BIOACID Programme - Natural Environment Research Council

BIOACID Programme - Natural Environment Research Council

BIOACID Programme - Natural Environment Research Council


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<strong>BIOACID</strong><br />

A proposed national ‘Verbundprojekt’ of the Federal Ministry of Education and <strong>Research</strong><br />

Coordinator:<br />

Prof. Dr. Ulf Riebesell<br />

Forschungsbereich Marine Biogeochemie<br />

Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel<br />

Düsternbrooker Weg 20<br />

24105 Kiel<br />

Tel. 0431-600-4444<br />

Email: uriebesell@ifm-geomar.de<br />

Partners:<br />

Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven<br />

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg<br />

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel<br />

Forschungszentrum TERRAMARE, Wilhelmshaven<br />

GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH<br />

Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf<br />

Jacobs – University, Bremen<br />

Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei, Berlin<br />

Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel<br />

Leibniz-Institutes für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde<br />

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München<br />

Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie, Bremen<br />

PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH, Regensburg<br />

Ruhr-Universität Bochum<br />

Universität Bremen<br />

Universität Hamburg<br />

Universität Rostock<br />

Westfälische Wilhelms - Universität Münster<br />

Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie (ZMT), Bremen

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Zusammenfassung…………………………………………………………………... 4<br />

Summary……………………………………………………………………………. 5<br />

1. Project background……………………………………………………………. 6<br />

2. Scientific and technological objectives………………………………………. . 8<br />

3. Relevance to National Priorities and the National Funding Policy………….. 9<br />

4. Structure of the Project and Consortium Building……………………….….. 10<br />

5. Overview of Themes 1-5………………………………………………………... 13<br />

5.1. Theme 1: Primary production, microbial processes<br />

and biogeochemical feedbacks ………………………………..... 13<br />

5.2. Theme 2: Performance characters: reproduction, growth and<br />

behaviours in animal species ………………………………….... 16<br />

.<br />

5.3. Theme 3: Calcification - sensitivities across phyla and ecosystems....…... 19<br />

5.4. Theme 4: Species interactions and community structure<br />

in a changing ocean....................................................................... 22<br />

5.5. Theme 5: Integrated assessment – sensitivities and uncertainties….….... 25<br />

6. Management structure and procedures ………………………………….……. 28<br />

7. Data management and dissemination………………………………………….. 31<br />

8. Infrastructure development, training and transfer of know-how………….… 32<br />

9. International and National Cooperation……………………………………..... 33<br />

10. Summary Budget………………………………………………………………... 38<br />

11. Detailed descriptions of Themes and Projects……………………………….... 39<br />

11.1: Theme 0: Overarching activities……………………………………….... 41<br />

0.1 Project coordination……………………………..………………………….. 41<br />

0.2 <strong>BIOACID</strong> data management…………………………………………….….. 44<br />

0.3 Infrastructure development……………………………………..................... 49<br />

0.4 Training and transfer of knowhow……………………………........……..… 63<br />

11.2: Theme 1: Primary production, microbial processes<br />

and biogeochemical feedbacks…………………………….….. 67<br />

1.1: Acclimation versus adaptation in autotrophs………………………………. 70<br />

1.2: Turnover of organic matter……………………………………………....…. 85<br />

1.3: Modelling biogeochemical feedbacks of the organic carbon pump……..…. 98<br />

11.3: Theme 2: Performance characters: reproduction, growth and<br />

behaviours in animal species………………………………..... 105<br />

2.1: Effects on grazers and filtrators……………………………………….….... 108<br />

2.2: Long-term physiological effects on different life stages<br />

of benthic crustaceans.................................................................................... 121<br />

2.3: Effects on top predators (fishes, cephalopods)…………………………….. 134

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

11.4: Theme 3: Calcification - sensitivities across phyla and ecosystems….. 145<br />

3.1: Cellular mechanisms of calcification……………………………………….. 148<br />

3.2: Calcification under pH-stress: Impacts on ecosystem and<br />

organismal levels………………………………………………………….... 168<br />

3.3: Ultra-structural changes and trace element / isotope partitioning in<br />

calcifying organisms…………………………………………………… …... 183<br />

3.4: Microenvironmentally controlled (de-)calcification mechanisms…………... 193<br />

3.5: Impact of present and past ocean acidification on metabolism,<br />

biomineralization and biodiversity of pelagic and neritic calcifiers………… 207<br />

11.5: Theme 4: Species interactions and community structure in<br />

a changing ocean........................................................................ 219<br />

4.1: OA impacts on interactions in and structure of benthic communities………. 224<br />

4.2: OA effects on food webs and competitive interactions<br />

in pelagic ecosystems ……………………………………………………... 236<br />

11.6: Theme 5: Integrated assessment – sensitivities and uncertainties……. 247<br />

5.1: Impact of Alkalinity fluxes from the Wadden Sea on the carbon cycle<br />

and the primary production in the North Sea………………………………… 249<br />

5.2: Evaluating and optimising parameterisations of pelagic calcium<br />

carbonate production in global biogeochemical ocean models………………. 255<br />

5.3: Viability-method for the impact assessment of ocean acidification<br />

under uncertainty……………………………………………….………….…. 261<br />

12. Appendices………………………………………………………………………. 264<br />


Zusammenfassung<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Neben der Atmosphäre ist der Ozean die zweitgrößte Senke für anthropogenes Kohlendioxid.<br />

Das vom Ozean aufgenommene CO2 reagiert mit dem Meerwasser und bildet Hydrogenkarbonat<br />

und Säure, bei gleichzeitiger Zehrung von Karbonationen. Das Ergebnis dieses Prozesses, der als<br />

Ozeanversauerung bezeichnet wird, ist ein Anstieg der Konzentrationen von CO2 und<br />

Hydrogenkarbonat und eine Abnahme des pH Wertes (Zunahme des Säuregrades) und der<br />

Karbonationenkonzentration. Bei ungebremst fortschreitenden CO2 Emissionen wird sich die<br />

Chemie des Meerwassers bis zum Ende dieses Jahrhundert in einer Weise verändern, wie es die<br />

meisten der heute im Ozean lebenden Organismen während ihrer jüngeren Evolution nicht erlebt<br />

haben. Dies könnte Folgen für die Konkurrenzfähigkeit pH/CO2 sensibler Arten haben. Bei<br />

zunehmender Ozeanversauerung droht dadurch der Verlust an Biodiversität, ökologische und<br />

funktionale Veränderungen in den marinen Lebensgemeinschaften und eine reduzierte Kapazität<br />

des Ozeans zur weiteren Aufnahme von anthropogenem CO2.<br />

Trotz der Risiken, die diese Entwicklung in sich birgt, fehlt es uns an einem grundlegenden<br />

Verständnis der möglichen Konsequenzen einer Ozeanversauerung. Um diese Lücke zu schließen<br />

und eine System basierte Abschätzung der hiermit verbundenen Risiken und Unsicherheiten zu<br />

erlangen, wird <strong>BIOACID</strong> die Expertise von Molekular- und Zellbiologen, Biochemikern,<br />

Pflanzen- und Tierphysiologen, Meeresökologen, marinen Biogeochemikern und<br />

Ökosystemmodellierern in einem integrierenden Ansatz kombinieren. Über Disziplin-, Themen-<br />

und Projektgrenzen hinweg werden die <strong>BIOACID</strong> Partner gemeinschaftlich Experimente<br />

durchführen, Labor übergreifend Ausrüstung und Messkapazitäten nutzen, Probenmaterial und<br />

Fachkompetenz austauschen und die umfangreichen Datensätze in Richtung auf ökosystemare<br />

Modelle der Ozeanversauerung analysieren und synthetisieren. Dies wird ergänzt durch<br />

Trainingsworkshops zu zentralen Forschungsinhalten und -methoden von <strong>BIOACID</strong> Experten für<br />

alle Mitglieder des Konsortiums. Die übergeordneten Fragestellungen des Projektes sind:<br />

Welche Auswirkungen hat die Ozeanversauerung auf die marinen Organismen und ihre<br />

Lebensräume, was sind die zu Grunde liegenden Mechanismen und möglichen<br />

Anpassungen auf der Ebene von Populationen und Gemeinschaften, in welchem Maße<br />

werden die Auswirkungen durch andere Stressfaktoren beeinflusst und welche<br />

Konsequenzen ergeben sich daraus für die marinen Ökosysteme, biogeochemischen<br />

Kreisläufe und mögliche Rückkopplungen auf das Klimasystem?<br />

Um diese Fragen über einen weiten Bereich von potentiell sensitiven biologischen Prozessen<br />

anzuwenden, sind die in <strong>BIOACID</strong> geplanten Forschungsaktivitäten nach Schlüsselkomponenten<br />

und funktionalen Gruppen der marinen Lebensgemeinschaften strukturiert. Aus den diversen<br />

experimentellen Ansätzen und Feldbeobachtungen gewonnene Erkenntnisse sollen auf der Basis<br />

einer integrierenden Datensynthese dazu beitragen, Unsicherheiten bezüglich der<br />

prognostizierten Entwicklung zu identifizieren und mögliche Schwellenwerte unumkehrbarer<br />

Veränderungen zu erkennen. Ein zusätzlicher Mehrwert für das Projekt soll durch enge<br />

Kooperation mit verwandten nationalen und internationalen Projekten mit Schwerpunkt auf<br />

Ozeanversauerung und Ozeanerwärmung erzielt werden.

Summary<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Next to the atmosphere, the ocean is the second largest sink for anthropogenic carbon dioxide. As<br />

fossil fuel CO2 enters the surface ocean, it reacts with seawater to form bicarbonate and protons,<br />

thereby consuming carbonate ions. The net result of this process, termed ocean acidification, is<br />

an increase in CO2 and bicarbonate concentrations and a decrease in seawater pH and carbon ion<br />

concentration. If CO2 emissions continue to rise at current rates, before the end of this century the<br />

resulting changes in seawater chemistry will expose marine organisms to conditions which they<br />

have not experienced during their recent evolutionary history and which may pose a threat to the<br />

competitive fitness of pH/CO2 sensitive species and groups. Thus, as the ocean continues to<br />

acidify, there is an increasing risk of biodiversity losses, of profound ecological and functional<br />

shifts, and of a reduced capacity of the ocean to buffer further CO2 increase.<br />

Despite this emerging problem and the risks it may involve, surprising little is know about the<br />

possible impacts of ocean acidification. To close the many gaps in our understanding and to<br />

allow a systems-based assessment of the risks and uncertainties associated with ocean<br />

acidification, <strong>BIOACID</strong> will take an integrated approach combining the expertise of molecular<br />

and cell biologists, biochemists, plant and animal physiologists, marine ecologists, ocean<br />

biogeochemists and ecosystem modellers. The interaction between <strong>BIOACID</strong> scientists across<br />

disciplines, research themes and projects will include joint experiments, collaborative use of<br />

equipment and measurement capacity, exchange of samples and expertise, and the analysis and<br />

synthesis of comprehensive data sets towards an ecosystem model of ocean acidification. These<br />

activities will be complemented by training workshop offered by <strong>BIOACID</strong> experts to all<br />

members of the consortium. Following this approach, the overarching questions of <strong>BIOACID</strong><br />

are:<br />

What are the effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms and their habitat, what are<br />

the underlying mechanisms of responses and possible adaptations on the level of<br />

populations and communities, how are they modulated by other environmental stressors,<br />

and what are the consequences for marine ecosystems, ocean biogeochemical cycles, and<br />

possible feedbacks to the climate system?<br />

To address these questions for a wide range of potentially sensitive biological processes, research<br />

activities will be structured according to key ecosystem components and functional groups.<br />

Information gained in a variety of experimental approaches and field assays will be synthesized<br />

to obtain an integrated assessment of sensitivities and uncertainties and to identify the potential<br />

thresholds associated with ocean acidification. <strong>BIOACID</strong> will benefit from close interactions<br />

with related national and international project focussing on ocean acidification and ocean<br />

warming.<br />


1. Project background<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

The world’s oceans help moderating climate change thanks to their extensive capacity to store<br />

anthropogenic carbon dioxide. Since pre-industrial times, the oceans have sequestered nearly half<br />

of the fossil fuel CO2 released into the atmosphere and presently take up approximately 30% of<br />

current CO2 emissions (Sabine et al. 2004). As CO2 enters the surface ocean it reacts with<br />

seawater and generates changes in carbonate chemistry already measurable today (Figure 1). In<br />

case of unabated CO2 emissions, the resulting changes in seawater chemistry will, in the course<br />

of this century, expose marine organisms to conditions which they may not have experienced<br />

during their recent evolutionary history (Raven et al., 2005). This raises concerns regarding the<br />

biological, ecological, biogeochemical, and societal implications of ocean acidification.<br />

Fig. 1: Measured changes in surface ocean CO 2 partial pressure (pCO 2) and pH at the European Station for<br />

Time-series in the Ocean off the Canary Islands (ESTOC), the Hawaii Ocean Time-series Station<br />

(HOT) and the Bermuda Atlantic Times Series station (BATS). Since 1750, surface ocean pH has<br />

decreased by 0.12 units (calculated). Since 1980, pH has decreased by 0.02 units per decade (measured).<br />

Source: IPCC 4 th Assessment Report (2007)<br />

In its Special Report “The Future Oceans – Warming up, Rising High, Turning Sour”, the<br />

German Advisory <strong>Council</strong> on Global Change (WBGU, Berlin 2006) states: “Because of the<br />

importance of the consequences of ocean acidification, research in this area should be intensified<br />

considerably. As long as there is no general scientific consensus about the tolerable limit for the<br />

effects of acidification, a margin of safety according to the precautionary principle should be<br />

observed. The suggestion of the WBGU to prevent a pH decrease of more than 0.2 is oriented<br />

toward the goal of avoiding an aragonite undersaturation in the ocean surface layer. If it is found<br />

that other intolerable damages already occur before reaching aragonite undersaturation, then the<br />

guard rail will have to be adjusted accordingly.” (see Fig. 2)

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Fig. 2: Mean surface ocean pH values during glacial a pre-industrial times (calculated from reconstructed<br />

atmospheric pCO2), measured pH values in the present ocean, and projected future seawater pH for an<br />

atmospheric CO 2 concentration of approx. 750 ppm. The red line indicates the WBGU guard rail. Source:<br />

WBGU Special Report (2006) after IMBER (2005)<br />

As stated in the report, the tolerable window for ocean acidification defined by WBGU presently<br />

relies on an extremely small data base. In fact, rather than using the limited data on observed<br />

biological consequences of ocean acidification, the WBGU reaches its recommendation on the<br />

basis of projected changes in water chemistry (aragonite saturation state). While this is an<br />

appropriate approach in view of the scarcity of biological information, there is a clear need to<br />

establish a reliable data base on tolerance levels for ocean acidification in key groups of pH/CO2<br />

sensitive marine organisms in order to reach a more informed recommendation.<br />

Our present knowledge on the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on the marine biota is largely<br />

based on experimental work with single organisms or strains maintained in short-term<br />

incubations often exposed to abrupt and extreme changes in carbonate chemistry. Based on<br />

presently available data little is known about OA induced habitat change, synergetic effects from<br />

other stressors, such as ocean warming, the sensitivity of genetically diverse populations, and the<br />

ability of organisms to undergo long-term physiological and genetic adaptations. Hence, it is<br />

difficult to predict how the responses of key species will affect the population, community and<br />

ecosystem level, for example by the replacement of OA-sensitive with OA-tolerant species. In<br />

view of these uncertainties, it is presently impossible to define critical thresholds (tipping points)<br />

for tolerable pH decline or to predict the pathways of ecosystem changes where threshold levels<br />

have been surpassed.<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> will take the challenge to address the substantial gaps in the understanding of the<br />

consequences of ocean acidification. To achieve this, <strong>BIOACID</strong> will take an integrated approach<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

combining the expertise of molecular and cell biologists, biochemists, plant and animal<br />

physiologists, marine ecologists, ocean biogeochemists and ecosystem modellers. Close<br />

collaboration will be established with other European national and EU projects on ocean<br />

acidification to complement the expertise and research capacities of the marine science<br />

community in Germany and to benefit from the emerging synergies. Most notably, <strong>BIOACID</strong><br />

will profit from existing links to the European Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA) and<br />

intends to develop close interactions and possibly joint activities with the UK programme on<br />

ocean acidification presently developed in the framework of the <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>Environment</strong><br />

<strong>Research</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s (NERC) new five-year strategy.<br />

References<br />

Fabry VJ, Seibel BA, Feely RA, Orr JC (2008) Impacts of ocean acidification on marine fauna and ecosystem processes. ICES J Mar Sci 65:<br />

414–432.<br />

Feely RA, Sabine CL, Hernandez-Ayon JM, Ianson D, Hales B (2008) Evidence for upwelling of corrosive "acidified" water onto the<br />

continental shelf. Science 320: 1490 – 1492.<br />

Raven et al. Royal Society, Ocean Acidification Due to Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (Policy Document 12/05, Royal Society,<br />

London, 2005).<br />

Sabine, C.L., R.A. Feely, N. Gruber, R.M. Key, K. Lee, J.L. Bullister, R. Wanninkhof, C.S. Wong, D.W.R. Wallace, B. Tilbrook, F.J. Millero,<br />

T.-H. Peng, A. Kozyr, T. Ono, and A.F. Rios (2004), The Oceanic sink for Anthropogenic CO2, Science, 305, 367-371.<br />

WBGU Special Report “The Future Oceans – Warming up, Rising High, Turning Sour”, the German Advisory <strong>Council</strong> on Global Change,<br />

Berlin 2006<br />

2. Scientific and technological objectives<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> will assess uncertainties, risks and thresholds related to the emerging problem of<br />

ocean acidification (OA) at molecular, cellular, organismal, population, community and<br />

ecosystem scales. It will<br />

contribute to determining the impacts of OA on marine biota and their potential for<br />

acclimation and adaptation,<br />

improve our understanding of OA-related ecosystem changes, including both pelagic and<br />

benthic habitats, synthesize information for ecosystem modelling and determine critical<br />

thresholds,<br />

assess the consequences of OA-induced biological responses on elemental cycling and<br />

biogeochemical feedbacks to the climate system.<br />

To achieve this goal, <strong>BIOACID</strong> will (i) employ a suite of observational, experimental and<br />

modelling approaches leading to an integrated assessment of potential risks and thresholds<br />

associated with ocean acidification (see Section 4 and 10), and (ii) coordinate with major national<br />

and international projects and programmes (see Section 8). The project aims to deliver scientific<br />

information and knowledge that directly addresses important global environmental issues and<br />

that is relevant to national policy issues relating to energy policy, the biodiversity agenda, and<br />

adaptation to global change. Major deliverables will include:

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

high-profile scientific contributions to IGBP’s international science programmes of IMBER<br />

(Integrated Marine Biogeochemical and Ecosystem <strong>Research</strong>) and SOLAS (Surface Ocean<br />

Lower Atmosphere Study) based on Germany’s national marine expertise and infrastructure<br />

strengthened scientific basis for policy-relevant assessments, including input into the IPCC<br />

(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) 5 th Assessment Report and providing the<br />

scientific foundation for assessments of changes in marine biodiversity, e.g. in the framework<br />

of DIVERSITAS.<br />

3. Relevance to National Priorities and the National Funding Policy<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> addresses topics of global change research that are central to the BMBF’s mission<br />

(see below) and which are of immediate relevance with regard to the “Positionspapier für eine<br />

kohärente deutsche Forschungsstrategie zum Globalen Wandel” developed by the Nationales<br />

Komitee für Global Change Forschung to guide national research over the next years. <strong>BIOACID</strong><br />

will take the challenge of providing a sound data base on which to make recommendations<br />

regarding critical thresholds for ocean acidification as requested in the Special Report “The<br />

Future Oceans – Warming up, Rising High, Turning Sour” by the German Advisory <strong>Council</strong> on<br />

Global Change (WBGU, Berlin 2006). <strong>BIOACID</strong>’s combination of experimental approaches,<br />

field studies and modelling activities to assess different scenarios of future CO2 levels, targeting<br />

in a coordinated manner all relevant entities from the cell to the ecosystem and from short to<br />

long-term effects, is a unique and ambitious approach to the emerging problem of ocean<br />

acidification. <strong>Research</strong> carried out under <strong>BIOACID</strong> is also relevant as a basis for informed<br />

decisions on adaptation and mitigation strategies developed in the context of the<br />

“Aktionsprogramm Forschung zum Klimawandel”.<br />

In particular, <strong>BIOACID</strong> directly addresses goals of the BMBF’s Earth System and Marine<br />

<strong>Research</strong> programmes by focussing on the response of marine organisms and ecosystems to a<br />

changing global environment. The project is designed to assess the sensitivity of key species,<br />

communities, and habitats to variable forcing including anthropogenic change such as<br />

elevated CO2 levels. In this way, the project will improve the understanding of mechanisms by<br />

which the ocean and its ecosystems react to human and natural impacts, including feedbacks of<br />

such changes on biogeochemical cycles, the atmospheric composition and climate. The project<br />

will therefore contribute to a better understanding of the role of the ocean in the climate<br />

system and an improved description of the effects of global change on sensitive marine<br />

ecosystems. Such understanding is a pre-requisite for prediction and assessment of the impacts of<br />

human activity including climate-protection measures, on climate, global ecosystems and marine<br />

natural resources.<br />

Due to its multi-disciplinary nature, <strong>BIOACID</strong> also contributes directly to at least three Priority<br />

<strong>Research</strong> Themes of the BMBF’s Geotechnology <strong>Programme</strong>, namely: (1) The Coupled System<br />

Earth – Life, (2) Global Climate Change: Causes and Effects and (3) Biogeochemical<br />

Cycles: Links between Geosphere and Biosphere. Furthermore, <strong>BIOACID</strong> research is of<br />

immediate relevance to the new BMBF framework programme “<strong>Research</strong> for Sustainability”<br />

and will make significant contributions to risk assessments on the loss of marine biodiversity,<br />

including input to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility.<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

4. Structure of the Project and Consortium Building<br />

4.1. Scientific programme<br />

In order to achieve the objectives of <strong>BIOACID</strong>, five thematic areas have been identified which<br />

cover the range of processes from the base of the marine food chain to the community and<br />

ecosystem level, and of mechanisms from the sub-cellular to the whole organism level. In view<br />

of their distinct sensitivities to ocean acidification, calcification and carbonate dissolution<br />

processes will be the focal point of a separate theme. According to these research priorities the<br />

scientific programme of <strong>BIOACID</strong> is structured under the following five themes:<br />

Theme 1: Primary production, microbial processes<br />

& biogeochemical feedbacks<br />

Theme 2: Performance characters:<br />

Reproduction, growth & behaviours in animal species<br />

Theme 3: Calcification: Sensitivities across phyla and ecosystems<br />

Theme 4: Species interactions and community structure in a changing ocean<br />

Theme 5: Integrated assessment: Sensitivities and uncertainties<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> will pursue a multidisciplinary approach, involving scientists with expertise in cell and<br />

molecular biology, microbiology, physiology, evolutionary biology, marine ecology, marine<br />

chemistry, biogeochemistry and numerical modelling. <strong>BIOACID</strong> will employ a wide range of<br />

scientific approaches and methodologies, extending from field monitoring of OA-sensitive areas<br />

and ecosystems to joint mesocosm perturbation experiments, combined with closely coordinated<br />

ecosystem and biogeochemical modelling activities using parameterizations of observed<br />

biological responses and their biogeochemical implications.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Project coordination<br />

Data management<br />

Infrastructure<br />

development<br />

Training and transfer<br />

of knowhow<br />

Theme 1<br />

Primary production,<br />

microbial processes<br />

and biogeochemical<br />

feedbacks<br />

Theme 3<br />

Calcification:<br />

Sensitivities across<br />

phyla and ecosystems<br />

Theme 5<br />

Integrated<br />

assessment:<br />

Sensitivities and<br />

uncertainties<br />

Theme 2<br />

Performance characters:<br />

reproduction, growth<br />

and behaviours in<br />

animal species<br />

Theme 4<br />

Species interactions<br />

and community<br />

structure in a<br />

changing ocean<br />

Fig. 3: Structure of the project: research themes and overarching activities. Joint activities and the multiple<br />

links between themes and projects are described in detail in section 11.<br />

During the development of the research programme strong emphasis was put on linking the subprojects<br />

and projects, both within and between themes. These links range from joint experiments,<br />

joint use of equipment and measurement capacity, to exchange of samples, exchange of expertise,<br />

and training workshop offered by <strong>BIOACID</strong> experts to all members of the consortium (see 8.2.<br />

Training and transfer of know how). For detailed information on the multiple linkages developed<br />

in <strong>BIOACID</strong> see Table 0.1 under 11. Detailed Description of Themes and Projects and the<br />

specific links described in each of the individual projects. Over-arching activities include not<br />

only project coordination and logistics, outreach and data management but also the development<br />

and application of joint infrastructure (CO2 sensors, benthic and pelagic mesocosm systems,<br />

NMR, NanoSIMS).<br />

4.2. Consortium building<br />

The <strong>BIOACID</strong> consortium was built based on a bottom-up, open competition approach among all<br />

interested German institutes and universities conducting marine-oriented research. Starting with a<br />

presentation of the project idea to representatives of the Projektträger Jülich (PTJ) in<br />

Warnemünde in May 2007, followed by a positive signal from the PTJ, a planning group (Table<br />

1) was formed and first met at the MPI in Bremen July 2007.<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Table 1: Composition of the planning group.<br />

Planning group Members<br />

Chairs: Ulf Riebesell (IFM-GEOMAR), Hans-Otto Pörtner (AWI)<br />

Members:<br />

Antje Boetius (MPI Bremen), Gerd Graf* (U Rostock), Thorsten Reusch<br />

(U Münster), Maren Voss (IOW)<br />

* during the pre-proposal writing stage Gerd Graf (U Rostock) asked to withdraw from the<br />

planning group; Maren Voss (IOW) was invited as a replacement<br />

In the following months the planning group developed a tentative structure for a German national<br />

programme on ocean acidification and prepared a core proposal which was submitted to the<br />

German Ministry for Education and <strong>Research</strong> (BMBF) in November 2007. An oral presentation<br />

of the core proposal to representatives of the BMBF (Referat 725 System Erde and Referat 723<br />

Globaler Wandel) and of the PTJ took place in Bonn in December 2007. Based on this<br />

presentation and the follow-up discussions the planning group was invited to prepare a full<br />

proposal for international peer review.<br />

In January 2008 a call for project contributions was made public and sent to potential partner<br />

universities/institutes, requesting a 2-page description of proposed contributions to the<br />

programme by February 15, 2008. Over 50 pre-proposals were received and screened by the<br />

planning group during a group meeting in Kiel in February 2008 based on quality and<br />

complementarity of the proposed research. The principle investigators (PI) of all selected preproposals<br />

were invited to participate in a workshop and at the same time informed about the<br />

tentative budget allocated to their project contributions, as recommended by the planning group.<br />

A 2-day workshop of all invited PIs was held in Kiel in April 2008, during which the consortium<br />

was founded and the structure of the programme, including the themes, projects and sub-projects<br />

were developed. During the workshop theme and project leaders (see Tables 2 and 3) were<br />

chosen and responsibilities for the preparation of the full-proposal were assigned. It followed a<br />

10-week period of intense communication and writing activities by all partners involved. The full<br />

proposal was completed in June and proudly handed over to the PTJ on July 2, 2008.<br />

Time line of consortium building and proposal preparation:<br />

(1) Presentation of project idea at PTJ Warnemünde May 2007<br />

(2) Planning group established July 2007<br />

(3) Planning group finalizes core proposal Nov. 2007<br />

(4) Presentation of project idea to BMBF and PTJ in Bonn Dec. 2007<br />

(5) Call for project contributions to potential partner universities/institutes Jan.<br />

(deadline for submission: February 15, 2008)<br />

2008<br />

(6) Screening of proposed contributions based on quality and<br />

complementarity, invitation of project partners<br />

Febr. 2008

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

(7) joint workshop of all partners, revision of core proposal, Apr. 2008<br />

development and structuring of themes, projects, and sub-projects<br />

(8) preparation of full proposal by all project partners April - June 2008<br />

(9) submission of full proposal July 2008<br />

5. Overview of Themes 1-5<br />

5.1. Theme 1: Primary production, microbial processes and<br />

biogeochemical feedbacks<br />

5.1.1. Theme summary<br />

Overarching questions<br />

1. How do marine primary producers and heterotrophic bacteria of diverse taxonomic<br />

groups respond to ocean acidification (OA) and increase in CO2 concentration on?<br />

Which groups/species (e.g. calcifying vs. non calcifying species) are negatively impacted<br />

and which benefit?<br />

2. To what extent will key phytoplankton species and bacteria be able to acclimate to OA?<br />

What is the potential for evolutionary adaptation and concomitant genetic changes<br />

within 100s to 1000s of generations?<br />

3. What are the consequences of ocean acidification for the turn-over and export of<br />

organic matter?<br />

4. What are the combined effects of CO2 and temperature changes on the marine soft<br />

tissue pump and DOC export and the air-sea exchange of CO2?<br />

Primary producers in the marine realm encompass phylogenetically very diverse groups<br />

(Falkowski et al. 2004), differing widely in their photosynthetic apparatus and carbon enrichment<br />

systems (Giordano et al. 2005). Preliminary data reveal that species with effective carbon<br />

concentration mechanisms (CCMs) are less sensitive to increased CO2 levels than those lacking<br />

efficient CCMs, analogous to findings in terrestrial vegetation. Currently, our ignorance of the<br />

metabolic diversity of oceanic autotrophy and microbial heterotrophs hampers any projection of<br />

total marine primary production and regeneration in response to increased carbonation. A focus<br />

of Theme 1 will therefore be to identify critical physiological traits that determine the sensitivity<br />

of key groups of primary producers and bacteria to increases ocean acidification and carbonation.<br />

Most of the biological oceanic carbon uptake is driven by regenerated production and only ~20%<br />

by new nitrogen input to surface waters (Laws et al., 2000) which drives the export of organic<br />

carbon from surface waters (Eppley and Peterson 1979). While the export of carbon, nitrogen,<br />

and phosphorus is generally considered to be closely coupled in marine biogeochemical cycling,<br />

recent work in mesocosms shows increasing C:N and C:P ratios during primary production with<br />

increasing CO2 concentrations (Riebesell et al., 2007). Excess carbon assimilation partially ends<br />

up as dissolved organic carbon and may increase the export of organic matter through the<br />

formation of gel particles that enhance particles aggregation, such as transparent exopolymer<br />


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particles (Arrigo, 2007; Engel et al., 2004). These processes, if representative for pelagic<br />

autotrophic communities, could give rise to a biologically driven feedback to the climate system.<br />

What controls the release of dissolved organic matter by either phytoplankton or bacteria, and<br />

how these substances affect the nutrition and aggregation of pelagic organisms needs further<br />

investigation in order to improve the description of biogeochemical turnover processes and their<br />

sensitivities to increasing pCO2 (Figure 4).<br />

Theme 1 will study plankton communities in controlled lab experiments on several relevant time<br />

scales, from short-term physiological adjustment, to acclimation, to longer-lasting evolutionary<br />

adaptation. Treatment levels, experimental set-ups and response variables were chosen<br />

concordantly among diverse target groups in order to ensure full comparability of results in the<br />

subprojects.<br />

Fig. 4: Compartments and interactions studied in Theme 1<br />

Theme 1 will combine laboratory-based work with field campaigns to assess the responses of<br />

natural plankton communities. Given the importance of coastal areas to fisheries and other<br />

marine resources and services, the coastal ecosystems constitute an important target region. Insitu<br />

experiments and sampling will be carried out in the Baltic Sea, an enclosed sea with high<br />

nutrient input and anthropogenic pressures.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

An improved implementation of possible impacts of ocean acidification and sea surface warming<br />

influence on the marine soft-tissue pump and the cycling (and export) of dissolved organic<br />

carbon in global marine carbon cycle models, like the model PICES, is urgently needed. As part<br />

of the modeling component of Theme 1 new parameterizations will be incorporated based on<br />

empirical results generated under this theme.<br />

5.1.2. Progress expected<br />

Theme 1 aims at a better understanding of complex species interactions in communities<br />

comprising primary producers and bacteria and associated biogeochemical dynamics under<br />

present pCO2 concentrations, twice (projected for 2100) and three times the present<br />

concentration. Laboratory and field experiments will deliver insight into the sensitivity of key<br />

plankton species to high CO2 concentrations. Synergistic effects due to temperature increase and<br />

changes in nutrient concentrations will be considered in some experimental setups.<br />

Expected changes in the formation, sedimentation, and export of biogenic particles due to<br />

changing mineral ballast will be assessed by means of experiments in pressure controlled<br />

chambers. This will be complemented by determining CO2 effects on the regulation of DOM<br />

release from primary producers and its impact on the bacterial community.<br />

Acclimation will be described in terms of physiological responses. The genomic changes in<br />

response to long-term exposure will be investigated to identify the time scales on which<br />

adaptations can be achieved.<br />

Data on responses of organisms will be built into models. This involves (1) an improvement of<br />

the description of the soft-tissue pump in a global biogeochemical model and (2) integrating<br />

ocean acidification sensitivities at the organism level into ecosystem modelling.<br />

5.1.3. Projects under this Theme<br />

Project 1.1: Acclimation versus adaptation in autotrophs (Thorsten Reusch)<br />

Project 1.2: Turnover of organic matter (Anja Engel)<br />

Project 1.3: Modelling biogeochemical feedbacks of the organic carbon pump (Birgit<br />

Schneider)<br />

References<br />

Arrigo KR, (2007) Carbon Cycle Marine manipulations, Nature, 450: 491-492.<br />

Engel A, Thoms S, Riebesell U, Rochelle-Newall E,Zondervan I, (2004) Polysaccharide aggregation as a potential sink of marine dissolved<br />

organic carbon, Nature, 428: 929-932.<br />

Eppley RW, Peterson BJ, (1979) Particulate organic matter flux and planktonic new production in the deep ocean, Nature, 282: 677-680.<br />

Falkowski P, Barber RT, Smetacek V, (1998) Biogeochemical Controls and Feedbacks on Ocean Primary Production, Science, 281,(5374):<br />

200-205; DOI: 10.1126/science.281.5374.200.<br />

Giordano M, Beardall J, Raven JA (2005) CO2 concentrating mechanisms in algae: mechanisms, environmental modulation, and evolution.<br />

Annu Rev Plant Biol 56: 99-131<br />

Laws EA, Falkowski PG, Smith WO, Ducklow H, McCarthy JJ, (2000) Temperature effects on export production in the open ocean, Global<br />

Biogeochem. Cycles, 14,(4): 1231-1246.<br />

Riebesell U, Schulz KG, Bellerby RGJ, Botros M, Fritsche P, Meyerhöfer M, Neill C, Nondal G, Oschlies A, Wohlers J, Zöllner E, (2007)<br />

Enhanced biological carbon consumption in a high CO2 ocean, Nature 450: 545-548<br />


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5.2. Theme 2 Performance characters: Reproduction, growth and<br />

behaviours in animal species<br />

5.2.1. Theme summary<br />

Overarching questions<br />

1. Which physiological mechanisms define sensitivity or tolerance of marine<br />

animals to ocean acidification and how do they set or modify performance levels<br />

and fitness?<br />

2. Can acclimation capacity (gene expression capacity) for such mechanisms<br />

explain physiological plasticity?<br />

3. How does acclimation or adaptation to new levels of CO2 and temperature<br />

affect organism performance?<br />

4. In a comparison of species and their populations from temperate to polar<br />

climates, do they differ in their sensitivity or capacity to resist ocean<br />

acidification through acclimation or evolutionary adaptation? How do these<br />

findings relate to differences in temperature and associated ocean<br />

physicochemistry?<br />

5. Which life stages of functionally important marine organisms are most sensitive<br />

to ocean acidification and how does the level of sensitivity relate to the ontogeny<br />

of physiological mechanisms?<br />

Ecosystem effects of ocean acidification include those on metazoan life. However, while<br />

ecosystem effects of warming trends have clearly been identified, those of ocean acidification are<br />

still equivocal. Within the next decades, elevated CO2 levels are expected to affect marine water<br />

breathing animals directly through effects on the physiology and performance of the individual<br />

organism and indirectly through changes in food web structure. Emerging knowledge indicates<br />

that sensitivity to elevated CO2 levels differs between animal phyla and species. It may also differ<br />

depending on geographical latitude and associated climate conditions. Effects may be large and<br />

potentially detrimental especially in life forms with a low metabolic rate, for examples among<br />

calcifying benthic macroorganisms (Wood et al., 2008) or in the deep sea. This hypothesis is in<br />

line with recent observations in habitats contaminated by natural CO2 emissions, e.g. in volcanic<br />

areas around Ischia (Hall-Spencer et al., 2008). Initial findings suggest decreased growth and<br />

enhanced mortality of sensitive species such as among molluscs or echinoderms in response to a<br />

doubling of CO2 from pre-industrial levels to 560 ppm (Shirayama and Thornton 2005), a value<br />

which is likely surpassed during this century. As effects of ocean acidification are expected on<br />

top of those of ocean warming, studying ecosystem effects of OA will thus need to consider both,<br />

the direct influence of ocean physicochemistry on individual organisms and species, and also the<br />

CO2 dependent modulation of responses to temperature in particular.<br />

For an in-depth cause and effect understanding, it is essential to unravel the physiological<br />

mechanisms that define whole organism sensitivity to ocean acidification (e.g. Pörtner et al.<br />

2004, Fabry et al. 2008) and especially those, which synergistically interact with temperature<br />

effects on marine organisms (cf. Pörtner et al. 2005). A current hypothesis emphasizes a key role<br />

for the capacity of acid-base regulation in defining sensitivity (Pörtner, 2008 for review).

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Available data indicate that deviations of extracellular pH from its setpoint mediate several of the<br />

observed whole organism effects. Theme 2 will investigate how and to what extent these<br />

disturbances affect whole animal performance and how acclimation to various CO2 levels can<br />

alleviate some of these effects. It will also address to what extent sensitivity to ocean<br />

acidification interacts with thermal stresses and is shaped by the specialization of organisms on<br />

ambient climate conditions according to latitude.<br />

Fig. 5: Effects of ocean acidification and warming on marine ectotherms<br />

– Theme 2 concepts and their implementation<br />

Effects of anthropogenic ocean acidification on animal communities are expected on medium to<br />

long time scales, due to the progressive accumulation of CO2 and due to long generation times. In<br />

variable environments (e.g. upwelling areas, Feely et al., 2008) not only the drift in mean<br />

physicochemical parameters but also enhanced amplitudes will require consideration in analyses<br />

of CO2 effects. For an analysis of the interaction between specialization on various climates on<br />

the one hand and sensitivity to ocean acidification on the other hand, physiological studies (of<br />

e.g. performance and acid-base regulation) as well as investigations of gene expression patterns<br />

and population structure will be carried out in species and populations living in a climate gradient<br />

across latitudinal clines. Comparisons of fertilized eggs, juvenile and adult life stages will be<br />

essential to identify the bottlenecks of sensitivity throughout ontogeny as well as their<br />

physiological background. The physiological principles shaping performance may also control<br />

calcification, and thus the shell growth of bivalves and other calcifiers over time. Performance<br />

has been shown to link climate change to ecosystem effects of warming (Pörtner and Knust<br />

2007). Performance characters like growth or foraging capacity are likely also involved in multistep<br />

processes affecting marine food webs. Here, species-specific responses and sensitivities<br />


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cause various species of an ecosystem to be affected differently, resulting in changes in species<br />

interactions, population adaptability, food web structure and associated carbon fluxes. The work<br />

will include species of coastal areas and relevant to fisheries and other marine services. Theme 2<br />

also includes approaches to test and further develop mechanistic concepts and models of effects<br />

of ocean acidification. This includes kinetic modelling of the mechanisms of ion and acid-base<br />

regulation for an improved quantitative understanding of effects, to generate a basis for a more<br />

comprehensive, mechanism based modelling approach.<br />

5.2.2. Progress expected<br />

Theme 2 aims at a better understanding of the physiological underpinning of specific and<br />

combined CO2 and temperature effects on marine water breathing animals and on ecosystem<br />

function. Lab and mesocosm experiments will provide insight into specific sensitivities,<br />

acclimation and adaptation of marine invertebrates and fish to CO2 and temperature under present<br />

CO2 concentrations as well as under levels twice (as projected for 2100) and three times the<br />

present concentration. We expect to complement our knowledge of the physiological mechanisms<br />

responding to changing CO2 levels and to changing body fluid and tissue acid-base variables,<br />

considering the specific patterns of tissue functioning and its regulation. As a result, a more<br />

comprehensive picture is expected of the mechanisms involved in shaping sensitivity,<br />

acclimation and adaptation to various CO2 accumulation scenarios. Furthermore, consideration of<br />

the projected temperature increase in our experiments will lead to a better understanding of the<br />

synergistic effects of warming and acidification as well as the underlying mechanisms. The<br />

generalized view of physiological principles should also help to identify the master variables<br />

mediating the effects of ocean acidification (such as e.g. extracellular pH) and to comprehend<br />

their integrating role at various levels of biological organization.<br />

Mechanisms contributing to the set-points of acid-base regulation will be identified and their<br />

contribution quantified in experimental and kinetic modelling studies. Acclimation will be<br />

described in terms of the longer term adjustments in the functioning of mechanisms and<br />

processes as well as in terms of the underlying genomic changes involving transcriptional and<br />

translational processes. The time scales of acclimation and adaptation should become accessible<br />

from long-term exposures and from comparisons of species and populations in various<br />

temperatures and thus CO2 concentration regimes along a latitudinal cline between temperate and<br />

polar areas.<br />

Insight in the responses at organism level throughout ontogeny as well as at population level will<br />

build the basis for identifying the CO2 and temperature induced modulation of key processes such<br />

as recruitment and calcification which are crucial for a population’s role in ecosystem<br />

functioning. The compilation of CO2 and temperature impacts on animal performance at different<br />

trophic levels, e.g. from herbivores to top predators will facilitate the development of scenarios of<br />

future marine ecosystem functioning. Such integrated assessments of sensitivities to ocean<br />

acidification would also become available for future ecosystem modelling.<br />

5.2.3. Projects under this Theme<br />

Project 2.1: Effects on grazers and filtrators (Thomas Brey)<br />

Project 2.2: Long-term physiological effects on different life stages of benthic crustaceans<br />

(Felix Mark)<br />

Project 2.3: Effects on top predators (fishes, cephalopods) (Catriona Clemmesen)

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

References<br />

Fabry VJ, Seibel BA, Feely RA, Orr JC (2008) Impacts of ocean acidification on marine fauna and ecosystem processes. ICES J Mar Sci 65:<br />

414–432.<br />

Feely RA, Sabine CL, Hernandez-Ayon JM, Ianson D, Hales B (2008) Evidence for upwelling of corrosive "acidified" water onto the<br />

continental shelf. Science 320: 1490 – 1492.<br />

Hall-Spencer J.M., Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Martin S, Ransome E, Fine M, Turner SM, Rowley SJ, Tedesco D, Buia MC (2008) Volcanic carbon<br />

dioxide vents show ecosystem effects of ocean acidification. Nature, doi:10.1038/nature07051.<br />

Pörtner HO (2008) Ecosystem effects of ocean acidification in times of ocean warming: a physiologist’s view. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. in review<br />

Pörtner HO, Langenbuch M, Reipschläger A (2004) Biological impact of elevated ocean CO2 concentrations: lessons from animal physiology<br />

and earth history. J. Oceanogr. 60: 705-718.<br />

Pörtner HO, Langenbuch M and Michaelidis B (2005) Synergistic effects of temperature extremes, hypoxia, and increases in CO2 on marine<br />

animals: From Earth history to global change, J. Geophys. Res. 110: C09S10<br />

Pörtner HO, and Knust R (2007) Climate change affects marine fishes through the oxygen limitation of thermal tolerance. Science 315: 95 -<br />

97.<br />

Shirayama, Y., and H. Thornton (2005), Effect of increased atmospheric CO2 on shallow water marine benthos, J. Geophys. Res., 110,<br />

C09S08, doi:10.1029/2004JC002618.<br />

Wood HL, Spicer JI, Widdicombe S (2008) Ocean acidification may increase calcification rates, but at a cost. Proc R Soc B 275:1767-1773.<br />

5.3. Theme 3 Calcification: Sensitivities across phyla and ecosystems<br />

5.3.1. Theme summary<br />

Overarching questions<br />

1. What are the cellular mechanisms of calcification and decalcification in different marine<br />

organisms, particularly with regard to ion transport to and from calcification sites?<br />

2. How will OA and pH stress affect calcification at the level of organisms, communities<br />

and ecosystems? Will concurrent temperature change modulate these effects?<br />

3. What changes will occur in the ultra-structure, trace element partitioning, and isotopic<br />

signature of the shells and skeletons of calcifyers in response to pH stress?<br />

4. How does the changing water column chemistry influence carbonate dissolution and<br />

deposition in sedimentary systems?<br />

5. Are past OA events (e.g. in the Cenozoic) useful analogues for projected future OA in<br />

their effects on calcifying organisms? Is the performance and sensitivity of past and<br />

present calcifyers comparable, and does this information help to assess the future?<br />

Calcification, the precipitation of calcium with carbonate, is influenced by the current increase in<br />

atmospheric CO2 levels and its concurrent gradual decrease in ocean pH. Since acidification leads<br />

to a decrease of the carbonate ion concentration, ocean acidification causes a decrease of the<br />

carbonate saturation sate. Hence we can expect a future reduction in calcification rates, or even<br />

net decalcification. Indeed reduction of calcification rates have been observed upon acidification<br />

in several marine calcifying groups, but not in all. This is indicative for a variety of calcification<br />

mechanisms. Calcification is a proton-generating process, and decalcification is proton<br />

consuming. Thus, these processes are typically coupled to either proton consuming (calcification)<br />

or proton producing (decalcification) processes. Conversely, calcification and decalcification can<br />

buffer other pH changing processes, and will thus to some extend buffer the oceanic pH.<br />

Biological calcification always occurs in more or less isolated microenvironments, in which the<br />

carbonate and/or calcium concentrations are changed by biological activity. These changes can<br />

be driven by ion pumps in specialized transport tissue, e.g. for Ca 2+ or H + , which is typical for the<br />


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highly controlled calcification in corals, foraminifera, bivalves and coccolithophores.<br />

Alternatively, calcification can be a side effect of metabolic activities such as photosynthesis,<br />

occurring in a matrix with mass transfer limitation (a sediment or microbial mat). We will<br />

investigate if some calcification mechanisms are more sensitive than others, and the extent to<br />

which decalcification can buffer the decrease in oceanic pH. We will further investigate if<br />

decalcification can contribute to pH buffering of the oceans. We will finally investigate if the<br />

oceanic pH may leave signatures in the biogenic carbonates, and learn from acidic events in the<br />

past what the effect is on biodiversity on calcifying nano-plankton.<br />

Differences in calcification mechanisms<br />

may be responsible for observed<br />

differences in CO2/pH sensitivities of<br />

marine calcifiers. Left is a possible<br />

calcification scheme by actively<br />

calcifying organisms, which depend on<br />

transmembrane pumping of ions to and<br />

from a calcification site, such as shells<br />

and skeletons. Right is a scheme of<br />

calcification by diffusion-controlled<br />

calcification. A calcifying microenvironment<br />

is created by the combined<br />

effect of diffusion resistance and<br />

metabolic activity, like photosynthesis.<br />

Fig. 6: Groups of calcifying organisms and processes studied in Theme 3<br />

5.3.2. Progress expected<br />

Within this theme we will try to elucidate how pH affects calcification rates of two principally<br />

different mechanisms. We will study (1) calcification driven by membrane transport processes,<br />

i.e. fully organism-controlled, and (2) calcification as a side reaction of photosynthesis, i.e.<br />

environmentally controlled. In both cases the calcification occurs in a more or less shielded<br />

space, but in the first case it is shielded by membranes and tissue within the calcifying organisms,<br />

in the second case calcification is rather an encrustation outside the organism, and the transport<br />

limitation is by diffusion.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Hypotheses: As the first mechanism involves considerable energy input from the actively<br />

calcifying organisms, which will increase upon acidification, we expect significant effects on the<br />

ecological fitness of calcifiers and on the biodiversity of ecosystems with calcifying<br />

communities. In the second case calcification does not require metabolic energy, and reduced<br />

calcification does not present an ecological disadvantage for the organisms that drive<br />

calcification, and will not have an effect on their biodiversity. We expect to have a better<br />

understanding on this issue through the projects 3.1 and 3.2. Secondly, we will investigate if pH<br />

changes leave a signature in the biogenic carbonates, and whether the isotope and trace metal<br />

signatures can be used to better understand the calcification process. More specifically, it will be<br />

tested in project 3.3 whether calcification in corals and foraminifera is indeed a result of<br />

enveloping seawater parcels in vacuoles in which subsequently the chemistry is shifted towards<br />

an environment where carbonates precipitate. This will enhance understanding of the chemical<br />

signatures of biogenic carbonates. We will investigate in project 3.4 in how far calcification in<br />

sediments and other matrices is resilient against ocean acidification, and construct a diffusionconversion<br />

model describing calcification and decalcification. This model will include the<br />

carbonate system, pH, photosynthesis and respiration. In project 3.5 we will investigate if several<br />

acidic events in the past have left traces in the carbonate skeletons. The calcification driven by<br />

photosynthesis occurs in sediments and mats where transport is diffusionally limited. This to<br />

some extend uncouples the microenvironment from the seawater.<br />

5.3.3. Projects under this Theme<br />

Project 3.1: Cellular mechanisms of calcification (Frank Melzner)<br />

Project 3.2: Calcification under pH-stress: Impacts on ecosystem and organismal levels<br />

(Ralph Tollrian)<br />

Project 3.3: Ultra-structural changes and trace element / isotope partitioning in calcifying<br />

organisms (foraminifera, corals) (Jelle Bijma)<br />

Project 3.4: Micro-environmentally controlled (de-)calcification mechanisms<br />

(Michael Böttcher)<br />

Project 3.5: Impact of present and past ocean acidification on metabolism,<br />

biomineralization and biodiversity of pelagic and neritic calcifiers<br />

(Adrian Immenhauser)<br />


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5.4. Theme 4 Species interactions and community structure in a<br />

changing ocean<br />

5.4.1. Theme summary<br />

Overarching questions<br />

1. What is the role of differential sensitivities to OA at the community, species and intraspecific<br />

(ontogenetic stages, genotypes) level? Are there emerging properties resulting<br />

from organism interactions that are not visible from single-species investigations<br />

alone?<br />

2. Does the community structure change as a consequence of OA and how do shifts in<br />

competitive abilities of benthic and pelagic organisms affect community structure?<br />

3. What is the role of OA induced changes in food quality and quantity in primary<br />

producers to higher trophic levels?<br />

4. To which extent will energy transfer between lower and higher trophic levels change as<br />

a result of changing competitive interactions and/or changes in the feeding<br />

environment?<br />

5. Do different types of communities (benthic – pelagic, microbial – macrobial) react<br />

differently to acidification/warming stress?<br />

Observed effects of low pH and/or high CO2 conditions are mostly based on experiments with<br />

single species. Hence, not much is known about how these factors affect interactions between<br />

species and, through that, communities. Indeed, the projected shifts in pCO2 and pH in many<br />

species often only slightly impact performance and fitness of a given species, and many studies<br />

find reactions in single species experiments only with very high CO2 concentrations or at<br />

unrealistically low pH (e.g. Mayor et al. 2007). However, as shown for other stressors<br />

(Christensen et al. 2006) ensuing modifications of species interactions may substantially amplify<br />

or buffer the original stress (Wahl 2008). How environmental stress spreads through a<br />

community via shifts in composition and interaction is still very much an open question.<br />

Theme 4 will therefore address the pivotal role of interaction modulation in close cooperation<br />

with a number of projects from other themes which, in contrast, focus on single species reactions<br />

to ocean acidification. Thus, Theme 4 is the logical extension of these projects, placing the<br />

responses of individual organisms to OA into a community and ecosystem context. We expect to<br />

find effects of OA on community structure and interaction that are not visible when studying<br />

single organism reactions. Hence, we will focus on shifts in competitive and trophic interactions<br />

as well as on community structure. Organisms will vary considerably in their reaction to ocean<br />

acidification. As a consequence, formerly superior competitors may be weakened, as is the case<br />

in interactions between calcifying and non-calcifying species (e.g. Kuffner et al. 2007), or<br />

relative susceptibility to predation may change (Swanson & Fox 2007). Furthermore, there may<br />

be strong selective pressures within species, if susceptibility to stress differs between genotypes<br />

or between ontogenetic stages. At the unicellular level, less sensitive clones or strains may<br />

become more dominant under ocean acidification, and sensitive rare populations may disappear.<br />

In multicellular species, the most sensitive ontogenetic phase will determine survival, and genetic<br />

diversity may determine the fate of a population under OA.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

The changes in species composition on one trophic level will obviously affect the transfer of<br />

energy and matter to higher trophic levels. Shifting species composition at the base of the food<br />

chain may represent different quality feeds for predators, which may result in a complete<br />

restructuring of the trophic web. Also, direct effects of increased CO2 availability may change the<br />

quality of organisms as food for higher trophic levels. Higher carbon availability will typically<br />

result in higher carbon to nutrient ratios in primary producers. This has on the one hand been<br />

linked to decreased toxicity of some dinoflagellates (Parkhill & Cembella 1999), with the<br />

potential of higher palatability of previously noxious algae, but on the other hand to a decrease in<br />

the quality as food for higher trophic levels (Malzahn et al. 2007).<br />

So, if we are to understand the effects of OA on ecosystem structure and function, it is essential<br />

that we understand the shifts of interaction mode or strength (Tortell et al. 2002), because the<br />

typical non-linearity of the ensuing effects has the potential to cause regime shifts in marine<br />

ecosystems. To date, regime shifts have mainly been linked to climate forcing, but we expect<br />

ocean acidification – amplified by interaction modulation - to have the same potential.<br />

Approach:<br />

Fig. 7: Compartments and interactions studied in Theme 4<br />

In Theme 4, we will investigate how interactions between and within species in benthic [4.1.1.-<br />

4.1.4] and pelagic [4.2.1-4.2.2] communities shift under the influence of OA. We investigate<br />

changes in trophic grazer- alga interactions in the benthos [4.1.1], and competitive interactions<br />

between sessile organisms [animals 4.1.2 and plants 4.1.3]. Moreover, we will investigate the<br />

effects of ocean acidification on bacterial communities, both directly, as well as a result of altered<br />

excretion products of algae and herbivores faced with resources of different quality [4.1.4 for the<br />

benthos, 4.2.1 for the pelagic zone]. Competition between pelagic microalgae will be studied in<br />

4.2.2, and the resulting prey community will be fed to pelagic herbivorous grazers in 4.2.1<br />


5.4.2. Progress expected<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Theme 4 will further our understanding of between- and within-species interactions under OA<br />

stress. We expect that after a successful completion of the project we will be able to define the<br />

expected impacts of ocean acidification that go beyond single species reactions but are a result of<br />

changing interactions between and within species. As stated above, only by taking these<br />

interactions into account we will be able to truly appreciate the potential impact of OA. More<br />

specifically we expect progress in the following areas:<br />

1. Assessment of the role of differential sensitivities to OA at the intra-species (ontogenetic<br />

stages, genotypes), and species level. Populations and communities can only re-structure and,<br />

thus, adapt if their respective components differ in sensitivity towards the stressor(s). In close<br />

cooperation with appropriate projects in the other themes we will quantify how the responses<br />

to stress varies within species between life stages (not applicable for unicellular organisms),<br />

genotypes/strains, and between species in the focal communities.<br />

2. Shifts in competitive abilities of model organisms. Co-culturing of organisms exhibiting<br />

differing stress sensitivity (at the ontogenetic, genetic, species level) allows the quantification<br />

of the stress-induced shifts in competitiveness as compared to a low-stress situation. Strong<br />

shifts will lead to fast changes in relative abundance of the components in the focal<br />

communities: benthic and pelagic microbes, microalgae, macroalgae, macroalgae/sea grass,<br />

sessile invertebrates. This issue will highlight the role of genetic and functional diversity for<br />

the adaptability of populations and communities. Further, prolonged co-culturing of simple<br />

communities in micro- and mesocosms will produce re-structured communities adapted to<br />

the OA scenario applied. Since such a re-organization depends on the gene and species pool<br />

available, and on the number of generations allowed, and both these conditions can not be<br />

simulated realistically in experiments we do not pretend to simulate the ecosystem changes<br />

which will happen in the future. However, the kind of shifts among functional groups – e.g.<br />

macroalgae vs. seagrass or calcifiers vs. non-calcifiers – will improve our capacity for<br />

plausible projections.<br />

3. Quantification of the changes in community structure and community services. The structural<br />

shifts driven by OA will lead to changes in the functions within communities. Thus, an<br />

altered prey community will differ with regard to food quality and quantity. How this affects<br />

structure and dynamics of primary or secondary consumers, and storage in or flow of<br />

energy/matter between different strata of the system, will be a further outcome of Theme 4.<br />

Ultimately, we aim to make predictions of how OA is likely to affect issues such as surface<br />

water quality or the yield of economically relevant species.<br />

4. We will strive to incorporate the findings on direct and indirect OA impacts at the different<br />

organisational into descriptive and/or predictive models.<br />

5.4.3. Projects under this Theme<br />

Project 4.1: OA impacts on interactions in and structure of benthic communities<br />

(Martin Wahl)<br />

Project 4.2: OA effects on food webs and competitive interactions in pelagic ecosystems<br />

(Maarten Boersma)

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

References<br />

Christensen MR, Graham MD, Vinebrooke RD, Findlay DL, Paterson MJ, Turner MA (2006) Multiple anthropogenic stressors cause<br />

ecological surprises in boreal lakes. Glob Chan Biol 12:2316-2322<br />

Kuffner IB, Andersson AJ, Jokiel PL, Rodgers KS, Mackenzie FT (2007) Decreased abundance of crustose coralline algae due to ocean<br />

acidification. Nature Geosci 1:114-117<br />

Malzahn AM, Aberle N, Clemmesen C, Boersma M (2007) Nutrient limitation of primary producers affects planktivorous fish condition.<br />

Limnol Oceanogr 52:2062-2071<br />

Mayor DJ, Matthews C, Cook K, Zuur AF, Hay S (2007) CO2-induced acidification affects hatching success in Calanus finmarchicus. Mar<br />

Ecol Prog Ser 350:91-97<br />

Parkhill J, Cembella A (1999) Effects of salinity, light and inorganic nitrogen on growth and toxigenicity of the marine dinoflagellate<br />

Alexandrium tamarense from northeastern Canada. J Plankton Res 21:939-955<br />

Swanson AK, Fox CH (2007) Altered kelp (Laminariales) phlorotannins and growth under elevated carbon dioxide and ultraviolet-B<br />

treatments can influence associated intertidal food webs. Glob Chan Biol 13:1696-1709<br />

Tortell PD, DiTullio GR, Sigman DM, Morel FMM (2002) CO2 effects on taxonomic composition and nutrient utilization in an Equatorial<br />

Pacific phytoplankton assemblage. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 236:37-43<br />

Wahl M (2008) Ecological modulation of environmental stress: interactions between UV radiation, epibiotic snail embryos, plants and<br />

herbivores. J Anim Ecol 77:549-557<br />

5.5. Theme 5 Integrated assessment: Sensitivities and uncertainties<br />

5.5.1. Theme summary<br />

Objectives and overarching questions<br />

1. Synthesize information obtained in Themes 1 to 4 in order to achieve an integrated<br />

understanding of biological responses to ocean change.<br />

2. Develop a framework for integrating ocean acidification sensitivities at the organism<br />

level into ecosystem models.<br />

3. What are the integrated effects of ocean acidification and warming on ecosystem to<br />

global ocean scales?<br />

4. What are the critical threshold levels (‘tipping points’) of ocean acidification for<br />

irreversible ecosystem changes?<br />

5. What is the most suitable definition of dangerous ocean acidification in terms of the<br />

goods and ecosystem services lost due to OA?<br />

In its Special Report “The Future Oceans – Warming up, Rising High, Turning Sour”, the<br />

German Advisory <strong>Council</strong> on Global Change (WBGU, Berlin 2006) recommends a guard rail for<br />

future ocean pH decrease of 0.2 units as a margin of safety according to the precautionary<br />

principle. This suggestion is motivated by the intention of avoiding an aragonite undersaturation<br />

in the ocean surface layer. As stated in the report, the tolerable window for ocean acidification<br />

defined by WBGU presently relies on an extremely small data base. In fact, rather than using the<br />

limited data on observed biological consequences of ocean acidification, the WBGU reaches its<br />

recommendation on the basis of projected changes in water chemistry (aragonite saturation state).<br />

While this is an appropriate approach in view of the scarcity of biological information, there is a<br />

clear need to establish a reliable data base on tolerance levels for ocean acidification in key<br />

groups of ocean-acidification sensitive marine organisms in order to reach a more informed<br />

recommendation.<br />


26<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Fig. 8: Schematic diagram of Theme 5. Proposed projects are indicated (5.1, 5.2, 5.3).<br />

Theme 5 of <strong>BIOACID</strong> will take the challenge of integrating the information gained under<br />

Themes 1 to 4 in order to identify the potential thresholds associated with ocean acidification.<br />

Uncertainties, probabilities and risks to the marine environment have to be assessed as well as<br />

their feedback to climate system. This will be achieved through a meta-analysis of process<br />

studies and process parameterisations, and by combining models and data in a data-assimilative<br />

framework. In return, feedback from the modelling work will inform the experimental work in<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> about uncertainties in models and the relevant process parameterisations.<br />

During the first 3-year phase of <strong>BIOACID</strong>, our main aim is to develop and establish the tools that<br />

will allow us to fulfil the <strong>BIOACID</strong> synthesis needs. For the three subprojects proposed here, the<br />

synthesis tools to be established within <strong>BIOACID</strong> range from meta-analysis techniques over<br />

regional and global numerical ecosystem models to economic methods of integrated assessment.<br />

These tools will help to better understand ongoing changes in chemical and biological state of the<br />

North Sea from alkalinity fluxes originating from the Wadden Sea over a synthesis model that<br />

integrates OA sensitivities at organism level into a North Sea ecosystem model (5.1) to an<br />

economical impact assessment. (5.3). Newly developed assessment tools will also be used to<br />

improve parameterisations of calcium carbonate production in global biogeochemical climate<br />

models (5.2). By investigating the combined effects of variations in temperature and ocean<br />

acidity, such parameterisations will allow to put better constraints on possible threshold levels on<br />

ocean acidification in a warming world.<br />

5.5.2. Progress expected<br />

We subdivide expected progress into three categories, development of synthesis tools, synthesis<br />

of research results, and large scale modelling ocean acidification impacts and biogeochemical

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

feedbacks to carbon cycling and climate. Categories which reflect the major research aspects<br />

covered by projects of Theme 5 as well as collaborative research carried out together with<br />

projects from Themes 1-4 (see table 0.1, Section 11.1 for details).<br />

Development of synthesis tools<br />

This theme will<br />

• carry out supplementary model development and evaluation of a shelf sea ecosystem<br />

model (ECOHAM) for studying ocean acidification effects on the ecosystem level as<br />

well as alkalinity exchange of the North Sea with Wadden Sea and open ocean,<br />

• implement proposed parameterization of open ocean calcium carbonate production,<br />

export and dissolution into a tracer transport matrix rapid spin-up model system,<br />

• initiate a Bayesian meta-analysis of <strong>BIOACID</strong> experimental findings<br />

• further develop the ecological-economic viability-method towards a general approach for<br />

integrated assessment of human actions influencing ocean acidification and the<br />

consequences for human well-being that takes uncertainties about future development<br />

into account<br />

Synthesis of research results<br />

This theme will<br />

• critically review existing parameterisations of calcification currently used in large-scale<br />

biogeochemical climate models,<br />

• provide a review of experimental findings on temperature and pCO2 sensitivity of<br />

calcium carbonate production, its export and dissolution to be put in perspective with<br />

model parameterisations.<br />

Large scale modelling ocean acidification impacts and biogeochemical feedbacks to carbon<br />

cycling and climate<br />

This theme will<br />

• provide an evaluation and quantification of alkalinity fluxes from the Wadden Sea to the<br />

North Sea and their role in buffering ocean acidification from anthropogenic CO2<br />

invasion. Response of calcifying and non-calcifying primary producers to pH changes<br />

will be addressed by extrapolating results from mesocosm studies and future scenario<br />

model simulations (pCO2=1000µatm) studying critical ecological and biogeochemical<br />

aspects,<br />

• quantitatively assess the ability of current parameterisations of calcification in global<br />

biogeochemical models to reproduce observed alkalinity fields, and to suggest improved<br />

parameterisations that can reliably predict the response of pelagic calcium carbonate<br />

production to variations in both temperature and ocean carbonate chemistry<br />

• by means of the viability-method, assess the impacts of different human actions on ocean<br />

acidification, taking into account the uncertainties about the future development of<br />

acidification and the exact impact on cod recruitment. This modelling approach will take<br />

into account measures to mitigate acidification or to adapt the management of the North<br />

Sea cod fishery.<br />


28<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

5.5.3. Projects under this Theme<br />

Project 5.1: Impact of Alkalinity fluxes from the Wadden Sea on the carbon cycle and the<br />

primary production in the North Sea, (Johannes Pätsch)<br />

Project 5.2: Evaluating and optimising parameterisations of pelagic calcium carbonate<br />

production in global biogeochemical ocean models, (Andreas Oschlies)<br />

Project 5.3: Viability-method for the impact assessment of ocean acidification under<br />

uncertainty (Martin Quaas)<br />

6. Management structure and procedures<br />

A good organizational structure and an effective labour division based on clearly identified tasks<br />

and accompanied with a well-defined decision-making system will be put in place in order to<br />

fulfil the scientific objectives of <strong>BIOACID</strong>, to ensure an efficient work-flow and to reduce risks<br />

of failure. An overall organizational chart depicting the communication links is depicted in<br />

Figure 9 and is described in further detail below. The management procedures clearly define the<br />

consortium tasks, responsibilities and lines of command in a transparent decision-making<br />

structure.<br />

Fig. 9: Management structure and executive and advisory bodies.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

6.1. Project Coordinator and Project Office<br />

The Coordinator of <strong>BIOACID</strong> will be Ulf Riebesell at the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences,<br />

Kiel. Hans-Otto Pörtner at the Alfred-Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven will act as Deputy<br />

Coordinator. The coordinator (or in the case of his absence the Deputy Coordinator) will be<br />

responsible for the day-to-day management of <strong>BIOACID</strong> and contact with the Ministry of<br />

Education and <strong>Research</strong> (BMBF) and the Projektträger Jülich (PTJ). He will ensure that the<br />

project runs in compliance with the requirements of the contract (administrative, operational and<br />

scientific aspects). The Project Management Office will be located at IFM-GEOMAR. It will<br />

act upon decisions taken by the Executive Board (EB), the Scientific Steering Committee<br />

(SSC) and the Member’s General Assembly (MGA).<br />

6.2. Executive Board (EB)<br />

The Executive Board (Table 2), chaired by the Project Coordinator, will prepare decisions to be<br />

approved by the SSC and MGA and implement decisions on executive management. It will meet<br />

annually at the consortium meeting and will communicate regularly by phone and/or e-mail.<br />

Major decisions and recommendations will be made at the meetings with one vote per member of<br />

the EB. In addition to the meetings, the Executive Board will communicate via the project<br />

website. All communication with other Committees will be through the Project Office.<br />

Table 2: Composition of the executive board.<br />

Executive board Members<br />

Coordinator: Ulf Riebesell (IFM-GEOMAR)<br />

Theme leaders: Maren Voss (IOW), Hans-Otto Pörtner (AWI), Dirk de Beer (MPI Bremen),<br />

Maarten Boersma (AWI), Andreas Oschlies (IFM-GEOMAR)<br />

The responsibility of the EB will include:<br />

• ensuring that sufficient management is in place for monitoring the scientific work in<br />

project and perform quality control<br />

• enforcing decisions of the SSC and MGA<br />

• ensuring the preparation of reports and work plans<br />

• informing the SSC about project progress, any problems and risks encountered and any<br />

change in strategy<br />

6.3. Scientific Steering Committee (SSC)<br />

The SSC (Table 3) will advise on the overall scientific policy, direction and management of the<br />

project to be decided by the MGA. It will meet annually at Consortium meetings and be chaired<br />

by the Coordinator. All communication with the MGA will normally be through the Project<br />

Office.<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Table 3: Composition of the scientific steering committee (SSC).<br />

SSC Members<br />

Coordinator: Ulf Riebesell (IFM-GEOMAR)<br />

Deputy coordinator: Hans-Otto Pörtner (AWI)<br />

Theme leaders: Maren Voss (IOW), Hans-Otto Pörtner (AWI), Dirk de Beer (MPI<br />

Bremen), Maarten Boersma (AWI), Andreas Oschlies (IFM-GEOMAR)<br />

Project leaders: Michael Diepenbroek (U Bremen), Magnus Lucassen (AWI), Thorsten<br />

Reusch (IFM-GEOMAR), Anja Engel (AWI), Birgit Schneider (CAU<br />

Kiel), Thomas Brey (AWI), Felix Mark (AWI), Catriona Clemmesen<br />

(IFM-GEOMAR), Frank Melzner (IFM-GEOMAR), Ralph Tollrian (U<br />

Bochum), Jelle Bijma (AWI), Martin Wahl (IFM-GEOMAR), Maarten<br />

Boersma (AWI), Johannes Pätsch (U Hamburg), Andreas Oschlies (IFM-<br />

GEOMAR), Martin Quaas (CAU Kiel)<br />

Additional member: Antje Boetius (MPI Bremen), as member of the original planning group<br />

The responsibilities of the SSC will include:<br />

• acting on the initiative of the Executive Board (EB) on issues or problems relating to the<br />

progress towards the fulfilment of the scientific objectives<br />

• assessing scientific progress against the objectives and, where necessary, make<br />

recommendations to the EB<br />

• providing advice on any call for participants or partners that might be needed to finalize<br />

the project’s objectives<br />

• giving recommendations to the Executive Board on any scientific aspects it foresees as<br />

requiring ethical considerations<br />

6.4. Members’ General Assembly (MGA).<br />

The MGA consists of all project and sub-project PIs and will be the overall decisive body of the<br />

Consortium. At annual meetings, it will give scientific advice to the Steering Committee on the<br />

most important issues of the project. If needed, extraordinary meetings will be held. The MGA<br />

will be responsible for all major formal decisions regarding project strategy and any change to<br />

the consortium. Decisions in the MGA need two thirds of the votes present at the meeting. The<br />

MGA will act upon proposals from the Executive Board and decide on the following issues:<br />

• any major change in the scientific plans<br />

• any major budget reallocation between partners<br />

• any alteration of the management structure and management procedures<br />

• any change in the advisory bodies

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

7. Data management and dissemination<br />

7.1. Data management<br />

The data management in <strong>BIOACID</strong> will be carried out by the World Data Center for Marine<br />

<strong>Environment</strong>al Sciences WDC-MARE (www.wdc-mare.org) at the University of Bremen. WDC-<br />

MARE uses the information system PANGAEA (Publishing Network for Geoscientific &<br />

<strong>Environment</strong>al Data – www.pangaea.de), which is a system for acquisition, processing, long-term<br />

storage, and publication of geo-referenced data related to all earth science fields. Specifically,<br />

WDC-MARE will be responsible for<br />

1. Coordination of data capture, integration and quality control activities for the five<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> Themes.<br />

2. Archiving and publishing data sets and data collections online and as offline products<br />

(DVD) using persistent Digital Objects Identifiers (DOI).<br />

3. Implementation of the <strong>BIOACID</strong> data infrastructure<br />

- enabling a distributed storage of observational and model simulation data within a<br />

common networked structure, and<br />

- establishing a robust and long lasting data network which can be extended by or<br />

integrated into ongoing projects and programmes.<br />

4. Maintain the website and data portal for <strong>BIOACID</strong>.<br />

(For details on data managing see Theme 0.2 below). A half-time data manager position will be<br />

established by WDC-MARE at the University of Bremen.<br />

7.2 Dissemination<br />

Dissemination will include a multifunctional web service comprising a publicly accessible area to<br />

present the activities, techniques, and results of the project and a secure (password protected) area<br />

for internal project communication. This website will be maintained and administrated by the<br />

data manager (see project 0.2).<br />

Jointly with the administration of the Coordinator Project Office, all <strong>BIOACID</strong> partners<br />

contribute to<br />

• preparing a series of fact/information sheets and high level presentation packages aimed<br />

at policy makers’ needs<br />

• generate TV-quality video material on <strong>BIOACID</strong> research activities for distribution to<br />

interested TV channels and to produce a 8-10 minutes video clip on the <strong>BIOACID</strong><br />

project and the emerging problem of ocean acidification (see project 0.1)<br />

• communicate with society through on-line debates, web site, media interviews, press<br />

releases, events and articles in popular magazines, and consortium consensus responses<br />

to frequently asked questions<br />

• scientific publications in international refereed journals and presentation at conferences,<br />

short reports and flyers to authorities, public bodies, agencies and organisations<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Flyers and posters will be available on the <strong>BIOACID</strong> web site for members to download and<br />

distribute or display. Synergies with other national and EU projects (see 9 National and<br />

international Cooperations) will be formed to ensure effective exchange of information.<br />

8. Infrastructure development, training and transfer of know how<br />

8.1. Infrastructure development<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> will support the development of instrumentation and infrastructure urgently needed in<br />

ocean acidification research which will become of direct and general use to all <strong>BIOACID</strong><br />

partners. In particular, two activities are proposed in this regard facilitating measurements of CO2<br />

partial pressure and improving CO2 perturbation-based experimentation.<br />

1. Development and maintenance of aquarium culture facilities and research infrastructure<br />

needed for long-term incubations in the form of a re-circulating system. The proposed<br />

system, to be developed and installed at the AWI in Bremerhaven, is expected to<br />

establish and maintain baseline conditions in larger experimental set-ups at pre-industrial<br />

levels and various CO2 scenarios (for details see project 0.3.1.). Time permitting the<br />

system will be open access to all <strong>BIOACID</strong> partners.<br />

2. Development of new chemical optical sensors and instrumentation for the determination<br />

of carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) in fluids of marine organisms and in marine<br />

environments based on the dual lifetime referencing (DLR) method patented by PreSens.<br />

Emphasis will be put on the development of pCO2 sensors with appropriate resolution in<br />

the trace concentration range (380-1900 ppm in seawater, 380-3000 ppm in body fluids).<br />

The performance of the newly developed instrumentation will be optimised according to<br />

the experimental applications provided by project partners with prototype pCO2 sensors<br />

(for details see project 0.3.2.).<br />

8.2. Training and transfer of know how<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> will embrace a wide range of scientific disciplines, many with different approaches to<br />

monitoring the carbonate system and designing perturbation experiments. It is of vital importance<br />

for a large integrating project such as <strong>BIOACID</strong> to have common understanding on<br />

methodological and reporting procedures to facilitate comparison between investigators.<br />

Moreover, several <strong>BIOACID</strong> partners are international leaders for specific techniques which are<br />

of direct relevance to ocean acidification research. To this end, a series of training activities will<br />

be designed to ensure high data quality and inter-comparability and open up state-of-the-art<br />

technology to <strong>BIOACID</strong> partners. All workshops are intended to also facilitate the exchange and<br />

collaboration of young researchers employed in <strong>BIOACID</strong> and – space permitting – from outside<br />

the consortium. In this respect, close collaboration with interdisciplinary graduate schools such as<br />

the Integrated School for Ocean Sciences (ISOS) of the Excellence Cluster “The Future Ocean”<br />

and the Excellence Cluster “GLOMAR” (Global Change in the Ocean Realm) is envisioned.<br />

With over 30 Ph.D. positions and several Post-Doc positions offered in <strong>BIOACID</strong>, the project<br />

will also make a major contribution to the education of young scientists in a wide range of marine<br />

disciplines, from molecular biology, physiology, ecology, to biogeochemistry and<br />


Table 4: Training workshops<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Organizer Institution Titel Duration<br />

Dirk de Beer MPI Bremen Microsensor applications 10 days<br />

Kai Schulz<br />

Anton<br />

Eisenhauer<br />

Martin Wahl<br />




Seawater carbonate chemistry<br />

Isotope geochemistry and laser-ablationtechniques<br />

Experimental design<br />

Franz Sartoris AWI Physiological approaches to body fluid<br />

physicochemistry and acid-base regulation<br />

9. International and National Cooperation<br />

2 days<br />

4 days<br />

3 days<br />

5 days<br />

German scientists, including members of the <strong>BIOACID</strong> planning group, have played a key role<br />

in recent reports or working groups related to ocean acidification such as: The Royal Society<br />

Working Group on Ocean Acidification "Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric<br />

carbon dioxide" (London 2005), the OSPAR intercessional working group on ocean acidification<br />

(2006), IPCC's fourth Assessment Report, Special IPCC report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and<br />

Storage (2006), Special Report of the German Advisory <strong>Council</strong> on Global Change "The Future<br />

Oceans – Warming Up, Rising High, Turning Sour" (2006), NSF-NOAA-USGS Report "Impacts<br />

of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs and Other Marine Calcifiers" (2006), the IGBP-SCOR<br />

Fast Track Initiative on “Ocean acidification, atmospheric CO2 and ocean biogeochemistry:<br />

modern observations and past experiences“(Lamont, 2006), and related to ocean biodiversity<br />

such as the DIVERSITAS Marine Biodiversity Cross Cutting Network and Census of Marine<br />

Life programmes.<br />

Members of the <strong>BIOACID</strong> planning group have also organized or co-organized meetings,<br />

workshops, special sessions or edited special issues of journals on ocean acidification. For<br />

example: The Ocean in a high CO2 World I and II, (I: Paris, May 2004, II: Monaco, October<br />

2008), ocean acidification sessions at the Ocean Sciences Meeting of the American Society of<br />

Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) and at the annual conference of the European<br />

Geophysical Union (EGU) (Vienna, April 2006), a press conference on ocean acidification at the<br />


34<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

EGU conference (Vienna, April 2006), a special issue of the Journal of Geophysical <strong>Research</strong><br />

"The Ocean in a High-CO2 World" (2005) and a special issue of the journal Biogeosciences<br />

“PeECE: Pelagic ecosystem CO2 Enrichment Studies” (2007). Members of the <strong>BIOACID</strong><br />

planning group were invited to attend and contribute to the planning of U.S. and UK national<br />

programmes on ocean acidification, and will remain to be involved in further developments of<br />

OA programmes in these countries.<br />

9.1. International Cooperation<br />

Close coordination of <strong>BIOACID</strong> activities with European research on ocean acidification will<br />

be ensured through high level participation of members of the <strong>BIOACID</strong> planning group in<br />

relevant EU projects, e.g. as co-coordinator, theme and work package leaders of the European<br />

Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA) and as leading scientists of the EU coordinated project<br />

Marine Carbon Sources and Sinks (CARBOOCEAN). As outlined by the coordinator of EPOCA,<br />

Dr. Jean-Pierre Gattuso (see p. 36): “The contribution from the European Commission (6.5 M€)<br />

is relatively limited for a 4-year project comprising 29 laboratories and more than 100 permanent<br />

researchers. Hence, its partners must complement the EU contribution with national funding in<br />

order to fulffill the objectives of the project and maintain the leadership that the EU currently has<br />

in the field of ocean acidification.”<br />

UK’s <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>Environment</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Council</strong> (NERC) has just launched its new five-year<br />

strategy which includes seven science themes and within one of these (Earth System Science) is a<br />

specific challenge “to understand changes in ocean ecosystems in response to ocean<br />

acidification”. During a preparation workshop of NERC’s five-year strategy, initial steps have<br />

been taken to aim for a UK-German partnership in developing a joint programme on ocean<br />

acidification (see letter by NERC Theme leader Prof. Tim Jickells, p. 37). The planned<br />

cooperation with UK NERC is consistent with BMBF policy as stated at the German-British<br />

conference on “Climate Change: Meeting the Challenge together” held in November 2004 in<br />

Berlin ending with a commitment to strengthening German-British cooperation in building up<br />

joint activities in climate research.<br />

9.2. National Cooperation<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> will be closely coordinated with National research programmes focussing on related<br />

aspect, in particular the DFG Priority <strong>Programme</strong> AQUASHIFT (The Response of Aquatic<br />

Ecosystems to Climate Change) and the BMBF Verbundprojekt SOPRAN (Surface Ocean<br />

processes in the Anthropocene).<br />

AQUASHIFT (coordinator: U. Sommer, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel) assesses the effect of global<br />

warming on aquatic ecosystems. The anthropogenically enhanced greenhouse effect and the CO2induced<br />

ocean acidification are two sides of the same coin. Their impacts on marine ecosystems<br />

will go hand in hand, with a high probability of synergistic effects. Collaboration between<br />

AQUASHIFT and <strong>BIOACID</strong> opens the opportunity to address such synergistic effects, with the<br />

aim to allow a more realistic representation of future ocean conditions and the corresponding<br />

ecosystem responses.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

SOPRAN (coordinator: D. Wallace, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel) focuses on biogeochemical processes<br />

operating within and close to the surface ocean as drivers of ocean-atmosphere material<br />

exchanges. Particular attention is given to the impacts of climate induced changes in surface<br />

ocean processes (upwelling, mixing, light, nutrient supply) and of changes in atmospheric<br />

composition (e.g. increased CO2, dust) on surface ocean biogeochemistry and air-sea exchange of<br />

climatically relevant gases. Due to its focus on the organismal and community level, <strong>BIOACID</strong><br />

will provide valuable input to SOPRAN. With its focus on a wide spectrum of global change<br />

forcings, SOPRAN will allow <strong>BIOACID</strong> to upscale its results to the ocean-wide level.<br />

Specifically, Theme 1 Primary production, microbial processes and biogeochemical feedbacks<br />

and Theme 5 Integrated assessment: Sensitivities and uncertainties of <strong>BIOACID</strong> will serve as<br />

cross-over with SOPRAN, facilitating cross fertilization between the two programmes and<br />

opening opportunities for joint investigations, particularly at the level of field observations and<br />

model simulations.<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> includes project leaders of the two marine Excellence Clusters “The Future Ocean”<br />

(Kiel) and “The Ocean in the Earth System” (Bremen/Bremerhaven) which host a variety of<br />

projects with relevance to ocean change, and will contribute to the cooperation between these and<br />

other national marine institutions.<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />


10. Summary Budget<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

11. Detailed descriptions of Themes and Projects<br />

0.1 Projektkoordination (Ulf Riebesell)<br />

0.2 Daten-Management (Michael Diepenbroek)<br />

0.3 Infrastruktur-Entwicklung (Hans Pörtner)<br />

0<br />

0.4 Training und Wissenstransfer (Michael Meyerhöfer)<br />

Koordination<br />

2 3 4 5<br />

1<br />

Integrierte<br />

Abschätzung:<br />

Sensitivitäten und<br />

Unsicherheiten<br />

Interaktionen zwischen<br />

Arten und die<br />

Zusammensetzung der<br />

Gemeinschaften in<br />

einem sich ändernden<br />

Ozean<br />

(Maarten Boersma)<br />

Kalzifizierung:<br />

Empfindlichkeiten<br />

von Phyla bis zu<br />

Ökosystemen<br />

Leistungsmerkmale bei<br />

Tieren: Reproduktion,<br />

Wachstum und<br />

Verhaltensweisen<br />

(Dirk de Beer)<br />

(Hans Pörtner)<br />

Primärproduktion,<br />

mikrobielle Umsätze<br />

und biogeochemische<br />

Rückkopplungsmechanismen<br />

(Maren Voß)<br />

Themen<br />

(Andreas Oschlies)<br />

Einfluss der<br />

Alkalinitätsflüsse vom<br />

Wattenmeer auf den<br />

Kohlenstoffkreislauf und<br />

die Primärproduktion der<br />

Nordsee<br />

(Johannes Pätsch)<br />

Zelluläre Mechanismen<br />

der Kalzifizierung<br />

3.1<br />

Auswirkungen auf<br />

Weidegänger und Filtrierer<br />

2.1<br />

Akklimatisierung v ersus<br />

Anpassung in<br />

autotrophen Organismen<br />

(Thorsten Reusch)<br />

1.1<br />

5.1<br />

Effekte der Ozeanversauerungauf<br />

artspezifische Performance<br />

sowie Konkurrenz und<br />

Struktur in mikrobiellen und<br />

makrobiellen<br />

Gemeinschaften<br />

(Martin Wahl)<br />

4.1<br />

(Frank Melzner)<br />

(Thomas Brey )<br />

Kalzifizierung unter pH-<br />

Stress: Wirkungen auf<br />

organismischer und<br />

ökosystemarer Ebene<br />

(Ralph Tollrian)<br />

Physiologische<br />

Langzeiteffekte auf<br />

Lebensstadien<br />

benthischer Krebse<br />

Fig. 0.1: Consortium structure: overarching activities, themes and projects. Responsible PIs in<br />

parentheses.<br />

3.2<br />

Abbau und Umsetzung v on<br />

organischen Substanzen<br />

Ev aluierung und<br />

Parameteroptimierung der<br />

pelagischen<br />

Kalziumkarbonat<br />

Produktion in globalen<br />

biogeochemischen<br />

Modellen<br />

(Andreas Oschlies)<br />

2.2<br />

1.2<br />

(Felix Mark)<br />

(Anja Engel)<br />

5.2<br />

Effekte der<br />

Ozeanv ersauerung auf<br />

Nahrungsnetze und<br />

kompetitive Interaktionen in<br />

pelagischen Ökosystemen<br />

(Maarten Boersma)<br />

4.2<br />

Ultrastruktur und<br />

elementarer Aufbau von<br />

Kalkskeletten<br />

(Foraminiferen, Korallen)<br />

3.3<br />

Auswirkungen auf Top-<br />

Prädatoren: Fische und<br />

Cephalopoden<br />

2.3<br />

Modellierung biogeochemischer<br />

Rückkopplungsmechanismen<br />

der organischen<br />

Kohlenstoffpumpe<br />

(Birgit Schneider)<br />

1.3<br />

(Catriona Clemmesen)<br />

(Jelle Bijma)<br />

Bew ertung unsicherer<br />

ökologisch-ökonomischer<br />

Projekte<br />

Folgen der Ozeanv<br />

ersauerung mit der<br />

Viabilitäts-Methode<br />

(Martin Quaas)<br />

5.3<br />

Durch Mikroumgebungen<br />

kontrollierte (De)-<br />

Kalzifizierungsmechanismen<br />

(Michael Böttcher)<br />

3.4<br />

Der Einfluss rezenter und<br />

fossiler Ozean Versauerung<br />

auf den Stoffwechsel, die<br />

Biomineralisation und die<br />

Biodiv ersität pelagischer und<br />

neritischer Kalkschaler<br />

(Adrian Immenhauser)<br />

3.5<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Table 0.1: Links between projects. Coloured boxes indicate projects with direct exchange (e.g. joint experiments, joint<br />

use of equipment and measurement capacity, exchange of samples, etc.)<br />

0.3.1<br />

0.3.2<br />

0.4<br />

1.1.1<br />

1.1.2<br />

1.1.3<br />

1.1.4<br />

1.1.5<br />

1.2.1<br />

1.2.2<br />

1.2.3<br />

1.2.4<br />

1.2.5<br />

1.3<br />

2.1.1<br />

2.1.2<br />

2.1.3<br />

2.2.1<br />

2.2.2<br />

2.3.1<br />

2.3.2<br />

3.1.1<br />

3.1.2<br />

3.1.3<br />

3.1.4<br />

3.2.1<br />

3.2.2<br />

3.2.3<br />

3.2.4<br />

3.3.1<br />

3.3.2<br />

3.4.1<br />

3.4.2<br />

3.4.3<br />

3.5.1<br />

3.5.2<br />

3.5.3<br />

4.1.1<br />

4.1.2<br />

4.1.3<br />

4.1.4<br />

4.2.1<br />

4.2.2<br />

5.1<br />

5.2<br />

5.3<br />

0.3.1<br />

0.3.2<br />

0.4<br />

1.1.1<br />

1.1.2<br />

1.1.3<br />

1.1.4<br />

1.1.5<br />

1.2.1<br />

1.2.2<br />

1.2.3<br />

1.2.4<br />

1.2.5<br />

1.3<br />

2.1.1<br />

2.1.2<br />

2.1.3<br />

2.2.1<br />

2.2.2<br />

2.3.1<br />

2.3.2<br />

3.1.1<br />

3.1.2<br />

3.1.3<br />

3.1.4<br />

3.2.1<br />

3.2.2<br />

3.2.3<br />

3.2.4<br />

3.3.1<br />

3.3.2<br />

3.4.1<br />

3.4.2<br />

3.4.3<br />

3.5.1<br />

3.5.2<br />

3.5.3<br />

4.1.1<br />

4.1.2<br />

4.1.3<br />

4.1.4<br />

4.2.1<br />

4.2.2<br />

5.1<br />

5.2<br />


<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Theme O: Overarching activities<br />

