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Rudi ROZMAN, Ph.D.<br />

Aljaž Stare, M.Sc.<br />

<strong>PROJECT</strong> <strong>MANAGEMENT</strong><br />

Ljubljana, 2010

Contents<br />

1 INTRODUCTION TO <strong>PROJECT</strong> <strong>MANAGEMENT</strong> ..................................................................... 4<br />

1.1 <strong>PROJECT</strong>S ....................................................................................................................................... 4<br />

1.1.1 Project definition .................................................................................................................. 4<br />

1.1.2 Kinds of projects ................................................................................................................... 5<br />

1.1.3 The development of projects .................................................................................................. 6<br />

1.1.4 Project life cycle ................................................................................................................... 6<br />

1.2 <strong>MANAGEMENT</strong> ............................................................................................................................... 7<br />

1.2.1 Development of management ................................................................................................ 7<br />

1.2.2 Managerial process .............................................................................................................. 8<br />

1.3 GOVERNING-MANAGERIAL AND IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS ............................................................ 9<br />

1.4 <strong>PROJECT</strong> <strong>MANAGEMENT</strong> .................................................................................................................. 9<br />

1.5 CONTROL QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................... 10<br />

2 STRATEGIES AND <strong>PROJECT</strong>S .................................................................................................. 10<br />

2.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................. 10<br />

2.2 GOALS AND THE PURPOSE OF THE <strong>PROJECT</strong> .................................................................................... 12<br />

2.3 PROBLEM OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STRATEGIES AND <strong>PROJECT</strong>S ................................................. 15<br />

2.4 THE BUSINESS AND MANAGERIAL PROCESS .................................................................................... 16<br />

2.5 THE DEVELOPED THEORY OF ORGANIZATION ................................................................................. 17<br />

2.6 PURPOSE AND GOALS, STRATEGIES AND <strong>PROJECT</strong>S, BUSINESS AND ORGANIZATION .......................... 19<br />

2.7 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................ 20<br />

2.8 CONTROL QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................... 21<br />

3 START-UP OR BEGINNING (OPENING) OF THE <strong>PROJECT</strong> ................................................. 21<br />

3.1 PROPOSAL OF THE <strong>PROJECT</strong> ........................................................................................................... 21<br />

3.2 THE CONTENT OF THE FORMAL (OFFICIAL) OPENING OF THE <strong>PROJECT</strong> .............................................. 22<br />

3.3 CONTROL QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................... 23<br />

4 <strong>PROJECT</strong> PLANNING ................................................................................................................. 23<br />

4.1 NETWORK PROGRAMMING ............................................................................................................ 23<br />

4.2 LIST OF ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................................................... 24<br />

4.3 NETWORK DIAGRAM ..................................................................................................................... 25<br />

4.4 TIME ANALYSIS AND PLAN OF THE <strong>PROJECT</strong> ................................................................................... 26<br />

4.5 RESOURCES PLANNING ................................................................................................................. 27<br />

4.6 PLANNING AND CONTROLLING COSTS ............................................................................................ 28<br />

4.7 PERT APPROACH.......................................................................................................................... 30<br />

4.8 CONTROL QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................... 30<br />

5 RISK <strong>MANAGEMENT</strong> ................................................................................................................. 31<br />

5.1 <strong>PROJECT</strong> RISKS ............................................................................................................................. 31<br />

5.2 RISK <strong>MANAGEMENT</strong> PROCESS ........................................................................................................ 32<br />

5.3 RISK IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION........................................................................................ 33<br />

5.4 RISK REDUCING PLAN DEVELOPING ............................................................................................... 35<br />

5.5 RISK CONTROL ............................................................................................................................. 36<br />

5.6 CONTROL QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................... 37<br />

6 PLANNING ORGANIZATION OR ORGANIZING THE <strong>PROJECT</strong> ........................................ 37<br />

6.1 DEFINITION OF PLANNING <strong>PROJECT</strong> ORGANIZATION ........................................................................ 37<br />


6.2 WORK BREAK-DOWN STRUCTURE (WBS) ...................................................................................... 39<br />

