bedfast, could

not walk by himself but used a walking cane with four legs to support

him and could not even stretch his hands before I ministered healing to

him in Jesus Name. After ministering healing I asked him to walk around

his bedroom and stretch his hands, so he leaped and stretched his hands

to the glory of God our healer. Even though the man walked he was not

yet stable, so I asked him to keep meditating and confessing that he is

healed by the stripes. After that I left the home and told the family that I

will come back to visit them another day.

I returned to the family next Sunday and was told that the man could

now walk inside the house and was recovering well. So I told him that he


The written word of God has supernatural power which brings life to us.

Due to not feeling the healing power from the word of God this can hinder

the working of the power of God, because we can get sick while healing is

available. Words of God written in the Bible can seem like they are dead,

like the seed in the soil. But once that seed dies it geminates and

produces a crop that has life, similarly the word of God that is meditated

and confessed continually is able to bring healing and divine health to

our bodies.

Then Jesus said to the Jews who believed on Him, if you continue in My

Word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and

the truth shall make you free (John 8:31-32, MKJV).

You have a written promise of Jesus; His word will bring deliverance in

every area of our lives including deliverance from diseases. But you are

supposed to continue (persevere) in His word. You are supposed to eat

the word of God until you know in your spirit that you know the truth.

Then you will do (practice) that truth and it will deliver you. Taking the

word of God as medicine includes hearing and believing what God has

spoken. We are supposed to exalt what God have said above what people

are saying. There is no person in the whole world that can surpass God in

power and knowledge. Therefore we can trust what God speaks above any

person‟s word.

Every time we begin to think about symptoms of diseases that are

afflicting us and bad report this is called "to worry", this means we have

stopped taking the word of God as medicine according to the directions

given in the Bible. To worry is not the right thing; it is to think something

which is not good for your life. The word of God in 1Peter 5:7 instructs us

to cast all our anxiety (worries) upon the Lord for He cares for us. So you

are not supposed to carry all the worries in your life by yourself according

to the word of God, you should lay them on the feet of Jesus Christ. You

ought to meditate the word of God which includes thinking deeply about

the word of God in your mind. Furthermore meditation of the word

includes filling your mind with the word of God constantly, muttering the

word of God silently on your inside and confessing it with your mouth


How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself getting healed? Or do you

see yourself getting worse? If you are meditating on the word of God

constantly you will see yourself getting better. You will think, confess and

practice what is in line with healing. Words are the way we express our

decisions and our faith: to us, to God, to satan and to other people. When


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