Project 0.1: Project coordination<br />

Coordinator: Ulf Riebesell<br />

Project Coordination<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> will be coordinated at the Leibniz-Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR) in<br />

Kiel by Prof. Ulf Riebesell. The coordinator will be responsible for the day-to-day management<br />

of <strong>BIOACID</strong>. He will ensure that the project runs in compliance with the requirements of the<br />

contract (administrative, operational and scientific aspects). The Coordinator Project Office will<br />

be organized at IFM-GEOMAR. Prof. Hans-Otto Pörtner at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for<br />

Polar und Marine Sciences in Bremerhaven will act as Deputy Coordinator. He will fill in for the<br />

Coordinator position under circumstances when the Coordinator is unavailable.<br />

To uphold an efficient project management, the project coordinator will employ a full time<br />

project manager (PM) and a half time secretary. The assistance of financial officers and<br />

personnel at central administrative departments will be provided at no cost.<br />

The PM will regularly report to the Coordinator. His scientific and administrative tasks will be to:<br />

• assist the Coordinator as the overall contact person on scientific matters and reporting,<br />

and serve as the intermediary for communication between the partners on administrative<br />

and financial matters<br />

• organise meetings and workshops, as well as any action for training and dissemination<br />

purposes<br />

• prepare agendas for all meetings<br />

• communicate all decisions regarding the implementation of the scientific work to the<br />

theme leaders and project PIs<br />

• work in close collaboration with the theme leaders and project PIs, collecting all formal<br />

research and training plans and progress reports<br />

• coordinate and run the day-to-day administrative and financial tasks<br />

• control that financial contributions are transferred to contractors on time<br />

• assist the project communication.<br />

Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

Project manager E13-5<br />

Secretary E6 1/2<br />

Student helpers (8 x 75hs)<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />


Overtime technicians<br />

Dissemination: Camera<br />

personnel for TV –<br />

production<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

Printing costs management<br />

Meetings, workshops,<br />

catering<br />

Consumables office<br />

Dissemination: printing<br />

costs (poster, flyer etc.)<br />

Dissemination: material<br />

TV production<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

Coordinator<br />

Project manager<br />

Dissemination: camera<br />

personnel<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investments<br />

Computer project manager<br />

Computer secretary<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

Dissemination: cutting TV<br />

production<br />

Subtotal<br />

TOTAL<br />

Budget justification<br />

42<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

Personnel: The scientist position is for a full time project manager (PM). This position will be<br />

offered to Dr. Michael Meyerhöfer, who has assisted during the development of the <strong>BIOACID</strong><br />

programme and has contributed immensely to the preparation of the <strong>BIOACID</strong> pre- and full<br />

proposals. The PM will handle logistical organisation and workshop coordination as well as<br />

reporting tasks for the project and dissemination activities. Due to the administrative complexity<br />

of <strong>BIOACID</strong> the PM will be supported by a half time secretary and student helpers.<br />

One important dissemination activity of <strong>BIOACID</strong> will be the production of a TV-quality video<br />

for distribution to different media, decision makers and other stakeholders interested in ocean<br />

acidification. This includes the engagement of professional film and production personnel.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Consumables: A yearly budget is requested to cover costs of printing, copying and publication<br />

charges for <strong>BIOACID</strong> relevant material for administrative (e.g. reports) and dissemination<br />

purposes. Further costs arise for the organisation of the <strong>BIOACID</strong> annual meetings, preparatory<br />

meetings for joint research and dissemination activities, meetings of <strong>BIOACID</strong>’s Executive<br />

Board individually and jointly with the coordination team of the UK-NERC programme on ocean<br />

acidification, as well as meetings with governmental and NGO stakeholders. All meetings of the<br />

project will be held at locations where meeting rooms are available at low or no charge so that<br />

costs can be kept at a minimum level.<br />

Travel: To maintain close contact to partners within the project and with international<br />

collaborators and to guarantee an effective exchange of information, travel funds are requested<br />

for the coordinator and the PM.<br />

Investment: A desktop computer including licenses for standard software is requested for the<br />

project manager and the secretary.<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Project 0.2 Data management<br />

PI: Michael Diepenbroek, WDC-MARE / PANGAEA, University of Bremen<br />

i. Objectives:<br />

• To coordinate data capture within <strong>BIOACID</strong> themes 1-5 and promote dataflow between<br />

these themes and their working groups.<br />

• To store, manage and distribute output from the modelling exercises.<br />

• Perform technical quality control on all data and check the validity and completeness of<br />

metadata.<br />

• Provide open access to all <strong>BIOACID</strong> data and information in a timely and efficient<br />

manner via interfaces that are scalable for different partners and other stakeholders.<br />

• To ensure the long-term archiving, publication, and distribution of data according to<br />

international standards and protocols.<br />

• To harmonize data management and facilitate data exchange between <strong>BIOACID</strong> and<br />

related projects, such as EPOCA and SOPRAN, which both use PANGAEA for data<br />

management<br />

The sharing of data and information among partners of large coordinated projects, such as<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>, strengthens the collaboration between different disciplines and research groups and<br />

ultimately leads to an increased scientific output through synergistic effects. Experience from<br />

previous projects has shown that both individual scientists as well as the project as a whole<br />

benefit from data sharing and collaboration. The benefit of <strong>BIOACID</strong> to the wider scientific<br />

community also requires data generated within the project to be freely available and easily<br />

accessible. To encourage and promote data and information exchange in a timely and efficient<br />

manner, <strong>BIOACID</strong> will establish a data policy with binding rules for all project partners. While<br />

calling for openness and free flow of data between partners, these rules must also protect the<br />

intellectual property rights of the data producers.<br />

A major requirement of the data policy is that all data must be lodged in the <strong>BIOACID</strong> database<br />

within 3 months after the time of measurement (data provided at zero cost to the project may by<br />

lodged in other databases as long as they are publicly-accessible). Access restrictions may be set<br />

up during the proprietary rights period (2 years after measurement) on request from the data<br />

originator. During the proprietary rights period, data will only be passed to project partners with<br />

the data originators agreement. <strong>BIOACID</strong> will encourage all PIs to share data during the<br />

proprietary rights period and should ensure that the data originators contribution is respected<br />

appropriately through co-authorship or acknowledgement.<br />

ii. Background and Previous Work<br />

The proponents of this subproject have a broad and substantiated background in the fields of data<br />

management and related IT subjects (databases, data infrastructures, protocols, system design,<br />

and automatization). During the past 15 years the group has built up an information system<br />

(PANGAEA – Publishing Network for Geoscientific & <strong>Environment</strong>al Data – www.pangaea.de),

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

which is a system for acquisition, processing, long-term storage, and publication of georeferenced<br />

data related to all earth science fields. In 2001 the PANGAEA group founded the<br />

ICSU World Data Center for Marine <strong>Environment</strong>al Sciences (WDC-MARE – www.wdcmare.org),<br />

which uses PANGAEA as operating platform. The organization of data management<br />

includes quality check and publication of data and the dissemination of metadata according to<br />

international standards.<br />

The challenge of managing the heterogeneous and dynamic data of environmental and<br />

geosciences was met in the PANGAEA system through a flexible data model which reflects the<br />

information processing steps in the earth science fields and can handle any related analytical data.<br />

The basic technical structure corresponds to a three-tiered client/server architecture with a<br />

number of clients and middleware components controlling the information flow and quality. On<br />

the server side a relational database management system (RDBMS) is used for information<br />

storage. To ensure fast data access the data are mirrored in a data warehouse which is also used<br />

as interface to the German GRID community. RDBMS and warehouse currently hold about<br />

450.000 fully documented data sets, comprising more than 2 billion analytical values<br />

(observational data). Each data set can be referenced by a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). All<br />

interfaces to the information system are based on web services including a simple map supported<br />

(WFS, UMN) search engine (PangaVista).<br />

For a number of international projects, PANGAEA is providing data portals for community<br />

specific data access to a heterogenic data center infrastructure [Schindler U et al., 2006].<br />

Currently portals for CARBOOCEAN and EUR-OCEANS are running.<br />

The PANGAEA and the WDC-MARE are operating on a long-term basis. The institutional frame<br />

is supplied by RCOM in cooperation with the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Bremerhaven.<br />

PANGAEA is a partner in over 50 national and international projects covering all fields of<br />

environmental sciences (http://www.pangaea.de/Projects), in particular the EU Integrated Project<br />

EPOCA, EU Coordinated Project EPOCA and the German BMBF Coordinated Project<br />

SOPRAN, which all have close links with <strong>BIOACID</strong>.<br />

References<br />

Diepenbroek, M; Grobe, H; Reinke, M; Schindler, U; Schlitzer, R; Sieger, R & Wefer, G (2002): PANGAEA - an Information<br />

System for <strong>Environment</strong>al Sciences. Computer & Geosciences, 28, 1201-1210, doi:10.1016/S0098-3004(02)00039-0<br />

International DOI Foundation (2003): DOI Handbook. doi:10.1000/182<br />

Schindler, U; Brase, J; Diepenbroek, M (2005): Webservices Infrastructure for the Registration of Scientific Primary Data. In:<br />

Rauber, A et al. (eds.): ECDL 2005, LNCS 3652, pp. 128-138, 2005, doi:10.1007/11551362_12<br />

Schindler, U; Diepenbroek, M (2006): Generic Toolbox for Metadata Portals. In prep.<br />

iii. Detailed Description of the Work Plan<br />

The <strong>BIOACID</strong> DIS will be developed and implemented as early as possible so that data and<br />

information flow is initiated in parallel with the first research activities. The purpose of the<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> data management plan is to create a semi-distributed, scalable, and flexible<br />

international data system into which research, observation, and modelling activities can submit<br />

data and which will provide services that will increase the value of the data. Data capture and<br />

data flow will be managed by an experienced data manager employed half-time and located at<br />

WDC-MARE at the University of Bremen. The data manager will be responsible for:<br />

• Maintenance of the <strong>BIOACID</strong> web-page<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

• Planning of data reporting procedures with the PIs prior to data collection<br />

• Keeping track of project data and the associated metadata<br />

• Web-based data tracking, including provision of common access to data by project PIs<br />

• Archival of data at the end of the project<br />

According to the rules of good scientific practice (ESF 2001) all data sets will be archived longterm,<br />

and published using the partners’ data centres, in accordance with the wishes of the<br />

responsible PIs. The data manager will watch that intellectual property rights are obeyed.<br />

To provide access to the project-wide information <strong>BIOACID</strong> will be embedded in a common data<br />

and information infrastructure implemented and maintained by the data manager and technical<br />

staff from WDC-MARE. Contents and services of the website include:<br />

• General project information (documents, workshops, cruises, news etc.)<br />

• Data portal<br />

• Inventory of site and sampling locations (dynamic map)<br />

• Bibliography of <strong>BIOACID</strong> specific publications<br />

• “Yellow pages” for <strong>BIOACID</strong> related scientists<br />

The data retrieval and access system will be based on distributed metadata catalogues located at<br />

the cooperating data centres. Catalogue contents and access protocols are based on international<br />

standards and protocols for geospatial data and metadata (e.g. ISO19115, DIF, DC, OGC-WFS,<br />

OAI-PMH). Use and maintenance of these standards will ensure a high level of data consistency<br />

and quality and will also facilitate later incorporation or union with information systems from<br />

other communities. User interfaces will range from a map-based full text search engine to<br />

hierarchical access through dynamic web pages. The implementation of the data infrastructure<br />

will be carried out with regard to international SDI initiatives, in particular EU initiative<br />

INSPIRE and GSDI.<br />

Dissemination will be a continuous process throughout the project. All dissemination actions<br />

and products will be negotiated with the <strong>BIOACID</strong> Management Team. Dissemination of project<br />

results and deliverables will be carried out to the scientific community, political decision makers,<br />

and the general public. Data management activities will be evaluated and critically reviewed<br />

during workshops and the annual <strong>BIOACID</strong> meetings.<br />

iv. Specific Tasks and Deliverables<br />

1. Coordination of data capture, integration and quality control activities for the five <strong>BIOACID</strong><br />

Themes.<br />

As outlined in the Overview paper, original data sets have to be compiled from a number of<br />

different sources, including data from <strong>BIOACID</strong> related cruises, experiments and from existing<br />

data centres and working databases. Furthermore, the quality and state of these data sets might

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

vary enormously, as data are stored in a variety of formats with varying levels of metadata.<br />

Therefore, in the initial phase an implementation plan for data and information management will<br />

be set up. This plan will outline a structure and schedule for overall data flow between working<br />

groups, quality management schemes, and data processing schemes. In addition it will regulate<br />

the property rights of the data originators and the appropriate time intervals for public release<br />

from creation of the data, as well as confidentiality issues.<br />

An initial metadata catalogue of available data sets will be drawn up and used to define a priority<br />

list for data acquisition and compilation. The catalogue will be continuously updated to enable all<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> participants to locate and download target data sets. The metadata catalogue will be<br />

complemented by a <strong>BIOACID</strong> specific bibliography.<br />

2. Archiving and publishing data sets and data collections online and as offline products (DVD)<br />

using persistent identifiers as DOIs.<br />

Data sets will be described consistently according to the common metadata schema used. Data<br />

still subject to access restrictions will be password secured and for internal use only. Published<br />

data sets will be registered and made citable through usage of Digital Objects Identifiers (DOI) as<br />

persistent identifiers (http://www.std-doi.de/). By way of the DOI registry data sets can also be<br />

retrieved from library catalogues.<br />

3. Implementation of the <strong>BIOACID</strong> data infrastructure<br />

The data infrastructure (SDI) developed in this task has two objectives:<br />

• Enabling a distributed storage of observational and model simulation data within a<br />

common networked structure, and<br />

• Establishing a robust and long lasting data network which can be extended by or<br />

integrated into ongoing projects and programs.<br />

The first is directly necessary for <strong>BIOACID</strong> to handle the potentially large mass of data from<br />

modelling as well as the highly heterogeneous observational data. The second objective<br />

corresponds to the worldwide efforts (as with INSPIRE) in developing a global spatial data<br />

infrastructure (GSDI). A first setup will be based on the Open Archives Initiative protocol (OAI-<br />

PMH) with Dublin Core as content standard. OAI-PMH is a widely used “de facto” standard,<br />

supported by ad hoc usable open source software packages. One potential difficulty arises from<br />

the currently rapid pace of SDI developments. Therefore, from the start of the project, all<br />

implementations will follow a generic and flexible design allowing for later modifications and<br />

extensions.<br />

4. Maintain the website and data portal for <strong>BIOACID</strong><br />

The existing <strong>BIOACID</strong> website will be converted to WDC-MARE standards. The website will<br />

include the data portal which enables efficient access to the individual and integrated data sets<br />

(‘one stop shopping’). Key components will be a <strong>BIOACID</strong> specific search engine allowing for<br />

retrieving and downloading of data sets relevant to the project. The search engine will form the<br />


48<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

front-end of the common metadata catalogue. For best performance a harvesting approach will be<br />

chosen for assembly and maintenance of the catalogue. The index for the search engine will be<br />

complemented by a thesaurus. In order to minimise any friction losses during requests and<br />

delivery of data sets a first version of a general SOPRAN data portal will be set-up in the first<br />

phase of the project.<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

Data manager E13 1/2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

Office consumables<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

Domestic travel<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investments<br />

Computer<br />

Supplies<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

Subtotal<br />

TOTAL<br />

Budget justification<br />

0.1<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

Personnel costs: A half-time data manager position will be established by WDC-MARE at the<br />

University of Bremen. The data manager will be integrated in the staff of WDC-MARE while at<br />

the same time keeping close contact with the coordinator and the project manager at all times<br />

during the project.<br />

Consumables: This will cover costs related to day-to-day data managing, including copying<br />

charges for management relevant material (e.g. reports) and dissemination purposes.<br />

Travel: To maintain close contact to the different partners within the project, to participate in the<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> annual meetings and meetings relevant to data management and to guarantee an

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

effective exchange of information, travel funds are requested for the data domestic travel oif the<br />

data manager.<br />

Investment: Funding is requested for a workstation for the data manager and related supplies.<br />

Project 0.3 Infrastructure development<br />

PI: Hans O. Pörtner<br />

i. Objectives<br />

This project intends to support and develop the aquarium facilities and research infrastructure<br />

needed for long term incubations (0.3.1.) and analyses of CO2 partial pressures in body fluids of<br />

marine animals and ambient waters (0.3.2.). Technique development described under this project<br />

is relevant for many projects of the network relying on animal maintenance and experimentation.<br />

Firstly, the use of maintenance and culture facilities in recirculated aquaria like the one at AWI<br />

Bremerhaven brings with it the inherent shortcoming that water physicochemistry is fluctuating<br />

over time (largely due to net proton equivalent ion exchange of the organisms) and needs to be<br />

monitored and stabilized on long time scales. Such shortcomings are not experienced by marine<br />

institutes at rocky shores where flow through systems can be used for maintenance of water<br />

physicochemistry (However, such flow through systems will strongly be influenced by<br />

environmental variability). Such aspects also have to be considered for experimental mesocosms<br />

and larval cultures under recirculated versus flow through conditions. The techniques proposed in<br />

subproject 0.3.1. are intended to close this gap and should support establishment of stable<br />

baseline conditions in recirculated systems. The solutions to be developed are also suitable to<br />

establish baseline conditions in larger experimental systems at pre-industrial levels and various<br />

levels of CO2 induced ocean acidification and thus appear as a relevant contribution which<br />

widens the scope of experimental research in the field of ocean acidification and may also<br />

become relevant in aquaculture systems.<br />

Secondly, the online monitoring of carbon dioxide as outlined in subproject 0.3.2. can support the<br />

elaboration of new knowledge of the effects of increased carbon dioxide content on marine<br />

organisms and environment. The aim of this subproject is the development of new chemical<br />

optical sensors and instrumentation for the determination of carbon dioxide partial pressure<br />

(pCO2) in fluids of marine organisms and in marine environments based on the dual lifetime<br />

referencing (DLR) method patented by PreSens. Emphasis will be put on the development of<br />

pCO2 sensors with appropriate dynamic range in order to meet the conditions present in marine<br />

systems and on the development of suitable instrumentation. The performance of the new<br />

equipment will be optimised according to the experimental applications provided by project<br />

partners with the prototype pCO2 sensors and instruments.<br />

ii. State of the Art<br />

Aquarium maintenance and mesocosms<br />

Stability of sea water physicochemical parameters needs to be secured in animal maintenance<br />

systems. This is a matter of significant concern in all laboratories which do not have access to<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

open ocean flow through seawater and rely on recirculated aquaria with a water treatment<br />

section. This includes the large recirculated aquarium system at AWI Bremerhaven, funded by<br />

BMBF upon the unification of AWI and BAH.<br />

Oxidative catabolism of heterotrophs is characterized by net proton production (Pörtner 1995)<br />

which is compensated for by ion exchange mechanisms and leads to a net release of protons into<br />

the water with the result of disturbed physicochemical parameters at constant or falling DIC (the<br />

latter occurs once excess CO2 generated by titration of (bi)carbonate is released into the<br />

atmosphere). Furthermore, any delay in the equilibration of air or gas mixtures with the aquarium<br />

water will prevent precise analysis of relevant water physicochemistry and thus sabotage any<br />

efforts to maintain constant settings of relevant parameters. The goal of this development must<br />

therefore be to monitor the effects of non-respiratory proton loads to the system water under<br />

equilibrium conditions and to compensate for any pH disturbance resulting from net proton<br />

equivalent ion exchange by aquarium maintained organisms.<br />

Rearing of larvae of crustaceans, cephalopods and fishes (esp. cod) also needs to be carried out in<br />

recirculated aquarium systems under largely undisturbed conditions. These activities will make<br />

the putative most sensitive life stages available for studies of effects of ocean acidification.<br />

Rearing would ideally occur under control vs. elevated CO2 conditions. The proposed system is a<br />

miniaturized AquaInno Pond-in-Pond system for hatchery developed by AWI and IMARE (R.<br />

Fisch, B.H. Buck). It offers a “system within a system” approach by providing process water with<br />

additional purification and water exchange on demand, without disturbing sensitive life stages.<br />

Modification and change of modules is possible and support a wide range of experiments. The<br />

system can be isolated from air and ambient water for equilibration with various CO2 levels.<br />

During long term incubations repeated water exchange is feasible in the pH stabilized<br />

recirculated large scale aquarium systems (see above).<br />

Fig. 0.2 (1): Draft of the floating AquaInno nearshore technology illustrating its components for water treatment. The<br />

waste water flows from the fish sector (A) to a first waste collector (B), where particles will sediment in the tubes<br />

system. A following bioreactor (C) eliminates dissolved nitrogen and phosphate. The re-use of water is controlled by<br />

sensors (G) and sediment disposal (F) takes place. A pneumatic system simplifies handling and harvesting (E) of<br />

cultured organisms. The platform (D) around the culture module is improving the overall handling of the system.<br />

Surrounding algal cultures (I) eliminate the final product nitrate. D and I are not included for indoor use.<br />

Fig. 0.3 (2): First freshwater prototype of a floating in pond raceway used for cultivation of ornamental fish in the year<br />

2004. Currently, the system is developed for hatchery and grow-out in seawater and has been modified as a<br />

recirculation system with different modules.<br />

For CO2 equilibration according to IPCC emission scenarios large temperature controlled<br />

experimental chambers have to be maintained at constant CO2 partial pressures according to gas<br />

mixtures provided by commercial suppliers. A prototype developed by AWI (B. Klein) needs to

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

be further modified to reduce gas quantities used and improve stability of physicochemical<br />

parameters.<br />

Fig. 0.4: Prototype of larger scale CO2 incubation system developed at AWI (B.Klein) (total volume 2.5 m 3 , aerated<br />

and filtered, temperature controlled).<br />

CO2 sensor development<br />

Standard methods for the determination of gaseous carbon dioxide include the direct detection<br />

via infrared spectroscopy (Werle et al. 1998). Most sensors for the determination of dissolved<br />

CO2 are modified pH sensors exploiting the acidic nature of carbon dioxide in contact with<br />

aqueous media. In 1958 Severinghaus and Bradley introduced an electrochemical pCO2 sensor<br />

comprising a pH glass electrode immersed into a small volume of a weak bicarbonate buffer<br />

solution which is separated from the sample by a gas-permeable but ion-impermeable membrane,<br />

such as Teflon. This type of sensors has found widespread application in industrial (e.g.<br />

biotechnology or beverage) analyses (www.mt.com).<br />

Various efforts were made to develop optical pCO2 sensors since Lübbers and Opitz (1975)<br />

reported an optical pCO2 sensor based on the pCO2-dependent fluorescence intensity change of 4methylumbelliferone<br />

in a PTFE-covered bicarbonate buffer. These efforts resulted in optical<br />

pCO2 sensors for biotechnology applications (www.ysilifesciences.com, www.fluorometrix.com)<br />

based on fluorescence measurements. DeGrandpre et al. (1995) developed a submersible<br />

autonomous moored instrument for CO2 which is based on a colorimetric pH measurement and<br />

commercialised by Sunburst Sensors, LLC (www.sunburstsensors.com). Yet, this system is bulky<br />

and not suitable for laboratory measurements where only small amounts of sample volume (e.g.<br />

body fluids of marine organisms) are available.<br />


52<br />

CO 2<br />

I -<br />

I -<br />

CO 2<br />

CO 2<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Carbon dioxide dissolves in aqueous solutions both physically and chemically. Carbonic acid<br />

thereby produced causes a pH drop which can be visualised with pH-sensitive indicators. Thus<br />

principally all chemical optical carbon dioxide sensors are based on the detection of the pH<br />

change in a CO2-sensitive matrix - whether they are based on colorimetric or luminescence<br />

detection methods. Luminescence detection-based methods are superior to colorimetric<br />

approaches due to their higher sensitivity. Here, the luminescence lifetime detection technique<br />

offers an advantage compared to intensity-based methods because intensity fluctuations - caused<br />

by e.g., fluctuations of excitation light source or background light - can be easily referenced. The<br />

decay time is insensitive to such fluctuation whereas the luminescence intensity is affected. The<br />

principle of luminescence quenching by carbon dioxide is illustrated in Fig. 0.5.<br />

Excitation Emission<br />

HI<br />

I -<br />

HI<br />

Protonation No Emission<br />

Fig. 0.5: Principle of luminescence quenching by<br />

carbon dioxide. The deprotonated form of the pHsensitive<br />

indicator I - displays fluorescence when excited<br />

at a distinct wavelength. In the presence of carbon<br />

dioxide a portion of the pH-sensitive dye in the sensor is<br />

protonated. The emission intensity and thus the average<br />

lifetime of the indicator system decrease at increasing<br />

carbon dioxide concentration since the protonated form<br />

cannot be excited by the excitation light used.<br />

The measurement principle of chemical optical pCO2 sensors to be developed in this project is<br />

based on the determination of the luminescence decay time of pH-sensitive dyes incorporated in a<br />

gas-permeable – but ion-impermeable – membrane. With the DLR method patented by PreSens it<br />

is possible to internally reference the luminescence decay time detected and to transfer it into the<br />

µs time regime. This enables the use of easier and economically affordable instrumentation based<br />

on the phase modulation technique.<br />

Together with the luminescent dye sensitive to carbon dioxide an inert luminescent dye is<br />

incorporated into the sensing membrane. Both dyes are excited by sinus-modulated light. Thus,<br />

the luminescent response – a superposition of the CO2-sensitive dye and the inert dye – is also<br />

modulated, but with a phase shift proportional to the mean decay time of the overall system,<br />

which is again a function of the carbon dioxide concentration. The principle of the luminescence<br />

decay time detection by phase modulation technique is visualised in Fig. 0.6. This technique is<br />

used for all devices from PreSens. It proved to be a very reliable and robust method.

Signal<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Φ 1<br />

Φ 2<br />

time / µs<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

0.3.1<br />

Excitation<br />

high CO2<br />

low CO2<br />

Fig. 0.6: Principle of luminescence<br />

decay time detection. At low pCO2 the<br />

contribution of the CO2-sensitive dye<br />

(short decay time) to the total signal is<br />

high resulting in a low phase shift (Φ1)<br />

compared to excitation. With increasing<br />

pCO2 the weight of the reference dye<br />

(long decay time) increases resulting in<br />

an increase of phase shift (Φ2).<br />

Franz Josef Sartoris has a strong background in the physiology of marine animals, including<br />

acid-base regulation, ion- and osmoregulation, energy metabolism and respiration (Sartoris and<br />

Pörtner, 1997; Pörtner and Sartoris, 1999; Sartoris et al., 2003; Metzger et al., 2007). He has a<br />

broad experience with the implementation of physiological and biochemical methods in smallsized<br />

animals like amphipods, copepods and decapod larvae. He is the Scientific Manager of the<br />

state of the art recirculating seawater aquarium at the AWI with a capacity of 150 m 3 for the<br />

rearing of temperate and polar animals.<br />

Bela Hieronymus Buck is a marine biologist experienced in various aspects concerning the<br />

cultivation of marine organisms (e.g. Buck et al., 2002, 2005 a,b). <strong>Research</strong> topics addressed<br />

were the physiology and symbiotic interaction of giant clams, parasite infestation of bivalve,<br />

cultivation strategies of various species including fish, and the development of new system<br />

design featuring its realization by accepting socio-economic aspects and co-management. He also<br />

works on the modification of modern aquaculture recirculation systems (RAS) for fish<br />

cultivation. Bela H. Buck is the head of the unit “Marine Aquaculture, Maritime Technologies<br />

and ICZM” in AWI, and of the unit “Marine Aquaculture for responsible fisheries” of IMARE<br />

(Institute for Marine Resources)..<br />

Ralf Fisch is a biologist experienced in bionics and aquaculture (Fisch and Buck 2006, 2008).<br />

During his early work he was studying the biological surfaces of arthropods. To explore the<br />

multifunctional nano-structures he used oSEM, AFM and TEM technologies. Today he is<br />

working in aquaculture research topics including the modelling of nutrient budgets and ecological<br />

aspects. Also educated as an engineer, he is experienced in the construction and design of<br />

aquaculture systems and co-inventor of a floating recirculation aquaculture system (FRAS). His<br />

prime interest is the development and implementation of a sustainable aquaculture.<br />

Guido Krieten is the technical manager of the seawater aquarium system at AWI. He is a<br />

qualified mechanic and builder of central heating and ventilation systems. He has a degree in<br />

maritime engineering. He is responsible for the technical aspects of aquarium maintenance, the<br />


54<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

maintenance of seawater quality and the operation in compliance with safety regulations.<br />

Hans O. Pörtner has a long standing history in studying acid-base regulation of marine<br />

ectotherms and its metabolic impacts in relation to ambient water conditions (e.g. Pörtner et al.<br />

1991, 1998). His experience in analyses of proton equivalent ion exchange will be an asset in the<br />

monitoring and establishment of stable water physicochemistry. Current interest covers the use of<br />

these systems in studies of interaction between CO2 levels and other climatic factors, the<br />

mechanisms shaping cellular and whole-animal energy budgets under various thermal and<br />

carbon-dioxide regimes, and the molecular mechanisms of environmental adaptation and<br />

limitation. He has published more than 190 publications in peer-reviewed journals.<br />

0.3.2.<br />

PreSens has been developing and selling optical sensors since 1997 (Klimant, 1997, Apostolidis<br />

et al, 2004, Schröder and Klimant, 2005). The product portfolio includes the production and<br />

marketing of fiber-optical chemical sensors and scientific instrumentation for the determination<br />

of oxygen, pH and temperature. Oxygen and pH sensors were successfully applied by AWI and<br />

IFM-GEOMAR in various experimental setups, among many other scientific and industrial<br />

customers. pCO2 sensors and instrumentation based on the dual lifetime referencing method<br />

patented by PreSens are currently under development for biotechnology and medical<br />

applications. It is reasonable that this concept can be transferred also to the development of pCO2<br />

sensors with dynamic range in the trace concentration range (380 ppm – 1900, in body fluids 380<br />

– 3000 ppm). The scientific team has gained expertise on the development of optical sensors for<br />

more than 10 years.<br />

Athanas Apostolidis is a research engineer at PreSens GmbH, Regensburg. He received his<br />

diploma in chemistry on development of a multi-channel optical protein detector for continuous<br />

annular chromatography. He received his Ph.D. funded by the BMBF in 2004 on a combinatorial<br />

approach for development of optical gas sensors at the Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo-<br />

and Biosensors (Prof. Wolfbeis) at the University of Regensburg. During his Ph.D. he was<br />

working on the development of optical carbon dioxide sensors. In 2005 he was working at<br />

Mühlbauer AG, Roding, Germany, as process engineer and materials specialist in the<br />

development of production processes for Smart Card and passport solutions. His present interest<br />

is in the development of optical chemical sensors for carbon dioxide determination in biological,<br />

biotechnology and medical applications<br />

Christian Huber is a research engineer at PreSens GmbH, Regensburg. He received his Ph.D. in<br />

2000 on design and characterization of novel anion-selective optical sensors at the Institute of<br />

Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors (Prof. Wolfbeis) at the University of Regensburg.<br />

During his Ph.D. he was working on the development on anion-selective optical chemical sensors<br />

based on the DLR method. At PreSens he is a product specialist for application of chemical<br />

optical oxygen sensors in food and beverage, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical<br />


<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

iv. Work <strong>Programme</strong>, Schedules, and Milestones<br />

Subproject 0.3.1.<br />

Recirculated mesocosms and larval cultures (full strength sea water)<br />

PI: Franz J. Sartoris, Bela H. Buck, Ralf Fisch, Guido Krieten, Hans O. Pörtner<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

a. Development of a large recirculated aquarium system into a stable system maintaining baseline<br />

physicochemical parameters.<br />

The adaptation of proton equivalent ion exchange monitoring systems according to Heisler<br />

(1989, cf. Pörtner et al. 1991, 1998) will support monitoring of physicochemical parameters in<br />

equilibrium. Furthermore, carbonate buffers need to be used for compensation of non-respiratory<br />

proton loads to the water. Fine-tuning of pH should be possible through pH-stat controlled<br />

addition of bicarbonate solutions. Developments thus include:<br />

• Instrumentation for the monitoring of pH and DIC content under well controlled<br />

conditions of PCO2 and temperature.<br />

• Establishment of adequate calcite buffering in large scale animal maintenance systems<br />

(simulating the CO2 dependent buffering action of ocean sediments).<br />

• Complementary pH-stat controlled addition of bicarbonate solutions.<br />

b. Development of a rearing and incubation system for larvae of various groups<br />

Available prototypes will firstly be tested for use with established cephalopod cultures (Sepia<br />

officinalis, project 3.1, 2.3) and crustacean larvae (project 2.2.). It will be investigated whether<br />

the rearing of fish larvae can be carried out under those conditions, thereby complementing or<br />

deviating to some extent from established aquaculture procedures. One of us (B. Klein) has<br />

carried out the rearing of cod larvae in aquaculture facilities in Tromso, Norway.<br />

c. CO2 incubation system for mesocosms (pH stat)<br />

Combining the methods established under a. with the large experimental CO2 incubation system<br />

will support long term stability and provide the basis for pH stat control of the water through<br />

controlled addition of high concentration bicarbonate solutions (available inhouse funding<br />

20.000,- €).<br />

Internal cooperation: Projects 2.1.1. / 2.1.2. / 2.2.1. / 2.2.2. / 2.3.1. / 2.3.2. etc.<br />


Schedule<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

0.3.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Establishment of pH bicarbonate<br />

monitoring system<br />

Establishment of stabilized aquarium<br />

physicochemistry<br />

Establishment of prototype for larval<br />

culture<br />

Successful rearing of cephalopod<br />

larvae under various water<br />

physicochemistry settings<br />

Successful rearing of crustacean larvae<br />

under various water physicochemistry<br />

settings<br />

Successful rearing of fish larvae under<br />

various water physicochemistry<br />

settings<br />

Analysis of system quality, success<br />

evaluation, data interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />

Milestones<br />


- Implementation of pH bicarbonate analysis system month 6<br />

- Establishment of stabilized aquarium physicochemistry month 12<br />

- Complementation of aquarium equipment month 20<br />

- Establishment of prototype for larval culture month 12<br />

- Successful rearing of cephalopod larvae under various water<br />

- physicochemistry settings month 18<br />

- Successful rearing of crustacean larvae under various water<br />

- physicochemistry settings month 24<br />

- Successful rearing of fish larvae under various water<br />

- physicochemistry settings month 30<br />

- Evaluation of combined data sets, system properties and uncertainties month 33

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Subproject 0.3.2.<br />

Development of Chemical Optical Sensor Technology for the Determination of pCO2<br />

Partial Pressure in Fluids of Marine Organisms and Marine <strong>Environment</strong><br />

PI: Athanas Apostolidis, Christian Huber<br />

PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH, Josef-Engert-Str. 11, 93053 Regensburg<br />

phone: +49 941 942 72 150 / 114 fax: +49 941 942 72 111<br />

e-mail: athanas.apostolidis@presens.de , christian.huber@presens.de<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

WP 1: Sensor Chemistry Development<br />

This work package is divided into two main tasks. First, materials feasible for the production of<br />

pCO2 sensors for seawater application will be selected according to the environmental conditions<br />

present for the application of a pCO2 sensor. This selection includes decision for feasible pH<br />

indicator dyes, buffer systems and matrix polymers. Second, from these components sensor<br />

membranes will be produced and tested with respect to their dynamic range and operational<br />

performance in a calibration setup to verify best performing membrane compositions.<br />

Duration: 12 months<br />

Milestone M1: Sensor chemistry feasible for the determination of pCO2 in the concentration<br />

range present in marine environment.<br />

WP 2: Sensor Housing Development<br />

The sensor membranes developed in WP 1 will be integrated into mini sensor housings (e.g. flow<br />

through cell, dipping probe) that need to be designed based on the 2mm polymer optical fibers<br />

(POF) used by PreSens. For applications that cannot be served with the mini sensor setup the<br />

sensor chemistry will be adapted to micro sensor housings based on 140µm optical glass fibers.<br />

The different sensor / housing will be subject to storage stability tests to evaluate storage<br />

conditions required for retaining sensor performance during transport and storage of sensors at<br />

the end user.<br />

Duration: 18 months<br />

Milestone M2.1: Housing for mini pCO2 sensors and packaging of sensors for storage.<br />

Milestone M2.2: Housing for micro pCO2 sensors and packaging of sensors for storage.<br />

WP 3: Instrument Development<br />

Optical and electronic setup of the instrumentation will be developed to fit to sensor chemistry<br />

and to provide reliable measurements based on sensing technology from PreSens. Instrument<br />

housing will be developed for applications under laboratory and field conditions. Optical setups<br />

will be developed to fit a) mini sensor setups and b) micro sensor setups.<br />

Duration: 18 months<br />

Milestone M3.1: Laboratory demonstrator for pCO2 measurement in marine application<br />

for use with mini pCO2 sensors.<br />

Milestone M3.2: Demonstrator for measurement of pCO2 with micro pCO2 sensors.<br />

WP 4: Optimisation of Sensor Performance<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

According to the performance evaluated for the sensor chemistry developed in WP 1 and the<br />

feedback of field testers the sensors will be improved with respect to their accuracy, sensitivity<br />

and stability. The stability improvement will include both storage and operational stability.<br />

Duration: 24 months<br />

Milestone M4: pCO2 sensor with improved performance according to sensitivity and, both,<br />

operational and storage stability.<br />

WP 5: Optimisation of Device Performance<br />

The laboratory demonstrators for pCO2 measurement with mini or micro sensors will be<br />

improved with respect to environmental conditions of pCO2 determination in field. This can<br />

include battery operated systems, PC-independent setup, etc.<br />

Duration: 18 months<br />

Milestone M5: Instrument for field application pCO2 measurement with optimised performance.<br />

WP 6: Provision of Instruments, Sensors and Support to Project Partners<br />

PreSens will provide some instruments and sensors developed to field testers to verify<br />

performance of the calibration results in our labs to real experimental conditions. Presens will<br />

implement the feedback of the testing partners to the sensor chemistry and the instrument<br />

development and improvement.<br />

Duration: 30 months<br />

Result: Valuable feedback information for the validation of setup performance and the<br />

improvement of the pCO2 measurement system.<br />

Schedule<br />

0.3.2 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

WP 1 Sensor Chemistry Development<br />

WP 2 Sensor Housing Development<br />

WP 3 Instrument Development<br />

WP 4 Optimisation of Sensor<br />

Performance<br />

WP 5 Optimisation of Instrument<br />

Performance<br />

WP 6 Provision of Instruments, Sensors<br />

and Support to Project Partners<br />


<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Milestones (see work packages above)<br />

- Sensor chemistry feasible for determination of pCO2 in the concentration<br />

range present in marine environment (M1)<br />

- Housing for pCO2 mini sensors and packaging of sensors for storage<br />

(M2.1)<br />

- Housing for pCO2 micro sensors and packaging of sensors for storage<br />

(M2.2)<br />

- Laboratory demonstrator for pCO2 measurement in marine application for<br />

use with pCO2 mini sensors (M3.1)<br />

- Laboratory demonstrator for pCO2 measurement in marine application for<br />

use with pCO2 micro sensors (M3.2)<br />

- Instrument for field application pCO2 measurement with optimised<br />

performance (M5)<br />

- Instrument for field application pCO2 measurement with optimised<br />

performance (M5)<br />

Internal cooperation:<br />

month 12<br />

month 12<br />

month 21<br />

month 15<br />

month 24<br />

month 33<br />

month 36<br />

The sensors and devices that will be developed in this project will provide instrumentation<br />

infrastructure for online monitoring of carbon dioxide partial pressure in organism body fluids<br />

and marine environment for laboratory experiments of the project partners [link to 2.1.2, 2.1.3,<br />

2.3.1, 2.3.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.2.2, 3.4.2]. Their experience with prototype instrumentation and<br />

sensors will be implemented in optimisation of performance.<br />

Cooperation with other projects outside the Verbundproject<br />

Collaborations beyond the project consortium that are relevant to the subproject project are not<br />

planned. A request for funding for this subproject has not been submitted to any other addressee.<br />

In case a request will be submitted, we will inform the Federal ministry of Education and<br />

<strong>Research</strong> (BMBF) immediately.<br />


60<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

Personnel costs<br />

0.3.1 Technician<br />

0.3.2 Chemical Engineer, PhD * 7PM<br />

0.3.2 Electronic Engineer, PhD * 3PM<br />

0.3.2 Electronic Engineer, M.Sc * 3PM<br />

0.3.2Technician * 6PM<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

0.3.1.<br />

0.3.2 Chemicals and Gases *<br />

0.3.2 Polymer Optical Fibers *<br />

0.3.2 Consumables Sensor Production *<br />

0.3.2 Electronic and Optical<br />

Components *<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

0.3.1<br />

0.3.2 National *<br />

0.3.2 International *<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investments<br />

0.3.1<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

0.3.1.<br />

0.3.2 *<br />

Subtotal<br />

TOTAL<br />

*:For subproject 0.3.2. numbers represent 50% of the total budget. The other 50% will be contributed by the company<br />

(Presens) itself.<br />

Budget justification 0.3.1<br />

Personnel costs:<br />

The success and feasibility of this project is dependent on the approval of the technical assistant,<br />

who will be in permanent charge of the very time-consuming process of larval rearing (e.g.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

crustaceans, cephalopods, fishes) and associated assessments of water quality. The success of the<br />

project is dependent on a uniform manner of larval rearing to avoid errors and to minimize<br />

variability in conditions or ways of handling larvae. This excludes the repeated hiring of<br />

fluctuating personal, like students before or during their Masters periods. It is thus inevitable to<br />

have technical support available for continuous larval rearing, to provide sufficient good quality<br />

material for experimental work and to not distract scientific personal from the objectives of the<br />

science projects.<br />

After a period of vocational training and gaining daily routine, a full time position is needed to<br />

establish the rearing of larvae of the various groups under both control and experimental<br />

conditions.<br />

Consumables:<br />

Chemicals, Artemia eggs, algal and other (e.g. mysid) cultures for feeding of larvae<br />

Travel:<br />

The collection of animal specimens (ovigerous females) and eggs from various locations in<br />

Northern Europe demands travel funds for the technician and other personnel to support<br />

collection and safe arrival of fresh material at AWI. Exchange visits may also be needed with<br />

laboratories experienced in the rearing of e.g. cod larvae.<br />

Investments:<br />

Control and maintenance of water physicochemistry<br />

In accordance with the reasoning the aquarium systems mentioned above need complementation<br />

by flow through tanks containing buffer material of various compositions. They are also<br />

equipped by components of the pH bicarbonate system for online monitoring of pH under<br />

equilibrium conditions as well as a computer controlled pumping system for the addition of<br />

concentrated base.<br />

Larval rearing system<br />

In accordance with the reasoning above finalized development and construction of the prototype<br />

will demand a lump sum of per 3 years.<br />

CO2-Incubation mesocosm<br />

In accordance with the reasoning above long term incubation at various CO2 tensions in larger<br />

volume systems needs reproduction of the existing prototype, one for each CO2 tension. Together<br />

with available inhouse funding an amount of is requested to install 4 further CO2 systems to<br />

cover preindustrial, 2 x preindustrial, year 2100 and higher CO2 levels.<br />


62<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Budget and Budget Justification 0.3.2<br />

Personnel:<br />

Chemical Engineer, PhD: Responsible for planning, execution and the development of pCO2<br />

sensors and measurement instruments;<br />

Electronic Engineer, PhD: Development and production of measurement instruments for pCO2<br />

sensors, especially circuit design and optical design;<br />

Electronic Engineer, M.Sc.: Development and production of measurement instruments for pCO2<br />

sensors, especially software development;<br />

Technician: Execution of sensor characterisation with laboratory calibration setups<br />

Consumables: Chemicals and gases are required for the production and the characterisation of<br />

the pCO2 sensors. Polymer Optical Fibers will be coated with the pCO2 sensor materials to be<br />

developed and will be supplied to project partners for evaluation.<br />

Consumables Sensor Production: For the production of pCO2 sensors supplies are required that<br />

are prone to deterioration and need regular replacement (e.g. membrane support materials,<br />

pipetting tips or needles);<br />

Electronic and Optical Components: Presens will build up to 5 demonstrators of pCO2<br />

measurement instruments for marine applications and supply to project partners.<br />

Travel: National: Travels to project partners and annual meetings; International: 1 international<br />

congress p.a.<br />

vi. References<br />

Apostolidis A, Klimant I, Andrzejewski D, Wolfbeis OS (2004). Combinatorial Approach for Development of Materials for Optical Sensing of<br />

Gases. J Comb Chem 6: 325 – 331<br />

Buck BH, Buchholz CM (2005b) Response of offshore cultivated Laminaria saccharina to hydrodynamic forcing in the North Sea,<br />

Aquaculture, 250: 674-691.<br />

Buck BH, Rosenthal H, Saint-Paul U (2002) Effect of increased irradiance and thermal stress on the symbiosis of Symbiodinium<br />

microadriaticum and Tridacna gigas, Aquatic Living Resources 15: 107-117.<br />

Buck BH., Thieltges DW, Walter U, Nehls G, Rosenthal H (2005a) Inshore-offshore comparison of parasite infestation in Mytilus edulis:<br />

Implications for open ocean aquaculture. J Appl Ichthyol 21: 107-113.<br />

DeGrandpre, M.D., Hammar, T.R., Smith, S.P., and F.L. Sayles. (1995)In situ measurements of seawater pCO2, Limnol Oceanogr, 40: 969 –<br />

975<br />

Fisch R, Buck BH (2006) Neues Aquakultursystem für das Meer made in Germany, Fischerblatt 12: 13-16.<br />

Fisch R, Buck BH (2008) Waste reduction in finfish aquaculture within suspended semi closed and closed systems. J Appl Ichtyol, in press.<br />

Heisler N (1989) Parameters and methods in acid-base physiology. In Techniques in Comparative Respiratory Physiology: an experimental<br />

approach (ed. C.R. Bridges and P.J. Butler). pp. 305-332, Society for experimental Biology Seminar Series. Cambridge, Cambridge<br />

University Press.<br />

Klimant I (1997) Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Referenzierung von Fluoreszenzintensitätssignalen, Ger. Pat. Appl. DE 198.29.657<br />

Lübbers DW, Opitz N (1975) The pCO2/pO2 optrode: A new probe for measuring pCO2 and pO2 of gases and liquids. Z Naturforschung 30C:<br />

532-533.<br />

Metzger R, Sartoris FJ, Langenbuch M, Pörtner HO (2007) Influence of elevated CO2 concentrations on thermal tolerance of the edible crab<br />

Cancer pagurus. J Thermal Biol 32: 144-151<br />

Pörtner HO, Sartoris FJ (1999) Invasive studies of intracellular acid-base parameters: quantitative analyses during environmental and<br />

functional stress. In: regulation of Tissue pH in Plants and Animals, edited by EW Taylor, S Egington & JA Raven. S.E.B. Seminar<br />

Series, Cambridge University Press. 68-98<br />

Pörtner, HO (1995) pH homeostasis in terrestrial vertebrates: a comparison of traditional and new concepts. Adv Comp Env Physiol 22: 51-62.<br />

Pörtner, HO, Reipschläger A, Heisler N(1998) Metabolism and acid-base regulation in Sipunculus nudus as a function of ambient carbon<br />

dioxide. J exp Biol 201: 43-55.<br />

Pörtner, HO, Andersen NA, Heisler N (1991) Proton equivalent ion transfer in Sipunculus nudus as a function of ambient oxygen tension:<br />

relationships with energy metabolism. J exp Biol 156: 21-39.<br />

Sartoris FJ, Bock C, Serendero I, Lannig G, Pörtner HO (2003) Temperature dependent changes in energy metabolism, intracellular pH and<br />

blood oxygen tension in the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. J fish biol 62: 1239-1253<br />

Sartoris FJ, Pörtner HO (1997) Temperature dependence of ionic and acid-base regulation in boreal and arctic Crangon crangon and Pandalus<br />

borealis. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 211: 69-83

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Schroeder CR, Klimant I. (2005) The influence of the lipophilic base in solid state optical pCO2 sensors: a comparative study. Sens. Actuators<br />

B 107: 572 – 579.<br />

Severinghaus JW, Bradley AF (1998) Electrodes for blood pO2 and pCO2 determination. J Appl Physiol 13: 515 – 520.<br />

Werle P, Mücke R, Amato F D, Lancia T (1998). Near-Infrared Trace-Gas Sensors based on Room-Temperature Diode Lasers, Appl. Phys. B<br />

67: 307 – 315.<br />

Project 0.4: Training and transfer of know-how<br />

PI: Michael Meyerhöfer<br />

Training and transfer of know how between the <strong>BIOACID</strong> participants will be carried out by the<br />

following workshops, offered by the different institutions.<br />

1.: Workshop on microsensors (Dirk de Beer, MPI Bremen)<br />

Each of the two workshops should last ten days. The first half will be sensor making, the second<br />

sensor use. Participants can bring there own samples for measurements.<br />

2.: Workshop on isotope geochemistry and laser-ablation- techniques (Anton Eisenhauer,<br />

IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel)<br />

We intend to perform during four days a training workshop on the use of isotope geochemistry<br />

and on its use for biomineralization studies. This workshop will also give an introduction to the<br />

use of laser-ablation techniques as a new micro-analytical tool.<br />

3.: Physiological approaches to body fluid physicochemistry and acid-base regulation<br />

(Franz Sartoris, Christian Bock, Hans Pörtner and colleagues, AWI, Bremerhaven)<br />

We intend to host a three day workshop on the concepts of quantitative acid-base physiology and<br />

the use of various techniques associated with the quantification of changes in tissue and body<br />

fluid acid-base and associated ion and metabolic status in animals. The workshop will enable<br />

PhD students to interpret their findings in the light of changes in water physicochemistry and<br />

their effect on acid-base, ionic and metabolic regulation.<br />

4.: Workshop on seawater carbonate chemistry (Kai Schulz and Ulf Riebesell, IFM-<br />

GEOMAR, Kiel)<br />

All experimental projects proposed in <strong>BIOACID</strong> share a common aspect, i.e. the manipulation of<br />

the seawater carbonate chemistry for different carbon dioxide (CO2) scenarios. Adjusting,<br />

maintaining, and controlling the seawater carbonate system will be crucial for data interpretation<br />

and quality control.<br />

A joint two-day workshop on seawater carbonate chemistry will be held at IFM-GEOMAR at the<br />

beginning of <strong>BIOACID</strong> to ensure high data quality and inter-comparability. The workshop will<br />

cover the following topics:1) Principles of the seawater carbonate system: concepts, parameters<br />

and speciation2) Calculations: techniques to calculate the carbonate system from measured<br />

parameters 3) Measurements: dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), pCO2 and<br />

pH) Experimental manipulations: acid / base additions, CO2 aeration, DIC additions at constant<br />

TA The workshop will enable all participants to choose the most appropriate CO2 manipulation<br />


64<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

for their specific experimental approaches, determine the parameters necessary to calculate<br />

carbonate chemistry speciation and evaluate the data obtained for quality.<br />

5.: Workshop "Experimental design" (Martin Wahl, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel)<br />

We plan a five day workshop on setting up experiments in consideration of:<br />

Schedule<br />

• Exact questions asked<br />

• Carefully chosen response variables<br />

• Temporal, spatial, methodological and biological scope of the investigation<br />

• Sources of variance<br />

• Desired data quality<br />

• Available resources (time, funds, infrastructure)<br />

• Synergetic combination with other investigation<br />

• Suitable statistical approach<br />

Workshop on microsensors<br />

Workshop on isotope geochemistry<br />

and laser-ablation- techniques<br />

Physiological approaches to body<br />

fluid physicochemistry and acid-base<br />

regulation<br />

Workshop on seawater carbonate<br />

chemistry<br />

Workshop "Experimental design"<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year<br />


<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

Workshop on microsensors<br />

Workshop on isotope<br />

geochemistry and laserablation-<br />

techniques<br />

Physiological approaches<br />

to body fluid<br />

physicochemistry and acidbase<br />

regulation<br />

Workshop on seawater<br />

carbonate chemistry<br />

Workshop "Experimental<br />

design"<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investments<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

Subtotal<br />

TOTAL<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

The costs for the course will largely be carried by <strong>BIOACID</strong>. The participants need to take care of accommodation, food, and travel.<br />

Budget justification<br />

The requested funds will only cover costs directly related to organizing and carrying out the<br />

training workshops at the various partner institutions. Costs related to travel and accommodation<br />

of the participants will be covered from travel funds of the individual sub-projects.<br />


66<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

11.2: Theme 1: Primary Production, microbial processes and<br />

biogeochemical feedbacks<br />

i. Common Background<br />

The partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in the atmosphere and the oceans has increased by 30% over<br />

the past century and model scenarios predict a further increase to twice the current concentrations<br />

by the end of the century, which is app. 700ppm by the year 2100 (Houghton et al. 2001). This<br />

increase is far more rapid than any change over the last 400,000 years and expected to<br />

significantly impact marine life (Fabry et al. 2008). Understanding the response of marine<br />

autotrophs and of heterotrophic bacteria to rising CO2 concentrations and decreasing pH is of<br />

special importance since these organisms provide the basis of marine food webs (link to theme<br />

4). All aquatic plants/primary producers are adapted to pCO2 concentrations that varied only<br />

between 200 and 300 ppm over the past 420 million years as ice core data suggested (Falkowski<br />

et al. 2000), while they are facing novel pCO2 conditions that are several times higher on a very<br />

rapid time scale within the next decades. To what extent species may currently be in the process<br />

of adaptation to higher pCO2 levels by evolutionary adaptation is totally unresolved.<br />

Fig. 1.1: Representatives of phytoplankton guilds that will be studied in theme 1 A Coccolithophore: Calcidiscus<br />

leptoporus B diatom:Skeletonema costatum C. diatom:Thallsiosiara angulata D Cyanobacteria:Nodularia spumigena.<br />

While increased pCO 2 may enhance photosynthesis by alleviating pCO 2 limitation, the extent and circumstances under<br />

which CO2 is limiting for photosynthesis and growth of primary producers in the field are still<br />

unclear. Preliminary data reveal that species with effective carbon concentration mechanisms<br />

(CCMs) are less sensitive to increased CO2 levels than those lacking efficient CCMs, analogous<br />

to findings in terrestrial vegetation (Collins et al. 2006). Currently, our ignorance of the<br />

metabolic diversity of oceanic autotrophy decreases the possibility of any realistic projection of<br />

marine primary production in response to increased carbonation. Calcifying organisms like<br />

coccolithophores and corals may suffer under decreasing calcification potentially leading to a<br />

negative feedback to atmospheric CO2 (Gattuso et al. 1998, Wolf-Gladrow et al. 1999, Riebesell<br />

et al., 2000, Orr et al 2005).<br />

Species specific differences in inorganic carbon acquisition moreover indicate changing<br />

competitive relationships between phytoplankton guilds (Fig. 1.1) at future CO2 concentration<br />

(Rost et al., 2003). Experimental work on diazotrophic cyanobacteria suggests an increase in<br />

productivity with increasing pCO2 (Hutchins et al., 2007; Ramos et al., 2007, Levitan et al.<br />

2007). Recent data from seagrasses and several groups of micro- and macroalgae suggest an<br />

enhancement of photosynthetic rates (Collins and Bell, 2004). Positively correlated CO2<br />

concentrations and uptake rates potentially constitute an important negative feedback to<br />

anthropogenic CO2 emissions, if enhancing the so-called biological carbon pump (Riebesell et al.<br />


68<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

2007). A systematic assessment of autotrophic responses considering possible co-limiting factors<br />

for photosynthesis such as nutrients, light and mixing depth, however, is still missing.<br />

Evolutionary adaptation to enhanced pCO2 levels as response of species and populations<br />

to environmental change is neglected in studies until now. In marine unicellular algae and<br />

bacteria, in particular, rapid evolution to increasing pCO2 levels is expected due to short<br />

generation times of

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

export of particulate matter from the upper water column is affected by high CO2 is essential to<br />

improve the predictive capacity of global biogeochemical models.<br />

An effect on the elemental stoichiometry of particles was found in large mesocosms where<br />

increasing DIC was translated to carbon rich organic matter (Engel et al. 2005, Riebesell et al.,<br />

2007). The combined influence of light, nutrients, and CO2 concentration, on elemental<br />

stoichiometry and the relative importance of these factors individually is largely unknown<br />

(Burkhardt and Riebesell, 1997, Burkhardt et al., 1999).<br />

In the face of a not acceptable lack of information, the major objectives of theme 1 are to gain a<br />

better understanding of the response of autotrophic communities and heterotrophic bacteria to<br />

ocean acidification, and the related consequences for organic matter cycling, and the turnover of<br />

key elements.<br />

ii. Collaborative research<br />

In theme 1 various aspects of responses to ocean acidification and carbonation are studied<br />

including the export of primary production into the food-web and the formation of organic matter<br />

by aggregation of particles. Currently, data on the responses of the diverse plankton groups to<br />

Fig. 1.3: Set up with 5 CO 2 controlled<br />

chemostats in the lab of A. Engel at<br />

the Alfred Wegener Institute in<br />

Bremerhaven where joint<br />

collaborations are planned within<br />

project 1.2. (Photo: A. Engel)<br />

ocean acidification are limited to a few species, a research gap that this collaborative effort is<br />

intended to close through studies of key species and whole plankton communities in the field<br />

(projects 1.2).<br />

Broadening the taxonomic repertoire would also allow geographic predictions of sensitivities and<br />

compositional shifts in major plankton groups to a global scale pCO2 increases. Several<br />

subprojects under 1.1 address longer-lasting adaptations of phytoplankton and bacteria. Projects<br />

under 1.2 focus on the interaction between autotrophs and heterotrophs and especially the role of<br />

extracellular organic substances and aggregation. Finally project 1.3 models the impact of ocean<br />

acidification on the soft tissue pump (POC + DOC) as a potential removal process of carbon from<br />

the surface waters.<br />

Additionally to the pCO2 induced changes the combined effect of the temperature increase will<br />

be simulated under theme 1. Although most studies will be carried out in controlled labexperiments<br />

(e.g. chemostats from the AWI, Fig. 1.3) some studies will include open sea<br />

plankton to test the response of communities on OA. Within the <strong>BIOACID</strong> Project we have<br />

agreed upon several levels of CO2 which are: 280ppm (preindustrial) 380ppm (today), 560ppm<br />

(twice preindustrial), 700ppm (2.5 preindustrial and the level of the IPCC "business as usual"<br />

prediction for 2100), 980 – 1000ppm (3.5 preindustrial). Our experiments under Theme 1 will<br />


70<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

follow these agreements and we plan joint experiments in several subgroups of Theme 1.<br />

Furthermore it is planned to perform experiments by carbonation and not acidification only for<br />

the pH reduction. This approach avoids conflicts from diverging culture setups. The effects of<br />

changes in the temperature which are predicted for the same time span as the OA are tested for in<br />

all the subprojects of theme 1.<br />

Overall the results of theme 1 will supply a basis for modelling and future prognoses on the<br />

ecological consequences of ocean acidification in biogeochemical model under theme 1.3. All<br />

subprojects will feed their results and findings into a better assessment of acidification and global<br />

warming on the so called “soft tissue pump”, especially the production and particle formation by<br />

means of TEP. A more reliable estimate of the biogeochemical feedbacks of changing<br />

productivity and export will be reached through a more realistic formulation of carbon production<br />

and export in global marine biogeochemical models.<br />

Project 1.1: Acclimation versus adaptation in autotrophs<br />

T. Reusch (University Münster/ IFM-GEOMAR Kiel), M. Hippler/J. LaRoche (University<br />

Münster/ IFM-GEOMAR Kiel), G. Jost/K. Jürgens (Leibniz Institute Warnemünde), M. Müller<br />

(IFM-GEOMAR Kiel), U. Karsten/T. Hübener (University Rostock)<br />

i. Objectives<br />

The five subprojects within Project 1.1 address the effects of ocean acidification (OA) and<br />

carbonation (rising seawater CO2 concentrations) on marine primary producers of diverse<br />

taxonomic affiliation, including chemoautotrophic bacteria, benthic and planktonic microalgae.<br />

Project 1.1 mainly studies effects of rising pCO2 on primary productivity and is mutually<br />

complementary to project 3.1 (and here particularly 3.1.1) that focuses on calcifying primary<br />

producers. The overall objectives are to:<br />

• Identify guilds and taxonomic groups of autotrophic organisms that are sensitive to<br />

acidification and carbon enrichment, compare treatments based on direct pCO2<br />

enhancement versus changes in seawater carbon balance<br />

• identify processes carried out by autotrophs that are affected by ocean acidification or<br />

increased pCO2<br />

• analyse short- and long-term physiological acclimation mechanisms that modulate<br />

carbon acquisition in response to carbonation<br />

• assess interactions between OA, nutrient status (in particular iron limitation) and ocean<br />

warming for photosynthesis and photosystem proteomics of important phytoplankton<br />

groups<br />

• establish selection lines in order to assess evolutionary changes in physiology and carbon<br />

acquisition under increased pCO2<br />

• analyze genetic and proteomic changes as a response to long-term exposure under<br />

increased pCO2<br />

• quantify shifts in taxonomic composition among important autotrophic groups as a result<br />

of acidification and carbonation, and possible second order effects on ecosystem<br />

performance<br />

ii. State of the Art<br />

Whereas effects of increased pCO2 in terrestrial systems have been intensely studied in the past<br />

15 years (summarized in Ainsworth and Long 2005), work on marine primary producers is in its

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

infancy. Because planktonic and benthic microalgae form the basis of marine food chains (with<br />

the exception of deep sea vent ecosystems), changes at the level of primary production may result<br />

in cascading effects throughout the food web (link to Theme 4).<br />

Increasing atmospheric pCO2 not only leads to drastic increases in seawater CO2 but also causes a<br />

reduction in pH (i.e. acidification), and comparatively minor increases in HCO3 - concentrations<br />

(i.e. carbonation). Recent data suggest that the primary short-term response of micro- and<br />

macroalgae is an enhancement of photosynthetic rates with rising pCO2. This may constitute an<br />

important negative feedback to anthropogenic CO2 emissions, potentially enhancing the so-called<br />

biological carbon pump (Riebesell et al. 2007). However, it is presently unclear to what extent<br />

and under what conditions carbon availability limits photosynthesis and growth of primary<br />

producers in the field. On the other hand, growth rates of calcifying phytoplankton species such<br />

as coccolithophores may be impaired by rising pCO2 due to lower carbonate availability<br />

(Riebesell et al. 2000) (link to theme 3), but recent data challenge this notion (Iglesias-Rodriguez<br />

et al. 2008). On objective of this project will be to perform critical experiments that compare<br />

different isolates with respect to their different (heritable) physiological performance. Moreover,<br />

we will compare different pCO2 enrichment protocols to evaluate whether conflicting results may<br />

arise from experimental procedures.<br />

Because the sensitivity to carbon enrichment differs widely among taxa, rising CO2 levels will<br />

alter competitive relationships and result in shifts of plankton species composition (Rost et al.<br />

2003). Currently, data on the responses of the diverse plankton groups to ocean acidification is<br />

limited to a few species, a research gap that this collaborative effort is intended to close.<br />

Broadening the taxonomic repertoire is also a prerequisite for geographic predictions of<br />

sensitivities and compositional shifts in major plankton groups to ocean acidification and<br />

increasing pCO2. The project will study the response of several important photoautotrophic<br />

groups such as non-calcifying planktonic diatoms and calcifying coccolithophores, benthic<br />

diatoms to increases in pCO2 within a common analysis framework and largely congruent<br />

experimental conditions.<br />

In contrast to photoautotrophs, consequences of increased CO2 concentration on<br />

chemoautotrophic organisms are probably quite different than on the surface phototrophic<br />

primary production. Pelagic oxic-anoxic transition zones (redoxclines) found in several coastal<br />

environments and marginal seas (e.g., Baltic Sea, Black Sea) are sites of significant<br />

chemoautotrophic production (dark CO2 fixation) (Taylor et al., 2001; Jost et al. 2008). By<br />

modifying the overall nutrient cycles, these redox-related transformations have an impact far<br />

beyond the spatial scale of the redoxcline (best known for N losses). It is not known how changes<br />

in CO2 concentration and pH affect the biogeochemistry of these areas. Because dark CO2<br />

fixation is based on chemical energy from reactions including mainly pH-sensitive substances<br />

(e.g. H2S, Mn, Fe), subproject 1.1.1 (Jost /Jürgens) hypothesizes significant changes in<br />

biogeochemical process rates related to chemolithotrophy, microbial key organisms and<br />

microbially based food webs. The thermodynamics and kinetics of some of the respiratory<br />

processes, for instance Fe(III) and Mn(IV) reduction by microbes, are highly pH dependent<br />

(Canfield et al. 2005). Changes in pH can induce changes in energy gain for microorganisms, in<br />

the delicate balance of biogeochemical redox sensitive processes, and even the element fluxes of<br />

the benthic-pelagic coupling in shallow euxinic systems. Subproject 1.1.1 will examine model<br />

microorganisms that have been shown to constitute key players for distinct biogeochemical<br />

transformations in pelagic redoxclines, and which had been successfully cultivated.<br />

Ocean acidification accompanied with several concomitant changes in abiotic parameters that can<br />

affect photosynthetic rates, one of which is the availability of dissolved iron. Despite its<br />


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abundance on earth, iron-deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world. Iron<br />

deficiency affects at least 10% of oceanic photosynthetic productivity and is most prevalent in<br />

vast high nutrient low chlorophyll (HNLC) regions of today’s oceans (Martin and Fitzwater<br />

1988, Behrenfeld and Kolber 1999). As consequence, photosynthesis and carbon assimilation are<br />

restricted by the low iron-bioavailability in these areas.<br />

The decrease in pH will reduce the precipitation of dissolved iron as Fe oxides while also<br />

reducing the binding of Fe to organic ligands, both factors being important in controlling Fe<br />

bioavailability. The effects of ocean acidification on the bioavailability of iron and hence, on<br />

phytoplankton productivity is currently not well understood. One hypothesis addressed by<br />

subproject 1.1.2 (Hippler/LaRoche) is that OA minimizes the pressure of iron limitation on<br />

primary productivity. Iron is essential for virtually all forms of life because it participates in<br />

electron transfer reactions as a crucial cofactor in enzymes that catalyze redox reactions. Since<br />

iron can also react with oxygen to generate cytotoxic agents, its accessibility within the cell has<br />

to be under tight homeostatic control, which requires complex regulatory mechanisms (Finney<br />

and O'Halloran 2003).<br />

At the molecular level, photosystem I (PSI) is a prime target of iron-deficiency, probably because<br />

of its high iron content. In the short-term, iron-deficiency leads not only to a pronounced<br />

degradation of PSI, but also to a remodeling of the PSI associated light-harvesting antenna<br />

(LHCI) (Moseley et al. 2002). Long-term adaptation to iron-deficiency even causes constitutive<br />

differences in the photosynthetic architecture as demonstrated for coastal and oceanic diatoms<br />

(Strzepek and Harrison 2004). The oceanic diatom strain contained up to fivefold lower PSI and<br />

up to sevenfold lower cytochrome b6f complex concentrations as compared to a coastal diatom.<br />

Surprisingly, the changes to the photosynthetic apparatus while decreasing the cellular iron<br />

requirements of the oceanic diatom maintain its photosynthetic performance relative to the<br />

coastal diatom. However, the lower iron-requirements of the oceanic diatom result in a reduce<br />

ability to acclimate to changing light conditions. Additionally, iron-limitation appears to directly<br />

interfere with carbon uptake and assimilation in phytoplankton (Schulz et al. 2007, Allen et al.<br />

2008) although the mechanisms by which this occurs are poorly studied.<br />

Insights into the interplay between carbon-and iron-availability and its impact on photosynthesis<br />

of primary producers in the ocean subjected to increasing dissolved CO2 are thus highly<br />

warranted. Subproject 1.1.2 will also provide a basis for better understanding the impact of open<br />

ocean iron-fertilization, a controversial practice which is pursued by some companies (Buesseler<br />

et al. 2008). In a high CO2 ocean the proposed study will bring additional knowledge essential in<br />

assessing the effectiveness of open ocean Fe fertilization as a strategy to mitigate global<br />

atmospheric CO2 increase. A recent transcriptomic study identified genes involved in silicon<br />

bioprocesses in T. pseudonana (Mock et al. 2008) proving the suitability of this technique in the<br />

analysis of the biology of diatoms. In Phaedactylum tricornutum, a species that shows a high<br />

tolerance to iron limitation, several genes involved in Fe acquisition and in the remodeling of the<br />

photosynthetic apparatus have been identified through a whole-cell system’s approach (Allen et<br />

al. in press). Several of these genes are absent in the T. pseudonana genome, pointing to a genetic<br />

basis for the phenotypic difference in their acclimation to iron limitation. An additional genome<br />

project for the oceanic diatom T. oceanica, has been initiated jointly at the IFM-GEOMAR and<br />

University of Kiel CAU. The outcome of this genome project together with the genome sequence<br />

of T. pseudonana and P. tricornutum will provide a solid basis for comparative transcriptomic<br />

and proteomics analyses (see also subproject 1.1.4).<br />

Most experiments done so far examining phytoplankton are restricted in time and are observing<br />

only a few generations of these single cell organisms. Regarding the fast generation time of most

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

phytoplankton groups (~one division per day) a possible acclimatisation and/or adaptation has to<br />

be considered for prediction of future phytoplankton response (Collins and Bell 2004). Current<br />

primary producers have co-evolved with a partial pressure of CO2 that never exceeded 300 ppm<br />

in the past 20 Mio years. Conversely, evolutionary changes are to be expected as a response to<br />

ongoing increases in pCO2. Such evolution in action is expected to be particularly rapid in<br />

microalgal species having short generation times, such as unicellular plankton and bacteria.<br />

Strain-to-strain differences of Emiliania huxleyi in their sensitivity to CO2 enrichment indicate<br />

standing genetic variation for traits related to carbon acquisition under altered CO2 chemistry<br />

(Delille et al. 2005). Interestingly, the only long-term experiment addressing evolutionary<br />

changes in a microalgal species over approximately 1000 generations revealed that the green<br />

unicellular algae Chlamydomonas rheinhardtii lost its carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM)<br />

in response to increased pCO2. These findings are in line with evolutionary theory, predicting that<br />

costly carbon concentration is no longer selected for in a CO2 rich environment. If long-term<br />

exposure to increases in pCO2 leads to degeneration of CCMs, then short-term responses of<br />

phytoplankton, for example as higher export production, may only be transient. On the other<br />

hand, under sexual recombination, positive selection of novel physiological function may also<br />

take place that produce physiological trait values outside the boundaries of original trait<br />

distributions (Reusch and Wood 2007)<br />

Because long-term effects are crucial but understudied in the marine plankton and<br />

chemoautotrophic bacteria, three subprojects will address long-term physiological responses<br />

(subproject 1.1.1 Jost/Jürgens; 1.1.3 Müller; 1.1.4 Reusch/Riebesell) and compare the<br />

reversible plastic acclimation response with longer-lasting adaptive changes. Changing responses<br />

of important target species to carbon enrichment have already been identified in pilot<br />

experiments (cf. Fig. 1.1.1a,b). Cultures of coccolithophores showed a higher sensitivity for high<br />

pCO2 regarding their division rates in comparison to short-term experiments (Riebesell et al.<br />

2000, Langer et al. 2006). Responses of phytoplankton to single parameters (e.g. temperature,<br />

pCO2 and calcite saturation state) are still in the progress of investigation. However, in nature all<br />

physical parameters are predicted to change more or less in the next centuries. Therefore,<br />

subproject 1.1.3 will also investigate any interaction effects of the two most rapid changing<br />

parameters (temperature and pCO2) on different phytoplankton key groups (diatoms,<br />

coccolithophores and calcareous dinoflagellates), which are the main primary producers<br />

(diatoms), the main pelagic producers of biogenic calcite (coccolithophores and calcareous<br />

dinoflagellates) and jointly contribute to the basis of the oceanic food web. A strong link will be<br />

forged to subproject 3.1.1 that focuses on changes in calcification rates of coccolithophores.<br />

In order to verify whether or not physiological changes are due to genetic adaptation, we aim at<br />

identifying the genetic basis of observed changes using state-of-the art genomic and<br />

transcriptomic techniques in two species where genomic and transcriptomic resources are readily<br />

available, Thalassiosira pseudonana and Emiliania huxleyi (subproject 1.1.4 Reusch<br />

/Riebesell). In these fast generation species, rapid evolutionary change may take place through<br />

the combination of any of the following three mechanisms (i) clonal selection, whereby preadapted<br />

multi-locus genotypes outcompete others by mitotic division and population increases<br />

(ii) de novo mutation in particular genotypic lines (iii) genetic recombination which may bring<br />

trait values beyond the range of values seen in the original population. Recombination is<br />

expected to bring together favourable mutations, while breaking up negative gene associations.<br />

For E. huxleyi, culture conditions are established that allow us to introduce intermittent rounds of<br />

sexual recombination during the course of the experiment (Laguna et al. 2001), permitting a test<br />

for the role of sexual reproduction in promoting evolutionary adaptation. Genomic approaches<br />

will be coordinated with subproject 1.1.2 for the diatom transcriptomic and proteomic analysis.<br />


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As additional response variables, information on the elementary composition of primary<br />

producers will provide important information for subproject 4.2.1. that addresses the effects of<br />

food quality on higher trophic levels.<br />

Fig. 1.1.1a: Division rates of three coccolithophore species<br />

under high pCO 2 (filled red) and ambient pCO 2 (green)<br />

over time. Open red circles indicate the transition from<br />

ambient to high pCO 2. The percental decrease in division<br />

rate is shown by the red numbers. Müller et al unpublished<br />

Fig. 1.1.1.b: Change of the optimal division curve of<br />

Emiliania huxleyi from ambient pCO 2 (green) to high<br />

pCO2 (red) in relation to different temperatures. Müller<br />

et al unpublished<br />

Benthic diatoms are another key primary producer guild with important ecological role on<br />

intertidal and shallow subtidal marine sediments along the German coastline of the North and<br />

Baltic Sea, being responsible for particularly high rates of elemental cycling and high primary<br />

productivity. These communities provide a major food source (e.g. fatty acids) for benthic<br />

suspension- or deposit-feeders, and act as control barrier for oxygen fluxes at the sediment/water<br />

interface, and as stabilizer of sediment surfaces against erosion by the excretion of extracellular<br />

polymeric substances (EPS) (Cahoon 1999). EPS are mainly composed of polysaccharides and<br />

proteins, and besides their role in biostabilisation of sediments they are involved in gliding<br />

motility and adhesion.<br />

Despite their importance for production and elemental cycling almost nothing is known on the<br />

ecophysiology and production biology per se, and even less on the interactive effects of rising<br />

CO2 concentrations and temperatures on microphytobenthic primary production (Forster et al.<br />

2006), a research gap that subproject 1.1.5. (Karsten/Hübener) intends to close. Building upon<br />

such ecophysiological data, the relationship between biodiversity of benthic diatom communities<br />

and their productivity will be assessed. Subproject 1.1.5. will also explore whether or not diatom<br />

taxa are valuable indicator species for environmental changes associated with OA, as has been<br />

shown for eutrophication before (EDDI: Battarbee et al. 2000, MOLTEN: Clarke et al. 2002,<br />

2003, Juggins 2004). Notably, these organisms possess small tolerance values for important<br />

control factors of water-quality (pH, nutrients, salinity). As a second step, it will explore how the<br />

diatom community changes as a response to predicted ocean acidification, in combination with<br />

temperature increases.<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

Subproject 1.1.1: G. Jost has experience in the work with autotrophic prokaryotes and the<br />

analysis of their role in the biogeochemistry of pelagic redoxclines. K. Jürgens has extensive

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

experience in the analysis of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms, microbial food webs<br />

and trophic interactions, including model systems and field studies in diverse aquatic systems. In<br />

the last years a newly established group at the IOW in molecular and microbial ecology has made<br />

significant progress in the understanding of redoxcline microbial communities (Labrenz et al.<br />

2007, Jost et al. 2008), the identification of bacterial key players (Grote et al. 2007) and major<br />

transformation processes (Hannig et al. 2007).<br />

Subproject 1.1.2: Prof. J. LaRoche is an expert in marine phytoplankton ecology and<br />

ecophysiology. She has performed and participated in seminal experiments on the role of iron on<br />

phytoplankton productivity and physiology (LaRoche et al. 1996, McKay et al. 1997, Boyd et al.<br />

2000, Jickells et al. 2005, Allen et al. 2008). She is also an expert in diatom transcriptomics. M.<br />

Hippler is an expert in algal proteomics and physiology and particularly in adaptive remodelling<br />

of the photosynthetic apparatus to iron-deprivation (Moseley et al. 2002, Naumann et al. 2005,<br />

Allmer et al. 2006, Naumann et al. 2007). This combined expertise in physiology, transcriptomics<br />

and proteomics will ensure the successful complementation of the outlined working program.<br />

Subproject 1.1.3: M. Müller is currently working in the ESF project ’Casiopeia’ as a PhD,<br />

finishing his doctoral degree in autumn 2008. He previously worked on coccolithophores (Müller<br />

et al. 2008b) and gained over the last years a solid expertise in culturing phytoplankton in dilute<br />

batch cultures and semi-continuous cultures under a manipulated carbonate system (Müller et al.<br />

2008a). At the moment a variety of coccolithophorid species are cultured since several years and<br />

will be available for experimental work in this project.<br />

Subproject 1.1.4: The expertise and research interest of both applicants are mutually overlapping.<br />

U. Riebesell is an expert in marine phytoplankton ecology and ecophysiology (Riebesell et al.<br />

2000, Riebesell 2004, Riebesell et al. 2007). T. Reusch has broad experience in design and<br />

execution of selection experiments (Reusch and Wood 2007, Wegner et al. 2007), and in<br />

characterizing the genetic basis of phenotypic change (Wegner et al. 2003), including<br />

transcriptomic work (Reusch et al. 2008)<br />

Subproject 1.1.5: U. Karsten has worked with benthic diatoms from brackish and marine waters<br />

and successfully established a culture collection of polar diatoms at the University of Rostock.<br />

The research interest of Prof. Karsten is mainly related to the ecological and physiological<br />

performance of these microalgae under different environmental conditions, as well as to the<br />

development of new methodological approaches (e.g. Karsten et al. 2006; Wölfel et al. 2007;<br />

Gustavs et al. 2008). T. Hübener has a long record in studies on diatom ecology and taxonomy<br />

(Dreßler and Hübener 2006, as well as on diatoms as indicators for environmental change<br />

(palaeolimnology) (e.g. Adler and Hübener 2007, Hübener et al. 2007). The expertise of U.<br />

Karsten and T. Hübener is well reflected in numerous grants funded and refereed publications.<br />

iv. Work <strong>Programme</strong>, Schedules and Deliverables<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong> – general<br />

The experimental levels and the rate of increase in pCO2 as well as other important experimental<br />

manipulations will be coordinated as much as possible especially with the experiments of<br />

Jost/Jürgens, LaRoche/Hippler, Müller, and Reusch/Riebesell. We also plan to share some of the<br />

experimental set-ups, in particular the chemostats, among the subprojects. All projects have<br />

agreed upon the specific levels of pCO2 for their experimental manipulation, namely the five core<br />

treatment levels 280ppm (pre-industrial), 380 (present day), 560ppm (2x pre-industrial), 700ppm<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

(IPCC business as usual for year 2100), 1000ppm (3x pre-industrial). These treatment levels<br />

should be established by a slow change from the present day level.<br />

Subproject 1.1.1 Impact of changing pCO2 and temperature on a chemolithoautotrophic<br />

Epsilonproteobacterium from a pelagic redoxcline<br />

G. Jost & K. Jürgens<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

The response of microbial populations at pelagic redoxclines to changes in single parameters<br />

(pCO2, pH, and temperature) will be studied in controlled experimental laboratory systems<br />

(diluted batch and chemostat cultures, including a comparison between both systems). The effects<br />

of ambient pCO2 and slowly increasing pCO2 on the performance of a representative<br />

chemoautotrophic prokaryote will be compared. Additionally, it will be investigated whether<br />

increasing pCO2 in combination with decreasing pH or only changes in the pH are the important<br />

factors. The selected model organism epsilonproteobacterium strain GD1, which is abundant in<br />

the redoxclines of the central Baltic Sea (Grote et al. 2007) will be used for selected process<br />

studies (e.g. chemolithotrophic denitrification). The changing performance of this strain in<br />

response to the investigated factors will be compared to relative changes in the performance of<br />

other single organisms (1.1.3, 1.1.4) as well as whole (bacterial) communities (1.1.2, 1.1.5,<br />

1.2.4). The performance of the microorganisms will be assessed as specific growth rate,<br />

elemental composition (CNP) and related chemical transformations (e.g., sulphur oxidation,<br />

denitrification). To differentiate between phenotypic and genotypic long-term adaptations<br />

molecular biological methods will be applied (e.g. differential gene expression of functional<br />

genes) in cooperation with other projects.<br />

In order to assess the acclimation potential, different rates of increase pCO2 attaining the final<br />

treatment levels will be compared. Finally, in line with sub-projects 1.1.3 and 1.1.5, the<br />

combined versus single effects of temperature and pCO2 will be assessed in factorial experiments.<br />

The results will be used for biogeochemical modelling, including the evaluation of the influence<br />

of proton activity on biogeochemical processes. Additional, a comparison of the bacterial<br />

population at the end of the long-term experiments grown under different conditions will be done<br />

not only by investigating phenotypic performances but also genotypic differences (e.g.<br />

differential gene expression of selected functional genes). A comparison of the results of the<br />

reaction a single bacterium will show on changing conditions related to climate change with<br />

observations of carbon dioxide fixation in CO2-enriched sediments and the appearances of<br />

different phylogenetic groups of bacteria including epsilonproteobacteria (subproject<br />

may give a hint on possible extrapolations of the results even to sediments.<br />

Work Schedule<br />

1.1.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Set-up of culturing facility, instrument<br />

calibration<br />


<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

1.1.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Diluted batch experiments<br />

Long-term chemostat experiment<br />

Sample processing and measurements<br />

Combined CO2/tempertaure perturbation experiments<br />

Molecular investigations<br />

Data analysis, statistical evaluation,<br />

data interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences, PhD paper<br />


Milestones (1.1.1)<br />

- Implementation of experimental facility for controlled continuous cultures month 9<br />

- Experimental data set on CO2/pH sensitivity of epsilonproteobacterium GD1 month 18<br />

- Data set on synergistic effects of CO2 and temperature on strain GD1 month 24<br />

- Evaluation of combined data sets, sensitivities and uncertainties month 33<br />

Subproject 1.1.2 The interplay between carbon-and iron-availability and its impact on<br />

photosynthesis of primary producers in the ocean<br />

J. LaRoche & M. Hippler<br />

Work programme<br />

We will study the effects of ocean acidification on photosynthesis and carbon assimilation in<br />

diatoms, exposing them to iron-limited and replete conditions. Physiological approaches will be<br />

combined with systems biology approaches where transcriptomics and proteomics will be<br />

applied. (i) Physiological measurements of growth and photosynthetic performance for a oceanic<br />

and costal diatom strain will be conducted at distinct CO2 partial pressures of 380, 700 and 1000<br />

ppm combined with iron-sufficient and –deficient conditions. (ii) Comparative transcriptomic<br />

profiling of the two diatom strains T. pseudonana and T. oceanica will be performed under the<br />

outlined physiological conditions taking advantage of 454 DNA sequencing (Eveland et al. 2008)<br />

to elucidate dynamics in gene expression in regard to different carbon and iron resources. (iii)<br />

Comparative and quantitative proteomics will be performed to unravel alterations in the proteome<br />

with a focus on plasma and thylakoid membranes in response to iron and carbon availability. In<br />

particularly we will concentrate on changes of the photosynthetic apparatus. Here we will take<br />

advantage of high precision and resolution mass spectrometry using an LTQ-Orbitap mass<br />

spectrometer (ThermoFisher) and proteotypic peptide profiling.<br />

The project is complementary to 1.1.1 and 3.3 which also study the effect of OA and pCO2<br />

increase on the speciation of trace metals and their effect on chemoautotrophs and calcifyiers.<br />

The result of our study on short term effects of high CO2 on the photosynthetic apparatus of<br />


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diatoms can be used to help predict the long term genetic effects of elevated CO2 studied in<br />

1.1.4. The results will also be used in biogeochemical models (1.3).<br />

Work Schedule<br />

1.1.2 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Establish trace-metal buffered cultures<br />

Experiments with T. oceanica<br />

Experiments with T. pseudonana<br />

Establishment of proteomic techniques<br />

with T. oceanica<br />

Transcriptomic analysis T. oceanica<br />

Data analysis & synthesis<br />

Establishment of proteomic techniques<br />

with T. pseudonana<br />

Transcriptomics T. pseudonana<br />

Data analysis & synthesis<br />

PhD. Thesis preparation<br />


Milestones (1.1.2)<br />

- Establishment of semi-continuous trace metal-buffered culture system and CO2 levels month 6<br />

- Experimental data set with T. oceanica grown at varying CO2 and iron levels month 18<br />

- Experimental data set with T. pseudonana grown at varying CO2 and iron levels month 27<br />

- Evaluation of combined data sets month 36<br />

Subproject 1.1.3 Long-term response<br />

multidimensional approach<br />

M. Müller<br />

of phytoplankton on climate change: a<br />

Work programme<br />

For each phytoplankton species (Thalassiosira pseudonana, Emiliania huxleyi and<br />

Thoracosphaera heimii) incubations will be run in duplicate under lab-controlled conditions<br />

(light, temperature, nutrients and carbonate system) over 1.5 year what corresponds to 500 to<br />

1000 generations depending on the species. For this purpose 24 chemostat units will be combined<br />

in a computer-controlled incubation system where the pCO2 and the temperature can be slowly<br />

increased to a certain level. The newly constructed CO2 aeration system at the IFM-GEOMAR is<br />

a ideal tool to set up a chemostat system where the carbonate system can be controlled in a

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

appropriate manner. The system will be monitored by dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity and<br />

nutrient analysis carried out in the lab of U. Riebesell. Primary response variables that are<br />

coordinated throughout projects 1.1.2 – 1.1.5 are division rates, photosynthesis, calcification rates<br />

and chlorophyll production. Photosynthesis and calcification rates will be measured at the isotope<br />

lab using radioactive 14 C accompanied by carbon acquisition determination with the Inlet-Mass-<br />

Spectrometry (MIMS) in cooperation with K. Schulz (3.1.1). Division rates and chlorophyll<br />

autofluorescence will be determined by flow cytometry. Genetic analysis at the end of the<br />

experimental exposures will be realized in cooperation with J. LaRoche, T. Reusch and M. Bleich<br />

(1.1.2; 1.1.4 and 3.1.4), additionally we will identify stress proteins in the named species in<br />

regard to pCO2 and temperature (LaRoche, 1999). Calcite analytics (δ 13 C, δ 18 O, δ 11 B) can be<br />

performed in the geochemistry lab at the Ruhr-University Bochum (3.5.2) and in collaboration<br />

with subproject 3.5.3 (S. Meier). During the acclimation phase we plan to analyze the expression<br />

of stress proteins such as heat shock proteins (hsps) in order to identify surrogates of the<br />

acclimation response.<br />

Work Schedule<br />

1.1.3 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Establishing chemostats<br />

Long-term CO2 enrichment exps<br />

Physiological measurements<br />

Identify stress proteins in dilute batch<br />

cultures<br />

Quantification of stress proteins in<br />

chemostats<br />

Synthesis of results & analysis<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />

Milestones (1.1.3)<br />


- Completion of chemostat system and data set on facility-accuracy month 9<br />

- Identification of stress proteins month 15<br />

- Data set on synergistic effects of CO2 and temperature under long-term conditions month 30<br />

- Evaluation of combined data sets (with all collaborators), sensitivities and month 32<br />


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Subproject 1.1.4 Rapid evolution of key phytoplankton species to a high pCO2 ocean<br />

T. Reusch & U. Riebesell<br />

Work programme<br />

We propose to establish replicated selection lines with large population sizes (>10 6 cells) in two<br />

important members of the marine phytoplankton, a diatom (Thalassiosira spp.) and a<br />

coccolithophorid (Emiliania huxleyi) under ambient (= present day; 380 ppm) and increased<br />

pCO2 (~700 ppm/1000 ppm). Ideally, pCO2 will be increased by bubbling enriched atmosphere<br />

into culture water. Experiments will start from novel isolates obtained from natural<br />

phytoplankton assemblages (Rynearson and Armbrust 2000). Control populations /lines in all<br />

diversity levels will also be established and subjected only to laboratory selection under ambient<br />

pCO2. Cultures will be run for at least 500 generations (~6-12 months), with some replicates<br />

being shared among the subprojects (i.e. 1.1.3 Müller).<br />

Using diagnostic microsatellite markers in combination with quantitative real-time PCR, we will<br />

closely follow the genotypic composition of all multi-clonal populations to detect genotypic<br />

selection, i.e. the dominance of certain pre-adapted genotypes over others. Results from this part<br />

of the project will be compared to results from project 4.1.2 (M. Wahl) that addresses the role of<br />

genetic diversity for juvenile survival in invertebrates. Because recombination may enhance<br />

selection responses, in E. huxleyi, half of the experimental lines will undergo sexual reproduction<br />

every 10 – 50 mitotic cells cycles (Laguna et al. 2001). The published methods may have to be<br />

modified in order to allow several (~10-20) intermittent sexual generations. Relative fitness of<br />

selected and ambient replicates will be assessed singly, and as direct competition experiments<br />

under a reciprocal combination of selection regimes. Response variables to be monitored every<br />

50 mitotic generations will be coordinated throughout 1.1.2 – 1.1.4 and include photosynthetic<br />

rates, pigment content/composition, division rates, chemical stoichiometry, calcification rates and<br />

stable isotope composition. The latter data will be interconnected with project 4.2.1 (M.<br />

Boersma) that studies the effects of changing chemical composition of phytoplankton for<br />

zooplankton. As in subproject 1.1.3, calcification rates will be measured at the isotope lab using<br />

radioactive 14 C accompanied by carbon acquisition determination with the Inlet-Mass-<br />

Spectrometry (MIMS) in cooperation with K. Schulz (3.1.1). In order to identify the genetic basis<br />

of adaptive evolution in a high pCO2 ocean, we will assess the transcriptomic response of both<br />

selection lines (ambient / high pCO2) in full combination with the actual test regime (ambient /<br />

high pCO2). In E. huxleyi, transcription profiling will be done using tagged 3’-expressed<br />

sequence tags in combination with direct 454 DNA sequencing (Eveland et al. 2008). In<br />

Thalassiosira, we use the whole genome tiling array developed by (Mock et al. 2008). Changes<br />

in transcriptomic response in Thalassiosira will be compared to responses obtained in project<br />

1.1.2 (J. LaRoche) where the response to iron deficiency is studied. Interpretation of data on<br />

evolutionary responses will be closely discussed with the long-term data on the fossil record<br />

obtained through project 3.5.2 (J. Mutterlose).