6.3 <strong>PROJECT</strong> STAKEHOLDERS .............................................................................................................. 39<br />

6.4 POSITION OF THE <strong>PROJECT</strong> WITHIN THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ............................................ 40<br />

6.4.1 Project within the existing organization .............................................................................. 41<br />

6.4.2 Project organizational structure .......................................................................................... 41<br />

6.4.3 Project matrix structure ...................................................................................................... 42<br />

6.5 <strong>PROJECT</strong>S SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ....................................................................... 42<br />

6.5.1 Definition and characteristics of organizational culture ...................................................... 42<br />

6.5.2 Project supporting values and changing the culture............................................................. 43<br />

6.5.3 Creativity and innovation as important elements of project organizational culture ............... 43<br />

6.5.4 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 51<br />

6.6 <strong>PROJECT</strong> (<strong>MANAGEMENT</strong>) OFFICE (PMO) ....................................................................................... 52<br />

6.6.1 Project office development .................................................................................................. 52<br />

6.6.2 Project office functions ....................................................................................................... 52<br />

6.7 CONTROL QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................... 53<br />

7 ACTUATION OF PLANNED ORGANIZATION ........................................................................ 54<br />

7.1 HRM ........................................................................................................................................... 54<br />

7.2 <strong>PROJECT</strong> (TEAM) LEADERSHIP ....................................................................................................... 55<br />

7.2.1 Participative leadership and characteristics of a good leader .............................................. 55<br />

7.2.2 Characteristics of successful teams ..................................................................................... 57<br />

7.3 COMMUNICATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 59<br />

7.3.1 Project communications characteristics .............................................................................. 59<br />

7.3.2 Team meetings .................................................................................................................... 60<br />

7.4 MOTIVATION ................................................................................................................................ 63<br />

7.5 CONTROL QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................... 64<br />

8 <strong>PROJECT</strong> CONTROL................................................................................................................... 64<br />

8.1 CONTROL DEFINITION ................................................................................................................... 64<br />

8.2 SCHEDULE / TIME CONTROL .......................................................................................................... 65<br />

8.3 COST CONTROL ............................................................................................................................ 67<br />

8.4 QUALITY CONTROL ....................................................................................................................... 68<br />

8.5 <strong>PROJECT</strong> TRACKING / PROGRESS INFORMATION PROVIDING ............................................................. 69<br />

8.6 <strong>PROJECT</strong> (<strong>MANAGEMENT</strong>) INFORMATION SYSTEM (PMIS)............................................................... 70<br />

8.7 CONTROL QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................... 71<br />

9 <strong>PROJECT</strong> CLOSEOUT ................................................................................................................. 72<br />

9.1 STEPS IN CLOSING A <strong>PROJECT</strong> ........................................................................................................ 72<br />

9.2 <strong>PROJECT</strong> CLOSE-OUT ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................... 73<br />

9.3 THE FINAL REPORT ...................................................................................................................... 74<br />

9.4 CONTROL QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................... 75<br />

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................... 76<br />


1 INTRODUCTION TO <strong>PROJECT</strong> <strong>MANAGEMENT</strong><br />

1.1 Projects<br />

1.1.1 Project definition<br />

Project is a word, which is very often used and usually contains a positive meaning. The<br />

word project derives from the Latin »proiectum«. It means a composed, rounded and<br />

systematic plan, which has to be implemented in a given time by coordinating the activities<br />

of people, and/or departments.<br />

We would expect that word so often used and phenomenon behind it will be clearly and<br />

uniformly defined in the theory. This is not quite the case. Definitions by different authors<br />

differ to a certain extent. However, the differences are not very big. We can say that<br />

authors differ in emphasizing differently the characteristics of projects. This probably<br />

derives from differences in projects themselves.<br />

Following different definitions by authors we will define project as a broad endeavour<br />

(undertaking, work, activity) of people, conducting interwoven activities and using<br />

different resources. The characteristics of this undertaking are the uniqueness of the<br />

result: product or service, time constraint of the entire endeavour and the cooperation of<br />

many different members and other resources.<br />

The uniqueness or non-repetition of a project means that a project is not repeated in the<br />

same manner with the same activities. This is the main difference compared to repetitive<br />

production of standard products (e.g. cars, TV sets etc.). In the repetitive (mass or series)<br />

production all products and services are produced in the same and a very efficient way.<br />

