
Event Guide for the 2024 Liverpool Business Fair. Featuring lots of useful information for businesses and budding entrepreneurs. Includes full exhibitor listings and details of local business support.

Event Guide for the 2024 Liverpool Business Fair. Featuring lots of useful information for businesses and budding entrepreneurs. Includes full exhibitor listings and details of local business support.


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www.liverpoolbizfair.co.uk<br />

eventguide<br />

Liverpool Business Fair sponsors and event supporters<br />

Liverpool Business Fair <strong>2024</strong><br />

Thursday 21 March <strong>2024</strong> Liverpool FC

Support your business<br />

ss<br />

to grow with an<br />

LJMU apprentice<br />

e<br />



I<br />


I<br />


I<br />



behaviours and<br />

attitudes in our<br />

degree ee apprentices<br />

*Ofsted 2023<br />

Degree apprenticeships at LJMU cover<br />

a range of sectors, including policing,<br />

healthcare, civil engineering, chartered<br />

surveying and business management.<br />

Visit our website to see the full list.<br />


to find out how you can make the most<br />

of the degree apprenticeship levy or take<br />

advantage of a 95% government-funded<br />


welcome<br />

Welcome to the Liverpool Business Fair at<br />

Liverpool FC - unbelievably this is the<br />

22nd year of the event!<br />

Business to Business Exhibion - a wide variety of companies<br />

are showcasing their products and services to the hundreds of visitors<br />

aending the event.<br />

Exhibitors are on hand to provide advice and offer soluons on a wide<br />

range of crucial business topics including markeng, banking and<br />

finance, technology, social media, communicaons, training, promoon,<br />

management/performance improvement and lots more. Plus there are<br />

some great free business workshops taking place throughout the day.<br />

Ask the Expert - A range of Experts are on hand to provide advice<br />

and guidance on a range of issues<br />

Find out more about what apprenceships are, who they are for, how<br />

they work, and what funding is available and how you can access it -<br />

talk to the LJMU team on their stand and aend their free keynote<br />

session<br />

Visit the BIPC Liverpool City Region stand to find out about the<br />

support available for new and small businesses on Merseyside<br />

Find out more about the help available to grow your business with<br />

Liverpool City Council - Growth Plaorm - and LCR Connect<br />

Get more out of LinkedIn by talking to the IN Social team on their<br />

stand and aending their free workshop session<br />

Discuss your IT issues wth the APOC IT team throughout the day<br />

Free 1-2-1 Ask the Expert Clinics from Chartered Management Instute<br />

for individuals and organisaons with queries around management<br />

and leadership development, personal / professional development,<br />

experienal learning, including business simulaon, and performance<br />

improvement.<br />

Complimentary Pop Up Coaching Sessions - from Ask<br />

Andy Guile of New Direcons. Andy is an ICA Master Coach and Trainer<br />

and will be available throughout the day, just go to his stand and book<br />

your slot.<br />

For further information on future events, please visit our website<br />

www.businessfairsuk.com. Finally, thank you for attending and<br />

we hope that you have a productive and enjoyable time.<br />

Seminars and Workshops<br />

10.40am: How To Grow Your Current Business with UW<br />

During these challenging economic mes there has never been a beer me to<br />

explore other opons.<br />

So, how would running UW alongside what you do now benefit you?<br />

Transferable Skills - More Sales Success - Be Part of a Posive Community - Personal<br />

and Professional Development<br />

So, what else could you achieve?<br />

More Money! £££ - More Free Time! - Increased Pension!<br />

There is no doubt that being a Mulple Income Individual is the way forward!<br />

Curious about how you can get paid month aer month aer month, for doing<br />

something once?<br />

Come along and find out more!<br />

Delivered by Sauren Ghosh, Partner, Ulity Warehouse (UW)<br />

11.10am: Unlocking LinkedIn's Potenal: Boost Your<br />

B2B Sales with AI Insights<br />

In this dynamic seminar, Ian, our seasoned sales expert, will unravel the untapped<br />

potenal of LinkedIn. Whether you're a seasoned B2B professional or just starng<br />

out, this session promises aconable strategies to supercharge your lead generaon.<br />

Buckle up, because we're diving into the heart of LinkedIn and harnessing the power<br />

of AI to elevate your results and simplify your life.<br />

Agenda<br />

Decoding LinkedIn - What is LinkedIn? - Posion Yourself as the Expert - Effecve<br />

Content Creaon - Targeng the Right Prospects - Laser-Focused Engagement - The<br />

Art of Engaging Messages - Write Like a Pro - Finding Your Ideal Prospects - Sales<br />

Navigator: Your Secret Weapon - AI-Powered Conversion Boosters<br />

Delivered by Ian Nicklin, IN Social<br />

11.50am KEYNOTE SESSION: Demysfying<br />

Apprenceships<br />

Apprenceships are a great way to upskill your staff or aract new staff but the range<br />

of opons available and knowing how to access the funding can be confusing. This<br />

session will help you understand what apprenceships are, who they are for and how<br />

they work. We’ll also discuss how they are funded and how you can access the<br />

funding.<br />

Delivered by Dr Emma Hill, Head of Apprenceships, Liverpool Business School<br />

(LJMU)<br />

12.25pm: The not so secret world of Business Duck<br />

Herding<br />

Fed up of being busy, but not producve?<br />

Does it feel like your ducks are out of control and the business seems to run your life?<br />

This session will help you take a step back and concentrate on the basics of your<br />

business, the 5 major pillars that success are built on.<br />

Its me to retake control, learn how to get those ducks in a row and have a<br />

producve controlled business that works for you and not you working for it!<br />

Delivered by Andy Guile, Business Coach & Trainer<br />

1.00pm: Networking Session<br />

Come along and make lots of new business<br />

contacts - as well as catching up with familiar faces<br />

– at our free networking session<br />

hosted by BNI Merseyside<br />

This eventprogramme is produced by Liverpool BA and is distributed free of charge. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in the eventprogramme, Liverpool BA cannot accept<br />

responsibility for advertising content and any omissions or inaccuracies it may contain. Registered address: 54 St James Street, Liverpool L1 0AB<br />

NB Timings may vary on the day

exhibitors<br />

Alcohol Free Drinks Company<br />

We champion independent producers of Alcohol Free Drinks. We like to promote<br />

choice in venues and hope to ensure that consumers in venues of all sizes have great<br />

AF drinks to choose from. Talk to us about volume discounts and help with tasting<br />

sessions etc. We aim to become your one stop shop for all your Alcohol Free needs.<br />

07540 203 759 https://alcoholfreedrinks.co.uk<br />

F: @alcoholfreedrinkscompany I: @alc0h0lfreedrinks<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-alcohol-free-drinks-company<br />

APOC IT<br />

Working with Businesses who are Fed up wasting time & money fire-fighting IT issues,<br />

which could have been prevented.<br />

0151 659 1659 https://apocit.com<br />

T: @apocit.com F: @ApocIT I: @apocit<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/company/apocit/<br />

Ask Andy Guile<br />

Andy Guile is known as the Business Duck Herder<br />

The go to International business coach and trainer for small business<br />

Andy’s no nonsense approach to concentrating on the basics of business is making a<br />

real difference to clients as they uncomplicate their daily routine, Identify productive<br />

procedures and get rid of bad habits that take time and effort but produce no results.<br />

