8 Top Tips for exhibiting at B2B events
Some useful pointers for getting the most out of exhibiting at business events. Brought to you by Liverpool BA (organisers of B2B events across the North West for 20+ years). Ideal for new or first time exhibitors.
Some useful pointers for getting the most out of exhibiting at business events. Brought to you by Liverpool BA (organisers of B2B events across the North West for 20+ years). Ideal for new or first time exhibitors.
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<strong>Tips</strong> <strong>for</strong><br />
<strong>exhibiting</strong> <strong>at</strong><br />
Business<br />
Events<br />
8 <strong>Top</strong> <strong>Tips</strong><br />
to help you<br />
optimise your<br />
outcomes<br />
By Tony & K<strong>at</strong>hy Haines<br />
Liverpool BA
Table Of ContentS<br />
2.<br />
Table Of Contents<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
6.<br />
7.<br />
Tip 1: Think First<br />
Tip 2: Everyone loves a take away<br />
Tip 3: Less tiger more pussyc<strong>at</strong><br />
Tip 4: Take a step back<br />
Tip 5: The sooner the better<br />
Tip 6: Don't miss any opportunity to engage<br />
Tip 7: Make the event your own<br />
Tip 8: Don't <strong>for</strong>get to follow up<br />
8.<br />
Contact Us<br />
#1 Think First<br />
In order to get the most out of <strong>exhibiting</strong>, think about wh<strong>at</strong> you want to achieve and<br />
wh<strong>at</strong> your priorities are. For example, are you looking to:<br />
Promote a new business?<br />
Get contacts & prospects?<br />
Enhance your business profile & reput<strong>at</strong>ion?<br />
Market test a new product?<br />
Launch a new product or service?<br />
Connect with specific sectors?<br />
Your target outcomes should be reflected by wh<strong>at</strong> you do <strong>at</strong> the event and how you<br />
promote your <strong>at</strong>tendance.<br />
Don't be afraid to ask your Event Organisers <strong>for</strong> help with achieving your goals.<br />
#2<br />
Everyone loves a<br />
Take Away<br />
Bear longevity in mind when choosing promotional gifts <strong>for</strong><br />
your stand.<br />
Pens, pencils, coasters, & mugs remain popular giveaways.<br />
But mugs and coasters will have a longer lasting impact<br />
than pens and pencils (which eventually run out).<br />
And although mini chocol<strong>at</strong>es with your own printed wrappers<br />
may disappear quickly from your stand, the wrappers are<br />
probably thrown away just as quickly.<br />
So try to make sure you have a good mixture of items.<br />
From things th<strong>at</strong> will entice people to your stand (like sweets, chocol<strong>at</strong>es & tre<strong>at</strong>s), to<br />
things which will remind people of your business <strong>for</strong> years to come.<br />
#3<br />
Less Tiger<br />
More Pussyc<strong>at</strong><br />
You've invested in an exhibition stand and want maximum return.<br />
So you send out four of your keenest sales staff & tell them to get as many people to<br />
the stand as possible.<br />
But put yourself in the visitor’s shoes and you would realise th<strong>at</strong> the impression<br />
being given can be one of tigers ready to pounce.<br />
At the other end of the scale, we've seen exhibitors with one<br />
person on the stand, sitting with their head down<br />
concentr<strong>at</strong>ing & working on their laptop.<br />
And exhibitors with two team members who position their chairs facing each other <strong>at</strong><br />
the back of the stand so they can talk to each other more easily.<br />
They might as well just put up a 'Do Not Disturb' sign!<br />
Obviously it's much better to be somewhere between these extremes with one or two<br />
people on your stand th<strong>at</strong> look friendly and ready to talk to visitors without putting<br />
them in a headlock.<br />
#4 Take a Step Back<br />
When thinking of wh<strong>at</strong> to put on your stand, take a step back and look <strong>at</strong> it as though<br />
you were a visitor to the event. Pretend you're scanning the room just to get a quick<br />
view of wh<strong>at</strong> types of companies are there and any offers th<strong>at</strong> may be available.<br />
If you're say 10m away from a particular exhibition stand, you should be able to tell<br />
wh<strong>at</strong> th<strong>at</strong> company does & if there are any offers available (& roughly wh<strong>at</strong> they are).<br />
This raises a number of issues such as... Is the type you are using on displays etc big<br />
and legible enough and does it convey the message th<strong>at</strong> you want?<br />
Do your pop up banners and displays work with a table in front of them, or does the<br />
table obscure important text or messages?<br />
If you are running a special promotion or offer, are you advertising this on your stand<br />
and is it clear and visible?<br />
Taking a step back and thinking in this way enables you to address these issues in the<br />
planning stage. And avoid making any costly mistakes!<br />
#5<br />
The Sooner the<br />
better<br />
Although it might not always be possible, the earlier you can book on to exhibit <strong>at</strong> an<br />
event the better.<br />
For a number of reasons...<br />
It gives you plenty of time to promote the fact th<strong>at</strong> you're going<br />
to be there <strong>exhibiting</strong>.<br />
And time to invite your customers and prospects to come and<br />
see you on your stand.<br />
It also gives the event organiser plenty of time to promote th<strong>at</strong> you're <strong>exhibiting</strong>.<br />
