Great Soul-Winning Churches - Elmer Towns

Great Soul-Winning Churches - Elmer Towns

Great Soul-Winning Churches - Elmer Towns


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superintendent got the message and began making plans and making decisions. On a good day<br />

that superintendent, Mrs. Maxine Kelley, will now have more in her junior department than once<br />

attended in the entire Sunday School. Sunday School workers are not reluctant to make decisions<br />

for fear of making - a wrong move. Many times Pastor Hand has publicly defended teachers and<br />

superintendents and then privately helped them to plan the work in such a way that criticism<br />

could be avoided.<br />

4. Positionizing the church. Several years previously, ten acres of ground on the other<br />

side of town had been given to the church. Before Pastor Hand came, there was disagreement in<br />

the church-some wanted to move; some didn’t. He knew that he had to positionize the church<br />

location in the minds of the community and stabilize his people. He believes that the location of<br />

the church is not the important factor in determining if God can use it to win souls. Dr. Hand led<br />

the church to borrow $60,000.00 to air condition the auditorium, rearrange the Sunday School<br />

classes and blacktop the parking lot. It was a way to state, “We are not going to move.” The<br />

financial outlay proved to the community he meant business. Before Dr. Hand had assumed the<br />

pastorate, the church had invited a church survey company to run a survey to determine the<br />

church’s future location. They recommended moving, stating that Emmanuel Baptist Church<br />

could never contain more than 1 percent of the city in that building (their estimation, 380 in<br />

church). An expert from the firm came by after Dr. Hand had been pastor about a year and<br />

opened his conversation by saying, “When are you going to move? Remember you can’t run<br />

over 1 % of your city here in these buildings.” Dr. Hand closed the conversation by saying,<br />

“That’s strange, we had over 2% of our city in Sunday School last Sunday.” Pastor Hand says his<br />

is not the traditional American church but a soul-winning institution.<br />

5. Calling a full time music director. In January, 1971, Pastor Hand discussed with the<br />

deacons the possibility of calling his son, Mike Hand, as music director. Young Mr. Hand had<br />

graduated from Tennessee Temple Schools in Chattanooga, Tennessee, with a degree in music.<br />

The deacons voted to recommend that the church call him as music director. A few opponents of<br />

the new church program saw a way to rid themselves of the pastor and program. The night of the<br />

vote brought people who had not been in church in months and even people who were not<br />

members of the church came to try to cast ballots against the proposal. The proposal carried a<br />

majority of the votes cast but not the percentage the church Constitution specified to effect a call.<br />

There were mixed emotions that night as the congregation filed out of the building. Those<br />

opposing the new church program were sure Dr. Hand would leave. Those for the new program<br />

prayed he would not leave but wondered how he could stay. Pastor Hand wondered what<br />

Scripture he would preach from the next time he stood before his people. The vote had been a<br />

disappointment. For the following Sunday morning message, God gave him a message from<br />

Ezekiel 24:18,”At even my wife died and I did in the morning as I was commanded.” The title of<br />

the sermon was “What Should I Do if I Am Deprived of Something I Need to Do a Job for God.”<br />

The gist of the message was that the work would continue but people would lose a blessing. In<br />

this case he meant the church would lose graded choir programs, a great church choir, etc. That<br />

morning Dr. Hand won the hearts of his people. They realized their pastor came to win souls and<br />

to lead the flock. Discouragement or deprivation could not drive him away. Those who voted<br />

against Mike to retaliate against the pastor and his program had their pettiness revealed and they<br />

left the church. The following September the church, by unanimous vote, called the same Mike<br />

Hand as music director. The church choir at this writing averages between 50 and 60 which<br />

indicates the ability of young Mr. Hand and his esteem by the people.

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