GLYCOSIDES IN Viola Tricolor L.

GLYCOSIDES IN Viola Tricolor L.

GLYCOSIDES IN Viola Tricolor L.


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CHAPTER 2: <strong>IN</strong>TRODUCTION<br />

bonds. Note that k,l Ai is easily confused with the aglycone fragment ( i,j A0),<br />

therefore to avoid uncertainty the subscript 0 was added to the latter [94] (for<br />

sugar fragments i > 0). For simplicity, ions formed by the direct loss of radi-<br />

cals or small neutral molecules are usually specified by reference to the parent<br />

ion (e.g. 0,2 X + –H2O). In some cases, subscripts H, D, or P was added to the<br />

labels, referring to‘hexose’, ‘deoxyhexose’, or ‘pentose’,respectively. Label‘Ei’<br />

designates the loss of water molecules. In some instances, a number in paren-<br />

thesis was added to the label to indicate the position where the sugar unit was<br />

attached to the aglycone.<br />

2.4.3 Structureelucidation<br />

The characterization of flavonoid glycosides by mass spectrometry comprises<br />

the determination of (i) glycosylation types (O-, C-, or mixed glycosides), (ii)<br />

types of the sugar units (hexoses, deoxyhexoses or pentoses), (iii) distribu-<br />

tion of the sugar residues, (iv) order of the glycan sequence, (v) interglycosidic<br />

linkages, (vi) glycosylation position, and (vii) nature of the aglycone. Besides<br />

summarizing papers, which reporte on the determination of the above char-<br />

acteristic markers, this subsection focuses on the identification options of un-<br />

known flavonoid glycosides in complex samples (e.g. plant extracts) with the<br />

emphaseson the differentiation of isomeric compounds.<br />

AlthoughMSfragmentationpatternsmaytheoreticallyvarywiththeinstru-<br />

mentation used, several authors reported that the main fragmentation paths<br />

of flavonoids are independent of the actual ionization mode (ESI, APCI, or<br />

MALDI)orthetypesofanalyzersapplied(QQQ, IT,orQTOF)[92,99–101]. On<br />

the contrary, significant differences could be observed regarding the relative<br />

abundances of fragment ions by using different instrumentation [92, 99, 100].<br />

Therefore, methods based on the presence or absence of distinctive fragment<br />

ions are preferred to techniques, which rely only on relative intensity changes<br />

observed forisomeric compounds.<br />

Similarly,approachesnotrequiringspecialsamplepreparationmethodsare<br />

also favored. Nonetheless, methods including derivatization or complex for-<br />

mation,arealsodiscussediftheyprovidecomplementaryinformationonstruc-<br />

tural elucidation (Sec.<br />

As the majority of the cited references report only on the study of flavones,<br />

flavonols, flavanones, and isoflavones, mass spectroscopic analysis of antho-<br />


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