Work Schedule<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

1.1.4 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Collect field isolates, establish<br />

Selection lines<br />

Induction of sexual reproduction<br />

Establish Q-PCR to discriminate<br />

genotypes<br />

Sample processing and measurements<br />

Run evolution experiment<br />

Test for adaptation in reciprocal<br />

experiment<br />

Perform transcriptomic analyses<br />

Data analysis, statistical evaluation,<br />

data interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences, PhD thesis<br />

preparation<br />


Milestones (1.1.4.)<br />

- Selection lines are running month 9<br />

- Sexual Induction possible month 12<br />

- Experimental evolution lines finished (~1000 generations) month 24<br />

- Transcriptomic data obtained month 26<br />

- Bioinformatic analysis of evolutionary changes month 33<br />

Subproject 1.1.5 Interactive effects of CO2 concentration and temperature on<br />

microphytobenthic biodiversity and ecosystem function<br />

U. Karsten, T. Hübener<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

The main goal is to evaluate the interactive effects of rising pCO2 and temperature on<br />

microphytobenthic ecophysiology, biodiversity and primary production under controlled<br />

laboratory conditions and at representative shallow water stations in the Baltic Sea. In order to<br />

test species specific responses of benthic diatoms to a range of CO2 concentrations and<br />

temperatures we expose unialgal cultures of dominant species from experimental habitats in<br />

laboratory cultures and measure photosynthesis, division rates and primary production under<br />

different light, CO2 and temperature conditions using fluorimetric techniques and O2 optodes. For<br />

the improvement of the methodological approach strong collaboration with project 0.3.2.<br />

(Apostolidis/Huber, Presens) is intended. The response parameters will be compared to relative<br />

changes in the performance of other aquatic organisms and communities within theme 1.1.,<br />


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particularly project 1.1.1 (Jost/Jürgens) as well as to other macrobenthic primary producers in<br />

project 4.1.1 (Asmus). As a next step, in order to study the community level response, we will<br />

artificially mix communities with up to 10 diatom taxa. Species selection will be guided by<br />

abundance estimates from natural sediment communities of the shallow Baltic Sea. Community<br />

experiments will allow us to test the hypothesis that there is a predictable shift in taxonomic<br />

distribution upon OA, possibly interacting with temperature, and driven by different<br />

ecophysiological requirements obtained from previous experiments. Microphytobenthic primary<br />

production will be assessed via area-based biomass determination (standing stock, chlorophyll a<br />

content in sediment cores). We also apply in situ primary production measurements using new<br />

benthic chambers with planar O2 optodes and puls amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry.<br />

There are many scientific overlaps to projects 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 concerning the metabolic activity of<br />

benthic microorganisms and their effects on the water column, sediment and porewater<br />

chemistry.<br />

Work Schedule<br />

1.1.5 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Isolation, identification,cultivation of<br />

diatom species<br />

Assessment of natural diversity<br />

Ecophysiological measurements<br />

Mesocosm experiments on primary<br />

productivity versus diversity<br />

Data analysis & completion of PhD<br />

thesis<br />


Milestones (1.1.5.)<br />

- Field data on natural biodiversity month 6<br />

- Unialgal cultures for experimental studies month 9<br />

- Ecophysiological response profiles for CO2 x temperature conditions month 18<br />

- Experiments on primary production as function of pCO2 and temperature month 24<br />

- Mesocosm data on diversity versus primary productivity month 30<br />

- Statistical evaluation of data, Interpretation, conclusion month 34<br />

vi. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

1.1.1 (PhD)<br />

1.1.1 (HiWi)<br />

1.1.2 (PhD)<br />

1.1.3 (Post Doc)<br />

1.1.3 (HiWi)<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total

1.1.4 PhD (Reusch)<br />

1.1.4 Tech (Riebesell)<br />

1.1.5 (PhD, tech supp.)<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

1.1.1<br />

1.1.2 Kiel<br />

1.1.2 Münster<br />

1.1.3<br />

1.1.4<br />

1.1.5<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

1.1.1<br />

1.1.2<br />

1.1.3<br />

1.1.4<br />

1.1.5<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investment<br />

1.1.1<br />

1.1.2<br />

1.1.3<br />

1.1.4<br />

1.1.5<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

1.1.1<br />

1.1.2<br />

1.1.3 pub charges<br />

1.1.4 (Münster)<br />

1.1.5<br />

Subtotal<br />

Total<br />

Budget justification 1.1.1.<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

Personnel costs: One PhD-student, will establish an anaerobically run chemostat system,<br />

allowing the application of changing pCO2 for long term cultivation of the isolated<br />

epsilonproteobacterium strain GD1. During the period of establishing the chemostat system<br />

already diluted batch experiments will be done to investigate the effect of changing pCO2 versus<br />

only pH changes on the growth of the selected strain. The proposed student assistant will help in<br />

the preparation of media for cultures and during sampling of the chemostat experiments as well<br />

as in preparation of samples for elemental and flow cytometric measurements.<br />


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Consumables: Will cover the preparation of media for the chemostat and batch cultures,<br />

measurements of bacterial concentrations by flow cytometry, comparisons with epifluorescence<br />

microscopy, estimation of elemental composition of the bacterial biomass, estimations of the<br />

concentrations of the chemical reactants, radioactive substrates and chemicals for rate<br />

measurements, chemicals for molecular biological methods to estimate genotypic differences.<br />

Travel: Project collaborators will take part in workshops ensuring comparative measurements of<br />

the pCO2 and the establishing the proposed concentrations in the different experimental systems<br />

as well as in workshops concerning the construction and running of chemostats with constant and<br />

slowly increasing pCO2. Especially, regular exchanges will take part during the establishing of<br />

the chemostat system with the WP (M. Müller). Participation within regular annual project<br />

meetings as well as in international conferences, exchanging ideas and presenting the results of<br />

the project, is also necessary.<br />

Budget justification 1.1.2<br />

Personnel costs: The Ph.D. student position will be split between the two institutions as follows:<br />

2 years for J. LaRoche in Kiel and 1 year for M. Hippler in Münster. The Ph.D. student from the<br />

LaRoche lab will be responsible for setting up the trace metal buffered cultures at the various<br />

CO2 and Fe levels and for making the basic physiological measurements (photosynthesis, growth<br />

rate, iron uptake, flavodoxin accumulation, PAM fluorometry). The student will also collect the<br />

samples for transcriptomics and proteomics. He will be responsible for the RNA extraction and<br />

transcriptomics analysis.<br />

The Ph.D. student (one year) in the Hippler lab will be responsible for the analysis of the<br />

proteomics samples grown at the various CO2 and Fe levels.<br />

Consumables: The consumables will be used to pay for the cost of sequencing with the 454<br />

tagged pyrosequencing (estimated at for 6 conditions run in duplicates) and for the<br />

proteomics analysis.<br />

Budget justification 1.1.3.<br />

Personnel costs: Post Doc is necessary to construct and maintain the required chemostat system.<br />

Additionally, to culture the organisms over long time scales reliable skills are essential what is<br />

not fulfilled by a PhD student and even a Post Doc will need additive help (student assistance).<br />

Consumables: To sample and monitor the chemostat system a bunch of consumables are needed<br />

and analysis is the base for publications.<br />

Travel: Visiting international conferences is essential to present the latest results and to keep in<br />

contact with the scientific community.<br />

Investment: The construction of the chemostat system will provide a unique platform to<br />

investigate the combined effect of CO2 and temperature on phytoplankton under completely<br />

controlled lab conditions over a long time scale. Accessorily, it provides the possibility to<br />

identify acclimatization and/or adaptation in marine organisms over time. This system has to be<br />

controlled by a set of intertwined computer framework. Other costs: Flow cytometric<br />

measurements are needed to monitor the cell abundance in the chemostat system.

Budget justification 1.1.4.<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Personnel costs: One technician ( ) for maintaining the selection lines,<br />

will be shared with project 1.1.3. Selection lines need to be replicated under different pCO2<br />

conditions. For E.huxleyi, they will be combined with inducing intermittent sexual phases. For<br />

both species we plan to establish 48 batch cultures of 1.5 L in total which will be very time<br />

consuming. One PhD student will focus on the induction of sexual phases, on developing the Q-<br />

PCR assays, and on trasncriptomic analyses at the end of long-term experiments.<br />

Consumables: for general maintenance of cultures, continual physiological<br />

measurements, genetic analyses for determining genotypic composition (clonal selection) using<br />

Q-PCR and clone specific microsatellites<br />

Travel: paid by institute. Investment: none required<br />

Other costs: replicated transcription profiling of evolved and non-evolved strains under ambient<br />

and novel conditions (complete reciprocal design; for transcriptomic analyses using<br />

454 tagged pyrosequencing (Emiliania), for whole genome transcript profiling<br />

(Thalassiosira) using whole genome tiling array designed by (Mock et al. 2008).<br />

Budget justification 1.1.5.<br />

Personnel costs: One PhD-student ( ) for evaluation of morphometric and molecular<br />

diversity shifts in different microphytobentic habitats (field work) and artificial lab-communities<br />

(mesocosms, incl. isolation, cultivation) under different pCO2 and temperature conditions.<br />

Students technical support ( ) for maintaining stock cultures, growth experiments under<br />

different light, pCO2 and temperature conditions(growth fluorimeter for benthic microalgae) and<br />

primary production measurements with O2 optodes with unialgal cultures and defined mixed<br />

benthic diatom communities.<br />

Consumables: for chemicals, glass and plastic vessels for culturing, microscopy,<br />

chemical analysis, molecular biology.<br />

Travel: for field work, participation in workshops ensuring comparative measurements<br />

of pCO2, in annual project meetings and in international conferences presenting results of the<br />

project.<br />

Investments: once; CO2 aeration system for the mesocosm, growth and primary<br />

production measurements, multichannel O2 optode system.<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Project 1.2 Turnover of Organic Matter<br />

Anja Engel (AWI, Bremerhaven), Maren Voss (Leibniz Institute Warnemünde), M. Nausch/ G.<br />

Nausch (Leibniz Institute Warnemünde), Hans-Peter Grossart (IGB, Berlin), Laurenz Thomsen/<br />

Giselher Gust (Jacobs University Bremen)<br />

i. Objectives<br />

This projects aims to elucidate the effects of ocean acidification on the turnover of organic matter<br />

in pelagic ecosystems. During field and laboratory studies, we will quantify and characterize how<br />

the production, exudation and microbial processing of organic matter (OM) respond to changes in<br />

seawater pCO2 and pH. Specifically, the project will investigate:<br />

• physiological and community structure responses of marine microbes. This will enable<br />

us to differentiate between functional and structural changes of planktonic communities.<br />

• the turnover of biochemical key components, such as polysaccharides, proteins and<br />

organic phosphorus compounds, and the resulting changes in the C:N:P stoichiometry of<br />

organic matter.<br />

• how the remineralisation and final deposition of sinking OM, i.e. aggregates, will<br />

become affected by potential changes in mineral ballast.<br />

Our ultimate goal is to contribute to a better understanding of the direction and strength of<br />

biogeochemical feedback processes in the future ocean. We aim to generate reliable data on<br />

highly variable chemical and microbial processes in order to provide a better basis for modelling<br />

and future prognoses on the ecological consequences of ocean acidification.<br />

ii. State of the Art<br />

There is now increasing awareness that ocean acidification will affect marine algae and biogenic<br />

production in the ocean (Orr et al. 2005, Arrigo 2007, Riebesell et al. 2007, Fabry et al. 2008).<br />

Direct responses of the microbial food-web to changes in seawater pCO2 and pH, or in the supply<br />

with organic resources are yet little exploited. In order to estimate the sensitivity of<br />

biogeochemical cycles to ocean acidification, an improved understanding of potential changes in<br />

the turnover of organic matter during production and decomposition processes is urgently<br />

needed.<br />

Recent studies indicated that the production of acidic polysaccharide particles, also known as<br />

transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), is sensitive to changes in seawater CO2 concentration<br />

(Engel, 2002; Engel et al., 2004a, Mari 2008). Acidic polysaccharides are exuded by<br />

phytoplankton cells as a carbon-rich ‘overflow’ product of photosynthesis under nutrient<br />

depletion (e.g. Obernosterer and Herndl, 1995; Biddanda and Benner, 1997; Søndergaard et al.,<br />

2000), or derive from bacterial oxidation of dissolved carbohydrates (Giroldo et al., 2003).<br />

Acidic polysaccharide can facilitate the bonding between organic components and therewith<br />

affect particle stickiness, and the partitioning between the pools of dissolved and particulate<br />

organic matter, and organic matter export (Logan et al., 1995; Engel 2000, Passow 2002). On the<br />

other hand, varying concentrations and chemical signatures of released organic matter potentially<br />

can affect the activities and community composition of heterotrophic bacteria (e.g. Biersmith and<br />

Benner, 1998; Grossart et al., 2005, 2006a). Thus, besides exudation and aggregation, the

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

concentration of polysaccharides in seawater is determined by bacterial decomposition processes,<br />

which may respond differently to ocean acidification (Piontek et al., 2007a, b).<br />

In general, elemental cycles do not exist independently from each other in marine ecosystems.<br />

The cross-linking of C, N and P-cycles is pronounced in heterotrophic bacteria, as the availability<br />

of DOC has consequences for P utilization and can decide if DIP or DOP is the preferred<br />

compound (Hoppe and Ullrich 1999, Nausch and Nausch 2004, 2007). Changes in carbon<br />

exudation due to ocean acidification may therefore affect the phosphor demand of bacteria<br />

(Tanaka et al. 2007). On the other hand, N2-fixation rates can also be enhanced under high CO2<br />

(Hutchins et al. 2007, Ramos et al., 2007). DOM release can reach up to 40% of assimilated N<br />

(Bronk et al., 1994), indicating that DON- and DOC- release are tightly coupled (Bronk. and<br />

Ward, 1999). The regulation of release and uptake processes in the environment is poorly<br />

understood (Bronk et al., 2007). Potentially, competitive interactions for resources may define the<br />

community of autotrophs and small heterotrophs in the field. To reliably predict organic matter<br />

turnover in the future, a better understanding on factors regulating DOM release and uptake and<br />

their sensitivity towards changing pCO2/pH are necessary.<br />

Export of organic carbon into the benthic boundary layer (BBL) is enhanced by acidic<br />

polysaccharides and by mineral ballast (Passow 2002, Armstrong et al., 2002; Klaas and Archer<br />

2002). Recent studies indicate that ballast through calcification can either be decreased or<br />

increased due to CO2-induced changes in seawater chemistry (Fabry, 2008). Until final burial<br />

and once on the sea floor, organic aggregates are more easily remobilised into the benthic<br />

boundary layer than the bulk sediments beneath, and are frequently resuspended and hence<br />

modified in the water column (Thomsen et al., 2002, Keil et al., 2004). After an extended<br />

residence time of weeks to month, oxygen consumption within most organic aggregates is often<br />

similar to that of the background sediment and produces a minimal impact on sediment<br />

mineralization rates (Beaulieu and Smith 1998.). The part of this organic matter that seems too<br />

refractory to be recycled is buried in ocean sediments, sequestering carbon for long time periods<br />

and consequently influencing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations (Hedges et al., 2002).<br />

Bioavailability of aggregates in the BBL may be more related to their organo-mineral content<br />

than to the molecular composition of organic matter and consequently changes in mineral ballast<br />

will affect future carbon sequestration.<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

Subproject 1.2.1: A. Engel (AWI): A. Engel has comprehensive experience on studying CO2<br />

effects on marine ecosystems, mineral ballasting, and in particular on organic matter exudation<br />

(i.e. Engel 2002, Engel et al. 2004a,b, Engel et al. 2005, Engel et al. 2008, Engel et al. in press).<br />

Since 2005, she leads a Helmholtz Young Investigators Group to investigate global change<br />

effects on marine biogeochemistry. The group has been involved in several national and<br />

international programs dealing with potential effects of global change (PeECE, PEACE,<br />

AQUASHIFT, SOPRAN, and EPOCA). A Ph.D. thesis has been performed dealing with the<br />

effects of ocean acidification on organic matter enzymatic hydrolysis and bacterial<br />

decomposition in calcifying algae.<br />

Subproject 1.2.2: M. Voß (IOW): M.Voß co-leads the subproject in the SOPRAN project<br />

“Ecosystem response to CO2 enrichment” where the role of nitrogen fixers under high CO2 is<br />

studied in free drifting mesocosms. Within the WGL network, TRACES she supervises a PhD<br />

thesis on the DON release of cyanobacteria and the transfer of fixed nitrogen into higher trophic<br />

levels. She worked on the regulation of N-fixation in various regions (Wasmund et al., 2005;<br />

Wasmund et al., 2001, Voss et al., 2006, Capone et al., 1998, Voss et al., 2004). Voss leads the<br />


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“N-cycle group” at the IOW consisting of 5 externally funded people with a special focus on<br />

marine nitrogen cycling, nitrogen fixation and stable isotope ecology.<br />

Subproject 1.2.3: M. and G. Nausch (IOW): Phosphorus dynamics in surface water was a major<br />

topic of research during the last years and resulted in the formation of an interdisciplinary<br />

“phosphorus” group (2 senior scientists, 1PhD, 3 diploma students, 1 technician). Substantial<br />

investigations on alkaline phosphatase activity as an indicator for P-limitation were done (Nausch<br />

1998; Nausch 2000; Nausch and Nausch 2000). A new method for the determination of<br />

bioavailable DOP (BAP) was established (Nausch and Nausch 2004) allowing investigations of<br />

BAP and its importance for phytoplankton and bacterial nutrition (Nausch and Nausch 2006,<br />

2007). Currently, they participate in the SOPRAN-project “Ecosystem response to CO2<br />

enrichment”.<br />

Subproject 1.2.4: H.-P. Grossart (IGB): H.-P. Grossart has intensively worked on<br />

phytoplankton-bacteria interactions, especially on effects of phytoplankton release, its subsequent<br />

aggregation and on mineralization by specific bacterial communities (Grossart et al., 2005,<br />

Grossart et al., 2006a+b, Grossart and Simon 2007, Grossart et al. 2007). He has participated in<br />

the PeECE II and III studies, collaborating with national and international partners (Løvdal et<br />

al.,2008, Tanaka et al. 2008, Allgaier et al. 2008, Riebesell et al. 2008). Grossart et al. (2006c)<br />

showed effects of pCO2 on bacterial abundance and activities, which was mainly linked to algal<br />

and particle dynamics. H.-P. Grossart is currently collaborating with M. Lunau, A. Engel, and M.<br />

Voss in the SOPRAN mesocosm studies.<br />

Subproject 1.2.5: L. Thomsen/ G. Gust (Jacobs University): L. Thomsen has long experience in<br />

BBL studies at continental margins, (OMEX, HERMES, ESONET, CORAMM). G. Gust has<br />

developed and utilized high pressure laboratories with decompression free access and benthic<br />

chambers (LOTUS, OMEGA, GRAL, SEDYMO). Joint studies Thomsen/Gust indicate that with<br />

increasing residence time within the benthic boundary layer, a carbon protection mechanism is<br />

built up through further aggregation processes, which reduces their bioavailability; including a<br />

pressure effect (Thomsen and McCave, 2000; Thomsen and Gust, 2000; Thomsen et al., 2002;<br />

Thomsen, 2004; Tengberg et al., 2004; Mendes et al., 2007, Kleeberg et al., 2008; Bigalke et al.,<br />

in press).<br />

iv. Detailed Description of the Project Work Plan<br />

Description of common experiments and field studies<br />

To establish a close collaboration between partners within this project, IOW, IGB, JU, and AWI<br />

will perform joint laboratory experiments, using natural and cultured key microorganisms<br />

(diatoms, cyanobacteria, heterotrophic bacteria) under CO2 perturbation. The group of A. Engel<br />

(AWI) provides a system of five CO2, T, nutrient and light controlled chemostats (10L, Fig. 1.3).<br />

Chemostat experiments will be set up for five different core CO2 concentration with two groups<br />

of primary producers (diatom and nitrogen fixer) in two separate experiments in the 1 st and 3 rd<br />

year. Those experiments will run over 3 month periods with sampling of subprojects 1-4 for their<br />

respective programs (see below). We will study changes in chemical composition as well as<br />

microbial colonization and decomposition of sinking aggregates in pressure chambers established<br />

by Thomsen/ Gust at JU. In the 2 nd year two cruises into the central Baltic Sea are planned for the<br />

investigation of the responses of natural plankton population to CO2 and pH perturbations during<br />

onboard experiments. The cruises will be organized by IOW. Additional laboratory experiments<br />

will be performed to investigate combined effects of CO2/ pH and temperature, pressure, light<br />

and nutrient availability.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Subproject 1.2.1 Production and decomposition of exudates<br />

A. Engel (AWI)<br />

We propose to test the following hypotheses:<br />

• An increase in seawater CO2 concentration stimulates the production and<br />

exudation of exopolymer substances, in particular polysaccharides, by autotrophic<br />

organisms<br />

• CO2 induced ocean acidification affects the enzymatic hydrolysis of organic matter<br />

and processes to follow, resulting in changes of the microbial decomposition of<br />

exopolymer substances<br />

• The impact of ocean acidification (OA) on production and decomposition<br />

processes is different for different organic matter components (carbohydrates,<br />

proteins).<br />

Ocean acidification may therefore affect the turnover organic matter in the water-column<br />

differently, with adverse biogeochemical consequences and feedbacks. During the joint activities,<br />

1.2.1 will determine the production and decomposition of exopolymers, i.e. transparent<br />

exopolymer particles (TEP), coomassie stained particles (CSP), and bulk organic matter (POC,<br />

PON, DOC, DON). To better describe processes relevant for biogeochemical feedbacks we will<br />

measure the chemical composition of exudates, i.e. size fractionated neutral and acidic sugars,<br />

and amino acids, together with rate measurements of processes governing their production, i.e.<br />

14 C-exudation, DOM aggregation. Information on the chemical composition of algal exudates at<br />

changing pCO2 will further be used to evaluate the food quality of OM for heterotrophic<br />

organisms in collaboration with 4.2.1.<br />

For comparison between different phytoplankton functional groups exudates production and<br />

composition will be determined in selected samples provided by 4.2.2. To study pH effects on<br />

organic matter decomposition, we will investigate the potential activities of major bacterial<br />

exoenzymes (glucosidases, peptidases, phosphatases, lipases), as well as bacterial production<br />

(thymidine/ leucin), and respiration. A comparison between pH effects on the activities of<br />

bacterial exoenzymes and of those produced by grazers will be made in collaboration with project<br />

4.1.1. Substrate uptake (carbohydrates) by bacteria will be investigated in collaboration with M.<br />

Voss, M. Nausch and H.-P. Grossart.<br />

Information on algal performance during chemostat experiment will be used by modelling<br />

projects in theme 5, in particular in project 5.1, where results on the production of DOM and its<br />

dependence on pH, temperature, and nutrient availability will be used for model refinement, and<br />

by 5.2., where information on the production and decomposition of exudates will be included in a<br />

Bayesian meta-analysis of experimental data<br />

This subproject will also participate in the Svalbard mesocosm experiment planned within the<br />

frame of the European project EPOCA to investigate effects on arctic pelagic communities in<br />

2009.<br />


Work Schedule 1.2.1<br />

90<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year<br />


lab work<br />

field work<br />

Chemostat-Exp.<br />

Synthesis and Publication<br />

Milestones (1.2.1)<br />

- Set-up of improved PCHO/AAS analysis (microwave hydrolysis) month 6<br />

- Dataset from Mesocosm-Experiment Svalbard month 9-10<br />

- Chemostat data set on CO2/pH sensitivity of diatoms month 18<br />

- Field data set from spring/ summer cruise to the Baltic Proper month 24<br />

- Chemostat data set on CO2/pH sensitivity of cyanobacteria month 33<br />

Subproject 1.2.2 Dissolved organic nitrogen release and uptake under stress<br />

M. Voß (IOW)<br />

To better understand the release and uptake of DON and uptake of DOC of primary producers<br />

under different pCO2 concentrations and under nutrient stress situations several approaches will<br />

be used. 1. In the IOW batch cultures of diatoms and cyanobacteria under variable pCO2 will be<br />

established together with M. Nausch. The different nutrient stress situations will be limitation of<br />

PO4 3- for N2-fixers and PO4 3- and NO3 - limitation for diatoms. Additional to this stress 3-5 pCO2<br />

levels will be established. A suite of variables will be then be analysed; nitrogen fixation and<br />

primary production rates, POC/PON, DON/DOC concentrations, DON release and DON/DOC<br />

uptake with 15 N / 13 C labelled substrates. These experiments aim to separate between stresses from<br />

nutrient limitations from the one by acidification 2. We will participate in two 3-4 month long<br />

chemostat experiments at the AWI (see workplan 1.1.1) with again the same group of<br />

phytoplankton organisms and make the same analysis as before. The chemostats will be<br />

investigated by Engel, Nausch, and Grossart at the same time to generate a broad overview over<br />

production and degradation processes. 3. In the field a spring bloom of diatoms and summer<br />

bloom of cyanobacteria will be studied. Here we are faced with a whole plankton community<br />

which will affect rates and processes. All groups will cooperate again during field sampling and<br />

during large volume (0.1m³) mesocosm experiments on board where the plankton community<br />

will be studied under enriched pCO2 conditions.<br />

Relations to theme 4 are given through the study of C:N ratios in phytoplankton species which<br />

are studied in 4.2.2. and in 4.2.1 in different phytoplankton species. We will produce similar<br />

results on relationships between C:N ratios of primary producers and CO2 concentrations in<br />

culture experiments as planned by Rost and Boersma and will compare the results. Furthermore<br />

our data will be used by project 5.2 to improve the model parameterisation of biological<br />

responses to OA.

Work Schedule 1.2.2<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year<br />


lab work<br />

field work<br />

Chemostat-Exp.<br />

Synthesis and Publication<br />

Milestones (1.2.2)<br />

- Establishing the δ 15 N -DON measurements at the IOW month 6<br />

- Data from batch culture exp. with cyanobacteria or diatoms month 12<br />

- Field data set from spring and summer cruise to the Baltic Proper month 24<br />

- Data sets from chemostat experiments month 30<br />

- Evaluation of the regulation of DOM release under high pCO2<br />

month 36<br />

Subproject 1.2.3 DOM availability and phosphorus utilization<br />

M. Nausch and G. Nausch (IOW)<br />

To study the DOM (DOP) release by phytoplankton and the DOM effects on phosphor utilization<br />

by heterotrophic bacteria different approaches will be used. Continuous culture experiments and<br />

batch culture experiments under controlled pCO2 conditions with representative organisms of the<br />

spring and summer bloom (diatoms and cyanobacteria) will be conducted (cooperation with<br />

subprojects 1.1.1., 1.1.2, and 1.1.4). In our responsibility are measurements of DOP and its<br />

constituents (ATP, DNA, RNA, Phospholipids) during the course of the experiments. Two joint<br />

field experiments in spring and summer will show how the whole plankton community will affect<br />

rates and processes compared to the individual organisms in batch and chemostat cultures.<br />

Experiments for DOP utilization by heterotrophic bacteria will be done in batch cultures. Similar<br />

experiments in chemostats are envisaged in cooperation with A. Engel. Supernatants of algal<br />

cultures will be inoculated with bacteria (strain or mixed population) and changes in DOP and<br />

bacterial P will be followed and compared with the turnover of radioactive compounds. The<br />

response of the natural bacterial community to additionally supplied DOC compounds under<br />

variable pCO2 will be investigated. Changes in DOP and bacterial P will be followed. The results<br />

will be incorporated in the carbon cycle model of subproject 1.3. The taxonomic composition of<br />

bacteria in the experiments and the contribution of the different groups to the P uptake will be<br />

studied with molecular biological methods (cooperation with H.-P. Grossart, see subproject<br />

1.2.4).<br />

Our investigations on the effects of ocean acidification on the turnover of organic matter and the<br />

expected changed C:N:P of DOM are urgently needed to explain the hypothesis in subprojects<br />

4.1.1, 4.1.4, 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.<br />


Work Schedule 1.2.3<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year<br />


lab work<br />

Field work<br />

Chemostat-Exp.<br />

Synthesis and Publication<br />

Milestones (1.2.3)<br />

- Establishing batch cultures with different CO2 levels month 3<br />

- Data from batch and chemostat cultures for DOM production month 12<br />

- Data for DOM effects on phosphorus utilization by bacteria month 24<br />

- Field data from spring cruise to the central Baltic Sea month 18<br />

- Field data from the summer cruise to the central Baltic Sea month 24<br />

- Evaluation of both chemostat experiments month 33<br />

Subproject 1.2.4 Microbial response to DOM release and aggregation<br />

H.-P. Grossart (IGB)<br />

We aim to address the following major questions to achieve a better understanding of the<br />

coupling between ocean acidification and biogeochemical processes mainly controlled by<br />

activities of heterotrophic bacteria:<br />

• Do changes in pCO2/pH and subsequent changes in particle quality affect bacterial<br />

colonization rate and do they select for specific phylogenetic groups?<br />

• Do increasing fractions of C-rich phytoplankton-derived matter affect microbial organic<br />

matter remineralisation?<br />

• Does nutrient availability control microbial degradation of the presumably C-rich<br />

phytoplankton-derived matter and, thus, control the efficiency of the biological pump?<br />

• Are changes in pH and/or substrate quality reflected by the microbial transcriptome, i.e.<br />

expression of key genes?<br />

For this purpose, batch and continuous cultures of diatoms and cyanobacteria in the lab as well as<br />

mesocosms in the Baltic Sea will be used at different pCO2 concentrations. The experiments will<br />

be jointly conducted with A. Engel, M. Voss, and M. and G. Nausch. We will perform<br />

experiments both at atmospheric pressure (see above) as well as in pressurized incubation<br />

chambers together with L. Thomsen and G. Gust (mimicking particle sinking) to get more<br />

realistic data on pCO2-induced changes of microbial community composition and related

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

processes as well as their potential impact on carbon cycling. In all of our studies, we will<br />

consistently distinguish between free-living and attached bacterial communities. Field<br />

investigations with natural communities will be done in spring during the bloom of diatoms and<br />

in summer during the bloom of cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea. By simulating various pCO2 and<br />

nutrient concentrations subsequent changes in microbial community structure and function of<br />

specific key players will be studied using molecular (DGGE, RFLP, CARD- and MAR-FISH),<br />

traditional microbial and biogeochemical methods. By combining molecular and biogeochemical<br />

methods, such as Stable Isotope Probing (SIP) we will be able to better link physiological and<br />

community structure response of heterotrophic bacteria to ocean acidification.<br />

Besides the tight linkage between sub-projects of the present cluster this project is linked to the<br />

following projects: 3.4.2 knowledge on the microsensor technique will be exchanged, 4.1.4 direct<br />

effects of ocean acidification on bacteria will be simultaneously measured and knowledge on<br />

physiological effects will be exchanged, 4.2.1 changes in plankton C:N:P ratios and effects on<br />

bacterial populations will be studied together, for project 5.3 our data provide valuable<br />

information for ocean acidification impact assessment.<br />

Work Schedule 1.2.4<br />

1.2.4 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

lab work<br />

field work<br />

Chemostat-Exp.<br />

Synthesis and Publication<br />


Milestones (1.2.4)<br />

- Establishing SIP method month 6<br />

- Experimental data set on direct CO2/pH sensitivity (microbial processes) month 18<br />

- Field data for verification of lab data month 28<br />

- Data set on combined effects of CO2 and pressure month 33<br />

- Exchange and compilation of data (for modelling) month 33<br />

Subproject 1.2.5 Effect of changing calcareous/lithogenic ballast on aggregates in the<br />

benthic boundary layer<br />

L. Thomsen, G. Gust (Jacobs University)<br />

In collaboration with AWI, Phytoplankton (diatoms, coccoliths) and cyanobacteria will be<br />

cultivated in bioreactors (100 – 5000 l) under different pCO2, temperature, radiation and nutrient<br />

inputs and then transferred into BBL laboratories. Detrital aggregates will be mixed with fine<br />

sediments typical for continental margins and further formed on roller tables (differential settling)<br />

and in shear tanks (turbulent shear). Then the aggregates will be transferred into in benthic flow<br />

simulation chambers and flumes and exposed to different pCO2, temperature, flow and<br />

hydrostatic pressures (0.1 – 20 MPa). The bioavailabity (via HPLC) and mineral composition<br />


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will be analysed and aggregates classified. One set of experiments will evaluate the importance<br />

of increased CO2 levels and temperature on calcification and ballast formation on carbon<br />

degradation within the BBL with special focus on sorptive preservation. Data will be discussed<br />

with other partners to evaluate the pathway/transportation of aggregates from pelagic to benthic<br />

environments. Phytodetrital aggregates formed under current CO2 levels are compared with those<br />

formed in a future ocean. Another set of experiments will evaluate the importance of increased<br />

pressure on carbon degradation to determine sensitive biogeochemical parameters at atmospheric<br />

and in-situ pressures to understand and model the fate of organic matter in a future ocean. A third<br />

test of experiments will be carried out during spring/summer 2010/2011 to take in situ samples<br />

and expose them to varying pCO2, temperature and hydrodynamic conditions. Background of this<br />

research, the results and discussion will be made available to outreach and training.<br />

Our investigations are linked to the Themes 3 and 5. We will support subproject 3.4.3 to further<br />

understand the importance of the BBL for “carbonate sediment dissolution”, and improve and<br />

better understand the model results of 5.2 "Evaluating and optimising parameterisations of<br />

pelagic calcium carbonate production in global biogeochemical ocean models".<br />

Work Schedule 1.2.5<br />

1.2.5 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Set-up of culturing facility, instrument<br />

calibration<br />

Production of organisms<br />

CO 2 BBL and ballast<br />

CO 2 BBL and pressure<br />

Field campaign<br />

Synthesis and Publication<br />


Milestones (1.2.5)<br />

- Implementation of experimental facility month 6<br />

- Exp. data set on CO2 & temp. on BBL ballast formation month 18<br />

- Exp. data set on CO2 & pressure on BBL carbon degradation month 24<br />

- In-situ data set on CO2 & pressure on BBL ballast & carbon degradation month 30<br />

- Evaluation of combined data sets, sensitivities and uncertainties month 33<br />

vi. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

1.2.1<br />

1.2.2<br />

1.2.3<br />

1.2.4<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total

1.2.5<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

1.2.1<br />

1.2.2<br />

1.2.3<br />

1.2.4<br />

1.2.5<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

1.2.1<br />

1.2.2<br />

1.2.3<br />

1.2.4<br />

1.2.5<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investment<br />

1.2.1<br />

1.2.2<br />

1.2.3<br />

1.2.4<br />

1.2.5<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

1.2.5<br />

Total<br />

Budget justification 1.2.1.<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

Personnel costs: 1 Scientist (PhD-candidate; diploma or master required, ): Set-up and<br />

sampling of chemostat experiments at the AWI, and participation in field studies. The Ph.D.<br />

students will examine effects of changes in pCO2 and pH on the release and decomposition of<br />

exopolymer substances, i.e. polysaccharides and amino acids, TEP and CSP, incl. measurements<br />

of bacterial decomposition activities using enzyme assays, bacterial biomass production and<br />

respiration. Analyses of the elemental composition of organic matter will be supported by a<br />

technician at the AWI. Funds for student helpers are to support the set-up and sampling of<br />

chemostat experiments, and to help with cruises preparations, routine lab work and maintenance<br />

of cultures.<br />

Consumables: Consumables are primarily requested for Nuclepore-, membrane- and GF/F<br />

filters, Cytoclear slides for the microscopy of TEP and CSP, chemical reagents, glasware,<br />

nutrient media, ion exchange columns, HPLC columns, isotopes ( 14 C-bicarbonate, 14 C Leucine,<br />

3 H Thymidine), fluorogenic substrate analogues, and for Macrosept tubes (10, 100, 1000 kDa) for<br />

ultrafiltration.<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Travel: Travel funds are for exchange visits between partners, and for national meetings and 1<br />

international conference per year. In 2009, funds include travel costs to Svalbard (mesocosm<br />

experiment).<br />

Investments: Investments are needed for a START-1500 MLS microwave, which enables high<br />

throughput sample pre-processing during the hydrolysis and drying steps of CHO and AAS<br />

analyses under defined and reproducible conditions. Investments are also required for O2-optodes<br />

to determine bacterial respiration during the CO2 perturbation experiments, and for a, Shimadzu<br />

TNM-1 expansion of TOC analyzer.<br />

Budget justification 1.2.2.<br />

Personnel costs: A PostDoc will work half time on the project to establish the stable isotope<br />

measurements in DON in the IOW where all technical prerequisites are given. This work can be<br />

accomplished by an experienced person within the first 6 months. Batch culture experiments<br />

under 3-5 constant pCO2 levels will be carried out on cooperation with subproject 1.2.3. Cruises<br />

to the Baltic Sea need to be prepared and equipped; furthermore the person will participate in the<br />

common chemostat experiments at the AWI and carry out the analysis as described above. We<br />

aim to find one PostDoc to work the other half time for the subproject 1.2.4. A student is<br />

supposed to help with the preparation of the cruises and routine lab analysis (nutrients, CO2) for<br />

app. 60 hours per week throughout the whole project time.<br />

Consumables: Consumables include isotope tracer substances ( 15 N2 gas, and Na-H 13 CO3 - ),<br />

bottles, septa and syringes for the nitrogen fixation and carbon uptake experiments. The isotope<br />

mass spectrometers need high purity compressed gases and for the combustion of filters a number<br />

of reagents.<br />

Travel: The travel funds are for exchange visits to the partner institutes in Bremerhaven, Berlin,<br />

and Kiel and at least one international conference.<br />

Budget justification 1.2.3.<br />

Personnel costs: A PhD student will be employed to perform the extensive and ambitious<br />

experiments in the lab at IOW and AWI as well as during planned cruises, to interpret the data<br />

and to summarizes them in PhD thesis. It is aimed to engage a students help throughout the whole<br />

project to conduct routine pCO2, DOC, DON and DOP measurement. These basic parameters like<br />

the stable CO2 conditions in the experiments have to be ensured for this subproject but also for<br />

the cooperating subproject 1.2.2.<br />

Consumables: Consumables include experimental equipment (microwave digestion tubes,<br />

incubation bottles, CO2-gas etc.) and chemicals for the determination of DOC, DOP and their<br />

components, radioactive phosphorus compounds, and CO2 standards and filters.<br />

Travel: Travel funds are for stays in the partner institutes (Bremerhaven, Berlin) for joint<br />

experiments, to meetings and workshops (Kiel), and for participation in international<br />

conferences.<br />

Budget justification 1.2.4.<br />

Personnel costs: A PostDoc will work half time on the project to establish the stable isotope<br />

probing method at IGB where all molecular prerequisites are given and to measure stable

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

isotopes at IOW (in collaboration with M. Voss). This work can only be accomplished by an<br />

experienced person within the first 6 months. Batch culture and pressure chamber experiments (in<br />

cooperation with subproject 1.2.5) under 3-5 constant pCO2 levels will be carried out. Cruises to<br />

the Baltic Sea need to be prepared and equipped and the person will be responsible for all<br />

molecular work in the common chemostat experiments at the AWI. We aim to find one PostDoc<br />

to work the other half time for the subproject 1.2.2. A student is supposed to help with the<br />

preparation of the cruises and routine lab analysis (PCR, DGGE) mainly throughout the<br />

chemostat experiment and the cruises.<br />

Consumables: Consumables include molecular supply (such as Primers, Taq-polymerase, DNA<br />

extraction and purification kits, acrylamide gels etc.) but also substrates labelled with either<br />

stable (SIP method) or radioactive isotopes (bacterial production), fluorogenic substrates<br />

(enzymes), fluorochroms (SYBR Gold for DNA labelling and cell counts) and optodes for<br />

respiration measurements. Further it will include consumables for stable isotope analyses at IOW<br />

(see 1.2.2), reaction tubes, pipette tips etc.<br />

Travel: The travel funds are for exchange visits to the partner institutes in Bremerhaven, Berlin,<br />

and Kiel and at least one international conference.<br />

Budget justification 1.2.5.<br />

Personnel costs: One PhD student will create organic rich aggregates of different organic and<br />

inorganic compositions and carry out the flume experiments and pressure tank studies under the<br />

guidance of the supervisors and support of the OceanLab technician teams. The student will also<br />

participate in the field campaigns. Student helpers will support these activities and prepare<br />

specific web-modules (animations, class material) for outreach.<br />

Consumables: Consumables are primarily requested for Nuclepore-, membrane- and GF/F<br />

filters, chemical reagents, glassware, nutrients, HPLC columns, and chemicals for mineralogical<br />

analyses.<br />

Travel: Travel funds are for exchange visits with partners, annual meetings and one international<br />

conference.<br />

Investment: One investment during year 1 is needed for three identical benthic chambers with<br />

control electronics for the specific experiments under varying pCO2 levels, fully integratable into<br />

the pressure laboratory electronics system.<br />

Other costs: Other costs for 1.2.5 include the purchase of different, highly concentrated<br />

microalgae species from a commercial vendor (each year) and access (rent) to the mobile DL2<br />

pressure lab of TUHH (0.1 - 50 MPa) with full thermodynamic/hydrodynamic controls in year 2<br />

and year 3. The rental costs include transport, support by technician and access to specific<br />

sampling gear for in-situ studies during the field campaign. As Giselher Gust is retired from TU<br />

HH, these costs are not covered by the TU HH.<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Project 1.3: Modelling biogeochemical feedbacks of the organic carbon pump<br />

B. Schneider (Universität Kiel)<br />

i. Objectives<br />

The aim of the project is to assess the impact of ocean acidification and global warming on the<br />

marine soft-tissue pump. In particular the cycling of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) will be<br />

investigated, as its production and decay is sensitive to changes in pH and/or temperature and it<br />

strongly interacts with particle flux dynamics. The processes involved are presently not very well<br />

understood, consequently implementations of DOC in global marine carbon cycle models can be<br />

considered as tentative. In collaboration with the experimental projects in Themes 1 and 3 this<br />

modeling sub-project will review current knowledge about DOC and transparent exopolymer<br />

particles (TEP) to be implemented in a global marine biogeochemical model (PISCES).<br />

ii. State of the Art<br />

The vertical transport of particulate and dissolved organic carbon (POC, DOC) in the ocean, the<br />

organic carbon (soft-tissue) pump, is largely responsible for the vertical gradient in the<br />

concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the water column (Volk and Hoffert,<br />

1985). Consequently, ocean carbon storage is more effective than it would be without this<br />

mechanism. A change in the organic carbon pump might result in alterations of the partitioning of<br />

carbon between the oceanic and atmospheric carbon reservoir. In current marine biogeochemical<br />

models the organic carbon pump is generally insensitive to changes in atmospheric pCO2.<br />

However, recent observations from mesocosm studies have shown a CO2-stimulated enhanced<br />

carbon drawdown by marine phytoplankton (Riebesell et al., 2007), which is partly transferred<br />

into DOC. Enhanced production of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), a successor of DOC,<br />

has been documented from earlier mesocosm and laboratory studies (Engel et al., 2004; Engel et<br />

al., 2002). DOC plays a key role for the CO2-exchange between atmosphere and ocean as (1) its<br />

oceanic reservoir is much larger than that of POC, (2) it is sensitive to ocean circulation changes<br />

as its production depends on nutrient supply and export takes place via subduction, and (3) due to<br />

its sticky nature when transformed into TEP it is favoring aggregate formation and may thus<br />

affect particle flux dynamics to either enhanced (Engel et al., 2004) or reduced particle flux<br />

(Mari, 2008). A model-sensitivity study has already shown that a change by one unit in the C:N<br />

ratio of sinking particulate organic matter would have a considerable and persistent effect on the<br />

atmospheric pCO2 (Schneider et al., 2004), whereas global warming is generally expected to<br />

increase DOC degradation by microbial processes (Pomeroy and Wiebe, 2001). The combined<br />

effect of CO2 and temperature on DOC and the resulting alterations in DOC subduction, particle<br />

flux dynamics and air-sea CO2-exchange have not yet been studied.<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponent<br />

Birgit Schneider is the head of the Junior <strong>Research</strong> Group ‘Ocean Circulation and Paleo-<br />

Modeling’ in the framework of the Cluster of Excellence ‘The Future Ocean’ at the University of<br />

Kiel, Germany. The aim of this group is to address the interactions of climate and marine<br />

biogeochemical cycles, in particular with relevance to the global carbon cycle on time scales of<br />

present (Schneider et al., 2008; Schneider et al., 2003), past (Schneider and Schmittner, 2006)<br />

and future (Steinacher et al., in prep.). In collaboration with M. Gehlen and L. Bopp (LSCE,<br />

France) she has already performed model simulations estimating the effect of ocean acidification

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

on calcite forming phytoplankton (Gehlen et al., 2007) and aragonite forming zooplankton<br />

(Gangstø et al., 2008). Furthermore, she has worked on sensitivity studies estimating the<br />

relevance of changes in the vertical flux of particulate organic and inorganic carbon (POC, PIC)<br />

on the uptake and storage of CO2 by the ocean, which have demonstrated the potential for<br />

considerable and persistent effects on the atmospheric CO2 concentration (Schneider et al. 2004;<br />

Schneider et al., 2008b).<br />

iv. Detailed Description of the Project Work Plan<br />

In a first step (six months) an extensive review of what is currently known about the processes<br />

contributing to the production and decomposition of DOC and TEP will be summarized.<br />

Therefore, next to current literature the experience of the collaborators within Themes1 and 3 and<br />

their hypotheses for the new experimental setups will be explored, in particular the dependence<br />

of POC/DOC/TEP production and decay on pH and/or pCO2 (Schulz, 3.1.1; Engel, 1.2.1;<br />

Grossart, 1.2.4; Müller, 1.1.3; Nausch, 1.2.3, and Voß, 1.2.2, temperature (Müller, 1.1.3, Voß,<br />

1.2.2), light and nutrients (Hippler, 1.1.2; Nausch, 1.2.3, Voß, 1.2.2) as well as the role of DOC<br />

and TEP in the formation and fate of marine aggregates (Engel, 1.2.1, Thomsen, 1.2.5; Riebesell,<br />

3.2.1. Examples from paleo analogues will be considered in collaboration with two sub projects<br />

from Theme 3 (Mutterlose, 3.5.2; Meier, 3.5.3). In a second step (one year) the current<br />

implementation of DOC cycling in the marine biogeochemical model PISCES (Aumont and<br />

Bopp, 2006) will be revised. Therefore, together with participants from Themes 1 (see above), 3<br />

(Hoppema, 3.4.3) and 5 (Pätsch, 5.1; Oschlies, 5.2) and with colleagues at LSCE (France) new<br />

parameterizations for DOC cycling will be developed and implemented into PISCES. If<br />

available, these parameterizations should already include new experimental results obtained in<br />

Themes 1 and 3. The major points to be addressed here will be the effects of changes in the<br />

environmental conditions (pCO2, pH, temperature, light, nutrients) on (1) species specific DOC<br />

exudation rates of the (four) plankton functional types represented by the model, (2) DOC<br />

mineralization, and (3) the influence of DOC (TEP) on particle aggregation. For the latter a<br />

higher (lower) abundance of DOC and thus TEP will automatically increase (decrease) the<br />

frequency of collisions between DOC and particles and thereby favor (inhibit) aggregate<br />

formation, however, an increase in the stickiness of organic material with lower pH as observed<br />

by (Engel et al., 2004) is so far not considered by the model. In the following phase (1 year) the<br />

complex interplay of physical and biological responses to anthropogenic CO2 perturbations on<br />

the marine carbon cycle and potential climate feedbacks will be addressed by the application of a<br />

state-of-the-art coupled climate carbon cycle model (KCM - Kiel Climate Model, PISCES). By<br />

driving the biogeochemical model with pre-determined ocean circulation fields for either<br />

constant or changing climate conditions the effects of ocean acidification and global warming<br />

will be assessed separately and in combination. The final step (six months) will be the synthesis<br />

of new DOC and TEP related findings from Theme 1 that will also be relevant for the<br />

synthesizing projects in Theme 5 (Oschlies, 5.2; Quaas, 5.3).<br />

Work Schedule<br />

1.3 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

review sensitivity of DOC and TEP to<br />

changes in environmental conditions<br />



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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

1.3 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

analyse implementation of DOC<br />

cycling in the model<br />

develop new parameterizations for<br />

DOC cycling also including TEP<br />

run CO2 scenarios<br />

syntesize DOC and TEP related results<br />

from Theme 1<br />

Milestones (1.3)<br />

- Review of the sensitivity DOC and TEP production and decay to changes in<br />

environmental conditions<br />

- Review of the sensitivity of POC, DOC and TEP turnover processes to hydrostatic<br />

pressure effects<br />

- Modelled climate feedbacks of the organic carbon pump under ocean acidification<br />

and climate change<br />

- Synthesis of new results on the sensitivity of DOC and TEP cycling to ocean<br />

acidification and climate change<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

1.3<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

1.3<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

1.3<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investments<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

1.3<br />

Total<br />

Budget justification 1.3<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

month 6<br />

month 18<br />

month 30<br />

month 36<br />

Personnel costs: A PhD-student will work in Project 1.3 over the entire 3-year period of Bioacid<br />

(first phase), whereby the initial synthesis work provides optimal conditions to get familiar with<br />

the related science and to establish solid cooperations with the other project partners.<br />

Consumables: As consumables mainly data storage media like DVDs and external hard disks<br />

will be needed, e.g. one year of biogeochemical model (PISCES) output in monthly resolution on<br />

the ORCA2-grid has about 1.5 GB. Running several climate change scenarios over 250 years<br />

(preindustrial-2100) will afford disk space on the order of several terabytes.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Travel: Travel funds will be needed to visit national (Bioacid) and international collaborators (in<br />

particular L. Bopp, LSCE, France) and to attend at least one international conference per year.<br />

Other costs: Further costs will appear for a desktop PC including screen as well as for<br />

publication fees. All necessary model simulations can be performed on the NEC-SX8 supercomputer<br />

at the University of Kiel without additional costs.<br />

vi. References theme 1<br />

Adler S, Hübener T (2007) Spatial variability of diatom associations in surface lake sediments and its implications for transfer functions. J<br />

Paleolimnol. 37: 573-590.<br />

Ainsworth EA, Long SP (2005) What have we learned from 15 years of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE)? A meta-analytic review of the<br />

responses of photosynthesis, canopy properties and plant production to rising CO2. New Phytologist 165:351-372<br />

Allen AE, La Roche J, Maheswari U, Lommer M, Schauer N, Lopez PJ, Finazzi G, Fernie AR, Bowler C (2008) The whole-cell response of<br />

the pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum to iron starvation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA in press<br />

Allgaier M, Vogt M, Thyrhaug R, Riebesell U, Grossart HP (2008) Coupling of heterotrophic bacteria to phytoplankton bloom development at<br />

different pCO2 levels: a mesocosm study. Biogeosciences, Spec. Issue: Pelagic Ecosystem CO2 Enrichment Studies, 5: S317-359<br />

Allmer J, Naumann B, Markert C, Zhang M, Hippler M (2006) Mass spectrometric genomic data mining: Novel insights into bioenergetic<br />

pathways in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Proteomics 6:6207-6220<br />

Armstrong RA, Lee C, Hedges JI, HonjoS, Wakeham SG, (2002) A new, mechanistic model for organic carbon fluxes in the ocean based on<br />

the quantitative association of POC with ballast minerals, Deep Sea Res, 49: 219-236<br />

Arrigo KR (2007) Marine manipulations. Nature 450, 491-492<br />

Aumont O, Bopp L, (2006): Globalizing results from ocean in situ iron fertilization studies, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 20, GB2017,<br />

doi:10.1029/2005GB002591<br />

Azam F, Hodson RE (1977) Size distribution and activity of marine microheterotrophs. Limnol Oceanogr 22:492–501<br />

Battarbee RW, Juggins S, Gasse F, Anderson NJ, Bennion H, Cameron NG (2000) European Diatom Database (EDDI). An information system<br />

for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. European Climate Science Conference, European Commission, Vienna, Austria 1998, 1-10<br />

Beaulieu, SE, Smith KLJr (1998) Phytodetritus entering the benthic boundary layer and aggregated on the sea floor in the abyssal NE Pacific:<br />

macro- and microscopic composition. Deep-Sea Res. II. 45, 781-815<br />

Behrenfeld MJ, Kolber ZS (1999) Widespread Iron Limitation of Phytoplankton in the South Pacific Ocean. Science 283:840-843.<br />

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Wolf-Gladrow DA, Riebesell U, Burkhardt S., Bijma J.(1999). Direct effects of CO2 concentration on growth and isotopic composition of<br />

marine plankton, Tellus series b-chemical and physical meteorology, 51, 461-476.<br />

Wölfel J, Schumann R, Adler S, Hübener T, Karsten U (2007) Diatoms inhabiting a wind flat of the Baltic Sea - species diversity and seasonal<br />

succession. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 75: 296-307

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

11.3: Theme 2: Performance characters: reproduction, growth and<br />

behaviours in animal species<br />

i. Common Background<br />

Theme 2 will address the contribution of ocean acidification (OA) and hypercapnia (i.e. higher<br />

than normal CO2 concentrations in water, animal blood or tissue) to climate change effects on<br />

marine ecosystems through experimental studies in marine water breathing animals. Initial<br />

findings suggest decreased growth and enhanced mortality of sensitive species, e.g. among<br />

molluscs or echinoderms, in response to a doubling of CO2 levels from pre-industrial to 560 ppm<br />

(Shirayama and Thornton 2005). This value is likely exceeded during this century. Marine<br />

invertebrates are hypothesized to be among the organisms most sensitive to anthropogenic CO2<br />

accumulation, especially those heavily calcified and with a hypometabolic mode of life.<br />

Unravelling the physiological mechanisms responding to OA is required for the development of<br />

cause and effect relationships (Pörtner et al., 2004, 2005). However, ecosystem effects of OA<br />

will not be understood by solely analysing the direct influence of ocean physicochemistry on<br />

individual organisms and species. The CO2 dependent modulation of responses to other changing<br />

abiotic factors, in particular temperature, also have to be included.<br />

Previous analyses of CO2 effects have frequently addressed short-term stress responses or lethal<br />

thresholds. According to recent insight, however, performance decrements occur prior to the<br />

onset of stress and are responsible for climate-induced reductions in population density (Pörtner<br />

and Knust, 2007). Long-term performance and thus fitness is key to survival and success of a<br />

species. CO2 induced limitation may occur firstly through a decrease in the capacity for growth,<br />

reproductive output, or diverse behaviours including the ventilation of burrows or bioturbation<br />

activities or exercise capacities in general. Secondly, considering the known range of<br />

mechanisms affected by CO2, it appears that a shift of acid-base status, including a shift of<br />

extracellular pH, likely reduces functional capacity of affected mechanisms (including<br />

calcification) and the whole organism in due course (see overview in Fig. 2.1). Preliminary data<br />

indicate that a narrowing of thermal windows results and the effect observed suggests a large<br />

sensitivity of the width of thermal windows (Pörtner et al., 2005, Metzger et al., 2007) and<br />

associated temperature dependent zoogeographical ranges to CO2. Physiological key processes<br />

setting sensitivity to CO2 include the regulation of organismal and cellular acid-base and ion<br />

status and their feedback on other processes associated with organismal performance (Pörtner et<br />

al. 2004, 2005). The physiological principles shaping performance are likely also involved in<br />

multi-step processes affecting marine food webs. Here, species-specific responses and<br />

sensitivities cause various species of an ecosystem to be affected differently, resulting in changes<br />

in species interactions, food web structure and associated carbon fluxes.<br />

Physiological mechanisms at molecular to systemic levels are subject to long term modification<br />

during acclimation (within individuals) and adaptation (between generations). This will, at the<br />

whole organism level, cause shifting tolerance ranges and adjustments in performance optima,<br />

capacities and limits. Conversely, limits become effective where species and firstly, their critical<br />

life stages reach their limits of physiological plasticity and also, of acclimation capacity.<br />

Acclimation or evolutionary adaptation implies genetic changes that can be detected using<br />

genomic and transcriptomic tools. Preliminary experiments indicate in fact that long term<br />

acclimation occurs through enhanced gene expression processes of mechanisms involved in ion<br />

and acid-base regulation. However, it is presently unclear how and to what extent this type of<br />

acclimation improves performance. Similarly, evolutionary adaptation may improve resilience<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

over the time course of generations. As a proximate indicator of potential evolutionary<br />

adaptation, acclimation capacity to CO2 may reveal heritable variation between populations of the<br />

same species along a latitudinal cline. Differential acclimation may relate to temperature<br />

dependent differences in CO2 exposure due to different CO2 solubilities and associated water<br />

physicochemistry.<br />

metabolic equilibria<br />

protein synthesis rate<br />

Calcification site<br />

calcification - H + Ω<br />

-<br />

H + HCO -<br />

3<br />

i<br />

intracellular space<br />

3 Na +<br />

extracellular space<br />

Fig. 2.1: Hypothetical overview of processes and mechanisms potentially affected by CO2 in a generalized water<br />

breathing animal, at different stages in the life cycle, from egg to adult, emphasizing a key role for extracellular pH<br />

(top right) in defining sensitivity to ocean hypercapnia and acidification (after Pörtner et al. 2004, 2008). Some<br />

regulatory factors and processes relevant for growth and behavioural performance are indicated by shaded areas. As in<br />

thermal sensitivity, the first line of hypercapnia tolerance is likely set at the level of functional capacity of the intact<br />

organism and defined e.g. by its capacity for performance. e.g. growth (bottom left). Hypercapnia is expected to cause<br />

a reduction in performance and enhanced sensitivity to thermal extremes (conceptual model for impact of extracellular<br />

pH was adopted from Pörtner 2008; picture sources: www.valdosta.edu, www.imagequest3d.com, B. Niehoff, J.<br />

Pickering, www.fische.kanaren.org, O. Heilmayer, C. Bock & G. Lannig).<br />

H +<br />

gene<br />

expression ( + or - )<br />

Low water pH and high CO 2<br />

and reduced HCO 3 -<br />

CO 2<br />

Cl -<br />

H +<br />

H 2O<br />

ATPase<br />

membrane<br />

ion equilibria -<br />

2 K +<br />

Na +<br />

HCO 3 -<br />

Na +<br />

-<br />

-<br />

H 2O<br />

H + e<br />

-<br />

blood<br />

pigment<br />

Na + /H + -exchange etc.<br />

Epithelia (gill, gut, kidney)<br />

Brain<br />

Chemosensory<br />

Neurons pHi ↓<br />

Adenosine<br />

accumulation<br />

and release<br />

Heart<br />

functional<br />

capacity<br />

Tissues<br />

Muscle<br />

-<br />

ventilation rate (some groups)<br />

+<br />


<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Theme 2 will investigate various measures of performance as early indicators of sensitivity and<br />

also addresses their ecosystem consequences in various climate scenarios. Our goal is to<br />

elaborate the physiological mechanisms setting performance levels in various species and animal<br />

phyla as well as their capacity to shift those mechanisms and associated tolerance thresholds<br />

through acclimation or evolutionary adaptation at transcriptional and translational levels.<br />

Comparative work focuses on those species that are key in the functioning of the respective<br />

ecosystems or of commercial interest. Marine fish and invertebrates with likely different levels of<br />

sensitivity to CO2 and pH will be exposed to conditions simulating climate scenarios as expected<br />

from anthropogenic emission strategies (Caldeira and Wickett, 2003, 2005). Application of more<br />

extreme conditions may be required for an identification and characterization of key<br />

physiological mechanisms responding to CO2, from molecular to organismal levels of biological<br />

organisation.<br />

These efforts explore whether unifying physiological principles are operative across life stages<br />

and are shaping various degrees of sensitivity in both calcifiers and non-calcifiers. Potential<br />

methods and approaches include invasive (optodes and chromatography techniques) and noninvasive<br />

(NMR, optical techniques) studies of systemic and cellular acid-base regulation. They<br />

also include analyses of metabolic and calcification rates, of energetics and of correlates or<br />

functional rates of cellular processes (e.g. protein synthesis) associated with energy budget and<br />

growth. Investigations of gene expression capacities using microarrays include those genes<br />

shaping performance levels, in line with the concept of oxygen and capacity limited thermal<br />

tolerance and the assumed key role for acid-base regulation capacity in shaping sensitivity to<br />

CO2. CO2 effects on motor activity (e.g. grazing), oxygen consumption, circulatory and<br />

ventilatory activity, fertilization, fecundity or egg production and hatching, development and<br />

somatic growth will be studied. Temperature dependent acid-base and ion regulation will also be<br />

explored in model species, e.g. through studies of the levels of haemolymph or blood ion and gas<br />

variables (pH, PO2, PCO2, Mg 2+ , Ca 2+ , K + levels, total CO2, succinate).<br />

These efforts will include three projects, according to the functional role of marine fauna. Project<br />

1 will study grazers and filtrators, project 2 will focus on benthic reptant decapod crustaceans and<br />

project 3 will address aspects of ontogeny, allometry and mechanisms shaping performance and<br />

sensitivities in top predators. The latter project will include the development of mechanism-based<br />

modelling.<br />

Objectives<br />

• Identify critical stages in the life cycle (e.g. eggs, larvae) of functionally important marine<br />

organisms based on performance measures as indicators of sensitivity to OA<br />

• Analyse physiological mechanisms defining performance levels and sensitivity as well as<br />

potential consequences for behaviours<br />

• Estimate acclimation capacity (gene expression capacity) for that mechanism as the<br />

background of physiological plasticity<br />

• Compare species from various phyla and habitats with respect to evolutionary constraints<br />

in acclimation or adaptation as well as differential sensitivities<br />

• Quantify impact and tolerance thresholds (tipping points)<br />

• Identify potential consequences for shifts in species composition of ecosystems and<br />

associated changes in ecosystem functioning and food web structure<br />

• Assess interaction between effects of OA and ocean warming<br />

• Compare responses and mechanisms in different populations of a species (e.g. in a climate<br />

gradient) reflecting potential for evolutionary adaptation (genetic differences)<br />


ii. Collaborative research<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Building on previous experience (e.g. Pörtner et al. 2001, Bailey et al. 2003, Clemmesen et al.<br />

2003, Michaelidis et al. 2005, Caldarone et al. 2006, Metzger et al. 2007) collaborative research<br />

between projects (2.1., 2.2., and 2.3. as well as 3.1.3) will be carried out in populations of fish<br />

species like cod (Gadus morhua) or molluscs like pectinids (Aequipecten opercularis, Chlamys<br />

islandica) or mussels (Mytilus edulis) or crustaceans (Hyas aranaeus, Cancer pagurus) across a<br />

northern hemisphere latitudinal cline, between the North Sea and the Barents Sea. Species<br />

populations from various latitudes may display variable sensitivity to environmental hypercapnia<br />

in relation to CO2 solubility and carbonate saturation, to temperature dependent shifts in steady<br />

state acid-base status and associated decrements in e.g. growth performance (2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2.2).<br />

After adequate testing of mechanistic hypotheses in the adults, the respective knowledge will be<br />

transferred to juveniles or larvae (2.2.1; 2.3.1. and 2.3.2) for an investigation of the specific<br />

sensitivity of developmental processes and of the allometry of CO2 effects.<br />

Efforts will build on jointly used infrastructure developments (0.3.1. and 0.3.2.). Joint laboratory<br />

studies will use common CO2 incubations, with levels covering preindustrial values as well as<br />

those expected from IPCC emission scenario values. These values will be those commonly used<br />

throughout the network. They will be combined with temperature scenarios adopting realistic<br />

CO2 temperature combinations according to climate scenarios and local climates, adopting<br />

similar steps of e.g. 3°C including e.g. either 0,3,6,9,12,15 °C etc.<br />

Data from these joint experiments will provide a basis to understand the differences in<br />

sensitivities to OA among various marine organisms of major Metazoan phyla (Mollusca,<br />

Arthropoda, Echinodermata, Chordata (Pisces)). This allows testing of the hypothesis that the<br />

capacity of ion and acid-base regulation in relation to metabolic capacities defines the level of<br />

sensitivity in all life stages. Data will contribute to an understanding of tolerance thresholds<br />

(tipping points), of the relationships of changes in performance and in biocalcification (3.1.3.,<br />

3.1.4.), and to the development of an integrative molecular to ecosystem picture of CO2 effects.<br />

Data will also improve the parameterization of mechanism based physiological, ecological and<br />

biogeochemical models.<br />

Project 2.1: Effects on grazers and filtrators<br />

PI: Thomas Brey<br />

i. Objectives<br />

Project 2.1 tackles two questions:<br />

- How will ocean acidification and temperature rise affect the invertebrate egg fertilisation<br />

process as well as organism fitness and performance in calcifiers and non-calcifiers, and<br />

- How will these effects translate into changes at the ecosystem level?<br />

Eggs that are directly released into seawater – as in our model organism sea urchin - are exposed<br />

unprotected to an acidified environment. Sea urchin eggs are dormant cells until fertilisation and<br />

are activated within seconds via an external messenger, the invading sperm cell. As a<br />

consequence, signal transduction pathways are induced in between seconds for the activation of<br />

metabolic processes needed for rapid synthesis and hardening of the fertilisation membrane to

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

avoid lethal polyspermy. Most processes of signal transduction involve ordered sequences of<br />

biochemical reactions inside the cell, which are carried out by enzymes, activated by second<br />

messengers. The second messenger calcium as a common regulator of many of these signal<br />

transduction pathways has been shown to have a key role in the regulation of enzyme activation<br />

and cell growth. Potential consequences of intracellular pH changes are depletion of intracellular<br />

calcium stores and destruction of the acid-base balance. Enzymes working in a narrow pH<br />

window are suspected to respond on intracellular pH changes by deactivation or inhibition.<br />

In isoosmotic animals an increase of seawater CO2 concentration will translate quickly into a<br />

corresponding CO2 concentration in the body fluids. This causes physiological responses at the<br />

cell and the organism level, as the organism intends to maintain pH-homeostasis. Within certain<br />

limits, higher costs of acid-base regulation may be compensated for by metabolic adjustments,<br />

but organism fitness and performance may be reduced seriously beyond those limits, particularly<br />

at elevated temperatures. Basically, OA represents the same problem for both non-calcifying and<br />

calcifying taxa. In the latter, however, the energetics of shell/skeleton formation may be<br />

particularly sensitive to OA, as may be the quality of the product. Therefore we target two<br />

ecologically important taxa here, calanoid copepods and bivalve molluscs, albeit, owing to<br />

differences in size and morphology, with different methodical approaches. In calanoid copepods<br />

the focus is pH-homeostasis, i.e. the organism level, with the aim to create a multi-species<br />

response matrix to OA and temperature rise that may facilitate our understanding of changes at<br />

the food web level. In molluscs, we explore responses at the cellular and the organism level<br />

simultaneously, with the intention to establish a physiological response model that may assist in<br />

explaining OA induced modifications of physical and morphological properties of carbonate<br />

shells/skeletons.<br />

ii. State of the Art<br />

Across species, the rapid formation of a fertilisation membrane after the acrosom reaction with<br />

one sperm is essential to avoid lethal polyspermy. The construction of this membrane occurs<br />

within milliseconds and is induced by the release of calcium (Ca 2+ ) from intracellular stores. The<br />

resulting Ca 2+ pools function as second messengers and induce a signal transduction cascade<br />

leading to the initial cell divisions for forming the embryo (Santella et al. 2006). Ocean<br />

acidification and high CO2 concentration are suspected to affect the function of membrane ion<br />

channels, particularly in sodium, calcium and potassium (compare Jonz and Barnes 2007,<br />

Doering and Mcrory 2007) and thus intracellular ion levels. In mammalian cells, Ca 2+ levels and<br />

signalling are strongly pH sensitive (Kostyuk et al. 2003, our unpublished results). Hence we<br />

presume drastic effects of OA on the Ca 2+ related signal transduction pathways during the<br />

sensitive phase of fertilisation and initiation of embryogenesis. To our knowledge, however, the<br />

impact of acidification on fertilisation success and embryonic development has not yet been<br />

studied. Sea urchins are particularly vulnerable to acidification (Miles et al. 2007), and sea urchin<br />

eggs have served as models for the analysis of fertilisation and development processes. However,<br />

how calcium signalling in oocytes of echinoderms is affected remains to be elucidated.<br />

Calanoid copepods contribute up to 80% to zooplankton biomass (e.g. Longhurst 1985) and are a<br />

key component in pelagic marine ecosystems, linking primary production to higher trophic levels<br />

(e.g. Runge 1988). Herbivorous species can control phytoplankton development (e.g. Bathmann<br />

et al. 1990); as consumers of phyto- and microzooplankton, they have a strong impact on the<br />

microbial loop in the upper water layers (e.g. Turner et al. 1998), and their faecal pellets<br />

contribute to the carbon flow from the surface to deeper water layers (e.g. review by Schnack-<br />

Schiel & Isla 2005). The role of CO2 for copepod ecophysiology will, however, not only be<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

understood through its direct influence, but even more so, through the modulation of responses to<br />

thermal extremes. A recent study shows that synergistic effects of carbon dioxide and<br />

temperature strongly affect the edible crab, Cancer pagurus, by narrowing its thermal tolerance<br />

window (Metzger et al. 2007). In copepods, to our knowledge, only two studies focussed on the<br />

effect of elevated CO2, indicating that hatching success and/or egg production of calanoid<br />

copepod decrease at concentrations >8,000 ppm CO2 (Acartia spp. Kurihara et al. 2004; Calanus<br />

finmarchicus, Mayor et al. 2007). Knowledge on the direct effects of CO2 on the organism<br />

physiology and on possible synergistic effects with increasing temperature is lacking completely.<br />

Elevated CO2 levels modify biogenic calcification. Most experiments demonstrated a reduction in<br />

calcification and size at elevated pCO2 (Bijma et al. 1998; Leclercq et al. 2000; Riebesell et al.<br />

2000; Michaelidis et al. 2005; Berge et al. 2006; Gazeau et al. 2007), but the opposite trend has<br />

been observed, too (Iglesias-Rodriguez et al. 2008). Shell formation consumes energy through<br />

active ion regulation but its integration into whole animal functioning and energy metabolism is<br />

little understood. OA and associated hypercapnia requires acid-base regulation as extra- and<br />

intracellular pH levels decrease (for review see Pörtner et al. 2005). Three main mechanisms are<br />

involved in this regulatory process: (i) metabolic production and consumption of protons, (ii)<br />

buffering of extra- and intracellular compartments e.g. by dissolution of CaCO3 exoskeletons of<br />

bivalves and other calcifiers, and (iii) active transport of equivalent ion across cell membranes.<br />

Chronic CO2 exposure has been shown to reduce shell growth rate and soft body growth in the<br />

bivalve, Mytilus galloprovincialis combined with suppressed aerobic energy metabolism<br />

(„metabolic depression“, Michaelidis et al. 2005), likely correlating with depressed protein<br />

anabolism as observed in isolated cells (Langenbuch & Pörtner 2003). The shell stabilises body<br />

form and function and protects the animal against predators and environmental forces and agents.<br />

Thus, understanding the temperature-dependent physiological mechanisms that restrict aerobic<br />

performance and thus fitness during hypercapnic conditions as well as its effect on shell<br />

properties are crucial to assess the degree of sensitivity of calcifiers to the future global scenario.<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

2.1.1:<br />

Angela Köhler is cell biologist and pathologist with emphasis on toxicology and is involved in<br />

the development and implementation of biomarkers (OSPAR, AMAP, HELCOM, MEDPOL,<br />

Viarengo et al. 2007). She is experienced in enzyme and immunocytochemistry, light-,<br />

epifluorescence and confocal microscopy. Her group has 5 years experience in in vitro<br />

fertilisation experiments with sea urchins and in metabolic mapping by enzyme kinetic studies<br />

and immunolocalisation of proteins during fertilisation.<br />

Ulf Bickmeyer is a cell biologist experienced in optical (CCD-imaging, confocal laser scanning<br />

microscopy) and electrophysiological techniques (patch clamp and others) combined with cell<br />

and tissue culture (vertebrate and invertebrate cells). Expertise: Properties and modulation of ion<br />

channels, toxicity and cellular effects of secondary metabolites from marine organisms,<br />

intracellular signal pathways (cAMP and calcium as second messenger, Bickmeyer et al 2007),<br />

pH sensitive dyes.<br />

2.1.2<br />

Barbara Niehoff is an expert on zooplankton ecology and population dynamics. Since 1992, she<br />

combines laboratory experiments with field observations and, to obtain the large picture of the<br />

response of an organism to its environment, she conducts biochemical, histological and stable

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

isotope analyses (Kreibich et al. 2008). Currently, she is the head of the Helmholtz Young<br />

Investigator Group “Trophic interactions in pelagic ecosystems: the role of zooplankton”.<br />

Franz Josef Sartoris is an expert on the physiology of marine invertebrates, including acid-base<br />

regulation, ion- and osmoregulation, energy metabolism and respiration (Metzger et al 2007). He<br />

has broad experience with the implementation of physiological and biochemical methods in<br />

small-sized animals like amphipods, copepods and decapod larvae.<br />

2.1.3<br />

Gisela Lannig is an expert in temperature and stress physiology of marine vertebrates and<br />

invertebrates, in particular in organismic and cellular physiology where she has a broad<br />

methodological spectrum. In the framework of global change her work focuses on the combined<br />

effects of temperature and additional environmental stressors such as pollution or elevated pCO2<br />

on energy metabolism of marine ectotherms (Lannig et al. 2006).<br />

Thomas Brey is an expert for trophic relations and for energy budgeting at the organism,<br />

population and ecosystem level (Heilmayer et al. 2004). He is experienced in the<br />

sclerochronological analysis of biogenic carbonate archives, particularly mollusc shells (Epplé et<br />

al. 2006).<br />

Christian Bock is a biophysicist and expert in developing and applying Nuclear Magnetic<br />

Resonance (NMR) techniques, particularly for in vivo measurements of muscular and circulatory<br />

performance (Bock et al. 2008). His emphasis is the development and application of non-invasive<br />

in vivo techniques (NMR imaging and spectroscopy, optical techniques) in adaptive and<br />

comparative physiology of mainly marine animals.<br />

Olaf Heilmayer is an expert in experimental bivalve ecophysiology with emphasis on pectinid<br />

species. He is a marine biologist with a special interest in the ecology and physiology of marine<br />

shellfish thriving under conditions that set limits to life, namely in the deep-sea and polar context.<br />

His work on latitudinal adaptation mechanisms in pectinid bivalves was a key to understand<br />

biogeographic shifts in commercially important species (Heilmayer et al. 2004).<br />

Ragnhild Asmus is an expert in long term research on complex intertidal ecosystems,<br />

particularly in experimental work at various scales (Asmus & Asmus 2005).<br />

iv. Work <strong>Programme</strong>, Schedules, and Milestones<br />

Subproject 2.1.1 Ocean Acidification and Reproduction: Is the beginning of Life in Danger?<br />

PI: Angela Köhler / Ulf Bickmeyer<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

Sea urchin eggs are an excellent model to study early effects of environmental changes on vital<br />

biological processes during fertilisation and embryogenesis, mechanisms that are present across<br />

all eukaryotic species up to humans. We use Strongylocentrus sp and Psammechinus miliaris for<br />

analysing (i) calcium related signal transduction and enzyme activation during fertilisation<br />

processes, (ii) formation of a fertilisation membrane and (ii) embryogenesis at different CO2<br />

concentrations (280 to 1,900 ppm). Our fertilization studies will complement the studies<br />

proposed by Storch et al., Piatkowski, Melzner, Bleich et al., Tollrian as well as by Wahl<br />

(subprojects 2.2.1, 2.3.1, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.2.2, 4.1.2) on embryonal development..<br />


112<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

- For exposure experiments gametes are harvested from female adults maintained in the<br />

aquarium. Oocytes will then be exposed to the suggested CO2/pH conditions and in vitro<br />

fertilisation experiments with appropriate replicates will be performed.<br />

- Calcium signalling: Oocyte calcium levels will be measured optically using fluorescent calcium<br />

chelators e.g. Fura 2 by means of CCD imaging and confocal microscopy (see Wertz et al. 2006,<br />

2007). L-type calcium channels seem to be present in oocytes (Tosti & Boni 2004). Calcium<br />

channels have been described to change function with changing pH; how small pH changes affect<br />

calcium channel function in echinoderm oocytes and calcium dependent second messenger<br />

cascades remains to be investigated in detail. Pharmacological tools like thapsigargin,<br />

nitrendipine and brominated pyrrole-imidazole alkaloids (Hassenklöver & Bickmeyer, 2006,<br />

Bickmeyer et al. 2007) are used to investigate calcium entry pathways.<br />

- In vivo imaging of enzyme kinetics during in vitro fertilisation of NADPH producing pathways<br />

and ovoperoxidase activation for metabolic at different CO2/pH and temperature regimes will be<br />

conducted to analyse the influence of pH on Km and Vmax values. (Use of non-destructive<br />

epifluorescence microscopy in a flow chamber for controlled gamete exposition).<br />

- Immunolocalisation. Many of the potential target proteins have been conserved throughout<br />

evolution. Therefore, a whole range of antibodies designed for mammalian studies can be applied<br />

in sea urchins, as we have tested already. Sequencing of the genome of Strongylocentrotus<br />

purpuratus is complete and supports immunocytochemical studies at the light, confocal and<br />

transmission electronmicroscopic levels which are highly informative with respect to amount and<br />

localisation of molecules at work and their changes in relation to environmental factors such as<br />

pH.<br />

Internal cooperation/networking with projects in other themes:<br />

Subproject 2.1.1 is strongly connected, predominantly to projects in theme 2 via methodological<br />

and scientific approaches (exchange of methodological expertise). Collaborative exchange with<br />

Melzner [3.1.3], Bleich [3.1.4] and Wahl [4.1.2] will address CO2 impact on performance at<br />

additional ontogenetic stages. Joint work is planned with Tollrian (3.2.2) in order to analyse CO2<br />

and pH effects on fertilisation processes and embryonal development across species.<br />

External cooperation/networking:<br />

Jacobs University: Prof Klaudia Brix, Prof. Andrea Koschinsky; Stanford University: D. Epel,<br />

A. Hamdoun; Brown University: G. Wessel; Bodega Marine Laboratory: G. Cherr.<br />

Schedule<br />

2.1.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Collection and maintaining of organisms<br />

Set-up of culturing facility<br />

CO2 perturbation experiment,<br />

Measurements of calcium signals in living<br />

oocytes<br />

Metabolic mapping of enzymes during in<br />

vitro fertilisation<br />


<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

2.1.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Sample preparation for immunolocalisation<br />

(LM/TEM)<br />

Sample processing and microscopy<br />

(LM/TEM,AFM)<br />

Data analysis, statistical evaluation, data<br />

interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />


Milestones (2.1.2)<br />

- Measurements of calcium signals in living oocytes<br />

and description of basic oocyte properties completed<br />

month 12<br />

- Metabolic mapping of NADPH producing enzymes during in vitro fertilisation<br />

1st set completed<br />

month 12<br />

- Sample preparation for immunolocalisation (LM/TEM) of NADPH producing<br />

enzymes/tyrosin crosslinking 1st set completed<br />

month 12<br />

- Measurements of calcium signals in living oocytes during CO2 changes month 24<br />

- Metabolic mapping of NADPH producing enzymes during in vitro<br />

fertilisation (CO2-T), 2nd set completed<br />

month 24<br />

- Cortical granule reaction to CO2, 2nd set completed month 24<br />

- Electron microscopy of protein localisation and cell pathology month 28<br />

- Measurements of calcium signals in living oocytes, 3rd set month 33<br />

- Data evaluation, manuscript preparation, presentation of results month 24-36<br />

Subproject 2.1.2 The response of zooplankton organisms to elevated CO2 concentrations<br />

PI: Barbara Niehoff / Franz-Josef Sartoris<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

Our work will focus on three Calanus species, which dominate the zooplankton communities in<br />

Arctic Seas. C. finmarchicus is advected into the Arctic Ocean from the Norwegian Sea while C.<br />

glacialis and C. hyperboreus are endemic (Jaschnov 1970). All three species are adapted to the<br />

environmental conditions prevailing in the respective water masses (Conover and Huntley 1992).<br />

With increasing seawater temperature as climate models predict, the biogeographic boundaries of<br />

these key species will potentially shift (Hirche and Kosobokova 2007), and this will have<br />

consequences for the ecosystem functioning.<br />

Calanus finmarchicus is one of the copepod species studied best. Many aspects of its life cycle<br />

phenomena and their relation to environmental conditions are known (e.g. Marshall and Orr<br />

1955, Hirche 1998, Niehoff 2007), and this provides an ideal basis for studying the physiological<br />

response to CO2 in detail. In order to detect the species-specific responses to elevated CO2 and<br />

increasing temperature (links to 2.1.3, 2.2.1, 3.1.3, 3.1.4), we will also include C. glacialis and C.<br />

hyperboreus. All three species are large enough to perform measurements of acid-base<br />

physiology parameters.<br />


114<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Copepods will be collected in the field, either during sea going expeditions or at land based<br />

marine biological stations, e.g. in Kristineberg (Sweden) or Tromsø (Norway), and then<br />

transported to the aquarium facilities at AWI. In incubation experiments (link to 0.3.1), the<br />

animals will be exposed to different CO2 levels and temperatures according to values predicted<br />

from climate models as used within BioAcid. Algal food, i.e. diatoms and flagellates, will always<br />

be supplied in excess in order to avoid effects of food limitation. At start and during experiments,<br />

metabolic activity (citrate synthase, respiration rates measured by means of optical O2<br />

microelectrodes) as well as growth rates in terms of body weight (CN, protein content, dry<br />

weight) will be determined. In female copepods, egg production rates and hatching success will<br />

be studied to elucidate the combined effect of elevated CO2 concentrations and higher<br />

temperature on reproductive success. For studying the acid-base status, the extracellular pH in the<br />

copepods will be measured by optical pH microelectrodes suitable for small sample sizes (

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Milestones (2.1.2)<br />

- Aquarium facilities and algal food cultures established month 6<br />

- Copepods sampled for first incubation experiments month 6<br />

- Copepods sampled for second incubation experiments month 6<br />

- First experimental series and sample analyses (Calanus finmarchicus) completed month 12<br />

- Second experimental series and sample analyses completed (C. glacialis and C. month 24<br />

hyperboreus)<br />

- Data analysis and comparison of species completed month 30<br />

- Final BioAcid report month 36<br />

Subproject 2.1.3 Calcifying macroorganisms in acidifying & warming shallow waters<br />

PI: Gisela Lannig / Thomas Brey / Christian Bock / Olaf Heilmayer / Ragnhild Asmus<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

- Analysing the physiological response is based on experiments using pectinid bivalves<br />

(Aequipecten opercularis, 38° - 62°N, and Chlamys islandica, 64° - 70°N) as a model organism.<br />

Pectinids grow comparatively fast and can swim, i.e. they can be exercised. Different populations<br />

will be sampled along the latitudinal/ temperature gradient. Animals will be exposed to present<br />

(control, 380 ppm) and future elevated CO2 levels (between 980 and 1,960 ppm) at ambient and<br />

predicted temperature regimes [link to 0.3.1]. After 4-6 weeks metabolic key processes will be<br />

determined in control and experimental animals: At the organism level (in vivo) we determine<br />

oxygen consumption and metabolomics during routine metabolism, after exhausted exercise and<br />

during recovery using flow-through respirometry in the NMR (Bailey et al. 2003), circulatory<br />

capacity (heart rate, hemolymph pO2) using Doppler perfusion system and implantable O2-micro<br />

sensors (Lannig et al. 2008), fitness parameters (contractile performance, lipid and glucose<br />

metabolism, growth and shell structure (see below) and acid-base & ion regulation (changes in<br />

pH and ion content in extrapallial fluid, hemolymph and tissues) using a force gauge/sensor<br />

combination and NMR techniques incl. MAS spectroscopy and chromatography, and<br />

pCO2/pO2/pH sensors (Bock et al. 2001, Brodte et al. 2007, Guderley et al. 2008) [link to 0.3.2,<br />

