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38 C.J. Wo~l~<br />

Good decontamination factors are generally obtained for BNR rectrculation systems wlth<br />

either a single or double LOMI application. In low flow areas, a second LOMI step is<br />

sometimes required to deal with excessive oxide burden, because catalytic decomposition of<br />

reagent occurs before it contacts surface oxides. Thus the need for a second step can be<br />

minimized by improving reagent circulation (e.g., by use of spray devices for low flow<br />

areas). In most cases, the addition of an oxidizing step, typically nitric acld/potasslum<br />

permanganate (NP) has given only a small further reduction in residual fields. However,<br />

for some components, such as the reclrculation pumps, use of NP has proved beneficial.<br />

When a permanganate step is used, oxalic acid Is added stolchlometrlcally to dissolve<br />

manganese dioxide (MnO2). Adding insufficient oxalic acid will cause some of the<br />

subsequent vanadous reagent to be used up in dissolving MnO 2. Adding excessive oxalic acid<br />

will lead to the presence of oxalic acid briefly in the system. To avoid possible<br />

corrosion, this should be minimized by terminating the addition when samples taken of the<br />

decontamination solution are clear.<br />

The chemical reagents can be added in the solid form (as with CAN-DECON) or as liquids<br />

(LOMI Is a mixture of dilute solutions of vanadous formate and plcollnlc acid). Depending<br />

on the type of circuit to be decontaminated, feed-and-bleed or fill-and-draln methods are<br />

used. In most cases, the radioactive waste Is removed on Ion-exchange resin.<br />

Two different flow paths have been used in recent reclrculatlon piping<br />

decontaminations. Use of the annulus between the shroud surrounding the core internals and<br />

the pressure vessel provides a convenient flow path (Fig. I), allowing effective reagent<br />

circulation. However, concern about corrosion damage to in-core materials has resulted In<br />

restricting the reagents to out-of-core regions for a number of plant applications. In one<br />

case, the piping was cut and capped before decontamination, which can be costly in both<br />

time and radiation exposure. In other plants, fluid levels were kept below the pressure<br />

vessel inlet level, wlth raising and lowering of the liquid used to provide reagent<br />

replenishment. This approach is operationally more complicated and less satisfactory than<br />

permitting fluid flow through the annulus. Flow paths are discussed further in Section 3.<br />

A general conclusion drawn from recent experience Is that differences in decontaminating<br />

power of different solvents is less significant than the differences between the oxide<br />

films in the various plants. Almost any decontamination factor can be achieved with any of<br />

the processes, but longer application times may be required in some cases. LOHI proved to<br />

be the quickest process currently in use. Decontamination factors (DF) or residual<br />

radiation fields in designated areas are often specified in the decontamination contract.<br />

A utility chooses between a lower DF with minimum waste and shorter downtime, or multl-step<br />

applications giving higher DFs at higher cost. The choice depends on the magnitude of<br />

special maintenance work to be done.<br />

2.3 PWR applications<br />

There have been fewer P~/R decontaminations, because of higher cost and because the<br />

maximum incidence of repair work associated with secondary side corrosion problems<br />

(denting, wastage, pitting and intergranular attack) had passed before sufficient<br />

confidence was generated in dilute processes for PWR applications. The decontamination<br />

reagents used for PWR applications are slmilar to those described above. In all cases, one<br />

or more permanganate steps have been used to remove chromium from oxide films.*<br />

In contrast to BWRs~ an oxidizing step is essential for PNR decontamination. Alkaline<br />

oxidation yields higher DFs when applied in the presence of high NI alloyed materials,<br />

whereas acidic oxidation is preferred (higher DFs) in the presence of stainless steel<br />

surfaces. The recent CAN-DECON and LOMI applications have each used alkaline permanganate<br />

(AP) followed by nitric acld/permanganate (NP) to achieve maximum chromium removal from<br />

oxide films initially present on both Inconel and stainless steel. This pH switching<br />

technique was developed by CEGB (11) to optimize DFs in channel heads.<br />

Table 2 compares the DFs obtained on different materials with NP and AP preoxldatlon.<br />

One important factor observed in all PWR decontaminations, and in the BWR applications<br />

using permanganate, is the need to remove a loosely-adherent radioactive residue<br />

particularly with the organic acid reagents. In some applications, high pressure<br />

hydrolazlng has been used, whereas In other cases, repeated flushing proved adequate. If<br />

*For a detailed discussion of surface oxide character in P~R and BWR environments see<br />

Reference 11.

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