GLYCOSIDES IN Viola Tricolor L.

GLYCOSIDES IN Viola Tricolor L.

GLYCOSIDES IN Viola Tricolor L.


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CHAPTER 2: <strong>IN</strong>TRODUCTION<br />

groupinthe3-position. Sincemostflavonoidsareelectroactive duetothepres-<br />

ence ofphenolicgroups, electrochemical detection can alsobe used [82, 87].<br />

2.3.3 Identificationandstructuralcharacterization<br />

Today, LC-MS/MS is the most important technique for the identification of<br />

target flavonoids and the structural characterization of unknown members of<br />

this class of compounds. As regards target analysis, tandem-MS detection has<br />

largely replacedsingle-stage MSoperation becauseofthe much better selectiv-<br />

ity and the wider-ranging information that can be obtained. Dependingon the<br />

nature of the application, additional information is derived from LC retention<br />

behaviour, and UV absorbance and, occasionally, FLU or ED characteristics,<br />

due comparison being made with standard injections and/or tabulated refer-<br />

ence data. In studies on the characterization of unknowns, a wide variety of<br />

LC-MS/MS techniques is usually applied next to LC-DAD UV for rapid class<br />

identification. Inaddition, LC-NMRoften turnsouttobeanindispensabletool<br />

to arrive atan unambiguous structural characterization.<br />

2.4 LC-MSin thecharacterizationof flavonoids<br />

Structural analysis of flavonoids is essential in the search for new biologically<br />

activecompoundsandinthedevelopmentandqualitycontrol ofnaturalprod-<br />

ucts. Determination of the absolute structure of flavonoids is a complicated<br />

task, which mostly requires the combination of advanced techniques, e.g., 1 H-<br />

and 13 C-NMR-spectrometry, 1 H- 1 H-correlated spectroscopy, mass spectrome-<br />

try, and/or X-ray cristallography requiring large amounts of adequately puri-<br />

fied sample[87]. Flavonoids, however, areusually presentin acomplex matrix<br />

of plant extracts, thus generally difficult to isolate in higher quantities. To alle-<br />

viate this drawback, hyphenated techniques, such as LC-MSand LC-NMR can<br />

be applied. Both techniques have advantages and disadvantages [82, 88–90].<br />

LC-MS represents a rapid and easy-to-access methodology with high sensitiv-<br />

ity and low sample demand. LC-NMR provides more structural information<br />

(even about the stereochemistry of glycosides), but only a few laboratories are<br />

equippedwith such high endinstrumentation. Besides,due to itslow sensitiv-<br />

ity, foran LC-NMRexperimentmore sample isrequired.<br />


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