2.1.2, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.3.2]. Direct incorporation of calcium and CO3 2- will be measured using<br />

labelling techniques (see Wheeler et al. 1975; Peck et al. 1996). At the cellular/organ level (in<br />

vitro) we determine temperature-dependent changes in energy allocation and estimate capacities<br />

for CaCO3 formation under internal milieu conditions inferred from organism level data and<br />

under changing CO2 and extracellular pH values [link to 2.3.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.4.1, 3.5.1]. We will<br />

measure capacities and costs of key processes like ion regulation (Na + /K + -ATPase, Na + Proton<br />

exchanger, Na + -dependent HCO3 - /Cl - co-transporter), protein synthesis, RNA/DNA synthesis,<br />

ATP synthesis (mitochondrial efficiency) in gill, mantle and muscle tissue using CMOS cell<br />

chip-technology (cellular respiration and acidification), NMR/MAS spectroscopy and<br />

chromatography (see Wind et al. 2001, Lehmann et al. 2001, Mark et al. 2005, Bruno et al. 2006,<br />

Cherkasov et al. 2006). Capacities of carbonic anhydrase will be determined in gill and mantle<br />

tissue (Skakks & Henry 2002, Yu et al. 2006).<br />


116<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

- The ecological effects will be evaluated by a “screening” approach that applies the whole<br />

organism approach to a wide range of taxa (molluscs, barnacles, sea urchins) from the German<br />

Bight. For this approach organisms will be maintained at defined temperatures and control and<br />

elevated CO2 concentrations (see above) for one whole seasonal cycle in mesocosms systems at<br />

the AWI field station Sylt. The selection of taxa will depend to a certain extent on the availability<br />

of the various candidate species in the Sylt/Rønne area that may vary greatly from year to year.<br />

Long-term effects of elevated CO2 levels on carbonate shell/skeleton properties are analyzed by<br />

standardized procedures at levels of macrostructure (mass, density, stability), microstructure (µm<br />

scale such nacre structure in bivalves, REM) and ultra structure (nm scale, crystallite structure,<br />

Atomic Force Microscopy) [link to 3.2.4, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.4.1, 3.5.1]. Short-term experiments will<br />

be used to investigate synergistic effects of CO2 and temperature in early life stages (larvae,<br />

juveniles) of selected species [link to 2.2.1, 2.3.1, 4.1.2]. Organism fitness for all ontogenic<br />

stages is determined by standard measures such as metabolic activity, C, H, N, P content, and<br />

enzyme activities (see above).<br />

- The future scenario will combine our findings with existing evidence and with model<br />

predictions of the marine environment development during the next century. As an example, a<br />

predicted increase in wave action may be relevant for a species in which we find a certain<br />

reduction in shell strength owing to reduced CO3 2- levels.<br />

Internal cooperation/networking with projects in other themes:<br />

Subproject 2.1.3 is strongly interconnected, predominantly to projects in theme 2 via<br />

methodological approaches and incubation studies. Cooperation with projects in theme 3 will link<br />

our “physiological performance” data to “biomineralization success”: in collaboration with Bijma<br />

[3.3.1], Böttcher [3.4.1] and Immenhauser [3.5.1] we will determine CO2-dependent changes in<br />

shell dissolution rates and structure of our experimental animals. Collaborative exchange with<br />

Melzner [3.1.3], Bleich [3.1.4], Fitzke [3.2.4] and Wahl [4.1.2] will address CO2 impact on<br />

additional aspects of calcification and stress resistance.<br />

External cooperation/networking:<br />

University Bremen, DFG project in SSP 1158 “Sclerochronology & Recent Climate Change” (PI<br />

Heilmayer), EU project in EPOCA (PI Pörtner)<br />

Schedule<br />

2.1.3 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Animal collection & culture<br />

Sample processing & measurement -<br />

organismic level<br />

Sample processing & measurement -<br />

cellular level<br />

Physiological data evaluation -<br />

organismic level<br />

Physiological data evaluation - cellular<br />

level<br />

Mesocosm long term experiments<br />


<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

2.1.3 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Mesocosm short term experiments &<br />

analysis<br />

Shell properties analysis & data<br />

evaluation<br />

Reporting & publication<br />

Theme workshop & conferences<br />

Milestones (2.1.3)<br />

- Pectinid species culture established month 3<br />

- Pectinid exposure & mesocosm experiments started month 6<br />

- Data evaluation at organism level completed month 20<br />

- Shell property analysis completed month 28<br />

- Coupled cellular energy allocation & animal metabolic models month 30<br />

- Development of future scenarios month 33<br />

- Final <strong>BIOACID</strong> report month 36<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

2.1.1<br />

2.1.2<br />

2.1.3<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

2.1.1<br />

2.1.2<br />

2.1.3<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

2.1.1<br />

2.1.2<br />

2.1.3<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investments<br />

2.1.1<br />

2.1.2<br />

2.1.3<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

2.1.1<br />

2.1.2<br />

2.1.3<br />

Subtotal<br />

Total<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />


Budget justification<br />

2.1.1<br />

118<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Personnel costs: 1 PhD position for 3 years<br />

Consumables: chemicals, antibodies, dyes, catching trawls<br />

Travel: €/y each for the PhD and the two PIs<br />

Investment: n/a<br />

Other costs: n/a<br />

2.1.2<br />

Personnel costs: 1 PhD position for 3 years<br />

Consumables: €/y for chemicals including ion concentration and enzyme activity<br />

determination, microelectrodes and aquarium equipment<br />

Travel: €/y for participation in expeditions, animal transport, <strong>BIOACID</strong><br />

meetings and international conferences<br />

Investment: n/a<br />

Other costs: n/a<br />

2.1.3<br />

Personnel costs: 1 PhD position for 3 years – analysing the physiological response<br />

1 PhD position for 3 years – ecological effects & future scenario<br />

Consumables: chemicals incl. NMR consumables, sensors and metabolic chips SC1000,<br />

gas mixtures, aquarium equipment, sample preparation (REM, AFM)<br />

Travel: Animal transport ( €/transport), BioAcid meetings ( €/person), Int.<br />

Conferences (e.g. Symposium “The Ocean in a High CO2 World”,<br />

€/person), Transfer Sylt-Bremerhaven (ca. /trip)<br />

Investment: The MAS-NMR (Magic Angle Spinning NMR; €) spectra of intact<br />

tissue samples yield high-resolution “fingerprints” of component<br />

metabolites, while avoiding the risk of decomposition<br />

Other costs: Publication costs, e.g. American Journal of Physiology ( €)

vi. References<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Asmus H, Asmus R (2005) Significance of suspension-feeder systems on different spatial scales, The comparative roles of suspension-feeders<br />

in ecosystem : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced <strong>Research</strong> Workshop on the comparative roles od suspension-feeders in ecosystems,<br />

Nida, Lithuania, 4 - 9 October 2003] / ed. by Richard F. Dame and Sergej Olenin, Dordrecht : Springer, 199-219 (NATO science series :<br />

4, Earth and environmental sciences ;47)<br />

Bailey DM, Peck LS, Bock C, Pörtner HO (2003) High energy phosphate metabolism during exercise and recovery in temperate and Antarctic<br />

scallops: an in vivo 31P-NMR study. Physiol Biochem Zool 76(5):622-633<br />

Bathmann U, Noji T, von Bodungen B (1990) Copepod grazing potential in late winter in the Norwegian Sea – a factor in the control of spring<br />

phytoplankton growth? Mar Ecol Prog Ser 38: 45-51<br />

Berge JA, Bjerkeng B, Pettersen O, Schaanning MT, Oxnevad S (2006) Effects of increased sea water concentrations of CO2 on growth of the<br />

bivalve Mytilus edulis L. Chemosphere 62(4): 681– 687<br />

Bickmeyer U, Grube A, Klings K-W, Köck M (2007) Disturbance of voltage induced cellular calcium entry by marine dimeric and tetrameric<br />

pyrrole-imidazole alkaloids. Toxicon 50: 490-497<br />

Bijma J, Hemleben C, Huber BT, Erlenkeuser H, Kroon D (1998) Experimental determination of the ontogenetic stable isotope variability in<br />

two morphotypes of Globigerinella siphonifera (d'Orbigny). Mar Micropaleo 35:141-160<br />

Bock C, Lurman GJ, Wittig RM, Webber DM, Pörtner HO (2008). Muscle bioenergetics of speeding fish: in vivo 31P-NMR studies in a 4.7T<br />

scanner with an integrated swim tunnel. Conc Magn Reson B, 33B, 62-73<br />

Bock C, Sartoris FJ, Wittig RM, Pörtner HO (2001) Temperature-dependent pH regulation in stenothermal Antarctic and eurythermal<br />

temperate eelpout (Zoarcidae): an in vivo NMR study. Polar Biol 24:869-874<br />

Brodte E, Graeve M, Jacob U, Knust R, Pörtner HO (2007) Temperature-dependent lipid levels and components in polar and temperate eelpout<br />

(Zoarcidae). Fish Physiol Biochem (online) doi: 10.1007/s10695-007-9185-y<br />

Bruno E, Digilio G, Cabella C, de Reggi A, Baroni S, Mainero V, Aime S (2006) Water exchange across the erythrocyte plasma membrane<br />

studied by HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy. Magn Reson Med 56:978–985<br />

Cherkasov AS, Biswas PK, Ridings DM, Ringwood AH, Sokolova IM (2006) Effects of acclimation temperature and cadmium exposure on<br />

cellular energy budgets in the marine mollusk Crassostrea virginica: linking cellular and mitochondrial responses. J Exp Biol 209:1274-<br />

1284<br />

Conover RJ, Huntley M (1991) Copepods in ice-covered seas. Distribution, adaptations to seasonally limited food, metabolism, growth<br />

patterns and life cycle strategies in polar seas. J Mar Sys 2:1-42<br />

Doering CJ, McRory JE (2007) Effects of extracellular pH on neuronal calcium channel activation. Neurosci 146(3):1032-1043<br />

Epplé VE, Brey T, Witbaard R, Kuhnert H, Pätzold J (2006). Sclerochronological records of Arctica islandica from the inner German Bight.<br />

The Holocene 16: 763-769<br />

Gazeau F, Quiblier C, Jansen JM, Gattuso JP, Middelburg JJ, Heip C (2007) Impact of elevated CO2 on shellfish calcification. Geophys Res<br />

Lett 34: L07603<br />

Guderley H, Janssoone X, Nadeau M, Bourgeois M, Cortés HP (2008) Force recordings during escape responses by Placopecten magellanicus<br />

(Gmelin): Seasonal changes in the impact of handling stress. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2007.06.037<br />

Hassenklöver T, Bickmeyer U (2006) The marine secondary metabolites 2,4-dibromophenol and 2,4,6-tribromophenol differentially modulate<br />

voltage dependent ion currents in neuroendocrine (PC12) cells. Aquatic Toxicol 79:384-390<br />

Heilmayer O, Brey T, Pörtner HO (2004) Growth efficiency and temperature in scallops: a comparative analysis of species adapted to different<br />

temperatures. Funct Ecol 18: 641-647<br />

Hirche HJ (1996) Diapause in the marine copepod, Calanus finmarchicus, - a review. Ophelia 44:129-143<br />

Hirche HJ, Kosobokova KN (2007) Distribution of Calanus finmarchicus in the northern North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean - expatriation and<br />

potential colonization. Deep Sea Res II 54: 2729-2747<br />

Iglesias-Rodriguez MD, Halloran PR, Rickaby REM, Hall IR, Colmenero-Hidalgo E, Gittins JR, Green DRH, Tyrrell T, Gibbs SJ, von Dassow<br />

P, Rehm E, Armbrust EV, Boessenkool KP (2008) Phytoplankton Calcification in a High-CO2 World. Science 320: 336-340<br />

Jaschnov WA (1970) Distribution of Calanus species in the seas of the northern hemisphere. Int Revue ges Hydrobiol 55:197-212<br />

Jonz MG, Barnes S (2007) Proton modulation of ion channels in isolated horizontal cells of the goldfish retina. J Physiol -London 581:529-<br />

541<br />

Kostyuk P, Potapenko E, Siryk I, Voitenko N, Kostyuk E (2003) Intracellular calcium homoeostasis changes induced in rat spinal cord neurons<br />

by extracelluar acidification. Neurochem Res 10: 1543-1547<br />

Kreibich T, Saborowski R, Hagen W, Niehoff B (2008) Short-term variation of nutritive and metabolic parameters in Temora longicornis<br />

females (Crustacea, Copepoda) as a response to diet shift and starvation. Helgoland Mar Res doi:10.1007/s10152-008-0112-0<br />

Kurihara H, Shimode S, Shirayama Y (2004) Effect of raised CO2 concentration on the egg production rate and early development of two<br />

marine copepods (Acartia steueri and A. erythraea). Mar Pollut Bull 49:721-727<br />

Langenbuch M, Pörtner HO (2003) Energy budget of hepatocytes from Antarctic fish (Pachycara brachycephalum and Lepidonotothen<br />

kempia) a function of ambient CO2: pH-dependent limitations of cellular protein biosynthesis? J Exp Biol 206:3895-3903<br />

Lannig G, Cherkasov AS, Pörtner HO, Bock C, Sokolova IM (2008) Cadmium-dependent oxygen limitation affects temperature tolerance in<br />

eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin). Am J Physiol 249:R1338-R1346<br />

Lannig G, Flores JF, Sokolova IM (2006) Temperature-dependent stress response in oysters, Crassostrea virginica: Pollution reduces<br />

temperature tolerance in oysters. Aquat Toxicol 79: 278-287<br />

Leclercq N, Gattuso JP, Jaubert J (2000) CO2 partial pressure controls the calcification rate of a coral community. Global Change Biol 6(3):<br />

329– 334<br />

Lehmann M, Baumann W, Brischwein M, Gahle HJ, Freund I, Ehret R, Drechsler S, Palzer H, Kleintges M, Sieben U, Wolf B (2001)<br />

Simultaneous measurements of cellular respiration and acidification with a single CMOS ISFET. Biosens Bioelectron 16:195-203<br />


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Longhurst AR (1985) The structure and evolution of plankton communities. Prog Oceanogr 15: 1-35<br />

Marshall SM, Orr AP (1955) The biology of a marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus Gunnerus. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, pp. 188<br />

Mayor DJ, Matthews C, Cook K, Zuur AF, Hay S (2007) CO2 -induced acidification affects hatching success in Calanus finmarchicus. Mar<br />

Ecol Prog Ser 350: 91-97<br />

Metzger R, Sartoris FJ, Langenbuch M, Pörtner HO (2007) Influence of elevated CO2 concentrations on thermal tolerance of the edible crab<br />

Cancer pagurus. J Thermal Biol 32: 144-151<br />

Michaelidis B, Ouzounis C, Paleras A, Pörtner HO (2005) Effects of long-term moderate hypercapnia on acid-base balance and growth rate in<br />

marine mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis). Mar Ecol Prog Ser 293:109-118<br />

Miles H, Widdicombe S, Spicer JI, Hall-Spencer J (2007) Effects of anthropogenic seawater acidification on acid-base balance in the sea<br />

urchin Psammechinus miliaris. Mar Poll Bull 54: 89-96<br />

Niehoff B (2007) Life history strategies in zooplankton communities: The significance of female gonad morphology and maturation types for<br />

the reproductive biology of marine calanoid copepods. Prog Oceanogr 74: 1-47<br />

Peck LS, Parker AC, Conway LZ, (1996) Strontium labelling of the shell of the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna (Strebel, 1908). J Moll Stud<br />

62: 315-325<br />

Pörtner HO, Langenbuch M, Michelidis B (2005) Synergistic effects of temperature extremes, hypoxia, and increases in CO2 on marine<br />

animals: From Earth history to global change. J Geophys Res 110: doi:10.1029/2004JC002561<br />

Riebesell U, Zondervan I, Rost B, Tortell PD, Zeebe RE, Morel FMM (2000) Reduced calcification of marine plankton in response to<br />

increased atmospheric CO2. Nature 407: 364-367<br />

Runge JA (1988) Should we expect a relationship between primary production and fisheries? The role of copepod dynamics as a filter of<br />

trophic variability. In Boxshall GA,. Schminke HK (eds), Biology of copepods, Proceedings 3. Int. Conf. On Copepoda, Aug 1987,<br />

London. Hydrobiologia 167/168: 61-71<br />

Santella L, Lim D, Moccia F (2006) Calcium and fertilisation: the beginning of life. Trends Biochem Scie 29: 400-408<br />

Schnack-Schiel SB, Isla E (2005) The role of zooplankton in the pelagic-benthic coupling of the Southern Ocean. Scientia Marina 69: 39-55<br />

Skakks HS, Henry RP (2002) Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase in the gills of two euryhaline crabs, Callinectes sapidus and Carcinus maenas,<br />

by heavy metals. Comp Biochem Physiol C 133:605-612<br />

Tosti E, Boni R, (2004) Electrical events during gamete maturation and fertilization in animals and humans. Humane Reproduction Update.<br />

10: 53-65.<br />

Turner J, Hopcroft R, Lincoln J, Huestis C, Tester P, Roff J (1998) Zooplankton feeding ecology: Grazing by marine copepods and<br />

cladocerans upon phytoplankton and cyanobacteria from Kingston Harbour, Jamaica. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 19: 195-208<br />

Viarengo A, Lowe D, Bolognesi C, Fabbri E, Koehler A (2007). The use of biomarker in biomonitoring: A 2-tier approach assessing the level<br />

of pollutant-induced stress syndrome in sentinel organisms., Comp Biochem Physiol Part C 146: 281-300<br />

Wheeler AP, Blackwelder PL, Wilbur KM (1975) Shell Growth in the Scallop Argopecten irradians. I. Isotope Incorporation with Reference<br />

to Diurnal Growth. Biol Bull 148(3): 472-482<br />

Wertz A, Rössler W, Obermayer M, Bickmeyer U (2006) Functional Neuroanatomy of the Rhinophore of Aplysia punctata. Front Zool 3: 6.<br />

Wertz A, Rössler W, Obermayer M, Bickmeyer U (2007) Functional Neuroanatomy of the Rhinophore of Archidoris pseudorargus. Helgol<br />

Mar Res 61: 135-142<br />

Wind RA, Hu JZ, Rommereim DN (2001) High-resolution 1H NMR spectroscopy in organs and tissues using slow magic angle spinning.<br />

Magn Reson Med 46:213–218<br />

Yu Z, Xie L, Lee S, Zhang R (2006) A novel carbonic anhydrase from the mantle of the pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata). Comp Biochem<br />

Physiol B 143:190-194

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Project 2.2: Long-term physiological effects on different life stages of benthic<br />

crustaceans<br />

PI: Felix Mark<br />

i. Objectives<br />

This project will investigate CO2 sensitivity in different life stages using crustaceans as a model<br />

phylum to investigate common principles from the systemic to the molecular level. We intend to<br />

examine whether and how quickly various life stages can adapt to or tolerate increased CO2<br />

levels under exposition to carbon dioxide tensions from today’s up to the predicted extreme<br />

levels of OA. As populations within a latitudinal gradient display different thermal sensitivities,<br />

we will determine whether there is a synergy between CO2 and thermal challenges and what<br />

implication this has for the future spatial distribution of a species. To explore the synergistic<br />

effects of CO2 and temperature on the transcriptome, we will study whether and how relevant<br />

gene clusters and regulatory networks are differentially expressed within and between<br />

populations. We will use population genetics to include effects of genetic differentiation, and<br />

analyse whether populations of different scope for adaptability exist and whether the genetic<br />

variability of populations within a latitudinal gradient affect their physiological tolerance range.<br />

These molecular data will be combined with analyses of systemic ecophysiological parameters<br />

like behavioural and growth performance, acid-base regulation, oxygen delivery and<br />

consumption and calcification. Ultimately, this will enable us to develop an integrative view of<br />

how the necessity to regulate affects the animal´s energy budget.<br />

The above objectives will be investigated in two osmoconforming and calcifying reptant<br />

crustaceans (Anger 2001), that might be especially vulnerable to OA: Hyas araneus and Cancer<br />

pagurus. They are easily accessible, uncomplicated to rear and much is known about their<br />

biology (Anger and Jacobi 1985; Anger 2001; Truchot, 1980; Burnett and Bridges, 1981;<br />

Metzger et al 2007). They occur with great abundance over a wide latitudinal range (H. araneus:<br />

Barents Sea into the English Channel, C. pagurus: Norway to Northern Africa). The retreat in the<br />

Southern North Sea indicates that H. araneus is already affected by global warming whereas C.<br />

pagurus might benefit from the warming North Sea. This commercially exploited species is longlived<br />

and reaches sexual maturity at 10 years (Neal and Wilson, 2007). The juveniles spend most<br />

of their time near the intertidal with extreme daily fluctuations of CO2 tensions and temperature<br />

whereas the sexually mature adults inhabit deeper waters with less fluctuating abiotic factors.<br />

ii. State of the Art<br />

Ocean acidification and global warming present - in evolutionary terms - extreme challenges to<br />

environmental adaptation that summate onto the existing necessities of adaptation and ultimately<br />

require evolution of adaptations de novo. For some aquatic and terrestrial animals, an effect of<br />

global warming on the geographical distribution and even the risk of local extinction could be<br />

demonstrated (Parmesan and Yohe 2003, Pörtner & Knust, 2007). Based on seminal data on the<br />

decapod crustacean Maja squinado (Frederich and Pörtner, 2000), thermal tolerance windows of<br />

aquatic organisms have been defined by limits in oxygen supply through ventilation and<br />

circulation (Pörtner 2001, 2002). These limits exert their effects on the growth rate of individual<br />

specimens and the abundance of a population thereby shaping the biogeography of a species.<br />

Ocean acidification in combination with increasing temperatures thus even more adversely<br />


122<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

affects species survival: upper thermal limits have been shown to decrease under hypercapnia in<br />

the decapod crustacean Cancer pagurus (Metzger et al 2007).<br />

It has been assumed that sensitivity to CO2 may be highest in the smaller life stages (Ishimatsu et<br />

al. 2004, 2005), such as eggs or the planktonic larvae, whereas thermal stress is felt especially by<br />

the largest individuals of a species (Pörtner & Knust, 2007), the benthic adult. Decapod<br />

crustaceans with complex life cycles develop through a planktonic larval and a benthic juvenile–<br />

adult phase. The larvae show dramatic growth and morphogenetic changes, which are affected by<br />

variation in environmental factors such as temperature (Anger, 1998) and salinity (Anger et al.,<br />

1998). The Megalopa is the larval stage that might experience the greatest environmental<br />

fluctuations, as it is the transition stage from the pelagic to the benthic mode of life. Among the<br />

adults, brooding females might be especially affected by temperature extremes during cost<br />

intensive brooding care (Fernandez et al., 2000; Brante et al., 2003), the extent of which has an<br />

impact on the performance of the eggs and the hatching larvae.<br />

By influencing the acid-base status of seawater, CO2 severely affects ion and osmoregulation of<br />

higher marine animals and their life stages. This is of special importance in crustaceans, as they<br />

differ with respect to their ability to regulate the extracellular osmolality against the seawater,<br />

which significantly impacts species distribution: whereas osmoregulating species are able to enter<br />

coastal and estuarine environments, osmoconformer are usually limited to full seawater and more<br />

sensitive to varying salinity and are normally found in deeper water. The capability of<br />

osmoregulation can differ between early developmental life-history stages and adults in both<br />

directions (Charmantier 1998). Extracellular osmoregulation is associated with energy<br />

expenditure for active ion transport, which becomes apparent in higher Na + /K + ATPase capacities<br />

usually found in gills of osmoregulating species like Carcinus maenas, when acclimated to<br />

diluted seawater (Lucu & Flic, 1999; Henry et al., 2002). Thus the capacity of the sodium pump<br />

in branchial epithelia may be a suitable marker to determine limited acid-base regulatory function<br />

in certain species or life stages. In line with this assumption, the hypometabolic deep-sea decapod<br />

crustacean, Chionoecetes tanneri, displays higher sensitivity towards short-term, severe<br />

hypercapnia than the shallow-living Pacific Dungeness crab, Cancer magister, which is able to<br />

restore extracellular pH to normocapnic levels during 24 h hypercapnic challenge (Pane and<br />

Barry, 2007). Similar sensitivities may become especially effective in early life stages when<br />

development of the ion regulatory inventory may be incomplete.<br />

Classic examples of how osmolality, pH, CO2 and oxygen levels act in concert influencing<br />

central aspects of the energy metabolism, can be found in the respiratory pigment of the<br />

crustaceans, haemocyanin. As systemic oxygen supply and thus haemolymph oxygen levels<br />

strongly affect thermal tolerance windows (Frederich and Pörtner, 2000), respiratory protein<br />

function under hypercapnia and elevated temperatures is of central importance. CO2 can affect<br />

haemocyanin function by binding to the respiratory protein itself and by increasing the acid load<br />

of the haemolymph, both effects leading to decreased haemocyanin oxygen binding capacities<br />

(Bohr shift, cf. Mangum, 1980; Bridges, 2001). Decreasing levels of physically dissolved oxygen<br />

at warmer temperatures cause a further reduction in haemolymph oxygen tension. This can in<br />

part be compensated at the molecular level by expression and rearrangement of haemocyanin<br />

subunit composition. The expression of haemocyanin monomers in decapod crustaceans is thus<br />

very variable and influenced by ontogenetic stage (Durstewitz & Terwilliger, 1997, Terwilliger &<br />

Dumler, 2001) and many factors that exert physiological stress, such as pH, temperature,<br />

hypoxia. Recently, even microarray approaches have been developed to analyse the complex<br />

expression of a whole suite of haemocyanin functional units (Terwilliger et al. 2007). Other<br />

molecular mechanisms defining the limits of acclimation to environmental challenges have so far

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

been studied mainly by describing effects on single proteins. Genome wide transcriptome studies<br />

with their model-independent, inductive form of analysis contrast with the more conventional<br />

hypothesis-driven gene-by-gene or protein-by-protein form of analysis. Due to advantages in<br />

technologies, genomic studies become more and more attractive in non-model animals, where<br />

essentially no genetic information has been available and which were selected for special<br />

adaptation of their physiology to answer questions in an ecological, environmental or<br />

phylogenetic context (e.g. Fish: Gracey et al., 2001; 2004; frogs: Storey, 2004; turtles: Storey,<br />

2007). Recently, an EST library for the porcelain crab, Petrolisthes cinctipes, has been<br />

established, which serves as a basis for genomic studies in related crustaceans (Stillman et al.<br />

2006). An important advantage of these screening techniques is their ability to identify groups of<br />

proteins/enzymes that can have interrelated functions. Using profiling techniques based on<br />

categorisation of gene function, regulatory pathways and tissue-specific functions become visible<br />

and help to identify functions of so far unknown genes. Furthermore, novel (candidate) genes and<br />

pathways essential in the response to certain stressors can be detected (Gracey and Cossins, 2003;<br />

Cossins et al., 2006) and thus help to identify common molecular principles resulting in<br />

phenotypic plasticity of the whole organism. Since transcriptome studies cannot detect regulation<br />

at consecutive levels such as translation, protein turnover and post-translational modifications,<br />

the complex pattern of transcript responses has to be interpreted within the framework of known<br />

physiology to provide new hypotheses. Those have then to be tested for their functional<br />

significance with regard to common principles in evolutionary adaptation.<br />

During adaptation to their habitats in a climate gradient, marine animals encounter a wide variety<br />

of local conditions that over time lead to differentiation of populations within the distribution<br />

range of a species. Little is known whether genetic differentiation of populations is directly<br />

linked to the scope for physiological adaptability of a given species, but it may be assumed that<br />

population differentiation is key to fine tuning the match between genotype and environment<br />

along climate gradients. Adaptation to local environmental conditions on a molecular basis are<br />

typically identified by comparing expression patterns in populations experiencing known,<br />

different conditions. This indirect inference of the adaptive value of the observed differences in<br />

expression implicitly ignores other factors, most notably gene flow, that also structure the spatial<br />

distribution of alleles within a species. This argument can, however, be reversed in that the<br />

existence of different alleles and/or expression patterns among populations - despite high levels<br />

of genetic exchange - is a strong argument in favour of a stabilizing selection being responsible<br />

for maintaining the observed differences between them (Hemmer-Hansen et al 2008). Hence<br />

evidence, unbiased by colonization history, is needed, which corroborates the adaptive value of<br />

the candidate genes independent from interpretations derived from physiological pathways they<br />

are involved in. This can be obtained by contrasting the spatial distribution of alleles potentially<br />

involved in a response to OA with a baseline derived from selectively neutral microsatellite<br />

markers.<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

2.2.1<br />

Daniela Storch, systemic ecophysiologist, has been working intensely on the thermal tolerance<br />

of crab larvae in a latitudinal gradient along the Chilean coast in the past years financed by the<br />

Alexander von Humboldt foundation (Storch et al., submitted a,b,c). As PI in a recently approved<br />

DFG funded project, she will investigate the thermal limits of early life history stages and their<br />

relevance for the biodiversity and biogeography of reptant decapod crustaceans. She is interested<br />


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in how behavioural and physiological performance of the different life history stages within the<br />

ontogeny of crustaceans may determine distribution limits.<br />

Christoph Held is head of a working group focussing on population genetics, phylogeny and<br />

phylogeography of marine crustaceans. By interpreting spatio-temporal patterns of molecular<br />

variation they investigate the processes driving diversification and speciation over ecological and<br />

evolutionary timescales (Held, 2000). They developed and successfully applied a novel approach<br />

for isolating microsatellite markers from unknown genomes (Leese & Held, 2008). They have<br />

also co-developed an integrated software environment aimed at facilitating high-throughput<br />

detection and classification of suitable microsatellites including multiplexed primer design (Held<br />

& Leese, 2007).<br />

Magnus Lucassen, molecular biologist, investigates the genetic basis of climate driven evolution<br />

in higher marine animals and aims to identify the underlying networks and signals involved. He<br />

focuses in his work on key processes of the central energy metabolism, in particular ion/pH<br />

regulation, aerobic/anaerobic capacities and oxygen carriers (Lucassen et al., 2006). Realtime<br />

PCR in combination with immunodetection of proteins and functional assays are being used to<br />

characterize key genes from fish, crustaceans and molluscs (Deigweiher et al., 2008). Currently,<br />

he investigates as PI in a DFG funded project the entire transcriptome in cold-adapted versus<br />

eurythermal fish in response to environmental challenges. These genomic approaches in different<br />

marine phyla are being introduced for the detection of unifying and specific regulatory networks<br />

essential for the adaptability to certain abiotic factors and their consequences for whole animal<br />

performance (Eckerle et al., 2008).<br />

Felix Mark, molecular physiologist, has a strong ecophysiological and biochemical background<br />

and has worked in various ecophysiological projects with fish, crustaceans and molluscs<br />

investigating energy metabolism at systemic (Mark et al., 2002), cellular (Mark et al., 2005) and<br />

molecular levels (Mark et al., 2006). As PI in a DFG funded project, he currently investigates<br />

haemocyanin adaptation in polar and temperate cephalopods and is specifically interested in how<br />

molecular structural design relates to physiological function (Melzner et al., 2007).<br />

2.2.2:<br />

The previous work of the group around Christopher Bridges has been extensively directed<br />

towards the study of ecophysiological adaptations in marine organisms in both the intertidal and<br />

sublittoral areas. Crustacean studies have led to the development of numerous techniques for<br />

catheterisation (Burnett and Bridges, 1981) and investigation of both oxygen and carbon dioxide<br />

transport (Bridges et al, 1979) in detail at the whole animal level. The properties of haemocyanin<br />

in terms of the structure and function of respiratory proteins and control of respiratory affinity<br />

have also been studied together with the influence of carbon dioxide (Bridges, 2001, Chausson et<br />

al, 2001). Ongoing studie involve the moulting of rock lobsters and extensive work on moulting<br />

hormones with colleagues in South Africa (Marco and Gade UCT).

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

iv. Work <strong>Programme</strong>, Schedules, and Milestones<br />

H. araneus is a well-established model species at the AWI for examination of larval<br />

development. C. pagurus is a well-established model species in the Bridges lab in Düsseldorf<br />

with regard to acid-base regulation. The two species will be subject to the same <strong>BIOACID</strong><br />

standard pCO2 levels of 380 (present, base line), 700 (2,5 * preindustrial, IPCC ‘business as<br />

usual’ for 2100), 1120 (4* preindustrial) and 1960ppm CO2 (7* preindustrial) and <strong>BIOACID</strong><br />

standard temperatures in the range between 6 and 21°C. To ensure standardised experimental<br />

conditions, most long-term acclimations of both species will be carried out in the aquarium<br />

system in Bremerhaven. CO2 incubation of adult animals will take place in the AWI mesocosms,<br />

the hatching and rearing of larvae under CO2 in the recirculated AquaInno Pond-in-Pond systems<br />

[0.3.1: AWI infrastructure development plan]. Common parameters that will be measured in both<br />

subprojects 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 on H. araneus and C. pagurus include:<br />

- oxygen consumption (larval stages, juveniles and adults)<br />

- acid-base parameters (haemolymph pCO2, pH, total alkalinity, CCO2 and buffer titration)<br />

(juveniles and adults)<br />

- ion composition (larval stages, juveniles and adults)<br />

- haemocyanin oxygen affinity and subunit composition (larval stages, juveniles and adults)<br />

Subproject 2.2.1 Hyas araneus: Sensitivity, adaptive capacities and evolutionary<br />

consequences in populations from different latitudes<br />

PI: Daniela Storch / Christoph Held / Magnus Lucassen / Felix Mark<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

The H. araneus model will look at the mechanisms from systemic (A) to molecular levels (B) on<br />

the background of population differentiation.<br />

(A) System physiology<br />

We will study the combined effect of acidification and temperature on the whole organism across<br />

populations including all life history stages from the brooding female and egg to the larval stages.<br />

Eggs are included since they may be affected in two ways: first, less oxygen supply by the<br />

females because of thermal stress and or higher costs for extra cellular acid-base regulation and,<br />

second, high CO2 sensitivity for the eggs.<br />

(1) Long-term accumulative effects of acidification<br />

Long-term exposure experiments of H. araneus females with and without eggs will be conducted<br />

to determine the costs of parental care at high temperature and different CO2 levels. Oxygen<br />

consumption will be measured to identify differences in the investment of brooding at varying<br />

CO2 levels at high temperature. Haemolymph flow of females and water flow through the embryo<br />

mass, as indicators for oxygen provision to the eggs, will be obtained by using magnetic<br />

resonance imaging techniques [2.1.3]. The loss of embryos, survival/development of the eggs and<br />

the hatching rates from egg masses of long-term CO2 incubated females will be detected. Larval<br />

performance of hatchlings from these differently incubated females will be monitored with regard<br />

to mortality rates during successive larval stages. Haemolymph ion composition in the various<br />

larval stages will be measured [2.1.2] and related to the Na + /K + ATPase function (see below).<br />


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Additionally, oxygen-binding characteristics of haemolymph samples from the long time scale<br />

perturbation incubations of H. araneus and C. pagurus (sub-project 2.2.2) will be analysed<br />

spectrophotometrically at AWI and gas diffusion chambers (cf. work programme 2.2.2) in<br />

Düsseldorf. Purified haemocyanin samples of H. araneus and C. pagurus will be further analysed<br />

biochemically by 2D gel electrophoresis and native and SDS PAGE to examine putative changes<br />

in quaternary structure and expression of different isoforms (further characterised at the genetic<br />

level (B)).<br />

(2) Life history stages most vulnerable to acidification in synergy with temperature<br />

To meet this goal, larvae of populations along the latitudinal temperature gradient will be reared<br />

at varying CO2 levels and then acute temperature tolerance windows will be determined in the<br />

varying larval stages by measuring swimming performance, oxygen consumption rate and cardiac<br />

performance.<br />

(B) Molecular physiology and genetic basis of hypercapnic vulnerability<br />

(1) Functional characterisation of ion regulatory capacities<br />

To estimate ion regulatory sensitivities, Na + /K + ATPase functional capacities and mRNA<br />

expression will be compared in adults of different populations. Due to the small sample size<br />

Na + /K + ATPase abundance in larval stages will be assessed using antibodies, which have already<br />

been used in several crustaceans (Lucassen et al. unpublished). The data serves as baseline<br />

information as in several other projects [2.3.2; 3.1.3] and will be related to the acid-base<br />

parameters.<br />

(2) Isolation of key genes determining hypercapnic sensitivity/adaptability<br />

For analyses of the transcriptome we will generate a normalized cDNA library for one population<br />

under control conditions to ensure high genome coverage. Using suppression subtractive<br />

hybridization (SSH), further cDNA libraries will be constructed for the identification of<br />

differentially expressed genes within the time course of hypercapnic acclimation. This technique<br />

has been successfully used in our laboratory for copepods, cephalopods and fish. Additionally,<br />

the life stages that turn out to be most sensitive in the part (A), will be tested against the least<br />

sensitive stage. Sequencing of clones from the normalised and the subtractive libraries will be<br />

performed at the AWI, IFM-GEOMAR or service companies using pyrosequencing (normalized<br />

library) and conventional Sanger technologies (subtractive libraries), respectively. Genbank<br />

based assignment of protein function will allow identification of physiological processes<br />

involved in the response to hypercapnia. For unknown genes we expect several overlaps with<br />

other genomic studies [2.3.2; 3.1.3], so that at least the functional framework of the isolated gene<br />

can be attributed.<br />

Based on these approaches, oligonucleotide based micro-arrays will be developed for<br />

representative gene clusters that mirror physiologically important metabolic pathways and<br />

regulatory processes, with special emphasis to the ion regulatory inventory, aerobic/anaerobic<br />

metabolism and oxygen transport system. With this micro-array, the time course of the<br />

expression profile of all spotted genes will be determined under hypercapnia. Hybridisation, data<br />

collection and analyses will be performed at AWI (in coop. with Dr. Uwe John). For promising<br />

candidate genes differential expression will be validated using real-time PCR (ABI7500), and<br />

profiled in detail over the whole time series, for all acclimation conditions and in all populations

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

and life stages. We will thus be able to assess differences between populations (=genetic markers<br />

under selection) and to detect general fluctuations over time within populations.<br />

(3) Population genetics<br />

We will enrich and isolate candidate microsatellite loci from the genome of H. araneus using the<br />

reporter genome protocol (Nolte et al 2005; Held & Leese 2007). The high efficiency of the<br />

protocol allows careful selection of suitably variable loci for the question under study (Leese &<br />

Held, 2008). Contrasting presumably adaptive genetic differences between populations against<br />

selectively neutral microsatellites allows us to gather independent evidence for the adaptive<br />

nature of candidate genes identified using the functional and transcriptome approach. We will<br />

identify genetic evidence for natural selection by calculating pairwise differences for a matrix of<br />

n populations in the standardized F’ST for coding and neutral markers, respectively. Those point<br />

estimates for which the F’ST(coding) significantly exceeds the F’ST(neutral) are taken to be under natural<br />

selection. They will be tested to what degree environmental similarity (temperature) can explain<br />

genetic similarity - regardless of geographic proximity or background genetic similarity<br />

(Hemmer-Hansen et al 2007). These loci can then be considered prime candidate genes for indepth<br />

functional and physiological characterisation not only in crustaceans, but also in other<br />

animal phyla [fish: 2.3.2; molluscs: 3.1.3]. A nested clade analysis (Templeton 1998) will enable<br />

us to separate the impact of contemporary gene flow from the effects of events in the<br />

evolutionary history of H. araneus. The variability of microsatellites typically resolves more<br />

recent events (tens of thousand years), a period in which both the range shift in the German Bight<br />

took place presumably in response to ongoing climate change as well as a recolonization of<br />

higher latitudes after the last glaciation of the Northern hemisphere [4.1.2]. Thus, the combined<br />

approach of systemic to molecular approaches on the background of population genetics and<br />

history will allow for meaningful predictions of the future impacts of OA in this model species,<br />

which can be seminal for studies in other phyla.<br />

Schedule<br />

2.2.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Animal collection, establishment of lab<br />

populations<br />

Incubation experiments, tissue/body<br />

fluid sampling, sample preparation<br />

Female performance with and without<br />

eggs (NMR)<br />

Larval performance (swimming<br />

activity, oxygen consumption cardiac<br />

parameters)<br />

Collaborative measurements of acidbase<br />

parameters, ion composition of<br />

body fluids, enzyme capacities,<br />

Western blots<br />

cDNA library construction/analysis,<br />

sequencing, gene identification, SSH<br />

libraries<br />

Gene expression analysis (micro array)<br />

and validation (real-time-PCR)<br />

Population genetics<br />



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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

2.2.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Data analysis, statistical evaluation,<br />

data interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences, synthesis<br />

Milestones (2.2.1)<br />

- Implementation of incubation experiments, base-line data on acid-base + gas<br />

month 6<br />

transport status<br />

- Data set on female performance, base-line data on larval performance month 12<br />

- Data sets on activity and expression of ion regulatory proteins month 15<br />

- Data set on transcriptome month 21<br />

- Data set on synergistic effects of CO2 and temperature (first population) month 24<br />

- Data set on population structure month 27<br />

- Data set on larval performance (second population) month 29<br />

- Synthesis, evaluation of combined data sets, sensitivities and uncertainties month 35<br />

Subproject 2.2.2 Cancer pagurus: Chronic and acute responses – Adaptation versus<br />

Tolerance<br />

PI: Christopher Bridges<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

In the C. pagurus model, three key physiological areas will be examined:<br />

1. Acid-base balance of the whole organism under varying carbon dioxide load (chronic and<br />

acute) together with varying temperature regimes<br />

2. Functionality of both oxygen and carbon dioxide transport at different life stages and the<br />

influence of both temperature and environmental carbon dioxide on this parameter.<br />

3. The influence of acidification, through higher carbon dioxide levels on both the hormonal<br />

control of moulting and at the same time calcium deposition within the carapace.<br />

Initially both juvenile and adult populations will be established together with suture tagging of<br />

individuals for experimental purposes and baseline parameters measured. These will involve<br />

acid-base status of the two populations (adult and juvenile), the gas transport properties of the<br />

haemolymph, their moulting stage, hormonal status and calcium incorporation rates. Acute (short<br />

time scale, 6 hrs) laboratory exposure to graded level(s) taken from the perturbation schemes will<br />

also be investigated if possible, probably using maximum exposure (1960ppm CO2; 7*<br />

preindustrial) only if time is limited. As out-lined above (work programme 2.2.1), long time scale<br />

perturbations experiments will then be commenced using the <strong>BIOACID</strong> standard levels of 380,<br />

700, 1120 and 1960ppm CO2. These will consist of parallel groups and also some specimens<br />

prepared for serial sampling from the base line groups. Sampling of both the haemolymph and<br />

acute exposure experiments for each perturbation level will be carried out at 6 and 12 month<br />

intervals. Acid-base status and gas transporting properties will then be examined using similar<br />

methodology as shown in subprojects 2.1.3 for bivalve molluscs and 3.1.3 for cephalopods. At<br />

the same time calcium incorporation rates will be studied for each of the groups. During<br />

perturbation incubation, growth and moulting will be regularly monitored by weighing and<br />

collection of exuvia.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

A further set of synergy experiments will be carried out involving both carbon dioxide and<br />

temperature commencing 6 months after the start of the single parameter perturbations or 12<br />

months if space is limited. This will involve the use of standard carbon dioxide levels and<br />

standard temperature levels of 9, 15 and 21°C. Acid base status will be determined by standard<br />

measurements of haemolymph PCO2, pH, TA, CCO2 and buffer titration of the haemolymph for<br />

perturbated animals (Düsseldorf). CO2 transport properties can at the same time be established<br />

and oxygen transport properties of the haemolymph under various CO2 levels via the “diffusion<br />

chamber” (Bridges et al, 1979) technique (Düsseldorf). These analyses will also be applied to<br />

blood samples of H. araneus from parallel incubation experiments at AWI (cf. work programme<br />

2.2.1). The temperature sensitivity of oxygen transport can then be determined together with any<br />

specific effect of carbon dioxide on oxygen affinity. After the new base line determination from<br />

perturbated organisms these can be acutely exposed to the maximum levels of carbon dioxide<br />

perturbations (1960ppm CO2; 7* preindustrial) and again acid-base status and gas transport<br />

determined. Moulting hormone levels will be measured using standard HPLC methods and<br />

bioassays. For calcium incorporation, radioactive Ca 2+ incubations at set carbon dioxide levels<br />

will be measured and at the same time the role of carbonic anhydrase investigated using specific<br />

inhibitors to look at both the cellular and whole animal level (Düsseldorf) similar measurements<br />

will be made in project 2.1.3 for bivalve molluscs.<br />

Data from both matrices of carbon dioxide perturbation experiments and combined temperature<br />

carbon dioxide experiments with then be examined for synergistic effects. After completion of all<br />

sampling and analytical work, a possible scenario for C. pagurus acid-base balance, gas transport<br />

and calcium deposition in the face of long-term changes in environmental pH will be elaborated.<br />

The magnitude of the acute response before and after long-term perturbation will be assessed.<br />

The role of tolerance or adaptation in the physiological adaptation of C. pagurus, H. araneus and<br />

other crustacean species will then be considered for consequences on a larger scale.<br />

Schedule<br />

2.2.2 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Establishment of juvenile and adult<br />

populations – Parallel and serial groups<br />

ID.-Tagging<br />

Collaborative analysis of base-line<br />

acid-base, gas transport and growth<br />

status<br />

Laboratory CO 2 Perturbations<br />

experiments<br />

Laboratory Combined CO 2<br />

Temperature Perturbations<br />

Sampling – Serial sampling + Parallel<br />

group<br />

Sample Analysis (Serial-) and acute<br />

test (parallel-group)<br />

Calcium incorporation experiments<br />

(Parallel group)<br />

Data analysis, statistical evaluation,<br />

data interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />



Milestones (2.2.2)<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

- Establishment of populations and begin perturbation acclimation month 3<br />

- Baseline data on acid-base, gas transport and growth status month 6<br />

- Data set on CO2 perturbations experiments month 13<br />

- Data set on synergy of temperature and CO2 perturbations month 24<br />

- Completion of data evaluation and synthesis of model for crustaceans month 33<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

2.2.1<br />

2.2.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

2.2.1<br />

2.2.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

2.2.1<br />

2.2.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investments<br />

2.2.1<br />

2.2.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

Subtotal<br />

Total<br />

Budget justification<br />

2.2.1<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

Personnel costs: personnel cost stated here are for two PhD students over a period of three years<br />

to be paid at the official rate of . The success and feasibilty of this comprehensive<br />

subproject is dependent on the approval of the two PhD students as they will both be responsible<br />

for the time-consuming animal collection, perturbation experiments, rearing of the larval stages<br />

and maintenance of the adult populations aside from the experimental parts. One of the PhD<br />

projects will have a systemic, the other one a more molecular bias. Both PhD students will be<br />

supervised by all PIs involved, according to needs and expertise. This should lead to the<br />

presentation of two PhD theses in the form of published papers at the end of a period of<br />

approximately 3 years.<br />

Consumables: The annual consumables would involve the standard requirements for the<br />

laboratories: Animal collection and maintenance: ; Systemic physiology: optodes, gases,<br />

chemicals: molecular biology: library construction and sequencing: expression analyses:

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Travel: Since some of the analyses will be based at the University of Düsseldorf, costs of trips to<br />

Düsseldorf would be included, also collecting trips for juveniles and adults (Helgoland, Millport,<br />

Norway (Bergen, Tromsö) and Spitsbergen). Support of travelling and subsistence is also needed<br />

for attending project meetings and workshops, for presenting project results on national and<br />

international conferences.<br />

Investment: None<br />

Other costs: None<br />

2.2.2<br />

Personnel costs: personnel cost stated here are for one PhD student over a period of three years<br />

to be paid at the official rate of . This person will be responsible for collecting and setting up of<br />

the juvenile and adult populations within the mesocosm system which will lead to the<br />

perturbation experiments over a period of six to 12 months. He/she will be responsible for<br />

sampling at the given six-month intervals and analysing both chronic and acute responses. This<br />

should lead to the presentation of a PhD thesis in the form of published papers at the end of a<br />

period of approximately 3 years.<br />

Consumables: the consumables outlined here are graded over a three-year period with a high<br />

during the second year. The consumables would involve the standard requirement for the<br />

laboratory e.g. gases, chemicals and isotopes, test kits, aquaria, electrodes, spare parts, animal<br />

supply and feeding<br />

Travel: Since most of the perturbation work will based in AWI (Bremerhaven), costs of trips to<br />

the centre would be included, also collecting trips for juveniles and adults (Millport, Roscoff,<br />

Helgoland). Support of travelling and subsistence is also needed for attending project meetings<br />

and workshops, for presenting project results on national and international conferences.<br />

Investment: Most of the necessary equipment is present and we have a well-equipped technical<br />

workshop, which can provide most of our needs. Specialized systems may have to be purchased<br />

for carbon dioxide measurement systems together with acid-base balance determinations and also<br />

an optode system. Again a graded use of these courses is proposed with a high investment in the<br />

first two years.<br />

Other costs: None<br />

vi. References<br />

Anger K (1998) Patterns of growth and chemical composition in decapod crustacean larvae. Invertebr Reprod Dev 33:159– 176<br />

Anger K (2001) The biology of decapod crustaean larvae. Crustacean Issues 14, AA Balkema Publishers, Lisse, 1-417<br />

Anger K, Spivak E, Luppi E (1998) Effects of reduced salinities on development and bioenergetics of early larval shore crab, Carcinus<br />

maenas. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 220:287– 304<br />

Anger K, Jacobi CC (1985) Respiration and growth of Hyas araneus L. larvae (Decapoda: Majidae) from hatching to metamorphosis. J exp<br />

Mar Biol Ecol 88(3):257-270<br />

Brante A, Fernández M, Eckerle L, Mark FC, Poertner HO, Arntz W (2003) Reproductive investment in the crab Cancer setosus along a<br />

latitudinal cline: egg production, embryo losses and embryo ventilation. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 251:221-232<br />

Bridges, CR (2001) Modulation of haemocyanin oxygen affinity: properties and physiological implications in a changing world. J Exp Biol<br />

204:1021-1032<br />

Bridges CR, Bicudo JEW, Lykkeboe G (1979) Oxygen content measurement in blood containing haemocyanin. Comp Biochem Physiol<br />

62A:457-462<br />

Burnett LE, Bridges CR (1981) The physiological properties and function of ventilatory pauses in the crab Cancer pagurus. J Comp Physiol<br />

145:81-88<br />

Charmantier, G (1998) Ontogeny of osmoregulation in crustaceans: A Review. Inv reprod development 33(2-3):177-190<br />


132<br />

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Chausson F, Bridges CR, Sarradin PM, Green BN, Riso R, Caprais JC, Lallier FH (2001) Structural and Functional Properties of Hemo-cyanin<br />

from Cyanagraea praedator, a Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Crab. Proteins : Structure, Function, and Genetics 45:351–359.<br />

Cossins A, Fraser J, Hughes M, Gracey A (2006) Post-genomic approaches to understanding the mechanisms of environmentally induced<br />

phenotypic plasticity. J Exp Biol 209: 328-2336<br />

Deigweiher K, Koschnick N, Pörtner HO, Lucassen M (2008) Adaptation of ion regulatory capacities in gills of marine fish under hypercapnic<br />

acidosis. Submitted to Am J Physiol<br />

Durstewitz G, Terwilliger NB (1997) Developmental Changes in Hemocyanin Expression in the Dungeness Crab, Cancer magister. J Biol<br />

Chem 272:4347-4350<br />

Eckerle LG, Lucassen M, Hirse T and Pörtner HO (2008) Cold induced changes of adenosine levels in common eelpout (Zoarces viviparus): a<br />

role in modulating cytochrome-c-oxidase expression. J Exp Biol 211:1262-1269<br />

Fernández M, Bock C, Pörtner HO (2000) The cost of being a caring mother: the ignored factor in the reproduction of marine invertebrates.<br />

Ecology Letters 3(6):487–494<br />

Frederich M, Pörtner H O (2000) Oxygen Limitation of Thermal Tolerance Defined by Cardiac and Ventilatory Performance in Spider Crab,<br />

Maja squinado. Am J Physiol 279:R1531-R1538<br />

Gracey AY, Troll JV, Somero GN (2001) Hypoxia-induced gene expression profiling in the euryoxic fish Gillichthys mirabilis. Proc Natl Acad<br />

Sci U S A 98:1993-1998<br />

Gracey A, Cossins A (2003) Application of microarray technology in environmental and comparative physiology. Annu Rev Physiol 65:231-<br />

259<br />

Gracey AY, Fraser EJ, Li W, Fang Y, Taylor RR, Rogers J, Brass A, Cossins AR (2004) Coping with cold: An integrative, multitissue analysis<br />

of the transcriptome of a poikilothermic vertebrate. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101:16970-16975<br />

Held C (2000) Phylogeny and biogeography of serolid isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda, Serolidae) and the use of ribosomal expansion segments in<br />

molecular systematics. Mol Phylogen Evol 15(2):165-178<br />

Held C, Leese F (2007) The utility of fast evolving molecular markers for studying speciation in the Antarctic benthos. Polar Biol 30(4):513-<br />

521<br />

Hemmer-Hansen J, Nielsen EE, Frydenberg J, Loeschcke V (2007) Adaptive divergence in a high gene flow environment: Hsc70 variation in<br />

the European flounder (Platichthys flesus L.). Heredity 99:592-600<br />

Henry RP, Garrelts EE, McCarty MM, Towle DW (2002) Differential induction of branchial carbonic anhydrase and Na+/K+ ATPase activity<br />

in the euryhaline crab, Carcinus maenas, in response to low salinity exposure. J Exp Zool 292:595-603<br />

Hewitt G (2000) The genetic legacy of the quaternary ice ages. Nature 405(6789):907-913<br />

Ishimatsu A, Kikkawa T, Hayashi M, Lee KS, Kita J (2004) Effects of CO2 on marine fish: Larvae and adults. J Oceanogr 60:731–741<br />

Ishimatsu A, Hayashi M, Lee KS (2005) Physiological effects on fishes in a high-CO2 world. J Geophys Res 110:C09S09<br />

Leese F, Held C (2008) Identification and characterization of microsatellites from the Antarctic isopod Ceratoserolis trilobitoides: nuclear<br />

evidence for cryptic species. Conservation Genetics, online first, doi 101007/s10592-007-9491-z<br />

Lucassen M, Koschnick N, Eckerle LG, Pörtner, HO (2006). Mitochondrial mechanisms of cold adaptation in cod (Gadus morhua L.)<br />

populations from different climatic zones. J Exp Biol 209:2462-71<br />

Lucu C, Flik G (1999) Na+-K+-ATPase and Na+/Ca2+ exchange activities in gills of hyperregulating Carcinus maenas. Am J Physiol<br />

276:R490-499<br />

Mangum CP (1980) Respiratory function of the hemocyanins. Amer Zool 20:19-38<br />

Mark FC, Bock C, Pörtner HO (2002). Oxygen limited thermal tolerance in Antarctic fish investigated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)<br />

and spectroscopy (31P-MRS), Am J Physiol 283(5):R1254- R1262<br />

Mark FC, Hirse T, Pörtner HO (2005). Thermal variability of cellular energetics in Antarctic fish hepatocytes. Polar Biol 28(11):805-814<br />

Mark FC, Lucassen M, Pörtner, HO (2006). Thermal sensitivity of uncoupling proteins in polar and temperate fish. Comp Biochem Physiol D<br />

1:365-374<br />

Melzner F, Mark FC, Pörtner HO (2007) Role of blood-oxygen transport in thermal tolerance of the cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis. Int Comp Biol<br />

47(4):645-655<br />

Metzger R, Sartoris FJ, Langenbuch M, Pörtner HO (2007) Influence of elevated CO2 concentrations on thermal tolerance of the edible crab<br />

Cancer pagurus. J therm Biol 32:144-151<br />

Neal KJ, Wilson E (2007) Cancer pagurus Edible crab. Marine Life Information Network: Biology and Sensitivity Key Information Subprogramme<br />

[on-line]. Plymouth: Mar Biol Assoc UK. <br />

Nolte AW, Stemshorn KC, Tautz D (2005) Direct cloning of microsatellite loci from Cottus gobio through a simplified enrichment procedure.<br />

Mol Ecol Notes 5:628-636<br />

Pane EF, Barry JP (2007) Extracellular acid-base regulation during short-term hypercapnia is effective in a shallow-water crab, but ineffective<br />

in a deep-sea crab. Mar ecol prog ser 334:1-9<br />

Parmesan C, Yohe G (2003) A globally coherent fingerprint of climate change impacts across natural systems. Nature 421 37-42<br />

Pörtner HO (2001) Climate Change and Temperature-Dependent Biogeography: Oxygen Limitation of Thermal Tolerance in Animals.<br />

Naturwissenschaften 88:137-146<br />

Pörtner HO (2002) Physiological basis of temperature-dependent biogeography: trade-offs in muscle design and performance in polar<br />

ectotherms. J Exp Biol 205:2217-2230<br />

Pörtner HO, Knust R (2007) Climate change affects marine fishes through the oxygen limitation of thermal tolerance. Science 315:95-97<br />

Stillman JH, Teranishi KS, Tagmount A, Lindquist EA, Brokstein PB (2006) Construction and characterization of EST libraries from the<br />

porcelain crab, Petrolisthes cinctipes. Integr Comp Biol 46(6):919–930<br />

Storch D, Santelices P, Barria J, Cabeza K, Pörtner HO, Fernández M (2008) Thermal tolerance of crustacean larvae (Zoea I) in two different<br />

populations of the kelp crab Taliepus dentatus (Milne-Edwards). Submitted to J Exp Biol<br />

Storch D, Fernández M, Navarrete SA, Pörtner HO (2008) The effect of tempertature on the physiology of Megalopae from Taliepus dentatus.<br />

Submitted to Funct Ecol<br />

Storch D, Cabeza K, Fernández M (2008) Larval performance of Taliepus dentatus (Milne-Edwards, 1834): A comparison between<br />

populations. Submitted to Mar Biol<br />

Storey KB (2004) Strategies for exploration of freeze responsive gene expression: advances in vertebrate freeze tolerance. Cryobiology 48:<br />


<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Storey KB (2007) Anoxia tolerance in turtles: Metabolic regulation and gene expression. Comp Biochem Physiol A 147(2): 263-76<br />

Templeton AR (1998) Nested clade analyses of phylogeographic data: testing hypotheses about gene flow and population history. Mol Ecol<br />

7(4):381-397<br />

Terwilliger NB, Dumler K (2001) Ontogeny of decapod crustacean hemocyanin: effects of temperature and nutrition. J Exp Biol 204:1013–<br />

1020<br />

Terwilliger NB, Ryan M, Phillips M R (2007) Crustacean hemocyanin gene family and microarray studies of expression change during ecophysiological<br />

stress. Integr Comp Biol 46: 991-999<br />

Truchot JP (1980) Lactate increases the oxygen affinity of crab hemocyanin. J Exp Zool 214:205-208<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Project 2.3: Effects on top predators (fishes, cephalopods)<br />

PI: Catriona Clemmesen<br />

i. Objectives<br />

Early developmental stages of fish and cephalopods have been shown to be generally more<br />

susceptible to environmental toxicants than adults (McKim 1977, Ishimatsu et al. 2004) leading<br />

to the hypothesis that these are the life stages most sensitive to changes in oceanic pH and<br />

hypercapnia. At the same time, the allometry of thermal limitation shows that tolerance to<br />

temperature extremes is lowest in the largest specimens of a species (e.g. Pörtner and Knust<br />

2007). Exposure to combined temperature and CO2 scenarios are needed to show how OA and<br />

warming interact to shape fitness windows in the natural environment. This involves testing of<br />

the hypothesis that OA causes a narrowing of thermal windows (Pörtner et al. 2005, Metzger at<br />

al. 2007).<br />

Comparative analyses of the growth performance and biomineralization of calcified structures<br />

(otoliths, statoliths) of these two important groups (fish and cephalopods) will allow the<br />

comparison of effects of changing pH in the environment on processes involved in development,<br />

growth, metabolic reaction, energy budget allocations and calcification responses. These data will<br />

be compared to analyses of the capacity of ion and acid base regulation in order to evaluate their<br />

role in setting tolerance to the CO2 induced acidification of ambient media (Pörtner et al. 2005,<br />

2008). The mechanisms involved are specifically those setting and defending the parameters of<br />

acid-base status in extracellular and then intracellular compartment, which in turn strongly<br />

influence the levels of metabolic and functional performance of cells, tissues and the whole<br />

organism including growth.<br />

In addition to experimental studies a quantitative approach requires integrated mathematical<br />

modelling of the functioning of contributing acid-base exchangers as identified by experimental<br />

molecular and physiological analyses. The complexity of the model can be reduced to a<br />

manageable size by introducing parameters derived from experiments. At the same time the<br />

experimental design can be substantially simplified by the parallel development of a model, since<br />

the model defines exactly the parameters that are required for the comprehension of the<br />

processes. The project will concentrate on molecular and membrane biology functional studies,<br />

on patterns of extracellular and intracellular acid base regulation, on modelling the integrated<br />

functioning of the acid-bas exchangers as well as on acclimation and adaptation and will<br />

evaluate the reaction of the organisms with different performance indicators.<br />

For each species or life stage the conceptual model (Fig. 2.1) outlined above needs testing and<br />

complementation on various scales. Firstly, the mechanisms of acid-base regulation have to be<br />

identified. Long term incubations will reveal their immediate response and their capacity to<br />

acclimate under OA scenarios at various temperatures and depending on pre-adaptation to<br />

various climate regimes. Secondly, the relative contribution of these carriers to cellular, tissue<br />

and whole organism functioning and the level of energy turnover and performance needs to be<br />

explored under these scenarios. Thirdly, the response of the acid-base machinery to ocean<br />

physicochemistry requires mechanism based modelling as a basis for future quantitative<br />

scenarios of CO2 impacts at the whole organism level. As a perspective, process models may be<br />

used in a spatial ocean model, where past, present, and future scenarios are provided by model<br />

simulations of physical and biogeochemical states as reported by IPCC. This would allow<br />

examination of spatio-temporal scales for the tolerance of organisms to CO2 induced<br />


ii. State of the Art<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Emerging knowledge indicates different sensitivities to ocean acidification in various marine<br />

invertebrate groups and marine fishes, with a key role for the capacity of ion and acid-base<br />

regulation in setting tolerance to the CO2 induced acidification of ambient media (Pörtner et al.,<br />

2005, 2008, Fig. 2.1). The mechanisms involved are specifically those setting and defending the<br />

parameters of acid-base status, firstly in extracellular and then intracellular compartments, which<br />

in turn strongly influence the levels of metabolic and functional performance of cells, tissues and<br />

the whole organism during growth, reproductive periods or foraging (Fig. 2.1). The principles of<br />

how setpoints of acid-base regulation influence function and energetics at cellular, tissue or<br />

whole animal level, have been most comprehensively explored in the sipunculid, Sipunculus<br />

nudus, with a role for shifting use of individual acid-base exchangers (e.g. Pörtner et al. 2000).<br />

Data available for an Antarctic zoarcid indicate similar principles in operation in fish<br />

(Langenbuch and Pörtner 2003). However, our understanding of how individual transport<br />

proteins contribute to setting the levels of acid-base parameters and define their response to<br />

environmental change is still in its infancy. Similarly, detailed study is needed to quantify the<br />

feedback of acid-base status on cellular and tissue functioning as well as whole organism<br />

performance.<br />

Changes in whole organism performance are key to an understanding of stress effects at marine<br />

ecosystem level. A clear example is one where temperature extremes cause a loss in species<br />

abundance primarily through a weakening of performance at the limits of the window of oxygen<br />

and capacity limited thermal tolerance (Pörtner and Knust 2007). CO2 likely weakens the<br />

capacity of oxygen supply mechanisms further (Metzger et al. 2007). Sensitivity to CO2 may be<br />

thus highest at the limits of the thermal window of a species and, vice versa, sensitivity to<br />

temperature extremes may rise with increasing ambient CO2 levels (Pörtner et al. 2005, Metzger<br />

et al. 2007).<br />

During early life history the development of mechanisms involved in acid-base regulation may be<br />

a critical stage with respect to maintenance of growth and sensitivity to ocean hypercapnia.<br />

Larval growth is crucial for winter survival. Larval fish and cephalopod growth follow<br />

genetically determined patterns that are modified by environmental conditions including<br />

photoperiod, oxygen, temperature, prey availability and possibly CO2 induced changes in water<br />

physicochemistry. RNA concentration and RNA/DNA ratios in tissues of a wide variety of<br />

organisms have been related to growth rate and feeding condition. This approach appears to work<br />

particularly well for fish and cephalopod larvae that typically grow rapidly in weight mainly<br />

through high rates of protein synthesis during the larval period (Clemmesen 1994, 2003,<br />

Clemmesen & Doan 1996, Melzner et al 2005). Recent research findings indicate reduced<br />

translational activity (measured as a decrease in RNA/DNA ratio) in newly hatched herring<br />

larvae as a response to increased pCO2 during embryonic development (Franke, Clemmesen &<br />

Riebesell in prep.).<br />

Otoliths and statoliths are calciform ear stones of fishes and cephalopods, respectively. They are<br />

already available in early larval stages and involved in spatial orientation and movement, as well<br />

as in the perception of acceleration. They also function as life history recorders and under<br />

“normal environmental conditions” daily increments are added to their ring-like structure, with<br />

the amount of deposited material being dependent on growth and condition of the animals<br />

(Zumholz et al. 2006, 2007). Under stressful conditions like OA, deposition may decrease.<br />

Element incorporation into ear stones is mainly influenced by chemical parameters of the<br />

surrounding water, but it is unknown if and how changes in the pH in the marine environment<br />

will effect formation and daily incorporation of in these internal calcified structures.<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Inorganic carbonate species (CO2, HCO3 - ) in different body compartments mirror the response of<br />

acid-base physiology to changes in oceanic pH and hypercapnia. For instance, intracellular pH is<br />

controlled by the velocity of the interconversion of CO2 and HCO3 and the transport rates for<br />

carbonate species or protons across the compartment boundary (e.g. HCO3 - /Cl - antiport, CO2<br />

source via respiration, diffusive CO2 efflux). Mathematical modeling of the regulation of<br />

intracellular pH involving CO2 and ion exchange processes between body compartments and the<br />

environment rely on a sound understanding of carbonate chemistry in open buffered systems.<br />

Properties of the equilibrium state of the carbonate system in aqueous solution are well known.<br />

However, it can be shown that in cellular systems, where we have to deal with small<br />

compartments and short time scales the steady state of carbonate chemistry can deviate<br />

appreciably from equilibrium (Thoms et al. 2001, Thoms & Wolf-Gladrow in prep). Hence, for<br />

modeling intracellular pH regulation this chemical non-equilibrium is of particular interest.<br />

Hitherto there is little detailed work on the steady states of an open buffered carbonate system.<br />

The development of analytical and numerical techniques to determine the steady states of the<br />

carbonate system within body compartments is mandatory for the mathematical description of the<br />

acid-base status of the organism under different environmental conditions.<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

2.3.1.<br />

Uwe Piatkowski is a zooplankton and fish ecologist with broad expertise in macrozooplankton<br />

community studies and in the biology of cephalopods focusing on reproductive and feeding<br />

ecology, on growth patterns, and on distribution and taxonomy. Recent studies investigated the<br />

influence of temperature and salinity on the trace element incorporation into statoliths of<br />

cephalopods and the reproductive adaptation of sepiolid cephalopods to an oceanic lifestyle<br />

(Zumholz et al. 2006, 2007a,b,c). He is a member of the Kiel University cluster “Future Ocean”<br />

and a partner in several EU projects such as EPOCA, the Marie Curie ITN network CalMarO,<br />

and the European network of excellence MarBEF and he has broad experience in<br />

interdisciplinary research.<br />

Catriona Clemmesen’s primary research interest has been studying environmental effects on the<br />

distribution and composition of fish communities, and the biology and importance of early life<br />

history stages of fish. The applicant has extensive knowledge and experience in using<br />

zooplankton and ichthyoplankton studies to interpret changes in the dynamics of marine<br />

ecosystems based on climate change and in biochemical and otolith analysis in relation to growth<br />

performance and animal well-being (Caldarone et al., 2006, Clemmesen, 1994, 1996, Clemmesen<br />

et al., 2003). The proponent is a member of the excellence Cluster “Future Ocean”, partner in the<br />

EU project EPOCA and the Marie Curie ITN network CalMARO and has initiated the<br />

installation of the CO2 manipulation system at IFM-GEOMAR.<br />

2.3.2.<br />

Magnus Lucassen is a molecular biologist with broad experience in the isolation and<br />

characterization of the responses of key genes in marine fishes, crustaceans and mollusks to<br />

temperature, CO2 and oxygen, using quantitative realtime PCR in combination with the<br />

immunodetection of proteins and functional assays. He investigate the genetic bases of climate<br />

driven evolution and responses to environmental challenges in marine animals, by focusing on<br />

key processes in energy metabolism as well as ion- and acid-base regulation, specifically on

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

aerobic/anaerobic pathways, oxygen carriers and transmembrane ion exchangers (Lucassen et al.<br />

2006; Eckerle et al. 2008; Deigweiher et al. 2008). Genomic approaches are currently being<br />

introduced for the detection of unifying and specific regulatory networks essential for the<br />

response to certain abiotic factors and their consequences for whole animal performance.<br />

Ulf Bickmeyer is a cell biologist experienced in optical (CCD-imaging, confocal laser scanning<br />

microscopy) and electrophysiological techniques (patch clamp and others) partly combined with<br />

cell and tissue culture (vertebrate and invertebrate cells). Interests: Properties and modulation of<br />

ion channels, especially calcium channels. Toxicity and cellular effects of secondary metabolites<br />

(natural products) from marine organisms. Intracellular signal pathways using cAMP and calcium<br />

as second messenger. pH sensitive dyes. Chemoreception in marine invertebrates (Bickmeyer et.<br />

al.2002; 2007; Wertz et al. 2006).<br />

Gerrit Lohmann is experienced in large scale modelling as well as the setting up of modelling<br />

tools including statistical analysis of observational and proxy data. His working Group<br />

‘Paleoclimate Dynamics’ at AWI has a long experience in simulating the different components of<br />

the Earth system in various climate stages. In addition, geostatistical methods are developed and<br />

applied for the analysis of environmental and climate data. Emphasis is on the ocean circulation<br />

and data-model comparison. Statistical analysis of paleo-environmental data and direct<br />

simulation of the data are essential for the integrated use of models and data. Models of different<br />

complexity are developed and used, ranging from conceptual, models of intermediate complexity<br />

to full circulation models (Lohmann, 2003; Knorr and Lohmann, 2003; Lohmann et al. 2008).<br />

Hans O. Pörtner has a long standing history in addressing the physiological bases of ecological<br />

processes and ecosystem functioning, particularly the roles of climatic factors like temperature,<br />

CO2 and oxygen in animal evolutionary history and ecology as well as biogeography. Together<br />

with his division he elaborated the concept of oxygen and capacity limited thermal tolerance<br />

across animal phyla, as well as its ecosystem implications. He is also an expert in quantitative<br />

studies of acid-base regulation. Current interests cover the interaction between climatic factors,<br />

the mechanisms shaping cellular and whole-animal energy budgets under various thermal and<br />

carbon-dioxide regimes, and the molecular mechanisms of environmental adaptation and<br />

limitation (Pörtner et al. 1998, 2000, 2005; Pörtner and Knust, 2007; Metzger et al., 2007;<br />

Pörtner, 2008). The proponent has coordinated the EU project CLICOFI and is currently a work<br />

package leader in the EU project EPOCA.<br />

Silke Thoms is a theoretical physicist with broad experience in interdisciplinary work and in<br />

modelling of biochemical processes involved in NADPH/ATP generation and carbon acquisition<br />

in (photoautotrophic) marine organisms. She has introduced the use of mathematical models to<br />

understand the role of spatial compartmentalization of chloroplasts for the carbon concentrating<br />

mechanism (CCM) in eukaryotic algal cells and to simulate phytoplankton growth under different<br />

light and atmospheric CO2 conditions. Currently, she is principle investigator of a DFG-project<br />

that has the aim to contribute to a better understanding of the regulation of elemental fluxes<br />

(carbon (C), nitrogen (N), divalent metal-ions (Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , Sr 2+ ) on the level of individual (algal)<br />

cells. In the future, we are developing improved parametrizations of biochemical cellular<br />

processes as a platform from which a higher - level ecosystem simulation model can be<br />

constructed (Thoms et al 2001; Engel et al. 2004; Kroons and Thoms, 2006).<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

iv. Work <strong>Programme</strong>, Schedules, and Milestones<br />

Subproject 2.3.1: Effects of changes in ocean pH on the development, growth, metabolism<br />

and otolith/statolith formation and composition of fish and cephalopod early life stages: a<br />

comparative approach<br />

PI: Uwe Piatkowski / Catriona Clemmesen<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

Perform laboratory and mesocosm experiments with marine fish (herring, cod and gobiids) and<br />

cephalopod (European cuttlefish, long-finned squid) eggs, larvae and juveniles at different pH<br />

levels in the range of expected changes from climate forecasting models (0.3.1). A CO2<br />

manipulation system has just been installed at IFM-GEOMAR and will allow for controlled and<br />

stable CO2 concentrations to be applied, which will enable to use the same pCO2 scenarios e.g.<br />

present (380), 2x pre-industrial (560), 2.5x pre-industrial, business as usual scenario for 2100<br />

(700), 3.5x pre-industrial (980) and 5x pre-industrial (1400) and temperature scenarios according<br />

to local climate. It is postulated that gill chloride cells are involved in pH regulation in marine<br />

species and exceptionally CO2 tolerant larval fish have been shown to have a high density of<br />

chloride cells (Ishimatsu et al., 2004). Therefore histological studies on the development and<br />

abundance of these gill cells in juvenile fish in relation to pH changes will be performed (in<br />

cooperation with EPOCA workpackage 6).<br />

Examine synergistic effects of changes in temperature, oxygen and pH on development, growth<br />

and survival of larval and juvenile fish and cephalopods, with the temperature tolerance being<br />

expected to decrease under lower pH levels. Detailed studies:<br />

• Measure fertilization rate, egg development (2.1.1, 4.1.2), changes in the morphology of<br />

fish/cephalopod eggs and embryos, size at hatch, size of the otolith/statolith at hatch and<br />

during larval development.<br />

• Determine RNA/DNA ratios as a biochemical indicator for protein metabolism in early fish<br />

and cephalopods (larvae and juveniles) and determine which stages are most susceptible to<br />

pH changes (3.1.4, 2.3.2)<br />

• Determine the effects of different pH levels on the formation and elemental composition of<br />

otoliths and statoliths in larval and juvenile fishes and cephalopods (3.3.1).<br />

• Study short- and long-term effects of low pH on larval fish and cephalopods to define the<br />

vulnerability (2.1.3, 2.3.2, 5.3).<br />

Elementary composition of statoliths and otoliths will be determined by using modern Laser<br />

Ablation techniques (LA-ICP-MS) available in IFM-GEOMAR <strong>Research</strong> division Marine<br />

Biogeochemisty in cooperation with Prof. Eisenhauer within the Marie Curie ITN Network<br />

CalMarO.<br />

Internal cooperation: 0.3.1, 0.3.2, 0.4, 2.1.1, 2.1.3, 2.3.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.3.1, 4.1.2, 5.3

Schedule<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

2.3.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Set-up of culturing facility, instrument<br />

calibration<br />

Collection and rearing of organisms<br />

CO 2 perturbation experiment with fish<br />

& cephalopods<br />

Sample processing and measurements<br />

Combined CO 2/temperature<br />

perturbation experiments with fish &<br />

cephalopods<br />

Sample processing and measurements<br />

Data analysis, statistical evaluation,<br />

data interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />

Milestones (2.3.1)<br />


- Implementation of experimental facility month 6<br />

- Experimental data set on CO2/pH sensitivity on development, growth<br />

and metabolism of fish & cephalopods<br />

month 18<br />

- Statolith and otolith composition of cephalopods and fish month 24<br />

- Data set on synergistic effects of CO2 and temperature<br />

of fish and cephalopods<br />

month 30<br />

- Evaluation and comparison of combined data sets on<br />

fish & cephalopods<br />

month 33<br />

- Completion of work, submission of manuscripts month 36<br />

Subproject 2.3.2 Mechanisms setting and compensating for animal sensitivity to ocean<br />

acidification: functional capacities, thermal interactions and mechanism-based modelling<br />

PI: Magnus Lucassen / Ulf Bickmeyer / Gerrit Lohmann / Hans O. Pörtner / Silke Thoms<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

The project will focus on teleost fish and their life stages from various climates, specifically<br />

Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Comparative data will be elaborated for an elasmobranch, e.g.<br />

Scyliorhinus canicula. For some principle questions and as a preliminary test of unifying<br />

principles in acid-base metabolism across phyla, data should be contrasted to those available for<br />

animal models characterized by incomplete acid-base compensation, calcifiers like Mytilus edulis<br />

or non-calcifiers like S. nudus. Accordingly, the project will coordinate with others with respect<br />

to such comparative analyses and the principle investigations of adult and juvenile life stages<br />

[0.3.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.3, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.3.1, 3.1.3, Coordination with EPOCA, work package 6].<br />

Experiments will use the <strong>BIOACID</strong> standard levels of 380, 700, 1120 and 1960ppm CO2 at<br />

variable temperatures considering the thermal windows of the species analysed.<br />


140<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Central hypotheses driving the comparative approach:<br />

• Marine animals display various sensitivities to elevated CO2 levels according to the<br />

degrees of acid-base compensation in association with their phylogenetic constraints,<br />

metabolic capacities, life history stage, and the capacities of contributing transporters,<br />

as influenced by thermal acclimation and adaptation including the thermal influence on<br />

membrane structure.<br />

• Fish are less sensitive to ocean acidification than marine invertebrates due to a<br />

quantum leap in acid-base regulation capacity and efficiency. Early life stages are more<br />

sensitive than adults especially during the transition phase to adult physiologies. Adults<br />

may become more sensitive than juveniles at the edges of their thermal windows.<br />

• There is a climate dependent setting of thermal windows which has its bearing on the<br />

capacity and efficiency of acid-base regulation and thus, sensitivity to elevated CO2<br />

levels is higher at the edge of thermal windows; vice versa, thermal sensitivity is higher<br />

at elevated CO2 levels.<br />

A combination of molecular, physiological and modelling approaches will be applied in order to<br />

test these hypotheses under controlled conditions of water physicochemistry and temperature.<br />

Responses of larvae and adults will be titrated at various CO2 levels comprising those expected<br />

from IPCC emission scenarios. Detailed studies include:<br />

Studies of molecular and membrane biology coordinated with functional assays<br />

• identification of transporters according to sequence information and inhibitor effects:<br />

The presently about 150,000 ESTs published from G. morhua transcriptome projects<br />

will serve as a basis for identification and characterisation of transport proteins.<br />

Subtractive libraries (SSH) [2.2.1, 3.1.3] and determination of full-length sequences<br />

(RACE; see Mark et al. 2006, Deigweiher et al. 2008) will focus on gill transporters.<br />

• assessment of pH dependent gene expression capacity and protein concentrations of<br />

individual transporters using real-time PCR: The corresponding protein concentration<br />

will be monitored with available antibodies specifically developed for cod. Labelling<br />

the transporter protein with specific inhibitors will be another method of choice [2.2.1,<br />

3.1.3].<br />

• analyses of the interaction of pH and temperature effects on gene expression:<br />

Transporters identified as essential for acclimation due to their mode of regulation will<br />

be further characterised through functional studies. After determination of the fulllength<br />

sequence, the gene will be cloned into an appropriate vector system for<br />

heterologous expression and functional assays applying optical and<br />

electrophysiological techniques [3.1.4].<br />

• assay of membrane structures (changes in lipid composition) and functional<br />

consequences for ion and acid-base regulation depending on thermal acclimation and<br />

adaptation (climate regime)<br />

Functional studies, coordinated with molecular work<br />

• whole organism patterns of extra- and intracellular acid-base regulation at thermal<br />

optima as well as at low and high thermal extremes depending on acclimation (and<br />

adaptation) [0.3.2, 2.1.2]<br />

• influence of acclimation on the capacity of cellular pH regulation

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

• analysis of the capacity of cellular regulation mechanisms using pH sensitive<br />

intracellular dyes. Transporters will also be functionally characterised in isolated gill<br />

preparations (Deigweiher et al. unpubl.) using specific inhibitors.<br />

• pH dependent changes in the contribution of ion exchangers involved in transepithelial<br />

proton equivalent ion exchange, and in associated energy turnover in isolated perfused<br />

gills, following the rationale of Pörtner et al. 2000.<br />

• analysis of CO2 dependent performance indicators (e.g. protein synthesis, growth,<br />

larval development) [0.3.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.3, 2.2.1, 2.3.1, 3.1.3] and regulators (e.g.<br />

adenosine, neurotransmitters) at low and high temperatures and thermal optima, at<br />

various levels of acid-base parameters to define the vulnerability of important fish<br />

species [5.3].<br />

Mechanism based modelling, building on functional studies<br />

Mechanism based modelling of the complex acid-base regulatory system and responding<br />

metabolic and functional characters will support predictions of set-points in acid-base regulation<br />

and their relevance in whole organism functioning. In thinking generally about the effects of<br />

temperature and CO2 on acid-base status, it is helpful to start by modeling a single compartment,<br />

which represents either particular cells or all cells collectively. We intend to investigate acid-base<br />

regulation in relation to aerobic / anaerobic metabolism and CO2/ion exchange between the<br />

organism and the environment. The model is described in terms of rate equations, being a system<br />

of coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Based on this model we will use the metabolic<br />

control analysis (MCA) theory to examine the regulatory aspects of the acid-base status,<br />

including a shift of extracellular pH, and to infer the systemic control properties of CO2 and<br />

temperature variations on the level of the functional protein.<br />

• model of transport of inorganic ions (e.g. Na + , H + , Cl - , HCO3 - ) based on the transport<br />

kinetics of identified transporters and on analyses of energy turnover attributed to<br />

individual ion transport mechanisms as well as pH dependent changes in such energy<br />

turnover<br />

• model of acid-base regulation on short time scales, based on an open CO2 system and<br />

starting with a one compartment model comprising all known biochemical reactions<br />

(including buffering and net proton equivalent ion exchange)<br />

• simulation of acid-base regulation on long time scales: introduction of feedback<br />

phenomena caused by long term acclimation of the organism to environmental stresses<br />

in terms of adjusted model parameters reflecting the short term behaviour<br />

Internal cooperation:<br />

Projects 0.3.1, 0.3.2, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.3.1, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 5.3<br />

External cooperation:<br />

University Bremen, DFG project “Calcification” (Heilmayer)<br />


Schedule<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

2.3.2 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Set up of aquarium and culture<br />

facilities<br />

Sampling of fish, larval cultures<br />

Incubation experiments, in vivo data,<br />

tissue sampling<br />

Isolation of transporter genes, library<br />

construction<br />

Tissue specific expression<br />

Analysis of gill ion exchanger<br />

activities in gill tissues and after<br />

heterologous expression<br />

Set-up of mechanistic model for<br />

integrative analysis of acid-base status<br />

Evaluation of physiological data and<br />

running of mechanism based model<br />

Reporting & publication<br />

Theme workshop & conferences<br />

Milestones (2.3.2)<br />


- Aquarium facilities and animal cultures established month 6<br />

- Completion of first incubation experiments in vivo month 6<br />

- Set-up of tissue and cell preparations for functional studies month 9<br />

- Isolation of genes and proteins of relevant transporters month 9<br />

- First experimental series and sample analyses completed month 18<br />

- Set-up of integrated model of carbonate chemistry and ion transport month 24<br />

- Second series and sample analyses completed month 30<br />

- Data analysis and comparison of species completed, publication month 36<br />

- Simulation of acid-base regulation and sensitivity studies, publication month 36<br />

- Final BioAcid report month 36<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

2.3.1<br />

2.3.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

2.3.1<br />

2.3.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total

Travel<br />

2.3.1<br />

2.3.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Services<br />

2.3.1<br />

2.3.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs, studentships<br />

2.3.1<br />

2.3.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Total<br />

Budget justification<br />

2.3.1<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

Personnel costs: 1 PhD position for 2 years for the studies on fish,<br />

1 PhD position for 2 years for the studies on cephalopods. The missing two years for both PhD<br />

students will be supplied from the EU-Project EPOCA<br />

Consumables: €/year for chemicals (biochemical analysis), aquarium equipment…<br />

Travel: €/year for animal collection and transport, meetings and conferences…<br />

Services: €/year for the measurements of the elementary composition of statoliths and otoliths<br />

using Laser Ablation techniques<br />

Other costs: Student help: €/year for assistance in the rearing of larval fish and cephalopods,<br />

otolith/statolith preparation<br />

2.3.2<br />

Personnel costs: 3 x (3 PhD-students, total per year). Different skills and<br />

specializations are needed for each of the three fields of molecular and membrane physiology, of<br />

acid-base and functional studies up to organismal levels and of mechanism based modelling.<br />

Consumables: Chemicals, molecular biology (e.g. Sequencing: ,-€; expression studies:<br />

,- €; antibodies €, inhibitors etc., total: per year)<br />

Travel: field work, animal collection and transport; meetings etc. per year<br />

Investment: NA<br />

Other costs: NA<br />


vi. References<br />

144<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Caldarone EM, Clemmesen CM, Berdalet E, Miller TJ, Folkvord A, Holt GJ, Olivar MP and Suthers IM (2006) Intercalibration of four<br />

spectrofluorometric protocols for measuring RNA/DNA ratios in larval and juvenile fish. Limnol Oceanogr Methods 4: 153-163.<br />

Clemmesen C (1994) The effect of food availability, age or size on the RNA/DNA ratio of individually measured herring larvae: laboratory<br />

calibration. Mar Biol 118:377-382<br />

Clemmesen C and Doan T (1996) Does the otolith structure reflect the nutritional condition of a fish larva? - A comparison of otolith structure<br />

and biochemical index (RNA/DNA ratio) determined on cod larvae. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 138:33-39.<br />

Clemmesen C, Buehler V, Carvallo G, Case R, Evans G, Hauser L, Hutchinson WF, Kjesbu OS, Mempel H, Moksness E, Otteraa H, Paulsen<br />

H, Thorsen H and Svaasand T (2003):Variability in condition and growth of Atlantic cod larvae and juveniles reared in mesocosms:<br />

environmental and maternal effects. J Fish Biol 62:706-723.<br />

Deigweiher, K, Koschnick, N, Pörtner HO and Lucassen M (2008). Adaptation of ion regulatory capacities in gills of marine fish under<br />

hypercapnic acidosis. submitted.<br />

Franke A, Clemmesen C and Riebesell U. The effect of changes in ocean pH on the development and early larval phase of herring. Manuscript<br />

in prep.<br />

Ishimatsu A, Kikkawa T, Hayashi M, Lee K-S and Kita J (2004) Effects of CO2 on marine fish: larvae and adults. J Oceanogr 60, 731-741.<br />

Kroon, B. and Thoms, S. (2006). From electron to biomass: a mechanistic model to describe phytoplankton photosynthesis and steady state<br />

growth rates. J. Phycol. 42: 593-609.<br />

Langenbuch, M and Pörtner, HO (2003). Energy budget of hepatocytes from Antarctic fish (Pachycara brachycephalum and Lepidonotothen<br />

kempi) as a function of ambient CO2: pH-dependent limitations of cellular protein biosynthesis? J. exp. Biol. 206: 3895-3903.<br />

