bob maepe healing book 2023 english

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God had already made a provision for your healing, before you were born

on this earth, when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross of Calvary (1

Peter 2:24). However you still have to receive your healing by faith in

Jesus Christ. Faith is the hand that receives what God has already

provided by grace. Faith believes what God speaks regardless of prevailing

circumstances or emotions present. Receiving by faith means to take,

because faith does not beg but receives what God has already provided.

Take what is already yours by faith in Christ.

Your faith will grow as you continue to speak verses from the word of

God, in this book with boldness and persistence. When you continue to

meditate and confess the word of God, you will reap healing and divine

health in your body. The word of God works like a seed which dies in the

soil and germinate to bring a harvest to the sower. God always

accomplishes His word as He after it, to perform it.

And Jehovah said to me, you have seen well; for I will watch over My

Word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12).

Sir Francis Bacon said, Some books are to be tasted, others to be

swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested: that is, some books

are to be read only in parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and

some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. This is one

of those books to be chewed and digested. It is to be studied and enjoyed.

This book is not to be read only once and be set aside. It is to be used

daily as spiritual food together with the Bible, even when you are not

sick. The reason being that the word of God is to be read slowly,

repeatedly and be stored in the heart because, it has supernatural power

to bring healing to the spirit, soul and body.

individuals. Even if you receive healing by the faith of someone or his

ministry, truths in this book are still essential for you to get them. In the

world that we live in there are sicknesses and infirmities, therefore your

faith needs to stay on fire (stirred up). You are not supposed to depend on

the faith of other people, because they won‟t always be there when you

have needs.

But the word of God is the medicine that is freely available to all people,

full of the divine healing power, to renew your mind and your body. There

is a popular adage that says, "don‟t give a person fish but teach a person

to fish so that he can fish for life." I find those words to be true in the

area of divine healing. Even if the doctors have given you a bad report

about your health condition, this book will give you a second report

directly from God that "you were healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ

before you even existed." It is my firm trust and hope that this book will

help to grow your faith especially in the area of healing, the Holy Spirit

will quicken (open, amplify) your spiritual eyes, reveal to you that God

wants you to prosper in everything and be in health even as your soul

prospers (3 John1:2).

The medicine of God is not like other natural medicines which can be

dangerous to our lives when overdosed, the word of God when overdosed

bring whole healing and divine health. When the symptoms of sickness

increases drink this medicine more. The medicine of God is very powerful

when you drink it daily; it prevents sickness and infirmities before they

are manifested in your body.

This wonderful medicine of God is supposed to be shared with other

people. All the people that you love are supposed to have this book in

their homes, read it daily, keep the word of God in their hearts and they

will have a harvest of restoration and divine healing of God. Our Lord



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