Andy concentrates on you sales, time management, planning, networking and<br />

communication Tailor made coaching and training ensures we get to deliver what<br />

you want and need, not what others think you need, this isn’t a one size fits all model<br />

approach and that’s where the difference lies.<br />

Basically getting your business ducks in a row will transform your business and Andy<br />

can help you achieve it. So, Ask Andy Guile today.<br />

07960 888 001 https://askandyguile.newzenler.com/<br />

T: @askandyguile F: @askandyguile I: @guileandy<br />

Baycliff Dental & Implant Surgery<br />

At Baycliff we bring together the latest techniques and technology, along with highly<br />

experienced dentists and support staff. This ensures that we provide 5-star dentistry in<br />

order for you to look and feel great.<br />

0151 228 2200 www.baycliffdentalsurgery.co.uk<br />

T: @BaycliffDental F: Baycliff Dental & Implant Surgery<br />

I: @baycliffdental L: Baycliff Dental & Implant Surgery<br />

Biscon Planning Ltd<br />

Biscon is an innovative risk and business continuity consultancy which was established in<br />

2001 and has offices in Chalford, Gloucestershire and Liverpool, Merseyside. All the work we<br />

do is designed to conform with the Standard for Business Continuity Management, ISO<br />

22301 (2019). We work with our clients using only experienced and accredited consultants.<br />

We also provide advice and support for Organisational Resilience.<br />

0151 345 6447 / 01453 889250 www.biscon.co.uk<br />

T: @bisconplanning L: https://www.linkedin.com/company/biscon-planning-ltd<br />

Bulldog Productions<br />

At Bulldog Productions, we offer Comprehensive Packages tailored to your budget,<br />

providing your visual solution for website, Branding, Social Media and Online<br />

Marketing. We capture spaces with Quality Matterport 3D-360° Tours, Professional<br />

Photography, Drone Photographs, and Google Maps Street View.<br />

Make your online presence stand out effortlessly with Bulldog Productions.<br />

07912 439 619 https://bulldogproductions.co.uk<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-doyle-208a26296/<br />

Business Connect Magazine<br />

An independent business to business bi-monthly magazine published both in print and<br />

online. Business Connect Magazine covers a wide range of regions and business<br />

sectors and has an emphasis on B2B networking connecting many different businesses<br />

together on a common platform. Based in Greater Manchester, the magazine has<br />

been bringing the business community of the North together for over 8 years. IT has<br />

recently rebranded from GM Business Connect to accommodate fast growing interest<br />

from different business sectors across the UK and beyond.<br />

Connecting businesses has always defined Business Connect Magazine, and to now<br />

engage with businesses across the UK and further afield offers readers and<br />

advertisers an exciting set of opportunities for the future.<br />

07708 987 518 www.businessconnectmagazine.co.uk<br />

T: @GMBizConnect F: @BusinessConnectMagazine<br />

I: @business_connect_mag<br />

Business & IP Centre Liverpool City Region<br />

Business & IP Centre Liverpool can support you if you’re looking to start or grow your<br />

business. From taking those first steps to successfully launching and developing a<br />

business, you will find people and business resources here to help you.<br />

0151 233 5825 T: @BIPCLiverpool www.liverpool.gov.uk/bipc<br />

Business Leads<br />

B2B Lead Generation for £20 per day<br />

Let the Experts Handle Your Email Marketing Campaigns<br />

Tired of spending countless hours crafting emails, building lists, and tracking results?<br />

Our email marketing service takes the hassle out of lead generation so you can focus<br />

on growing your business.<br />

01978 898652 | 07368 528876<br />

https://business-leads.co.uk/<br />

Chartered Management Institute<br />

Professional body for Managers and Leaders, focusing on improving personal and<br />

organisational performance. We set the standards, support individual and<br />

organisational development, provide accreditation, qualifications and professional<br />

recognition, including Chartered Manager status.<br />

Attractive membership rates for individuals and organisations at each event.<br />

01539 726191 / 077 966 95259 www.managers.org.uk<br />

T: @cmi_managers F: @bettermanagers<br />

CIEED<br />

The Centre of International Executive Education and Development (CIEED) team draws<br />

on years of experience gained both in the workplace (public, private and not-forprofit),<br />

as well as in the field of education, in developing a better understanding of<br />

how learning and development can make a greater impact, both for the individual and<br />

the organisation. CIEED offers a unique range and blend of learning and development<br />

aimed at developing current and future leaders and managers as professionals and<br />

executives. Whether you are an individual wanting to maximise your potential, an<br />

employer seeking to get the best out of your workforce, or an educational institution<br />

seeking to ensure your students are better prepared for the workplace and to achieve<br />

greater success in their careers, the CIEED is your ideal flexible partner, able to tailor a<br />

solution which best meets your needs.<br />

01539 726 191 / 07796 695 259 www.cieed.uk.com<br />

Concept Hygiene<br />

Founded in 1993, Concept Hygiene is a leading provider of washroom products and<br />

services within the UK. From managed washrooms and waste management to health<br />

and safety advice, Concept Hygiene’s friendly team of trained professionals are always<br />

on hand to recommend the right products and services for you.<br />

0800 996 1033 https://www.concept-hygiene.co.uk/<br />

T: @Concept_Hygiene F: @ConceptHygieneHealth I: @concept__hygiene<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/company/concept-hygiene-ltd<br />

Converged Comms - LCR Connect<br />

Full Fibre Broadband & Hosted Telephony<br />

03303 322 522 www.convergedcomms.co.uk<br />

T: @CommsConverged F: Converged Comms I: @convergedcomms<br />

L: Jonathan Sheridan<br />

Costco Wholesale Liverpool<br />

Welcome to Costco. Costco is a cash and carry membership warehouse club, bringing<br />

you the best quality products at the lowest possible prices.<br />

Your membership fee allows us to keep overhead costs down and pass the savings on<br />

to you. Our members quickly recoup the cost of their membership fee through the<br />

money they save by shopping with us. Our no frills philosophy means out merchandise<br />

is displayed on its original shipping pallets or on steel shelves. For information<br />

regarding membership contact us on 0151 224 7681.<br />

0151 224 7675 www.costco.co.uk<br />

DALROD Merseyside and Chester<br />

DALROD offer specialist drain cleaning, drain jetting, CCTV drain surveys, drain lining,<br />

drain & sewer repairs and pumping solutions, with a genuine 24/7 emergency service<br />

Our local service centres across the UK are strategically placed in order for us to<br />

confidently provide the best service by local knowledgeable technicians.<br />

0151 318 7998 F: Dalrod Merseyside and Chester<br />

I: @dalrodmerseyside L: DALROD Merseyside & Chester<br />


YOUR<br />

YOUR<br />

of IT services and support.<br />


your<br />


Get published<br />

with a business focus in<br />

Celebrate a business anniversary, office move,<br />

rebrand, new product launch...<br />





The magazine for business people across the UK and beyond<br />





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BizConnectMag February/March <strong>2024</strong><br />



BusinessConnectMagazine.co.uk<br />

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BizConnectMag February/March 2022<br />

BusinessConnectMagazine.co.uk<br />

Security: 20 years safeguarding<br />

businesses and the public<br />

Leisure Guard Security share their business story<br />

in an interview with operations director Saj Kadva.<br />

IT: An integrated approach to managed IT solutions<br />

April/May 2021<br />

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FREE<br />

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PIC Y<br />

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COPY<br />

June/July 2019<br />

BizConnectMag<br />

www.BusinessConnectMagazine.co.uk<br />

Anyone can be accused of a crime...<br />

Interview with Lawyer Tariq Hussain, Managing Director of Petherbridge Bassra<br />