Larsen, BK, Pörtner HO and Jensen FB (1997) Extra- and intracellular acid-base balance and ionic regulation in cod (Gadus morhua) during<br />

combined and isolated exposures to hypercapnia and copper. Mar. Biol. 128: 337-346.<br />

Lucassen, M, Koschnick, N, Eckerle, LG and Pörtner, HO (2006). Mitochondrial mechanisms of cold adaptation in cod (Gadus morhua L.)<br />

populations from different climatic zones. J. Exp. Biol. 209: 2462-71.<br />

Mark FC, Lucassen M and Pörtner HO (2006) Thermal sensitivity of uncoupling proteins in polar and temperate fish Comp. Biochem. Physiol.<br />

D 1, 365–374.<br />

McKim JM (1977) Evaluation of tests with early life stages of fish for predicting long-term toxicity. J Fish Res Board Can 34:1148-1154<br />

Melzner F, Forsythe JW, Lee PG, Wood JB, Piatkowski U and Clemmesen C (2005) Estimating recent growth in the cuttlefish Sepia<br />

officinalis: Are nucleic acid based indicators for growth and condition the method of choice? J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 317:37-51.<br />

Metzger R, Sartoris FJ, Langenbuch M and Pörtner HO (2007) Influence of elevated CO2 concentrations on thermal tolerance of the edible<br />

crab Cancer pagurus. J. therm. Biol. 32: 144-151.<br />

Michaelidis, B, Ouzounis, C,Paleras, A and Pörtner HO (2005) Effects of long-term moderate hypercapnia on acid-base balance and growth<br />

rate in marine mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis). Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 293: 109-118.<br />

Michaelidis B, Spring ,A and Pörtner HO (2007). Effects of long-term acclimation to environmental hypercapnia on extracellular acid-base<br />

status and metabolic capacity in Mediterranean fish Sparus aurata. Mar. Biol. 150: 1417-1429.<br />

Pörtner, HO, Reipschläger, A, and Heisler, N (1998) Metabolism and acid-base regulation in Sipunculus nudus as a function of ambient carbon<br />

dioxide. J. exp. Biol. 201: 43-55.<br />

Pörtner, HO, Bock, C, and Reipschläger, A (2000) Modulation of the cost of pHi regulation during metabolic depression: a 31 P-NMR study in<br />

invertebrate (Sipunculus nudus) isolated muscle. J. Exp. Biol. 203: 2417-2428.<br />

Pörtner, HO, Langenbuch, M and Michaelidis, B (2005) Synergistic effects of temperature extremes, hypoxia, and increases in CO2 on marine<br />

animals: From Earth history to global change, J. Geophys. Res. 110: C09S10<br />

Pörtner, HO, and Knust R (2007) Climate change affects marine fishes through the oxygen limitation of thermal tolerance. Science 315: 95 -<br />

97.<br />

Pörtner HO (2008) Ecosystem effects of ocean acidification in times of ocean warming: a physiologist’s view. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. in review<br />

Thoms, S, Pahlow, M, and Wolf-Gladrow, DA (2001). Model of the carbon concentrating mechanism in chloroplasts of eukaryotic algae. J.<br />

Theor. Biol. 208: 295-313.<br />

Thoms, S and Wolf-Gladrow, DA Relaxation time conctants of the carbonate system at steady states. Manuscript in prep.<br />

Zumholz K, Hansteen TH, Klügel A and Piatkowski U (2006) Food effects on statolith composition of the common cuttlefish (Sepia<br />

officinalis). Mar Biol 150:237-244<br />

Zumholz K, Hansteen TH, Piatkowski U and Croot PL (2007a) Influence of temperature and salinity on the trace element incorporation into<br />

statoliths of the common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). Mar Biol 151: 1321-1330<br />

Zumholz K, Hansteen, T, Hillion F, Horreard, F and Piatkowski, U (2007b) Elemental distribution in cephalopod statoliths: NanoSIMS<br />

provides new insights into nano-scale structure. Rev Fish Biol Fisheries 17: 487-491<br />

Zumholz K, Klügel, A, Hansteen T and Piatkowski U (2007c) Statolith microchemistry traces the environmental history of the boreoatlantic<br />

armhook squid Gonatus fabricii. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 333: 195-204

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

11.4: Theme 3: Calcification - sensitivities across phyla and ecosystems<br />

i. Common Background<br />

Marine calcification processes, especially those of dominant planktonic autotrophs (e.g.<br />

coccolithophores), have a considerable impact on the marine carbon cycle . While heterotrophic<br />

calcifiers are less important in terms of their contribution to the ocean carbon cycle, they play a<br />

crucial role in structuring ecosystems, mainly by creating complex three-dimensional habitats<br />

(‘ecosystem engineers’: reef building warm- and cold-water corals, bivalve beds). Others (e.g.<br />

sea urchins; pteropods) control ecosystems by means of grazing (e.g. on kelp forests or<br />

phytoplankton of high latitudes).<br />

The acidification of the ocean will have a variety of effects on its inhabitants and their metabolic<br />

performance, particularly on the calcifying organisms. Most of these effects will occur through<br />

the shifts in the carbonate system, where acidification leads to an increase of CO2 and a decrease<br />

in CO3 2- .<br />

CO2 + H2O ↔ H + + HCO3 - ↔ 2H + + CO3 2-<br />

Marine photosynthesis and organic matter mineralization are closely linked to calcification and<br />

CaCO3 dissolution:<br />

⇐dissolution ⇐ respiration<br />

Ca 2+ + 2HCO3 - ↔ CaCO3 + H2O + CO2 ↔ CaCO3 + O2 + biomass (CH2O)<br />

calcification ⇒ photosynthesis ⇒<br />

In words, calcium carbonate precipitation buffers to some extend the pH increase due to<br />

photosynthetic CO2 fixation, and decalcification buffers the pH decrease due to respiratory CO2<br />

release.<br />

The marine calcification process is almost entirely biogenic and, in the absence of<br />

photosynthesis, releases CO2 to the atmosphere. Calcification can occur when the concentration<br />

product ([Ca 2+ ]x[CO3 2- ]) exceeds the saturation constant. The saturation constant decreases with<br />

temperature, i.e. warmer water is stronger oversaturated at the same calcium and carbonate<br />

concentrations. The state of seawater with respect to calcium carbonate saturation is often<br />

conveniently expressed as Ω, below 1 indicates under-saturation and above 1 over-saturation.<br />

Seawater of pH 8.2 is oversaturated for calcite, at 25 o C ca. 7 times (Ω=7), at 5 0 C ca. 3 times<br />

(Ω=3), under which condition no precipitation occurs. For precipitation a higher over-saturation<br />

is needed, either driven by shifts in the carbonate system or by active transport of protons and<br />

Ca 2+ by ion-pumps at the calcifying sites. Altered carbonate chemistry of future oceans will<br />

probably change calcification rates in most ecosystems. Calcification rates in many marine<br />

invertebrates correlate well with declining sea water Ω, while some are surprisingly tolerant of<br />

acidification induced changes in Ω (see Fig. 3.2, Ch 3.1). Conversely, calcium carbonate<br />

dissolution can only occur in under-saturated seawater, but the kinetics are even less well known<br />

and depend on surface area.<br />


146<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

This theme is composed of projects studying calcification and decalcification mechanisms,<br />

signals in biogenic carbonates to obtain insights in formation, as well as evidence from past and<br />

recent events and the effects of pH stress on calcification both on ecosystem- and organism level.<br />

The projects on calcification mechanisms will study the pH-sensitivity of the transport of ions<br />

across membranes of marine calcifying organisms, and the sensitivity of the coupling between<br />

benthic microbial photosynthesis and calcification. By both mechanisms the over-saturation must<br />

be enhanced, but whereas benthic photosynthesis leads to a simple shift in carbonate equilibria,<br />

the biochemical mechanisms will include a more complete control by the organisms over the<br />

local chemistry of the calcifying site. The mechanism of calcification is studied from the biogenic<br />

carbonate side as well. Calcifying organisms maintain their own distinct trace metal homeostasis,<br />

which results in characteristic and species specific elemental ratios as well as in peculiar isotope<br />

fractionation (“vital effect”) which is significantly different from any inorganic-thermodynamic<br />

expectations. This “vital effect” is most likely due to the development of biochemical<br />

mechanisms to keep the trace metal homeostasis of the most important divalent cations, and other<br />

trace elements, e.g. strontium, in narrow limits in order to meet certain physiological needs. It is<br />

thus expected that trace metal concentrations in the biogenic carbonates will hold clues on its<br />

formation, and is effected by the oceanic pH. The effect of pH decrease on several highly<br />

sensitive calcifiers will be studied on the organism level. Since the calcium carbonate saturation<br />

constant is temperature dependant, a future sub-saturation with respect to aragonite will begin in<br />

the Southern Ocean and in sub-Arctic regions. Therefore, the local calcifying key-organisms,<br />

pteropods, may be most vulnerable for ocean acidification. Beside the vulnerability of subpolar<br />

regions also tropical coral reef ecosystems are globally threatened by a twofold effect of the<br />

increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere: Global warming as a major cause of coral<br />

bleaching and ocean acidification. Although it is generally assumed that corals are negatively<br />

affected at a certain level of pCO2, differential effects in corals and other calcifiers indicate that<br />

the picture may be much more complicated than previously thought. Of particular interest is how<br />

different ontogenetic stages respond to pH stress.<br />

The ongoing acidification appears not to be a unique event, but is documented for at least 4 times<br />

in the period between 52.5 till 58.4 Ma BC. These events were marked by global warmings, 4x<br />

current CO2 concentrations and a low seawater pH. The hypothesis will be tested that<br />

nannoplankton is less sensitive to acidification as bivalves, and compared to fossil records of<br />

these periods. <strong>Research</strong> directed towards decreasing the CO2 concentrations has focused on<br />

increasing marine or terrestrial net productivity (e.g. the oceanic iron fertilization experiment).<br />

However, also oceanic calcification is a potential atmospheric CO2 modifier: reduced<br />

calcification may at least partially compensate the increase of CO2, provided the decreased<br />

calcification does not lead to a decreased organic carbon burial. Decalcification leads to a pH<br />

increase and thus can buffer the effects of increasing CO2. This hypothesis will be tested by<br />

experiments with Antarctic- and North Sea sediments.<br />

ii. Collaborative research<br />

Calcification and decalcification mechanisms<br />

3.1 Cellular mechanisms of calcification<br />

4 subprojects. PI: Melzner, co-PIs: Bleich, Form, Schulz<br />

Within this project we will study the physiological mechanisms of calcification in a variety of<br />

calcifying marine organisms: echinoderms, bivalves, cold-water corals, coccolithophores, ranging<br />

from temperate to arctic regions. The methodology includes molecular biological, biochemical

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

and cell physiological approaches, and the groups will strongly profit from each others expertise.<br />

The project is internally well integrated as explained in Ch 3.1.iv. The project will study<br />

calcification mechanisms from the organism side, i.e. ion transport to the calcifying sites. It is<br />

thus complementary to project 3.3, which focuses on mechanistic research on the solid phase.<br />

3.2 Calcification under pH-stress: Impacts on ecosystem and organismal levels<br />

4 subprojects. PI: Tollrian, co-PIs: Riebesell, Richter, Fietzke<br />

In this project we will study the effect of pH stress on organismal level. Investigated will be reef<br />

survival under pH stress (on reef and colony level), pH effects on coral recruitment, calcification<br />

of pteropods during critical development stages, and calcification in red coralline algae. A wide<br />

range of methods will be used, ranging from organisms physiological techniques, imaging of<br />

individuals and colonies, and solid phase chemistry and physics. A strong synergy will be<br />

obtained from collaboration with project 3.4 and 3.3, e.g. by comparing studies on solid<br />

chemistry, metabolic rate and microenvironment assessments using microsensors. Organisms will<br />

be studied from temperate and tropical areas.<br />

3.3 Ultra-structural changes and trace element / isotope partitioning in calcifying organisms<br />

(foraminifera, corals)<br />

2 subprojects. PI: Bijma, co-PI: Eisenhauer<br />

This project will investigate the isotope composition and physical parameters of the shells of<br />

corals and foraminifera to obtain information on the mechanism of calcification. The<br />

methodology is based on a state of the art solid phase analyses. The organisms will be sampled<br />

from temperate and tropical regions. The solid phase analyses will strongly support project 3.4,<br />

and the studies towards the mechanisms clearly interlink with Project 3.1. However, different<br />

from project 3.1, mechanistic information is derived primarily from the biogenic carbonates.<br />

3.4 Microenvironmentally controlled (de-)calcification mechanisms<br />

3 subprojects. PI: Böttcher, co-PIs: de Beer, Hoppema<br />

Within this project we will study benthic calcium and carbonate cycling, controlled by the<br />

metabolic activity of microorganisms, and in how far this is influenced by water column<br />

chemistry. The benthic conversions are subjected to a transport resistance in the sediments and<br />

boundary layer, which has profound effects on the sediment and porewater chemistry. The<br />

methodologies are mainly geochemical, including solid phase physics and chemistry, porewater<br />

composition, and measurements of transport- and metabolic rates. A modeling approach will be<br />

implemented and applied in several of the subprojects. Collaborative microsensor experiments<br />

are planned with Melzner and Form (3.1), Fietske and Richter (3.2). Joint solid phase analyses<br />

are planned with Eisenhauer (3.3). The studies will be done on benthic systems from tropical,<br />

temperate and Arctic regions.<br />

3.5 Impact of present and past ocean acidification on metabolism, biomineralization and<br />

biodiversity of pelagic and neritic calcifiers<br />

3 subprojects. PI: Immenhauser, co-PIs: Mutterlose, Meier.<br />

This project aims to assess traces of past pH events in bivalve shells, foraminifera and<br />

coccolithophores. The fossil record from past hyperthermal and acidification events combined<br />


148<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

with analyses on experimentally grown shells will give insight in how environmental parameters<br />

influence the shell chemistry and physics. This project includes solid phase chemistry and<br />

physics, thus a collaboration with the partners in project 3.3 is evident. The samples originate<br />

from temperate and tropical areas.<br />

Project 3.1: Cellular mechanisms of calcification<br />

(PI: Frank. Melzner)<br />

i. Objectives<br />

<strong>Research</strong> in four sub–projects will focus on elucidating the mechanisms and sensitivities of<br />

calcium (Ca 2+ ) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) transfer to calcification sites. Emphasis will<br />

be placed on identifying the role ion transporters and channels play therein, both in autotroph<br />

(coccolithophores) and heterotroph (corals, molluscs, echinoderms) taxa. Comparing relatively<br />

sensitive with tolerant calcifiers will help identify the limiting components in biogenic<br />

calcification machinery. In addition, the differing DIC requirements of calcification vs.<br />

photosynthesis will be investigated in autotroph model organisms.<br />

Figure 3.1: An overview of how the proponents combine expertise and resources to characterize cellular calcification<br />

responses, from the gene regulatory level to cell and tissue function.

ii. State of the Art<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Fig. 3.2: The dependence of calcification on seawater<br />

calcium carbonate saturation (Ωarag) in marine<br />

invertebrates: Long-term coral reef data set recorded in<br />

the Biosphere 2 mesocosm (Langdon et al. 2000;<br />

Milliman 1993), the bivalve Mytilus edulis calcification<br />

(Gazeau et al. 2007), the cephalopod Sepia officinalis<br />

(Gutowska, Pörtner, Melzner, submitted). Control<br />

calcification rates were set at 100%.<br />

Altered carbonate chemistry of future oceans will probably change calcification rates in both,<br />

marine auto- and heterotroph taxa. Coral, echinoderm and bivalve calcification rates correlate<br />

extremely well with declining sea water calcium carbonate saturation state, Ω (Fig 3.2), while<br />

others (cephalopods) are surprisingly tolerant of acidification induced changes in Ω. It is not<br />

known yet as to why, in many species, Ω gives the best correlation with calcification<br />

performance, as the carbonate ion is not considered the biologically active form of dissolved<br />

inorganic carbon (DIC): Rather, CO2 can cross biological membranes, and protons, as well as<br />

bicarbonate ions (HCO3-), are chief substrates of ion–transport proteins important for cellular<br />

homeostasis and carbon acquisition (e.g. Na+/H+ exchangers, Na+ dependent Cl-/HCO3-<br />

exchangers etc). It is still a matter of debate, which transport proteins are involved in Ca2+<br />

transport towards the calcification site and if the paracellular or transcellular route is used.<br />

Involvement of Ca2+ ATPases and calcium channels has been demonstrated at least in some<br />

groups (Allemand et al. 2004). However, studies that investigate the ion transporters involved in<br />

combination with the functional properties of epithelia and whole cells in detail are scarce.<br />

(1) Autotrophs: calcification sensitivity might be influenced by photosynthesis<br />

Unicellular coccolithophores are complicated model systems at the base of the marine food web,<br />

as both calcification and photosynthesis have a high demand for DIC. They have been shown to<br />

actively take up CO2 and HCO3 - , operating a so-called carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM)<br />

(Rost et al. 2003; Schulz et al. 2007). However, similar to heterotrophs, differing sensitivities<br />

towards elevated CO2 have been observed in this taxon: While cellular calcification in Emiliana<br />

huxleyi was found to linearly decrease with increasing CO2 levels (Riebesell et al. 2000),<br />

Coccolithus pelagicus was hardly affected by changes in the carbonate system, and Calcidicus<br />

leptoporus showed an optimum curve with maximum particulate inorganic carbon (PIC)<br />

production rates at present day CO2 (Langer et al. 2006). A species specific response in<br />

particulate organic carbon (POC) production with varying CO2 was also observed, urgently<br />

calling for a process based understanding of CO2 dependent carbon acquisition for both<br />

photosynthesis and calcification in coccolithophores (see sub project 3.1.1).<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

(2) Basal heterotrophs: coral models without photosynthetically active symbionts.<br />

Complex interactions between calcification and photosynthesis complicate the study of ion<br />

sources and supply for calcification in hermatypic warm–water corals (Allemand et al. 2004;<br />

Gattuso et al. 1999). During biomineralisation, corals have to supply calcium and inorganic<br />

carbon to the calcification site (to the extracellular calicoblastic fluid, ECF) but also need to<br />

eliminate protons resulting from CaCO3 production (McConnaughey & Whelan 1997). Transport<br />

of molecules across the calicoblastic membrane into the ECF could be achieved by two<br />

mechanisms: a paracellular pathway (driven by a chemical or electrochemical gradient:<br />

diffusional), or a transcellular pathway through the cell (active transport with specific membrane<br />

transporters such as carriers and pumps). While there is some evidence for carrier mediated (e.g.<br />

Ca 2+ /H + ATPase, L-type Ca 2+ channels) calcium transport across the calicoblastic epithelium in<br />

warm-water corals (Tambutte et al. 1996; Zoccola et al. 2004), the pathways for DIC are largely<br />

unknown. Inhibitor studies point to the involvement of anion exchangers (e.g. HCO3 - /Cl -<br />

exchangers) in these epithelia (Tambutte et al. 1996). Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is also a key<br />

component of the calcification machinery, inhibition of this enzyme resulted in an 80% reduction<br />

of calcification rate in tropical corals (Tambutte et al. 2007). Within calicoblastic cells, it may<br />

primarily mediate between metabolically produced CO2 and HCO3 - destined for the ECF. A<br />

significant part of the DIC incorporated by coral calcification probably stems from metabolically<br />

produced CO2, either produced by calicoblastic cells or by photosynthetically active symbiont<br />

cells(Furla et al. 2000). Cold-water corals, such as Lophelia pertusa, do not contain<br />

photosynthetic symbionts, making them ideal study objects to solely consider calcification related<br />

ion transport. Experiments with tropical reef building corals demonstrated that a lowering of the<br />

carbonate ion concentration significantly reduces coral calcification and growth (Langdon et al.<br />

2003; Marubini et al. 2003; Schneider & Erez 2006) (see Fig 3.2).<br />

In the middle of this century, many tropical coral reefs may well erode faster than they can<br />

rebuild. Cold-water corals are living in an environment (high latitude, cold and deep waters) with<br />

carbonate saturation already close to a critical carbonate saturation (i.e. Ω=1) below which<br />

CaCO3 will dissolve. Projections indicate that about 70% of the currently known Lophelia<br />

pertusa reef structures will be exposed to sub-saturating conditions by the end of the century<br />

(Guinotte et al. 2006). This illustrates the necessity to learn more about the processes that<br />

influence calcification in these organisms (see sub project 3.1.2).<br />

(3) Complex heterotrophs: calcification sensitivity gradients within a phylum<br />

Certain molluscs may react similarly sensitive towards acidified sea water, especially the class<br />

bivalvia (see Fig 3.2). Exposed to elevated seawater pCO2, the genus Mytilus displays (1) an<br />

inability to fully compensate hemolymph pH, (2) decreased somatic growth rates, (3) decreased<br />

rates of calcification, (4) an inability to control blood Ca 2+ concentration, which might be an<br />

indicator of internal shell dissolution at low hemolymph pH (Gazeau et al. 2007; Michaelidis et<br />

al. 2005). Quite the contrary, the cephalopod mollusc Sepia officinalis does not suffer from any<br />

of these physiological perturbations when exposed to comparable sea water pCO2 (Gutowska,<br />

Melzner, Pörtner et al., submitted, Melzner et al. unpublished). In fact, S. officinalis is the only<br />

marine invertebrate studied so far, that does not show a decrease in calcification rate at elevated<br />

pCO2 values predicted for the next 300 years (Gutowska, Pörtner, Melzner, submitted). A high<br />

ion–regulatory capacity in combination with a certain natural pre–adaptation to transiently high<br />

pCO2 values, as can be observed in cephalopods, might be the key to tolerance. Little is known<br />

about the exact ion transport mechanisms related to calcification in molluscs. A higher<br />

organismic complexity (with respect to coccolithophores and corals) led to the evolution of

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

specialized ion exchange organs, the gills. Several candidate genes / proteins with a relevance to<br />

calcification processes have already been identified in both, Mytilus spec. and S. officinalis gills<br />

(e.g. Na + /K + ATPase, Na + /HCO3 - cotransporters (NBC) and HCO3 - /Cl - exchangers, CAs, Ca 2+<br />

ATPases, Ca 2+ channels (Medakovic 2000; Piermarini et al. 2007; Melzner, Lucassen, Gutowska,<br />

Hu unpublished), their expression patterns in response to high pCO2 have, however, not yet been<br />

considered. A recent study on CO2-induced acclimation processes relevant for acid-base<br />

regulation in fish gills demonstrated that several important gill ion transporter mRNAs were<br />

differentially expressed during a six week time-course experiment (e.g. Na + /K + ATPase, NBC,<br />

AE, NHE, Deigweiher et al., submitted). Elevated Na + /K + ATPase and NBC capacities at the end<br />

of the experiment may be reflected in elevated costs of ion and acid base regulation under<br />

elevated CO2. As several of the differentially regulated transporters also play a role in cellular<br />

DIC accretion, these results indicate how intricately calcification and general pH regulatory<br />

processes are intertwined, and suggests that their metabolic machinery should be studied<br />

simultaneously (see subproject 3.1.3).<br />

(4) Larval heterotrophs: ontogenetic calcification sensitivity gradients<br />

Similarly, sea urchin embryos and larvae are suited for studies that investigate both, calcification<br />

and pH homeostasis due to their use as model organisms for the past 100 years. There is a large<br />

amount of data available on developmental processes and gene regulatory networks in this taxon<br />

(Poustka et al. 2007). Still, functional data examining pH and ion regulation on a cellular level<br />

are limited. Sequencing of the genome of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus has now been<br />

completed (Sodergren et al. 2006) and renders molecular genetic approaches highly attractive to<br />

identify candidate genes for proteins involved in homeostatic processes for ion composition,<br />

volume regulation and pH. Larval stages of marine ectotherms have been shown to react much<br />

more sensitively towards ocean acidification than their respective adult stages (Ishimatsu et al.<br />

2005). This indicates that compensatory mechanisms which are recruited in adults are not<br />

functionally active in early development. In several sea urchin species, stark decreases of larval<br />

calcification rate with water pCO2 have been recorded (Fig 3.5, Kurihara & Shirayama 2004.<br />

Stumpp & Melzner, unpublished). Mechanisms leading to retarded growth are largely unknown,<br />

as are the major pathways for Ca 2+ and DIC transport in echinoderms. How these pathways<br />

function and how they are being modified in the course of ontogeny, thereby altering sensitivity<br />

towards high water pCO2, constitutes an important research challenge (see subproject 3.1.4).<br />

In summary, the ion transport pathways relevant for calcification are poorly understood in many<br />

marine phyla, indicating that basic research efforts have to be undertaken to (i) identify gene<br />

products that code for important ion transport proteins, (ii) monitor levels and / or activities of<br />

mRNAs and proteins in response to abiotic stress, (iii) study the function of cells and epithelia<br />

where these proteins are active, (iv) study fluxes of Ca 2+ and DIC from the sea water into<br />

organisms and cells and, finally (v) estimate the capacity of key model organisms to acclimate<br />

their ion transport systems to an altered carbon system (see Fig 3.1).<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

3.1.1: Kai Schulz combines all the expertise necessary to successfully study the proposed<br />

hypothesis, e.g., coccolithophore culturing, carbonate system manipulations, mass spectrometry<br />

(Schulz et al. 2006; Schulz et al. 2007; Schulz et al. 2004). Furthermore, employed as a research<br />

scientist at IFM-GEOMAR in Kiel he has full access to unique infrastructure, essential for an<br />

effective experimental implementation (centralized CO2 aeration system, membrane-inlet-massspectrometer<br />

lab).<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

3.1.2: During the last three years Armin Form has established and improved a world-wide<br />

unique cultivation facility for high latitude marine organisms and has developed many new<br />

methods for laboratory deep-sea coral research (Form et al., in prep.). Based on these methods<br />

the proponent's primary research focus has been on measurements of calcification rates of coldwater<br />

corals (Form and Riebesell, in prep.) and arctic coralline red algae (Form and<br />

Büdenbender, in prep.) in relationship to elevated CO2-levels and temperatures.<br />

3.1.3: Frank Melzner and Magdalena Gutowska have considerable expertise in physiological<br />

studies on mollusc stress physiology and the effects of ocean acidification on marine ectothermic<br />

animals (Melzner et al. 2006a; Melzner et al. 2006b; Melzner et al. 2007a; Melzner et al. 2007b;<br />

Melzner et al. 2007c), Melzner et al. submitted, Gutowska, et al., submitted). Melzner leads the<br />

Junior <strong>Research</strong> Group ‘Ocean Acidification’ within the Kiel Excellence Cluster ‘Future Ocean’<br />

and has access to state of the art culturing and CO2 manipulation facilities. Gutowska currently<br />

finishes her PhD thesis at the AWI and will thereafter move as a Postdoc to Markus Bleich’s lab.<br />

Magnus Lucassen is an expert in molecular physiology and functional genomics of marine fish<br />

and invertebrates (molluscs, crustaceans), with a strong background in isolation and quantitative<br />

expression analyses of key genes and their functional impact under different environmental<br />

challenges (Eckerle et al. 2008; Heise et al. 2006; Lucassen et al. 2006; Lucassen et al. 2003),<br />

Deigweiher et al. submitted; see also subproject 2.3.2). Hans-Otto Pörtner has a long standing<br />

history in studying acid-base regulation and proton equivalent ion exchange of marine ectotherms<br />

in relation to ambient water conditions, as well as the interaction of acid-base parameters with<br />

metabolic processes (e.g. Pörtner 2002; Pörtner et al. 2000; Pörtner et al. 1990; Pörtner et al.<br />

2005; Pörtner et al. 2004; Pörtner et al. 1993, see also subproject 2.3.2). Current interest<br />

comprises the interaction between CO2 levels and other climatic factors, and the mechanisms<br />

shaping cellular and whole animal energy budgets.<br />

3.1.4: Markus Bleich has a long standing expertise in experimental ion transport physiology<br />

(Bleich et al. 1990; Kosiek et al. 2007; Schroeder et al. 2000). In previous projects on<br />

mammalian cells as well as on marine organisms, electrophysiology of cellular transport<br />

processes has been characterized from the single ion channel to the systemic level (Bleich et al.<br />

1999; Hou et al. 2007). Equipment and technology for patch clamp analysis of cells and isolated<br />

cell membranes is in place. In addition, microfluorimetry is used for the measurement of<br />

intracellular ion concentrations (H + , Ca 2+ , Na + , Cl - ) and membrane voltage. From human and<br />

experimental pharmacology in close collaboration with pharmaceutical industry a collection of<br />

pharmacological tools is available to manipulate ion channels and transporters which are directly<br />

involved in transport or which are responsible for the generation of driving forces (Bleich &<br />

Greger 1997; Reuter et al. 2008). Bleich and co-workers have significantly contributed to<br />

genome research projects for the identification of disease related genes (Barth et al. 2005) and<br />

used molecular biological techniques to identify, clone and characterize ion channels in epithelial<br />

transport (Waldegger et al. 1999). Kerstin Suffrian, PhD student in Bleich’s working group, has<br />

a profound expertise in microfluorimetric experiments on nano- and micrometric marine<br />

organisms (Suffrian, Bleich et al., unpublished) and will help train the proposed PhD student.<br />

Frank Melzner and working group (see also 3.1.3) have established a sea urchin culture at IFM-<br />

GEOMAR and recently performed first experiments on embryonic and larval development of the<br />

sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis under elevated pCO2 (Stumpp & Melzner,<br />


<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

iv. Work <strong>Programme</strong>, Schedules and Deliverables<br />

Collaborative research within project 3.1<br />

While the four subprojects will each focus on one important aspect of cellular calcification<br />

mechanisms, some collaborative experiments will be performed simultaneously by all PIs (1 st<br />

quarter of years two and three) to gather comparative biochemical indicators for calcification<br />

performance for all studied taxa. Recent findings indicate that carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity<br />

might be a meaningful indicator for ion-regulatory capacity in marine organisms and, possibly,<br />

sensitivity towards ocean acidification (Fabry et al. 2008, in press). CA is a crucial enzyme<br />

important both for general acid-base regulation, calcification and especially photosynthesis, in<br />

auto- and heterotrophic organisms (see e.g. Henry 1996). Experiments will be conducted using<br />

the state of the art membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) setup in the lab of Ulf Riebesell<br />

and Kai Schulz. At present, meaningful CA measurements can only be conducted using MIMS<br />

technology, as classic biochemical CA assays operate under un-physiological conditions (cold<br />

temperatures, low pH). CA capacity analysis will also be strongly related to studies of in vivo<br />

acid base physiology carried out in theme II.<br />

In addition, gene expression studies will be performed in the central molecular biology labs of<br />

IFM-GEOMAR and Magnus Lucassen’s lab at the AWI. Using transcripts that might be of<br />

importance for calcification processes in all organisms (CA, Na + /K + ATPase, Ca 2+ ATPase and<br />

Ca 2+ channels), we will try to answer the question, whether ocean acidification activates a<br />

common, compensatory gene response and how their regulation capacity defines organisms<br />

sensitivity. Which transcripts will be monitored following the first year will depend on the results<br />

of the transcriptomic work conducted in subproject 3.1.3. Gene expression will be studied using<br />

real-time PCR techniques. Instrumentation is available at both AWI and IFM-GEOMAR,<br />

technical support can be provided by Frank Melzner’s working group (e.g. lab technician).<br />

Eventually, we will correlate calcification performance of the various taxa with the<br />

genomic/enzymatic indicators, to develop a conceptual framework of how sensitivity to future<br />

acidification might be related to the phenotypic flexibility of the metabolic machinery. Output of<br />

this collaborative effort will be a synthesis / review type article, co-authored by all PIs.<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Subproject 3.1.1: Inorganic carbon acquisition for calcification and photosynthesis in<br />

marine coccolithophores: towards a unifying theory<br />

(Kai Schulz, IFM-GEOMAR Kiel)<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

Within the framework of the project 3.1 'Cellular Mechanisms of calcification', the apparently<br />

different modes of carbon acquisition for particulate inorganic and organic carbon production<br />

(PIC/POC) in marine key coccolithophores,<br />

such as Emiliania huxleyi, Coccolithus<br />

pelagicus and Calcidiscus leptoporus will be<br />

investigated. The experiments planned will be<br />

based on the hypothesis that the seemingly<br />

different calcification and photosynthesis<br />

dependence on CO2 in various<br />

coccolithophores are the result of species<br />

specific thresholds for DIC demand and pH<br />

sensitivity. Therefore we hypothesize all<br />

species to possess certain CO2 and pH optima<br />

for both processes. On one side of the optimum<br />

curves photosynthesis and calcification would<br />

Fig. 3.3: Schematic diagram of the proposed effects<br />

of seawater and pH on photosynthesis and<br />

calcification of coccolithophores. The process<br />

sensitivity observed for a certain coccolithophore<br />

crucially depends on the experimental CO 2 / pH<br />

range and can even change its sign.<br />

be limited by the availability of DIC. While on<br />

the other, low pH values would hinder their<br />

maximum functioning (Fig. 3.3). Hence,<br />

coccolithophores will be cultured under a broad<br />

range of well defined carbonate chemistry<br />

conditions, extending the core CO2 levels between 280 and 980 ppm towards both ends. This<br />

allows assessment of individual CO2 sensitivities of photosynthesis and calcification.<br />

Furthermore, employing sophisticated carbonate chemistry manipulations, it will be possible to<br />

separate the usually tight coupling of CO2,<br />

respective DIC concentration, and pH. Standard<br />

measurement techniques (POC, PIC, inorganic<br />

nutrient, growth rate determinations) will be<br />

combined with membrane-inlet-mass<br />

spectrometry (MIMS), allowing for carbon flux<br />

measurements on the cellular level (Fig. 3.4).<br />

Moreover, the MIMS setup will be used to<br />

quantify cellular carbonic anhydrase (CA)<br />

activity, a key component of many CCMs. The<br />

MIMS setup will also be available for other<br />

project partners interested in CCM activity<br />

measurements such as subproject 1.1.3, 1.1.4,<br />

1.2.5, 3.4.2. Frequent experience exchange and<br />

discussions with project 4.2.2 will ensure high<br />

data quality. Collaboration with subproject 3.5.3<br />

Fig. 3.4: Schematic representation of a<br />

coccolithophorid cell taking up dissolved<br />

inorganic carbon. Internally this carbon is fixed as<br />

CO2 in the chloroplast (green) while it is<br />

precipitated as CaCO 3 in the coccolith production<br />

vesicle (grey).<br />

will give additional information regarding the nature of the calcification response towards<br />

changing carbonate chemistry by automatic quantification of coccolith numbers, calcite contents

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

and morphology which allows for comparison with results obtained in 3.5.2. Finally, the results<br />

on coccolithophorid photosynthesis and calcification in response to increasing CO2 will directly<br />

feed into the biogeochemical modelling projects 1.3 and 5.2.<br />

Together, the results will greatly enhance our understanding of the effects of ocean acidification<br />

on calcification and photosynthesis. This in turn is a prerequisite for predicting the future of<br />

marine coccolithophores in a high CO2 ocean.<br />

Work Schedule<br />

3.1.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Calcification / Photosynthesis<br />

dependence of the three<br />

coccolithophores on CO 2 / DIC<br />

Identifying their pH sensitivities<br />

Assessment of inorganic carbon fluxes<br />

under selected CO2 / pH conditions<br />

(MIMS)<br />

Data assessment and identification of<br />

potential optima and thresholds<br />

Collaboration within 3.1<br />

Milestones (3.1.1)<br />


- Identifying the calcification and photosynthesis dependencies of Emiliania<br />

huxleyi, Coccolithus pelagicus and Calcidiscus leptoporus on CO2, respective<br />

DIC concentration.<br />

- Identifying the pH sensitivity of particulate inorganic (PIC) and organic<br />

carbon (POC) production in these three species.<br />

- Assessment of dissolved inorganic carbon uptake fluxes under selected CO2 /<br />

pH conditions.<br />

Month 18<br />

Month 24<br />

Month 30<br />

- Data assessment and identification of potential optima and thresholds Month 36<br />

- Collaborative work: Gene expression patterns / MIMS Month 30<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Subproject 3.1.2: Transepithelial calcification processes in the hermatypic cold-water coral<br />

Lophelia pertusa (Scleractinia)<br />

(Armin Form, IFM-GEOMAR)<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

The hermatypic cold-water coral (CWC) Lophelia pertusa (Fig. 3.5) will be cultivated under<br />

standardized conditions and challenged by different pCO2manipulative<br />

long- and short-term experiments (IFM-GEOMAR,<br />

Kiel):<br />

Long-term experiments (according to the <strong>BIOACID</strong> pCO2 core levels):<br />

- Phase I: 12 months: 380, 560, 700 and 980 ppm CO2 at 7°C<br />

- Phase II: 12 months: 380, 560, 700 and 980 ppm CO2 at 11°C<br />

Short-term experiments (to accommodate synergistic aspects):<br />

- 4 phases ranging from weeks to max. 3 months: various pCO2<br />

levels and temperatures<br />

Physiological functioning of the calicoblastic epithelium from the corals<br />

cultivated under these conditions will then be determined in ex-vivo<br />

measurements in Ussing chamber and patch-clamp experiments<br />

(collaboration with M. Bleich & K. Suffrian, Institute of Physiology -<br />

CAU, Kiel). These techniques allow the determination of transepithelial<br />

Fig. 3.5: Lophelia pertusa<br />

during calcification<br />

measurements under<br />

elevated pCO2's using<br />

modified alkalinity<br />

anomaly technique<br />

voltage, transepithelial resistance and equivalent short-circuit currents as characteristics of<br />

epithelial and/or cellular function (for methodical details see subproject: 3.1.4). Using<br />

pharmacological tools and changes in the solute composition on either site of the epithelium, we<br />

aim to uncover the transepithelial pathways for calcium and carbon during the calcification<br />

process (milestone 2, M2) and their sensitivities to ocean acidification by identifying the involved<br />

ion transport proteins for the corals (M3). In this context we will further address the issues of<br />

how corals can regulate pH in the calicoblastic cells, and how they remove protons produced<br />

during the calcification process, respectively.<br />

In addition to the core questions, the experimental setup is designed for a maximum of crosscollaborations<br />

with several <strong>BIOACID</strong> subprojects outside 3.1:<br />

- For characterizing the pH-gradients and Ca 2+ -concentrations on the different sites of the<br />

calicoblastic epithelia, microsensor measurements will be done in collaboration with Dirk de<br />

Beer (MPI Bremen, subproject 3.4.2). These measurements should complete our<br />

understanding of the epithelial functioning (M2 & M3), and are invaluable precursors for<br />

the Ussing chamber and patch-clamp experiments.<br />

- During the long-term experiments carbonate substratum (coral skeleton) will be built<br />

through the calcification process. This material will be analysed for microchemical and<br />

structural changes of crystal growth (M5) in a collaboration with Jan Fietzke and Thor<br />

Hansteen (IFM-GEOMAR Kiel, subproject: 3.2.4).<br />

- In a collaboration with Alban Ramette (MPI Bremen, subproject 4.1.4) whole coral<br />

branches from long- and short-term experiments will be analyzed for their microbial<br />

community composition and their sensitivities to alterations of environmental parameters<br />

(pH, CO2 concentration, temperature). Molecular techniques will be used to obtain a high

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

resolution description of microbial community shifts in the different experimental<br />

treatments (M6).<br />

- During short-term experiments the synergistic effects between elevated pCO2-levels and<br />

hydrostatic pressures of 0.1 – 5 MPa to coral physiological performance (PP) will be<br />

investigated in a joint study with Laurenz Thomsen and Giselher Gust (Jacobs University<br />

Bremen, subproject 1.2.5) (M7).<br />

For complementary comparisons between cold- and warm-water corals, results of this project<br />

will be set in context with those of Ralph Tollrian (Ruhr University Bochum, subproject 3.2.2),<br />

Jelle Bijma (AWI Bremerhaven, subproject 3.3.1) and Anton Eisenhauer (IFM-GEOMAR Kiel,<br />

subproject 3.3.2).<br />

All these collaborations in addition to the subproject internal findings should result in a<br />

comprehensive integrated view about the effects of ocean acidification on the main hermatypic<br />

cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa (M8).<br />

Schedule<br />

3.1.2 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Method development & improvement<br />

Long-term experiments (Phase I & II)<br />

Short-term experiments on selected<br />

aspects<br />

Collaborative <strong>Research</strong> within project<br />

3.1 (MIMS, real-time PCR)<br />

Sample processing & Measurements<br />

Data analysis and interpretation<br />

Joint publication of results<br />

Milestones (3.1.2)<br />


- Transfer and modification of physiological methods/tools (M1) Month 06<br />

- Characterization of coral epithelial ion transport mechanisms (M2) Month 18<br />

- Quantification of changes in ion transport mechanisms in response to prolonged<br />

elevated CO2 (M3)<br />

Month 36<br />

- Collaborative work: gene expression patterns / MIMS (M4) Month 30<br />

- Quantification of microchemical and -structural changes due to prolonged<br />

elevated CO2 (M5)<br />

Month 33<br />

- Quantification of microbiological community sensitivity due to elevated CO2<br />

(M6)<br />

Month 33<br />

- Characterization of synergistic effects between pressure and elevated CO2 on PP<br />

(M7)<br />

Month 36<br />

- Comprehensive data set on the response of cold-water corals to ocean<br />

acidification (all experiments) (M8)<br />

Month 36<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Subproject 3.1.3: Calcification & ion homeostasis in the phylum mollusca in response to<br />

ocean acidification<br />

(Frank Melzner, (IFM-GEOMAR), Magdalena Gutowska, Magnus Lucassen, Hans O. Pörtner<br />

(AWI Bremerhaven))<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

We will study model organisms from both, classes bivalvia and cephalopoda, integrating<br />

genomic and physiological approaches. According to areas of expertise, three work packages<br />

have been assembled, which will be targeted by two PhD students that will be jointly supervised<br />

by the WP–leaders (Frank Melzner (FM), Magdalena Gutowska (MG), Magnus Lucassen (ML),<br />

Hans Pörtner (HP).<br />

A good tolerant model species is available with the<br />

cephalopod S. officinalis, currently in culture at the<br />

AWI Bremerhaven (see Fig. 3.6). A subtracted cDNA<br />

library (elevated pCO2 vs. control) has recently been<br />

established for S. officinalis gill tissue (Melzner,<br />

Lucassen, et al., in prep.), further sequence<br />

information will be obtained using the next-generation<br />

sequencing technology available to the Kiel<br />

Excellence Cluster ‘Future Ocean’. Two Baltic Sea<br />

bivalve species (Mytilus edulis and Arctica islandica)<br />

are presently emerging as sensitive model organisms<br />

within the Excellence Cluster working groups of F.<br />

Melzner (Ocean acidification, A1) and P. Rosenstiel<br />

(Marine Medicine, B2). For both organisms, large<br />

fractions of the transcriptome are presently being<br />

sequenced (Rosenstiel, Phillip, Melzner, work in<br />

progress). Availability of large amounts of genomic<br />

information is an absolute prerequisite for meaningful<br />

hypothesis-driven research targeting selected crucial<br />

processes. Incubations of animals for extended periods<br />

of time under realistic pCO2 (e.g. 380 – 1400 ppm)<br />

and temperature regimes will be performed using the<br />

Fig. 3.6: Growth and calcification in the<br />

cuttlefish Sepia officinalis incubated under<br />

∼6,000 ppm CO2 (red) and control<br />

conditions (black). CaCO 3 accretion shown<br />

as bars, calcified structure shown shaded<br />

grey in the schematic drawing.<br />

IFM-GEOMAR / AWI CO2 incubation systems and wet labs and in close collaboration with<br />

several projects of theme 2 (i.e. 2.1.1, 2.1.3, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.3.1, 2.3.2), as the calcification<br />

machinery strongly depends on intracellular ion- and pH homeostasis.<br />

WP I: Gene expression profiling (ML, FM): Based on available sequence information,<br />

representative transcripts will be monitored in relevant tissues (gill, calcifying tissues of the<br />

mantle margin) of model organisms exposed for various periods (time course series of up to 8<br />

weeks) to various intensities of abiotic stressors (CO2, T). Main processes targeted using<br />

techniques such as realtime PCR and in situ hybridization will be the (i) ion regulatory<br />

transcriptome in the gills (e.g. Na + /H + exchanger (NHE), Na + /K + ATPase, Cl - /HCO3 - -exchanger<br />

(AE1), Na + /HCO3 - -cotransporter (NBC1) etc.), (ii) mRNA of proteins that are important for Ca 2+<br />

transport / calcification, in both, gills and calcifying epithelia (e.g. Ca 2+ ATPases, Ca 2+ channels,<br />

AEs, etc.). Based on their plastic expression patterns, essential transporters involved in the<br />

response to high CO2 / T stress will be identified. Regulated transcripts then will be studied in

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

more detail on the protein / cellular level (see below). A second approach will be more<br />

explorative and focus on differentially expressed genes using approaches such as cDNA library<br />

generation via subtractive suppression hybridization (SSH). This will help to identify (novel)<br />

essential ion regulatory proteins involved and aid in developing novel hypotheses on how<br />

elevated pCO2 might affect yet unconsidered physiological processes. Results of this approach<br />

will also be verified by realtime PCR and further (functional) characterization. There will be a<br />

strong collaborative link to sub-project 2.3.2, as similar approaches will be used in both projects.<br />

WP II: Ion regulatory proteins and epithelia function (MG, ML, FM): In a first step, possible<br />

changes in ion transport protein composition of important epithelia (gill, calcifying interfaces)<br />

will be assessed using Western Blots and immuno-histochemical methods (e.g. Deigweiher et al.<br />

submitted, Melzner et al., submitted). Further, enzyme ion-transport capacity (Ca 2+ ATPase,<br />

Na + /K + ATPase) will be determined employing photometric enzyme tests (FM, ML). In a second<br />

step, important epithelia will be isolated, and their functional characteristics will be determined<br />

using Ussing-chamber techniques (MG, in close collaboration with Markus Bleich and his<br />

working group, as well as with partners from sub-projects 2.1.1, 2.1.3, 2.3.2). Finally, changes in<br />

mRNA, transporter protein concentration and transporter activities can be correlated with<br />

functional changes in ion-transporting epithelia.<br />

WP III: Ionic composition, acid – base physiology, calcification (HOP, FM): The third work<br />

package will focus on how the ion regulatory machinery studied in WPs I and II affects wholeanimal<br />

performance, namely (i) ion composition of body fluids (all major cations and anions in<br />

hemolymph, coelomic fluid, renal fluid, extrapallial fluid) (HOP, FM), (ii) acid base parameters<br />

of extra- and intracellular compartments (HOP), (iii) oxygen transport protein physiology (FM,<br />

link to , 2.2.1 and 2.2.2), and (iv) calcification rates at various time points during acclimation to<br />

elevated pCO2 (FM, collaboration with sub-project 4.1.2). Calcification rates will be determined<br />

using the ∆TA method, or by directly determining CaCO3 contents of shells in fast calcifiers<br />

(cephalopods). Calcification performance in our model organisms will be compared to that of<br />

other molluscs (pectinids, 2.1.3, pteropods 3.2.1). In a collaboration with Dirk DeBeer (see<br />

3.4.2), it is further planned to measure the ionic composition of extrapallial fluid directly at the<br />

calcification site using microsensors. This work package will provide information on the degree<br />

of acidification that can be compensated by the ion-regulatory and physiological machinery.<br />

Schedule<br />

3.1.3 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Incubation experiments, tissue / body<br />

fluid sampling, calcification rates,<br />

sample preparation<br />

cDNA library construction / analysis,<br />

sequencing, gene identification<br />

Gene expression analysis (qRT PCR)<br />

Protein functional properties (Enzyme<br />

activities, Western blots, immuno -<br />

histochemistry)<br />

Epithelial function (Ussing chambers)<br />

Acid – base parameters (intra /<br />

extracellular), ion composition of body<br />

fluids<br />



160<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

3.1.3 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Collaborative work within the project<br />

(MIMS, Gene expression studies)<br />

Data analysis, statistical evaluation,<br />

data interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />

Milestones (3.1.3)<br />


- Dataset on calcification rates, tissue / body fluid samples month 09<br />

- Dataset on gene expression patterns month 15<br />

- Dataset on protein functional properties month 21<br />

- Dataset on acid - base / pH regulation month 21<br />

- Dataset on epithelial function month 33<br />

- Completion of PhD theses / defense month 36

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Subproject 3.1.4 Sea urchin membrane transport mechanisms for calcification and pH<br />

regulation<br />

Markus Bleich, Kerstin Suffrian (CAU Kiel), Frank Melzner (IFM-GEOMAR)<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

Preliminary work for the project:<br />

Animals: We have collected Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis from the western Baltic Sea and<br />

maintain them for continuous use in the aquarium facilities of the IFM-GEOMAR in Kiel. In<br />

addition continuous supply of sea urchins has been organised using routine cruises of IFM-<br />

GEOMAR research vessels to substitute the existing stock. Fertilized eggs are routinely<br />

generated and different embryonic stages and larvae are available. The maintenance of adult as<br />

well as embryonic to larval sea urchins can be performed under any CO2 partial pressure between<br />

380 and 1,400 ppm in a newly established facility.<br />

Genomics: In a collaborative project within the cluster of excellence “Future Ocean” (Frank<br />

Melzner, Philip Rosenstiel), sequencing maps of S. droebachiensis are currently aligned with the<br />

genome of S. purpuratus and provide the data base for the search of homologous genes coding<br />

for membrane transport proteins involved in H + , HCO3 - and Ca 2+ transport, and for proteins<br />

involved in the generation of membrane voltage as a key driver of electrogenic transport<br />

processes.<br />

Infrastructure: One lab is available to the group and equipped for all measurements described in<br />

the work plan. A setup is ready for the installation of the imaging equipment which has been<br />

applied for.<br />

Key questions: i. which membrane proteins are responsible for ion transport? ii. which ion<br />

channels are pH sensitive? iii. which mechanisms are involved in pH and Ca 2+ homeostasis? iv.<br />

does chronic environmental CO2 incubation change the functional properties of the cells? v. does<br />

chronic environmental CO2 incubation change the expression of transport proteins?<br />

Methods:<br />

Patch clamp analysis: Whole cell conductance measurements will be performed on isolated<br />

cells from embryonic stages to determine the basic electrophysiological properties and to<br />

characterize the ion transport mechanisms involved in pH homeostasis, Ca 2+ metabolism and<br />

membrane voltage generation. The sensitivity of the respective ion channels towards changes in<br />

pH/CO2 will be investigated on the single channel level in isolated membrane patches.<br />

Microfluorimetry: Cells from embryonic stages will be challenged by acute changes in ambient<br />

pH/CO2. They will be monitored via pH sensitive fluorescent dye indicators for their ability to<br />

counter-regulate as a measure for the expression of pH regulatory mechanisms. The same<br />

experiments will be performed after chronic incubation at increased CO2 partial pressures.<br />

Fluorescence measurements of cytosolic Ca 2+ will reveal the status of Ca 2+ metabolism with<br />

respect to its role for calcification and as a second messenger molecule.<br />

Molecular biology: Realtime PCR of membrane transport protein candidate gene mRNAs will<br />

be performed to validate the results suggested from functional studies and database mining. The<br />

influence of chronic CO2 elevation on the expression level will be investigated.<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Networking with projects and sub-projects in other themes:<br />

The projects under themes 1-5 provide an excellent platform for interactive networking on a<br />

methodological as well as on a data driven basis. Obvious contact points are within project 1.1<br />

(acclimation versus adaptation; subproject 3/4) with respect to the analysis of genetic and<br />

proteomic changes in calcifiying organisms on long-term exposure to CO2. Project 2.1 is<br />

especially well suited for a strong interaction since similar questions are asked and similar<br />

methods are used here for the analysis of sea urchin oocytes, while subproject 3.1.4 takes over<br />

after fertilization. We expect exchange on cellular mechanisms and technical progress. Also<br />

project 2.3 has one focus on cellular mechanisms of CO2/pH sensitivity on development, growth<br />

and metabolism and finally interaction with subproject 4.1.2 could provide added value in the<br />

discussion how survival and performance of early life stages are affected.<br />

Schedule<br />

3.1.4 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Set-up of facilities and instrumentation,<br />

hiring of PhD student (M1, M2)<br />

Patch clamp experiments (M3)<br />

Microfluorimetry (M4)<br />

Data base mining and gene<br />

identification (M5)<br />

Quantification of specific membrane<br />

transport mechanisms (M6)<br />

Gene expression analysis (M7)<br />

Data analysis, statistical evaluation,<br />

data interpretation (M3 – M8)<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />

Milestones (3.1.4)<br />


- Setup of a new microfluorimetric imaging equipment (M1) Month 03<br />

- Characterization of embryonic cells by patch-clamp technique (M2) Month 12<br />

- Characterization of embryonic cells by microfluorimetry (M3) Month 18<br />

- Database mining to identify candidate genes for the respective transporters and<br />

channels (M4)<br />

- Quantification of specific membrane transport mechanisms in embryonic cells<br />

after chronic pre-incubation at different CO2 concentrations (M5)<br />

- Quantification of the expression level of the candidate genes which might be<br />

functionally relevant at different CO2 concentrations (M6)<br />

- Generation of a cell model for membrane transport mechanisms in embryonic cells<br />

(M7)<br />

Optional: Expansion of measurements to cells from other developmental stages<br />

according to M2-M7<br />

Month 21<br />

Month 33<br />

Month 36<br />

Month 36<br />

Month 36

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

3.1.1 PhD student<br />

3.1.2 Postdoc position<br />

3.1.2 Student contracts<br />

3.1.3 PhD student AWI<br />

3.1.3 PhD student IFM-<br />

GEOMAR<br />

3.1.4 PhD student<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

3.1.1<br />

3.1.2<br />

3.1.3 AWI<br />

3.1.3 IFM-GEOMAR<br />

3.1.4<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

3.1.1 meetings<br />

3.1.2 meetings<br />

3.1.3 meetings AWI<br />

3.1.3 meetings IFM-<br />

GEOMAR<br />

3.1.4 meetings<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investment<br />

3.1.1 MIMS maintenance<br />

3.1.4<br />

Subtotal<br />

TOTAL<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />


Budget justification<br />

3.1.1<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Personnel costs: Most of the work will be done by a PhD candidate, to be employed for three<br />

years.<br />

Consumables, chemicals, gases, analyzes: Money for consumables will be needed for various<br />

analyzes such as elemental composition analyzes on a mass-spectrometer, nutrient analyzes,<br />

chemicals, gases and isotopic analyzes.<br />

Investments and maintenance: The membrane-inlet mass-spectrometer will need frequent (at<br />

least annual) maintenance to ensure high data quality.<br />

Travel costs and publication charges: Travel of the PhD student and one supervisor to an<br />

international conference and publication charges.<br />

3.1.2<br />

Personnel costs:<br />

Postdoc position for Armin Form: Due to the complex nature of the proposed<br />

research program and the very challenging animal model, an experienced researcher is needed for<br />

this project. Armin Form is currently finishing his Ph.D. thesis on effects of elevated pCO2-levels<br />

to cold-water corals and arctic coralline red algae and has thus in-depth understanding of both,<br />

the relevant biogeochemical processes and the cultivation methods (see 3.1.2.iii).<br />

Student contracts (HiWi): Student helpers are needed to support the extensive cultivation work as<br />

well as for the routine analysis in the lab (e.g. water chemistry monitoring). They will also be<br />

trained to assist the experiments and will help with sample preparation and processing. For<br />

adequate assistance, two continuous contracts per long-term experiment will be necessary<br />

.<br />

Consumables:<br />

Coral cultivation: The costs for coral cultivation are estimated to be per year, including<br />

mainly purchases for food and water treatment (such as filter materials and adsorbers). Additional<br />

funds of per year will be needed for culturing experiments (aquarium supplies, incubation<br />

vessels, gas, sea salt). The costs for chemicals are estimated to be per year. These costs<br />

include purchases of gases, acids, enzyme inhibitors.<br />

Travel: One international conference per year will be visited by the Postdoc in order to<br />

disseminate the project results to the scientific community.<br />

3.1.3<br />

Personnel costs: Two PhD students will be needed owing to the complexity of the proposed<br />

research projects. We envision one PhD student to focus on the bivalve and one on the<br />

cephalopod model. Formally, one student will be based at IFM-GEOMAR, the other at the AWI.<br />

However, work plans will be arranged in parallel, as to facilitate collaborations between the<br />

students.<br />

Consumables: For both model organisms, one sequencing run on the next generation sequencing<br />

/ 454-platform (P. Rosenstiel, CAU Kiel) needs to be performed on gill tissue extracts to gain

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

sufficient amounts of transcript information to devise meaningful gene expression experiments.<br />

One run will cost approximately and will generate 200.000 sequences of 200-300 bp<br />

length. Reagents for realtime PCR experiments / in situ hybridization need to be purchased<br />

(approximately ). Significant funds will be used purchasing molecular biological<br />

reagents (ca. ). Additional funds will be needed for culturing experiments<br />

(aquarium supplies, incubation vessels, gas, sea salt), for Ussing-chamber experiments (ion<br />

channel / transporter inhibitors, chemicals) and tissue acid-base analysis (chemicals, pH<br />

electrodes).<br />

Travel: Travel of the PhD students to an international conference in years two and three.<br />

Additional costs for travel between the Institutions (AWI Bremerhaven, CAU Kiel / IFM-<br />

GEOMAR) will be covered using the home institution’s funds.<br />

3.1.4<br />

Personnel costs: The experimental approach utilizes difficult and complicated techniques which<br />

need a substantial training period. The supervision and training is provided by the PIs. A three<br />

year contract guaranties a sustained and effective exploitation of the techniques by the PhD<br />

student.<br />

Consumables: All consumables covered by the given sum are necessary to perform the planned<br />

experiments. The higher needs in second and third year are caused by molecular biological<br />

experiments.<br />

Travel: Travel of the PhD student and one supervisor to an international conference. Costsharing<br />

with home institution.<br />

Investment: The lab is already equipped with a complete experimental setup, which, however,<br />

has to be upgraded for microfluorimetric measurements. The availability of a separate setup for<br />

microfluorimetric measurements is critical for the success of the project since about 50% of the<br />

data will be produced using this equipment. Due to the high workload, time sharing at the<br />

existing setup is not feasible.<br />

vi. References<br />

Allemand D, Ferrier-Pages C, Furla P, Houlbreque F, Puverel S, Reynaud S, Tambutte E, Tambutte S & Zoccola D (2004) Biomineralisation<br />

in reef-building corals: from molecular mechanism to environmental control. C R Palevol 3: 453-467<br />

Barth AS, Merk S, Arnoldi E, Zwermann L, Kloos P, Gebauer M, Steinmeyer K, Bleich M, Kaab S, Hinterseer M, Kartmann H, Kreuzer E,<br />

Dugas M, Steinbeck G & Nabauer M (2005) Reprogramming of the human atrial transcriptome in permanent atrial fibrillation: expression<br />

of a ventricular-like genomic signature. Circ Res 96: 1022-1029<br />

Bleich M & Greger R (1997) Mechanism of action of diuretics. Kidney Int Suppl 59: S11-15<br />

Bleich M, Schlatter E & Greger R (1990) The luminal K + channel of the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop. Pflügers Arch 415: 449-460<br />

Bleich M, Warth R, Schmidt-Hieber M, Schulz-Baldes A, Hasselblatt P, Fisch D, Berger S, Kunzelmann K, Kriz W, Schutz G & Greger R<br />

(1999) Rescue of the mineralocorticoid receptor knock-out mouse. Pflügers Arch 438: 245-254<br />

Eckerle LG, Lucassen M, Hirse T & Pörtner HO (2008) Cold induced changes of adenosine levels in common eelpout (Zoarces viviparus): a<br />

role in modulating cytochrome c oxidase expression. J Exp Biol 211: 1262-1269<br />

Furla P, Galgani I, Durand I & Allemand D (2000) Sources and mechanisms of inorganic carbon transport for coral calcification and<br />

photosynthesis. J Exp Biol 203: 3445-3457<br />

Gattuso JP, Allemand D & Frankignoulle M (1999) Photosynthesis and calcification at cellular, organismal and community levels in coral<br />

reefs: A review on interactions and control by carbonate chemistry. Am Zool 39: 160-183<br />

Gazeau F, Quiblier C, Jansen JM, Gattuso JP, Middelburg JJ & Heip CHR (2007) Impact of elevated CO2 on shellfish calcification. Geophys<br />

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distribution of deep-sea scleractinian corals? Front Ecol Environ 4: 141-146<br />

Heise K, Puntarulo S, Nikinmaa M, Lucassen M, Portner HO & Abele D (2006) Oxidative stress and HIF-1 DNA binding during stressful cold<br />

exposure and recovery in the North Sea eelpout (Zoarces viviparus). Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 143: 494-503<br />

Henry RP (1996) Multiple roles of carbonic anhydrase in cellular transport and metabolism. Ann Rev Physiol 58: 523-538<br />

Hou J, Shan Q, Wang T, Gomes AS, Yan Q, Paul DL, Bleich M & Goodenough DA (2007) Transgenic RNAi depletion of claudin-16 and the<br />

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Ishimatsu A, Hayashi M, Lee KS, Kikkawa T & Kita J (2005) Physiological effects on fishes in a high-CO2 world. J Geophys Res-Oceans 110:<br />

Kosiek O, Busque SM, Foller M, Shcheynikov N, Kirchhoff P, Bleich M, Muallem S & Geibel JP (2007) SLC26A7 can function as a chlorideloading<br />

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Kurihara H & Shirayama Y (2004) Effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on sea urchin early development. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 274: 161-169<br />

Langdon C, Broecker WS, Hammond DE, Glenn E, Fitzsimmons K, Nelson SG, Peng TH, Hajdas I & Bonani G (2003) Effect of elevated CO2<br />

on the community metabolism of an experimental coral reef. Global Biogeochem Cycles 17:<br />

Langdon C, Takahashi T, Sweeney C, Chipman D, Goddard J, Marubini F, Aceves H, Barnett H & Atkinson MJ (2000) Effect of calcium<br />

carbonate saturation state on the calcification rate of an experimental coral reef. Global Biogeochem Cycles 14: 639-654<br />

Langer G, Geisen M, Baumann KH, Klas J, Riebesell U, Thoms S & Young JR (2006) Species-specific responses of calcifying algae to<br />

changing seawater carbonate chemistry. Geochem Geophys Geosys 7:<br />

Lucassen M, Koschnick N, Eckerle LG & Pörtner HO (2006) Mitochondrial mechanisms of cold adaptation in cod (Gadus morhua L.)<br />

populations from different climatic zones. J Exp Biol 209: 2462-2471<br />

Lucassen M, Schmidt A, Eckerle LG & Pörtner HO (2003) Mitochondrial proliferation in the permanent vs. temporary cold: enzyme activities<br />

and mRNA levels in Antarctic and temperate zoarcid fish. Am J Phys-Reg I 285: R1410-R1420<br />

Marubini F, Ferrier-Pages C & Cuif JP (2003) Suppression of skeletal growth in scleractinian corals by decreasing ambient carbonate-ion<br />

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McConnaughey TA & Whelan JF (1997) Calcification generates protons for nutrient and bicarbonate uptake. Earth-Sci Reviews 42: 95-117<br />

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Helgoland Mar Res 54: 1-6<br />

Melzner F, Bock C & Portner HO (2007a) Coordination between ventilatory pressure oscillations and venous return in the cephalopod Sepia<br />

officinalis under control conditions, spontaneous exercise and recovery. J Comp Physiol [B] 177: 1-17<br />

Melzner F, Bock C & Pörtner HO (2006a) Critical temperatures in the cephalopod Sepia officinalis investigated using in vivo 31 P NMR<br />

spectroscopy. J Exp Biol 209: 891-906<br />

Melzner F, Bock C & Pörtner HO (2006b) Temperature-dependent oxygen extraction from the ventilatory current and the costs of ventilation<br />

in the cephalopod Sepia officinalis. J Comp Physiol [B] 176: 607-621<br />

Melzner F, Bock C & Pörtner HO (2007b) Allometry of thermal limitation in the cephalopod Sepia officinalis. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol<br />

Integr Physiol 146: 149-154<br />

Melzner F, Mark FC & Pörtner HO (2007c) Role of blood-oxygen transport in thermal tolerance of the cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis. Integr<br />

Comp Biol 47: 645-655<br />

Michaelidis B, Ouzounis C, Paleras A & Pörtner HO (2005) Effects of long-term moderate hypercapnia on acid-base balance and growth rate<br />

in marine mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 293: 109-118<br />

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Pörtner HO (2002) <strong>Environment</strong>al and functional limits to muscular exercise and body size in marine invertebrate athletes. Comp Biochem<br />

Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 133: 303-321<br />

Pörtner HO, Bock C & Reipschlager A (2000) Modulation of the cost of pHi regulation during metabolic depression: A 31 P-NMR study in<br />

invertebrate (Sipunculus nudus) isolated muscle. J Exp Biol 203: 2417-2428<br />

Pörtner HO, Boutilier RG, Tang Y & Toews DP (1990) Determination of intracellular pH and PCO2 after metabolic inhibition by fluoride and<br />

nitrilotriacetic acid. Respir Physiol 81: 255-273<br />

Pörtner HO, Langenbuch M & Michaelidis B (2005) Synergistic effects of temperature extremes, hypoxia, and increases in CO2 on marine<br />

animals: From Earth history to global change. J Geophys Res-Oceans 110:<br />

Pörtner HO, Mark FC & Bock C (2004) Oxygen limited thermal tolerance in fish? Answers obtained by nuclear magnetic resonance<br />

techniques. Respir Physiol & Neurobiol 141: 243-260<br />

Pörtner HO, Webber DM, O'Dor RK & Boutilier RG (1993) Metabolism and energetics in squid (Illex illecebrosus, Loligo pealei) during<br />

muscular fatigue and recovery. Am J Physiol 265: R157-165<br />

Poustka AJ, Kuhn A, Groth D, Weise V, Yaguchi S, Burke RD, Herwig R, Lehrach H & Panopoulou G (2007) A global view of gene<br />

expression in lithium and zinc treated sea urchin embryos: new components of gene regulatory networks. Genome Biol 8: R85<br />

Reuter S, Velic A, Edemir B, Schroter R, Pavenstadt H, Gabriels G, Bleich M & Schlatter E (2008) Protective role of NHE-3 inhibition in rat<br />

renal transplantation undergoing acute rejection. Pflügers Arch:<br />

Riebesell U, Zondervan I, Rost B, Tortell PD, Zeebe RE & Morel FM (2000) Reduced calcification of marine plankton in response to<br />

increased atmospheric CO2. Nature 407: 364-367<br />

Rost B, Riebesell U, Burkhardt S & Sultemeyer D (2003) Carbon acquisition of bloom-forming marine phytoplankton. Limnol Oceanogr 48:<br />

55-67<br />

Schneider K & Erez J (2006) The effect of carbonate chemistry on calcification and photosynthesis in the hermatypic coral Acropora<br />

eurystoma. Limnol Oceanogr 51: 1284-1293<br />

Schroeder BC, Waldegger S, Fehr S, Bleich M, Warth R, Greger R & Jentsch TJ (2000) A constitutively open potassium channel formed by<br />

KCNQ1 and KCNE3. Nature 403: 196-199<br />

Schulz KG, Riebesell U, Rost B, Thoms S & Zeebe RE (2006) Determination of the rate constants for the carbon dioxide to bicarbonate interconversion<br />

in pH-buffered seawater systems. Mar Chem 100: 53-65<br />

Schulz KG, Rost B, Burkhardt S, Riebesell U, Thoms S & Wolf-Gladrow DA (2007) The effect of iron availability on the regulation of<br />

inorganic carbon acquisition in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi and the significance of cellular compartmentation for stable carbon<br />

isotope fractionation. Geochim Cosmochim Ac 71: 5301-5312<br />

Schulz KG, Zondervan I, Gerringa LJ, Timmermans KR, Veldhuis MJ & Riebesell U (2004) Effect of trace metal availability on<br />

coccolithophorid calcification. Nature 430: 673-676<br />

Sodergren E, Weinstock GM, Davidson EH, Cameron RA, Gibbs RA, Angerer RC, Angerer LM, Arnone MI, Burgess DR, Burke RD,<br />

Coffman JA, Dean M, Elphick MR, Ettensohn CA, Foltz KR, Hamdoun A, Hynes RO, Klein WH, Marzluff W, McClay DR, Morris RL,<br />

Mushegian A, Rast JP, Smith LC, Thorndyke MC, Vacquier VD, Wessel GM, Wray G, Zhang L, Elsik CG, Ermolaeva O, Hlavina W,<br />

Hofmann G, Kitts P, Landrum MJ, Mackey AJ, Maglott D, Panopoulou G, Poustka AJ, Pruitt K, Sapojnikov V, Song X, Souvorov A,

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Solovyev V, Wei Z, Whittaker CA, Worley K, Durbin KJ, Shen Y, Fedrigo O, Garfield D, Haygood R, Primus A, Satija R, Severson T,<br />

Gonzalez-Garay ML, Jackson AR, Milosavljevic A, Tong M, Killian CE, Livingston BT, Wilt FH, Adams N, Belle R, Carbonneau S,<br />

Cheung R, Cormier P, Cosson B, Croce J, Fernandez-Guerra A, Geneviere AM, Goel M, Kelkar H, Morales J, Mulner-Lorillon O,<br />

Robertson AJ, Goldstone JV, Cole B, Epel D, Gold B, Hahn ME, Howard-Ashby M, Scally M, Stegeman JJ, Allgood EL, Cool J, Judkins<br />

KM, McCafferty SS, Musante AM, Obar RA, Rawson AP, Rossetti BJ, Gibbons IR, Hoffman MP, Leone A, Istrail S, Materna SC,<br />

Samanta MP, Stolc V, Tongprasit W, Tu Q, Bergeron KF, Brandhorst BP, Whittle J, Berney K, Bottjer DJ, Calestani C, Peterson K, Chow<br />

E, Yuan QA, Elhaik E, Graur D, Reese JT, Bosdet I, Heesun S, Marra MA, Schein J, Anderson MK, Brockton V, Buckley KM, Cohen<br />

AH, Fugmann SD, Hibino T, Loza-Coll M, Majeske AJ, Messier C, Nair SV, Pancer Z, Terwilliger DP, Agca C, Arboleda E, Chen N,<br />

Churcher AM, Hallbook F, Humphrey GW, Idris MM, Kiyama T, Liang S, Mellott D, Mu X, Murray G, Olinski RP, Raible F, Rowe M,<br />

Taylor JS, Tessmar-Raible K, Wang D, Wilson KH, Yaguchi S, Gaasterland T, Galindo BE, Gunaratne HJ, Juliano C, Kinukawa M, Moy<br />

GW, Neill AT, Nomura M, Raisch M, Reade A, Roux MM, Song JL, Su YH, Townley IK, Voronina E, Wong JL, Amore G, Branno M,<br />

Brown ER, Cavalieri V, Duboc V, Duloquin L, Flytzanis C, Gache C, Lapraz F, Lepage T, Locascio A, Martinez P, Matassi G, Matranga<br />

V, Range R, Rizzo F, Rottinger E, Beane W, Bradham C, Byrum C, Glenn T, Hussain S, Manning G, Miranda E, Thomason R, Walton K,<br />

Wikramanayke A, Wu SY, Xu R, Brown CT, Chen L, Gray RF, Lee PY, Nam J, Oliveri P, Smith J, Muzny D, Bell S, Chacko J, Cree A,<br />

Curry S, Davis C, Dinh H, Dugan-Rocha S, Fowler J, Gill R, Hamilton C, Hernandez J, Hines S, Hume J, Jackson L, Jolivet A, Kovar C,<br />

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Project 3.2: Calcification under pH-stress: Impacts on ecosystem and organismal<br />

levels.<br />

(PI: Ralph Tollrian)<br />

i. Objectives<br />

Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are reducing ocean pH-values and carbonate saturation state, with<br />

strongest effects in high-latitude surface waters. In this project we will compare the responses of<br />

organisms from pteropods, scleractinian corals and red coralline algae, which have been<br />

identified as key groups for the understanding of community responses of ocean acidification<br />

(Kleypas et al. 2006). These calcifying organisms are vulnerable to acidification and because of<br />

their relevant role in their ecosystems these impacts have the potential to cause cascading effects<br />

and to alter ecosystem stability and functioning. Pteropods dominate zooplankton communities in<br />

polar regions of both hemispheres, scleractinian corals form the physical structure of the tropical<br />

reef ecosystems and coralline red algae are cosmopolite in the ocean and found at all depths<br />

within the photic zones. The thresholds and tipping-points where the different organisms and<br />

systems respond to acidification, the magnitude of the response and the impact on the<br />

communities will be determined for different ontogenetic stages.<br />

ii. State of the Art<br />

Subsaturation with respect to aragonite, the metastable form of calcium carbonate, could begin in<br />

the Southern Ocean and in sub-Arctic regions before the end of this century (Orr et al. 2005). In<br />

these cold regions, the only pelagic aragonite-producers are shelled pteropods, e.g. the bipolar<br />

species Limacina helicina. These shelled pteropods will be among the first organisms<br />

experiencing carbonate saturation states

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

the field. Although it is generally assumed that corals are negatively affected at a certain level of<br />

pCO2 (Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2007), differential effects in corals (Lough and Barnes 2000) and<br />

other calcifiers (Iglesias-Rodriguez et al. 2008, Fabry et al. 2008) indicate that the picture may be<br />

much more complicated than previously thought. Of particular interest is how different<br />

ontogenetic stages respond to the same stress factor. Possibly, recruitment will be influenced<br />

before an effect on growth of adult colonies can be detected. In scleractinian corals, settling of<br />

larvae and early colony formation are critical steps where a reduced calcification will threaten the<br />

recruit because it lives in competition with overgrowing turf algae, is preyed on by predators and<br />

is exposed to herbivores which feed on algae and scratch off the fragile young colonies. But also<br />

coral community compositions may change as a consequence of increasing pCO2. Corals have<br />

two main modes of larval production: “brooding”, where larvae develop within the colony and<br />

are released at a relatively large size, or “broadcast spawning”, where eggs and sperm are<br />

released simultaneously and larvae develop in the water column. The larger larvae of brooding<br />

species possibly will have an advantage under decreased ph-conditions because they contain<br />

more reserves, which allow faster initial growth.<br />

The health of reefs critically depends on recruitment, especially when reefs are devastated by<br />

coral bleaching or storms. Coral reefs have been shown to possess two alternative stable states<br />

with coral- or algae-dominated climax conditions and with a limited ability to return into a coral<br />

dominated state once the tipping point has been exceeded (Mumby et al. 2006). Ocean<br />

acidification is supposed to influence corals negatively, while macroalgae might even benefit<br />

from higher CO2-levels. Additionally coralline red algae may decline with a negative effect on<br />

coral recruitment. Thus, ocean acidification has the potential to influence survival of early stages,<br />

change community compositions and processes and on a higher level, lead to phase shifts in<br />

whole ecosystems and alter ecosystem functioning and stability.<br />

Despite the broad abundance of coralline red algae so far little is known about their calcification<br />

mechanisms. Recently some studies focussed on the use of coralline red algae as environmental<br />

recorders (Halfar et al. 2007, Kamenos et al. 2007), showing the strong response on<br />

environmental changes, displayed in systematic variations in the chemical composition of the<br />

precipitated carbonates (high magnesium calcite). This observation suggests that coralline red<br />

algae are promising candidates to study the responses of important calcifiers on ocean<br />

acidification in a wide range of habitats.<br />

In a recent short (7 weeks) mesocosm experiment study (Kuffner et al. 2008) at low latitudes, the<br />

recruitment rate and growth of red algae was shown to be severely inhibited at elevated pCO2. No<br />

research was however undertaken to determine whether changes in the carbonate structure or<br />

microchemistry or adaptations occurred over a longer period (i.e. over an annual growth cycle).<br />

Such changes in the chemical composition would clearly affect the solubility of the carbonates<br />

formed by those algae. So far no study was done addressing pH thresholds for reproduction and<br />

growth/calcification of coralline red algae or possible physiological responses to deal with<br />

decreased ambient pCO2 levels.<br />

Finally, solubility changes due to chemical modifications of the carbonates directly affect the pH<br />

buffering capacities of shelf regions where coralline red algae contribute significantly to the<br />

carbonates deposited in the sediments.<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

3.2.1 The group of U. Riebesell has been among the first to study direct effects of CO2-induced<br />

seawater acidification (Riebesell et al. 1993, Riebesell et al. 2000). Presently, research in his<br />


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group addresses a variety of OA-related aspects from the cellular to the community level<br />

(Riebesell 2004, Riebesell et al. 2007). This includes studies on the CO2/pH sensitivity of a<br />

variety of marine calcifying groups, ranging from coccolithophores and rhodoliths to bivalves,<br />

and cold water corals. In preparation for the proposed work on pteropods calcification in<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>, a pre-study is being carried out with Limacina helicina in Ny Alesund, Svalbard, in<br />

May/June 2008. The group of I. Werner has expertise in cold-life culturing and experimental<br />

approaches on measuring metabolic rates such as respiration, grazing, and predation of Arctic<br />

marine invertebrates (Werner et al. 2002, Werner and Auel 2005). Of direct relevance to the<br />

proposed project are previous studies on the seasonal dynamics of the Arctic shelled pteropod<br />

species Limacina helicina in epipelagic, partly ice-covered waters in the Fram Strait area and<br />

Kongsfjorden (Werner 2006).<br />

3.2.2 The research team has long experience in raising coral larvae. R. Tollrian had successfully<br />

established coral reef research systems in Munich and conducted settlement and growth<br />

experiments with coral larvae (Petersen and Tollrian 1991) and population genetic studies in<br />

corals (Maier et al. 2001, 2005). This work provided the tools for the SECORE (Sexual coral<br />

reproduction) initiative. D. Petersen initiated the SECORE program and is a leading expert in,<br />

and developed methods for, breeding and raising corals in closed aquaria systems (e.g., Petersen<br />

et al. 2006). E. Grieshaber. and W. Schmahl are experts in crystallography. Their methods will be<br />

applied to studies of the coral skeleton structure. A. Eisenhauer is the head of the isotope<br />

geochemistry lab at the IFM-GEOMAR. The work proposed here is interdisciplinary and<br />

involves biology, biodiversity, geo-chemistry, mineralogy, crystallography and material sciences.<br />

3.2.3 The group of C. Richter has been working on coral reef ecology over the last 12 years,<br />

with a regional focus on the Red Sea and South-East-Asia (Indonesia, Thailand and China).<br />

Major findings using novel endoscopic tools were the discovery of biomass-rich and diverse<br />

communities of sponges in Red Sea coral reef crevices fuelling a significant part of reef<br />

production (Richter et al. 2001, Richter and Abu-Hilal 2006). The group also contributed to a<br />

seminal paper on the interaction of currents and plankton explaining the enrichment of plankton<br />

near coral reefs (Genin et al. 2005). Ongoing research addresses the effect of solibores on coral<br />

communities of the Similan Islands in the Andaman Sea. The findings of significant differences<br />

in coral cover and growth between soliton-exposed and soliton-protected communities, and the<br />

development of a micro-CaveCam form the scientific and technological basis of the present<br />

proposal. A complementary project on the supply and early recruitment of corals has recently<br />

been approved within the EU-ITN CalMarO.<br />

3.2.4 J. Fietzke (IFM-GEOMAR) has a strong research record in developing and applying mass<br />

spectrometric techniques for trace and ultra-trace elements (e.g. Fietzke et al., 2004, 2006, in<br />

press). His work focused recently on issues of biomineralisation with marine biogenic carbonates<br />

(e.g. Heinemann et al. 2008, Rüggeberg et al. 2008). The research group has a strong background<br />

in carrying out microanalytical studies in biogenic carbonates. T. Hansteen is a specialist in<br />

microanalytical techniques such as Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence microprobe (SYXRF;<br />

Hansteen et al. 2000), electron microprobe (EMP), NanoSIMS (e.g. Zumholz et al. 2007 a, b),<br />

and has co-supervised a PhD in Marine Ecology (K. Zumholz; Zumholz et al. 2006, 2007c).