The customer is usually not known in the time of production. In the case of a project the<br />

activities differ and also the result of a project depends on the requirements of the<br />

customers.<br />

The time constraint means that each project has a starting and finishing event. Project is a<br />

temporary effort. Also activities within the project have their time constraints. It is very<br />

important that a project is implemented as soon as possible.<br />

Within projects many activities can run at the same time in a parallel way whereas in a<br />

mass production they run in a successive way. In a project activities are tightly interwoven<br />

and the coordination of activities, people and other resources can be quite difficult.<br />

Let us – for the sake of easier understanding – mention a few different projects. Building a<br />

house, a factory, a road is quite easy to understand as a project. So is introducing a new<br />


product or service, or a new technology. Research, preparing a strategic plan or a<br />

reorganization of the company, introducing TQM system are projects without any doubt.<br />

A project consists of many activities and events. Events are the start or the finish of<br />

activities and projects. Some similar activities join to parts of a project, to sub-projects.<br />

Thus, a project can consist of more sub-projects. Similarly, some similar projects together<br />

represent a program. All the projects or programs within an enterprise represent the<br />

portfolio of projects. Thus, a portfolio consists of programs, programs consist of projects,<br />

projects consist of sub-projects.<br />

1.1.2 Kinds of projects<br />

There are different criteria used to divide projects to different kinds of them. Each kind of<br />

projects has its own characteristics. One of the divisions of projects is regarding the result<br />

of projects: product (e.g. a bridge) or service (e.g. a strategic plan).<br />

The next division is according to the person requiring a project: an individual or family<br />

(house construction), company (building a factory), a user (road construction), and state<br />

(tax reform).<br />

Lock (2003, pp. 4-6) distinguishes four groups of projects: construction (construction<br />

business), production (construction of machines, airplanes, ships), managerial (marketing<br />

campaign, restructuring), and research (developing new technologies) projects.<br />

Carroll (2006, pp. 13-14) distinguishes hard (road construction) and soft (reorganization)<br />

projects.<br />

Quite some authors (e.g. Turner, 1993, Thomsett (2002, pp. 45-46) discuss small, big, huge<br />

and multi-projects. The criteria used are complexity, duration, risk, financial requirements,<br />

stakeholders, etc. By complexity we understand not only the number of activities,<br />

duration, and costs but above all the relationships between activities and people, their<br />

interdependences, parallel implementation, diversity of people involved etc. Very complex<br />

projects are e.g. construction of Channel tunnel, space program Shuttle, moon landing,<br />

Endicott oil field etc.<br />

The next division is to determined and stochastic projects. Within the determined projects<br />

data on activities, their determination, duration etc. are quite known in advance. Within<br />

stochastic projects the mentioned items are less known and more risc is involved<br />

concerning the achievement of projects goals.<br />


1.1.3 The development of projects<br />

Most of the production started as individual. Due to efficiency people tried to develop<br />

series and mass production through which costs and prices decreased. However, it is not<br />

possible to develop the production of all products as mass production.<br />

On the other hand due to efficient production to many products are produced and services<br />

offered compared to demand. Customers have the choice and they require products to be<br />

more individualized. In a way production started to be more individual (JIT production).<br />

Customers require adaptation from the producers. Producers have to develop new<br />

products and services. To introduce novelties the research and development are required.<br />

They are conducted in teams; innovation, research and similar are projects.<br />

The time competition started to take place. It is not important only to produce new<br />

products. It is important to introduce them as soon as possible. This can be achieved<br />

through more parallel activities, which represents the basic idea of projects.<br />

All these changes require changes in organizational or managerial structures and processes.<br />

Development of information systems, strategic planning, TQM are just a few of responding<br />

projects.<br />

Strategies bring huge changes in the enterprises. They represent novelties, are complex; so<br />

is their implementation. The preparation of strategic plans can be based on project<br />

approach and the implementation of strategies represents a project.<br />

Although we can talk about projects already in the ancient times (Egyptian pyramids,<br />