Solicitors, looking at potential problems with businesses being accused<br />

of crimes including furlough fraud.<br />

Electric all the way<br />

Ireland’s commercial vehicle distributor success story Harris Group create a<br />

new base in Warrington. Interview with COO John McEvoy.<br />

Manchester’s home for Gin<br />

The Atlas Bar on Deansgate share their experience in the hospitality sector<br />

over the last year of being on the frontline of restrictions.<br />

Preparing to trade with the EU and Ireland<br />

Looking at the impact of the new trading relationship with Michael Nolan,<br />

CEO of Irish customs clearance specialists, Declaron.<br />

Get yourself checked<br />

Important health information from charities Prevent Breast Cancer<br />

and Prostate Cancer UK.<br />

Interview with Ram Gupta, MD of Nybble, looking a the business<br />

Apprentiships: National Apprenticeship Week<br />

Celebrating National Apprenticeship Week with Salford City Co lege.<br />

Telecoms: Ready for the great copper switch-off?<br />

Andy Thompson, MD of nxcoms, guides us through the changeover<br />

from old copper telecoms to new fibre-optic cabling.<br />

Hospitality: Go Wilde in the city!<br />

Review of Wilde Aparthotels by Staycity latest site opened<br />

on 9 February at St. Peter’s Square in City centre Manchester.<br />

Exporting: From mutineers to trade agreements<br />

Analysis of the CPTPP - the Comprehensive and Progressive<br />

Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.<br />

Safety: Keeping the workplace and public safe<br />

Focus on risk management for businesses, also the ro lout of<br />

‘Martyn’s Law’ making venues safer from terrorism.<br />

BusinessConnectMagazine.co.uk<br />

BizConnectMag October/<br />

Accounting for the global<br />

online selling marketplaces<br />

Julia Shaw, Founder and CEO of J&P Accountants based in Manchester with offices<br />

across the world, talks abou their Global expertise in specialist e-commerce VAT<br />

solutions as we l as Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), Trademark advice<br />

and many other International services.<br />

Construction: All the latest news from the sector<br />

Reports from across the UK on the Construction industry.<br />

Property: Top 10 Landlord tips<br />

Specialist property lawyers PM Law offer their insight into managing<br />

properties in the current legal landscape.<br />

Apprenticeships: Seddon recognised as top 100 employer<br />

Salford City College industry partner commended for their commitment<br />

November 2022<br />

BizConnectMag<br />

www.BusinessConnectMagazine.co.uk<br />

to apprenticeships and the next generation construction workforce.<br />

Exporting: Exporting in the Carolean Age<br />

Tony Goodman MBE shares his insight into the impact both a new<br />

government and new monarchy wi l have on International trade.<br />

Life after Den<br />

Interview with recent Dragon and Entrepreneur<br />

Jenny Campbel.<br />

Defining a Social Business<br />

Interview with Martyn Wi lcock from the University<br />

of Salford’s Business Schoo looking at defining<br />

the new face of the third sector.<br />

The Impact of Brexit<br />

on Exporting<br />

Interview with Marie Boyer from France Line looking<br />

a the effect on the UK’s Exporting activities.<br />

Small Business Commissioner<br />

The Altrincham & Sale Chamber brings Sma l Business<br />

Commissioner to Trafford.<br />

First Friday #Connectworking<br />

City Centre Business Networking with GM Business Connect<br />

Magazine and Forever Manchester Charity.<br />

#SBS in<br />

Birmingham<br />

Exclusive interview with Theo Paphitis,<br />

the “Godfather of Small Businesses”,<br />

celebrating the <strong>2024</strong> Small Business<br />

Sunday annual event in Birmingham.<br />


Women in<br />

Business<br />

This International Women’s Day on 8 March<br />

we proudly spotlight inspiring women in<br />

business, showcasing their achievements.<br />

#IWD<strong>2024</strong> #WomenInBusiness.<br />


Ex-Dragons’ Den Entrepreneur Jenny Campbe l<br />

Photography by Martin Hambleton Photography, 07766 815703<br />


L-R Carl Heywood, Director of Client Services and Tony Hi l, A sociate Director of Leisure Guard Security,<br />

pictured outside newly opened Wilde Aparthotels by Staycity, St Peter’s Square, Manchester<br />


We can advise how you can<br />

‘Tell’ and not ‘Sell’<br />

Tariq Hussain, Managing Director of Petherbridge Bassra Solicitors<br />

with a<br />

feature article!<br />

Julia Shaw, Founder and CEO of J&P Accountants, pictured at MediaCityUK<br />


Contact<br />

Paul Mirage to be in the next issue...<br />

paul@businessconnectpublishing.co.uk .uk • 07708 987518

exhibitors<br />

Excel TM Group Ltd<br />

Excel TM Group specialise in construction telemarketing and lead generation, we<br />

focus on quality and aim to building lasting relationships between both parties.<br />

Whether you are looking to get specified on more projects, attend appointments<br />

with key decision makers, generate enquiries or sit qualified CPD’s – our<br />

knowledge and expertise can help.<br />

Elite Business #EB100 Top SME Businesses<br />

2023 Winner – Top 75<br />

Great Entrepreneur awards<br />

2021 – Service industries entrepreneur of the year – Finalists<br />

2022 – Start up entrepreneur of the year – Finalists<br />

Federation of Small Businesses<br />

2022 – Start-Up Business of the year award – Finalists<br />

Hustle Awards<br />

2022 – Scale up business of the year – Finalists<br />

Start Up Awards<br />

2022 – Construction and Building Service start up – Finalists<br />

2022 – Cheshire Start up – Finalists<br />

01244 256 920 www.exceltmgroup.com<br />

T: @exceltmgroup F: @exceltmgroup I: @exceltmgroupltd<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/company/exceltmgroup/<br />

Federation of Small Businesses<br />

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is the largest membership organisation<br />

of its type in the UK, with around 170,000 members nationally. We provide our<br />

members with a raft of benefits from our unlimited use legal and HR helpline, tax<br />

investigation insurance, cyber security portfolio to help protect you from online<br />

crooks, and a debt recovery service for those unpaid invoices + dozens more!<br />

As a lobbying organisation we also have a powerful voice in Government, and at<br />

a regional level where we work closely with local councils and devolved city<br />

region mayors to ensure the small business point of view is always heard by<br />

decision makers. Our membership offering is second-to-none, and due to the size<br />

of our membership allowing economies of scale, we are cheaper than the rest,<br />

too. Come along to our stand and see how we can make your business fly!<br />

0808 202 0888 T: @FSBMerseyside www.fsb.org.uk<br />

F: @FederationOfSmallBusinesses I: @fsb_uk<br />

Growth Platform – Liverpool City Region Growth<br />

Company<br />

Growth Platform is Liverpool City Region’s growth company, designed to support<br />

people and businesses to realise their potential and generate growth. Our role is<br />

to strengthen and simplify our business landscape, creating a sustainable<br />

economy that reflects the needs of our community.<br />

0151 227 2727 T: @GrowthPlatform_ |<br />

@LpoolCityRegion I: @GrowthPlatform_<br />

www.growthplatform.org<br />

Harlech Foodservice<br />

Harlech Foodservice deliver a total foodservice solution to the catering industry.<br />