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

iv. Work <strong>Programme</strong>s, Schedules, and Milestones<br />

3.2.1 Impact of ocean acidification and warming on sub-polar shelled pteropods<br />

(U. Riebesell)<br />

The aim of this project is to study the synergistic effects of ocean acidification and rising<br />

seawater temperatures on a key component of polar and sub-polar epipelagic communities, the<br />

shelled pteropods. In a second step, ecological consequences of these effects for different lifestages<br />

will be assessed. This will be achieved through a collaboration involving experimental<br />

marine biology, physiology, biochemistry and marine ecology. Specifically, the project will<br />

address the following aspects:<br />

1. Calcification/dissolution response<br />

2. Metabolic response (oxygen consumption, swimming performance)<br />

3. Life cycle responses (egg and larval development, growth and reproduction)<br />

4. Ecosystem response (feeding rates, predation, survival)<br />

Pteropods of the dominant and bipolar genus Limacina (L. helicina or L. retroversa) will be<br />

collected in Arctic waters (Kongsfjord, Svalbard) and will be reared in the Kings Bay Marine Lab<br />

under ambient conditions. Pteropods will be held in specially designed, V-shaped aquaria<br />

equipped with a circulating current system and filled with filtered, cold seawater. Food will be<br />

provided in form of algal cultures. Ambient pH/pCO2 and temperature will be altered in<br />

temperature-controlled incubation rooms equipped with a new gas-producing system.<br />

Methodologies/approaches for aspects 1-4 include:<br />

1. Calcification rate: 45 Ca incubations, shell weight, fluorochroms; shell composition:<br />

Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, possibly boron isotopes; shell dissolution: SEM<br />

2. Respirometer measurements, digital camera system<br />

3./4. If culturing attempts turn out successful, life cycle experiments and grazing experiments<br />

of low and high CO2 exposed Limacina will be started in year two of the project. Grazing<br />

experiments will be conducted with a major predator, the gymnosomate pteropod Clione<br />

limacina, which was successfully cultivated previously.<br />

Links to other projects: The pteropod work in this sub-project will be closely linked to studies<br />

on mollusc larvae (3.5.1) and mollusc phyiology (3.1.3). Results of this sub-project with<br />

relevance to the ballast effect will also feed into sub-projects 1.2.5. Estimates of OA-induced<br />

changes in pteropod calcification will be provided to sub-projects 1.3 and 5.2. Samples of<br />

pteropod shells will be provided to sub-project 3.2.4 for SEM and electron backscatter diffraction<br />

(EBSD) analysis of the skeletal architecture as well as high-resolution geochemical analyses<br />

applying electron microprobe, NanoSIMS, LA-ICP-MS, SYXRF.<br />

Schedule<br />

3.2.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Design & construction of experimental<br />

set-ups for field- and lab-based studies<br />

Pteropod CO 2 perturbation experiments<br />

at field station Ny Alesund<br />



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3.2.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Attempts to culture pteropods in IFM-<br />

GEOMAR culturing facilities<br />

CO 2 perturbation exps. in IFM-<br />

GEOMAR culturing facilities<br />

Sample processing and measurements<br />

Combined CO 2 and temperature<br />

perturbation exps. at Ny Alesund<br />

Follow-up exps. in IFM-GEOMAR<br />

culturing facilities<br />

Data analysis, statistical evaluation,<br />

data interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />

Milestones (3.2.1)<br />


- Experimental facilities implemented month 06<br />

- Data set on CO2/pH sensitivity of adult pteropods month 12<br />

- First practice in culturing of juvenile and adult pteropods month 21<br />

- Data set on synergistic effects of CO2 and temperature month 24<br />

- Evaluation of combined data sets, sensitivities and uncertainties month 33<br />

3.2.2 Impact of ocean acidification on reproduction, recruitment and growth of<br />

scleractinian corals (R. Tollrian).<br />

Our main goals are: 1) Test survival of coral larvae, early colony establishment and growth of<br />

different species from several geographic regions, to find species specific thresholds and<br />

geographic differences. 2) Assess competitive ability against algae. 3) Test the hypotheses that<br />

brooding species will be less influenced compared to broadcast spawning species. 4) Test for<br />

differences in reproductive investment and growth in brooding corals under different ph<br />

conditions to assess sublethal stress effects. 5) Compare amount and quality of calcite formation<br />

of fragments under different ph-conditions and quantify changes in ultrastructure,<br />

biogeochemistry and material properties.<br />

Aim 1) The SECORE (sexual coral reproduction) working group has successfully<br />

established a recruitment program for coral conservation where larvae are collected during mass<br />

spawning events in the Caribbean, transported to public and research aquaria and raised in these<br />

closed systems (Petersen et al. 2006). We will be able to obtain larvae from broadcast spawning<br />

species from different locations during the highly predictable yearly spawning events: a)<br />

Maldives (March), b) Okinawa/Japan (May), c) Curacao/Caribbean (August/September), d)<br />

Mozambique (October), e) Great Barrier Reef (December). Experiments studying fertilisation,<br />

larval survival and early colony formation will be conducted during field studies. For long-term<br />

lab studies, larvae will be collected and transported to our aquaria facilities following an<br />

improved method (Petersen et al. 2005a). Larvae will not settle in filtered seawater because they

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

recognize suitable substrates based on relevant biofilms. Specifically designed ceramic tiles will<br />

be offered as settlement substrate (Petersen et al. 2005b). The larvae will be raised under five<br />

different pH conditions in closed aquaria systems. Each treatment will be fully replicated. We<br />

will measure larval survival, settlement, transformation and early colony growth and will identify<br />

threshold conditions. A share of the larvae will be settled according to the SECORE protocol<br />

under standard conditions and experiments with different pH treatments will be started after the<br />

young colonies have been established. This experiment will allow separating OA effects on larval<br />

survival from effects on juvenile growth. We will compare the species composition of successful<br />

settlers in the different treatments to test whether species differ in their tolerance to low pH<br />

conditions. By repeating the experiments with larvae from different locations we will be able to<br />

cover a wide range of different species and to compare thresholds within and between geographic<br />

regions.<br />

Aim 2) The competition with algae can be tested with the same experimental design but<br />

with different amounts of turf algae in the systems.<br />

Aim 3) The brooding coral species Pocillopora damicornis and Favia fragum are<br />

available in the aquaria facilities in Rotterdam and Munich where they reproduce in closed<br />

systems. Colonies and larvae can be obtained from Rotterdam. The experiments above will be<br />

repeated with larvae from brooding species to test for different thresholds and differences in<br />

vulnerability to lower pH levels.<br />

Aim 4) Sublethal effects on adult colonies may be measurable in reduced energy<br />

availability for growth, reproduction or both. To test for sublethal effects, adult colonies of P.<br />

damicornis and F. fragum will be raised in aquaria with different ph-levels to measure<br />

investments into reproduction and growth. Colonies of F. fragum are ideal for this purpose,<br />

because they reach maturity extremely fast, after just one year.<br />

Aim 5) Another mode of recruitment in corals is fragmentation. Fragments from<br />

individuals can be exposed to different treatments and will allow to test the effects of OA on<br />

growth without confounding effects of genotypic variation. We will use fragments of fast<br />

growing, branching Acropora species for the experiment (larvae of the same species will be used<br />

in the experiments with sexually produced larvae). The experiment will run 12 month but can be<br />

prolonged if necessary. Within 12 month the branches will grow up to 10 cm under good<br />

conditions. This growth should provide enough new skeleton material, even under low pH<br />

conditions, for isotope analysis and analysis of material properties. Additionally we will analyse<br />

material of the corals raised from larvae. Microsensor technology will allow measuring Ca 2+ , CO2<br />

and CO3 2- in the cell regions where calcification takes place. These analyses should reveal<br />

whether corals sacrifice growth rate, skeleton stability or both under stress conditions<br />

Links to other projects:<br />

2.1.1: In this project responses of early life stages of different organisms to acidification will be<br />

analysed. In collaboration we will study responses of coral eggs to trace mechanisms of<br />

acidification effects on the earliest ontogenetic stages. Our study will provide additional<br />

information for theme 2 (Performance characters: reproduction, growth and behaviours in animal<br />

species). 3.1.2: We will compare calcification mechanisms and responses to acidification<br />

between tropical and cold water corals. 3.2.3: Our project with a focus on early live stages of<br />

corals directly complements project 3.2.3 where the focus is on responses of corals in nature.<br />

3.2.4: The measurement of minor and trace elements (e.g. Sr, Mg, Ba, S) at micron scale<br />

resolution using electron microprobe (EMP) and LA-ICP-MS provides a tool to analyze changes<br />


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in chemistry within carbonate material such as coral skeletons and will be done in conjunction<br />

with project 3.2.4. We will deliver coralline red algae from our coral incubation experiments.<br />

3.3.2: For the analysis of the biogenic carbon composition we will collaborate with A. Eisenhauer<br />

and will apply his isotope techniques. 3.4.2: For the analyses of the cellular mechanisms of<br />

calcification under different ph-levels we will collaborate with D. de Beer and will apply his<br />

microsensor techniques. 4.1.2: this project will study effects on larvae of selected organisms and<br />

results will be compared to our results on coral larvae. 4.1.3: Our study includes competition<br />

experiments between early coral colonies and macroalgae. These results will be compared with<br />

the results on tropical macroalgae of project 4.1.3 and will provide relevant information about<br />

regime-shifts for theme 4 (Species interactions and community structure: will ocean acidification<br />

cause regime shifts?).<br />

Schedule<br />

3.2.2 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Design & construction of experimental<br />

set-ups for field- and lab-based studies<br />

Experiments with brooding corals in<br />

Rotterdam and transport to Bochum<br />

Experiments with coral larvae from<br />

spawning species<br />

Competition experiments between<br />

coral larvae and macroalgae<br />

Field study during coral spawning<br />

Analysis of reproductive investment of<br />

adult brooding corals<br />

Microsensor analysis<br />

Comparative analysis of coral<br />

skeletons<br />

Data analysis, statistical evaluation,<br />

data interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />

Milestones (3.2.2)<br />


- Experimental facilities implemented month 06<br />

- Data set on CO2/pH sensitivity of larvae from brooding corals month 12<br />

- Data set on CO2/pH sensitivity of larvae from spawning corals month 21<br />

- Data set on CO2/pH sensitivity of adult brooding corals month 24<br />

- Microsensor analysis of calcification in corals grown at different CO2/pH month 28<br />

- Analysis of ultrastructure, crystallography and material properties of corals grown<br />

at different CO2/pH<br />

month 33

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

3.2.3 Coral calcification in marginal reefs (C. Richter)<br />

The aim of this project is to study the effect of natural oscillations of the aragonite saturation<br />

horizon, via the shoaling and breaking solitary internal waves, on coral calcification in marginal<br />

reefs. Marginal reefs mark the transition between flourishing coral reefs on the one hand, and<br />

rocky bottom devoid of macroskeletal organisms on the other. Such reefs occur under conditions<br />

where calcium carbonate accretion balances corrosion/erosion. In the Similan Islands, in the<br />

Andaman Sea of Thailand, the transition from reef to rock occurs over scales of only 100 m,<br />

between the solibore-protected East and the solibore-exposed West sides of the island. Marginal<br />

reefs at the flexion point provide a unique opportunity to assess tipping points in aragonite<br />

saturation state with regard to net coral calcification, and to explore the synergies between<br />

aragonite saturation, and other parameters (e.g. temperature, nutrients) associated with solibores.<br />

Specifically, the project will address calcification/decalcification and photosynthesis/respiration<br />

of corals using in situ microsensors and in situ chambers (Funke chamber). The work will involve<br />

three Steps: (1) technological development, (2) testing/deployment instrumentation in the field<br />

and (3) field measurements.<br />

As aragonite saturation co-varies with temperature, the fine-scale vertical and horizontal<br />

temperature field will be monitored with an array of Tidbit temperature loggers (Onset comp.<br />

Corporation). Two moored multiparameter-loggers (T, S, O2, pH, Fluorescence, OBS), a Rapid<br />

Access Sampler, RAS (McLane Inc.) and ZPS (McLane Inc.) available at AWI will allow<br />

autonomous pre-programmed sampling of alkalinity and nutrients. A novel in situ respirometer<br />

developed by the group (Funke chamber) combined with RAS will be used to measure timeseries<br />

of photosynthesis, respiration and calcification in situ, where calcification will be measured<br />

using the alkalinity anomaly technique. Oxygen, calcium, pH and novel CO3 2- microsensortechniques<br />

developed at MPIMM (D. de Beer) will be combined with the micro-CaveCam<br />

developed by the AWI group to measure photosynthesis and calcification in the immediate<br />

vicinity of corals along a spatio- temporal gradient of aragonite saturation state.<br />

<strong>Research</strong> will concentrate on the massive scleractinian coral Porites lutea, but to assess the<br />

general validity of our findings we will investigate also other abundant genera, including<br />

Acropora and Pocillopora, as well as purely heterotrophic forms such as Tubastraea micranthus.<br />

To test the equipment and laboratory runs, coral specimens will be collected in Koh Racha island<br />

off Phuket and reared in the Phuket Marine Biologial Laboratory (PMBC) under ambient<br />

conditions in a through flow system. Variable pH/pCO2 and temperature will be supplied in<br />

temperature-controlled incubators equipped with a CO2 bubbling system developed according to<br />

the blue-print of the Bioacid consortium. The analytical techniques and calculations for the<br />

incubation experiments follow Schneider and Erez (2006), for the microsensor set-up cf. Weber<br />

et al. (2007).<br />

Links to other projects:<br />

Methodology of combining micro-CaveCam and microsensors will be carried out in close<br />

cooperation with the microsensor group of D. de Beer (MPIMM) (project 3.4.2). Field work will<br />

be coordinated with the other teams working in tropical waters, including R. Tollrian (project<br />

3.2.2.) and K. Bischof (project 4.1.3.), using common field stations as a logistic basis. High<br />

resolution records of pH (boron isotopes), and nutrients (P:Ca) in relation to linear growth and<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

skeletal density of Porites skeletons will be examined with J. Fietzke (project 3.2.4.) and A.<br />

Eisenhauer (project 3.3.2.). Results of this project will have important ramifications for the<br />

membrane studies in coldwater corals by A. Form (project 3.1.2), and provide baseline data for<br />

theme 2 and theme 4.<br />

Schedule<br />

3.2.3 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Recruitment of staff, technological<br />

development<br />

Collection of corals and laboratory test<br />

runs<br />

In situ microsensor and incubation<br />

experiments<br />

Sample processing and measurements<br />

Data analysis<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />

Milestones (3.2.3)<br />


- In situ instrumentation developed and tested month 06<br />

- Laboratory data set on CO2/pH sensitivity of corals month 12<br />

- First field data set on CO2/pH sensitivity of corals (end NE monsoon) month 18<br />

- Second field data set on CO2/pH sensitivity of corals (end SW monsoon) month 24<br />

- Data set on synergistic effects of CO2, temperature and nutrients month 24<br />

- Data analysis, submission of theses and manuscripts month 36<br />

3.2.4 Impact of ocean acidification on coralline red algae (J. Fietzke)<br />

Coralline red algae are important carbonate forming species both at low and high latitudes. In the<br />

former, they are important for the development and stability of the coral reefs. In the latter, they<br />

are the dominant benthic marine carbonates. This project therefore will investigate the response<br />

of different species of coralline red algae in these two contrasting environmental settings to ocean<br />

acidification. In particular, this will include:<br />

1. Culturing experiments with CO2 perturbations using a high-latitude species<br />

2. Micro-scale skeletal architecture and geochemical analyses to compare cultured with insitu<br />

specimens.<br />

3. Comparison of the response of coralline red algae and corals from the same location at<br />

low latitudes, which has a high natural pH variability (linked to project 3.2.3).<br />

4. Investigation of the responses in long-lived coralline red algae to the anthropogenic<br />

driven CO2 increase since the beginning of the industrial revolution.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

5. Comparison between different pH responses of macroalgae and macroorganisms (linked<br />

to project 2.1.3; 4.1.1; 4.1.3).<br />

To achieve these objectives, Lithothamnium topiphorme<br />

will be cultured from existing specimens available at<br />

IFM-GEOMAR. The samples will be grown for 12-14<br />

months, using the five standard pH levels within the<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> project. This will be done in conjunction with<br />

U. Riebesell and A. Form (project 3.2.1 and 3.1.2<br />

respectively). The light irradiance and temperature values<br />

used would be similar to those occurring at the collection<br />

site. In-situ analyses of the calcification process will be<br />

carried out (in conjunction with project 3.4.2). The<br />

skeletal architecture of naturally grown sample material<br />

will be analysed using SEM, electron backscatter<br />

diffraction (EBSD). This will be complemented by high-resolution geochemical analyses<br />

applying electron microprobe, NanoSIMS, LA-ICP-MS, SYXRF. After the completion of the<br />

culturing, this sample material will be subjected to the same analytical tools, to investigate the<br />

effects of the pH treatment. The architectural and geochemical analyses will be available for<br />

other cultured material (project 3.2.1 and 3.1.2) to understand how different calcifying organisms<br />

react to different pH.<br />

To further understand existing adaption to natural pH variability within coral and red algae<br />

communities in tropical reefs, samples from both taxa, grown in close proximity, will be used for<br />

geochemical comparison. This material and accompanying temperature and pH data will be made<br />

available through collaboration with project 3.2.3. Architectural and geochemical analyses of<br />

new coral and coralline red algae growth will be carried out (on material from project 3.2.2) to<br />

determine how changes in pH are affecting newly establishing colonies.<br />

Finally, using samples of long-lived species e.g. Clathromorphum nereostratum, we will study<br />

whether ocean acidification since the industrial revolution has impacted on the micro-architecture<br />

and geochemistry of coralline algae over decadal timescales. Thus, the rate of adaptation and<br />

changes from short-term studies can be compared to changes over extended timescales in order to<br />

predict the long-term effects of progressing ocean acidification.<br />

Links to other projects:<br />

Electron microprobe map of sulphur<br />

variation in coralline red algae<br />

3.2.3: Coral and coralline red algae samples from the same habitat will be compared with respect<br />

to their architectural and microchemical responses on variable pH and temperature conditions. A<br />

comparable approach focussing on cultured specimen from pH controlled coral larvae<br />

recruitment experiments will be used in collaboration with 3.2.2. Both collaborations (3.2.2 and<br />

3.2.3) will contribute to the understanding the pH influence on the initial growth of coral<br />

colonies. Experience of U. Riebesell and A. Form (project 3.2.1 and 3.1.2 respectively) will be<br />

utilised in culturing the coralline red algae. In return our experience of geochemical and<br />

architectural analyses will be utilised to understand the effects of pH on pteropod and cold water<br />

coral samples from this two projects. 4.1.1 and 4.1.3: Joint experiments on the calcification<br />

processes in coralline red algae and other macroalgae will be undertaken focussing on the<br />

competition between different algae groups. 3.4.2: Joint experiments to study the calcification<br />

process on a cellular level will be carried out using microsensor techniques. T. Brey (project<br />

2.1.3) will provide time-series data for the coralline red algae samples from Svalbard, Norway.<br />


Schedule<br />

178<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

3.2.4 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Set-up of culturing facility<br />

CO 2 perturbation experiment<br />

Analyses of skeletal architecture from<br />

in-situ material<br />

Geochemical analyses of in-situ<br />

material (incl. archive material &<br />

corals)<br />

Analyses of skeletal architecture from<br />

cultured material<br />

Geochemical analyses of cultured<br />

material<br />

Data analysis, statistical evaluation,<br />

data interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />

Milestones (3.2.4)<br />


- Experimental set-up for CO2/pH implemented month 03<br />

- Baseline skeletal architecture and microchemistry month 09<br />

- Geochemical comparison between coexisting red algae and corals month 12<br />

- Long-term data set on centennial archive month 15<br />

- Collection of cultured samples month 15<br />

- Skeletal architecture and microchemistry of cultured samples month 21<br />

- Data set on CO2/pH sensitivity of cultured samples month 24<br />

- Completion of manuscripts month 30<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

3.2.1<br />

3.2.2<br />

3.2.3<br />

3.2.4<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total

3.2.1<br />

3.2.2<br />

3.2.3<br />

3.2.4<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

3.2.1<br />

3.2.2<br />

3.2.3<br />

3.2.4<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investments<br />

3.2.1<br />

3.2.2<br />

3.2.3<br />

3.2.4<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

3.2.1<br />

3.2.2<br />

3.2.3<br />

3.2.4<br />

Subtotal<br />

TOTAL<br />

Budget justification<br />

3.2.1<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

Personnel costs: 1 Ph.D. position (Jan Büdenbender, per year), student helpers (€ per year) to<br />

assist with Svalbard experiments and lab culturing of pteropods and food algae<br />

Consumables: synthetic gases, Ca isotopes, Mg,, Sr and Ca analyses, fluorochromes, SEM<br />

analyses, reagents for artificial media, nutrient and Winkler analyses (€ in years 1 and 2)<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Travel: 2 trips for 3 persons (Ph.D. student + 2 student helpers) to Ny Alesund, Svalbard each),<br />

meals and accommodation /person/day) and lab fee ( /person/day) at field station Ny Alesund<br />

for 2 visits of 28 days each for 3 persons: total , 2 trips for 2 persons (Ph.D. student + Co-PI) per<br />

year to international conferences), attendance of <strong>BIOACID</strong> workshops and annual meetings.<br />

Investments: Culturing facilities for pteropod maintenance (€), 12 experimental laminar-flow<br />

incubation vessels for CO2/temperature controlled incubations (x)<br />

Other costs: transport of equipment to Svalbard (€).<br />

3.2.2<br />

Personnel costs: 1 Ph.D. position (Sebastian Striewski, per year), student helpers (per year for<br />

year 1 and 2, for year 3) to assist with field experiments, lab experiments, calibration and<br />

control of the CO2-supply systems and chemical parameters.<br />

Consumables: synthetic gases, isotope analyses, ultrastructure analyses, reagents for artificial<br />

sea water, supply for culturing facility, nutrient and Winkler analyses, settling substrates for coral<br />

larvae (€ in year 1, in year 2, in year 3)<br />

Travel: 2 trips for 3 persons (PI, Ph.D. student + student helper) for field experiments to Lizard<br />

Island (Australia) ( each + bench fees and accommodation for 35 days: AUD 113/person and<br />

day), 3 short trips for 2 persons to field stations in different geographic regions for larvae<br />

collections after mass spawning events, 2 trips for 2 persons (Ph.D. student + PI) for year 2 and 3<br />

to international conferences ( each), attendance of <strong>BIOACID</strong> workshops and annual meetings (€<br />

per year). Attendance of microsensor workshop, collaborative works in Rotterdam, Kiel and<br />

Munich for Ph.D.. Total: € .<br />

Investments: Culturing facilities for coral larvae and adult colonies. Separate systems for each<br />

CO2-level, including tanks, pumps, lamps, water purification, systems for CO2- and temperaturecontrolled<br />

incubations (total € ).<br />

Other costs: Coral larvae rearing tanks with circular flow, mobile CO2- and temperature-control<br />

systems for the field (total € ). Air freight (year 1 and year 2; total € ) total €<br />

3.2.3<br />

Personnel costs: 1 Ph.D. position (N.N., € per year) is needed to carry out the combined micro-<br />

CaveCam-microsensor work in situ and in the lab, on natural and simulated in situ variations of<br />

aragonite saturation state on coral calcification in marginal reefs. The student is to be trained in<br />

the <strong>BIOACID</strong> consortium using the expertise available in the various institutions, e.g. in<br />

methodology (CO2-experiments, IFM-GEOMAR) and instrumentation (microsensors, MPIMM).<br />

Student helpers (6 mo. x 80 h, € per year) are needed to assist with Thailand experiments and<br />

chemical analyses of samples.<br />

Consumables: microsensor materials, reagents for chemical analyses, glass- and plastic ware for<br />

coral maintenance, CO2 gases (€ in years 1 and 2; € in year 3)<br />

Travel: 1 flight (year 1) and 2 flights (year 2), each for 3 persons (co-PI, Ph.D. student, 1 student<br />

helper) to Phuket, Thailand (€ and € ); contribution to Accommodation/Living expenses (€<br />

/person/day for 3 visits á 20 days for 3 persons); attendance of <strong>BIOACID</strong> workshops and annual<br />

meetings (€ per year, total € );

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Investments: Microsensor set-up (€ ; year 1); in-situ respirometer (custom-built, € , year 1)<br />

Other costs: Transfers Phuket-Koh Racha/Similans (shared cost € /boat/day for 3 visits á 10<br />

days; total € ), Air freight (year 1 and year 3; total € ).<br />

3.2.4<br />

Personnel costs: Postdoc for 30 months (Laura Foster, € per year). In-depth experience of<br />

skeletal architecture and geochemical analyses is essential for this project. The named postdoc<br />

has a strong background in this type of research (e.g. Foster et al. 2008a+b, Foster et al. in<br />

review). She has extensive experience with a large suite of microchemical techniques e.g. SIMS,<br />

LA-ICP-MS, EMP, XAFS as well as studying changes in architecture within biogenic carbonates<br />

e.g. critical point drying and SEM.<br />

Consumables: During the first year € is required for culturing equipment with € for<br />

analyses of pre-existing material: electron microprobe (EMP) ~€ /day, LA-ICP-MS ~€ /day<br />

(in house prices); additional costs for preparation and SEM analyses. 2 nd year costs will be for<br />

analytics (LA-ICP-MS, SEM, EMP) with chemical analysis of the culturing water (quadrupole<br />

ICP-MS, ~€ ). 3 rd year completion of LA-ICP-MS, SEM, EMP analyses.<br />

Travel: International conference attendance; work at Bremen (NanoSIMS and microsensors);<br />

Glasgow (for EBSD analyses and meetings); SYXRF at Hamburg and attendance at <strong>BIOACID</strong><br />

workshops.<br />

vi. References<br />

Cusack, M, Perez-Huerta, A Dalbeck, P (2007) Common crystallographic control in calcite biomineralization of bivalved shells. Crysteng<br />

9:1215-1218<br />

Fabry V et al. (2008) Impacts of ocean acidification on marine fauna and ecosystem processes. ICESJ Mar Sci 65:414-432<br />

Fietzke J, Liebetrau V, Günther D, Gürs K, Hametner K, Zumholz K, Hansteen TH and Eisenhauer A (accepted) An alternative data<br />

acquisition and evaluation strategy for improved isotope ratio precision using LA-MC-ICP-MS applied for stable and radiogenic strontium<br />

isotopes in carbonates. J An AtSpectrom<br />

Fietzke J, Eisenhauer A (2006) Determination of temperature-dependent stable strontium isotope ( 88 Sr/ 86 Sr) fractionation via bracketing<br />

standard MC-ICP-MS. Geochem Geophys Geosys doi:10.1029/2006GC001243<br />

Fietzke J, Eisenhauer A, Gussone N, Bock B, Liebetrau V, Nägler Th.F, Spero HJ, Bijma J, and Dullo C (2004) Direct measurement of<br />

44 40<br />

Ca/ Ca ratios by MC-ICP-MS using the cool plasma technique. Chem Geol 206:11-20<br />

Foster LC, Allison N, Finch AA, Andersson, C (in review) Strontium distribution in the shell of the aragonite bivalve Arctica islandica.<br />

Geochem Geophys Geosys<br />

Foster LC, Allison N, Finch AA, Andersson C, Clarke LJ (2008a) Mg in aragonitic bivalve shells: seasonal variations and mode of<br />

incorporation in Arctica islandica. Chem Geol, accepted<br />

Foster LC, Andersson C, Høie H, Allison N, Finch AA, Johansen T (2008b) Effects of micromilling on δ 18 O in biogenic aragonite.<br />

Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems doi:10.1029/2007GC001911.<br />

Genin A, Jaffe JS, Reef R, Richter C, Franks PJS (2005) Swimming against the flow: a mechanism of zooplankton aggregation. Science 308:<br />

860-862<br />

Halfar J, Steneck R, Schöne B, Moore GWK, Joachimski M, Kronz A, Fietzke J, Estes J (2007) Coralline alga reveals first marine record of<br />

subarctic North Pacific climate change. Geophysical <strong>Research</strong> Letters 34, doi:10.1029/2006GL028811<br />

Hansteen TH, Sachs PM, Lechtenberg F (2000) Synchrotron-XRF microprobe analysis of silicate reference standards using fundamentalparameter<br />

quantification. Euro J Mineral, 12:25-31<br />

Heinemann A, Fietzke J, Eisenhauer A, Zumholz K (2008) Modification of Ca isotope and trace metal composition of the major matrices<br />

involved in shell formation of Mytilus edulis. Geochem Geophys Geosys doi:10.1029/2007GC001777<br />

Hoegh-Guldberg, O et al. (2007) Coral reefs under rapid climate change and ocean acidification. Science 318:1737-1742<br />

Jackson CR (2004) An Atlas of Internal Solitary-like Waves and their Properties, 2nd Edition. Office of Naval <strong>Research</strong>, Global Ocean<br />

Associates, Alexandria, VA , USA<br />

Kamenos NA, Cusack M, Moore PG (2008) Coralline algae are global paleothermometers with bi-weekly resolution. Geochim cosmochim<br />

acta 72:771-779<br />

Kleypas JA et al. (2006) Impacts of ocean acidification on coral reefs and other marine calcifiers: a guide for future research. 88 p. Boulder,<br />

Colorado: Institute for the Study of Society and <strong>Environment</strong> (ISSE) of the University Corporation for Atmospheric <strong>Research</strong> (UCAR).<br />

Maier E, Tollrian R, Nürnberger B (2001) Development of species-specific markers in an organism with endosymbionts: microsatellites in the<br />

scleractinian coral Seriatopora hystrix. Molecular Ecology (Notes) 1:157-159<br />

Maier E, Tollrian R, Rinkevich B, Nürnberger B (2005) Reproductive mode and isolation by distance in the scleractinian coral Seriatopora<br />

hystrix. Marine Biology 147: 1109-1120<br />


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Morse, DE et al. (1994) Morphogen-based chemical flypaper for Agaricia humilis coral larvae. Biol Bull 186:172-181<br />

Mumby, PJ et al. (2006) Fishing, trophic cascades, and the process of grazing on coral reefs. Science 311:98-101<br />

Orr JC et al. (2005) Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms. Nature 437:681-<br />

686<br />

Petersen D, Tollrian R (2001) Methods to enhance sexual recruitment for restoration of damaged reefs. Bulletin of Marine Science 69:989-<br />

1000<br />

Petersen D, Hatta M, Laterveer M, van Bergen D (2005a). Ex situ transportation of coral larvae for research, conservation, and aquaculture.<br />

Coral Reefs 24:510-513<br />

Petersen D, Laterveer M, Schuhmacher H (2005b). Innovative substrate tiles to spatially control larval settlement in coral culture. Mar Biol<br />

146:937-942<br />

Petersen D et al. (2006). The application of sexual coral recruits for the sustainable management of ex situ populations in public aquariums to<br />

promote coral reef conservation - SECORE Project. Aquatic conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst 16:167-179<br />

Richter C, Abu-Hilal A (2006) Seas of the Arabian Region (29,S). In: Robinson AR, Brink KH (eds) The global coastal ocean -<br />

Interdisciplinary regional studies and syntheses, Vol 14, Part B. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, p 1373-1412<br />

Richter C, Bon M, Fillinger L, Jantzen C, Roder C, Schmidt G, Phongsuwan N, Khokiattiwong S (2008) Ocean dynamics drive coral reef<br />

processes in the Andaman Sea 11th International Coral Reef Symposium. International Society for Reef Studies, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida,<br />

USA<br />

Richter C, Wunsch M, Rasheed M, Koetter I, Badran MI (2001) Endoscopic exploration of Red Sea coral reefs reveals dense populations of<br />

cavity-dwelling sponges. Nature 413,726-730<br />

Riebesell U et al. (2007) Enhanced biological carbon consumption in a high CO2 ocean. Nature 450:545-549<br />

Riebesell U (2004) Effects of CO2 enrichment on marine phytoplankton. J Oceanogr 60:719-729<br />

Riebesell U et al. (2000) Reduced calcification in marine plankton in response to increased atmospheric CO2. Nature 407:634-637<br />

Riebesell U et al. (1993) Phytoplankton growth and CO2. Nature 363:678<br />

Rüggeberg A, Fietzke J, Liebetrau V, Eisenhauer A, Dullo W-Ch, Freiwald A (2008) Stable strontium isotopes ( 88 Sr/ 86 Sr) in cold-water corals<br />

– a new proxy for reconstruction of intermediate ocean water temperatures. Earth Planet Sci Lett,accepted<br />

Weber M, Faerber P, Meyer V, Lott C, Eickert G, Fabricius KE, de Beer D (2007) In Situ Applications of a New Diver-Operated Motorized<br />

Microsensor Profiler. Environ Sci Technol 41:6210-6215<br />

Werner I, et al. (2002) Carnivorous feeding and respiration of the Arctic under-ice amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii. Polar Biol 25:523-530<br />

Werner I, Auel H (2005) Seasonal variability in abundance, respiration and lipid composition of Arctic under-ice amphipods. Mar Ecol Prog<br />

Ser 292:251-262<br />

Werner I (2006) Seasonal dynamics of sub-ice fauna below pack ice in the Arctic (Fram Strait). Deep-Sea Res I 53:294-309<br />

Zumholz K, Hansteen TH, Hillion F, Horreard F, Piatkowski U (2007a) Elemental distribution in cephalopod statholiths: NanoSIMS provides<br />

new insights into nano-scale structure. Rev Fish Biol Fisheries DOI 10.1007/s11160-006-9036-4<br />

Zumholz K, Klügel A, Hansteen TH, Piatkowski U (2007b) Statolith microchemistry traces environmental history of the boreoatlantic<br />

armhook squid Gonatus fabricii. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 333:195-204<br />

Zumholz K, Hansteen TH, Piatkowski U, Croot PL (2007c) Influence of temperature and salinity on the trace element incorporation into<br />

statoliths of the common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). Mar Biol 151:1321–1330 DOI 10.1007/s00227-006-0564-1<br />

Zumholz K, Hansteen TH, Klügel A, Piatkowski U (2006) Food effects on statolith composition of the common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis).<br />

Mar Biol DOI 10.1007/s00227-006-0342-0

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Project 3.3: Ultra-structural changes and trace element / isotope partitioning in<br />

calcifying organisms (foraminifera, corals)<br />

(Jelle Bijma (PI und co-PI 3.3.1), Anton Eisenhauer (co-PI 3.3.2))<br />

i. Objectives<br />

For uni-cellular organisms like foraminifera, it has been shown that the carbonate chemistry of<br />

the ocean not only affects the shell weight (Bijma et al., 2002) but also shell chemistry (e.g.<br />

Bijma et al., 1999). Similar observations have been made for multi-cellular organisms like reef<br />

building corals. The similarity in the ultra-structures of different calcifying organisms suggests a<br />

common ancestral calcification mechanism. Here we propose to investigate the links between the<br />

calcifying mechanism, the ultra-structure and the chemical composition. One group of the project<br />

(3.3.1: co-PI J. Bijma) will investigate the ultra-structure of foraminifera and corals cultured<br />

under different pCO2 conditions, whereas the second group (3.3.2: co-PI A. Eisenhauer) will<br />

focus on trace element and isotope partitioning. In addition, the physico-chemical environment<br />

within the cell will be determined to identify physiological processes that control the ultra<br />

structure as well as the chemical and isotopical composition of the biogenic carbonate. The<br />

overall aim of this study is to further develop a process based understanding of biocalcification<br />

for uni- (foraminifer) and multicellular (corals) organisms, which would allow to predict the<br />

consequences of ocean acidification on marine calcifying organisms and how this affects the<br />

structural and chemical properties of their skeletons.<br />

ii. State of the Art<br />

To understand the trace element partitioning and isotope fractionation in foraminiferal tests and<br />

corals, used for paleo-climate reconstruction, extensive research on the calcifying mechanism<br />

itself was performed during the last decades. For foraminifers this investigation led to a model<br />

which builds on the following major mechanisms. Seawater is taken up by the organism<br />

(endocytosis) and transported to the site of calcification. During this transport the composition of<br />

the solution inside the vesicle is modified (concentrating Ca 2+ while possibly removing other<br />

divalent cations (notably Mg 2+ ) and at the same time pumping H + to “acidic” vesicles, thereby<br />

increasing pH and CO3 2- in the “calcification” vesicles). This explains, on the one hand, why<br />

foraminifers are among the best recorders of paleo-proxies (because calcification is based on<br />

ambient seawater). On the other hand, but by the same token, it also explains why foraminifera<br />

are so sensitive to ocean acidification. A similar model has been developed for corals (Erez,<br />

personal com.). Physiological responses within the foraminiferal and coral calcification pathways<br />

will determine their success as calcifiers in an acidified ocean. These responses, however, are<br />

completely unknown and subject of the current proposal.<br />

Uni- as well as multi-cellular marine calcifying organisms maintain their own distinct trace metal<br />

homeostasis which results in characteristic and species specific elemental ratios as well as in<br />

peculiar isotope fractionation (“vital effect”) which is significantly different from any inorganicthermodynamic<br />

expectations. This “vital effect” is most likely due to the development of<br />

biochemical mechanisms to keep the trace metal homeostasis of the most important divalent<br />

cations, magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca), and other trace elements, e.g. strontium (Sr) in<br />

narrow limits in order to meet certain physiological needs. In particular, the uptake of Ca into the<br />

cytoplasm is strongly limited due to its cell-poisoning effect. Furthermore, uni- and multi-cellular<br />

calcifying organisms apply biochemical mechanisms in order to actively lower their Mg<br />

concentrations and the Mg/Ca ratio in cell vesicles below a certain threshold before calcification<br />

starts in order to precipitate calcite instead of aragonite.<br />


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In this regard, the function of Ca 2+ -selective channels and Ca 2+ -ATPases embedded in the cellular<br />

membranes have been recognized to be very important gateways to control trace metal fluxes<br />

from an outside solution via the cytoplasm to the site of calcification. However, information<br />

about their function for the transport of trace metals from seawater to the site of calcification is<br />

limited. In particular, the partitioning of trace metals between seawater and biogenic CaCO3 of<br />

the major divalent cation fluxes (e.g. Ca, Mg, Sr) and their dependency on external<br />

environmental factors like seawater pH, salinity and water temperature has remained unexplored.<br />

In order to overcome this lack of knowledge on the function of channels and ATPases we<br />

propose to study divalent cation (Ca, Mg, Sr) partitioning between seawater and coral aragonite<br />

as well as foraminiferal calcite as a function of those important environmental parameters in the<br />

marine environment expected to change as a function of global increase in pCO2. The results of<br />

this study will provide a better understanding of the calcification mechanisms as well as provide<br />

quantitative information on trace metal ratios and isotope fractionation as a function of pH,<br />

salinity and temperature. This will put distinct quantitative constraints on the modeling of the role<br />

of ion selective channels and ATPases for the trace metal fluxes across membranes and the<br />

marine calcification mechanisms.<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

Jelle Bijma established the interdisciplinary section Marine Biogeosciences at the AWI. He<br />

holds a PhD degree in Marine Biology and Actuo-micropaleontology. Since almost 25 years he<br />

and his group work on biological and paleoceanographic aspects of calcifying organisms. He is a<br />

specialist in foraminiferal ecology, stable isotope and trace element geochemistry and<br />

paleoceanography. His particular strengths for this project are his experience in interdisciplinary<br />

work and expertise in foraminiferal calcification and its stable isotope and trace element<br />

geochemistry.<br />

Anton Eisenhauer is a physicist and has a long scientific track record in the field of lowtemperature<br />

and isotope geochemistry and their application to reconstruct past and present<br />

environmental conditions in the marine realm. The proponent is the head of the isotope<br />

geochemistry laboratory of the IFM-GEOMAR which is among the leading facilities for the<br />

analysis of traditional and non-traditional isotope systems (e.g. δ 25 Mg, δ 44/40 Ca, δ 88/86 Sr, δ 11 B).<br />

The proponent manages the IFM-GEOMAR laboratories which are equipped with state-of-the-art<br />

mass-spectrometers and laser-ablation systems. The proponent has initiated studies on inorganic<br />

precipitation experiments and biomineralization studies to examine the partitioning between the<br />

bulk solution and the CaCO3.<br />

iv. Work <strong>Programme</strong>, Schedules, and Milestones<br />

The subproject 3.3.1 addresses the ultra-structure of the shells (foraminifera, pteropods,<br />

ostracods) or skeletons (corals). Specifically, it focuses on the impact of the carbonate chemistry<br />

on the calcifying mechanisms by investigating the resulting changes in the ultra-structure as well<br />

as by following the fate of the “calcifying vesicles” using fluorescent probes.<br />

The subproject 3.3.2 focuses on the function of ion selective channels and pumps by measuring<br />

trace element and isotope partitioning between artificially altered seawater and the CaCO3<br />

skeleton precipitated by selected marine calcifying organisms. During the course of the project<br />

trace element partitioning and isotope fractionation will be studied by applying Ussing chamber<br />

experiments. These kinds of experiments allow to study the role of Ca-activated channels and<br />

pumps for trace element partitioning and isotope fractionation.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Joint culture experiments (3.3.1 & 3.3.2)<br />

Planktonic foraminifera<br />

The basis for our investigations are culture experiments under controlled laboratory conditions.<br />

Our groups have routinely carried out such experiments for many years. We use established<br />

procedures for maintaining planktonic foraminifera in laboratory culture. Scuba divers<br />

hand-collect live specimens of planktonic foraminifera from water depths of 2 to 6 m. Specimens<br />

are brought back to the laboratory, where they were identified, measured with an inverted<br />

microscope, and transferred to 0.8 µm filtered sea water in 115 ml culture jars. The jars are<br />

sealed without an air space and placed into thermostated water tanks maintained at constant<br />

temperatures (three groups: 23, 26 and 29°C).<br />

Illumination is provided by F24T12/CW/HO fluorescent bulbs on a 12:12 hr light:dark cycle.<br />

Symbiont bearing species are maintained under high light (“HL”, >380 µmol m -2 s -1 ), which<br />

corresponds to maximum symbiont photosynthetic rates (Pmax) , and low light (“LL”, 20-30<br />

µmol m -2 s -1 ), which is below the compensation light level . For comparison, ambient field light<br />

levels are >2000 µmol m -2 s -1 . The foraminifera are fed one brine shrimp nauplius every other day<br />

until gametogenesis. Empty shells are then rinsed in purified water and archived in covered slides<br />

for later analysis. The carbonate chemistry of the culture water is changed by keeping total<br />

alkalinity, DIC or pH constant.<br />

Corals and benthic foraminifera<br />

Scleractinian and soft corals as well as benthic foraminifera will be cultured under controlled<br />

laboratory conditions. In order to simulate global change on laboratory scale scleractinian and<br />

soft corals (e.g. Pavona clavus) as well as benthic foraminifera will be cultured as a function of<br />

selected pH (equivalent to atmospheric pCO2 of 180, 280, 380 and 700 ppmv), salinity (between<br />

33 to 40) and temperature (benthic: 5, 10 and 15°C; corals: 23, 26 and 29°C ). To provide enough<br />

material for analysis two field seasons (each lasting 3 to 6 months) of culturing at the Hebrew<br />

University of Jerusalem (corals) and the Inter-university Institute (IUI) at Elat, Israel (e.g.<br />

planktonic foraminfera and corals) are scheduled. In addition, the culturing facilities of IFM-<br />

GEOMAR (e.g. soft corals and benthic foraminifera) and of the AWI (ostracods and benthic<br />

foraminifera) will also be used in the framework of this study.<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

3.3.1 Impact of ocean acidification on the calcification mechanisms in marine calcifying<br />

organisms and on ultra structural changes of biogenic calcite<br />

Ultra structure<br />

We will investigate the impact of ocean acidification on biogenic calcification, where nucleation<br />

on organic membranes is a key process (Fig. 3.7).<br />

Fig. 3.7: SEM micrographs. The left micrograph is showing the polished cross section of a foraminifer embedded into<br />

a resin. The right micrograph is showing the close-up of the test wall. A special etching technique reveals structural<br />

details, like the presence of layers, interpreted as organic linings.<br />

By using AFM (Fig. 3.8) we will investigate how the test wall ultra-structure of (hyaline)<br />

foraminifera (build up of units only a few nm in size, surrounded by organic layers) is affected by<br />

changes in the carbonate chemistry of the culture medium. Such structures have also been<br />

demonstrated in bivalves and corals. This consistency may point towards a universal mechanism<br />

of calcification among these groups. Therefore we will investigate the ultra-structure in other<br />

groups of calcifying organisms (pteropods, ostracods). High resolution AFM (i.e. below 1 nm)<br />

will also be used to investigate ultra-structural changes of the calcifying units due to growth in<br />

different carbonate chemistries.<br />

Fig. 3.8: left: AFM scan of the three prominent lines shown in Figure 3.8 (right micrograph). Right: 500 nm x 500 nm<br />

AFM scan, done between two of the lines shown in the left figure.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

In addition, AFM force curves on the “organic membranes” will be performed to determine<br />

functional groups active in biomineralisation. This will be complemented by inorganic calcite<br />

growth experiments in AFM fluid cells which will allow direct monitoring of crystal growth in<br />

the presence of organic molecules identified in foraminiferal tests. In this way, mimicking<br />

processes assumed during the growth of biogenic CaCO3 will provide new insights into controls<br />

on calcification and its relation to sea water chemistry that cannot be observed in vivo.<br />

Vacuolisation and calcification<br />

High-resolution fluorescence microscopy and con-focal laser microscopy will allow us to follow<br />

the complete pathway from sea water vacuolization until calcification (Fig. 3.9). The incubations<br />

will be extended by combining HPTS-incubations with other fluorescent probes to investigate the<br />

role of organelles and analyze the contents of the high-pH vesicles (like Ca 2+ ).<br />

Fig. 3.9: Recently, the fluorescent probes<br />

HPTS and Fluo-3AM have been applied to<br />

foraminifera and can now be used to visualize<br />

foraminiferal intracellular pH and Ca 2+<br />

respectively. Results with HPTS dissolved in<br />

natural seawater (pH=8.2) indicate that before<br />

a new chamber is formed in C. lobatulus,<br />

vesicles with an elevated pH are formed in the<br />

outer chambers and migrate towards the site of<br />

calcification, where they produce a zone of<br />

high (>9.0) pH in which CaCO3 precipitates.<br />

Investigating the pH change along the calcification pathway and at the site of calcification is of<br />

vital importance to understand the physiological response of foraminifera to ocean acidification.<br />

To do so, foraminifera will be cultured under a range of different sea water pH's with dissolved<br />

fluorescent probes. At different stages during calcification, the intracellular pH will be<br />

determined.<br />

3.3.2 The effect of decreasing pH, salinity and temperature on the trace element<br />

partitioning between marine calcifying organisms and seawater.<br />

Based on existing models on the function of ion selective channels (c.f (Gussone, Eisenhauer, et<br />

al., 2003)) and pumps we will approach the problem by the measurement of trace element (Mg,<br />

Ca, Sr) and isotope (δ 25 Mg, δ 44/40 Ca, δ 88/86 Sr, δ 11 B, δ 13 C, δ 18 O) partitioning between artificially<br />

altered seawater and the CaCO3 skeleton precipitated by selected marine calcifying organisms<br />

(scleractinian and soft corals, benthic foraminifera). According to existing models pH variations<br />

should be reflected by the strength of the isotope fractionation process. These variations will then<br />

help to improve our quantitative understanding of biocalcification as well as the impact of pH<br />

variations on the rate of calcification.<br />

Trace element and isotope analysis<br />

All trace element (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, B/Ca, etc.) and isotope (δ 25 Mg, δ 44/40 Ca, δ 88/86 Sr, δ 11 B, δ 13 C,<br />

δ 18 O) measurements will be performed at the mass-spectrometer facilities of the IFM-GEOMAR,<br />

Kiel, Germany, using state-of-the-art mass-spectrometer technique (c.f. Heuser, Eisenhauer et al,<br />


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2002). Beside the Mg-, Ca-, and Sr-isotopes the boron isotope systematic (δ 11 B and B/Ca) will<br />

also be monitored due to its sensitivity to pH- and CO3 2- -concentration.<br />

Spatial resolution and shell inhomogenities<br />

In order to test spatial trace element and isotope inhomogenities we will apply the Laser-Ablation<br />

system at the IFM-GEOMAR which allows a spatial resolution of about 10 µm and even better.<br />

The Laser-Ablation system is designed to directly inject the sputtered material in the MC-ICPMS<br />

for in situ determination of trace element concentrations and isotope fractionation.<br />

Identification of transport enzymes<br />

The identification of the Ca 2+ -binding enzymes (cf. Fig. 3.10) will be performed in close<br />

collaboration with Prof. M. Bleich (Physiologisches Institut, CAU, Kiel). Furthermore, in order<br />

to test the influence of Ca-selected channels and pumps on Ca isotope fractionation we will<br />

perform experiments by using Ussing chambers. These kinds of experiments will be done in<br />

close collaboration with M. Bleich and his staff members.<br />

Links to other subprojects<br />

There are several links to other <strong>BIOACID</strong> projects. A major link will be to the subproject 0.4<br />

concerning “Training and transfer of know-how”. Together with U. Riebesell and M. Meyerhöfer<br />

(subproject 0.4) and J. Fietzke (3.2.4) we will organize a workshop on MC-ICP-MS-, TIMSmeasurements<br />

and isotope fractionation during biomineralization. Such an event is important in<br />

order to inform interested <strong>BIOACID</strong> scientists about instrumental and analytical progress.<br />

There are close links concerning the study of the calcification mechanisms to subproject 2.1.3<br />

which is focused on calcifying processes in macroorganisms and their relationship to changing<br />

environmental conditions in the ocean. Further links exist to project 2.3.1 which will examine the<br />

effects of changing ocean conditions on the otolith/statolith formation. Latter approach is also<br />

directly relevant to our study.<br />

Direct links exist to the projects 3.1.2, 3.1.3 and 3.1.4 which focus on calcification processes in<br />

cold water corals, molluscs as well as on the membrane transport mechanisms for calcification<br />

and pH-regulation.<br />

Further links concerning the application of trace element and isotope partitioning effects exist<br />

with subproject 3.2.1 (U. Riebesell). In collaboration with this subproject we will examine the<br />

effect of ocean acidification and warming on pteropods from subpolar regions.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Fig. 3.10: ‘‘Epithelial’’ model of Mg 2+ removal from the privileged space in perforate foraminifera. The parent<br />

solution is based on seawater which arrives to the privileged space via vacuoles from the apical side. From the<br />

privileged space Mg 2+ diffuses into the cell via Mg 2+ channels (bold arrow); the diffusion is favored by both the<br />

concentration gradient and the membrane potential (_40 mV). In the cell, the free Mg 2+ is buffered by binding to<br />

negatively charged cytosolic molecules, mainly ATP, and by sequestration into cellular compartments such as<br />

mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Simultaneously, active extrusion of the excess Mg 2+ by ion exchangers<br />

and pumps is exerted at the apical side. Note that all the above Mg 2+ transport processes may also be employed on the<br />

seawater vacuoles during their intracellular pathway to the calcification site (from Bentov and Erez, 2006).<br />

Schedules 3.3.1 and 3.3.2<br />

3.3.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Literature study, preparation field<br />

season<br />

Set-up of culturing facility; first CO2 perturbation experiment<br />

Sample processing and<br />

measurements: AFM +<br />

(convocal)microscopy<br />

Set-up of culturing facility; second<br />

CO2 perturbation experiment<br />

Sample processing and<br />

measurements: AFM +<br />

(convocal)microscopy<br />

Data analysis, statistical evaluation,<br />

data interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation<br />

of results at conferences<br />



Milestones (3.3.1)<br />

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- 1st experiment successfully carried out month 09<br />

- 1st experimental data set on CO2/pH sensitivity (180 and 380 ppmv) month 18<br />

- 2nd experiment successfully carried out month 21<br />

- 2nd experimental data set on CO2/pH sensitivity (280 and 700 ppmv) month 30<br />

- Evaluation of combined data set; Sensitivities and uncertainties month 33<br />

3.3.2 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Literature study, preparation field<br />

season<br />

Set-up of culturing facility; first CO2 perturbation experiment<br />

Sample processing and measurements:<br />


Set-up of culturing facility; second<br />

CO2 perturbation experiment<br />

Sample processing and measurements:<br />


Data analysis, statistical evaluation,<br />

data interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />

Milestones (3.3.2)<br />


- 1st experiment successfully carried out month 09<br />

- 1st experimental data set on CO2/pH sensitivity (180 and 380 ppmv) month 18<br />

- 2nd experiment successfully carried out month 21<br />

- 2nd experimental data set on CO2/pH sensitivity (280 and 700 ppmv) month 30<br />

- Evaluation of combined data set; Sensitivities and uncertainties month 33<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

3.3.1<br />

3.3.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total

Consumables<br />

3.3.1<br />

3.3.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

3.3.1<br />

3.3.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

3.3.1<br />

3.3.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investments<br />

3.3.1<br />

3.3.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

TOTAL<br />

Budget justification<br />

3.3.1<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

Personnel costs: A post doctoral position for 30 months (6 months financed via different<br />

funding). We request a post doc for this project because the scheduled scientific program is much<br />

too ambitious for a Ph.D.-student.<br />

Consumables: microelectrodes, fluorescent probes, AFM tips, chemicals, glasware, etc. for<br />

experiments<br />

Travel: travel for PI and post doc to conferences and to Elat for fieldwork.<br />

Other costs: The total costs of carrying out fieldwork in Elat will amount to about k€ per field<br />

season (bench-fees, use of boat and divers for collection, accommodation and subsistence). The<br />

AWI contribution to this is € k€.<br />

3.3.2<br />

Personnel costs: The personnel costs for the project comprise 1.5 post-doc years. We request a<br />

post doc for this project because the scheduled scientific program is much too ambitious for a<br />

Ph.D.-student and request an experienced post-doc. We intend to hire Dr. Isabell Taubner who<br />

has already started to perform culturing of the requested sample material in the frame of an<br />


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excellence cluster project in Israel. Part of the sample material for the intended Bioacid study will<br />

be available already end of 2008 when the cluster project is terminated. Further material will then<br />

be cultured in the frame of this project Although the intended 18 post-doc months in the<br />

subproject 3.3.2 will not cover the whole project time the continuity in data interpretation and<br />

networking with other Bioacid projects is further guaranteed by the project Co-PI A. Eisenhauer.<br />

Consumables: The costs for consumables cover the expenses for lab rent in Eilat (in<br />

collaboration with Prof J. Erez, HUJI) and Jerusalem as well as the expenses for chemicals, lab<br />

ware for both laboratories and transportation from Israel to Germany. Furthermore, costs for<br />

chemical preparation of samples and for the mass-spectrometer measurements at the massspectrometer<br />

facilities of IFM-GEOMAR by applying state-of-the-art equipment (Laser-MC-<br />

ICP-MS, TIMS, MC-ICP-MS, etc) will also be covered by the consumables.<br />

Travel: Culturing experiments will be performed in the first project year in Israel. The requested<br />

travel costs cover the transfer of personal from Germany to Israel and will also cover the daily<br />

expenses for the post-doc during his stay in Israel. The travel costs will also cover expenses for<br />

renting a flat to save hotel costs. Furthermore, the costs will also cover the costs for the<br />

occasional renting of a car to transport Gulf of Elat water from Elat to Jerusalem for the culturing<br />

experiments.<br />

vi. References<br />

Bijma JH, Spero J, et al. (1999) Reassessing foraminiferal stable isotope geochemistry: Impact of the oceanic carbonate system (experimental<br />

results). Use of Proxies in Paleoceanography: Examples from the South Atlantic. G. Fischer and G. Wefer. Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-<br />

Verlag: 489-512.<br />

Bijma JH, Hönisch B et al. (2002) Impact of the ocean carbonate chemistry on living foraminiferal shell weight: Comment on "Carbonate ion<br />

concentration in glacial-age deep waters of the Caribbean Sea" by W. S. Broecker and E. Clark - art. no. 1064." Geochemistry Geophysics<br />

Geosystems 3: 1064-1064.<br />

Bentov S, Erez J (2006) Impact of biomineralization processes on the Mg content of foraminiferal shells: A biological perspective. Geochem.<br />

Geophys. Geosyst. 7(Q01P08).<br />

Griffith EM, Paytan A, Kozdon R, Eisenhauer A, Ravelo AC (2008) Influences on the fractionation of calcium isotopes in planktonic<br />

foraminifera, Earth Planet Sci Lett., 268, 124-136.<br />

Gussone N, Eisenhauer A et al. (2003) Model for Kinetic Effects on Calcium Isotope Fractionation (δ 44 Ca) in Inorganic Aragonite and<br />

Cultured Planktonic Foraminifera. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 67(7), 1375-1382.<br />

Heuser A, Eisenhauer A et al. (2002) Measurement of Calcium Isotopes (δ 44 Ca) Using a Multicollector TIMS Technique. International Journal<br />

of Mass Spectrometry 220, 385-397.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Project 3.4 Microenvironmentally controlled (de-)calcification mechanisms<br />

(PI: Michael Böttcher,)<br />

i. Objectives:<br />

Our plan is to determine the effect of changing seawater pH and the dissolved carbonate species<br />

on calcification and decalcification in marine sediments and microbial mats. In these matrices<br />

microbial activity and mass transfer resistances control the pore water chemistry and thus the<br />

microenvironments where calcification and decalcification occurs. One hypothesis we will test is<br />

that the microenvironment in the top mm of such systems is buffered against pH and CO2<br />

changes, due to mass transfer resistances. Secondly, we will investigate in how far sediment<br />

processes can buffer the pH in the water column, depending on exchange rates and the reactivity<br />

of the biogenic carbonates. We will further investigate how the water column chemistry of the<br />

Wadden Sea reflects exchange with the North Sea and surface sediments.<br />

ii. State of the Art:<br />

Effect of ocean acidification on benthic calcification<br />

Whereas much research is done towards calcium cycling in ‘classical’ calcifying marine systems<br />

such as corals, foraminifera and coccolithophores, and much progress towards its understanding<br />

has been obtained, much less is done on calcification driven by photosynthesising<br />

microorganisms. Examples of the latter are calcification in stromatolites and tufas, calcareous<br />

sediments, and beachrock (Krumbein, 1979). The fundamental difference with the main marine<br />

calcifiers is that calcification is a side process of metabolic activity, rather then a well controlled<br />

process leading to species-specific structures, such as shells and skeletons. Essentially,<br />

photosynthetic CO2 fixation leads to a shift in the pH, increasing the oversaturation of CaCO3.<br />

This may be a globally important process for all shallow coastal areas with sediments in the<br />

photic zone. Microbially driven calcification in reef sediments was estimated to be of the same<br />

order of magnitude as by corals (Werner et al., 2007), calcified structures developing in hardwater<br />

creeks, tufas, were shown to be formed by photosynthesis (Bissett et al., 2007), and also in<br />

stromatolites and hypersaline mats microbial photosynthesis was shown the driving force for<br />

calcification (Ludwig et al., 2005). Degradation of EPS by sulphate reduction is thought to play a<br />

role in calcification in stromatolites and cyanobacterial mats (Arp, Reimer & Reitner, 1999;<br />

Visscher et al., 1998). It is thought that microbial degradation of these calcium ion binding<br />

polymers plays an initiating and structuring role in calcification. Calcification in benthic<br />

communities can be studied by direct budgeting methods, including tracer studies, using<br />

radioactive 45 Ca 2+ or 14CO3 2- (Al-Horani et al., 2005), alkalinity shifts (Gattuso, Allemand &<br />

Michel, 1999; Gattuso et al., 1996), Ca 2+ fluxes, the general characterization of the calcifying<br />

sites and driving microbial processes can be measured by microsensors (Bissett et al., 2007; de<br />

Beer et al., 2000; Werner et al., 2007; Wieland et al., 2001).<br />

Dissolution of carbonates in sediments of the North Sea and the Southern Ocean<br />

Decalcification leads to a pH increase and thus can buffer the effects of increasing CO2. The<br />

marine biogeochemical carbon cycle is controlled by biological processes that influence the<br />

distribution of carbon in the surface sediments of the Ocean and exchange processes between<br />

sediments and water column and by exchange processes with the tidal coastal areas (Brasse et<br />

al.1999; Kempe & Pegler, 1991; Thomas et al., 2007). After the death of organisms with biogenic<br />


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carbonate shells, part of this material arrives on the sea floor where it is decayed. Biogenic shells<br />

are an important reservoir of bound oxidized carbon. The periostracum layer of shells enhances<br />

the availability of electron donors for remineralizing epibiontes that may enhance carbonate<br />

dissolution (Knauth-Köhler et al. 1996). The geographic distribution of biogenic carbonates is the<br />

result of synergistic thermodynamic and kinetic interaction processes with aqueous solutions<br />

(Wollast 1994), controlling the degree of carbonate preservation in surface sediments. Higher<br />

solubility of CaCO3 in cold water regions leads to a low preservation potential in temperate and<br />

cold climate zones (Morse and Mackenzie, 1990; Wefer et al., 1987). Alexandersson (1979) was<br />

able to demonstrate the decay of carbonate shells in Skagerrak surface sediments. Most of the<br />

North Sea regions are living grounds for a large number of carbonate-forming species, mainly<br />

bivalve molluscs with an epibiontic (Mytilus edulis, Crassostrea gigas) or endobiontic life mode<br />

(Cerastoderma edule, Mya arenaria, Ensis ensis and Macoma baltica). In addition, eroded<br />

terrestrial carbonates form part of the carbonate pool in North Sea surface sediments that may<br />

interact with the pelagic dissolved carbonate system. Decreasing pH and increasing carbon<br />

dioxide partial pressure will increase the solubility and hence will affect the formation and<br />

dissolution rates of the different CaCO3 fractions. Although the influence of bacterial activity on<br />

carbonate precipitation has been demonstrated in tropical areas, less is known on the influence of<br />

biological (microbial) activity on the degradation processes in shallow water areas of the<br />

temperate climate zone (e.g. Aller 1982; Golubic & Schneider, 1979; Green and Aller 1998;<br />

Krumbein, 1979). Therefore, these processes are an as yet quantitatively unknown factor in the<br />

carbon cycle of coastal areas. The North Sea carbonate system is closely related via exchange to<br />

the processes taking place in the intertidal areas and is already under influence of human activity<br />

and global climate change (Brasse et al., 1999; Thomas et al., 2007).<br />

In the high-latitude oceans the carbonate concentration is the lowest in the world because of the<br />

very low water temperatures which shift the chemical equilibria of the carbonate system towards<br />

low carbonate concentration. The saturation state with respect to aragonite and calcite in these<br />

waters is, therefore, the lowest, although oversaturation is still prevailing. Changes in the<br />

carbonate system due to acidification will have the highest impact here. These waters will in the<br />

future turn out to be most corrosive to aragonite and calcite (e,g. Orr et al., 2005). Ocean<br />

acidification will first affect the surface ocean, but the signal will subsequently be transferred to<br />

the subsurface and deep oceans. This will largely occur in the polar oceans, where new deep and<br />

bottom waters are formed, mainly at and near the continental shelves. The high-latitude oceans<br />

are also the conduit for the transfer of anthropogenic CO2 from the surface layer to the deep<br />

oceans. Low carbonate concentration and high uptake of anthropogenic CO2 constitute the most<br />

destructive combination with respect to ocean acidification. Calcareous sediments in the polar<br />

regions represent the initial spatial and temporal buffering of global ocean acidification – further<br />

buffering will occur on centennial time scales on the abyssal sea floor. It has long been known<br />

that Antarctic Bottom Water plays a substantial role in the dissolution of calcareous sediments<br />

(Berger, 1970). Although the Southern Ocean is more known for its arenaceous sediments, also<br />

significant portions of carbonate can be found (Hulth et al., 1997). Foraminiferal assemblages are<br />

found in the surface sediments of the Weddell Sea (e.g. Anderson, 1975). Also pteropods shells<br />

are preserved in the surface sediment muds. Pteropods have high abundances in the Southern<br />

Ocean, both in the open ocean and on the continental shelves (e.g. Accornero et al., 2003; Hunt<br />

et al., 2007). Pteropods produce aragonite, a metastable form of CaCO3 that is more soluble than<br />

calcite, making aragonite the more important buffering agent of ocean acidification. Berner and<br />

Honjo (1981) estimated that, as an example, aragonite constitutes at least 12% of the global<br />

CaCO3 flux.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

3.4.1 Michael E. Böttcher (IOW) has studied the biogeochemistry and stable isotope<br />

geochemistry of carbon, sulfur and metals in the water column, in modern and ancient marine<br />

sediments, and ground water systems at different locations, including the intertidal and the<br />

pelagial of the open North Sea, the Baltic Sea, and carbonate karst systems (e.g., Böttcher, 1999;<br />

Böttcher et al., 2000, 2007; Dellwig et al., 2007). Additionally, a number of studies were carried<br />

out on the geochemistry of the experimental formation and destruction kinetics in temperate<br />

carbonate systems (Böttcher, 1997, a,b, 1999), and the structural characterization of biogenic<br />

carbonates (e.g. Böttcher et al., 1997). Since 2006 he is heading the Marine Geochemistry group<br />

at IOW.<br />

Gerd Liebezeit is working since 1977 on different chemical aspects of coastal regions and landocean<br />

interactions, since 1991 with emphasis on the the Wadden Sea. <strong>Research</strong> topics include<br />

a.o. dating of biogenic carbonates (Behrends et al., 2003, 2005), geochemistry of intertidal<br />

deposits (Hertweck and Liebezeit, 1996; Hertweck and Liebezeit, 2002; Hertweck et al., 2006)<br />

and phosphate uptake by intertidal biogenic carbonates, dynamics of the nutrient cycles as well as<br />

characterization and transformation of organic compounds.<br />

3.4.2 Dirk de Beer (MPI-MM, Microsensor Group) studies how transport controls microbial<br />

processes in sediments, biofilms and microbial mats. Microbial processes studied include<br />

photosynthesis, aerobic respiration, denitrification, nitrification, sulphate reduction and sulphide<br />

oxidation. He has over 130 peer reviewed publications. His special expertise is use and<br />

development of micro-environmental analyses by microsensors, combined with geochemistry and<br />

community studies. Calcification studies were done on calcification in corals, foraminifera,<br />

cyanobacterial mats, Halimeda, tufas, and reef sediments.<br />

Marcel Kuypers (MPI-MM, Nutrient Group) is a marine chemist who studies microbial controls<br />

of the global element cycling using stable isotopes. He has studied mechanisms and<br />

biogeochemical implications of global organic carbon burial. He has made break-throughs in the<br />

research of the global nitrogen cycles, particularly on the importance of the recently discovered<br />

ANAMMOX process. He has over 30 peer reviewed publications in the last 5 years. He is<br />

responsible for the nanoSIMS, that is recently installed in our institute.<br />

3.4.3 Mario Hoppema (AWI) has been active in Antarctic research since 1992, where the<br />

biogeochemical cycle has been his main research interest (e.g. Hoppema, 2004; Hoppema and<br />

Anderson, 2007). Chemical data have been used to obtain biological parameters of the Weddell<br />

Sea (e.g. Hoppema et al., 2002; 2007). Within the framework of the EU project CarboOcean a<br />

carbon data synthesis is underway, scheduled to be finished in 2008. Hoppema is the leader for<br />

the Southern Ocean part of this synthesis<br />

Christoph Völker has been modelling the physics of the Southern Ocean (Olbers et al., 2004)<br />

and has developed a biogeochemical model, based on the MIT circulation model (Marshall et al.,<br />

1997). He has studied the influence of phytoplankton community composition (Denman et al.,<br />

2006) and phytoplankton physiology (Hohn et al., 2008) on elemental fluxes using global<br />

planktonic ecosystem models. He is currently involved in EU project CarboOcean dealing with<br />

physical and biological feedbacks of Southern Ocean carbon chemistry to climate change.<br />

Dieter Wolf-Gladrow has been research scientist at AWI since 1987 and since 1999 Professor of<br />

Theoretical Marine Ecology at the University of Bremen. He is an internationally recognized<br />

expert on all aspects of the marine carbonate system (e.g. Jansen et al., 2002) and wrote a much<br />


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used textbook on the CO2 system (Zeebe and Wolf-Gladrow, 2001). Ocean acidification already<br />

had drawn his interest at an early stage (Wolf-Gladrow et al., 1999).<br />

iv. Work <strong>Programme</strong>, Schedules and Deliverables<br />

Subproject 3.4.1 Impact of biogenic carbonates on pH buffering in an acidifying coastal sea<br />

(North Sea)<br />

(M.E. Böttcher)<br />

We propose to investigate the influence of changing pH and carbon dioxide partial pressure, and<br />

alkalinity on carbonate dissolution (and production) in surface sediments of the Wadden Sea and<br />

the consequences for and relation to the carbonate system of the North Sea. Our hypothesis is that<br />

biogenic carbonates at and just below the surface of intertidal sediments play a role in modifying<br />

tidal waters that exchange with the shallow North Sea. This adds to carbonate fluxes caused by<br />

benthic organic matter degradation. The absolute and relative importances will change as the<br />

North Sea carbonate system will acidify in the future.<br />

One important aspect will be the reactivity (reaction rates and thermodynamic stability) of<br />

different biogenic carbonates (e.g., Mytilus, Crassostrea, Mya, Hydrobia, etc.) and the<br />

experimental quantification of the different dissolution rates in pure and seawater media under<br />

different controlled laboratory conditions, i.e. pH, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2-stat<br />

and free-drift), and carbonate undersaturation. The reactive surface of the carbonate will be<br />

characterized to extract specific dissolution rates from experimental data on the development of<br />

liberated major minor and trace cations and the dissolved carbonate species. Experiments will be<br />

carried out at different fixed CO2 partial pressures (as defined by the <strong>BIOACID</strong> consortium). This<br />

approach will include in parallel experiments geomicrobiological effects on microbial<br />

degradation of the organic matrix compared to purely abiotic reactions.<br />

Experimental laboratory-based approaches will be compared to field in-situ transformation<br />

experiments and will be followed by microscopic (e.g., SEM-EDX), inorganic geochemical (ICP-<br />

OES, photometry, microsensors) and stable isotope (C, O; irmMS) approaches. Experiments will<br />

also be carried out in collaboration with Dr. Hoppema (3.4.3) regarding benthic mesocosm<br />

experiments at AWI. Field work will additionally characterize the sources and surface textures of<br />

different carbonate fractions in surface sediments with geochemical methods and SEM-EDX.<br />

Thus we will evaluate the time-dependent corrosion of biogenic carbonates as a function of burial<br />

time. Application of microsensors to characterize the chemical gradients will be carried out in<br />

collaboration with Dr. D. de Beer (MPI-MM; 3.4.2). From the side of carbonate formation, the<br />

influence of a changed carbonate system on growth of Mytilus and Crassostrea is planned to be<br />

eventually assessed in a later phase of the project.<br />

Finally, pelagic measurements and experimental results will link the alkalinity and DIC exchange<br />

with the coastal North Sea and the possible ecosystem consequences via biogeochemical<br />

modelling. Parameters of the dissolved carbonate system (TA, CA, DIC, PCO2, pH) will be<br />

measured in collaboration with PD Dr. Bernd Schneider (IOW) while δ 13 C(DIC) will be<br />

determined via irmMS. These results will be provided for a collaborative integration in Theme 5<br />

(Pätsch et al.) and the inclusion in the modelling of the North Sea carbonate system. The<br />

approach provides the base for a quantitative understanding of the role of the carbonate system in<br />

the water column on preservation, destruction and temporal authigenesis in the intertidal surface<br />

sediments, and the role of benthic metabolisms.

Links to other subprojects<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

There are links to subproject 1.2.5 regarding benthic carbonate-relevant processes and 2.1.3 and<br />

3.1.3 which will provide TP 3.4.1 with shell material grown under well-defined conditions for<br />

dissolution rate studies. Microsensor approaches in experimental dissolution studies will be used<br />

in collaboration with TP 3.4.2, and an experimental collaboration with TP 3.4.3 will make use of<br />

field aragonite in dissolution studies at IOW and benthic mesocosm experiments at AWI.<br />

A direct link exists to project 5.1.which focuses on the modelling of the carbonate system of the<br />

North Sea. TP 3.4.1 will provide field data for the carbonate system at the tidal-open North Sea<br />

boundary leading to a close link between experimental and modelling approaches.<br />

Schedule<br />

3.4.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Measurements in the pelagic water<br />

column of the intertidal, in-situ<br />

experiments<br />

Carbonate system of the intertidal,<br />

transects and cycles<br />

Experimental dissolution of shells<br />

Evaluation of field data and calibration<br />

of future campaigns<br />

Mesocosm experiments with AWI<br />

(3.4.3)<br />

Growth experiments, Geomicrobiology<br />

and Modelling<br />

Writing of manuscripts presentation on<br />

conferences<br />

Milestones (3.4.1)<br />


- Implementation of carbonate system data in model environment of theme 5<br />

(Pätsch et al.)<br />

month 9 and 24<br />

- Implementation of experimental setup month 12<br />

- Field cruises (transects) on the pelagic Intertidal month 27<br />

- Mesocosm experiments at low temperatures month 27<br />

- Reactivity of carbonates in the North Sea Intertidal month 33<br />

- PhD Thesis and publications month 36<br />


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Subproject 3.4.2 Benthic (de-)calcification driven by microbial processes<br />

(D. de Beer)<br />

Hypothesis: Whereas corals and coccolithophores are very sensitive to pH, microbially driven<br />

calcification is rather resilient against pH variations in the water column. This difference can be<br />

understood from the essential differences in calcification mechanism. Calcification by skeleton<br />

and shell building organisms is actively controlled by energy demanding active transport of H +<br />

and Ca +2 . A lower pH will make calcification more energy demanding, and thus make these<br />

calcifiers less competitive than non-calcifiers. Calcification in mats and sediments is a sideproces<br />

of photosynthesis, inducing a microenvironment controlled by the microbial activities and<br />

the transport resistance in the sediments. The transport barrier separates the benthos largely from<br />

seawater, and buffers the sediments against changes in the seawater chemistry.<br />

WP1 Experimental studies of calcification and decalcification<br />

We will investigate calcification in phototrophic communities by (1) budgeting the exchange of<br />

calcium between (de-)calcifiying sites and seawater and quantify the driving metabolic process<br />

rates, and by (2) studying incorporation of calcium carbonate in the calcite matrices, and (3)<br />

determine the effect of pH stress on the community structure and spatial distribution.<br />

1) We will determine the microenvironment in the benthic communities and the relevant fluxes<br />

by microsensors for pH, O2, Ca 2+ , CO2 and CO3 2- , and the rates of photosynthesis and respiration,<br />

by membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS), photopigment fluorescence (PAM) and<br />

microsensor techniques. Calcification measurements in the field will be assessed using the eddy<br />

correlation technique (Berg et al., 2003), which is recently adapted to measure Ca 2+ fluxes.<br />

2) The incorporation of calcium and carbonate into the solid matrices will be studied by radio-<br />

and stable isotope techniques (by ß-imaging and nanoSIMS), to assess how closely calcification<br />

is associated with microbial cells (with sub-µm resolution). We will investigate, with Dr. A.<br />

Eisenhauer, trace element incorporation in response to environmental factors and calcification<br />

rates.<br />

3) We will determine the dynamics of phototrophic benthic communities in response to pH shifts<br />

by hyperspectral (HS) imaging, which allows quantitative assessment of the 2-D distribution of<br />

photopigments. By imaging their variable fluorescence we will assess whether they are part of an<br />

intact photosystem. HS-imaging is a non-destructive community analysis, and thus we can follow<br />

the short-term community dynamics in response to an environmental stress.<br />

Experiments will be done under a wide range of artificially imposed pH values, adjusted by CO2<br />

levels, in agreement with the strategy defined by the consortium. We will install mesocosms for<br />

incubations and measurements in the institute. Samples will be obtained from different habitats,<br />

from freshwater stromatolites (tufas), marine sediments and hypersaline mats. The tufas can be<br />

obtained from several creeks in the Harz (ca 200 km from the MPI), marine carbonate sediments<br />

from the Mediterranean and hypersaline mats are currently cultivated in the institute. The<br />

comparison of different salinity is interesting as the pK2 strongly decreases with salinity. Field<br />

measurements can well be done using a field station on Elba, from where we will also obtain<br />

carbonate sediments. The experimental work will be done by a PhD student. The student will also<br />

be active in teaching the microsensor course, with help of staff members from the microsensor<br />


<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

WP2 Biogeochemical modelling of calcification and decalcification<br />

The data will be used to construct and refine a transport-conversion model, that includes acidbase<br />

equilibria and calculates the pH and DIC profiles. An approach to build such a model was<br />

described by colleagues from the NIOO (Ierseke, Nl) and the Free University of Brussels (Dr. P.<br />

Meysman), with who we will collaborate. A second step will be to expand this model with<br />

calcium carbonate dissolution and precipitation reactions. Conceptually, how microbial and<br />

biogeochemical processes control calcification and decalcification are well known. Processes<br />

leading to acidification lead to dissolution and increased alkalinity can enhance precipitation. As<br />

for any heterogeneous (involving a water and solid phase) process, modelling of calcification<br />

needs to address the quantitative description of the microenvironment where the reaction<br />

(calcium carbonate precipitation or dissolution) occurs. A second step is to incorporate the local<br />

solid-liquid exchange, so between calcite matrices and porewater, depending on the local<br />

microenvironment. Both steps are highly challenging. The relevant microenvironmental<br />

parameters for calcium carbonate dissolution and precipitation include the calcium and carbonate<br />

concentrations, and thus the DIC and pH. Many biogeochemical processes influence this<br />

seemingly simple set of parameters, complicating the modeling. Moreover, the kinetics of<br />

calcium and carbonate exchange between the solid and water phase depends on a variety of<br />

poorly understood parameters, such as organic matrices associated with the precipitate, and the<br />

anion composition of the water phase. Thus meaningful modelling must be accompanied by<br />

measurements.<br />

A model of the carbonate system near photosynthesizing calcifying foraminifera was build<br />

several years ago (Wolf-Gladrow, Bijma & Zeebe, 1999), which calculated the local pH from<br />

respiration and photosynthesis in a spherical geometry. A comprehensive geochemical model<br />

should include a range of geochemical processes (Soetaert et al., 2007). We aim to construct such<br />

a more comprehensive biogeochemical model to calculate the local carbonate system and pH<br />

profiles. The problems to solve a system with many variables and an equal number of equations<br />

on processes with a wide variety of timescales are described in detail and solution methods are<br />

offered (Hofmann et al., 2008). Their approach is a series of local mass balances, and includes<br />

diffusional and/or advectional mass transfer. Such a model describes the gradients of the<br />

carbonate system in sediments and microbial mats, including the pH, but not yet the effects of the<br />

local microenvironment on the precipitation and dissolution of calcium carbonate. Parameters<br />

controlling these processes must be experimentally determined for each studied system.<br />

Obviously, calcification and decalcification again influence the local pH, and once known must<br />

be integrated into the model. The determination of these processes under different<br />

microenvironmental conditions is an important aim of our studies with microsensors, ß-imaging<br />

and nanoSIMS. The experiments can be done on a range of conditions, using the modelling a<br />

wide generalization of the phenomena observed will be achieved. Such a model will help<br />

defining the threshold values for net calcium dissolution versus precipitation in various benthic<br />

systems.<br />

Microsensor course<br />

We will offer a microsensor course for the participants of the Verbundprojekt. The course will be<br />

in two weeks. The first week making of microsensors for oxygen and various ions will be<br />

learned. The most practical teaching will be done by our expert team of technicians. The second<br />

week will be a training in various microsensor applications, under guidance of scientists. Here the<br />

participants are encouraged to bring their own samples, however, we have interesting sample<br />

material available. Hopefully, microsensors that are build in the first week may be used, whereas<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

microsensors build by our experts will be needed in addition. There will be daily seminars on the<br />

theory behind microsensor use and examples of complete studies, and also participants are<br />

invited to present their work. Each course will be for 8 participants maximal, we foresee the need<br />

for 2 courses 1 year separate.<br />

Collaborative microsensor experiments are planned with project 4.1.3 (Bischof )<br />

Schedule<br />

3.4.2 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Mesocosm experiments<br />

Tracerstudies incl. nanoSIMS<br />

ß-imaging<br />

modeling<br />

Field measurements<br />

Microsensor course<br />

Collaborative work<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />


Milestones (3.4.2)<br />

- Implementation of experimental facility, and learning of basic experimental<br />

skills<br />

month 6<br />

- Experimental data set on CO2/pH sensitivity month 9<br />

- Field data set on diel calcium fluxes month 15<br />

- Model for benthic microprofiles of solutes and activities month 24<br />

- Expansion of model for calcium exchange month 36<br />

- Microsensor courses month 12 and 24<br />

- Experimental data sets on effect of salinity on CO2/pH sensitivity month 30<br />

- Thesis defense month 36<br />

3.4.3 Buffering ocean acidification: Dissolution of carbonate sediments in the Southern<br />

Ocean (M. Hoppema)<br />

We propose to examine the buffering capacity of Antarctic sediments, where our first focus is on<br />

the continental shelves. In particular, the role of pteropod aragonite in surface sediments in the<br />

buffering will be investigated. This shall be done in a two-pronged study, addressing issues that<br />

are related within the biogeochemical cycle of the ocean and the seafloor. The projection of the<br />

(future) decadal trend of acidification of Southern Ocean waters constitutes one thrust of our<br />

study. We shall determine the development of pH, pCO2 and the carbonate saturation index<br />

Omega based on both observations and modeling. Data both of ourselves and from the EU IP<br />

CarboOcean carbon synthesis will be used to obtain pH and pCO2 in waters from the Weddell<br />

Sea and environs, with emphasis on the shelves. In some regions, we may get a time series of

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

repeat occupations. This will allow us to calculate the degree of saturation for aragonite and<br />

calcite for the time series period. We will extend the observed time-series of anthropogenic<br />

carbon over the next 100 years, using a state-of-the-art global biogeochemical model that has<br />

been especially tuned to reproduce present-day observations of nutrients, biological activity and<br />

the carbonate system in the Southern Ocean, using our observations of acidification as additional<br />

initial constraints. We will run the model a) with a prescribed atmospheric pCO2 increase keeping<br />

the physical forcing (wind stress, heat flux) fixed, and b) also with changes in the physical<br />

forcing as obtained from coupled climate prediction runs, to separate the effect of changing<br />

climate from those of increasing atmospheric pCO2 on the CaCO3 saturation on the Antarctic<br />

shelf. This work will be done by a PhD student, strongly assisted by the PIs. As to the<br />

parameterization of calcification, pCO2 sensitivities and DOC cycling, experience and data will<br />

be shared with projects 1.3, 5.1 and 5.2.<br />

As to the second prong, we will address the rate of dissolution of carbonate on shelves in the<br />

Weddell Sea and Antarctic Ocean. The potential future acidification, determined from the other<br />

prong of our research, will serve as a realistic scenario, against which the dissolution of<br />

sedimentary carbonate will be assessed. Sediment samples of the Antarctic Ocean from the AWI<br />

core repository will be investigated with respect to composition. Of particular interest is the<br />

fraction of pteropod aragonite. The composition will be studied as a function of small-scale and<br />

large-scale environmental factors, like grain size, water depth, sedimentation rate, characteristics<br />

of the overlying water mass and current velocity. The maximum buffer capacity is obtained by<br />

the absolute content of carbonate in the sediment. Analyses will be done with Isotope Ratio Mass<br />

Spectrometry. As a further step, dissolution experiments with sediment samples and pteropod<br />

shells under various conditions (pH, pCO2, CaCO3 saturation state, water current) will be<br />

performed. Samples will be collected during a Polarstern cruise to the Southern Ocean using<br />

large box corer (GKG) or multiple corer (MUC). We will use Rhizon sampling of pore waters<br />

(Seeberg-Elverfeldt et al., 2005) and benthic flux chambers. Both microscopic and chemical<br />

methods will be applied, where part of the experiments will be performed in joint work with<br />

other sub-projects - a). Using micro-sensors of the MPI Bremen; Dr. de Beer, subproject 3.4.2,<br />

and b) With subproject 3.4.1 (Dr. Böttcher), aragonite dissolution experiments at IOW and<br />

benthic mesocosm work at AWI. This will render information on the dissolution rates.<br />

Additionally, with subproject 1.2.5 we envision cooperation with regard to pressure-adapted flux<br />

chambers. The pressure laboratories utilized for identification of turnover rates and fate of<br />

nutrients and carbon from aggregates in the benthic boundary layer permit to actively<br />

control/select erosion or deposition of sediments. This is achieved by pressure-adapted flux<br />

chambers where bottom stress together with water column turbulence mimics the phases of tidal<br />

cycles. Depending on the composition of the sediments and fluid introduced into the chamber, the<br />

buffering capacity of the sediment/pore water region can be obtained from fluid samples drawn in<br />

addition to the aggregate dynamics. Finally, within the Alfred Wegener Institute there is<br />

extensive experience with sediment work, while the core repository contains numerous cores<br />

from the Weddell Sea and Antarctic Ocean. Several sampling and measurement techniques are<br />

available within the geochemistry and geology departments.<br />

Eventually, we will estimate the spatio-temporal distribution of CaCO3 dissolution rates around<br />

Antarctica from the combination of the laboratory results with sediment distribution. This<br />

distribution will be implemented as bottom boundary condition for dissolved inorganic carbon<br />

and alkalinity in the biogeochemical model to investigate the propagation of the buffering signal<br />

into the ocean interior. Through the combination of observations, experiments, and simulations<br />

we will thus estimate the buffering effect of CaCO3 and its kinetics in Antarctic shelf sediments<br />

on a decadal to centennial time scale.<br />


Schedule<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

3.4.3 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Reading, modelling of water column<br />

data<br />

Set up, preparation of experiments,<br />

calibrations<br />

Dissolution experiments on cores<br />

Polarstern cruise to Southern Ocean, on<br />

board experiments<br />

Analysis of results, computing<br />

Writing of manuscripts presentation on<br />

conferences<br />

Milestones (3.4.3)<br />


- Future projection of acidification of Antarctic water column month 09<br />

- Implementation of experimental setup month 12<br />

- Data set of dissolution of sediments cores plus preliminary interpretation month 21<br />

- Polarstern cruise month 27<br />

- Data set of field data month 30<br />

- Thesis month 36<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel 3.4.1costs<br />

3.4.1<br />

3.4.2<br />

3.4.3<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

3.4.1<br />

3.4.2<br />

3.4.3<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

3.4.1<br />

3.4.2<br />

3.4.3<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total

Subtotal<br />

Investments<br />

3.4.1 Gas-mixing device for<br />

chemostat chamber<br />

pH-meter<br />

3.4.2 Microsensor<br />

equipment<br />

(micromanipulator, motor,<br />

data acquisition, cables)<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

3.4.1 Contract<br />

measurements,<br />

geomicrobiology and ship<br />

time for sampling the<br />

intertidal pelagial<br />

3.4.2 Microsensor course<br />

Subtotal<br />

TOTAL<br />

Budget Justification<br />

3.4.1<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

Personnel costs: The experimental studies on the reactivity of biogenic carbonates and the<br />

carbonate system of the intertidal pelagial will be performed by a PhD student, paid according to<br />

German TVöD system.<br />

Consumables/p.a.:<br />

Filtration material, disposables €<br />

Pure gases and gas mixtures €<br />

p.a. chemicals, ultrapure acids, standards €<br />

Electrodes, cable €<br />

Glass ware, fittings, vales, plastic tubings €<br />

Pipettes €<br />

Nylon net (incubations) €<br />

Travel: <strong>BIOACID</strong>-meetings in year 1, 2 and 3 ( € each), 2 international scientific meetings<br />

in the last 2 years ( each), 2 cruises in years 2 and 3 ( each), regular visits with<br />

partners<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Investment: Installation of a gas mixing (CO2-N2) device with fine-316ss scaling valves to<br />

ensure proper CO2-partial pressure equilibration.<br />

Other costs: For geomicrobiological work done by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang E. Krumbein (Biogeoma)<br />

and µ-CT measurements (Prof. Freiwald, Erlangen) we apply for financial support for analyses<br />

on the heterothrophic degradation of OM leading to CO2 production and in-situ destruction of<br />

carbonate shells and µ-CT measurements of initial and degraded carbonates. In addition, ship<br />

time for sampling the intertidal pelagial has to be paid to the University of Oldenburg with €<br />

per day. Prof. Krumbein will also be involved in the interpretation of geomicrobiological<br />

consequences of experimental results.<br />

3.4.2<br />

Personnel costs: The laboratory and field measurements will be performed by a PhD student,<br />

and the modelling by a PostDoc, both according to German tariff system (TVöD)<br />

Consumables: Disposables<br />

glass ware<br />

chemicals<br />

(incl. for microsensors)<br />

stable isotope tracers<br />

radiotracers<br />

Travel: Verbundmeeting in year 1, 2 and 3 ( ), 2 international scientific meetings in last 2<br />

years ( each), 2 field studies in year 2 and 3 ( each), regular visits with partners<br />

Investment: The student will need a dedicated equipment for microsensor measurements,<br />

consisting of a micromanipulator (Marzhäuser), a motorized stage (Faulhaber), a data-acquisition<br />

board (National Instruments), a variety of shielded cables and a laptop with special software<br />

(Labview, National Instruments), and special amplifiers for amperometric and potentiometric<br />

microsensors (custom build in MPI).<br />

Other costs: For the microsensor course we will have to supply additional microsensors, as<br />

many will be broken in the learning phase. As more sensors than normal will be broken, and the<br />

normal sensor production is interrupted, we will need to purchase sensors from a commercial<br />

company to maintain the research in the group (over 20 scientists depend on microsensors). One<br />

microsensor costs Euro, so we allow 2 sensors to be broken per participant, as conservative<br />

estimate.<br />

3.4.3<br />

Personal costs: Experimental work will be performed by a PhD student for three years, costs<br />

according to AWI table. Additional modelling and data work by PIs and AWI staff at no cost.<br />

Consumables: Laboratory measurements, glassware, disposables and chemicals. In the second<br />

year the Polarstern cruise brings more costs.<br />

Travel: <strong>BIOACID</strong> project meeting every year ( €). Two international conferences and<br />

workshops each year ( € each); in the second and third year more travelling to conferences<br />

for presenting results. Field studies, Polarstern cruise; meeting with project participants at<br />


vi. References<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Accornero A, Manno C, Esposito F, Gambi MC (2003) The vertical flux of particulate matter in the polynya of Terra Nova Bay. Part II<br />

Biological components. Antarct Sci 15:175-188<br />

Alexandersson T (1979) Marine maceration of skeletal carbonates in the Skagerrak, North Sea. Sedimentology 26: 845-852.<br />

Aller RC (1982) Carbonate dissolution in nearshore terrigeneous muds: the role of physical and biological reworking. J Geol 90: 79-95.<br />

Al-Horani F, Ferdelman TG, Al-Moghrabi SM, and de Beer D (2005) Spatial distribution of calcification and photosynthesis in the<br />

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Anderson JB (1975) Factors controlling CaCO3 dissolution in the Weddell Sea from foraminiferal distribution patterns. Mar Geol 19:315-332<br />

Arp G, Reimer A, and Reitner J (1999) Calcification in cyanobacterial biofilms of alkaline salt lakes. Eur.J.Phycol. 34:393-403.<br />

Arp G, Wedemeyer N, and Reitner J (2001) Fluvial tufa formation in a hard-water creek (Deinschwanger Bach, Franconian Alb, Germany).<br />

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Behrends B, GA Goodfriend, Liebezeit G (2003). Amino acid dating of recent intertidal sediments in the Wadden Sea, Germany. Senckenberg.<br />

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Behrends B, G Hertweck, G Liebezeit, G Goodfriend (2005) Earliest Holocene occurrence of the soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria, in the<br />

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Berg P, Roey H, Janssen F, Meyer V, Jørgensen BB, Huettel M, and de Beer D (2003) Oxygen uptake by aquatic sediments measured with a<br />

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Berner RA, Honjo S (1981) Pelagic sedimentation of aragonite: Its geochemical significance. Science 211:940-942<br />

Bissett A, de Beer D, Schoon R, Shaaishi F, Reimer A, and Arp G (2007) Microbial mediation of tufa formation in karst-water creeks. Limnol<br />

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Böttcher ME (1997) The transformation of aragonite to MnXCa(1-X)CO3 solid-solutions at 20°C: An experimental study. Mar Chem 57: 97-<br />

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Böttcher ME (1999) The stable isotopic geochemistry of the sulfur and carbon cycles in a modern karst environment. Isotopes Environ. Health<br />

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Böttcher ME, Gehlken PL, Steele DF (1997) Characterization of inorganic and biogenic magnesian calcites by Fourier Transform infrared<br />

spectroscopy. Solid State Ionics 101-103: 1379-1385.<br />

Böttcher ME, Brumsack H-J, Dürselen C-D (2007) The isotopic composition of modern seawater sulfate: I. Coastal waters with special regard<br />

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Böttcher ME, Hespenheide B, and 8 co-authors (2000) Biogeochemistry, stable isotope geochemistry, and microbial community structure of a<br />

temperate intertidal mudflat. Cont. Shelf Res. 20: 1749-1769.<br />

Brasse S, Reimer A, Seifert R, Michaelis W (1999) The influence of intertidal mudflats on the dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity<br />

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Canfield DE, Thamdrup B, Kristensen E (2005) Aquatic Geomicrobiology. Elsevier Academic Press.<br />

Cooper DJ, Watson AJ, and Nightingale PD (1996) Large decrease in ocean-surface CO-2 fugacity in response to in situ iron fertilization.<br />

Nature 383:511-513.<br />

de Beer D, Kühl M, Stambler N, and Vaki L (2000) A microsensor study of light enhanced Ca 2+ uptake and photosynthesis in the reef-building<br />

hermatypic coral Favia sp. Mar. Ecol. Prog.Ser. 194:75-85.<br />

Dellwig O, Bosselmann K, Kölsch S, Hentscher M, Hinrichs J, Böttcher ME, Reuter R, Brumsack HJ (2007) Sources and fate of manganese in<br />

a tidal basin of the German Wadden Sea. J. Sea Res. 57: 1-18<br />

Denman KL, Völker C, Pena MA, Rivkin RB (2006) Modelling the ecosystem response to iron fertilization in the subarctic NE Pacific: The<br />

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Gattuso J-P, Pichon M, Delesalle B, Cqanon C, and Frankinouille M (1996) Carbon fluxes in coral reefs. I Lagrangian measurement of<br />

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Hertweck, G. and G. Liebezeit (1996). Biogenic and geochemical properties in intertidal biosedimentary deposits related to Mytilus beds.<br />

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Hertweck. G. and G. Liebezeit (2002). Historic mussel beds (Mytilus edulis) in the sedimentary record of a back-barrier tidal flat near<br />

Spiekeroog Island, southern North Sea. Helgoland Mar. Res. 56: 51-58.<br />

Hertweck, G., A. Wehrmann and G. Liebezeit (2006). Bioturbation structures of polychaetes in modern shallow marine environments and their<br />

analogues to Chondrites group traces. Paleogeogr. Paleoceanogr. Paleoclimatol. 245: 382-389.<br />

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Biogeosciences 5:227-251.<br />

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Hoppema M, Middag R, De Baar HJW, Fahrbach E, Van Weerlee EM, Thomas H (2007) Whole season net community production in the<br />

Weddell Sea. Polar Biol 31:101–111<br />

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Limnology & Oceanography 50:1836-1843.<br />

