bob maepe healing book 2023 english

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sick.” That‟s a lie. Healing is letting the Spirit-life flow through you to

cure the sick person. In the process of letting the Spirit-life flowing

through you, whatever is wrong in your body, it will start to recover as

well. So despite if you have a cold, you are sneezing, coughing, puking or

aching somewhere, pray for one another so you may get healed as well.

9.23 Doesn’t James limit praying for healing only to elders and not

all Christians?

The statement that James used "should", “limited” the application of

divine healing only to the “elders” is not only false, but also an overlook of

many clear teachings of Christ (Matt. 28:18-20, Mark 16:18, John 12:12-

14). Jesus commanded all of His disciples in the following generations to

do exactly what He did, which included divine healing. And if every

believer is instructed to do what Christ had done (which included divine

healing), then the statement that divine healing is only “limited to the

elders” would be grievously false (John 14:12-14).

We must be very careful not to create a sense of a “church ladder” for

people to climb in order for them to “earn a title” to do the works of

Christ. Let us not forget that it was the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who

commanded each believer to do the works that He did with His given

authority and power (John 14:12-14, Matt. 28:18-20, Mark 16:18-20).

We should also not misunderstand and think that we are relieved of our

responsibility to heal the sick simply because we are not “elders” or we

don‟t have a certain role in church. Healing the sick is a clear

commandment for every believer, not a suggestion (Matthew 10:8,

Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:18). Similarly, it is a clear commandment for

every believer to preach the gospel with signs following, also not a

suggestion (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:18-20). This also means that it is

not a matter of how “spiritual” we are that qualifies us to heal the sick.

Rather, it is by faith and by Jesus‟ Name that give us the ability to fulfill

that commandment (Acts 3:12, 16). Our ability to heal comes only from

the atonement of Christ, His authority, and His power given to us as

believers (Matthew 10:7-8, Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 9:1-6, Mark 16:14-

20). This means that no one is exempt from healing the sick for reasons

such as “I'm not spiritual enough,” or “I don't know much about divine

healing.” What counts is the atonement of Christ and His Name. It is not

about how spiritual we are, or how much we measure up.

Beloved, in regard to all things I pray that you prosper and be in health,

even as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2, NKJV).

I'll restore your health and heal your wounds," declares the LORD.

"People call you an outcast: Zion, no one cares for you (Jeremiah 30:17


The LORD will keep you from having any kind of illness. He will not strike

you with any of the terrible diseases you experienced in Egypt. Instead,

he will strike all those who hate you (Deuteronomy 7:15, GW).

Who forgives [every one of] all your iniquities, Who heals [each one of] all

your diseases, Who redeems your life from the pit and corruption, Who

beautifies, dignifies, and crowns you with loving-kindness and tender

mercy; (Psalm 103:3-4, AMP).

All these verses show that Jehovah is the God who heals, it is His will

that we should live well in our bodies and prosper. It is not the will of

God for His children to be sick. Our earthly parents want us to prosper

and be blessed, so God as our heavenly Father surpasses our parents, He

loves us unconditionally therefore, cannot bring diseases to our bodies.

The apostle James one of Christ‟s disciples wrote the following words with

the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, every good gift and every perfect (free,

large, full) gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of all (that

gives) light, in (the shining of) Whom there can be no variation (rising or

setting) or shadow cast by His turning (as in an eclipse). (James 1:17)

God is the good God, so everything that comes from Him is good and

perfect; therefore diseases and infirmities do not come from God but from

the devil. That is the reason that we are supposed to resist sicknesses

from entering our bodies by meditating healing scriptures and confessing

them with our mouths. We are supposed to do this with perfect

knowledge that, Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they

who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it (for death or life) (Proverbs 18:21).

Satan is bad (evil, wicked), everything that come from him is bad, that is

the reason we should stand against (reject) things from him, and not

receive them but, be subject to God. Resist the devil [stand firm against

him], and he will flee from you (James 4:7).



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