We’re passionate about all things foodservice and dedicated to delivering the<br />

highest quality of service to all of our customers.<br />

01766 810810 T: @harlechfoods www.harlech.co.uk<br />

F: @HarlechFoods I: @harlechfoods<br />

L: www.linkedin.com/company/harlech-foodservice-ltd<br />

Holistic Realignment and Physica<br />

Health and wellbeing clinic in Liverpool city centre offering Realignment Sports<br />

massage, acupuncture, stretch sessions and more.<br />

07870 382 109 T: @H_Realignment F: @Holistic-Realignment<br />

I: @HolisticRealignment | @Physica.clinic<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcuscroman/<br />

www.holistic-realignment.com | www.physica.clinic<br />

Home Instead – Liverpool South<br />

We’re here to help the local community, providing care and support to allow<br />

individuals to lead fulfilled lives in safe & familiar surroundings where they feel<br />

most comfortable. With round the clock support from the local Home Instead<br />

office, our dedicated team of Care Professionals provide a range of in-home care<br />

services across the area. We’re a friendly bunch, so give us a quick call, and we’ll<br />

see what we can do for you or your loved one today.<br />

0151 559 2555 www.homeinstead.co.uk/Liverpool-south<br />

T: @Homeinsteaduk F: @homeinsteadliverpoolsouth I: @lpoolsouth<br />

IN Social<br />

Making LinkedIn work for you.<br />

Unlock the full power of LinkedIn by reaching out to thousands of highly targeted<br />

potential prospects.<br />

Then connect and engage with authentic and value-added messages leading to<br />

warmed up, pre-qualified leads.<br />

03333 112 230 I: @itsinsocial https://in-social.co.uk/<br />

L: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/in-social-uk<br />

Ipex<br />

We are Telecoms and Technology Specialists. Our experience in creating tailormade<br />

communications and connectivity systems ensures a scalable,<br />

cost-effective, and intuitive solution that flexes to your needs. Our Mobile<br />

services ensure cost-effective solutions that adapt to your specific needs. Time is<br />

money, so we don’t hesitate in protecting your business-critical data and systems<br />

ensuring your team always has somewhere to turn to solve their problems.<br />

03300 580 699 www.ipex.technology<br />

F: @IPExchangeLtd I: @ip_exchange<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ip-ex/<br />

Jackson Fire and Security Liverpool<br />

Installation and maintenance of Fire, Life Safety and Security Systems, including<br />

Fire Risk Assessment, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Alarms, Emergency Lights, CCTV,<br />

Access Control and Intruder Alarms<br />

0151 294 4444 https://liverpool.jacksonfire.co.uk<br />

T: @jackson_fire F: https://m.facebook.com/FireJackson/events/<br />

L: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/jacksonfire<br />

Jackson Lees<br />

Jackson Lees is an award-winning law firm in Liverpool and the North West<br />

committed to doing what is right.<br />

We provide excellent legal support to private clients and businesses, with our<br />

team of experts dedicated to making a positive difference.<br />

0151 282 1700 www.jacksonlees.co.uk<br />

T: @JacksonLeesLaw F: @JacksonLeesLaw I: @jacksonleeslaw<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/company/jacksonleesgroup<br />

Kirk Signs Ltd<br />

Our dedicated team at Kirk Signs specialises in creating exceptional signage and<br />

display solutions. We pride ourselves on our innovative and forward-thinking<br />

approach, offering a comprehensive range of services provided by experienced<br />

experts. From surveying and design to fabrication, installation, and ongoing<br />

maintenance, we handle all aspects of Architectural, Retail, Outdoor Signage,<br />

Transport Graphics, and Exhibition Projects. Whether you require simple vinyl<br />

graphics or are embarking on a complex national roll-out, we have the expertise<br />

to elevate your business above the competition. At Kirk Signs, we like to stand<br />

out. We love you to stand out even more.<br />

0151 933 1666 F: @kirksignsltd I: @kirk_signs_ltd<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kirk-signs-limited/<br />

www.wearekirk.co.uk<br />

Knowsley Hall<br />

Knowsley Hall is the perfect location for your next corporate event whether that<br />

be a Conference, Award Ceremony, Gala Dinner, Board of Directors Meeting or<br />

Team Building day. Enjoy the idyllic setting of the 2,500 acre private estate,<br />

including 16 ensuite bedrooms, and competitive Day Delegate Packages.<br />

0151 489 4827 https://knowsleyhallvenue.co.uk<br />

T: @knowsleyhall F: @knowsleyhall I: @knowsleyhall<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/company/knowsley-hall<br />

Latest Business Offers<br />

LatestBusinessOffers.com is the world’s first artificial intelligence (Ai) powered<br />

business advertising platform. It offers businesses of all sizes, in the UK and<br />

overseas, a simple and effective way to advertise their products and services<br />

automatically across a wide range of online media outlets.<br />

0161 697 3034 https://www.latestbusinessoffers.com/<br />

T: @LBusinessoffers F: Latest Business Offers I: @latestbusinessoffers<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shaz-aziz-latest-business-offers/

Running your<br />

own business<br />

is rewarding,<br />

but you don’t<br />

have to face the<br />

challenges alone.<br />

Claudia Kirkwood,<br />

Super Simple Websites<br />

FSB member<br />

With the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) by your side,<br />

you’ll have all the support and expertise you need to start, run<br />

and grow your business.<br />

As the leading voice of 5.5 million small businesses and the selfemployed<br />

heard in governments across the UK, we’re always<br />

working to deliver real change on the issues that matter most.<br />

FSB membership unlocks market-leading business services<br />

and tools including:<br />

• 24/7 legal, tax and employment advice line<br />

• Debt recovery service<br />

• An extensive online legal hub with over 1,400 documents and templates<br />

• Range of local and virtual events - free and open to all<br />

• Easy access to funding<br />

• Bespoke insurance quotes and advice tailored to you<br />

To find out more or to arrange a meeting<br />

with your local Membership Advisor,<br />

call Mark Bryan on 07941 320890<br />

or email Mark.Bryan@fsb.org.uk<br />

*FSB membership rates vary depending on your number of employees. Please visit<br />

fsb.org.uk/join for full details of subscription rate bands. Registered Office: National<br />

Federation of Self Employed and Small Businesses Limited, Sir Frank Whittle Way,<br />

Blackpool Business Park, Blackpool, FY4 2FE. Registered in England No. 1263540

exhibitors<br />

LCR Connect<br />

LCR Connect is a locally owned, full-fibre, ultrafast, gigabit-capable network<br />

spanning the Liverpool City Region – it’s a gateway to access next-generation<br />

future-proofed and cloud-enabled technologies. Head to www.lcrconnect.com to<br />

find out more.<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lcr-connect/<br />

www.lcrconnect.com<br />

Liverpool BA<br />

We have been organising Business Fairs and Exhibitions since 2002, when we first<br />

held our flagship event the Liverpool Business Fair at Liverpool Town Hall.<br />

Visiting our Business Fairs is free and there will always be a range of interesting<br />

features and lots of networking and business opportunities.<br />

And if you are looking at exhibition and sponsorship opportunities, we have a wide<br />

range of options to suit all budgets and requirements.<br />

0151 709 8932 https://www.businessfairsuk.com<br />

T: @LiverpoolBA F: @liverpoolba.fairs<br />

I: @liverpoolba.fairs L: @liverpool-ba<br />

Liverpool Chamber<br />

Liverpool Chamber connects businesses across the City Region – to a local business<br />

community, national conversation and international trade network. We add value to<br />

your business by tackling the issues our members face; articulating your challenges and<br />

finding solutions by connecting the dots. As a credible, trusted partner for business,<br />

we’ve become the go-to place for support, signposting and authentic insights.<br />

0151 227 1234 www.liverpoolchamber.org.uk<br />

T: @LpoolChamber F: Liverpool Chamber of Commerce CIC I: @liverpoolchamber<br />

L: www.linkedin.com/company/liverpool-chamber-of-commerce/mycompany/<br />

Liverpool City Council<br />

Liverpool City Council’s fully funded Business Support Service is working to fuel<br />

innovation and deliver economic success for our talented business community.<br />

What We Offer:<br />

Bespoke advice for budding entrepreneurs and SMEs<br />

Dynamic workshops for early-stage or established businesses<br />

Specialized guidance to elevate existing ventures<br />

Referrals to sources of funding and resources<br />

Guidance on prime locations for your business expansion<br />

Ready to take your business to new heights? Contact us now to access the support<br />

your business needs to level-up and thrive in <strong>2024</strong> and beyond.<br />

https://liverpool.gov.uk/business/business-support-andadvice/business-support-service/<br />

Liverpool John Moores University<br />

Liverpool John Moores University is a distinctive, unique higher education<br />

institution, rooted in the Liverpool City Region.<br />

We have exciting degree apprenticeship opportunities for businesses to engage in<br />

and other ways of helping businesses and organisations, large and small, find<br />

solutions to their challenges.<br />

T: @LJMU F: @LJMUofficial https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/<br />

