GLYCOSIDES IN Viola Tricolor L.

GLYCOSIDES IN Viola Tricolor L.

GLYCOSIDES IN Viola Tricolor L.


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follows: source voltage 1.7kV, capillary temperature 220 ◦ C, capillary voltage<br />

41V, tube lens 115V; in the negative mode: source voltage 1.3kV, capillary<br />

temperature 220 ◦ C, capillary voltage -50V, tube lens -152V . Data acquisition<br />

and interpretation wasdone with the Xcalibur software from ThermoFisher.<br />

3.9 NMR spectroscopy<br />

18mg Fraction E was dissolved in 1ml DMSO-d6 and characterized on a two-<br />

channel Varian Inova 600MHz (Palo Alto, CA) NMR spectrometer equipped<br />

with a waveform generator, a pulsed field gradient (PFG) unit and a dual in-<br />

verse broad-band probe-head. In addition to registering the 1 H-NMR and 13 C-<br />

NMRspectrastandard2Dexperiments(COSY,TOCSY,NOESY,HSQC,HMBC)<br />

and selective 1D TOCSY-TOCSY and TOCSY-NOESY experiments were ap-<br />

pliedforassignment.AllspectrawerecalibratedtointernalTMS(tetra-methyl- silane).<br />

3.10 Anthocyanidinandflavonoidcontent<br />

Theantocyanidin andflavonoid content ofthe driedsampleswere determined<br />

by applying the methods of the European Pharmacopoeia 5.0, paragraph ’Bil-<br />

berryfruit,fresh’(Myrtillifructusrecens)and’Wildpansy’(<strong>Viola</strong>etricolorisherba)<br />

[143].<br />

3.11 Invitroantioxidantassays<br />

TEACassay ABTS(2,2’-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonicacid)was<br />

dissolvedinwaterin7mMconcentration. Itsradicalmonocationwasproduced<br />

by reacting the ABTS solution with 2.45mM (final concentration) potassium<br />

persulfate and letting the mixture stand in dark at room temperature for at<br />

least12hbeforeuse. TheABTS •+ stocksolutionwasdilutedwithspectroscopic<br />

grade ethanol to 0.9 absorbance unit at 734nm. At least four different volumes<br />

of the diluted sample were added to 2.5ml ABTS solution resulting in differ-<br />

ent final concentrations and producing inhibition of the blank solvent between<br />

20% - 80%. Absorbance values were measured at 734nm after 0, 0.5; 0.66; 0.83;<br />


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