China wall, temples, aquaducts etc.) projects seriously started to develop around the<br />

middle of 20 th century due to mentioned factors. They spread to different areas, within all<br />

the institutions, in all countries around the world. Computer programs dealing with<br />

planning and control developed. There is neither an area nor the place where projects<br />

cannot be found. Their appearance, implementation and development are universal.<br />

1.1.4 Project life cycle<br />

Each project (e.g. building a house) has its start and end. It runs as a process through<br />

different phases. In the house construction example the necessary documentation is<br />

prepared, land activities follow etc. In the case of strategic planning there are activities on<br />

internal and external analysis, vision and goal setting, developing strategies etc., before<br />

strategic plan is accepted. Quite often authors talk about starting or conceptual phase,<br />

development of the project, execution and finish.<br />


It is interesting to observe human efforts and needs for financing within different stages of<br />

the project life cycle. Within starting phases there is relatively less manpower and costs<br />

required. The starting phases require quite some duration compared to work and costs. In<br />

the middle of the project during the execution phase the work used and costs increase<br />

tremendously. At the end of the project the starting situation is repeated. The use of<br />

financial and human resources thus changes through the project development.<br />

1.2 Management<br />

1.2.1 Development of management<br />

All living beings try to survive in a successful way. Guided by instinct they behave in a<br />

rational way. Due to constraints of means for survival and/or satisfying their needs they<br />

have to act in an efficient way. Human beings – differently to the animals – act also in a<br />

conscious way. They introduce technical division of labour, they establish organizations<br />

consciously to increase the efficiency and the probability and quality of survival.<br />

Both, formally established and developed technical division of labour as well as<br />

development of organizations represent the most important elements of development of<br />

mankind. They are the cornerstones of industrial and post-industrial development.<br />

Technical division of labour exists within organizations. Parts of technically divided labor<br />

(duties) are not isolated; they represent connected parts of the whole. Duties are assigned<br />

to members of organizations. Members are connected to each other. They are in<br />

relationships. They are interacting. All the relationships among them ought to be assigned<br />

in a way, which will yield a rational achievement of organization’s goals. Organizations<br />

are more than a sum of individuals. The relationships, if properly established, result in<br />

synergy. Dynamic relationships among members represent organization (of<br />

organizations – social units).<br />

Technical division of labour requires the coordination (by extent, by time, by content etc.)<br />

of divided labour (duties or even broader of different kinds of relationships). Like the<br />

division of labour the coordination started in an informal way. Through the development it<br />

starts to become formal. Coordination becomes more complex and requires special<br />

knowledge and abilities. The coordination starts to be performed by managers.<br />

Coordination is the content of managerial job, of management. Within the social units<br />

there are specialists and managers. Specialist performs small parts of the entire work of a<br />

social unit whereas managers try to coordinate specialists in a way to achieve best results<br />

of the social unit. Specialists do the business activities whereas managers assure that the<br />

business will be conducted in a rational way.<br />


The approaches to management have changed through time. School of scientific<br />

management (Taylor) saw employees in a technical way as parts of well-oiled machinery.<br />

Process school made the research on the managerial process as a rationality assuring<br />

process as different to the business process. Managerial process consists of planning,<br />

organizing, leading and control. Other approaches look at employees not as machines but<br />

living beings. Let us mention human relations approach, organizational behaviour<br />

approach, systems’ approach and contingency approach.<br />

1.2.2 Managerial process<br />

Each consciously performed activity of an individual starts by thinking ahead about the<br />

result (product, service) and the process of how to achieve it. This part of the entire process<br />

is known as planning. Following the plan individual has to develop willingness to act<br />

according to the plan. This endeavour to achieve planned results is known as control.<br />