And more time <strong>for</strong> them to help you achieve your event objectives e.g. by targeting<br />
particular types of visitors you'd like to meet.<br />
Lots of event organisers promote their exhibitors on social media and the event<br />
website etc.<br />
So booking earlier means you'll benefit from this extra profile <strong>for</strong> a longer period.<br />
Some things you can't leave until the last minute!<br />
You may need to refresh your branding and/or replace<br />
printed m<strong>at</strong>erials such as leaflets and pop-up banners.<br />
Even if you do manage to find a way to turn these<br />
things around quickly, it's likely to come with added<br />
costs (and stress)!<br />
So when is the best time to book on as an exhibitor?<br />
Booking 3+ months be<strong>for</strong>e the event is probably the ideal.<br />
This gives you and the organiser plenty of time to let people know you're going to<br />
be there and sort out anything needed <strong>for</strong> the day.<br />
Booking 1-3 months be<strong>for</strong>e is also fine and still gives a good amount of time to<br />
promote your presence and prepare <strong>for</strong> the event.<br />
Booking any closer than this means th<strong>at</strong> even though you will still get lots of<br />
benefits from <strong>exhibiting</strong> on the day itself, you'll miss out on some of the added<br />
benefits.<br />
#6<br />
Don't Miss any<br />
opportunity to engage<br />
One of the main benefits of <strong>exhibiting</strong> <strong>at</strong> a business event is to grow and build your<br />
business contacts.<br />
It's gre<strong>at</strong> if you've got some nice leaflets & brochures etc. As well as some eye-c<strong>at</strong>ching<br />
promotional giveaways.<br />
Sometimes though, you can be talking to someone when there's someone else<br />
hovering about your stand who would also like to talk to you.<br />
So why not have a sign on your stand th<strong>at</strong> says 'please take a XXX (e.g. pen etc) with<br />
our compliments, and it would be gre<strong>at</strong> if you could leave a business card in our box'<br />
This achieves 2 things...<br />
Many people are polite and may feel self-conscious about taking something off your<br />
stand, especially if you're there but talking to someone else.<br />
So it encourages them to take away a promo item & leave a card without feeling the<br />
need to ask.<br />
Having their card then gives you a chance to contact them and start the convers<strong>at</strong>ion<br />
you weren't able to have <strong>at</strong> the time.<br />
And who knows how valuable this convers<strong>at</strong>ion could be???<br />
#7<br />
Make the event<br />
your own<br />
A key benefit of <strong>exhibiting</strong> <strong>at</strong> a business event is to make lots of new contacts.<br />
But it's easy to <strong>for</strong>get about - and miss - another gre<strong>at</strong> opportunity...<br />
The chance to c<strong>at</strong>ch up with your existing and lapsed customers, contacts, suppliers<br />
and partners.<br />
Like most companies you're probably in regular contact with a good number of your<br />
customers.<br />
But we suspect th<strong>at</strong> there are a lot who you haven't had a chance to meet or speak<br />
to in person <strong>for</strong> a while. Plus lots of prospects in your pipeline.<br />
So why not combine all of these and turn the event into your very own open day?<br />
Send out a personal invit<strong>at</strong>ion to all of your customers & prospects - new & old - to<br />
come and see you on your stand <strong>at</strong> the event. 6
#8<br />
Don't <strong>for</strong>get to<br />
follow up<br />
So you got everything ready <strong>for</strong> <strong>exhibiting</strong>. You were there on the day &<br />
engaged with lots of people.<br />
NOW WHAT?<br />
It's important to keep up the momentum.<br />
Don't leave it too l<strong>at</strong>e to get in touch with people you met<br />
both on your stand and through general networking <strong>at</strong><br />
the event.<br />
As a first step, as soon as you can after the exhibition is over sort through all the<br />
business cards and details of the people you've met.<br />
Maybe sort them into urgent and non-urgent c<strong>at</strong>egories. Add them into your chosen<br />
CRM system or spreadsheet etc.<br />
Then make contact with those you met as soon as you can, and keep in touch.<br />
Obviously prioritising the 'urgent' contacts, who've expressed a strong interest in<br />
your products or services.<br />
If you send out regular e-newsletters or upd<strong>at</strong>es, you might want to ask<br />
all your new contacts if they're happy <strong>for</strong> their email to be added to<br />
your subscriber list.<br />
Connecting on LinkedIn and other social media pl<strong>at</strong><strong>for</strong>ms can also be a<br />
good way to maintain contact.<br />
It's gre<strong>at</strong> when you can actually do business on the event day itself.<br />
But we've had exhibitors in the past who've told us they got business from<br />
contacts made <strong>at</strong> an event 12 or 18 months after it took place.<br />
So never underestim<strong>at</strong>e the importance of following-up<br />
and maintaining contact after an event.<br />
We hope you found this book useful.<br />
<br />
For more in<strong>for</strong>m<strong>at</strong>ion about our<br />
<strong>B2B</strong> <strong>events</strong> please visit<br />
www.businessfairsuk.com<br />
<br />
Or call us on 0151 709 8932<br />