I: @LJMU L: https://uk.linkedin.com/school/ljmu/<br />

Lloyd & Co. Financial Planning Ltd<br />

Looking for Lifechanging Financial Advice? Look no further. We are a bit different<br />

than your average Advisers. Get in touch to see what we do. We are a group of<br />

companies with its own specialisms so we can give you holistic advice without<br />

compromising on expertise.<br />

01704 443 107 T: @LloydfpUk www.lloydfp.co.uk<br />

Nightstop Communities Northwest CIC<br />

Nightstop Communities Northwest CIC (NCNW) is a multi-award winning and longestablished<br />

organisation with an exemplary, evidence-based track record of<br />

delivering critical homeless and associated mental health support services directly<br />

to vulnerable beneficiaries and clients within Halton, Warrington, LCR and the<br />

surrounding communities.<br />

0151 345 6454 T: @NightStop_HWP www.ncnw.co.uk<br />

F: @Nightstop Communities I: @nightstop_hwp L: Nightstop Communities<br />

North West Cyber Resilience Centre<br />

Cybercrime is on the increase, and we need to protect our businesses!<br />

We are Police led in supporting SMEs in the North West in preventing cyber crime<br />

against their business. Our membership provides valuable tools/support and<br />

services to help you reduce your risk of being attacked.<br />

07510 064 082 T: @northwestcrc I: @northwestcrc<br />

www.nwcrc.co.uk<br />


Paramount Media is a full-service advertising and marketing agency specializing in<br />

promotion of your brand. We offer a unique opportunity to advertise your business<br />

in our B2B magazine and earn up to 80% of your spend back in paramount loyalty<br />

points. We also offer social media management and an online business directory.<br />

0151 832 3940 www.paramountmedia.co.uk<br />

T: @ParamountMedia_ F: @paramountmedialtd I: @paramount_media_ltd L:<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/company/paramount-media-ltd<br />

Premier Networking<br />

Not-for-Profit Networking Group dedicated to fostering meaningful connections<br />

and growth opportunities for our Members.<br />

PromoteSME<br />

Simple, affordable marketing solutions for new and small businesses.<br />

Our packages offer practical low cost marketing support when you need it, for as long as you<br />

need it. Choose PromoteSME membership for ongoing support throughout the year, or one of<br />

our short term packages to boost your own marketing activities, promote special offers or kick<br />

start your online and social media marketing.<br />

0151 709 8932 https://promotesme.com<br />

Schneider Lift Controls LTD<br />

Schneider Lift Controls Ltd is a family run business based in Runcorn.<br />

We specialise in producing lift controller packages and ancillary equipment, this<br />

includes bespoke designs for the lift industry, using German engineered approach.<br />

We offer a one stop solution for all lift controller related needs, ensuring safe and<br />

efficient lift operation.<br />

01928 571 123<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/company/schneider-lift-controls-ltd/<br />

Shout Connect<br />

Shout Connect is the leading provider of business support services across the North<br />

West. Through four service divisions - Shout Connect co-working and conference<br />

space, Shout Network, Shout Expo (exhibitions) and Shout Futures - Shout Connect<br />

has an unrivalled membership base that drives our motivation to innovate and<br />

deliver exceptional business support.<br />

07871 608 240 www.shoutconnect.co.uk<br />

T: @shoutconnect F: @shoutconnectHQ I: @shoutconnecthq L:<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/company/shout-connect<br />

The Business Growth Network Ltd<br />

The Business Growth Network Helps Businesses Connect Locally, Regionally and<br />

Nationally. The Business Growth Network is a membership-based community running<br />

hybrid events. Members can attend unlimited events including our Latte Networking,<br />

Socials and Online Meetings at no extra cost. Lunches are at a reduced rate. Members<br />

also can list their business on our directory FREE of charge. Non-members are always<br />

welcome and can attend up to two events to try us out after which they would need to<br />

become members to continue attending events.<br />

0333 880 3580 www.thebusinessgrowthnetwork.com<br />

F: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheBusinessGrowthNetwork/ I: @bgn_hq<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-business-growth-network-ltd<br />

The Fed - Federation of Independent Retailers<br />

Founded in 1919, The Fed is one of the largest employer’s associations, supporting<br />

over 10,000 independent businesses. Our practical help, commercial support and<br />

exclusive deals are designed to make a measurable difference to your business.<br />

07717 701 766 thefedonline.com<br />

T: @TheFed_Online F: @TheFedOnline I: @thefedonline L:<br />


Schneider Lift Controls Ltd is a family run<br />

business based in Runcorn<br />

| UK&I suppliers for the LiSA lift control system<br />

| The latest LiSA lift control systems cover upto 64 floors<br />

with high speed options<br />

| Suppliers of Brunner & Fecher and Yaskawa Drives<br />

| Specialists in producing lift controller packages and<br />

ancillary equipment<br />

| Bespoke designs for the lift industry, using German<br />

engineered approach<br />

A one stop solution forall lift controllerrelated<br />

needs, ensuring safe and efficient lift operation.<br />

01928 571 123<br />

www.lisa-lift.de<br />


exhibitors<br />

The PPL Group<br />

The PPL Group, based in Speke, Liverpool has been providing a range of services<br />

to clients for over 75 years. Today we operate from a purpose-built facility,<br />

providing services including signage, large format print, LED screens & displays,<br />

lighting effects, contract publishing, and bespoke builds.<br />

0151 707 4200 www.thepplgroup.com<br />

F: @The-PPL-Group I: @the_ppl_group<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/company/thepplgroup<br />

Tide Business Banking<br />

Get a Tide Business Bank Account for FREE in minutes. (No credit checks): Easy<br />

expenses - Upload receipts, auto-matched to transactions - all stored digitally.<br />

Sync with accounting software - Link your account to software like Xero. Send,<br />

pay and track invoices - Keep on top of invoices in app.<br />

Earn 4.33% AER (variable) on your business savings.<br />

01277 284 499 T: @TideBusiness www.tide.co<br />

F: @tidebanking I: @tidebanking<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tide-banking<br />

Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation<br />

We work with schools, communities, police, and local authorities, helping<br />

individuals and groups to resolve conflict through dialogue and conflict<br />

resolution techniques. We do this by early intervention and prevention to help<br />

stop violence before it starts.<br />

07733 337 766 T: @TPJBFoundation I: @timjonfoundation<br />

F: @timparryjohnthanballfoundation<br />

www.timparryjohnathanballfoundation.org.uk<br />

University of Liverpool Growth Catalyst Programme<br />

Growth Catalyst is a leadership development programme for small businesses in the<br />

Liverpool City Region with 2-250 employees. Developed by experts in the field of<br />

leadership and management, the programme has been designed to respond to the<br />

needs of owners and managers, providing both personal and business growth.<br />

0151 795 3814 T: @LivUniGrowth<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/company/93093862<br />

https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/management/for-business/growth-catalyst/<br />

University of Liverpool Management School<br />

The triple-accredited Management School delivers an innovative portfolio of<br />

undergraduate, postgraduate and research programmes covering all the key<br />

management disciplines including economics, finance, marketing, big data,<br />

operations, and organisational behaviour.<br />

Transform your business with the support of world-leading researchers,<br />

empower your team with exciting career development opportunities and benefit<br />

from bringing our talented students into your organisation.<br />

07896 970 769 https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/management/<br />

L: https://www.linkedin.com/school/university-of-liverpool-management-school/<br />

Utility Warehouse<br />

Hey, my name is Sauren Ghosh and I am a Partner with Utility Warehouse, UW.<br />

