Great Soul-Winning Churches - Elmer Towns

Great Soul-Winning Churches - Elmer Towns

Great Soul-Winning Churches - Elmer Towns


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should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous<br />

light” (I Peter 2:9).<br />

2. The call of God to service.—The second call of God is to serve Jesus Christ. This call<br />

to service is extended to all men, and everyone who knows Jesus Christ should serve Him.<br />

Recently at an ordination council a young man said, “The spiritual need and the<br />

command to go constitute the call to the ministry.” I was horrified at this response. The need and<br />

the command do not constitute a call to full-time Christian service; the call of God to full-time<br />

ministry is felt in the heart. However, every full-time servant must respond to the need and be<br />

obedient to the command, even as all Christians must respond.<br />

The need is lost men going to Hell. “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God”<br />

(Rom. 3:23) and “The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). What motivated Bill Monroe to give<br />

up a job and move to Florence, South Carolina, without a guaranteed salary? Surely his desire to<br />

preach did not move him 800 miles. There were plenty of lost souls in Indianapolis, Indiana. An<br />

internal call to start a church sent him to Florence, South Carolina.<br />

What motivated Jack Dinsbeer to begin preaching without a salary? He wanted to do<br />

more than present his sermons each Sunday morning. He felt the internal call of God to preach.<br />

The men in this book believe that every human being without Jesus Christ is lost and going to<br />

Hell. Bob Gray said, “We have 55 Sunday School buses because we are not content to let people<br />

go to Hell without trying to reach them with the gospel.” Jesus went through the towns and<br />

villages of Galilee preaching the gospel. When He saw the multitudes He was moved with<br />

compassion. Based upon Christ’s observation of human need, which was more than their<br />

socioeconomic need, He immediately called His disciples. The need of men prompted their call<br />

to discipleship. “And when he had called unto him his twelve” (Matt. 10:1). Today, every<br />

Christian is called to be a disciple.<br />

The need among the world is the first step in the call of God to service, but the call of<br />

God to full-time Christian service is deeper than just knowing men are lost.<br />

The command of Jesus Christ to “Go” is the second step in the call of God to service. The<br />

<strong>Great</strong> Commission is still the marching orders of the church. Before He ascended back into<br />

heaven, Jesus said, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the<br />

Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matt. 28:19). This command was not limited to<br />

the eleven apostles who heard Him; all Christians are obligated to carry out this command. But<br />

the call to full-time service is deeper than just obedience to God’s command.<br />

New Testament churches begin when the man of God goes. Jerry Falwell went to<br />

Lynchburg, Virginia, to start a church; Tom Malone went to Pontiac, Michigan, to start a church,<br />

Jewell Smith went to Orlando, Florida, to start a church. After these men go, then they send their<br />

members out on Sunday School buses, “going into the highways and the byways to bring<br />

children to Sunday School.” They send their soul winners out in organized visitation to win men<br />

and women to Jesus Christ in homes and shops. The command to “go” extends to all Christians.<br />

All those who go are carrying out the <strong>Great</strong> Commission; yet the call to full-time<br />

Christian service is more than going even though it includes going. All Christians should know

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