bob maepe healing book 2023 english

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9.27 Why are some people healed quickly, while others take a long

time to completely recover?

Only God, who makes every fingerprint unique, can fully answer this

question. People are individuals. But God is working out His best will for

every one of us as we submit to Him. We can trust in His perfect love.

Our part is simply to believe His Word and be grateful for what God has

given us, not to complain about what someone else got. Instead of

expressing doubt or unbelief if healing does not happen quickly, we

should respond by saying “Thank You Lord that Your healing power is

working in my body now!”

9.28 Am I implying that people who are sick deserve to be sick?

NO! Some sickness may be a result of unhealthy lifestyle choices we have

made, but certainly not always. Many people are victims of accidents and

the bad choices of others. No one deserves to be sick.

Their bad choices may have made an opening for sickness to attack them.

But Jesus died for all our sins. God forgives, so we should also forgive

ourselves as well as others. We all need God‟s mercy.

9.29 Do you need permission from the sick person or family member

to heal or deliver people?

No. For example, the lame man at the Gate Beautiful didn‟t ask for

healing, didn‟t want healing, but was healed nonetheless. The lame man

at the pool of Bethesda responded to the question, “do you want to be

healed?” not with “yes,” but with complaining. With a complaining

attitude and without giving permission and without faith on the man‟s

part, Jesus healed him. Rule of thumb: for it to be right for anybody it

has to be right for everybody. If it is true that you need to have

permission to heal the sick then that means nobody can get healed any

other way. For it to be right for one it has to be right all the time, it would

be a spiritual law. And if you don‟t have to do it every time then you don‟t

have to do it any time!

You are not overriding the persons will, but the devils will. You don‟t

know what that person‟s will is. If they say “no”, how do you know it‟s the

person or a lying spirit? Jesus didn‟t say; heal the sick IF you have

permission. Don‟t put qualifications where Jesus didn‟t! You don‟t have

authority over the person, you do have authority over all sickness,


As Jesus said, The good man from his inner good treasure flings forth

good things, and the evil man out of his inner evil storehouse flings forth

evil things (Matthew 12:35).

That means if you want external conditions to be better tomorrow, you'd

better start changing your internal condition today. You'd better start

taking the Word of God and depositing it in your heart just like you

deposit money in the bank. Then you can make withdrawals on it

whenever you need it. When sickness attacks your body, you can tap into

the healing Word you've put inside you and run that sickness off!

Exactly how do you do that?

You open your mouth and speak--not words of sickness and disease,

discouragement and despair, but words of healing and life, faith and

hope. You follow the last step of God's divine prescription and Put away

from you false and dishonest speech and willful and contrary talk put far

from you. In short, you speak the Words of God and call yourself healed

in Jesus' Name. Initially, that may not be easy for you to do. But you

must do it anyway because for the faith to work it must be in two places--

in your heart and in your mouth. "For with the heart man believeth unto

righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation"

(Romans 10:10).

Some people say faith will move mountains. But, the scriptural truth is,

faith won't even move a molehill for you unless you release it with the

words of your mouth. The Lord Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, whoever says

to this mountain, Be lifted up and thrown into the sea and does not

doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place, it

will be done for him." (Mark 11:23). Notice the word say appears three

times in that verse while the word believe appears only once. Obviously,

Jesus wanted us to know that our words are crucial.

It's also important to note that He did not instruct us to talk about the

mountain, He instructed us to talk to it! If we're going to obey Him, we

must talk to the mountain of sickness and cast it out of our lives.

The Lord has told us in His word that we can have what we say, but most

of the people are saying what they have! Instead of saying, "I'm healed,"

most Christians say, "I'm sick," and reinforce (strengthen) the sickness or


"But, Bob, it bothers me to say I'm healed when my body still feels sick!"

It shouldn't. It didn't bother Abraham. He went around calling himself the


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