UW Saves People Time and Money. We help people to spend less on their<br />

household bills and expenses, in fact they are the Cheapest Energy provider in<br />

the UK! They even help you get cashback off your bills! Imagine never having to<br />

pay full price ever again! They also help people to develop another income<br />

stream without it affecting what you are currently doing. It costs nothing to take<br />

a look. Come and see me and let’s have a chat. Sauren<br />

07710 744 350 www.ghosh.info<br />

T: @saurenghosh F: @saurenghosh I: @saureng<br />

Village Hotel Liverpool<br />

If you’re looking for a place in the Liverpool area to base yourself for business you’ve<br />

found the perfect spot! Village Hotel Liverpool’s location provides access to key<br />

business centres not just around the city centre, but through the whole Merseyside<br />

area. Centrally located in the North West, the hotel is in a great spot, right next to the<br />

M57 and M62. Our simple meeting room package offers flexible meeting and event<br />

spaces for up to 280 people, bookable by the hour, half day or full day.<br />

0151 556 4585 https://www.village-hotels.co.uk/liverpool<br />

T: @Village_Hotels F: @VillageHotelLiverpool I: @villagehotels L:<br />

https://uk.linkedin.com/company/village-hotels<br />

Wild Thang Creative Branded Clothing Merchandise & Print<br />

We are here to help with expert advice and are passionate about delivering world<br />

class creative branded clothing, merchandise and print.<br />

We have everything you could ever need to physically help promote, market & create<br />

the right image for your company, organisation, team or campaign.<br />

As manufacturers with state-of-the-art in house facilities & a highly creative design,<br />

branding and marketing team, leads to only one conclusion: a solution led approach to<br />

even the most complex corporate schemes involving multi-territory logistics,<br />

warehousing and tracking. Wild Thang have over 200 years combined Industry<br />

experience and are one of the foremost suppliers in the UK so you are in safe hands.<br />

Over the last 20+ years we have successfully produced work for many high profile<br />

brands such as SkyBet, Sony, Mercedes Benz, Unilever, Umbro, Trinity Mirror, Coca<br />

Cola, BBC, MAG, Aim higher, Bacardi, you will be in good company. Whether your<br />

company or organization is large or small your order will be met with the same high<br />

standards. As a member of BPMA, Promota, Sedex, holding ISO14001 and ISO9001<br />

accreditation you are guaranteed a high standard of service and Industry integrity.<br />

0800 917 9809 www.wildthang.co.uk<br />

T: @wildthangone F: @wildthangone I: @wildthangltd

Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation<br />

works across the UK, Preventing,<br />

Resolving and Responding to all types<br />

of conflict and modern-day Issues your<br />

school, business or community may be<br />

facing.<br />

- PartnershipProgrammes<br />

- Tailor-Made Solutions<br />

- Victims and Survivors<br />

www.timparryjohnathanballfoundation.org.uk<br />

Email: info@timjon.org.uk<br />

media partners<br />

Founded in 1993, Concept Hygiene is<br />

a leading provider of washroom<br />

products and services within the UK.<br />

From managed washrooms and waste<br />

management to health and safety<br />

advice, Concept Hygiene's friendly<br />

team of trained professionals are<br />

always on hand to recommend the<br />

right products and services for you.<br />

0800 996 1033<br />


usiness listings<br />

Advantage Investment<br />

Property Investment<br />

01514339300 advantageinvestment.co.uk<br />

@advantageinvestmentuk<br />

Alternative Venues<br />

Hiring secure spaces for Training, Meetings, Conferences, filming<br />

and much more<br />

0800 193 0194 northwestalternativevenues.com Alternative<br />

Venues Northwest (LinkedIn)<br />

Andrei Maximov Photography<br />

Corporate, Brand and <strong>Event</strong> Photo and Video. Social Media Content<br />

07532830848 www.maximovphoto.com<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/in/photographer-andrei-maximov/<br />

Apex Trinity Consulting,<br />

Business consultancy and training<br />

07933207294 www.apextrinityconsulting.co.uk<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/company/apex-trinity-consulting/<br />

AWE Architecture & Interiors<br />

Design, architecture, interior design<br />

07843900532 www.awearchitecture.com awe_interiors<br />

BGT Fuel Cells UK Limited<br />

High Power Liquid Hydrogen Fuel Cell Applications in the Maritime,<br />

Railway and Heavy-Duty Mobility Sectors.<br />

+44 151 312 8938 https://bgt-fuelcells.eu/<br />

Brakes<br />

Food Service Provider<br />

07714140357 www.brake.co.uk/brakes-online @Brakes<br />

Business Support Experts<br />

Financial Services<br />

0161 823 5290 https://randdspecialists.co.uk/<br />

CATCH22<br />

Net Zero<br />

07515192036 https://www.catch-22.org.uk/what-we-do/<br />

Complete Skills Solutuions<br />

Training Provider AEB<br />

0151 433 7171 https://completeskillssolutions.co.uk<br />

@completeskills_<br />


Business Advisory Services<br />

07488 376 738 www.dicebusiness.co.uk @dicebusinessuk<br />

Epica Health, Safety and Wellbeing Ltd<br />

Health and Safety actities<br />

0151 448 7940 epica.org.uk @EpicaSafety<br />

Excel Accountancy Ltd<br />

Growth Accountant<br />

07496 844 402 www.excelaccountancy.com @excelaccountancy<br />

Fenman Properties Limited<br />

Property Management<br />

+44 7399260556 FenmanPropertiesLimited Oliver Butler<br />

FI Real Estate Management<br />

Commercial Real Estate<br />

07502 580 170 fi-rem.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/petersmith-918536268/<br />

Gadget Squad LTD<br />

Operating<br />

07788 339 894 www.gadgetsquad.co.uk Gadget Squad UK<br />

Glee Coaching Consultancy Ltd<br />

Learning and Development<br />

07952 318 806 www.gleecoaching.co.uk<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/in/barbra-carlisle-gleecoaching/<br />

Glenville Walker<br />

Business Law Solicitors<br />

0151 305 9650 www.glenvillewalker.com @GlenvilleWalker<br />

Global School Alliance<br />

Edu travel, Ed tech<br />

07539 224 822 www.globalschoolalliance.com @GSchoolAlliance<br />

Golf Fang<br />

Competitive socialising venue - Famous for our 18 hole, adult only,<br />

crazy golf course<br />

https://golffang.co.uk/liverpool/ @golffangliverpool<br />

Gusto Restaurant and bar<br />

Italian Restaurant<br />

0151 708 6969 https://gustorestaurants.uk.com<br />

Internet Central<br />

We are an Internet Service Provider who specialize in dedicated<br />

leased lines to give you the best internet connection possible.<br />

01782 667700 www.ic.co.uk<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/company/internet-central-limited/<br />

ITAnswers<br />

Tech Support, internet/broadband, Cyber security, Digital marketing<br />

03300 586 055 www.itanswers.com<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/company/it-answers/mycompany/<br />

Jackie Cain’s Therapies<br />

Improving productivity, morale & absenteeism with in the<br />

workplace<br />

07891 330 306 https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackie-cain<br />

Kitty’s Launderette<br />

Professional Laundry Services in Liverpool with Social Impact<br />

0151 260 8951 www.kittyslaunderette.org.uk @kittyslaundry<br />

Lansafe Ltd<br />

Telecoms, Security, Electrical, and IT. Are you BSI Compliant?<br />

www.lansafe.co.uk @lansafeltd<br />

Leon Ramos Coaching<br />

Personal Trainer and Fitness Coaching<br />

07709 798 177 Leonramos.co.uk @Leonramospt<br />

LFC Foundation<br />

Community Work<br />

07921 463 589 https://www.liverpoolfc.com/foundation<br />

@lfcfoundation<br />

Liverpool City Council<br />

Local services<br />

0151 233 0420 Liverpool.org.uk Facebook: LCR LWF<br />

Mail Metro Media<br />

Commercial Media<br />

07881 805 920<br />

https://www.mailmetromedia.co.uk/brand/metro/regionaladvertising/<br />

https://www.facebook.com/merseyside metro what’s<br />

on<br />

Manchester Hajj Tours<br />

Tour Operator<br />

07515 435 824 manchesterhajj.co.uk @manchesterhajj

usiness listings<br />

Maria Fogg Family Law<br />

Family Law Solicitors<br />

0151 489 9431 https://mariafoggfamilylaw.co.uk/<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/company/maria-fogg-family-law-ltd<br />