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Shiraishi F, Reimer A, Bisset A, de Beer D, and Arp G (2008) Microbial effects on biofilm formation, ambient water chemistry and stable<br />

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Zeebe RE, Wolf-Gladrow DA (2001) CO2 in Seawater: Equilibrium, Kinetics, Isotopes. Elsevier Oceanography Book Series 65, Amsterdam,<br />

346 pp

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Project 3.5: Impact of present and past ocean acidification on metabolism,<br />

biomineralization and biodiversity of pelagic and neritic calcifiers<br />

(PI: Adrian Immenhauser)<br />

i. Objectives<br />

The main aim of this collaborative research project is a detailed assessment of the past and future<br />

performance (metabolism, biomineralization and biodiversity) of coastal/sessile and<br />

oceanic/planktonic calcifyers exposed to CO2-induced ocean acidification. For this purpose, we<br />

intend to combine observational (real-world) data from Cenozoic acidification events with such<br />

obtained from experimental (culturing) work. We will study the effects of decreasing seawater<br />

pH on groups that might potentially benefit (nannoplankton) and such that will most likely suffer<br />

(bivalves) from acidification (see discussion in Iglesias-Rodriguez et al., 2008). With the<br />

interdisciplinary approach applied here we will address the following six key questions: (1) How<br />

sensitive are coastal and planktonic calcifyers to changing seawater pH? (2) What are the pH<br />

threshold limits and are these limits universal or species dependent? (3) What is the impact of<br />

changing seawater pH on biodiversity? (4) What is the adaptational potential of coastal and open<br />

oceanic ecosystems in the time-scale of decennia to few centuries? (5) Are short-term (culturing)<br />

experiments with calcifying organisms suitable analogues for pH/CO2 conditions predicted for<br />

the end of the 21 st century? (6) To which degree are Cenozoic acidification events suitable<br />

analogues for predicted anthropogenic CO2 rise by 2100?<br />

ii. State of the Art<br />

The present knowledge of CO2-induced ocean acidification (OA) is mainly based on modelling<br />

and experimental (culturing) work providing valuable information on the response of specific,<br />

short-lived organism exposed to pH/CO2 conditions predicted for the end of the 21 st century (see<br />

discussion in Fabry et al., 2008; Caldeira and Wickett, 2005 and references therein). This<br />

approach, however, suffers from the inherent disadvantage related to the limited observational<br />

time window. This shortcoming seriously compromises a prediction of the longer-term effects on<br />

OA sensitive marine ecosystems and neglects the adaptational potential of natural systems. This<br />

becomes particularly important as recent work controversially suggests that some groups of<br />

calcifiers (mainly phytoplankton) might in fact benefit from increased CO2 partial pressure<br />

(Iglesias-Rodriguez et al., 2008). An attempt to solve some of these controversies is the<br />

investigation of past acidification events (Röhl et al., 2007; Pancost et al., 2007; and references<br />

therein). The degree to which these pre-anthropogenic OA events are suitable analogues for<br />

predicted scenarios in this century are, however, insufficiently understood (Zachos et al., 2001,<br />

Iglesias-Rodriguez et al., 2008). It thus comes as a surprise that previous work combining the<br />

strengths of past (observational) and future (experimental) effects of changing pH values on<br />

marine calcifyers is at best scarce.<br />

Perhaps the most prominent Cenozoic examples of transient climate perturbations are known<br />

from the Palaeocene and Eocene intervals. This period of Earth’s history is punctuated by at least<br />

four hyperthermals: the early Late Paleocene Event (58.4 Ma), the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal<br />

Maximum (PETM; 55 Ma), the Early Eocene ELMO Event (53.3 Ma), and the Early Eocene X-<br />

Event (52.5 Ma; e.g., Nicolo et al., 2007). Negative δ 13 C excursions of 1-5‰ imply a massive<br />

(ca. 2000 x 10 9 metric tons) input of 12 C enriched carbon into the ocean-atmosphere system<br />

probably in the form of methane. These events were marked by a general warming, at least 4x<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

current CO2 concentrations, a low seawater pH and a shallow CCD (e.g., Zachos et al., 2005).<br />

The rapid environmental changes are related to substantial changes in marine and continental<br />

biota. But what was the impact of these past events on oceanic calcifyers and what is the<br />

expected impact of anthropogenic CO2-induced OA by the end of the 21 th century?<br />

Nannoplankton (coccolithophores and some calcareous dinoflagellates) are among the most<br />

abundant plankton organisms in the world’s oceans, and due to their capability of carrying out<br />

both, photosynthesis and calcification, they have an impact on the organic and inorganic carbon<br />

pump. They have been identified as key organisms for studying the impact of ocean acidification<br />

on ocean ecosystems due to their debated response to elevated pCO2 concentrations (Iglesias-<br />

Rodriguez et al., 2008). Malformation and reduced calcite production per cell has been observed<br />

for coccolithophores in culture and mesocosm experiments (Riebesell et al., 2000; Engel et al.,<br />

2006). However, so far a direct proof for a response of nannoplankton to ocean acidification in<br />

natural environments is lacking and short term disruptions of the carbonate system might not<br />

reflect the observed natural changes in an adequate manner. Calcification in coccolithophores<br />

may also be influenced by nutrient supply, temperature or salinity, and the effects of ocean<br />

acidification could have positive or negative feedback effects on the natural variability. During<br />

past ocean acidification events, coccolithophores as a group were capable to survive dramatic<br />

changes in the carbonate system (Raffi et al. 2005; Gibbs et al. 2006, Medlin et al. 2008). In<br />

comparison to other well studied plankton groups (e.g., foraminifera) research on nannoplankton<br />

ecology, morphometry and geochemistry was previously limited by time consuming counting,<br />

measuring and processing techniques. New technological developments are now available that<br />

allow to overcome these problems.<br />

Reef communities (corals, calcifying bivalves, macroalgae etc.) are one of the most OA sensitive<br />

ecosystems. Due to their diagenesis-sensitive aragonitic skeletons, however, corals are poor<br />

recorders of past acidification events. In contrast, sessile neritic bivalves (Mytilus, Artica etc.),<br />

and particularly calcitic ones, are well-established, high-resolution archives of past and present<br />

environmental parameters (Khim et al., 2000; Buick and Ivany, 2004; Immenhauser et al., 2005,<br />

Rexfort & Mutterlose, 2006). Previous work, however, was severely limited by the lack of<br />

stratigraphically continuous onshore sections providing data on pre-, syn- and post-OA events.<br />

Newly discovered Palaeocene/Eocene sections in Oman allow now for a detailed study of coastal<br />

section those are stratigraphically complete and hence allow for a time-resolved sampling of<br />

bivalve hardparts across the intervals of interest.<br />

Here, we propose to investigate OA sensitive sessile (bivalves) and nannoplanktonic<br />

(coccolithophores and calcareous dinoflagellates) calcifiers across these past punctuated<br />

acidification events and to compare results with cultured bivalves exposed to various pH, CO3 2<br />

and CO2(aq) levels. Following this approach it is intended to combine the strengths of controlled<br />

laboratory experiments with the biologically and geologically significant temporal element<br />

provided by the fossil shell material. Furthermore, the combination of data from sessile neritic<br />

organisms with such from open oceanic planktonic ones allows for a more holistic view of<br />

problems related to ocean acidification.<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

3.5.1 (Immenhauser).- The Bochum research team has longstanding experience in the<br />

investigation of mollusc shell material as sensitive archives of global change (e.g., Immenhauser<br />

et al., 2002, 2005; Hippler et al., 2008 etc.) and the application of non-traditional isotope systems<br />

(δ 44 Ca, δ 26 Mg; e.g. Buhl et al., 2007). Previous collaborative research projects involve initiatives<br />

such as EUROCLIMATE as well as DFG and NOW financed projects involving cultured and

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

fossil shell material. The collaboration with Prof. Schmahl and Dr. Griesshaber at the LMU<br />

München further strengthens the research team by involving experts in shell material sciences<br />

(Griesshaber et al., 2007; Schmahl et al., 2008).<br />

3.5.2 (Mutterlose).- The applicant has a long going expertise in the study of calcareous<br />

nannofossils from both fossil and recent settings. Findings from a study of calcareous<br />

nannofossils across the PETM interval under discussion have been published recently<br />

(Mutterlose et al., 2007). These clearly show the following results: (1) Significant changes in the<br />

composition of the nannoplankton assemblages. (2) Occurrence of malformed taxa. (3)<br />

Extinction of various, deep dwelling taxa. These changes in the composition of the primary<br />

producers are thought to reflect an acidification of the ocean water during a period of extreme<br />

warmth and very high CO2 concentrations. The collaboration with Dr. P. Schulte from the<br />

University of Erlangen will add more specific expertise on sedimentological aspects.<br />

3.5.3 (Meier).- The proponents have longstanding experience in calcareous nannoplankton<br />

research. Their knowledge includes investigation of plankton samples, core top calibrations and<br />

reconstruction of palaeoecology and past carbonate fluxes. Recently they were trained to operate<br />

the automated coccolithophore recognition system SYRACO. The results from the analysis of<br />

coccolithophore morphometry and weight estimates within the ESF MERF project (Quaternary<br />

Marine Ecosystem Response to Fertilisation) show the influence of alkalinity and carbonate ion<br />

concentration on size and weight of coccoliths from the Mediterranean Sea.<br />

iv. Work <strong>Programme</strong>, Schedules, and Milestones<br />

Subproject 3.5.1 Comparison of Cultured and Fossil Bivalve Geochemistry and Shell<br />

Ultrastucture<br />

(Immenhauser in collaboration with Schmahl, Griesshaber)<br />

Molluscs are sensitive organisms recording environmental change in their biomineralogy, shell<br />

geochemistry and shell morphology (Immenhauser et al., 2005). In addition, by forming highly<br />

time-resolved growth increments they represent one of the accurate archives of coastal neritic<br />

settings (e.g., Witbaard et al., 1994; Vander Putten et al., 2000). Culturing experiments of<br />

bivalves in tanks provide the opportunity to expose specimens to environmental conditions<br />

representative of an acidic ocean as predicted for the year 2100. Biomineralization (growth) rates<br />

and modes, metabolic activity, preproduction cycles and live span can be assessed under these<br />

circumstances. An obvious pitfall, however, is the short (months to at best years) observational<br />

window provided by such experimental setups. Because of this bias, important parameters such<br />

as adaptational patterns and the effects of longer term (decennia and more) exposure to stressed<br />

environments cannot be assessed adequately. In order to overcome these problems, we here<br />

propose a combined field and culturing approach using the arguably best ocean acidification<br />

analogue of more recent history of our planet: the thermal maximum at the Palaeocene-Eocene<br />

boundary (PETM). For this purpose, it is intended to link with project of T. Brey in the context of<br />

BioAcid providing cultured shell material exposed to variable and increasing levels of OA to us.<br />

This project proposed aims at investigating the shell ultrastucture and shell geochemistry of<br />

cultured bivalves kept under pre-OA conditions and to compare these findings with comparable<br />

data from fossil shell material obtained from neritic sections from Oman including the<br />

Paleocene/Eocene record of hypothermals and acidification events.<br />

The metabolic activity of bivalves influences the fractionation of both Mg and Ca isotopes<br />

incorporated in the bivalves shell (e.g., Immenhauser et al., 2005; Hippler et al., 2008). Under<br />

favourable environmental conditions, the shell isotopic fractionation is largely in concert with<br />


210<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

seawater temperature and salinity fluctuations. The isotope fractionation–environment relation of<br />

shell calcite and aragonite is lost when the bivalve is exposed to a stressed environment. As a<br />

consequence, δ 26 Mg and δ 44 Ca isotope ratios are an indirect proxy for the environmental state<br />

(favourable versus stressed) in modern and fossil bivalves (Hippler et al., 2008). Furthermore,<br />

highly detailed investigations of the shell ultrastucture of bivalves (nm to µm) reveal specifically<br />

different patterns in the micro-scale arrangement of the crystallites that build bivalve shells under<br />

normal (aerobic) metabolism versus stressed (temperature, pH, salinity etc.) environments<br />

(Griesshaber et al., 2007). Detailed investigations of the shell ultrastucture using REM, FIB,<br />

TEM and EBSD, material properties and distribution of organic components (München and<br />

Bochum) are planned. With those two highly novel tools: geochemical analyses (δ 26 Mg, δ 44 Ca;<br />

geochemical laboratories RU Bochum) and shell ultrastucture (material sciences LMU<br />

München), the assessment of the performance and mineralization mode of fossil bivalves can be<br />

assessed and calibrated knowing the experimental conditions resulting from the culturing<br />

experiments by the twin project of T. Brey (Project 2.1.3). Additional collaboration with other<br />

groups involving bivalve shells will further strengthen this research 4.1.2 (Wahl).<br />

In overview, sub-project 3.5.1 intends to investigate the metabolic activity, shell geochemistry<br />

and shell ultra-structure of:<br />

(1) cultured mollusc shells (cultured in tanks under variable pH, CO3 2 and CO2(aq)) in the context<br />

of the twin-project by T. Brey; and<br />

(2) comparison of these geochemical and shell ultrastucture data from fossil bivalves representing<br />

pre-, syn- and post-OA during past Palaeocene and Eocene OA events. Here, the focus is on<br />

calcitic molluscs because of their stable shell mineralogy (as opposed to diagenetically instable<br />

coral aragonite), their expanded life time (10’s to 100’s of years), and their sessile, benthic<br />

habitat, making them valuable analogues for coastal calcifying ecosystems; and<br />

(3) to link results with data from twin-subprojects 3.5.2 and 3.5.3.<br />

Schedule<br />

3.5.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Fine-tuning of analytical facilities,<br />

(München/Bochum)<br />

Fieldwork in Oman (collection of OArelevant<br />

shell material)<br />

CO 2 perturbation culturing experiments<br />

in Bremen (project T. Brey)<br />

Analytical work in Bochum (nonconventional<br />

isotopes)<br />

Analytical work in München (shellultrastucture)<br />

Possible second field period (collection<br />

of OA-relevant shell material)<br />

Data analysis, statistical evaluation,<br />

data interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />


Milestones (3.5.1)<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

- All analytical facilities are fine-tuned to the project proposed month 4-6<br />

- Fieldwork phase I completed, sample material available month 2-3<br />

- Experimental (cultured) shells from Bremen available month 10-12<br />

- Possible fieldwork phase II completed month 15<br />

- Data set on shell ultrastucture and geochemistry available month 20<br />

- Comparison of results with those of partner projects month 24<br />

- Evaluation of combined data sets, sensitivities and uncertainties month 33<br />

- Completion of project month 36<br />

Subproject 3.5.2 Biological response to short-termed ocean acidification events in the past:<br />

biodiversity and evolution patterns of marine primary producers (calcareous nannofossils)<br />

during the late Paleocene – early Eocene<br />

(Mutterlose in collaboration with Schulte)<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

The applicants plan to study the calcareous nannofossils, stable isotope (δ 13 C, δ 18 O, δ 11 B)<br />

patterns and the sediment petrography of the Late Palaeocene (NP 5) to Early Eocene (NP 12) of<br />

an ODP Site in order to contribute to the understanding of the following questions:<br />

(1) Does the isotope record provide evidence for δ 13 C excursions additional to the PETM?<br />

(2) What is the sequence of nannofossil patterns (diversity, abundance, size evolution, extinction<br />

and origination patterns) for the Palaeocene/Eocene hyperthermals?<br />

(3) Do the excursion floras of the PETM reflect an acidification of the ocean waters?<br />

(4) Are the Palaeocene/Eocene hyperthermals characterized by similar turnovers like the PETM?<br />

(5) Were T°C, nutrients, CO2, pH or salinity controlling the composition of the assemblages?<br />

(6) What are the concomitant sedimentological and mineralogical changes?<br />

(7) What are the paleoceanographic and palaeoclimatic implications of these findings?<br />

(8) Are these biotic changes a potential scenario for the future of our oceans?<br />

For this purpose it is here proposed to investigate the isotopic composition (δ 13 C, δ 18 O, δ 11 B) of<br />

calcareous nannofossils, and the mineralogy of the Late Palaeocene/Early Eocene interval from a<br />

low latitudinal ODP Site. The pre- and post intervals of the hyperthermal events will be analysed<br />

at a sample spacing of 5 – 10 cm as defined by the isotope stratigraphy. The events itself will be<br />

studied with a spacing of at least 1 sample/5 cm, critical intervals at a resolution of 1 sample/1<br />

cm.<br />


212<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Oxygen and carbon isotope data of benthic foraminifera will be analysed to construct a highresolution<br />

isotope stratigraphy and establish a long term palaeo-temperature record. The isotope<br />

data will also be used for (1) gaining information on palaeo-environmental changes, (2) defining<br />

the perturbations of the carbon cycle during the investigated interval, and (3) understanding the<br />

chemical composition of potentially different water-masses through time. It is also attempted to<br />

use the boron isotope record (δ 11 B) of foraminifera tests as a proxy for potential pH changes<br />

About 400 samples will be analysed for calcareous nannofossils. In each settling slide 300-400<br />

specimens will be counted in order to record the biodiversity and the absolute abundance of all<br />

taxa encountered. The data obtained will include information about preservation and etching;<br />

ranges of index taxa; diversity and abundance patterns; absolute abundances of nannofossils per<br />

gram sediment; changes in the nannofossil assemblages; extinction/ origination of species; and<br />

onset of malformed taxa. The dataset will be analyzed with respect to single species carbonate<br />

content using the SYRACO system at Kiel University.<br />

Grain size analysis of the

Milestones (3.5.2)<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

- Low resolution study samples analysed for calcareous nannofossils month 12<br />

- Magnetic data and mineralogical analyses completed month 12<br />

- High resolution study samples analyzed month 26<br />

- Isotope studies completed month 24<br />

- Comparison of results with those of partner projects month 24<br />

- Compilation of study month 36<br />

Subproject 3.5.3 Nannoplankton response to modern and past ocean acidification events<br />

(Meier in collaboration with Kinkel)<br />

Work <strong>Programme</strong><br />

Subproject 3.5.3 makes use of fossil nannoplankton in the oceanic sediment record providing the<br />

largest archive of any fossil organism group throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic (Young<br />

1998; Kinkel et al., 2000; Bown et al., 2004; Baumann et al., 2005). The amount of calcite stored<br />

in coccoliths or coccospheres can be estimated using light-optical measurements (Beaufort 2005).<br />

For this the automated recognition system SYRACO (Beaufort & Dollfus, 2004) will be installed<br />

to generate species specific data on morphometry and weight estimates of key taxa from different<br />

OA events in Earth’s history. SYRACO provides data for the calcite stored in each coccolith or<br />

coccosphere and can therefore be used to identify heterogeneity in calcite production between<br />

individual liths and cells. The system reliably recognises the dominant modern species and can be<br />

trained to recognise additional taxa. Due to the large amount of samples SYRACO can analyse<br />

(about 50 slides per day), an unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution will be reached, and<br />

statistically highly significant data will be produced. Parallel SEM investigations will allow<br />

control on possible different genotypes, as well as dissolution or diagenetic overprint in fossil<br />

assemblages. With this approach, the following hypotheses will be tested: Does single species<br />

calcification depend on various environmental factors as opposed to ocean acidification alone?<br />

and Does ocean acidification affect specific taxa only? By investigating single species response<br />

to OA as well as generating estimates on total calcareous nannoplankton carbonate production it<br />

is planed to identify possible common patterns of calcareous nannoplankton community reactions<br />

to OA events. Recently Iglesias-Rodriguez et al. (2008) have challenged the assumption that OA<br />

will lead to a reduction of coccolithophore calcification. However, their record only covers the<br />

past 200 years and lacks control on species specific carbonate production. Thus it is not clear,<br />

whether the observed increase in coccolithophore calcification in the past decades is a response to<br />

anthropogenic CO2 emissions or reflects natural variability, and what the species specific<br />

response is.<br />

Therefore, the project aims to investigate natural variability versus the impact of OA and possible<br />

climate feedback in three different scenarios: (1) Holocene (i.e. the last 10’000 years) during<br />

times of minimum variability of the carbonate system. (2) Termination of the penultimate<br />

glaciation (i.e. ~132’000 years B.P.), during which a doubling of the pCO2 concentration<br />

occurred and is coupled with a strong and fast climatic change. (3) Paleocene/Eocene Thermal<br />

Maximum (~55 million years ago), that is characterised by extreme OA events that led to<br />

extinction of some species, whilst so-called disaster taxa including some coccolithophores and<br />


214<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

many calcareous dinoflagellates show relatively little response to the OA event. For all three<br />

scenarios, species specific carbonate weight estimates and morphometric data will be generated.<br />

Measurements will also be carried out on cells and liths obtained from culturing studies on<br />

coccolithophores and dinoflagellates proposed in <strong>BIOACID</strong> (subprojects 1.1.3 Müller, 1.1.4<br />

Reusch, 3.1.1 Schulz and 4.2.2 Rost) to compare our observed nannoplankton response to natural<br />

OA events to those created in the laboratory. Our results can also be of significance for those<br />

projects investigating how pelagic calcification should be modelled (1.3 Schneider, 5.2 Oschlies).<br />

All necessary samples for our project are already available (Holocene, Termination II) at our<br />

institute or will be provided by partners within <strong>BIOACID</strong> (PETM, cultures).<br />

Schedule<br />

3.5.3 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Installation of SYRACO<br />

Training of PhD student and SYRACO<br />

Analysis of Holocene samples<br />

Analysis of Termination II samples<br />

Training of PhD student and SYRACO<br />

for PETM species<br />

Analysis of PETM samples<br />

SEM control of sample quality<br />

Continuous monitoring of culture<br />

species<br />

Image and data analysis, interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation at<br />

conferences<br />

Milestones (3.5.3)<br />


- SYRACO operational month 03<br />

- PhD student trained in nannoplankton taxonomy month 03<br />

- Holocene dataset compilation finished month 12<br />

- Termination II dataset compilation finished month 21<br />

- Comparison of results with those of partner projects month 24<br />

- PETM dataset compilation finished month 30<br />

- Project synthesis month 36

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

3.5.1<br />

3.5.2<br />

3.5.3<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

3.5.1<br />

3.5.2<br />

3.5.3<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

€, PhD<br />

€, HiWi<br />

€, PhD<br />

€, HiWi<br />

€, PhD<br />

€, HiWi<br />

€<br />

(Analytical work<br />

Bochum &<br />

München)<br />

€<br />

(Isotopes etc,)<br />

€<br />

(SEM etc.)<br />

€<br />

(Analytical work<br />

Bochum &<br />

München)<br />

€<br />

(Isotopes etc,)<br />

€<br />

(SEM etc.)<br />

€<br />

(Analytical work<br />

Bochum &<br />

München)<br />

€<br />

(Isotopes etc,)<br />

€<br />

(SEM etc.)<br />

Subtotal € € € €<br />

Travel<br />

3.5.1<br />

3.5.2<br />

3.5.3<br />

€<br />

(Fieldwork,<br />

meetings)<br />

€<br />

(Kiel, meetings)<br />

€ (Training,<br />

meetings)<br />

€<br />

(Fieldwork,<br />

meetings)<br />

€<br />

(Kiel, meetings)<br />

€<br />

(Training,<br />

meetings)<br />

€ (Meetings,<br />

workshops)<br />

€<br />

(Kiel, meetings)<br />

€<br />

(Training,<br />

meetings)<br />

Subtotal € € € €<br />

Investments<br />

3.5.1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.<br />

3.5.2<br />

3.5.3<br />

€<br />

(camera micros)<br />

€<br />

(SYRACO)<br />

n.a. n.a.<br />

n.a. n.a.<br />

€<br />

€<br />

€<br />

€<br />

€<br />

€<br />

€<br />

€<br />


216<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

Subtotal € n.a. n.a. €<br />

Other costs<br />

3.5.1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.<br />

3.5.2 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.<br />

3.5.3 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.<br />

Subtotal n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.<br />

TOTAL<br />

Budget justification<br />

3.5.1<br />

Personnel costs: The research is ambitious and technically complex and is to be carried out by a<br />

capable PhD student paid according to the financial regulations of the Ruhr-University Bochum.<br />

Consumables: The combined geochemical and material properties research is cost intensive.<br />

Coast for a δ 26 Mg isotope analysis are in the order of € depending on the number of<br />

repetitions made. In general, each data point represents a total of five repeat analyses. The same<br />

accounts for calcium isotope analysis. Shell ultrastucture work as carried out in collaboration<br />

with München is both time and cost intensive. Hence most of the finances go into consumables<br />

for analytical work (reference gas, high-precision thin sections etc.). In order to support the PhD<br />

with time consuming work, a HiWi is hired for a moderate number of hours per week.<br />

Travel: The PhD should participate at workshops and attend conferences. Fieldwork in Oman<br />

and probably at other PETM onshore localities is performed.<br />

Investment: Not applicable.<br />

Other costs: Not applicable.<br />

3.5.2<br />

Personnel costs: The research will be performed by a PhD student paid according to the<br />

financial regulations of the Ruhr-University Bochum.<br />

Consumables: This money is requested for running the various analyses (stable isotopes, clay<br />

min. etc.) suggested in the proposal. This will also cover the running costs for glass war,<br />

adhesives etc.<br />

Travel: We scheduled a) once per year a 3 weeks visit of the Bochum PhD student to Kiel, to<br />

work on the automated microscope to gain data and discuss results; b) once per year a meeting of<br />

the BioAcid group in Kiel, c) two short visits per year to Erlangen, d) at least one international<br />

meeting per year to present findings.<br />

Investment: For measuring the sizes of calcareous nannofossils a new microscope camera is<br />

needed.<br />

Other costs: Not applicable.

3.5.3<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Personnel costs: The research will be carried out by a PhD student who will be paid according to<br />

the German tariff ( - € per year). A student worker is requested for assistance<br />

with operating the automated system, sample preparation and image analysis ( ,- € per year).<br />

Consumables:<br />

SEM analyses, about 150 hours at<br />

SEM consumables<br />

Glass slides, embedding material, filters<br />

Travel: Training in Aix en Provence (1 st year), regular meetings within partners (1 st -3 rd year),<br />

international conferences (2 nd & 3 rd year).<br />

Investment: The automated recognition system SYRACO is a prerequisite for generating single<br />

species carbonate production estimates. The system can analyse up to 50 samples per day (for<br />

comparison, traditional nannoplankton PhD studies would be based on a few hundred samples).<br />

Considering the large number of samples to be analysed as proposed conventional counting and<br />

imaging techniques are too slow. The system contains an automated microscope ( ), a<br />

high resolution b/w camera ( ), and a computer with monitor ( ).<br />

Other costs: Not applicable.<br />

vi. References<br />

Agnini C, Fornaciari E, Raffi I, Rio D, Röhl U, Westerhold T (2007) High resolution nannofossil biochronology of middle Paleocene to early<br />

Eocene at ODP Site 1262: Implications for calcareous nannoplankton evolution. Mar Micropaleontol 64:215-248<br />

Baumann KH, Andruleit H, Boeckel B, Geisen M, Kinkel H (2005) The significance of extant coccolithophores as indicators of ocean water<br />

masses, surface water temperature, and paleoproductivity: a review. Pal Z 79:93-112<br />

Beaufort L (2005) Weight estimates of coccoliths using the optical properties (birefringence) of calcite. Micropaleontology 51:289-297<br />

Beaufort L, Dollfus D (2004) Automatic recognition of coccoliths by dynamical neural networks. Mar Micropaleontol 51:57–73<br />

Bown PR, Lees JA, Young JR (2004) Calcareous nannoplankton evolution and diversity through time. Coccolithophores - from molecular<br />

processes to global impact. H Thierstein and J R Young. Berlin, Springer: 481-508<br />

Buick DP, Ivany LC (2004) 100 years in the dark: Extreme longevity of Eocene bivalves from Antarctica. Geology 32:921-924<br />

Calderia K, Wickett ME (2005) Ocean model predictions of chemistry changes from carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere and ocean. J<br />

Geophys Res 110: doi:10.1029/2004JC002671<br />

Hippler D, Witbaard R, Richter D, Buhl D, Immenhauser A (2008) Inter- and intra-species variability of Mg isotopes in marine biogenic<br />

carbonates. Geochim Cosmochim Acta in press<br />

Engel A, Zondervan I, Aerts K, Beaufort L, Benthien A, Chou L, Delille B, Gattuso JP, Harlay J, Heemann C, Hoffmann L, Jacquet S,<br />

Nejstgaard J, Pizay MD, Rochell-Newall E, Schneider U, Terbrueggen A, Riebesell U (2005) Testing the direct effect of CO2<br />

concentration on a bloom of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi in mesocosm experiments. Limnol Oceanogr 50:493-507<br />

Fabry VJ, Seibel BA, Feely RA, Orr JC (2008) Impacts of ocean acidification on marine fauna and ecosystem processes. ICES Journal of<br />

Marine Science 65:414-432<br />

Gibbs S, Bralower TJ, Bown PR, Zachos JC, Bybell LM (2006) Shelf and open-ocean calcareous phytoplankton assemblages across the<br />

Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Implications for global productivity gradients. Geology 34:233-236<br />

Gibbs SJ, Bown PR, Sessa JA, Bralower TJ, Wilson PA (2006) Nannoplankton extinction and origination across the Paleocene-Eocene<br />

Thermal Maximum. Science 314:1770-1773<br />

Griesshaber E, Schmahl WW, Neuser RD, Pettke T, Blüm M, Mutterlose J, Brand U. (2007) Crystallographic texture and microstructure of<br />

terebratulide brachiopod shell calcite: An optimized materials design with hierarchial architecture. Am Mineral 92:722-724<br />

Iglesias-Rodriguez MD, Halloran PR, Rickaby REM, Hall IR, Colmenero-Hidalgo E, Gittins JR, Green DRH, Tyrell T, Gibbs SJ, Dassow vP,<br />

Rehm E, Arbrust EV, Boessenkool KP (2008) Phytoplankton Calcificaiton in a High-CO2 world. Science 320:336-340<br />

Immenhauser A, Kenter JAM, Ganssen G, Bahamonde JR, van Vliet A, Saher MH (2002) Origin and significance of isotope shifts in<br />

Pennsylvanian carbonates (Asturias, NW Spain). J Sediment Res 72:82-94<br />

Immenhauser A, Nägler TF, Steuber T, Hippler D (2005) A critical assessment of mollusk 18O/16O, Mg/Ca, and 44Ca/40Ca ratios as proxies<br />

for Cretaceous seawater temperature seasonality. Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol 215:221-237<br />

Khim BK., Woo KS, Je JG (2000) Stable isotope profile of bivalves shells: seasonal temperature variations, latitudinal temperature grdaients<br />

and biological carbon cycling along the east coast of Korea. Cont Shelf Res 20:843-861<br />

Kinkel H, Baumann KH, Cepek M (2000) Coccolithophores in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean: response to seasonal and Late Quaternary<br />

surface water variability. Mar Micropaleontol 39:87-112<br />

Medlin LK, Sáez AG, Young JR (2008) A molecular clock for coccolithophores and implications for selectivity of phytoplankton extinctions<br />

across the K/T boundary. Mar Micropaleontol 67:69-86<br />


218<br />

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Mutterlose J, Linnert C, Norris R (2007) Calcareous nannofossils from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum of the equatorial Atlantic<br />

(ODP Site 1260B): Evidence for tropical warming. Mar Micropalaeontol 65:13-31<br />

Nicolo MJ, Dickens GR, Hollis CJ, Zachos JC (2007) Multiple early Eocene hyperthermals: Their sedimentary expression on the New Zealand<br />

continental margin and in the deep sea. Geology 35:699-702<br />

Pancost RD, Steart DS, Handley L., Collinsion ME, Hooker JJ, Scott AC, Grassineau NV, Glasspool IJ (2007) Increased terrestrial methane<br />

cycling at the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum. Nature 449:332-335<br />

Raffi I, Backman J, Pälike H (2005) Changes in calcareous nannofossil assemblages across the Paleocene/Eocene transition from the paleoequatorial<br />

Pacific Ocean. Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol 226:93–126<br />

Rexfort A, Mutterlose J (2006) Oxygen isotope of Sepia officinalis – a key to understanding the ecology of belemnites? Earth Planet Sci Lett<br />

247:212-221<br />

Riebesell U, Zondervan I, Rost B, Tortell PD, Zeebe RE, Morel FM (2000) Reduced calcification of marine plankton in response to increased<br />

atmospheric CO2. Nature 407:364-367<br />

Röhl U, Westerhold T, Bralower TJ, Zachos JC (2007) On the duration of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM). Geochem<br />

Geophys Geosyst 8:doi: 10.1029/2007GC001784<br />

Schmahl WW, Griesshaber E, Neuser RD, Merkel C, Deuschle J, Götz A, Kelm K, Mader W, Sehrbrock A (2008) Crystal morphology and<br />

hybrid fibre composit architecture of phosphatic and calcitic brachiopod shell materials- an overview. Mineral Mag in press<br />

Vander Putten E, Dehairs F, Keppens E, Bayens W (2000) High resolution distribution of tracce elements in the calcite shell layer of modern<br />

Mytilus edulis: <strong>Environment</strong>al and biological controls. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 64:997-1011<br />

Witbaard R, Jenness MI, van der Borg K, Ganssen G (1994) Verification of annual growth increments in Arctica islandica L. from the North<br />

Sea by means of oxygen and carbon isotopes. Neth J Sea Res 33:91–101<br />

Young JR (1998). Neogene. Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy. PR Bown. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic: 304-322<br />

Zachos JC, Pagani M, Sloan L, Thomas E, Billups K (2001) Trends, Rhythms, and Aberrations in Global Climate 65 Ma to Present. Science<br />

292:686-693<br />

Zachos JC, Röhl U, Schellenberg SA, Sluijs A, Hodell DA, Kelly DC, Thomas E, Nicolo M, Raffi I, Lourens LJ, McCarren H, Kroon D<br />

(2005) Rapid acidification of the ocean during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum. Science 308:1611-1615

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

11.5: Theme 4: Species interactions and community structure in a<br />

changing ocean<br />

i. Common Background<br />

Regime shifts are rapid reorganizations of ecosystems from one relatively stable state to another.<br />

Ecosystem regime shifts may not always be smooth, but can be abrupt resulting from complex,<br />

non-linear processes (Scheffer et al. 2001) that are driven by specific alterations in the interaction<br />

strength or mode between key species. For example, alternative stable states of coastal benthic<br />

communities can be triggered by pathogens or altered predator prey relationships of key trophic<br />

interactions (Sanford 1999). As such, relatively small changes in species composition may<br />

transform ecosystems from consumer to producer-dominated communities and vice versa<br />

(Scheibling 1986). To date, regime shifts have been often linked to climate forcing, e.g.<br />

fluctuations in the North Atlantic oscillation, El Niño events, or global climate change. For<br />

example, several warm water species have taken advantage of the warmer waters and expanded<br />

their ranges polewards (Hays et al. 2005), whereas other, cold-water adapted, species have<br />

retreated in the same direction (Perry et al. 2005). These range shifts had strong negative effects<br />

on the recruitment of higher trophic levels (e.g. fish and seabirds) that feed on key boreal species,<br />

such as cod feeding on the calanoid copepod Calanus finmarchicus (Beaugrand et al. 2003).<br />

Regime shifts and other structural re-organizations of marine communities are caused by diverse<br />

and imbalanced responses of different species or guilds to a changing environment. Even within<br />

species, susceptibility to stress can differ between genotypes and between different ontogenetic<br />

stages. This variability of stress effects at different organisational levels may lead to changes in<br />

trophic interactions or competitive hierarchies (Tortell et al. 2002), and result in a conspicuous<br />

shift in structural and functional properties of a community.<br />

Not only temperature, but also ocean acidification (OA) is a potential stress factor with a diverse<br />

set of individual reactions. As a result of the increasing pCO2, not only the stress related to<br />

acidification, but also the change in the availability of different nutrients (Si, N, P) in relation to<br />

carbon will change the competitive relationships between primary producers, especially in the<br />

light of the reduction in anthropogenic input of phosphorus and nitrogen in many coastal seas.<br />

Moreover, OA is accompanied by increases in water temperatures of ~2 to 5°C in many<br />

temperate regions. Therefore, studying the impacts of OA on community level biological<br />

interactions and cascades through the foodweb needs to consider potential synergisms between<br />

increases in temperature and decreases in ocean pH. Temperature increase will, among others,<br />

accelerate the metabolic rates of producers, consumers and remineralizers, whereas acidification<br />

may, among other effects, negatively affect the nutritional quality of primary consumers and<br />

detritus. Hence, the likelihood for consumer-prey mismatch situations may increase. In the<br />

marine benthos, for example, macroalgae and seagrasses, which often lack efficient carbon<br />

concentration mechanisms may benefit from increased pCO2 availability. In contrast, benthic<br />

filter feeders such as bivalves, bryozoans, corals or tube building polychaetes may suffer declines<br />

in their calcifying capacity (Shirayama & Thornton 2005), with concomitant decreases in<br />

population growth and persistence. Along rocky shores in particular, where marine filter feeders<br />

directly compete with marine plants for space, a climate change driven restructuring may shift<br />

communities from filter feeder dominated consumer communities to macroalgae dominated<br />

communities.<br />


220<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

In short, ocean acidification may have important consequences for the biodiversity and<br />

functioning of marine ecosystems: even moderate stress impacts on individual species may be<br />

dramatically amplified (or buffered) by ensuing modulation of niches and interactions which<br />

ultimately will provoke a restructuring of communities. As a consequence, important ecosystem<br />

services (e.g. O2 production, CO2 sequestration, remineralization of nutrients, fisheries yields)<br />

may be jeopardized. Extending our understanding of stress impacts from the individual or species<br />

level to the level of interactions and community dynamics is crucial.<br />

The main gaps in our knowledge<br />

Our knowledge on the effects of OA has increased considerably in recent years, but there are still<br />

enormous gaps that need to be filled with regard to complex community responses. This<br />

knowledge is critical to assess the impacts of OA on all scales as well as to provide policy makers<br />

with the tools and information necessary to implement the necessary actions. One of the main<br />

gaps concerns the effect of OA on the interactions between species and the resulting community<br />

structure. Whereas many studies exist on the effects of low pH and/or high CO2 conditions on<br />

single organisms, not much is known about how these factors affect interactions between species<br />

and, through that, communities. Indeed, the predicted shifts in pCO2 and pH in many species will<br />

often only slightly impact performance and fitness of a given species. However, as shown for<br />

other stressors (Christensen et al. 2006, Wahl 2008) ensuing modifications of species interactions<br />

may substantially amplify or buffer the original stress (Wahl et al. 2004). How environmental<br />

stress spreads through a community via shifts in composition and interaction is the main focus of<br />

this theme.<br />

We define two central research questions dealing with interactions between organisms. (1) First,<br />

we ask how competitive interactions will change in a high CO2 world, and whether and how this<br />

may lead to alterations in the structure and functioning of communities. Species competing for<br />

similar resources may have completely different requirements to the physical environment. Most<br />

obviously, calcifying organisms may be more affected by a decrease in pH than non-calcifying<br />

organisms, and this should lead to a change in the competitive interactions between the two (Fig<br />

4.1d). However, we can also envisage more subtle effects where slight differences in for example<br />

carbon concentrating mechanisms may affect the competitive outcome between or even within<br />

species. This question is very important with regard to highly diverse bacterial communities and<br />

their key role as bioreactor for the remineralization of nutrients. Additionally, fitness shifts in<br />

macroorganisms and/or compositional changes in the colonizer pool will lead to altered epibiotic<br />

biofilms indirectly impacting the biotic and abiotic interactions of the host. Increasing CO2 levels<br />

will also increase the C:nutrient ratios available for primary production, and as these nutrient<br />

ratios can be considered an ecological niche (Loladze et al. 2004) we expect structural shifts in<br />

algal communities. We will investigate these competition mediated effects at different functional<br />

levels including macroalgae, benthic invertebrates, microalgae, and bacteria as we expect impacts<br />

to differ between these functional groups. Since further differences are expected between<br />

genotypes within species, microevolutionary aspects are also included.

C:N Ratio (molar)<br />

Respiration (µg O2 min -1 Animal -1 )<br />

12<br />

11<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

1.2<br />

1.0<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0.0<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

200 ppm<br />

600 ppm<br />

900 ppm<br />

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

Day of incubation<br />

nutrient replete High C:N High C:P<br />

Treatment of the food<br />

Rhodomonas salina (Ind ml -1 (d rate growth marina Oxyrrhis<br />

a<br />

0<br />

1.0<br />

b<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

nutrient replete<br />

High C:N<br />

High C:P<br />

0.2<br />

0.0<br />

1e+5 2e+5 3e+5 4e+5 5e+5 6e+5<br />

)<br />

c<br />

Crustose coralline algae<br />

Non-calcifying algae<br />

400 765<br />

CO2 treatment (ppm)<br />

Fig. 4.1: Examples of previous relevant work. a) nutrient stoichiometry of Rhodomonas salina under different CO 2<br />

concentrations (Gülzow 2008); b) Oxyrrhis marina growing on food with different nutrient stoichiometry (Hantzsche<br />

& Boersma submitted); c) Respiration of Acartia tonsa on different food sources (Boersma et al. unpubl); d)<br />

competitive interactions between calcifying algae and non-calcifying algae under different CO 2 conditions (Kuffner et<br />

al. 2007)<br />

(2) The second major aim of this theme is to elucidate the effects of OA on food web<br />

interactions. Obviously, loss of species or the replacement of one species (strain) with another<br />

one (diatoms versus dinoflagellates) as a result of OA will affect the flow of energy and matter<br />

through the food web, but more subtle processes may be just as relevant. High CO2 availability to<br />

primary producers may affect their quality as food for herbivores. Not only do we know that the<br />

production of secondary metabolites is highly dependent on the nutrient conditions (Velzeboer et<br />

al. 2001, Lippemeier et al. 2003), we also know that the concentration of essential components of<br />

the food such as fatty acids is dependent on the growing conditions of the algae (Müller-Navarra<br />

1995, Boersma 2000). Moreover, the stoichiometry of the macronutrients may change in primary<br />

producers as a result of high CO2 availability (Fig 4.1a and: Burkhardt et al. 1999, Riebesell et al.<br />

2000, Taraldsvik & Myklestad 2000, Urabe et al. 2003, Riebesell et al. 2007). As primary<br />

producers are not homeostatic with respect to their nutrient composition, they usually reflect the<br />

nutrient composition of their surrounding water, and hence are being expected to also show<br />

higher carbon-to-nutrient ratios. High carbon-to-nutrient algae are known to be inferior food<br />

quality for herbivorous organisms (Fig 4.1b and: Boersma 2000, Sterner & Elser 2002, Boersma<br />

& Elser 2006). These consumers have to handle more energy (carbon) in relation to nutrients<br />

needed for their assembly and acquisition machinery (phosphorus rich ribosomes and nitrogen<br />

rich proteins and mitochondria, respectively) (Klausmeier et al. 2004), which creates costs and<br />

leads to altered nutrient stoichiometry and reduced growth and reproduction of the consumers.<br />

These food quality effects have only recently been shown to travel up food chains to predatory<br />

d<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

-1 )<br />

Percentage cover<br />


222<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

beetles in terrestrial systems (Kagata & Ohgushi 2007), to parasites feeding/living on nutrient<br />

limited hosts (Frost et al. 2008) and even to planktivorous fish (Malzahn et al. 2007a). The latter<br />

finding is very important, as it implies that through OA, and the resulting increase in the<br />

C:nutrient content of the algae (especially in the light of the re-oligotrophication of several<br />

coastal seas) the production of zooplankton should decline as a result of lower food quality.<br />

Moreover, the quality of this reduced stock of zooplankters for higher trophic levels should be<br />

low, thus potentially impacting production of economically important fish species.<br />

Changes in nutrient stoichiometry on all levels from water chemistry to secondary consumers are<br />

likely to impact the community structure and functioning of microbial communities as well. Not<br />

only as a result of direct stress effects, but also as a result of changes in excretory products of<br />

consumers as a result of their homeostasis which will affect the available carbon pool for bacteria<br />

(Fig 4.1c, different respiration rates under different food conditions). This is likely to favour new<br />

species assemblages, and hence, bacterial community functioning.<br />

Consequently, this theme comprises investigations of the horizontal (competitive interactions)<br />

and vertical (food chains) translation of abiotic stress into structural changes of the benthic and<br />

pelagic, microbial and macrobial communities considered (See Fig. 4.2 for an example in the<br />

benthic environment).<br />

Consumers<br />

Defence<br />

Food quality<br />

Compensatory<br />

growth<br />

Abiotic Stress<br />

acidification, warming<br />

Fucus<br />

Epibiosis<br />

Abundance &<br />

Depth<br />

distribution<br />

Recruitment<br />

Growth<br />

Competitors<br />

Fig. 4.2: Horizontal and vertical interactions with the macroalga Fucus as an example of a target species: Abiotic stress<br />

affects directly but often with different strength and/or sign the performance of interactors (target species Fucus, its<br />

consumers, competitors and epibionts). The ensuing shifts in biotic interactions may have still stronger effects on the<br />

survival and distribution of the target species than the direct stress itself.<br />

Objectives<br />

By means of manipulative experimentation from the individual up to the community level we<br />

will:<br />

1. Establish the role of differential sensitivities to OA at the community, species and<br />

subspecies (ontogenetic stages, genotypes) level<br />

2. Assess the synergistic effects of acidification and warming

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

3. Analyse changes in food quality and quantity of primary producers under various CO2<br />

concentrations<br />

4. Quantify the ensuing shifts in competitive abilities of benthic and pelagic model organisms<br />

5. Quantify the ensuing shifts in the performance and ecological efficiency of energy transfer<br />

between lower and higher trophic levels in pelagic and benthic systems<br />

6. Assess and model cascading effects in coastal marine systems from secondary consumers<br />

down to microbial communities via trophic, competitive and epibiotic interactions<br />

7. Compare the effect of natural and experimental stress gradients on community structure<br />

and dynamics<br />

8. Compare the relative impact of acidification/warming stress on different types of<br />

communities (benthic – pelagic, microbial – macrobial).<br />

Approach<br />

Different types of experimental designs will be applied to address changes in community<br />

structure, competitive interactions as well as nutritionally mediated responses in consumers over<br />

several trophic levels. The first type of setup will consist of using controlled laboratory systems<br />

that subject organisms to different levels of acidification (and warming) and investigate how<br />

sensitivities differ between genotypes, ontogenetic stages, and/or species and communities.<br />

Secondly, primary producers cultured under different conditions will be fed to consumers in<br />

sequential steps. This will allow quantification of the immediate impact of prey quality on the<br />

performance of secondary producers using advanced analytical methods to determine food<br />

quality parameters. The third type of experiments will consist of environmental samples from<br />

natural pH or CO2 gradients and larger scale in-door mesocosm setups within walk-in<br />

temperature controlled rooms where both temperature and several levels of acidification can be<br />

manipulated in a factorial design. This setting can be used for both pelagic and benthic<br />

community model systems, to study changes in community structure and interaction under<br />

different CO2/temperature scenarios.<br />

ii. Collaborative research<br />

This theme involves two subprojects, both dealing with the gaps in our current knowledge<br />

described above. One project (4.1) investigates processes in the benthic system, whereas the other<br />

one (4.2) studies pelagic processes. Both projects comprise a number of complementary<br />

subprojects, which differ with regard to their focus on community type, habitat and/or interaction<br />

type. Within projects, the common habitats allow joint experiments, and combined sampling<br />

campaigns. Between the projects the joint questions allow us the development of common<br />

strategies and concepts. Moreover, investigating identical or similar questions over a range of<br />

differently sized organisms with different generation times and reproduction modes also enables<br />

us to test the robustness and generality of our findings as well as the dependency of our results on<br />

the differences between systems. Strong collaborations will exist with different projects in the<br />

other themes, more specifically with those projects investigating single species responses to OA<br />

in themes 2 and 3, and the microbiological projects in theme 1.<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Project 4.1: OA impacts on interactions in and structure of benthic communities<br />

(M. Wahl)<br />

i. Objectives<br />

To assess the impact of ocean acidification (for some experiments in conjunction with predicted<br />

warming) on<br />

• performance of genotypes and populations<br />

• competitive interactions within and between species<br />

• associations such as epibiosis<br />

• structure and function of communities<br />

• microbial as compared to macrobial communities<br />

ii. State of the Art<br />

Ocean acidification (in conjunction with warming) effects in benthic habitats can be found at<br />

very different levels of organisation. Thus, the expected abiotic shifts may impact the activity of<br />

important enzymes, calcification processes and the general performance or fitness of individuals<br />

(Saborowski et al. 2004, Fabry et al. 2008). Such organismic responses to climate change are<br />

conventionally categorized as either ecological or evolutionary. The former includes phenotypic<br />

plasticity and dispersal, while the latter entails genetic change (Reusch & Wood 2007).<br />

Evolutionary theory suggests that with increasing unpredictability of the environment, as<br />

expected under global change, selection should favour genotypes that possess a broader tolerance<br />

towards stress and other environmental challenges. Ontogenetic and genetic differences in the<br />

susceptibility to acidification and warming may affect population dynamics and intra-specific<br />

competition. Within populations, susceptibility to stress changes in the course of ontogeny (Fabry<br />

et al. 2008) and often highest mortality occurs at early life stages (Gosselin & Qian 1997).<br />

The direct effects of abiotic stress such as predicted during global change will usually not be fatal<br />

at the individual or species level, but when they modify interactions or associations (such as<br />

epibiosis) the impact of these stress factors may be substantially larger (Wahl 2008). When cooccurring<br />

and competing species are differentially impacted by this abiotic stress we may expect<br />

shifts in the outcome of competitive interactions and, ultimately, in the structure and functioning<br />

of the community (Jaschinski & Sommer 2008). Indeed, the modulation of interactions by shifts<br />

in environmental conditions can be considered as ecological levers which may alter the purely<br />

physiological impact of the stressor(s) in 2 directions: (i) at the level of the individual the direct<br />

physiological effects may be masked, dampened or enhanced by changes in biological<br />

interactions such as predation or competition and (ii) the impacts at the species level – even when<br />

non-lethal – by interaction modulation will be projected onto the community level and may lead<br />

to “surprising” (Christensen et al. 2006) re-organisations of the structural and functional<br />

properties of a community. While population or community level effects have received little<br />

attention, one particularly understudied component of benthic systems in this regard are<br />

microbial communities (Inagaki et al. 2006).<br />

We will compare the interaction-mediated responses of benthic populations and communities in a<br />

variety of complementary systems: seagrass and macroalgae beds, macrobenthic and seafloor<br />

microbial communities. Where possible, regional and systemic comparisons will be carried out<br />

(e.g. tropical – temperate, deep sea – shore habitats).

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Most of past research on hypercapnia effects has focussed either on tropical reefs or on<br />

planktonic organisms (Fabry et al. 2008). However, some examples for interaction mediated<br />

effects of environmental stress in benthic systems have been reported. Calcifying organisms, such<br />

as coralline algae, may suffer a reduction in competitiveness in the course of environmental<br />

acidification (Kuffner et al. 2007). Consequently, their non-calcifying local competitors may<br />

indirectly benefit from OA even if they are only slightly less negatively impacted by this<br />

environmental stress than the corallines. Competition between algae with and without carbon<br />

concentration mechanisms is expected to shift when pCO2 rises (Zimmerman et al. 1997). A<br />

higher C:N:P ratio as a possible consequence of CO2 enrichment may decrease food quality and<br />

consumer fitness (e.g. Cruz-Rivera & Hay 2000). Shifts in predation pressure are expected. Also,<br />

two (or more) stressors may interact and modulate their respective effects on a given response.<br />

Thus, growth and shell properties play important roles for the competitiveness and the<br />

susceptibility to predation of an important bioengineer such as mussels (e.g. Gutierrez et al.<br />

2003). The interaction of acidification, warming and other stressors (e.g. eutrophication,<br />

desalination) affect these traits in various and often unexpected ways with far-reaching<br />

consequences for this species’ persistence (Kossak 2006, Wahl et al. work in progress).<br />

Hence, it is essential to expand the OA impact studies beyond the species level to community<br />

structure, comprising both “horizontal” interactions (competition among basal species, epibioses)<br />

as well as the “vertical” aspects, i.e. food quality and trophic interactions. The interaction with<br />

the second project in this theme will be very strong.<br />

Principal foci will be shifts in nutritional quality/prey palatability and predation-mediated<br />

environmental stress (4.1.1, 4.1.2), competitional shifts through species specific differences in<br />

stress susceptibility (4.1.1, 4.1.3.), restructuring of populations by differences in stress sensitivity<br />

between ontogenetic stages and genotypes (4.1.2, 4.1.3.), interaction-modulation through altered<br />

epibioses (4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3.), restructuring of microbial and macrobial communities through<br />

interaction-mediated stress effects (4.1.2, 4.1.4)<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

4.1.1<br />

Ragnhild Asmus has long-standing experience in benthic ecology of soft bottom areas especially<br />

temperate and tropical seagrass beds (Asmus & Asmus 2000). She also is experienced in field<br />

experiments and community ecology with a focus on the ecology of benthic primary producers in<br />

different soft bottom communities. She has large expertise in network analysis of food webs and<br />

stable isotope techniques (Baird et al. 2004, 2007). Christian Wiencke has long standing<br />

expertise in seaweed ecology and physiology and in research on anthropogenic effects (e.g.<br />

increased UV radiation) on seaweed performance (Wiencke et al. 2006, Roleda et al. 2007,<br />

Steinhoff et al. 2008). Lars Gutow studies plant-grazer interactions at both the ecological and the<br />

physiological level with emphasis on the implications of nutritional quality and quantity on<br />

meso-herbivore fitness (Gutow et al. 2006, Gutow et al. 2007).<br />

4.1.2<br />

Martin Wahl has extensive experience in benthic community ecology with a strong emphasis on<br />

complex biotic interactions (defences, epibiosis, consumption, competition), their modulation by<br />

abiotic factors, and the impact of environmental stress. His experimental approach comprises in<br />

situ SCUBA experiments, climate simulation mesocosm experiments and analytical lab<br />

techniques (Wahl et al. 2004, Sugden et al. 2008, Wahl 2008). Thorsten Reusch has broad<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

experience in ecological genetics of aquatic and marine organisms, including the development<br />

and analysis of genetic marker data, the set-up of selection experiments and their analysis.<br />

4.1.3<br />

Kai Bischof is studying the eco- and stressphysiology of benthic macroalgae from polar,<br />

temperate and tropical ecosystems (Bischof et al. 2006a). Interactive stress effects on macroalgal<br />

photosynthesis, growth, reproduction and competition, as well as physiological acclimation<br />

mechanisms (e.g. antioxidative strategies (Bischof et al. 2006b)) are the prime focus of his<br />

research. By his workgroup tropical reef algae are successfully cultivated at the ZMT aquaculture<br />

facility.<br />

4.1.4<br />

Alban Ramette has a broad expertise in high-throughput molecular characterization of microbial<br />

communities in environmental samples and in the further statistical evaluation of multivariate<br />

data (Ramette & Tiedje 2007). Antje Boetius has extensive experience with biogeochemical and<br />

microbiological investigations of marine sediments, both in the field including in situ<br />

measurements and in experimental approaches. In addition, previous molecular work has been<br />

successfully accomplished at the proposed natural CO2 reservoir site (Inagaki et al. 2006).<br />

iv. Work <strong>Programme</strong>, Schedules, and Milestones<br />

Subproject 4.1.1 Effects of ocean acidification on trophic interactions in coastal seaweed<br />

and seagrass ecosystems<br />

R. Asmus, C. Wiencke, L. Gutow, H. Asmus, D. Hanelt, R. Saborowski, I. Bartsch<br />

This subproject provides many opportunities for close cooperation with other <strong>BIOACID</strong>projects.<br />

The reference numbers of cooperating subprojects are given in brackets.<br />

The combined effects of ocean acidification and increased seawater temperatures on marine<br />

macrophytes from the North Atlantic will be investigated in multi-factorial experiments under<br />

controlled laboratory conditions [3.2.4, 4.1.3]. In the facilities of the AWI at Sylt and<br />

Bremerhaven selected seaweed and seagrass species will be raised under constant pCO2-levels<br />

representing pre-industrial (280 ppm), current (380 ppm), and predicted future (700 ppm) pCO2conditions<br />

and constant temperatures of 10 and 20°C. An additional experimental temperature<br />

of 25°C will be applied to the seagrass species. The selected species will include the North Sea<br />

seagrass species Zostera marina and Z. noltii and representatives of the three major taxonomic<br />

seaweed groups (i.e. Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta, and Phaeophyceae).<br />

For each species photosynthetic activity, growth, and elemental composition (C, N, P) will be<br />

measured for each pH/temperature combination [4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.2.2]. Photosynthetic activity will<br />

be measured by pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry and O2-electrodes. Since both<br />

methods do not measure carbon fixation directly, net photosynthetic rates will be inferred from<br />

exemplary accompanying 14 C-isotope measurements. Brown algae produce polyphenolic<br />

compounds such as phlorotannins via the secondary metabolic pathway. Besides their structural<br />

and UV-protective function phlorotannins act as feeding deterrents for many herbivores. Due to<br />

this implication on algal palatability the phlorotannin content will be quantified in brown algae<br />

by the Folin-Ciocalteu method.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

In no-choice feeding experiments seaweeds grown under different pH/temperature treatments<br />

will be offered to selected meso-herbivores (peracarids and gastropods) collected in natural<br />

seaweed beds of Sylt and Helgoland. These experiments will focus on the treatment effects on<br />

macrophyte nutritional quality. In order to avoid pH/temperature effects on the grazer<br />

physiology the experiments will be conducted in untreated (but filtered) North Sea water at a<br />

constant temperature of 15°C. Each individual grazer will be fed with one seaweed species from<br />

one treatment only. In short-term experiments we will study the effects of altered food<br />

chemistry on consumption rates, assimilation efficiency, and respiration of the grazers [4.2.1].<br />

The effects of altered food quality on grazer fitness will be studied in long-term experiments.<br />

Fitness will be determined in terms of growth, reproduction, and survival of the animals. In<br />

population models, these life history parameters will be used to calculate fitness parameters<br />

such as population growth rates.<br />

We will study how the combined effects of temperature and acidification affect the activity of<br />

highly important enzymes like cellulase, laminarinase, endo- and exopeptidase, phosphatase,<br />

and lipase [1.2.1]. Digestion and assimilation of the diets by the grazers will be determined by<br />

the activities and the characteristics of selected digestive enzymes in the digestive tract of the<br />

animals, and by the chemical composition of the faecal pellets in comparison to the food (C, N,<br />

P). Comparison between pH effects on the activities of endogenous digestive enzymes and of<br />

those produced by heterotrophic bacteria will be performed in collaboration with project [1.2.1].<br />

The consequences for the decomposition of faecal pellets and nutrient recycling will be studied<br />

by the activity of digestive enzymes within faecal pellets and by the release of organic and<br />

inorganic degradation products (carbohydrates, proteins, phosphate) [1.2.1].<br />

In natural seagrass beds, the removal of seagrass epiphytes by grazers has strong effects on<br />

seagrass performance. Seagrasses that were grown together with their epiphytes under different<br />

pH/temperature regimes will be offered to selected meso-herbivores in feeding experiments in<br />

order to investigate how ocean acidification in conjunction with increasing temperatures will<br />

affect the balance between epiphyte growth and removal by grazers and the possible<br />

implications on seagrass performance (measured as biomass increment, e.g. leaf area index)<br />

[1.1.5, 4.1.2, 4.1.4]. These experiments will be conducted in untreated (but filtered) North Sea<br />

water at a constant temperature of 15°C.<br />

Ecosystem consequences of ocean acidification will be addressed in CO2-incubated benthic<br />

chambers (5 to 500 dm 3 volume) in Wadden Sea seagrass beds at Sylt [4.1.2, 5.1]. In situ and<br />

benthic mesocosm enclosures (ca. 3 m 3 ) of partial systems of a seagrass bed will be exposed to<br />

different CO2 concentrations (from weeks to ½ year). System effects will be measured as<br />

changes in biomass, abundance, oxygen and nutrients (N, P, Si) to compute growth, respiration,<br />

productivity, and egestion of the community and particular community compartments [1.1.5,<br />

4.1.4]. The results will be subject to a comprehensive network analysis (ENA) of altered trophic<br />

and metabolic pathways in seaweed and seagrass systems in order to identify the sensitivity of<br />

trophic pathways within these systems to acidification of coastal waters.<br />


Schedule<br />

4.1.1<br />

Incubation of macrophytes at different<br />

pH/temperature combinations<br />

Laboratory experiments on macrophytes<br />

Laboratory experiments on herbivores<br />

Laboratory experiments on fecal pellet decomposition<br />

Field experiments on community effects in benthic<br />

chambers<br />

Analysis of experimental data<br />

Network analysis of data from benthic chambers<br />

Presentation of data and results, manuscript<br />

preparation<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year<br />


Milestones (4.1.1)<br />

- Incubated seaweed and seagrass species will be available for laboratory<br />

experiments<br />

month 6<br />

- First experimental data on pH/temperature effects on macrophytes month 15<br />

- First results from benthic chamber experiments month 21<br />

- Experimental data on consumption and assimilation efficiency of grazers month 24<br />

- Experimental data on pH/temperature effects on fecal pellet decomposition month 24<br />

- Data set on pH/temperature effects on macrophytes completed month 30<br />

- Experimental data on the effects of altered macrophyte stoichiometry<br />

on grazer fitness<br />

month 33<br />

- Final results from benthic chamber experiments month 33<br />

- Evaluation of data sets month 35<br />

Subproject 4.1.2 Acidification stress: Early life stage ecology in times of global change.<br />

M. Wahl & T. Reusch<br />

We will ask to which extent under different pCO2/temperature settings survival and performance<br />

of early life stages of some key species are affected (year 1), how sensitivity varies among<br />

genotypes (year 2), and how intra- and interspecific competitiveness is determined by differences<br />

in sensitivity among genotypes and species, resp. (year 3). We expect early life stages to react<br />

more sensitively to stress as compared to adults [in cooperation with projects 2.1.1, 2.1.3, 2.3.1].<br />

Many of these aspects will be run in close cooperation with other projects (reference number in<br />

brackets). In benthic hard bottom communities of the Western Baltic, barnacles (Balanus<br />

improvisus, Bi) and mussels (Mytilus edulis, Me) are the ecologically most important suspension<br />

feeders. The bladder wrack Fucus vesiculosus (Fv) is an important primary producer and<br />

ecosystem engineer. The small calcareous polychaete Spirorbis spirorbis (Ss) is a suspension<br />

feeder living preferentially as epibiont on macroalgae. All 4 species control a substantial amount<br />

of the flow of matter between the open water and the benthos. They compete directly for<br />

resources (food and/or attachment substratum) and indirectly by attracting or distracting shared<br />

consumers.<br />

All experiments will be run in micro- and mesocosms allowing the control of all relevant<br />

variables. Survival and performance (year 1) will be studied on freshly settled juveniles obtained

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

from in vitro reproduction (Bi, Fv, Ss) or field sampling (Me in June – August). Acidification<br />

will be achieved by bubbling with CO2 enriched air at defined and automated concentrations.<br />

Acidification treatment levels as agreed project-wide (i.e. 380 – 560 – 980ppm) will be combined<br />

with 2 temperature levels (ambient – predicted ∆5°C). Species performance (photosynthesis as<br />

assessed by in situ PAM, respiration rates, growth, calcification) [2.1.3, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.5.1, 4.1.3]<br />

will be assessed in the absence of biotic stressors (fouling, grazing, competition). Although we<br />

estimate the immediate stress impact to be small relative to its long-term and indirect effects we<br />

will strive to develop a reliable quantification of the stress level experienced (potential stress<br />

indicators: heat shock proteins, ion-regulation proteins, hypoxia-induced factor) [3.2.3].<br />

Increased variance with stress strength will serve as an indication for inter-genotype variation in<br />

sensitivity and allow selecting suitable species for the 2 nd question. In the second year we will run<br />

simplified pilot studies on the role of genetic diversity for stress resistance [1.1.4, 2.2.1] which<br />

will be substantially deepened in a possible second 3-year period of <strong>BIOACID</strong> (i. e. using<br />

genetic marker loci, either gene-linked or anonymous microsatellites, both of which are<br />

currently being developed in Me and Fv). In a first step we will assess differences in stress<br />

susceptibility between genotypes (equivalent to individuals in these sexually reproducing species)<br />

using the performance parameters defined above. For this experiment, only species will be used<br />

for which reproduction, embryogenesis and recruitment can be handled in the lab, i.e. Fv, Bi a/o<br />

Ss. In a second and optional step [1.1.4], we assess potential evolutionary mediation of survival<br />

and plasticity evolution using controlled crossings that serve as base to assemble genetically<br />

diverse versus depauperate larval pools. This can be realized by either testing sibships alone or in<br />

various combinations (Gamfeldt et al. 2005). Ideally, sibships from mother-father pairs which<br />

differ in stress-sensitivity will be used. By obtaining half-sibs of identical female individuals<br />

fertilized by different fathers, a heritability analysis of tolerance to acidification will provide<br />

data on the predicted evolutionary response of the targeted key species to<br />

acidification/warming. High heritability estimates in conjunction with strong selection<br />

differential would indicate that persistence of benthic key species is possible due to<br />

microevolution (Falconer & Mackay 1996). At the community level, we will finally (year 3)<br />

investigate whether competitive hierarchies [3.2.2, 4.1.1] among selected sessile species (Bi,<br />

Me, Fs) change under various acidification/warming scenarios. Competitiveness of a species<br />

may be modulated by different levels of epibiosis resulting from weakened antifouling<br />

defences or altered fouling pressure [4.1.1, 4.1.4, 4.2.1, 4.2.2]. To this purpose we will<br />

assemble 2- or 3-species communities of Bi, Me a/o Fv at comparable initial density and<br />

genetic diversity, and follow their structural changes over time under different pCO2/T<br />

settings. [In a second 3-yr phase of <strong>BIOACID</strong> we will aim to disentangle the effects if species<br />

identity and genetic diversity on competitiveness.].<br />

Schedule<br />

4.1.2 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Survival and performance<br />

Genetic variability<br />

Competition<br />

Analysis & Publication<br />



Milestones (4.1.2)<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

- Implementation of experimental facility month 3<br />

- Experimental data on CO2/pH sensitivity of juveniles month 10<br />

- Experimental data genetic variability of CO2/pH sensitivity month 21<br />

- Data set on changing competitiveness month 30<br />

- Evaluation of combined data sets, sensitivities & uncertainties month 36<br />

Subproject 4.1.3: Competitive success of calcifying and non-calcifying macroalgae under<br />

shifting pH regimes in tropical vs. temperate regions<br />

K. Bischof, A. Kunzmann, M. Nugues, T. Rixen, M. Teichberg<br />

We will examine the physiological response of calcifying and non-calcifying macroalgae to<br />

multiple abiotic stress and predict their respective competitive success on tropical reefs and<br />

temperate rocky shore habitats in a scenario of ocean acidification.<br />

The main questions we will address are:<br />

1) To what extent is photosynthesis and growth of calcifying macroalgae affected by shifts in pH,<br />

temperature and (PAR & UV) radiation in comparison to non-calcifying macroalgae, and<br />

how are these responses modified under uni- vs. multifactorial stress? To what extent is<br />

calcification affected in tropical vs. temperate algal species in the respective treatments?<br />

2) What are the underlying physiological acclimation mechanisms involved in stress responses?<br />

3) How will the competitive strength of calcifying and non-calcifying macroalgae be altered by<br />

future ocean acidification?<br />

4) How will local stress factors such as eutrophication interfere with the competitive success of<br />

calcifying, and non-calcifying, particularly ephemeral opportunistic macroalgae under ocean<br />

acidification?<br />

We will examine the physiological response of commonly found calcifying and non-calcifying<br />

macroalgae from the tropics and Helgoland (e.g. Padina, Halimeda, Corallina, Lobophora,<br />

Hypoglossum, Entermorpha, Acrosiphonia), applying uni- and multifactorial stress experiments<br />

in the laboratory and mesocosms at ZMT, University of Bremen, AWI Sylt and AWI Helgoland.<br />

(coordinated with 4.1.1-4.1.4). In the second year of the project, field and mesocosm studies will<br />

be conducted at a tropical field site (e.g. Similan Islands, Thailand). In the experiments we will<br />

expose the algae to different CO2 regimes including the pre-industrial level (280 ppm), present<br />

day conditions (380 ppm) and 560, 700 and 1000 ppm. In short-term experiments temperature,<br />

UV-radiation and nutrient levels will be changed according to the degree of expected variation of<br />

the respective factor within the respective habitat. In mesocosm ponds run at different pH and<br />

temperature conditions and field set-ups we will offer sterile settlement tiles as well as coralline<br />

algae as substrate and monitor algal recruitment, primary succession and epibiosis under varying<br />

abiotic conditions and examine the interspecific competition of calcifying and non-calcifying<br />

macroalgae. In all experiments we will measure photosynthesis (by oxygen evolution and<br />

chlorophyll fluorescence), growth and uptake of dissolved inorganic C and N on an

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

individual/species specific and community base. In situ measurements of calcification will be<br />

conducted in cooperation with Project 3.4.2. using microsensors. We will measure oxidised and<br />

total glutathione content (GSH/GSSG) as an indicator of oxidative stress, and thus a measure of<br />

general stress exposure, easily to compare between species. Studies on coral/alga interactions will<br />

be conducted in cooperation with the projects 3.2.2 and 3.2.3, and by Dr. Maggy Nugues through<br />

institutional funding by ZMT. We will closely cooperate with projects on trophic interactions<br />

within seagrass and seaweed dominated communities under shifting pH scenarios [4.1.1], and<br />

with 4.1.4. on bacterial communities on these organisms. An exchange of samples to study<br />

changes in ultrastructure of the CaCO3 matrix of the different calcifying macroalgal species under<br />

examination is envisaged with project 3.2.4.<br />

Schedule<br />

4.1.3 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Development of exp. infrastructure<br />

Cultivation of macroalgae under<br />

varying pH/temperature<br />

Stress experiments in the laboratory<br />

Cruise preparation<br />

Field experiments (1 st year<br />

Helgoland/Sylt, 2 nd year Tropics)<br />

Sample processing<br />

Data analysis, statistical evaluation,<br />

data interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, conferences<br />

Milestones (4.1.3)<br />


- CO2 incubation chamber at ZMT will be available to the project month 3<br />

- First laboratory data on pH/temperature effects on temperate and<br />

tropical macroalgae<br />

month 6<br />

- Results from field & mesocosm experiments in temperate regions<br />

(physiology vs. competition)<br />

month 12<br />

- Results from field & mesocosm experiments in tropical regions<br />

(physiology vs. competition)<br />

month 24<br />

- Last laboratory studies & experimental work completed<br />

- Data implementation:<br />

month 30<br />

1.) patterns in physiology and competition: temperate vs. tropical habitats month 32<br />

2.) common patterns within the other projects of cluster 4 month 34<br />

- Evaluation of data sets, publication, modeling approaches month 35<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Subproject 4.1.4: Effects of ocean acidification on microbial community structure,<br />

composition and activity in natural and experimental systems<br />

A. Ramette & A. Boetius<br />

Longterm CO2 effects on microbial diversity, biomass and function in the seabed<br />

Transects of seabed through which CO2-rich porewaters seep from a natural CO2 reservoir<br />

(sediment-hosted CO2 lake of the southern Okinawa Trough hydrothermal system (Inagaki et al.<br />

2006)) will be used as natural laboratory for the study of long-term consequences of varied CO2<br />

and pH levels on microbial community structure. Long term adaptation and consequent<br />

structuring of natural benthic communities cannot be studied experimentally. A series of<br />

molecular techniques will be applied to determine shifts in community structure (T-RFLP,<br />

ARISA), community composition (sequencing of 16S rRNA genes), abundance (fluorescent in<br />

situ hybridization, quantitative PCR), biomass and activity (sulfate reduction, respiration,<br />

heterotrophy, CO2 fixation, methane production and consumption). In addition, biomass and<br />

diversity of meio-, macrofauna and megafauna will be conjointly assessed to address thresholds<br />

of high CO2 and low pH effects on benthic ecosystems. Adequate samples were obtained recently<br />

from an expedition to Okinawa Trough (SO196, March 2008). This work will also contribute to<br />

Theme 3 projects on buffering effects of different sediments in calcification/decalcification<br />

processes and to Theme 1 with the possible detection of epsilonproteobacteria and<br />

chemolithotrophic bacteria in the naturally enriched habitats, which are the target of the<br />

experiments in Theme 1.1.1.<br />

CO2 and pH thresholds in experimental model systems<br />

Short-term shifts in microbial community diversity, composition and abundance will be<br />

experimentally investigated as a function of pH, temperature and CO2 variation using flowthrough<br />

reactors as sedimentary mesocosms. These experiments will also assess changes in<br />

ecosystem services mediated by microbes such as remineralization, sulfate reduction, methane<br />

production or consumption. Bioreactors will be filled with standard heterotrophic sediments from<br />

coastal areas (e.g. long-term research station, Sylt, Germany; Wadden Sea sediments of different<br />

grain sizes, also see 4.1.1), for which gradients of pH, temperature and CO2 in the porewater will<br />

be established. Using this approach, different factor combinations will be tested on microbial<br />

communities, with for instance: a) different levels of CO2 concentration applied to the same<br />

sediment samples, or conversely, b) the application of one CO2 concentration to different<br />

sediment types (silicate vs. carbonate), c) Varying levels of heterotrophic activity under constant<br />

CO2 concentrations, and d) combinations of increasing temperature and decreasing pH. In the<br />

different experimental setups, abundance, composition and activity of the communities in each<br />

bioreactor will be determined at different time intervals to assess resistance (extent of the shift<br />

measured shortly after the end of the experiments), and resilience (observation of shifts after<br />

long-term incubations). Those experiments will be done in collaboration with 4.1.1, 4.2.1, 4.2.2.,<br />

3.1.2 and 3.4.2 allowing the comparison of different systems.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Effects of acidification on microbial communities associated with multicellular organisms<br />

A subset of experimental analyses will deal with microbial communities associated with coldwater<br />

coral surfaces. Using Lophelia pertusa maintained in aquaria we will test how the<br />

alteration of environmental parameters (pH, CO2 concentration, temperature) in the water column<br />

may directly affect microbial communities that colonize coral branches. Control treatments<br />

consisting of dead coral skeletons will be used to assess whether changes are substrate (i.e.<br />

coral)-specific or not. Those experiments will be done in collaboration with Armin Form (Theme<br />

3). In close collaboration with projects 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and 4.1.3, shifts in microbial communities<br />

colonizing the surface of seagrass and macroalgae will be determined in parallel to the respective<br />

shifting pH and temperature experiments. This integrated strategy will enable a direct observation<br />

of the coupling between microbial and macrobial shifts in complex ecosystems, and the intensity<br />

of the respective shifts.<br />

Schedule<br />

4.1.4 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

DNA preparation, fingerprinting,<br />

cell counts<br />

Function measurements<br />

Data analysis, manuscript<br />

preparation<br />

Column setup, CO2 effects,<br />

community analyses<br />

Sediment effect<br />

Data analysis, manuscript<br />

preparation<br />

DNA preparation, community<br />

analyses<br />

Data analysis, manuscript<br />

preparation<br />


Longterm CO2 effects on microbial diversity, biomass and function in<br />

the seabed<br />

CO2 and pH thresholds in experimental model systems<br />

Effects of acidification on microbial communities associated with<br />

multicellular organisms<br />


Milestones (4.1.4)<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

- Data on diversity and functional shifts in natural CO2 reservoirs month 10<br />

- Set up of flow-through columns month 12<br />

- Data on CO2 effects on communities month 16<br />

- Data on response of different sediment types month 19<br />

- Data on response of coral-associated microbes month 28<br />

- Evaluation of combined data sets, sensitivities and uncertainties month 33<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

4.1.1<br />

4.1.2<br />

4.1.3<br />

4.1.4<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

4.1.1<br />

4.1.2<br />

4.1.3<br />

4.1.4<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

4.1.1<br />

4.1.2<br />

4.1.3<br />

4.1.4<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investments<br />

4.1.1<br />

4.1.2<br />

4.1.3<br />

4.1.4<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

4.1.1<br />

4.1.2<br />

4.1.3<br />

4.1.4<br />

Subtotal<br />

Total<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total

Budget justification<br />

4.1.1<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Personnel costs: Experimental work on various aspects of this sub-project (primary<br />

producers, enzymatic nutrient recycling, community processes) will be<br />

conducted contemporaneously by master and diploma students at the<br />

different facilities of the AWI at Bremerhaven, Helgoland and Sylt and at the<br />

University of Hamburg. Funding is requested for 1 PostDoc ( )<br />

for 36 months who will coordinate and supervise the students’ work and<br />

assist in thesis preparation. This scientist will be responsible for data<br />

management and synthesis of the results from different project<br />

compartments. Experimental work of the PostDoc will encompass herbivore<br />

feeding experiments and field investigations.<br />

4.1.2<br />

Personnel costs: 1 PhD student for 36 months.<br />

Consumables: Equipment for experiments, reagents, fees for external measurements<br />

Travel: Visit to other projects within BioAcid, 1 symposium in last year<br />

Investment: upgrading of existing culturing infrastructure for appropriate heating,<br />

cooling, pCO2 and irradiation treatment plus, pCO2 measurement techniques<br />

(e.g. CO2 and pH microsensor systems)<br />

4.1.3<br />

Personnel costs: 1 PhD student for 36 months. In the first and second year another<br />

EUR/year are requested for student workers, assisting in culture work, in<br />

field and laboratory experiments and routine analytic procedures<br />

Consumables: Lab chemicals (HPLC grade) for analysis of photosynthetic pigments and<br />

cellular oxidative state (GSH/GSSG), pre cast gels and primary & secondary<br />

antibodies for SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting for protein analysis<br />

Travel: for annual project workshop, conferences and field research. In the second<br />

year, field research has to be conducted at a tropical field site, which requires<br />

funding for airplane tickets, freight of scientific equipment, lab fees, local<br />

field & diving support, and accommodation. In the third year, we will seek to<br />

present our results in national and international conferences.<br />

Investment: Oxygen electrodes, CO2 and pH microsensor systems to measure<br />

photosynthesis & calcification on small spatial scales, 1x Imaging-PAM for<br />

measuring whole plant photosynthesis with an image analysis system,<br />

Cryostats and pumps for aquaculture and mesocosm systems.<br />

4.1.4<br />

Personnel costs: 1 PhD student for 36 months.<br />

Consumables: Molecular biology reagents (DNA extraction, purification, quantification,<br />

PCR enzymes, etc.), including capillary electrophoresis to separate PCR<br />

amplicons (ARISA, T-RFLP). Consumables for DNA sequencing (done at<br />

the MPI) are also included. Microbial activity measurements (sulfate<br />

reduction, respiration, heterotrophy, CO2 fixation, methane production and<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

consumption) are also included in the estimated costs, as well as<br />

consumables for microscopic counts (Acridine Orange, Fluorescent In Situ<br />

Hybridization).<br />

Travel: One international conference and one <strong>BIOACID</strong> meeting per year for the<br />

student<br />

Investment: Microsensor construction (pH, CO2) will be done at the MPI during the first<br />

year (collaboration with Dirk de Beer; Theme 3). Flow-through columns and<br />

related equipment (pump, tubes, etc.) will be purchased in year 1.<br />

Project 4.2: OA effects on food webs and competitive interactions in pelagic<br />

ecosystems (M. Boersma)<br />

i. Objectives<br />

We will investigate the role of OA shaping competitive interactions and food web dynamics in<br />

pelagic ecosystems, working on microalgae, their grazers, and associated bacterial communities.<br />

More specifically our objectives are:<br />

• To assess the sensitivity of different microalgal species and strains to OA<br />

• To provide a process-based understanding for the observed responses to OA by applying<br />

a combination of different techniques and molecular tools<br />

• To establish the influence of OA on mixed assemblages in competition experiments at<br />

the intra-population level as well as at the inter species level<br />

• To assess the consequences of OA on population community structure of key species as<br />

well as on the nutrient stoichiometry of primary producers and primary consumers<br />

• To establish the way grazers deal with excess carbon when feeding on food with<br />

imbalanced C:N:P ratios. We will investigate the reaction of bacterial communities on<br />

different carbon sources originating from these grazers.<br />

ii. State of the Art<br />

Species-specific differences in CO2/pH-sensitivity may directly impact phytoplankton succession<br />

and distribution (Hansen 2002, Rost et al. 2003), as well as competitive interactions between<br />

organisms. Not only direct sensitivities to CO2/pH as a stress factor influences succession and<br />

competitive interactions, but also changes in the availability of essential nutrients may affect the<br />

outcome of competitive interactions for these nutrients (Tilman 1982). Loladze and co-workers<br />

(2004) took this one step further and showed that even the ratio of different nutrients can be<br />

regarded as the limiting nutrient, and thus the outcome of competition may even depend on the<br />

supply ratio of these nutrients. This is particularly relevant as the ratio of the available carbon to<br />

other nutrients is bound to change as a result of OA, especially in coastal areas where a<br />

concurrent trend of decreasing nitrogen and phosphorus inputs can be found (Wiltshire et al.<br />

2008). This results in increasing C:N and C:P ratios of dissolved substances available for<br />

phytoplankton growth.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

These changing growing conditions are particularly relevant for dinoflagellates. Dinoflagellates<br />

are a diverse and abundant group of protists with complex interactions in the food web. They can<br />

form ‘red-tides’, and some species/strains are known to produce various toxins with large<br />

consequences for ecosystems, human health and economy. Given the increasing number and<br />

intensity of dinoflagellate blooms over the last decades (Hallegraeff 2003), it is remarkable that<br />

relatively little is known about the underlying causes. It has been suggested that CO2/pH affects<br />

photosynthesis, growth, and toxin production of phytoplankton (Lundholm et al. 2004, Hansen et<br />

al. 2007), moreover nutrient (nitrogen) limitation can also affect toxin production of some species<br />

as well (Parkhill & Cembella 1999), and it could be hypothesized that an increase in the C:N ratio<br />

of the available resources should lead to a reduction of overall toxicity. Moreover, these different<br />

environmental conditions could lead to strain or species replacements, with potentially large<br />

secondary effects on competitors and consumers.<br />

Not only do we expect species or strain replacements as a result of changing conditions, even in<br />

genetically identical lineages other aspects affecting the quality as food for higher trophic levels<br />

might change. Increasing CO2 concentrations will affect the nutrient stoichiometry of primary<br />

producers. Provided that the levels of nutrients such as Si, N and P do not change, an increase in<br />

C-uptake by autotrophs should cause a shift in the elemental composition of the primary<br />

producers, and hence influence their quality as food for their consumers. They will have more C<br />

relative to the nutrients, at the same time the total biomass of these producers will probably be<br />

higher as a result of the increased C-availability. In most known cases an increase in the<br />

C:nutrient ratio of primary producers causes a reduction in their quality as food for the next<br />

trophic level (Boersma 2000, Malzahn et al. 2007a). Hence, the situation might arise that<br />

consumers are faced with more food, which at the same time is of inferior quality. The aim of this<br />

project will be to investigate the effects of these changes in food quality for consumers, whereas<br />

we expect direct pH effects to be of less importance (Kurihara et al. 2004, Mayor et al. 2007).<br />

An excess amount of carbon relative to nutrients in algae should lead to an increased excretion of<br />

carbon by secondary producers. Depending on how this excess C is excreted (DIC/CO2 or DOC)<br />

this could have major consequences for the flow of energy and matter (Darchambeau et al. 2003).<br />

The nature of these excretory products has been under considerable debate (Sterner et al. 1998,<br />

Plath & Boersma 2001, Darchambeau et al. 2003, Jensen & Hessen 2007), but still has not been<br />

answered. DOC is potentially taken up rapidly by bacteria, which might benefit from increased<br />

C:nutrient levels in algae, but virtually nothing is known here (Sterner et al. 1998, Riebesell et al.<br />

2007). Since bacteria are homeostatic and “more like animals than plants” with respect to their<br />

stoichiometry (Makino et al. 2003), changes in the elemental composition of excretory products<br />

should cause shifts in bacterial community composition. To date, the main focus of the studies on<br />

the response of bacterial communities has been direct, i.e. the direct effects of acidification on<br />

diversity, and there seem to be no large effects (Allgaier et al. 2008). We have no idea on the<br />

indirect effects, and the consequence of these population shifts due to “imbalanced nutrients” for<br />

functional diversity and biogeochemical cycles are still unknown<br />

Hence, potentially, the biological production of the world-seas will increase in the first trophic<br />

level as a result of higher CO2 concentrations, but the second trophic level might not be able to<br />

benefit from this increased biomass.<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

4.2.1 Maarten Boersma has considerable experience with experimental plankton ecology at<br />

many different scales, ranging from laboratory experiments on individual organisms to<br />

large-scale laboratory and field enclosures. Moreover, he is an expert on direct<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

manipulations of components of the food in algal-grazer interactions (Boersma 2000,<br />

Boersma & Elser 2006, Boersma et al. in press). Arne Malzahn is a fisheries biologist<br />

with expertise in experimental and field approaches in larval fish and plankton ecology.<br />

His main research interests are ecological stochiometry and trophic transfer. He was the<br />

first to show that limitations on the primary producer level can be transfered through<br />

primary consumers to secondary consumers (Aberle & Malzahn 2007, Malzahn et al.<br />

2007a, Malzahn et al. 2007b). Gunnar Gerdts is an expert on bacterial community<br />

analysis of different habitats and pro-eukaryotic consortia. He has managed to investigate<br />

bi-trophic systems of microalgae amended with 13 C-carbonate and associated bacterial<br />

community feeding on 13 C containing algal exudates using stable isotope probing, which is<br />

the first time that this approach has been applied to marine pelagic systems.<br />

4.2.2. Björn Rost has studied the carbonate chemistry effects on marine phytoplankton over the<br />

last decade, focusing on physiological key processes such as photosynthesis, carbon<br />

acquisition and calcification (Rost et al. 2003, Rost & Riebesell 2004). He is an expert on<br />

membrane-inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS), which allows monitoring gas exchange<br />

processes in real-time under different environmental conditions, a technique that is central<br />

for the planned experiments (Rost et al. 2007). Uwe John’s research emphasis is on the<br />

molecular regulation of toxin synthesis and growth regulation of marine protists,<br />

combining ecological and physiological experiments with functional genomics to reveal<br />

the mechanisms behind algal bloom formation (Cembella & John 2006, Tillmann et al.<br />

2007, John et al. 2008). He has established several assays for the estimation of the<br />

molecular response of microalgae to environmental stressors using standard protein assays<br />

and microarrays/quantitative PCR (qPCR), respectively.<br />

iv. Work <strong>Programme</strong>, Schedules, and Milestones<br />

Subproject 4.2.1: OA effects on pelagic community structure and food chains<br />

M. Boersma, A. Malzahn, & G. Gerdts<br />

One of the main questions targeted by this project is as to the effects of high CO2 induced<br />

differences in algal quality on herbivores and bacteria. Furthermore, food with a high C:nutrient<br />

should lead to an increase in the excretion of carbon by consumers, but to date there is no<br />

information on these processes. The high CO2 world will be realized by culturing algae under<br />

elevated CO2-concentrations, relevant to the different IPCC scenarios, and agreed in framework<br />

of <strong>BIOACID</strong>. These algae will be fed to grazers. It is important to note that we will culture the<br />

algae separately, harvest them and then feed them to the grazers at ambient pCO2. This is<br />

important, as only in this way, we can guarantee that we are investigating food effects only, and<br />

not direct effects of CO2/pH on the grazers, which will be dealt with in 2.1.2 (in cooperation with<br />

this sub project)<br />

We will carry out laboratory experiments with different algae-grazer systems, as it might well be<br />

that different grazers have different mechanisms to void excess C, using at least partly identical<br />

algal species/strains as the ones used in subproject 4.2.2. Therefore, in these experiments we will<br />

assess the reaction of the grazers on the food sources of different quality in terms of nutrient<br />

stoichiometry by analysing growth and reproduction of the consumer, coordinating techniques<br />

with 4.1.1 and 4.1.2. At the same time we will measure respiration rates and DOC production to<br />

better understand the relevance for the ecosystem. The two most important mechanisms being

