GLYCOSIDES IN Viola Tricolor L.

GLYCOSIDES IN Viola Tricolor L.

GLYCOSIDES IN Viola Tricolor L.


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CHAPTER 2: <strong>IN</strong>TRODUCTION<br />

Todifferentiatebetweentheisomers,twobasicmethodshavebeendescribed.<br />

On one hand, they can be distinguished by their product ion spectra, through<br />

the analysis of the Y1, Y0, and Z1 ions. The presence ofthe Z1 fragment implies<br />

that one sugar unit is linked to another sugar and not directly to the aglycone,<br />

therefore indicates an O- or C,O-diglycosyl structure [96, 98, 106]. In addition,<br />

differences were observed in the relative abundancesofthe Y −<br />

1<br />

and Y−<br />

0<br />

ions for<br />

thetwoO-glycosyl isomerforms. Fordi-O-glycosides,theY −<br />

1 ionwasreported<br />

tobethebasepeak(100%relativeabundance),andtheY −<br />

0 ofmediumintensity<br />

(about 30% relative abundance), whilst in the spectra of O-diglycosides the Y −<br />

0<br />

ion exhibited the highest abundance (Fig. 2.8) [106]. Analogously, for di-C,O-<br />

glycosides, the Y −<br />

0<br />

case of C,O-diglycosides, the Y −<br />

0<br />

theZ −<br />

1<br />

observably exhibited the highest abundance, whereas in the<br />

showed less than 10 % relative intensity, and<br />

fragmentwasfoundtobethebasepeak[96]. Theothermethodisbased<br />

on the presence of characteristic radical ions. The product ion spectra of di-<br />

O-glycosides contained [Y1–H] −• radical ions and a [Y0–2H] − fragment. In the<br />

spectra of O-diglycosides only the [Y0–H] −• radical ion was observed, the [Y1–<br />

H] −• ionsweremissing,asitwasdemonstratedforflavonolglycosides(Fig.2.9a<br />

and b) [104]. Similarly, the [Y1–H] −• ion was typically observed upon cleavage<br />

oftheglycosidicbondbetweentheaglyconepartandtheO-linkedglycan,thus<br />

only forthe di-C,O-glycosyl flavoneisomer [113].<br />

Apparently,thedeterminationofthesugarunitdistributionwouldbeeasier<br />

inthecaseofglycosideswithdifferentsugarunits. Asafirstapproximation,the<br />

product ion spectra of di-O-glycosides would contain two Y1 + ions at different<br />

m/z values, whereas in the spectra of O-diglycosides only one Y1 + fragment<br />

would be observed, corresponding to the loss of the external sugar unit. In<br />

the product ion spectra of O-diglycosides, however, a second Y1 + ion was also<br />

reported–usuallylabeledasY ∗ –,originatingfromthelossoftheinternalsugar<br />

residue making spectra interpretation misleading[108].<br />

Glycan sequence Thisstructural characteristic isonly relevantfor glycosides<br />

withdifferentsugarunitsanddeterminationoftheglycansequenceseemsself-<br />

explanatory [98]. For example, in the product ion spectra of O-diglycosides,<br />

theY1(externalsugar) andY0 fragmentswereexpected. However,asitwasdemon-<br />

strated on the example of rutin (quercetin-3-O-rhamnosyl(1→6)glucoside), the<br />

negative ion MS/MS spectra of (1→6) diglycosides often did not show signif-<br />


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