McCain<br />

Food<br />

01723 584 141 https://www.mccain.co.uk/ @mccain<br />

Mindset Matters NW CIC<br />

Physical and Mental health group<br />

07359 167 310 www.mindset matters.org.uk<br />

https://www.facebook.com/barry.marsden.589<br />


To talk to people and get experience<br />

07576 339 640 Instagram: @moalnourpt<br />

Mosaic Digital Media<br />

Digital Media<br />

01925 563 960 https://mosaicdigitalmedia.co.uk/<br />

@mosaicdigitalme<br />

Mountain Leisure<br />

Up and coming<br />

07703 418 188, Mountain Leisure<br />

MyPhase<br />

Tech<br />

07742 073 771<br />

Northwest Education and Training<br />

HGV Bootcamps<br />

0151 526 4949 www.nweat.co.uk @NWEATUK<br />

NW Risk Solutions<br />

Insurance Advocacy Services<br />

0151 705 9000 www.nwrisksolutions.com @nwrisksolutions<br />

Optimise Outsourcing<br />

At Optimise Outsourcing, we redefine outsourcing as a strategic<br />

catalyst for your business success. Leveraging our extensive<br />

expertise, we specialise in connecting businesses with top-tier<br />

talent in Kenya, unlocking unparalleled opportunities for growth,<br />

efficiency and cost saving.<br />

0330 822 5454 https://www.optimiseoutsourcing.co.uk/<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/company/optimise-outsourcing/<br />