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

respiration (CO2-production), and release as dissolved organic carbon. Whether one pathway or<br />

the other is chosen has large consequences for the system as DOC is available for heterotrophic<br />

bacterial production, CO2 for autotrophic bacteria only.<br />

We will then proceed to investigate the bacterial community as well as the bacterial growth rates<br />

and activities related to these different conditions. We hypothesise that bacterial activity will be<br />

much higher in those cases that excess carbon is voided as DOC, and that bacterial diversity will<br />

be different, for example by favouring those groups able to fix nitrogen. To investigate the effects<br />

of different C:N:P ratios on bacterial populations as well as the influence of excreted DOC from<br />

grazers, a state of the art methodological stable isotope probing approach will be applied<br />

(Manefield et al. 2002, Radajewski et al. 2003, Sapp et al. 2008). Selected microalgae will be<br />

incubated with different 13 CO2 levels under defined N:P ratios and fed to grazers. Microalgal<br />

exudates and grazer excretes (filtrates) will be incubated with natural marine bacterial<br />

communities. Bacterial RNA or DNA will be extracted and “heavy” ( 13 C-containing) RNA or<br />

DNA will be separated from “light” ( 12 C-containing) ribo/nucleic acid molecules by isopycnic<br />

ultracentrifugation and gradient fractionation. Collected fractions will be analyzed for 13 C/ 12 C<br />

isotope ratios by mass spectrometry. RNA will be transcribed to DNA by RT-PCR (Reverse<br />

Transcriptase PCR) and analyses of the bacterial community will be performed by PCR with<br />

(group) specific primers, followed by DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis), ARISA<br />

(Automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis) or DHPLC (Denaturing high performance<br />

liquid chromatography) and 16S-rDNA sequencing of major bands.<br />

The outcome of the experiments are of quantitative and qualitative nature:<br />

a) Identification of those bacterial populations which benefit from enhanced carbon levels<br />

in the coastal marine system or which are negatively affected.<br />

b) Estimation of bacterial community compositions in conjunction with different C:N:P<br />

ratios of bacterial nutrients<br />

All molecular analyses will be performed in close cooperation with subproject 4.1.4, as well as<br />

with the subprojects in theme 1 [1.2.1-1.2.4]. In contrast to the subprojects in Theme 1, we will<br />

primarily focus on the analysis of shifts in bacterial community composition due to changes in<br />

stoichiometry of algal exudates and excretes of grazers. In Theme 1, the stability of algal<br />

exudates to hydrolysis in dependence of the water pH will be examined, which is a functional<br />

response. We will examine if certain C:N:P ratios of "bacterial food" caused by elevated pCO2 in<br />

the ecosystem will result in specific community compositions, which can be defined as a<br />

structural response. Molecular techniques will be standardized and fingerprint-data will be shared<br />

using advanced database software.<br />

In a next step, we will use laboratory microcosms to investigate system effects. An increase in<br />

bacterial activity should lead to increased micrograzers which are a good food source for<br />

zooplankters, thus fuelling the microbial loop. The great advantage of a stronger microbial loop<br />

for e.g. copepods will be that much of the excess carbon has already been respired by the<br />

intermediate trophic levels, which should cause the micro grazers to be a better quality food. For<br />

this we will use set-ups that are in the size of 10-50 l, stocked with different algae-grazer<br />

combinations and inocula of natural seawater to enter a microbial community component to the<br />

system.<br />


Schedule<br />

240<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

4.2.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Set-up of culturing facility,<br />

instrument calibration<br />

Collection and rearing of organisms<br />

Algal-Grazer-Bacteria experiments<br />

Cell counts, respirometry &<br />

chemical analyses<br />

DNA/RNA extraction and<br />

preparation (SIP)<br />

Molecular fingerprints &<br />

sequencing<br />

Microcosm experiments<br />

Data analysis, statistical evaluation,<br />

data interpretation<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation<br />

of results at conferences<br />

Milestones (4.2.1)<br />


- Implementation of experimental facility month 6<br />

- Experimental data set on CO2/pH sensitivity of grazer-algal interactions month 15<br />

- Data set on bacterial diversity and functional shifts month 24<br />

- Data set on microcosm experiments month 30<br />

- Evaluation of combined data sets, sensitivities and uncertainties month 33<br />

Subproject 4.2.2: Competitive interactions in planktonic microalgae under OA-stress<br />

B. Rost & U. John<br />

We aim to examine the responses of different dinoflagellate species and strains to multiple<br />

abiotic and biotic stressors. Applying a combination of different techniques and molecular tools<br />

will provide a process-based understanding for the observed responses. In addition to<br />

experiments with mono-clonal incubations, competition experiments will be conducted under<br />

respective conditions to investigate the influence of stressors on the intra-specific level (i.e.<br />

population) and species interaction. The project will strongly improve our predictive capabilities<br />

on how different dinoflagellate species as well as mixed assemblages will respond to ocean<br />

acidification. Findings about competitiveness and species/strain interaction of dinoflagellates<br />

under the ocean acidification scenarios will be used for general comparison within theme 4<br />

[4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.2.1].<br />

Representative species of marine dinoflagellates and corresponding strains will be grown under<br />

different pCO2 levels, representing last glacial maximum (180 ppm), present-day (380 ppm) and<br />

those predicted for the future (750-1000 ppm). Since other environmental factors, such as light

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

and nutrient availability, are also changing and possibly modifying the CO2/pH-related responses<br />

interactive effects are investigated in a matrix approach. In these acclimations various parameters<br />

like growth rates, photosynthesis, elemental ratios (C:N:P), photosynthetic pigments or toxin<br />

production/toxicity (Tillmann & John 2002) are determined. These experiments will be<br />

performed with mono-clonal cultures of species/strains. Data and samples will be provided to<br />

1.2.2 (for comparative analysis of C:N:P stoichiometry), to 1.2.1 (for analysis of extracellular<br />

organic material), to 4.2.1 (for feeding experiments) and to 3.5.3 (for morphological examination<br />

of calcifying dinoflagellates). Subsequently, competition experiments will be conducted under<br />

different pCO2 scenarios using strains and later species assemblages that responded differently to<br />

the respective treatments. Because strains and some species cannot be differentiated<br />

morphologically in such mixed assemblages, molecular markers such as AFLP and<br />

microsatellites (John et al. 2004, Alpermann et al. 2006) will be used to qualitatively and<br />

quantitatively distinguish species/strains and hence assess the success of certain<br />

pheno/genotypes.<br />

To get a process-based understanding of the responses to changes in CO2/pH different bio-assays<br />

(in vivo) have been developed at the AWI. The membrane-inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS)<br />

allows monitoring gas exchange processes in real-time under different environmental conditions<br />

(experience exchange and data discussion with 3.1.1). One application allows distinguishing<br />

between CO2 and HCO3 - as carbon sources and determines the fluxes as function of<br />

concentration. In other applications, the use of stable isotopes enables to measure activities of<br />

carbonic anhydrase (CA) or photosynthetic electron fluxes (ETR). The advantage of our MIMS<br />

approach is that several processes can be observed and quantified simultaneously, even with<br />

sensitive species such as dinoflagellates (e.g. Rost et al. 2006). These methods unravel the carbon<br />

and energy fluxes, a prerequisite to understand the CO2/pH-dependence in photosynthesis and<br />

other down-stream processes. To further advance our process-understanding the expression of<br />

proteins and genes of key enzymes (e.g. RubisCO, PKS) will be quantified using standard protein<br />

assays and microarrays/quantitative PCR (qPCR), respectively. Those methods including Oligonucleotide<br />

DNA microarrays will provide, in combination with detailed physiology, a<br />

comprehensive mechanistic overview of the cascade from gene expression to physiological<br />

responses.<br />

Schedule<br />

4.2.2 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Experimental set up<br />

Phenotypic characterisation/ MIMS<br />

Genotypic characterisation<br />

Interspecific competition<br />

Intraspecific competition<br />

Data evaluation and publication<br />



Milestones (4.2.2)<br />

242<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

- Implementation of experimental facility month 6<br />

- Data on species/strain-specific sensitivity towards stressors month 24<br />

- Competition experiments concluded month 30<br />

- Evaluation of influence of species/strain success due to stress tolerance month 36<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

4.2.1<br />

4.2.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

4.2.1<br />

4.2.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

4.2.1<br />

4.2.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investments<br />

4.2.1<br />

4.2.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

4.2.1<br />

4.2.2<br />

Subtotal<br />

Total<br />

Budget justification<br />

4.2.1<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

Personnel costs: 2 PhD students, one candidate will perform the grazing experiments and<br />

investigate the effects of different conditions on growth, reproduction and<br />

excretory processes of grazers, the other one will investigate the responses of<br />

the bacterial community on the differing conditions as a result of these<br />

different grazing conditions.<br />

Consumables: Molecular biology reagents (DNA extraction, purification, quantification,<br />

PCR enzymes, etc.), including electrophoresis reagents and consumables to<br />

separate PCR amplifons (DGGE, ARISA, DHPLC). Consumables for DNA<br />

sequencing are included. Costs for isotope ratio measurements and<br />

consumables for determination of C,N & P and DOC.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Travel: Covers the attendance of the annual project workshops and one conference<br />

per year for the Ph.D. students.<br />

4.2.2<br />

Personnel costs: 1 PhD student for 36 months. The candidate will perform experiments on<br />

physiological performance and competitive success of different<br />

dinoflagellate species and strains as outlined in the proposal.<br />

Consumables: Lab chemicals for culturing and in vivo assays (e.g. MIMS). Lab chemicals<br />

(HPLC grade) for analysis of secondary metabolites, pre cast gels and<br />

primary & secondary antibodies for SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting for<br />

protein analysis. Kits for RNA and DNA extraction, microarrays and the<br />

hybridisation chemistry. Consumables for PCR and qPCR.<br />

Travel: Covers the attendance of the annual project workshops and one conference<br />

per year for the Ph.D. student.<br />

vi. References<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

11.6: Theme 5: Integrated assessment – sensitivities and uncertainties<br />

i. Common Background<br />

In its Special Report “The Future Oceans – Warming up, Rising High, Turning Sour”, the<br />

German Advisory <strong>Council</strong> on Global Change (WBGU, Berlin 2006) states: “Because of the<br />

importance of the consequences of ocean acidification, research in this area should be intensified<br />

considerably. As long as there is no general scientific consensus about the tolerable limit for the<br />

effects of acidification, a margin of safety according to the precautionary principle should be<br />

observed. The suggestion of the WBGU to prevent a pH decrease of more than 0.2 is oriented<br />

toward the goal of avoiding an aragonite undersaturation in the ocean surface layer. If it is found<br />

that other intolerable damages already occur before reaching aragonite undersaturation, then the<br />

guard rail will have to be adjusted accordingly.”<br />

As stated in the report, the tolerable window for ocean acidification defined by WBGU presently<br />

relies on an extremely small data base. In fact, rather than using the limited data on observed<br />

biological consequences of ocean acidification, the WBGU reaches its recommendation on the<br />

basis of projected changes in water chemistry (aragonite saturation state). While this is an<br />

appropriate approach in view of the scarcity of biological information, there is a clear need to<br />

establish a reliable data base on tolerance levels for ocean acidification in key groups of oceanacidification<br />

sensitive marine organisms in order to reach a more informed recommendation.<br />

Theme 5 of <strong>BIOACID</strong> will take the challenge of integrating the information gained under<br />

Themes 1 to 4 in order to identify the potential thresholds associated with ocean acidification.<br />

Uncertainties, probabilities and risks to the marine environment have to be assessed as well as<br />

their feedback to climate systems. During the first 3-year phase of <strong>BIOACID</strong>, our main aim is to<br />

develop and establish the tools that will allow us fulfil the <strong>BIOACID</strong> synthesis needs. For the<br />

three subprojects proposed here, the synthesis tools to be established within <strong>BIOACID</strong> range<br />

from meta-analysis techniques, over regional and global numerical ecosystem models to<br />

economic methods of integrated assessment. These tools will help to better understand ongoing<br />

changes in chemical and biological state of the North Sea from alkalinity fluxes originating from<br />

the Wadden Sea over a synthesis model that integrates OA sensitivities at organism level into a<br />

North Sea ecosystem model (5.1) to an economical impact assessment. (5.3). Newly developed<br />

assessment tools will also be used to improve parameterisations of calcium carbonate production<br />

in global biogeochemical climate models (5.2). By investigating the combined effects of<br />

variations in temperature and ocean acidity, such parameterisations will allow to put better<br />

constraints on possible threshold levels on ocean acidification in a warming world.<br />

Objectives<br />

• Synthesize information obtained in Themes 1 to 4 to achieve an integrated understanding of<br />

biological responses to ocean change, integrating effects of ocean acidification and warming<br />

• Develop a framework for integrating ocean acidification sensitivities at the organism level into<br />

ecosystem modelling<br />

• Identify critical threshold levels (‘tipping points’) of ocean acidification for irreversible<br />

ecosystem changes providing sound information for adaptation and mitigation measures<br />

• Define dangerous ocean acidification in terms of the goods and ecosystem services lost<br />


ii. Collaborative research<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

5.1 Impact of Alkalinity fluxes from the Wadden Sea on the carbon cycle and the primary<br />

production in the North Sea.<br />

The central objective is to relate the Wadden Sea’s AT flux to the pelagic and benthic<br />

environment, with emphasis on biogeochemical cycling of carbon in conjunction with other<br />

nutrients, such as nitrogen. The impact of the AT flux from the Wadden Sea on the general North<br />

Sea carbon cycling. and on the long-term trend with respect to the overall pH signal within the<br />

North Sea will be investigated. A future scenario model simulation will be performed and<br />

analysed with respect to critical ecological and biogeochemical regime shifts, as we impose an<br />

atmospheric partial pressure (pCO2) of 1000 µatm.<br />

5.2. Evaluating and optimising parameterisations of pelagic calcium carbonate production in<br />

global biogeochemical ocean models.<br />

The aim is to critically review existing parameterisations of calcification currently used in largescale<br />

biogeochemical climate models and to compile published experimental findings on<br />

temperature- and pCO2-sensitivities of calcium carbonate production, its export and dissolution.<br />

The ability of current parameterisations of calcification in biogeochemical models to reproduce<br />

observed alkalinity fields will be quantitatively assessed and a Bayesian meta-analysis will be<br />

applied to <strong>BIOACID</strong> experimental findings in order to condense distributed information into<br />

plausible model parameterisations.<br />

5.3. Viability-method for the impact assessment of ocean acidification under uncertainty -<br />

Development of the method and exemplary application to the impact of acidification on the North<br />

Sea cod fishery.<br />

This project will further develop the ecological-economic viability-method towards a general<br />

approach for integrated assessment of human actions influencing ocean acidification and the<br />

consequences for human well-being that takes uncertainties about future development into<br />

account.<br />

The usefulness of the viability-method will be demonstrated by applying it exemplarily to the<br />

assessment of acidification effects on the North Sea cod fishery.

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Project 5.1: Impact of Alkalinity fluxes from the Wadden Sea on the carbon cycle<br />

and the primary production in the North Sea<br />

PI: Johannes Pätsch (1), Co-PIs Helmuth Thomas (2), Markus Schartau (3)<br />

(1) Institute of Oceanography, Hamburg; (2) Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada; (3)<br />

GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht<br />

i. Objectives<br />

Recent findings suggest that the Wadden Sea at the southeastern North Sea acts as a major source<br />

of total Alkalinity (AT) (Thomas et al., subm.). This will affect the carbon cycling within the<br />

North Sea and is expected to have an impact on the overall primary production in pelagic and<br />

benthic systems. During summer the AT release lowers the marine partial pressure of carbon<br />

dioxide (pCO2) and the CO2 release to the atmosphere, in particular in the southern bight of the<br />

North Sea. This AT flux buffers the pH decline, induced by anthropogenic CO2, as already<br />

observed in the area of the North Sea (Thomas et al., 2007). Yet, the extent to which the AT flux<br />

from the tidal flat areas of the Wadden Sea can buffer pH and its response to the biological<br />

ecosystem has to be assessed.<br />

The central objective is to relate the Wadden Sea’s AT flux to the pelagic and benthic<br />

environment, with emphasis on biogeochemical cycling of carbon in conjunction with other<br />

nutrients, such as nitrogen. With our modelling activity within <strong>BIOACID</strong> we specifically propose<br />

the following:<br />

• We will use an existing ecosystem of the North Sea (ECOHAM) to extrapolate<br />

information’s gathered from local observations to the entire North Sea.<br />

• We will quantify the impact of the temporally resolved AT flux from the Wadden Sea on<br />

the general North Sea carbon cycling.<br />

• We will investigate to which extent this AT flux affects the long-term trend with respect<br />

to the overall pH signal within the North Sea.<br />

• The response of primary producers to pH changes will be addressed by extrapolating<br />

results from mesocosm and chemostat experiments in an attempt to crudely discriminate<br />

non-calcifying from calcifying primary producers.<br />

• A future scenario model simulation will be performed and analysed with respect to<br />

critical ecological and biogeochemical regime shifts, as we impose an atmospheric partial<br />

pressure (pCO2) of 1000 µatm.<br />

The proposed modelling activities integrate very well with the <strong>BIOACID</strong>-investigations of Prof.<br />

Dr. Böttcher and Prof. Dr. Liebezeit on biogenic carbonates in the Wadden Sea. In addition, we<br />

will consider characteristic parameter values of phytoplankton productivity that are derived from<br />

data measured under different growth conditions by Dr. Engel and her group. This will provide<br />

an excellent basis for assessing our modelling approach of “excess production” (Pätsch & Kühn,<br />

2008) and “carbon overconsumption” (Schartau et al., 2007), which refers to the description of<br />

carbon fixation under nutrient limited conditions (Fogg, 1983).<br />


ii. State of the Art<br />

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Continental shelves play a key role in the global cycling of biogeochemically essential elements<br />

(Christensen, 1994; Jickells, 1998). From observations in the East China Sea, Tsunogai et al.<br />

(1999) concluded that the global shelves act as a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide and as a<br />

source of carbon for the ocean (Borges et al., 2005). The North Sea, as part of the Northwest-<br />

European shelf, has been characterized as a sink for atmospheric CO2 (Thomas et al., 2004).<br />

These findings were confirmed by simulations, using the ecosystem model ECOHAM (Pätsch &<br />

Kühn, 2008) during a Diploma study (Prowe, 2006). The dependency of the carbon fluxes in the<br />

North Sea on the Alkalinity especially on the Alkalinity produced in the Wadden Sea is under<br />

debate (Thomas et al., in prep). For the southern North Sea a modelling effort was successful<br />

focusing on the effect of phytoplankton blooms on the carbonate system (Gypens et al., 2004).<br />

On large scales, the multi-functional plankton modelling approach needs to be gradually and<br />

slowly substantiated rather than precipitated; from this perspective, we will coordinate our<br />

modelling activity during the proposed project in collaboration with our neighbor Institute of<br />

Hydrology and Fisheries (Diekmann, et al., submitted), Institute for Coastal <strong>Research</strong> at GKSS,<br />

and the Alfred Wegener Institute (Dr. Engel and her group) within <strong>BIOACID</strong>.<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

Johannes Pätsch has worked since two decades in the field of numerical modelling. In the last<br />

years he has applied (Pätsch & Radach, 1997) and developed (Pätsch, et al. 2002)<br />

biogeochemical models for different marine environments mainly shelf seas. He has gathered<br />

experience in plankton dynamics and their mathematical expression in complex ecosystem<br />

models during the European MAST project ERSEM (1990-1997). He has also applied statistical<br />

methods for large data sets (Radach & Pätsch, 1997). The main focus of his work is on the<br />

interplay between biogeochemical fluxes of carbon and nitrogen in various marine environments<br />

(Pätsch et al., 2002; Pätsch & Kühn, 2008).<br />

Helmuth Thomas has worked since many years in the field of carbon dynamics in marine<br />

biogeochemical environments. Using field data sets, which resolve the North Sea system in time<br />

and space, he established the first annual carbon budget of this shelf sea (Thomas et al., 2004,<br />

2005). Furthermore he characterized the North Sea as a shelf sea which is highly vulnerable to<br />

acidification processes (Thomas et al., 2007).<br />

Markus Schartau has gathered experience in optimisation of ecosystem models based on<br />

sophisticated data-assimilation methods (Schartau et al., 2001; Schartau and Oschlies, 2003). He<br />

has participated in international projects that address model assessment and validation, but also<br />

the modelling of functional plankton groups (e.g. Friedrichs et al, 2006; Hood et al., 2006).<br />

During the last years his work focused on the development of biological models with variable<br />

stoichiometry, with emphasis on carbon overconsumption in conjunction with abiotic organic<br />

particle formation (Schartau et al., 2007). He is involved as principle investigator in the two<br />

collaborating projects EPOCA (European Project on Ocean Acidification) and SOPRAN (Surface<br />

Ocean Processes in the Anthropocene).

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

iv. Work <strong>Programme</strong>, Schedules, and Milestones<br />

• 5.1.a: We will simulate the biogeochemistry of the North Sea with the ecosystem model<br />

ECOHAM (Pätsch & Kühn, 2008) for recent years with prescribed Alkalinity fields (reference<br />

run). The model includes a bulk formulation for calcifying phytoplankton. In order to improve<br />

the already existing bulk parametrization of calcification this mechanism and the pCO2<br />

sensitivities will be compared cautiously with M. Hoppema’s approach in project 3.4.3<br />

(Buffering ocean acidification: Dissolution of carbonate sediments in the Southern Ocean).<br />

• 5.1.b: In cooperation with the Institute of Hydrobiology and Fishery (Uni-Hamburg) and the<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>-community we will perform cross-validation experiments with our already existing<br />

plankton module, while separating between the three phytoplankton groups: calcifiers, silicifiers<br />

and flagellates. The model-system with this plankton module will also be tested against the<br />

reference run.<br />

• 5.1.c: Results from experiments of A. Engel; project 1.2.1 (Production and decomposition of<br />

exudates) will allow us to refine model parameterisations with respect to the production of<br />

dissolved organic matter and its dependence on pH, temperature, and nutrient availability. Data<br />

from M. and G. Nausch; project 1.2.3 (DOM availability and phosphorus utilization) will also<br />

be regarded. All implementations and parametrizations, which concern the cycling of DOM, will<br />

be aligned with the developments in the project 1.3 of B. Schneider (Modelling biogeochemical<br />

feedbacks of the organic carbon pump).<br />

• 5.1.d: In cooperation with the group of M. Böttcher; project 3.4.1 (Impact of biogenic<br />

carbonates on pH buffering in an acidifying coastal sea (North Sea)) we will estimate the<br />

recent temporally resolved flux of AT from the Wadden Sea into the open North Sea during low<br />

tides. During high tides when the water is flushing the Wadden Sea we will provide the simulated<br />

pH, as well as DIC and Alkalinity concentration to this group. The described boundary data will<br />

be used to run our model with prognostic Alkalinity dynamics. For further model confirmation,<br />

the GKSS will provide data from “ships of opportunity” (fluorescence, pH, temperature, salinity).<br />

This data set can be updated in the near future (during <strong>BIOACID</strong> funding period) with pCO2<br />

Ferry Box measurements, in collaboration with Prof. Friedhelm Schroeder (GKSS). At the<br />

beginning of <strong>BIOACID</strong>, the sensors for pCO2 will not be in operational use and will also need to<br />

be calibrated. Until now the carbon budget of the Wadden Sea is not fully understood. Therefore<br />

the investigations by R. Asmus, project 4.1.1 (Effects of ocean acidification on trophic<br />

interactions in coastal seaweed and seagrass ecosystems) are of great importance for our<br />

studies.<br />

• 5.1.e: In a first sensitivity study we will vary the amount of AT flux from the Wadden Sea, in<br />

order to study the pH variation of the North Sea.. The impact of these pH variations will be<br />

investigated with respect to 1) carbon fluxes in the North Sea and 2) primary production in<br />

conjunction with the production of dissolved organic matter.<br />

• 5.1.f: In a second sensitivity study we will run the model with an atmospheric pCO2 of 1000<br />

atm. The impact of the corresponding pH changes on different primary producers will be<br />

examined. We hypothesise a significant response in primary production that translates into<br />

modifications in the overall carbon flux in the North Sea and across the boundaries of the North<br />

Sea. The latter results can be identified as the exchange between the North Atlantic (open ocean)<br />

and the Northwest European Shelf. We will compare the dynamics of this explicitly resolved<br />

fluxes with those parameterised in global modelling approaches (project 5.2: Evaluating and<br />

optimising parameterisations of pelagic calcium carbonate production in global<br />

biogeochemical ocean models).<br />

• 5.1.g: The results will be documented by an article within an international journal.<br />


Work Schedule<br />

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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

5.1 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

5.1.a<br />

5.1.b<br />

5.1.c<br />

5.1.d<br />

5.1.e<br />

5.1.f<br />

5.1.g<br />

Milestones (5.1)<br />


- Establishing and evaluation of the reference run 3 months<br />

- Implementation of the new plankton module 18 months<br />

- Exchange of data with other institutions 27 months<br />

- Sensitivity study 1 30 months<br />

- Sensitivity study 2 33 months

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

PhD (1/2 job)<br />

Three months Post-Doc<br />

(Markus Schartau, GKSS)<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

1 Personal Computer for the<br />

PhD student<br />

Travel<br />

Uni Hamburg:<br />

EGU meetings<br />

Uni Hamburg:<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> meetings<br />

Uni Hamburg:<br />

Cooperation Halifax<br />

GKSS: EGU meetings<br />

GKSS:<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> meetings<br />

GKSS:<br />

Cooperation Halifax<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investment<br />

Other costs<br />

Total Uni Hamburg<br />

Total GKSS<br />

TOTAL<br />

Budget justification<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

Personnel costs: The University of Hamburg will employ a PhD student on a half time position.<br />

This student will be supervised by Johannes Pätsch and Markus Schartau. Markus Schartau will<br />

give substantial advice and support in data assimilation and parameter optimisation techniques in<br />

conjunction with the proposed model development. Since his contribution is not part of the<br />

Helmholtz Association (HGF) research programme (PACES), one post-doc monthly salary will<br />

be allocated to the GKSS per year.<br />

Consumables: 1 PC: The employee needs access to our computer center. Simulation results will<br />

be evaluated with the PC.<br />

Travel: Results from the proposed BioAcid model simulations will be presented at EGU<br />

meetings. Different aspects of the here proposed topics are likely to be addressed at the annual<br />


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meetings, allowing for presentation that are given not only by the PhD student but also by the<br />

advisors. The PhD student is expected to gain international experience in the field of<br />

biogeochemical modelling. The EGU meetings are a prominent place to learn this item.<br />

For cooperation with Dalhousie University we intend to have at least one meeting per year, either<br />

in Halifax, or in Hamburg. Travel money for GKSS partner will be allocated in order to join at<br />

least one abroad meeting in Halifax, Canada.<br />

vi. References<br />

Anderson TR (2005) Plankton functional type modelling: running before we can walk? Journal of Plankton <strong>Research</strong> 27(11): 1073-1081<br />

Borges AV, Delille B, Frankignoulle M (2005) Budgeting sinks and sources of CO2 in the coastal ocean: Diversity of ecosystems counts.<br />

Geophys Res Let 32 L14601 doi:10.1029/2005GL023053<br />

Christensen JP (1994) Carbon export from continental shelves, denitrification and atmospheric carbon dioxide. Continental Shelf <strong>Research</strong> 14:<br />

547-576<br />

Fogg GE (1993) The ecological consequence of extracellular products of phytoplankton photosynthesis. Bot Mar XXVI: 3-14<br />

Gypens N, Lancelot C, Borges AV (2004) Carbon dynamics and CO2 air-sea exchanges in the eutrophied coastal waters of the southern bight<br />

of the North Sea: a modelling study. Biogeoscience 1: 147-157<br />

Hood RR, Laws EA, Moore, JK, Armstrong RA, Bates N, Brown C, Carlson C, Chai F, Doney SC, Ducklow H, Falkowski P, Feely RA,<br />

Friedrichs M, Landry M, Nelson D, Richardson T, Salihoglu B, Schartau M, Wiggert J (2006) Functional Group Modelling: Progress,<br />

challenges and prospects. Deep Sea <strong>Research</strong> II 52: 459-512<br />

Jickells TD (1998) Nutrient biogeochemistry of the coastal zone. Science 281: 217-222<br />

Friedrichs MAM, Dusenberry J, Anderson L, Armstrong R, Chai F, Christian J, Doney SC, Dunne J, Fujii M, Hood R, McGillicuddy D,<br />

Moore K, Schartau M, Spitz YH, Wiggert J (2006). Assessment of skill and portability in regional marine biogeochemical models: The<br />

role of multiple phytoplankton groups. Journal of Geophysical <strong>Research</strong> available: http://www.ccpo.odu.edu/RTBproject/Publications<br />

Pätsch J, Kühn W (2008) Nitrogen and carbon cycling in the North Sea and exchange with the North Atlantic - a model study, Part I. Nitrogen<br />

budget and fluxes. Continental Shelf <strong>Research</strong> 28: 767-787<br />

Pätsch J, Kühn W, Radach G, Santana Casiano JM, Gonzalez Davila M, Neuer S, Freudenthal T, Llinas O (2002) Interannual variability of<br />

carbon fluxes at the North Atlantic station ESTOC. Deep-Sea Res II 49(1-3): 253-288<br />

Pätsch J, Radach G (1997) Long-term simulation of the eutrophication of the North Sea: temporal development of nutrients, chlorophyll and<br />

primary production in comparison to observations. Journal Sea <strong>Research</strong> 38: 275-310<br />

Prowe F (2006) Simulating and budgeting the carbon fluxes in the North Sea (2001/2002). Diploma Thesis University of Oldenburg: 1-128<br />

Radach G, Pätsch J (1997) Climatological annual cycles of nutrients and chlorophyll in the North Sea. Journal of Sea <strong>Research</strong> 38: 231-248<br />

Schartau M, Engel A, Schröter J, Thoms S, Völker C, Wolf-Gladrow D (2007) Modelling carbon overconsumption and the formation of<br />

extracellular particulate organic carbon. Biogeosciences 4: 433-453; open access: www.biogeosciences.net/4/433/2007/bg-4-433-<br />

2007.html<br />

Schartau M, Oschlies A (2003) Simultaneous data-based optimisation of a 1D-ecosystem model at three locations in the North Atlantic Ocean:<br />

Part 1) Method and parameter estimates. Journal of Marine <strong>Research</strong> 61(6): 765-793<br />

Schartau M, Oschlies A, Willebrand J (2001) Parameter estimates of a zero-dimensional ecosystem model applying the adjoint method. Deep<br />

Sea <strong>Research</strong> II 48: 1769-1800<br />

Thomas H, Prowe AEF, van Heuven S, Bozec Y, de Baar HJW, Schiettecatte L-S, Suykens K, Kone M, Borges AV, Lima ID, Doney SC<br />

(2007) Rapid decline of the CO2 buffering capacity in the North Sea and implications for the North Atlantic Ocean. Global Biogeochem.<br />

Cycles 21 doi:10.1029/2006GB002825<br />

Thomas H, Bozec Y, de Baar HJW, Elkalay K, Frankignoulle M, Schiettecatte L-S, Kattner G, Borges AV (2005) The carbon budget of the<br />

North Sea. Biogeoscience 2: 87-96<br />

Thomas H, BozecY, Elkalay K, deBaar HJW (2004) Enhanced open ocean storage of CO2 from shelf sea pumping. Science, 304, 5673: 1005-<br />

1008<br />

Thomas H, Schiettecatte L-S, Suykens K, Kone YJM, Bozec Y, de Baar HJW, Borges AV (in prep.) Anaerobic oxidation of organic matter - a<br />

major sink for atmospheric CO2 in the coastal ocean<br />

Tsunogai S, Watanabe S, Sato T (1999) Is there a 'continental shelf pump' for the absorption of atmospheric CO2? Tellus 51B: 701-712

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Project 5.2: Evaluating and optimising parameterisations of pelagic calcium<br />

carbonate production in global biogeochemical ocean models<br />

PI: A. Oschlies; Co-PIs: I. Kriest, W. Koeve; IFM-GEOMAR Kiel<br />

i. Objectives<br />

We propose<br />

- to critically review existing parameterisations of calcification currently used in largescale<br />

biogeochemical climate models,<br />

- to compile published experimental findings on temperature- and pCO2-sensitivities of<br />

calcium carbonate production, its export to the interior of the oceans and its dissolution,<br />

and to put these findings in perspective with the model parameterisations,<br />

- to quantitatively assess the ability of current parameterisations of calcification in<br />

biogeochemical models to reproduce observed alkalinity fields, and to suggest improved<br />

parameterisations that can reliably predict the response of pelagic calcium carbonate<br />

production to variations in both temperature and ocean carbonate chemistry,<br />

- to initiate a Bayesian meta-analysis of <strong>BIOACID</strong> experimental findings<br />

ii. State of the Art<br />

Two aspects of global change, warming and acidification of the ocean, will most likely affect<br />

future global calcification rates and thereby influence the ability of the ocean to sequester<br />

anthropogenic CO2. Current biogeochemical climate models use various, often pragmatic,<br />

formulations of the production of particulate inorganic carbon. Parameterisations of the<br />

sensitivity of calcification to acidification include nonlinear dependencies on the CaCO3<br />

saturation state (Gehlen et al., 2007; Ridgewell et al., 2007), or linear relationships with pCO2<br />

(Heinze, 2004). While these parameterisations all predict a decrease of calcification in response<br />

to acidification, the models also include responses to temperature changes. These are accounted<br />

for either explicitly or implicitly via (a) temperature dependent photosynthesis, in conjunction<br />

with a linear coupling of autotrophic calcification (e.g., Archer et al., 1998), (b) direct<br />

temperature dependence of the calcification rate (e.g., Maier-Reimer, 1993; Archer et al., 2000,<br />

Aumont and Bopp, 2006), or (c) nonlinear effects between the temperature dependent growth and<br />

loss rates of phytoplankton functional types, including coccolithophores (Gregg and Casey, 2007;<br />

Aumont and Bopp, 2006). The combined effects of warming and acidification are uncertain and,<br />

in current climate models, have been shown to result either in a simulated decrease (Gehlen et al.,<br />

2007) or increase (Schmittner et al., 2008) of calcification over the next centuries.<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

Prof. Andreas Oschlies is a biogeochemical modeller with extensive experience in simulating<br />

the interaction of physical transport and biotic processing of biogeochemical tracers at basin and<br />

global scales. Data assimilation methods have been used to optimise the difficult-to-constrain<br />

parameters of marine ecosystem models (Schartau and Oschlies, 2003a,b; Oschlies and Schartau,<br />


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<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

2005), and mechanistic models have been developed to improve descriptions of nutrient uptake<br />

and particle export (Kriest and Oschlies, 2007, 2008).<br />

Dr. Iris Kriest is a biogeochemical modeller with particular interest in large scale particle flux<br />

and particle dynamics (Kriest and Evans, 1999; 2000; Kriest, 2002; Kriest and Oschlies, 2008).<br />

Recently she implemented, in close collaboration with Dr. S. Khatiwala, the tracer-transportmatrix<br />

approach of Khatiwala et al. (2005) and Khatiwala (2007) at the IFM-GEOMAR<br />

Biogeochemical Modelling group. Currently she applies this approach to optimise<br />

parameterisations of organic matter export and remineralisation profiles by evaluating simulated<br />

nutrient and oxygen fields against observed data, a work that will directly feed into this project.<br />

Dr. Wolfgang Koeve is a biological oceanographer with particular experience in the analysis and<br />

evaluation of biogeochemical datasets from local to global scales (Koeve and Ducklow, 2001;<br />

Koeve et al. 2002; Koeve, 2006). Focus of his recent work was on the coupling of nitrogen and<br />

carbon cycles (Koeve, 2004; 2005), as well as on synthesis of organic and inorganic particle flux<br />

estimates (Koeve, 2002).<br />

iv. Work <strong>Programme</strong>, Schedules, and Milestones<br />

Task 5.2.a<br />

Parameterisations of pelagic calcium carbonate production currently used in biogeochemical<br />

climate models will be analysed with respect to their sensitivity to temperature and carbonate<br />

chemistry. These parameterisations are not always well documented in the relevant literature, and<br />

a careful investigation of technical reports and computer codes will in many cases be required. A<br />

first attempt to collect this information has shown that this is not a trivial task and that the results<br />

of such a review of existing parameterisation would be of interest to many modellers that have<br />

already been using such models for some time.<br />

Task 5.2.b<br />

A meta-analysis of hydrographic data and published experimental findings will be used in a first<br />

step to evaluate existing parameterisations. In collaboration with WP9 of the European EPOCA<br />

project (led by PI A. Oschlies), which will provide a synthesis of a number of mesocosm<br />

experiments, we will compile the relevant information with the aim to develop improved<br />

parameterisations of pelagic CaCO3 production and its sensitivity to environmental conditions.<br />

This will, in particular, require careful consideration of the different experimental protocols,<br />

which may help to reconcile apparently contradictory experimental findings (e.g., Riebesell et al.,<br />

2000; Langer et al., 2006; Iglesias-Rodriguez et al., 2008).<br />

Task 5.2.c<br />

To obtain an objective assessment of the different parameterisations of calcification and its<br />

sensitivity to variations in temperature and carbonate chemistry, we will combine the various<br />

parameterisations with a new computational framework which allows efficient simulations of<br />

biogeochemical tracers over hundreds to thousands of years, needed to model the impact of<br />

changed carbonate production, export and dissolution parameterisations on the alkalinity field.<br />

Export formulations to be investigated range from globally uniform remineralisation length<br />

scales (Maier-Reimer, 1993) to complex ones invoking processes such as a link between organic<br />

carbon to CaCO3 flux via the ballast particle flux hypothesis (Armstrong et al., 2001; Heinze,<br />

2004), aggregation, or calcite dissolution in copepod guts or in marine aggregates (Aumont and<br />

Bopp, 2006; Gehlen et al., 2007).

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

The agreement between simulated and observed alkalinity fields will then be quantified by a<br />

“misfit function” that measures how well the individual parameterisations can reproduce current<br />

regional variations in CaCO3 production, export and dissolution as a function of regional<br />

variations in temperature and carbonate chemistry. Impacts of model errors in the circulation and<br />

organic matter fluxes will be accounted for by a complementary analysis of the model-data<br />

misfits of hydrographic and biogeochemical tracer distributions. All simulations will be carried<br />

out under present environmental conditions, but it is expected that the emerging optimised<br />

parameterisations will improve future climate scenario simulations performed elsewhere.<br />

Task 5.2.d<br />

While tasks5.2.a and 5.2.b out of necessity base their synthesis and modelling work on pre-<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> experimental and modelling efforts, task 5.2.d intends to use novel (novel with respect<br />

to oceanographic applications) Bayesian meta-analysis methods to analyse the experimental<br />

findings obtained within themes 1 to 4 of the <strong>BIOACID</strong> project. Twelve European PhD students<br />

are currently trained in these techniques as part of the METAOCEANS Marie-Curie action. They<br />

all work on the application of various meta-analysis techniques to different aspects of marine<br />

ecosystems and are expected to finish their PhDs in 2010. We hope that <strong>BIOACID</strong> can take<br />

advantage of the METAOCAENS project and offer a PostDoc position to one of theses welltrained<br />

young scientists.<br />

A start as early as 1.5 years into the project should allow for a timely analysis of the experimental<br />

findings already during the first <strong>BIOACID</strong> phase. This will allow the rapid identification of<br />

remaining uncertainties as well as of the potential for uncertainty reduction. As such, it is<br />

expected that this initiative will allow for an immediate feedback into experimental strategies,<br />

which should be of benefit to the entire <strong>BIOACID</strong> consortium. This will also establish able<br />

personnel and potent analysis methods in preparation for a second <strong>BIOACID</strong> phase that only will<br />

allow the completion of a sound synthesis of the <strong>BIOACID</strong> experimental findings.<br />

Interaction with other projects and subprojects<br />

Concerning tasks 5.2.a to 5.2.c, this project will develop strong links to projects from theme 3<br />

(Calcification), in particular to projects 3.1 (Cellular mechanisms of calcification; in particular<br />

3.1.1 Coccolithophores) and 3.2 (Calcification under pH stress; in particular 3.2.1: Sub-polar<br />

pteropods). <strong>Research</strong> carried out in project 3.4 (Microenvironmentally controlled<br />

(de)calcification mechanisms; in particular 3.4.3) and 5.1 (Alkalintiy fluxes in the North Sea) will<br />

help to clarify the longer term needs for (a) a sediment model compartment and (b) shelf to open<br />

ocean interactions in the global modelling perspective. Bayesian meta-analysis (Task 5.2.d) shall<br />

be applied to experimental work planned in Theme 1 (1.2 Turnover of organic matter).<br />

Descriptions of acidification impacts on the production and export of organic and inorganic<br />

carbon needed in 5.2 will rely on experimental evidence gathered particularly in subprojects 1.2.1<br />

(Production and decomposition of exudates), 1.2.2 (Dissolved organic nitrogen release and<br />

uptake unders stress), and 1.2.5 (Effect of decreasing calcareous/lithogenic ballast on aggregates<br />

in the benthic boundary layer). The global modelling work of Project 5.2, which uses a stationary<br />

present-day climate to evaluate model results against observations, has close links to the<br />

prognostic climate model runs performed in Project 1.3 (Organic carbon pump feedbacks) and<br />

will further benefit from long-term (geological) perspectives as provided by 3.5.2 and 3.5.3 (Past<br />

ocean acidification events).<br />


Schedule<br />

258<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

5.2 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Review of IPCC-type model<br />

parameterizations of marine calcium<br />

carbonate cycling<br />

Review of published experimental<br />

findings (POC-net production, PIC<br />

production, DOM, TEP, C:N, N2fix)<br />

Set-up of prototype 3D model, first<br />

exploratory model experiments<br />

Preparation of datasets for model-data<br />

comparison (from GLODAP,<br />


sources).<br />

Development of data analysis tools<br />

Model experiments applying a variety<br />

of formulations for CaCO3 production,<br />

export and dissolution<br />

In-depth analysis of model results<br />

through comparison with observations<br />

(GLODAP etc.) and subsequent<br />

parameter optimization<br />

Compilation of datasets from<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> experiments from the first<br />

1.5 years of project into one database<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />

Milestones (5.2)<br />

- Draft documentation (manuscript) on parameterization of marine<br />

calcium carbonate cycling in IPCC type models<br />

- Review (manuscript draft) on experimental work<br />

- Prototype 3D model with carbonate cycle processes implemented,<br />

major data analysis tools and datasets prepared<br />

- Implementation of at least three distinct sets of carbonate models<br />

- Three manuscripts submitted<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

5.2.a–c<br />

5.2.d<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

5.2.a–c<br />

5.2.d<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

5.2.a-c<br />


First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

month 9<br />

month 18<br />

month 21<br />

month 24<br />

month 36

5.2.d<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investments<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

Subtotal<br />

Total<br />

Budget justification<br />

5.2.a-c<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total<br />

Personnel costs: 1 full time researcher, Dr. W. Koeve, shall be employed to carry out the<br />

planned review work (see objective 1+2), do the model experiments as well as model-data<br />

analysis (objective 3) and publishing in peer reviewed journals. Both the review work as well as<br />

the model-data analysis require a high level of scientific expertise provided by the candidate, who<br />

has f.e. served as guest editor of a Deep-Sea <strong>Research</strong> II volume on carbon cycle synthesis,<br />

convenor at scientific conferences, and reviewer for various funding agencies and scientific<br />

journals<br />

Consumables: Euro/yr for publication fees in open access journals (e.g. Biogeosciences) or<br />

journals with fee-based open access option (e.g. Limnology Oceanography).<br />

Travel: Euro/yr are requested for annual 2-week visits of Dr. Samar Khatiwala (Columbia<br />

University, New York) to IFM-GEOMAR. Euro/yr are requested for travel to international<br />

and national conferences and workshops AGU Autum-2009, AGU Ocean Sciences- 2010, EGU-<br />

2011, in order to present scientific results of the project.<br />

Investment: no<br />

Other costs: no<br />

5.2.d<br />

Personnel costs: 1 NN PostDoc for 1.5 years (second half of project). The PostDoc will be<br />

responsible to carry out the Bayesian meta-analysis of <strong>BIOACID</strong> experimental findings.<br />

Currently the EU Marie Curie action METAOCEANS trains PhD students in meta-analysis<br />

techniques. METAOCEANS students will finish their PhDs in 2010, we are hence expecting a<br />

number of well trained PostDocs available in summer 2010, being potential candidates for this<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> task.<br />

Consumables: Euro for third year. Publication fees.<br />

Travel: Euro for third year only. Presentation of scientific results at national and international<br />

meetings; potentially at the AGU autumn meeting in 2001 (San Francisco).<br />

Investment: no<br />

Other costs: no<br />


vi. References<br />

260<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Archer D, Kheshki H, Maier-Reimer E (1998) Dynamics of fossil fuel CO2 neutralization by marine CaCO3. Global Biogeochem Cycles 12(2):<br />

259-276<br />

Archer D, Winguth A, Lea D, Mahowald N (2000) What caused the glacial/interglacial atmospheric pCO2 cycles? Rev Geophysics 38(2): 159-<br />

189<br />

Armstrong RA, Lee C, Hedges JI, Honjo S, Wakeham SG (2001) A new, mechanistic model for organic carbon fluxes in the ocean based on<br />

the quantitative association of POC with ballast minerals. Deep-Sea Res II 49: 219-236<br />

Aumont O, Bopp L (2006) Globalizing results from ocean in situ fertilization studies. Global Biogeochem Cycles 20: GB2017,<br />

doi:10.1029/2005GB002591<br />

Gehlen M, Gangto R, Schneider B, Bopp L, Aumont O, Ethe C (2007) The fate of pelagic CaCO3 production in the high CO2 ocean: a model<br />

study. Biogeosciences 4: 505-519<br />

Gregg W, Casey N (2007) Modeling coccolithophores in the global oceans. Deep-Sea Res II 54: 447-477<br />

Heinze C (2004) Simulating oceanic CaCO3 export production in the greenhouse. Geophys <strong>Research</strong> Lett 31: L16308,<br />

doi:10.1029/2004GL020613<br />

Iglesias-Rodriguez MD, Halloran PR, Rickaby REM, Hall IR, Colmenero-Hidalgo E, Gittins JR, Green DRH, Tyrrell T, Gibbs SJ, von Dassow<br />

P, Rehm E, Armbrust EV, Boessenkool KP (2008) Phytoplankton calcification in a high-CO2 world. Science 320: 336-340<br />

Khatiwala SA (2007) A computational framework for simulation of biogeochemical tracers in the ocean. Global Biogeochem Cycles 21:<br />

GB3001, doi:10.1029/2007GB002923<br />

Khatiwala S, Visbeck M, Cane MA (2005) Accelerated simulation of passive tracers in ocean circulation models. Ocean Modelling 9: 51-69<br />

Koeve W (2002) Upper ocean carbon fluxes in the Atlantic Ocean - the importance of the POC:PIC ratio. Global Biogeochem Cycles 16:<br />

GB1056, doi:10.1029/2001GB001836<br />

Koeve W (2004) Spring bloom carbon to nitrogen ratio of net community production in the temperate N. Atlantic. Deep-Sea Res I 51: 1579-<br />

1600<br />

Koeve W (2005) The significance of the TEP-pump to deep ocean carbon fluxes. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 291: 53-64<br />

Koeve W (2006) Stoichiometry of the biological pump in the North Atlantic - constraints from climatological data. Global Biogeochem Cycles<br />

20: GB3018, doi:10.1029/2004GB002407<br />

Koeve W, Ducklow H (2001) JGOFS synthesis and modelling: the North Atlantic ocean. Deep-Sea Res Part II 48: 2141-2154<br />

Koeve W, Pollehne F, Oschlies A, Zeitzschel B (2002). Storm induced convective export of organic matter during spring in the northeast<br />

Atlantic. Deep-Sea Res I 49: 1431-1444<br />

Kriest I (2002) Different parameterizations of marine snow in a 1D-model and their influence on representation of marine snow, nitrogen<br />

budget and sedimentation Representing phytoplankton aggregates in biogeochemical models. Deep-Sea Res I 49: 2133-2162<br />

Kriest I, Evans GT (1999) Representing phytoplankton aggregates in biogeochemical models. Deep-Sea Res I 46:1841-1859<br />

Kriest I, Evans GT (2000) A vertically resolved model for phytoplankton aggregation. P Indian Acad Sci – Earth 109: 553-469<br />

Kriest I, Oschlies A (2007) Modelling the effect of cell-size-dependent nutrient uptake and exudation on phytoplankton size spectra. Deep-Sea<br />

Res I 54:1593-1618<br />

Kriest I, Oschlies A (2008) On the treatment of particulate organic matter sinking in large-scale models of marine biogeochemical cycles.<br />

Biogeosciences 5: 55-72<br />

Langer G, Geisen M, Baumann K-H, Kläs J, Riebesell U, Thoms S, Young JR (2006) Species-specific responses of calcifying algae to<br />

changing seawater carbonate chemistry. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 7: Q09006, doi:10.1029/2005GC001227<br />

Maier-Reimer E (1993) Geochemical cycles in an ocean general circulation model. Preindustrial tracer distributions. Global Biogeochem<br />

Cycles 7(3): 645-677<br />

Oschlies A, Schartau M (2005) Basin-scale performance of a locally optimised marine ecosystem model. Journal of Marine <strong>Research</strong> 63: 335-<br />

358<br />

Ridgwell A, Zondervan I, Hargreaves JC, Bijma J, Lenton TM (2007) Assessing the potential long-term increase of oceanic fossil fuel CO2<br />

uptake due to CO2-calcification feedback. Biogeosciences 4: 481-492<br />

Riebesell U, Zondervan I, Rost B, Tortell PD, Zeebe RE, Morel FMM (2000) Reduced calcification of marine plankton in response to<br />

increased atmospheric CO2. Nature 407: 364-367<br />

Schartau M, Oschlies A (2003) Simultaneous data-based optimization of a 1D-ecosystem model at three locations in the North Atlantic Ocean:<br />

Part 1. Method and parameter estimates. Journal of Marine <strong>Research</strong> 61: 765-793<br />

Schartau M, Oschlies A (2003) Simultaneous data-based optimization of a 1D-ecosystem model at three locations in the North Atlantic Ocean.<br />

Part 2: Standing stocks and nitrogen fluxes. Journal of Marine <strong>Research</strong> 61: 795-821<br />

Schmittner A, Oschlies A, Damon H, Galbraith E (2008) Global Biogeochem Cycles 22: GB1013, doi:10.1029/2007GB002953

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Project 5.3: Viability-method for the impact assessment of ocean acidification<br />

under uncertainty<br />

PI: M. Quaas<br />

Development of the method and exemplary application to the impact of acidification on the<br />

North Sea cod fishery<br />

i. Objectives<br />

The objectives of the project 5.3 are<br />

1. To further develop the ecological-economic viability-method towards a general approach<br />

for integrated assessment of human actions influencing ocean acidification and the<br />

consequences for human well-being that takes uncertainties about future development<br />

into account.<br />

2. To demonstrate the usefulness of the viability-method by applying it exemplarily to<br />

assess effects of acidification on the North Sea cod fishery.<br />

ii. State of the Art<br />

The tolerable-windows approach (Bruckner et al. 1999, Tóth et al. 2002) employed by the<br />

German Advisory <strong>Council</strong> on Global Change (WBGU) in the Special Report “The Future Oceans<br />

– Warming up, Rising High, Turning Sour“ has been conceptualized as a general framework that<br />

allows an impact assessment for complex systems such as the ocean-climate system. While<br />

uncertainties about the future development of such systems are of high relevance, the tolerablewindows<br />

approach does not explicitly address these uncertainties (a recent exemption is Kleinen<br />

et al. 2007). By contrast, the ecological-economic viability approach (Baumgärtner and Quaas<br />

2007), based on the concept of stocks (Faber et al. 2005) and on ecological population viability<br />

analysis (Beissinger and McCullough 2002) allows to assess the sustainability of human actions<br />

under conditions of uncertainty in a general and unified way. Despite many studies on cod<br />

fisheries (e.g. Döring and Egelkraut 2008, Röckmann et al. 2008), the effects of acidification<br />

have not yet been incorporated into a comprehensive ecological-economic modelling analysis.<br />

iii. Previous Work of the Proponents<br />

The viability-method that shall be developed in the proposed project will build upon the results of<br />

two ongoing projects funded by the BMBF within the key area Economic sciences for<br />

sustainability: The proponent Martin Quaas is involved as PI in the project Sustainable use of<br />

ecosystem services under uncertainty and partner in a sub-project of The Concept of Stocks as<br />

Decision Support for Sustainability Policy. Within the first project, a general conception of<br />

ecological-economic viability as a measure of sustainability under uncertainty has been<br />

developed by the proponent and a coauthor (Baumgärtner and Quaas 2007) and to some extent<br />

already been applied using methods of ecological-economic modeling (Quaas et al. 2007, Quaas<br />

and Baumgärtner 2008).The proponent Martin Quaas is leading the Junior <strong>Research</strong> Group on<br />

Sustainable Fisheries within Kiel's Cluster of Excellence Future Ocean, where currently<br />

ecological-economic models of fisheries are developed.<br />


262<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

iv. Work <strong>Programme</strong>, Schedules, and Milestones<br />

Building on the ecological-economic concept of viability (Baumgärtner and Quaas 2007), a<br />

“viability-method” shall be developed that allows assessing the consequences human actions both<br />

leading to ocean acidification and dealing with the consequences of acidification. The<br />

applicability of the method shall be proven by applying it to the case of the North Sea cod<br />

fishery.<br />

For this sake, an ecological-economic model shall be developed that incorporates the effect of<br />

acidification, building on both available ecological knowledge and the results obtained in<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong> projects 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 (Effects on top predators) on the susceptibility of cod larvae to<br />

acidification. By means of the viability-method, the impacts of different human actions shall be<br />

assessed (including measures to mitigate acidification or adapting the management of the North<br />

Sea cod fishery), taking into account the uncertainties about the future development of<br />

acidification and the exact impact on cod recruitment.<br />

Schedule<br />

5.3 First Year Second Year Third Year<br />

Development of the viability-method<br />

and adaptation to the issue of ocean<br />

acidification<br />

Assessment of the effects of<br />

acidification on the North Sea cod<br />

fishery using the viability-method<br />

Manuscript preparation, presentation of<br />

results at conferences<br />

Milestones (5.3)<br />


- Viability-method adapted for the issue of ocean acidification month 30<br />

- Ecological-economic model of North Sea cod fishery including acidification month 30<br />

- Two manuscripts submitted month 36<br />

v. Budget and Budget Justification<br />

Personnel costs<br />

Subtotal<br />

Consumables<br />

Subtotal<br />

Travel<br />

Subtotal<br />

Investments<br />

Subtotal<br />

Other costs<br />

Subtotal<br />

Total<br />

First Year Second Year Third Year Total

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Personnel costs: 1 NN (e.g. Sandra Derissen) Postdoc for 1 1/4 years. The PostDoc shall conduct<br />

the main part of the research in collaboration with Martin Quaas. As the BMBF-funded project<br />

Sustainable use of ecosystem services under uncertainty will end in the second half of 2010, it is<br />

very likely that one of the four current PhD students of that project can be hired as Postdoc, who<br />

already has substantial experience in the methods involved.<br />

Consumables: Euro in the last year, mainly to cover publication fees.<br />

Travel: Euro in the last year to present scientific results at national and international conferences,<br />

e.g. the biannual conferences of the European Society for Ecological Economics or the World<br />

Congress of <strong>Environment</strong>al and Resource Economists.<br />

Investment: no<br />

Other costs: no<br />

vi. References<br />

Baumgärtner S. Quaas MF (revise and resubmit) Ecological-economic viability as a criterion of strong sustainability under uncertainty.<br />

Ecological Economics<br />

Beissinger S, McCullough D (eds.) (2002. Population Viability Analysis. Chigaco: University of Chicago Press<br />

Bruckner T, Petschel-Held G, Tóth FL, Füssel HM, Helm C, Leimbach M Schellnhuber HJ (1999) Climate-change decision support and the<br />

tolerable windows approach, <strong>Environment</strong>al Modeling and Assessment 4: 217–234<br />

Döring R, Egelkraut TM (2008) Investing in natural capital as management strategy in fisheries: The case of the Baltic Sea cod fishery.<br />

Ecological Economics 64: 634–642<br />

Faber M, Frank K, Klauer K, Manstetten R, Schiller J, Wissel C (2005) On the foundation of a general theory of stocks. Ecological Economics<br />

55(2):155-175<br />

Kleinen, T Petschel-Held G, Bruckner T(2007) The probabilistic tolerable windows approach, submitted to Climatic Change<br />

Quaas M F. Baumgärtner S (2008) <strong>Natural</strong> vs. financial insurance in the management of public-good ecosystems. Ecological Economics<br />

65:397-406<br />

Quaas MF and Requate T (in preparation). Sushi or fish fingers? How preferences for sustainability affect the sustainability of fisheries<br />

Quaas M ., Baumgärtner S, Becker C, Frank K, Müller B (2007). Uncertainty and sustainability in the management of rangelands. Ecological<br />

Economics 62:251-266<br />

Röckmann C, Schneider UA, St.John MA, Tol RSJ (2008). Rebuilding the Eastern Baltic cod stock under environmental change - a<br />

preliminary approach using stock, environmental, and management constraints, forthcoming in <strong>Natural</strong> Resource Modeling<br />

Skonhoft A, Quaas MF, Requate T, Ruckes K (in preparation). A bioeconomic modelling analysis of how to optimally fish an age-structured<br />

population<br />

Tóth FL, Bruckner T, Füssel HM, Leimbach M, Petschel-Held G, Schellnhuber HJ (2002). Exploring options for global climate policy: a new<br />

analytical framework. <strong>Environment</strong> 44 (5):22–34<br />


12. Appendices<br />

264<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

- Project structure<br />

- Contact data of principal investigators

Theme<br />

Project and data<br />

management,<br />

training and<br />

infrastructure<br />

development<br />

Primary<br />

production,<br />

microbial<br />

processes and<br />

Theme<br />

Leader<br />

Ulf<br />

Riebesell<br />

Maren<br />

Voß<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Code Project (Cluster) Project PI Code Subproject<br />

0<br />

1<br />

Project coordination Ulf Riebesell 0.1<br />

Data management Ulf Riebesell 0.2<br />

Infrastructure<br />

development<br />

Training and transfer<br />

of knowhow<br />

Hans Pörtner 0.3 pH stat mesocosms<br />

Michael<br />

Meyerhöfer<br />

265<br />

Development of chemical<br />

optical sensor technology<br />

for the determination of<br />

pCO2 in fluids of marine<br />

organisms and the marine<br />

environment<br />

Subproject -<br />

PI<br />

Franz-J.<br />

Sartoris<br />

Athanas<br />

Apostolidis /<br />

Christian<br />

Huber<br />

Code Links to Subprojects<br />

0.3.1<br />

0.3.2<br />

0.4 All<br />

3.4.2 / 1.1.5 / 2.1.2 /<br />

2.1.3 / 2.3.1 / 2.3.2 /<br />

3.1.3 / 3.1.4 / 3.2.2

266<br />

Theme<br />

biogeochemical<br />

feedbacks<br />

Theme<br />

Leader<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Code Project (Cluster) Project PI Code Subproject<br />

Acclimation versus<br />

adaptation in<br />

autotrophs<br />

Thorsten<br />

Reusch<br />

1.1<br />

Impact of changing climate<br />

on a<br />

chemolithoautotrophic<br />

epsilonproteobacterium<br />

from a pelagic redoxcline<br />

The interplay between<br />

carbon-and iron-availability<br />

and its impact on<br />

photosynthesis of primary<br />

producers in the ocean<br />

Long-term response of<br />

phytoplankton on climate<br />

change: a<br />

multidimensional approach<br />

Rapid evolution of key<br />

phytoplankton species to a<br />

high pCO2 ocean<br />

Interactive effects of CO2<br />

concentration and<br />

temperature on<br />

microphytobenthic<br />

Subproject -<br />

PI<br />

Günter Jost /<br />

Klaus<br />

Jürgens<br />

Michael<br />

Hippler / Julie<br />

LaRoche<br />

Code Links to Subprojects<br />

1.1.1<br />

1.1.2<br />

Marius Müller 1.1.3<br />

Thorsten<br />

Reusch / Ulf<br />

Riebesell<br />

Ulf Karsten /<br />

Thomas<br />

Hübener<br />

1.1.4<br />

1.1.5<br />

1.1.2 / 1.1.3 / 1.1.4 /<br />

1.1.5 / 1.2.4 / 4.1.4<br />

1.1.3 / 1.1.1 / 1.1.4 /<br />

1.2.2 / 1.2.4 / 1.3 /<br />

3.3.1<br />

1.1.2 /1.1.4 / 1.3 /<br />

3.1.1 /3.1.4 / 3.5.2 /<br />

3.5.3/<br />

1.1.2 / 1.1.3 / 3.1.1 /<br />

3.5.2/ 4.1.2 / 4.2.1<br />

0.3.2/ 1.1.1 / 3.4.1 /<br />

3.4.2 / 4.1.1

Theme<br />

Theme<br />

Leader<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Code Project (Cluster) Project PI Code Subproject<br />

Turnover of organic<br />

matter<br />

Modelling<br />

biogeochemical<br />

feedbacks of the<br />

organic carbon pump<br />

Anja Engel 1.2<br />

Birgit<br />

Schneider<br />

267<br />

biodiversity and<br />

ecosystem function<br />

Production and<br />

decomposition of exudates<br />

Dissolved organic nitrogen<br />

release and uptake under<br />

stress<br />

DOM availability and<br />

phosphorus utilization<br />

Microbial response to<br />

DOM release and<br />

aggregation<br />

Effect of decreasing<br />

calcareous / lithogenic<br />

ballast on aggregates in<br />

the benthic boundary layer<br />

1.3 no subproject<br />

Subproject -<br />

PI<br />

Code Links to Subprojects<br />

Anja Engel 1.2.1 4.1.1/ 4.2.1 / 4.2.2 / 5.1<br />

/ 5.2<br />

Maren Voß 1.2.2 4.2.1 / 4.2.2 / 5.2<br />

Monika<br />

Nausch /<br />

Günther<br />

Nausch<br />

Hans – Peter<br />

Grossart<br />

Laurenz<br />

Thomsen /<br />

Giselher Gust<br />

Birgit<br />

Schneider<br />

1.2.3<br />

1.2.4<br />

1.2.5<br />

1.3<br />

4.1.1 / 4.1.4 / 4.2.1. /<br />

4.2.2.<br />

1.1.1 / 1.1.2 / 1.3 /<br />

3.4.2 / 4.1.4 / 4.2.1 /<br />

5.1 / 5.3<br />

1.2 / 1.3 / 3.1.1 / 3.4.1.<br />

/ 3.4.3 / 5.2<br />

1.1.2/ 1.1.3/ 1.2.1/<br />

1.2.2/ 1.2.3/ 1.2.4/<br />

1.2.5/ 3.1.1/ 3.2.1/<br />

3.4.3/ 3.5.2 / 3.5.3/ 5.1/<br />

5.2/ 5.3

268<br />

Theme<br />

Performance<br />

characters:<br />

reproduction,<br />

growth and<br />

behaviours in<br />

animal species<br />

Theme<br />

Leader<br />

Hans<br />

Pörtner<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Code Project (Cluster) Project PI Code Subproject<br />

2<br />

Effects on grazers and<br />

filtrators<br />

Long-term<br />

physiological effects<br />

on different life stages<br />

of benthic<br />

Thomas Brey 2.1<br />

Felix Mark 2.2<br />

Ocean Acidification and<br />

Reproduction: Is the<br />

beginning of Life in<br />

Danger?<br />

The response of<br />

zooplankton organisms to<br />

elevated CO2<br />

concentrations<br />

Calcifying<br />

macroorganisms in<br />

acidifying & warming<br />

shallow waters<br />

Hyas araneus: Sensitivity,<br />

adaptive capacities and<br />

evolutionary<br />

consequences in<br />

Subproject -<br />

PI<br />

Angela<br />

Köhler<br />

Barbara<br />

Niehoff<br />

Code Links to Subprojects<br />

2.1.1<br />

2.1.2<br />

Gisela Lannig 2.1.3<br />

Daniela<br />

Storch<br />

2.2.1<br />

2.2.1/2.3.1 /3.1.3/ 3.1.4<br />

/ 3.2.2 / 4.1.2<br />

0.3.1/ 0.3.2 /2.1.3 /<br />

2.2.1 / 3.1.3 / 3.1.4/<br />

4.2.1<br />

0.3.1 / 0.3.2 / 2.1.2 /<br />

2.2.1/ 2.2.2 / 2.3.1 /<br />

2.3.2 / 3.1.3 / 3.1.4<br />

/3.2.4 / 3.3.1 / 3.3.2/<br />

3.4.1 / 3.5.1 /4.1.2<br />

0.3.1 / 2.1.2 / 2.1.3 /<br />

2.2.2 / 2.3.2 / 3.1.3 /<br />


Theme<br />

Theme<br />

Leader<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Code Project (Cluster) Project PI Code Subproject<br />

crustaceans populations from different<br />

Effects on top<br />

predators (fishes,<br />

cephalopods)<br />

Catriona<br />

Clemmesen<br />

269<br />

2.3<br />

latitudes<br />

Cancer pagurus: Chronic<br />

and acute responses –<br />

Adaptation versus<br />

Tolerance<br />

Effects of changes in<br />

ocean pH on the<br />

development, growth,<br />

metabolism and<br />

otolith/statolith formation<br />

and composition of fish<br />

and cephalopod early life<br />

stages: a comparative<br />

approach<br />

Mechanisms setting and<br />

compensating for animal<br />

sensitivity to ocean<br />

acidification: functional<br />

capacities, thermal<br />

interactions and<br />

mechanism-based<br />

modelling<br />

Subproject -<br />

PI<br />

Christopher<br />

Bridges<br />

Uwe<br />

Piatkowski<br />

Magnus<br />

Lucassen<br />

Code Links to Subprojects<br />

2.2.2 2.1.3 / 2.2.1 / 3.1.3<br />

2.3.1<br />

2.3.2<br />

0.3.1 / 0.3.2 / 2.1.1 /<br />

2.1.3 / 2.3.2 / 3.1.3 /<br />

3.1.4/ 3.3.1 / 4.1.2/ /<br />

5.3<br />

0.3.1 / 0.3.2. / 2.1.3. /<br />

2.2.1. / 2.2.2. / 2.3.1. /<br />

3.1.3. / 3.1.4

270<br />

Theme<br />

Calcification:<br />

Sensitivities<br />

across phyla<br />

and ecosystems<br />

Theme<br />

Leader<br />

Dirk de<br />

Beer<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Code Project (Cluster) Project PI Code Subproject<br />

3<br />

Cellular mechanisms<br />

of calcification<br />

Frank<br />

Melzner<br />

3.1<br />

Inorganic carbon<br />

acquisition for calcification<br />

and photosynthesis in<br />

marine coccolithophores:<br />

towards a unifying theory<br />

Transepithelial calcification<br />

processes in the<br />

hermatypic cold-water<br />

coral Lophelia pertusa<br />

(Scleractinia)<br />

Calcification & ion<br />

homeostasis in the phylum<br />

mollusca in response to<br />

ocean acidification<br />

Sea urchin membrane<br />

transport mechanisms for<br />

calcification and pH<br />

regulation<br />

Subproject -<br />

PI<br />

Kai Schulz 3.1.1<br />

Armin Form 3.1.2<br />

Frank<br />

Melzner<br />

Markus<br />

Bleich<br />

Code Links to Subprojects<br />

3.1.3<br />

3.1.4<br />

1.1.3 / 1.1.4/ 1.2.5 / 1.3<br />

/ 3.4.2 / 3.5.2 / 3.5.3 /<br />

4.2.2 / 5.2<br />

1.2.5 / 3.2.2 / 3.2.4 /<br />

3.3.1 / 3.3.2 / 3.4.2 /<br />

4.1.4<br />

2.1.1 / 2.1.3 / 2.2.1 /<br />

2.2.2 / 2.3.1 / 2.3.2 /<br />

3.2.1 / 3.4.2 / 4.1.2<br />

1.1.3. / 2.1 / 2.3 / 3.2 /<br />

3.3 /3.4.2 / 4.1.2.

Theme<br />

Theme<br />

Leader<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Code Project (Cluster) Project PI Code Subproject<br />

Calcification under<br />

pH-stress: Impacts on<br />

ecosystem and<br />

organismal levels<br />

Ultra-structural<br />

changes and trace<br />

element / isotope<br />

partitioning in<br />

calcifying organisms<br />

(foraminifera, corals)<br />

Ralph<br />

Tollrian<br />

Jelle Bijma 3.3<br />

271<br />

3.2 Impact of ocean<br />

acidification and warming<br />

on sub-polar shelled<br />

pteropods<br />

Impact of ocean<br />

acidification on<br />

reproduction, recruitment<br />

and growth of scleractinian<br />

corals<br />

Coral calcification in<br />

marginal reefs<br />

Impact of ocean<br />

acidification on coralline<br />

red algae<br />

Impact of ocean<br />

acidification on the<br />

calcification mechanisms<br />

in marine calcifying<br />

organisms and on ultra<br />

structural changes of<br />

biogenic calcite<br />

Subproject -<br />

PI<br />

Code Links to Subprojects<br />

Ulf Riebesell 3.2.1 1.2.5 / 1.3 / 3.1.3 /<br />

Ralph Tollrian 3.2.2<br />

Claudio<br />

Richter<br />

Jan Fietzke 3.2.4<br />

Jelle Bijma 3.3.1<br />

3.2.4 / 3.3.1-3.4.3/<br />

3.5.1 / 5.2<br />

2.1.1 / 3.1.2 / 3.2.3 /<br />

3.2.4 / 3.3.2 / 3.4.2 /<br />

3.5.2 / 4.1.2 / 4.1.3<br />

3.2.3 3.1.2/3.2.2/3.2.4/3.3.2/<br />

3.4.2/ 4.1.3<br />

2.1.3 / 3.1.2 / 3.2.1<br />

/3.2.2 / 3.2.3 / 3.4.2 /<br />

4.1.3 / /4.1.1<br />

2.1.3 / 2.3.1 / 3.1.2 /<br />

3.1.3 / 3.1.4 / 3.2.1 /<br />


272<br />

Theme<br />

Theme<br />

Leader<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Code Project (Cluster) Project PI Code Subproject<br />

Microenvironmentally<br />

controlled (de-<br />

)calcification<br />

mechanisms<br />

Impact of present and<br />

past ocean<br />

acidification on<br />

metabolism,<br />

biomineralization and<br />

biodiversity of pelagic<br />

and neritic calcifiers<br />

Michael<br />

Böttcher<br />

Adrian<br />

Immenhauser<br />

3.4<br />

3.5<br />

The effect of decreasing<br />

pH, salinity and<br />

temperature on the trace<br />

element and isotope<br />

partitioning between<br />

marine calcifying<br />

organisms and seawater<br />

Impact of biogenic<br />

carbonates on pH<br />

buffering in an acidifying<br />

coastal sea (North Sea)<br />

Benthic (de-)calcification<br />

driven by microbial<br />

processes<br />

Buffering ocean<br />

acidification: Dissolution of<br />

carbonate sediments in<br />

the Southern Ocean<br />

Comparison of Cultured<br />

and Fossil Bivalve<br />

Geochemistry and Shell<br />

Ultrastructure<br />

Subproject -<br />

Anton<br />

PI<br />

Eisenhauer<br />

Michael<br />

Böttcher<br />

Code Links to Subprojects<br />

3.3.2 0.4 / 2.1.3 / 2.3.1 /<br />

3.4.1<br />

Dirk de Beer 3.4.2<br />

Mario<br />

Hoppema<br />

Adrian<br />

Immenhauser<br />

3.4.3<br />

3.1.2 / 3.1.3 / 3.1.4<br />

3.2.1 / 3.2.4<br />

1.2.5 / 2.1.3 / 3.4.2 /<br />

3.4.3 / 5.1<br />

0.3.2 / 1.1.5 / 3.1 /<br />

3.2.3 / 3.2.4 / 3.3.2<br />

/4.1.3<br />

1.2.5 / 1.3 / 3.4.1 /<br />

3.4.2 / 5.1 / 5.2<br />

3.5.1 2.1.3 / 3.5.3 / 4.1.2

Species<br />

Theme<br />

interactions and<br />

community<br />

structure: will<br />

ocean<br />

acidification<br />

cause regime<br />

shifts?<br />

Theme<br />

Leader<br />

Maarten<br />

Boersma<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Code Project (Cluster) Project PI Code Subproject<br />

4<br />

OA impacts on<br />

interactions in and<br />

structure of benthic<br />

Martin Wahl 4.1<br />

273<br />

Biological response to<br />

short-termed ocean<br />

acidification events in the<br />

past: biodiversity and<br />

evolution patterns of<br />

marine primary producers<br />

(calcareous nannofossils)<br />

during the late Paleocene<br />

– early Eocene<br />

Nannoplankton response<br />

to modern and past ocean<br />

acidification events<br />

Effects of ocean<br />

acidification on trophic<br />

interactions in coastal<br />

Subproject -<br />

Jörg<br />

PI<br />

Mutterlose<br />

Sebastian<br />

Meier<br />

Ragnhild<br />

Asmus<br />

Code Links to Subprojects<br />

3.5.2<br />

3.5.3<br />

4.1.1<br />

1.1.3 / 1.1.4/ 1.3 / 3.1.1<br />

/ 3.2.2 / 5.2<br />

1.1.3 / 1.1.4 / 1.3 /<br />

3.1.1 / 4.2.2 / 5.2<br />

1.1.5 / 1.2.1 / 3.2.4 /<br />

4.1.2 / 4.1.3 / 4.1.4 /<br />

4.2.1 / 4.2.2 / 5.1

274<br />

Theme<br />

Theme<br />

Leader<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Code Project (Cluster) Project PI Code Subproject<br />

communitiesbenthos seaweed and seagrass<br />

OA effects on food<br />

webs and competitive<br />

interactions in pelagic<br />

ecosystems<br />

Maarten<br />

Boersma<br />

4.2<br />

ecosystems<br />

Acidification stress: Early<br />

life stage ecology in times<br />

of global change<br />

Competitive success of<br />

calcifying and non-<br />

calcifying macroalgae<br />

under shifting pH regimes<br />

in tropical vs. temperate<br />

regions<br />

Effects of ocean<br />

acidification on microbial<br />

community structure,<br />

composition and activity in<br />

natural and experimental<br />

systems<br />

OA effects on pelagic<br />

community structure and<br />

food chains<br />

Subproject -<br />

PI<br />

Martin Wahl 4.1.2<br />

Kai Bischof 4.1.3<br />

Alban<br />

Ramette<br />

Maarten<br />

Boersma<br />

Code Links to Subprojects<br />

4.1.4<br />

4.2.1<br />

1.1.4 / 2.1.1 / 2.1.3 /<br />

2.2.1 / 2.3.1 / 3.1.3 /<br />

3.1.4 / 3.2.2 / 3.2.3 /<br />

3.5.1 / 4.1.1 / 4.1.3<br />

4.1.4 / 4.2.1 / 4.2.2<br />

3.2.2. / 3.2.3. / 3.2.4. /<br />

3.4.2. / 4.1.1 / 4.1.2 /<br />

4.1.4 / 4.2.2<br />

1.1.1 / 3.1.2 / 3.4.2 /<br />

4.1.1 / 4.1.2 / 4.1.3 /<br />

4.2.1 / 4.2.2<br />

1.2.1 / 1.2.2 / 1.2.3 /<br />

1.2.4. 2.1.2. / 4.1.1 /<br />

4.1.2 / 4.1.4 / 4.2.2

Theme<br />

Integrated<br />

assessment:<br />

Sensitivities and<br />

uncertainties<br />

Theme<br />

Leader<br />

Andreas<br />

Oschlies<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Code Project (Cluster) Project PI Code Subproject<br />

5<br />

Impact of Alkalinity<br />

fluxes from the<br />

Wadden Sea on the<br />

carbon cycle and the<br />

primary production in<br />

the North Sea<br />

Evaluating and<br />

optimising<br />

parameterisations of<br />

pelagic calcium<br />

carbonate production<br />

in global<br />

biogeochemical ocean<br />

models<br />

Johannes<br />

Pätsch<br />

Andreas<br />

Oschlies<br />

275<br />

Competitive interactions in<br />

planktonic microalgae<br />

under OA-stress<br />

5.1 no subproject<br />

5.2 no subproject<br />

Subproject -<br />

PI<br />

Björn Rost 4.2.2<br />

Code Links to Subprojects<br />

1.2.1 / 1.2.2 / 1.2.3 /<br />

3.1.1 / 3.5.3 / 4.1.1 /<br />

4.1.2 / 4.1.3 / 4.1.4 /<br />

4.2.1<br />

1.2.1 / 1.2.2 / 1.2.3 /<br />

1.3 / 3.4.1 / 3.4.3 /<br />

4.1.1/ 5.2<br />

1.2.1 / 1.2.2 / 1.2.5 /<br />

1.3 / 3.1.1 / 3.2.1 / 3.4<br />

(3.4.3) / 3.5.2 / 3.5.3 /<br />


276<br />

Theme<br />

Theme<br />

Leader<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Code Project (Cluster) Project PI Code Subproject<br />

Viability-method for<br />

the impact<br />

assessment of ocean<br />

acidification under<br />

uncertainty<br />

Subproject -<br />

PI<br />

Code Links to Subprojects<br />

Martin Quaas 5.3. no subproject 2.3.1 / 2.3.2

Appendix: Principal Investigators<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Project Name Institute Address Email Phone<br />

0.1 Riebesell Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel uriebesell@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600-4444<br />

0.2 Diepenbroek MARUM - Institute for Marine <strong>Environment</strong>al Sciences , University of Bremen Leobener Strasse, POP 330 440, 28359 Bremen mdiepenbroek@pangaea.de 0421 218-65590<br />

0.3 Pörtner Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven Hans.Poertner@awi.de 0471 4831-1307<br />

Buck Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven Bela.H.Buck@awi.de 0471 4831-1868<br />

0.3.1<br />

Fisch<br />

Krieten<br />

Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven Ralf.Fisch@awi.de<br />

Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven Guido.Krieten@awi.de<br />

0471 4831-1639<br />

0471 4831-1418<br />

Sartoris Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven Franz-Josef.Sartoris@awi.de 0471 4831-1312<br />

0.3.2<br />

Apostolidis Presens Precision Sensing GmbH Josef-Engert-Str. 11, 93053 Regensburg athanas.apostolidis@presens.de 0941 942 72 150 / 114<br />

Huber Presens Precision Sensing GmbH Josef-Engert-Str. 11, 93053 Regensburg christian.huber@presens.de 0941 942 72 150 / 114<br />

0.4 Meyerhöfer Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel mmeyerhoefer@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600-4214<br />

1.1 Reusch University of Münster Hüfferstr. 1, 48149 Münster treusch@uni-muenster.de 0251 - 83 - 2 1095<br />

1.1.1<br />

Jost Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea <strong>Research</strong> (IOW), Warnemünde Seestr. 15, 18119 Rostock guenter.jost@io-warnemuende 0381 5197-270<br />

Jürgens Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea <strong>Research</strong> (IOW), Warnemünde Seestr. 15, 18119 Rostock klaus.juergens@io-warnemuende.de 0381 5197-250<br />

1.1.2<br />

Hippler University of Münster Hindenburgplatz 55, 48143 Münster mhippler@uni-muenster.de 0251 - 83 2 4790<br />

LaRoche Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel jlaroche@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600-4212<br />

1.1.3 Müller Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel mnmueller@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600-4526<br />

1.1.4<br />

Reusch University of Münster<br />

Riebesell Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel<br />

Hüfferstr. 1, 48149 Münster<br />

Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel<br />

treusch@uni-muenster.de<br />

uriebesell@ifm-geomar.de<br />

0251 - 83 - 2 1095<br />

0431 600-4444<br />

1.1.5<br />

Karsten University of Rostock Albert-Einstein-Str. 3, 18059 Rostock<br />

Hübener University of Rostock Wismarsche Str. 8, 18051 Rostock<br />

ulf.karsten@uni-rostock.de<br />

thomas.huebener@uni-rostock.de<br />

0381 498 6090<br />

0381 498 6210<br />

1.2 Engel Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven anja.engel@awi.de 0471 4831-1055<br />

1.2.1 Engel Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven anja.engel@awi.de 0471 4831-1055<br />

1.2.2 Voß Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea <strong>Research</strong> (IOW), Warnemünde Seestr. 15, 18119 Rostock maren.voss@io-warnemuende.de 0381 5197 209<br />

1.2.3<br />

Nausch, M. Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea <strong>Research</strong> (IOW), Warnemünde Seestr. 15, 18119 Rostock monika.nausch@io-warnemuende.de<br />

Nausch, G. Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea <strong>Research</strong> (IOW), Warnemünde Seestr. 15, 18119 Rostock guenther.nausch@io-warnemuende.de<br />

0381 5197 227<br />

0381 5197 332<br />

1.2.4 Grossart Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Berlin Alte Fischerhütte 2, OT Neuglobsow,16775 Stechlin hgrossart@igb-berlin.de 033082 699 91<br />

1.2.5<br />

Thomsen Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH Campus Ring 1, 28759 Bremen l.thomsen@jacobs-university.de 0421 200-3254<br />

Gust Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) Schwarzenbergstraße 95 C, 21073 Hamburg gust@tu-harburg.de 040 42878 6000<br />

1.3 Schneider University of Kiel Ludewig-Meyn-Straße 10, 24118 Kiel bschneider@gpi.uni-kiel.de 0431 880-3254<br />

2.1 Brey Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Alten Hafen 26, 27568 Bremerhaven Thomas.Brey@awi.de 0471 4831-1300<br />

2.1.1<br />

Köhler Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong><br />

Bickmeyer Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong><br />

Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven<br />

Kurpromenade 201, 27498 Helgoland<br />

Angela.Koehler@awi.de<br />

Ulf.Bickmeyer@awi.de<br />

0471 4831-1407<br />

04725 819-3224<br />

2.1.2 Niehoff Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Alten Hafen 26, 27568 Bremerhaven Barbara.Niehoff@awi.de 0471 4831-1371<br />

2.1.3 Lannig Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven Gisela.Lannig@awi.de 0471 4831-2015<br />

2.2 Mark Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven fmark@awi.de 0471 4831-1015<br />

2.2.1 Storch Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven Daniela.Storch@awi.de 0471 4831-1934<br />

2.2.2 Bridges University of Düsseldorf Universitätsstraße 1, 40225 Düsseldorf bridges@uni-duesseldorf.de 0211 81-14991<br />


Appendix: Principle Investigators (continued)<br />

278<br />

<strong>BIOACID</strong>: Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification<br />

Project Name Institute Address Email Phone<br />

2.3 Clemmesen Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel cclemmesen@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600 4558<br />

2.3.1 Piatkowski Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel upiatkowski@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600-4571<br />

2.3.2 Lucassen Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven Magnus.Lucassen@awi.de 0471 4831-1340<br />

3.1 Melzner Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel fmelzner@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600-4274<br />

3.1.1 Schulz Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel kschulz@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600-4510<br />

3.1.2 Form Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel aform@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600-1987<br />

3.1.3 Melzner Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel fmelzner@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600-4274<br />

3.1.4 Bleich University of Kiel Hermann-Rodewald-Straße 5, 24118 Kiel m.bleich@physiologie.uni-kiel.de 0431 880-2961<br />

3.2 Tollrian Ruhr-University Bochum Universitätsstraße 150; 44801 Bochum tollrian@rub.de 0234 32-14114<br />

3.2.1 Riebesell Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel uriebesell@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600-4444<br />

3.2.2 Tollrian Ruhr-University Bochum Universitätsstr.150, 44780 Bochum tollrian@rub.de 0234 32-24998<br />

3.2.3 Richter Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Columbusstrasse, 27568 Bremerhaven crichter@awi.de 0471 4831-1304<br />

3.2.4 Fietzke Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Wischhofstraße 1-3, 24148 Kiel jfietzke@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600-2106<br />

3.3 Bijma Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven Jelle.Bijma@awi.de 0471 4831-1831<br />

3.3.1 Bijma Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven Jelle.Bijma@awi.de 0471 4831-1831<br />

3.3.2 Eisenhauer Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Wischhofstraße 1-3, 24148 Kiel aeisenhauer@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600-2282<br />

3.4 Böttcher Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea <strong>Research</strong> (IOW), Warnemünde Seestr. 15, 18119 Rostock michael.boettcher@io-warnemuende.de 0381 5197-402<br />

3.4.1 Böttcher Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea <strong>Research</strong> (IOW), Warnemünde Seestr. 15, 18119 Rostock michael.boettcher@io-warnemuende.de 0381 5197-402<br />

3.4.2 de Beer Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Celsiusstr. 1, 28359 Bremen dbeer@mpi-bremen.de 0421 2028 - 802<br />

3.4.3 Hoppema Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Bussestrasse 24, 27570 Bremerhaven Mario.Hoppema@awi.de 0471 4831-1884<br />

3.5 Immenhauser Ruhr-University Bochum Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum Adrian.Immenhauser@rub.de 0234 32-28250<br />

3.5.1 Immenhauser Ruhr-University Bochum Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum Adrian.Immenhauser@rub.de 0234 32-28250<br />

3.5.2 Mutterlose Ruhr-University Bochum Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum Joerg.Mutterlose@rub.de 0234 32-23249<br />

3.5.3<br />

Meier<br />

Kinkel<br />

University of Kiel<br />

University of Kiel<br />

Ludewig-Meyn-Straße 14, 24118 Kiel<br />

Ludewig-Meyn-Straße 12, 24118 Kiel<br />

sm@gpi.uni-kiel.de<br />

hki@gpi.uni-kiel.de<br />

0431 880-2936<br />

431 880-2878<br />

4.1 Wahl Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel mwahl@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600-4577<br />

4.1.1 R. Asmus Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Hafenstraße 43, 25992 List Ragnhild.Asmus@awi.de 04651 956-4308<br />

4.1.2 Wahl Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel mwahl@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600-4577<br />

4.1.3 Bischof University of Bremen Leobener Str., NW 2, 28359 Bremen kbischof@uni-bremen.de 0421 218-2859<br />

4.1.4<br />

Ramette<br />

Boetius<br />

Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology<br />

Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology<br />

Celsiusstr. 1, 28359 Bremen aramette@mpi-bremen.de 0421 2028 - 863<br />

Celsiusstr. 1, 28359 Bremen aboetius@mpi-bremen.de 0 421 2028 - 860<br />

4.2 Boersma Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Kurpromenade, 27498 Helgoland Maarten.Boersma@awi.de 04725 819-3350<br />

4.2.1 Boersma Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Kurpromenade, 27498 Helgoland Maarten.Boersma@awi.de 04725 819-3350<br />

4.2.2 Rost Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine <strong>Research</strong> Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven Bjoern.Rost@awi.de 0471 4831-1809<br />

5.1 Pätsch Institute of Oceanography, University of Hamburg Bundesstr. 53, 20146 Hamburg paetsch@ifm.uni-hamburg.de 040 - 42838 6628<br />

5.2 Oschlies Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel aoschlies@ifm-geomar.de 0431 600-1936<br />

5.3 Quaas University of Kiel Wilhelm-Seelig-Platz 1, 24118 Kiel quaas@economics.uni-kiel.de 0431 880 -3616

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