IBM AIX Continuous Availability Features - IBM Redbooks

IBM AIX Continuous Availability Features - IBM Redbooks

IBM AIX Continuous Availability Features - IBM Redbooks


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► An optional predicate<br />

The predicate, if present, identifies a condition that is to be checked at the time the probe<br />

is triggered. The predicate must evaluate to TRUE for the probe actions of the clause to<br />

be executed.<br />

These elements are described in more detail in the following sections.<br />

Probe point specification<br />

A probe point specification identifies the code location whose execution, or the event whose<br />

occurrence, should trigger the probe actions. Multiple probe points can be associated with the<br />

same set of probe actions and the predicate, if any, by providing a comma-separated list of<br />

probe specifications at the top of the Vue clause.<br />

The format for a probe specification is probe-type specific. The probe specification is a tuple<br />

of ordered list of fields separated by colons. It has the following general format:<br />

@@::...::<br />

<strong>AIX</strong> V6.1 supports the following probe types:<br />

1. User Function Entry probes (or uft probes)<br />

For example, a uft probe at entry into any function called foo() (in the main executable or<br />

any of the loaded modules including libraries) in process with ID = 34568:<br />

@@uft:34568:*:foo:entry<br />

2. System Call Entry/Exit probes (or syscall probes)<br />

For example, a syscall probe at the exit of a read system call:<br />

@@syscall:*:read:exit<br />

3. Probes that fire at specific time intervals (or interval probes)<br />

For example, an interval probe to fire every 500 milliseconds (wall clock time):<br />

@@interval:*:clock:500<br />

Action block<br />

The action block identifies the set of actions to be performed when a thread hits the probe<br />

point. Supported actions are not restricted to the capturing and formatting of trace data; the<br />

full power of Vue can be employed.<br />

An action block in Vue is similar to a procedure in procedural languages. It consists of a<br />

sequence of statements that are executed in order. The flow of execution is essentially<br />

sequential. The only exceptions are that conditional execution is possible using the if-else<br />

statement, and control may be returned from within the action block using the return<br />

statement.<br />

Unlike procedures in procedural languages, an action block in Vue does not have an output<br />

or a return value. And it does not have inherent support for a set of input parameters. On the<br />

other hand, the context data at the point where a probe is entered can be accessed within the<br />

action block to regulate the actions to be performed.<br />

Predicate<br />

Predicates should be used when execution of clauses at probe points must be performed<br />

conditionally.<br />

116 <strong>IBM</strong> <strong>AIX</strong> <strong>Continuous</strong> <strong>Availability</strong> <strong>Features</strong>

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