Orange Rentals<br />

Property Management<br />

07780 527926 https://orangerentals.co.uk/<br />

https://www.instagram.com/orange_rentals_/<br />

PC Kings<br />

Computer Repairs, Technical Support<br />

0151 374 2744 https://pckings.uk https://twitter.com/kings_pc<br />

Personal Best Coaching<br />

Personal Training, Online Coaching & Sports Massage Therapy<br />

07551 690 015 www.personalbestcoaching.uk<br />

@personalbestcoaching (Instagram)<br />

Reparo Finance<br />

Commercial Finance<br />

07805 737 324 reparofinance.co.uk<br />

Revil8 Ltd<br />

Affiliate Marketing Agency<br />

07788 395 522 www.revil8.com Revil8_UK<br />

RK Henshall & Co Ltd<br />

Chartered Insurance Broker<br />

01270 758 070 www.rkhenshall.com<br />

SM Installations (NW) Ltd<br />

Electrical, Fire and Security<br />

03303 830 011 https://sm-installations.co.uk/ @InstallationsSM<br />

Smile High Film<br />

Aerial Photography/Videography - Property Marketing<br />

0800 46 47 048 www.smilehighfilm.com<br />

https://www.instagram.com/smilehighfilm/<br />


CIC - research into mental health of women<br />

07923 833 873 NCCH Isabelmpoole<br />

The Growth Company<br />

Employment Support<br />

07701 398 384 www.growthco.uk<br />

The Helpful Puffin<br />

Proofreading and copy editing services for businesses, charities,<br />

and organisations to ensure their accuracy and professionalism.<br />

07935 475 363 www.thehelpfulpuffin.co.uk @_helpfulpuffin<br />

The Lost Hippy<br />

Fashion<br />

07730703374 www.losthippy.com @the.losthippy<br />

The SEO Bug<br />

Business development<br />

07359 013 687 www.theseobugliverpool.com The_SEO_Bug<br />

Three UK<br />

Telecoms<br />

07360 688 910 Three.co.uk<br />

Ujima<br />

African Inspired, African Inspired Ice Cream<br />

07960 545 522 https://www.tiktok.com/@ujima.africaninspired<br />

Ujima.AfricanInspired<br />

Utility Warehouse<br />

Utilities<br />

07940 801 469 https://UW.co.uk/ref/partner/AB5254<br />

@DavidGordonWilliams<br />

Wellness Festivals<br />

Wellbeing festivals/ <strong>Event</strong>s throughout North West<br />

07933 554 612 www.wellnessfestivals.co.uk @wellnessfestivals -<br />

Instagram<br />

Westcoast Workwear<br />

Branded Clothing<br />

0800 169 2228 www.westcoastworkwear.co.uk @westcoastwork<br />

www.bitcoinenergy.co.uk<br />

Networking<br />

0792 357 2819 www.bitcoinenergy.co.uk @tonyjefferies<br />

Your Telecoms Consultant<br />

Helping local Businesses take advantage of VoIP Hosted Voice, by<br />

helping them move to a feature rich scalable hosted phone<br />

system. VoIP Hosted Voice | Full Fibre Broadband | Sim Only<br />

Mobile<br />

0331 630 0785 www.YourTelecomsConsultant.co.uk<br />


Useful Sources of Help and Information<br />

Business <strong>Guide</strong> - Useful Sources of Help and Information<br />

Federation of Small Businesses<br />

TheFSB is the UK’s biggest business support organisation,<br />

with over 215,000members. The FSB lobbies tirelessly on<br />

behalf of the self-employed and members can take<br />

advantage of a wide range of benefits and services.<br />

www.fsb.org.uk<br />

WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme)<br />

WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) works in<br />

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to help<br />

businesses and individuals reap the benefits of reducing<br />

waste, develop sustainable products and use resources in<br />

an efficient way www.wrap.org.uk<br />

Ask About Business<br />

Ask About Business is a partnership between fourteen<br />

library authorities across the north west. Led by<br />

Manchester Library & Information Service, Ask About<br />

Business provides information through libraries to support:<br />

*Pre-start and new businesses * Existing businesses<br />

*Jobseekers * Consumers * Inventors * Business<br />

students www.askaboutbusiness.org/<br />

Institute of Export & International Trade<br />

The Institute of Export & International Trade is the<br />

professional body representing and supporting the interests<br />

of everyone involved in importing, exporting and<br />

international trade. We offer a unique range of individual<br />

and business membership benefits as well as a world<br />

renowned suite of professional qualifications, training &<br />

CPD. Visit: www.export.org.uk<br />

The Carbon Trust<br />

The Carbon Trust’s mission is to accelerate the move to a<br />

low carbon economy, by working with organisations to<br />

reduce carbon emissions now and develop commercial low<br />

carbon technologies for the future. www.carbontrust.co.uk<br />

HMRC Online Services<br />

HMRC offer a range of online services which aim to be<br />

efficient and customer friendly. Our continually developing<br />

services enable you to interact with us quickly, securely<br />

and at your convenience. We provide a range of services<br />

for: -individuals and employees - employers - businesses<br />

and corporations -tax agents and advisers - software<br />

developers www.hmrc.gov.uk<br />

Groundwork in the North West<br />

Groundwork is a federation of charities mobilising practical<br />

community action on poverty and the environment across<br />

the UK. www.groundwork.org.uk<br />

Business and self-employed<br />

Tools and guidance for businesses from the UK<br />

Government website https://www.gov.uk/browse/business<br />

The North West Fund<br />

The North West Fund is targeted at growing businesses<br />

that are unable to secure funding from traditional sources in<br />

order to finance their growth plans. Consequently, The<br />

North West Fund is targeted at growing SMEs, irrespective<br />

of their “age”. However, there are restrictions around<br />

investments in businesses in difficulty and firms in certain<br />

sectors. A total of £184.4m is available across the six<br />

product funds for investment up to the endof2015. Please<br />

contact the relevant Fund Manager for further information.<br />

www.thenorthwestfund.co.uk<br />

Contracts Finder<br />

Contracts Finder lets you search for information about<br />

contracts worth over £12,000 (including VAT) with the<br />

government and its agencies. You can use Contracts<br />

Finder to: search for contract opportunities in different<br />

sectors; find out what’s coming up in the future; look up<br />

details of previous tenders and contracts<br />

https://www.gov.uk/contracts-finder<br />

The Chartered Institute of Marketing<br />

Whether you are just starting up or are a well established<br />

business, take advantage of our FREE marketing clinics<br />

with local Chartered Marketers. Visit us on our stand to<br />

book an appointment and let’s see if we can help grow your<br />

business with professional marketing advice.<br />

www.cim.co.uk<br />

Chartered Management Institute<br />

Professional body for Managers and Leaders, focusing on<br />

improving personal and organisational performance. We<br />

set the standards, support individual and organisational<br />

development, provide accreditation, qualifications and<br />

professional recognition, including Chartered Manager<br />

status. www.managers.org.uk<br />

Bionow<br />

Bionow is the cluster support group for the Northwest of<br />

England’s biotechnology, pharmaceutical and healthcare<br />

industry. www.bionow.co.uk<br />

UK Trade & Investment<br />

UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) can help you rise to the<br />

exciting opportunities and challenges that globalisation<br />

offers. We work with UK-based businesses to ensure their<br />

success in international markets. We also encourage the<br />

best overseas companies to look to the UK as their global<br />

partner of choice. www.ukti.gov.uk<br />

Business Growth Hubs<br />

Business Growth Hubs provide a range of support services<br />

to help local businesses. There is a network of 38 Growth<br />

Hubs led by the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs)<br />

across England. Details of local hubs can be found via the<br />

links below:<br />

Liverpool https://growthplatform.org/<br />

Manchester https://www.businessgrowthhub.com/<br />

Cheshire and Warrington<br />

https://cheshireandwarrington.com/growth-andskills/growth-hub/<br />

Lancashire https://www.boostbusinesslancashire.co.uk/<br />

Chambers of Commerce<br />

Altrincham & Sale www.altrinchamchamber.co.uk<br />

Blackburn & District www.blackburnchamber.co.uk<br />

Borough of Congleton www.congletonchamber.co.uk<br />

Cumbria www.cumbriachamber.co.uk<br />

East Lancashire www.chamberelancs.co.uk<br />

Greater Manchester www.gmchamber.co.uk<br />

Halton www.haltonchamber.com<br />

Knowsley www.knowsleychamber.org<br />

Lancaster District www.lancaster-chamber.org.uk<br />

Liverpool & Sefton www.liverpoolchamber.org.uk<br />

Macclesfield www.macclesfieldchamber.co.uk<br />

North & Western Lancashire www.lancschamber.co.uk<br />

South Cheshire www.southcheshirechamber.org.uk<br />

South East Cheshire Enterprise www.sece.co.uk<br />

St Helens www.sthelenschamber.com<br />

Warrington www.warrington-chamber.co.uk<br />

West Cheshire and North Wales<br />

www.cepnwchamber.org.uk<br />

Wirral www.wirralchamber.org.uk<br />

Chambers of Commerce NW<br />

www.chambersofcommercenw.org.uk<br />

British Chambers of Commerce (BCC)<br />

www.britishchambers.org.uk<br />

Higher Education Institutions<br />

Edge Hill University www.edgehill.ac.uk<br />

Lancaster University www.lancs.ac.uk<br />

Liverpool Hope University www.hope.ac.uk<br />

Liverpool John Moores University<br />

www.ljmu.ac.uk/business/work-with-us<br />

Manchester Metropolitan University<br />

www.mmu.ac.uk/business/<br />

University of Bolton www.bolton.ac.uk/university-groupbusiness-services/<br />

University of Central Lancashire<br />

www.uclan.ac.uk/business<br />

University of Chester www1.chester.ac.uk/businessengagement/business-support-services/<br />

University of Cumbria www.cumbria.ac.uk/business/<br />

University of Liverpool www.liverpool.ac.uk/collaborate/<br />

University of Manchester<br />

www.manchester.ac.uk/business/<br />

University of Salford www.salford.ac.uk/working-withbusiness<br />

Local Authorities<br />

Cheshire<br />

Cheshire East Council www.cheshireeast.gov.uk<br />

Cheshire West & Chester Council<br />

www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk<br />

Halton Borough Council www.halton.gov.uk<br />

Warrington Borough Council www.warrington.gov.uk<br />

Cumbria<br />

Allerdale Borough Council www.allerdale.gov.uk<br />

Barrow in Furness Borough Council www.barrowbc.gov.uk<br />

Carlisle City Council www.carlisle.gov.uk<br />

Copeland Borough Council www.copelandbc.gov.uk<br />

Cumbria County Council www.cumbriacc.gov.uk<br />

Eden District Council www.eden.gov.uk<br />

South Lakeland District Council www.southlakeland.gov.uk<br />

Greater Manchester<br />

Bolton Metropolitan Borough Councilwww.bolton.gov.uk<br />

Bury Metropolitan Borough Council www.bury.gov.uk<br />

Manchester City Council www.manchester.gov.uk<br />

Oldham Metropolitan Borough Councilwww.oldham.gov.uk<br />

Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.rochdale.gov.uk<br />

Salford City Council www.salford.gov.uk<br />

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.stockport.gov.uk<br />

Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.tameside.gov.uk<br />

Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council www.trafford.gov.uk<br />

Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.wiganmbc.gov.uk<br />

Lancashire<br />

Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council<br />

www.blackburn.gov.uk<br />

Blackpool Borough Council www.blackpool.gov.uk<br />

Burnley Borough Council www.burnley.gov.uk<br />

Chorley Borough Council www.chorley.gov.uk<br />

Fylde Borough Council www.fylde.gov.uk<br />

Hyndburn Borough Council www.hyndburnbc.gov.uk<br />

Lancashire County Council www.lancashire.gov.uk<br />

Lancaster City Council www.lancaster.gov.uk<br />

Pendle Borough Council www.pendle.gov.uk<br />

Preston City Council www.preston.gov.uk<br />

Ribble Valley Borough Council www.ribblevalley.gov.uk<br />

Rossendale Borough Council www.rossendale.gov.uk<br />

South Ribble Borough Council www.southribble.gov.uk<br />

West Lancashire District Councilwww.westlancsdc.gov.uk<br />

Wyre Borough Council www.wyrebc.gov.uk<br />

Merseyside<br />

Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.knowsley.gov.uk<br />

Liverpool City Council www.liverpool.gov.uk<br />

Sefton Council www.sefton.gov.uk<br />

St Helens Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.sthelens.gov.uk<br />

Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council www.wirral.gov.uk<br />

Police Services<br />

Cheshire Police www.cheshire.police.uk<br />

Cumbria Constabulary www.cumbria.police.uk<br />

Greater Manchester Police www.gmp.police.uk<br />

Lancashire Constabulary www.lancashire.police.uk<br />

Merseyside Police www.merseyside.police.uk<br />

North Wales Police www.north-wales.police.uk<br />

Science & Innovation Parks<br />

Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus<br />

www.daresburysic.co.uk<br />

Liverpool Innovation Park www.liverpoolinnovationpark.com<br />

Liverpool Science Park www.liverpoolsciencepark.co.uk<br />

Manchester Science Park<br />

www.manchestersciencepark.co.uk<br />

West Lakes Science Park<br />


Signage & Screens<br />

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