Following the plan and control the execution of the activity starts. The individual<br />

working process thus exists of planning, controlling and executing. The real work is<br />

done within the execution phase. Planning and control try to assure that the execution is<br />

conducted in a rational, efficient way. These two phases can be called organizational or<br />

rationality assuring phases.<br />

How does the described process look like within the social unit. As we said already,<br />

members of the social unit are not independent. They have to plan, control and act in a<br />

mutual way or managers have to plan and control considering relationships among<br />

members. Managerial process as described by all authors on management thus consists of<br />

planning, organizing, leadership and control.<br />

Firstly, managers think ahead about the goals and (business) processes of the entire social<br />

unit. This represents the planning phase. Next, plans have to be made on the individual<br />

level. Duties, responsibilities, authority and communication have to be assigned to<br />

individuals. This phase is known as organizing. Managers have to communicate to<br />

specialists, they motivate them and lead them in the direction of fulfilling their goals. This<br />

managerial phase is called leadership and often includes HRM unless it is shown<br />

separately. Following plan of the business, plan of individuals and leadership<br />

business/execution starts. Execution has to be controlled at the individual and business<br />

level. We talk about individual (organizational) and business control. The entire process is<br />

shown in the next table.<br />


1.3 Governing-managerial and implementation process<br />

Business planning Execution Business control<br />

Plan of org. Actuation of org. Control of org.<br />

Managerial process has been firstly determined as a coordination process and now as a<br />

rationality assuring process. The managerial job as a process is a decision-making<br />

process. This process consists of cognizing (through analysis: observation of symptoms<br />

and diagnosis as finding reasons for deviations) the subject of the decision-making and its<br />

goal; of looking for different solutions; and selecting the best solution according to the<br />

goal.<br />

Now, let us define management. Management is an organizational (not execution)<br />

process or function, which:<br />

• coordinates the technically divided labor (or broader all the relationships) to an<br />

entity,<br />

• assures the rational actions by planning (business and organization), by actuation<br />

(HRM and leadership),<br />

• makes important decisions on the subject of their responsibility.<br />

Let us now connect management to projects.<br />

1.4 Project management<br />

The subject of project management are projects. In a pure tecnical meaning project<br />

managers coordinate different activities (and employees at the same time). However, they<br />

also coordinate project members: their activities, responsibility (interests, goals), authority,<br />

communication. Compared to repetitive production the prevailing coordination within<br />

projects is horizontal and less vertical. It relies on referent power and less on the power of<br />

position.<br />

According to the managerial process projects represent mainly the organizational part<br />

whereas the business part is managed by general management. Business part is represented<br />

mainly by strategies (e.g. investments), their plan, execution and control. As we will see<br />

projects are the organizational part of business strategies. Projects are planned, actuated<br />


and controlled at the organizational level. Through project management managers try to<br />

assure a rational achievement of project goals. Project goals are finishing date of the<br />

project, costs and quality of the project.<br />

Project management is also a decision making process. Decisions are made on dates,<br />

activities, project quality, financial means etc.<br />

Project management is defined as an organizational process on projects, which,<br />

• coordinates activities, project members, financial means,<br />

• plans, actuates and controls in order to assure timely, efficient and quality conduct<br />

of project,<br />

• makes decisions on activities, members, costs etc.<br />

1.5 Control questions<br />

1. Define project and discuss its characteristics. Show different projects and discuss<br />

them.<br />

2. Show different kinds of projects and show some examples.<br />

3. Show some reasons for increased number of projects.<br />

4. Discuss the project life cycle.<br />

5. Discuss goals of the project.<br />

6. Discuss general management and show it as a coordinative, rationality assuring and<br />

decision-making activity.<br />

7. Define and discuss project management. Show its relationship to strategy.<br />

2 STRATEGIES AND <strong>PROJECT</strong>S<br />

2.1 Introduction<br />

At the annual conference on project management in 2001, organized by Slovenian Project<br />

Management Association, one of the authors delivered a paper on the importance of<br />

considering the profitability of projects as we plan and control them (or as we make<br />

decisions on them). He argued – and being a very good speaker also persuaded the<br />

audience – that in projects the profitability or similar more elaborated criteria like netpresent<br />

value or internal rate of return should be considered. According to him that is not<br />

the case with most projects in Slovenian companies and in return the results of projects -<br />

measured in profit - are not satisfactory. Hence, he concluded, project management is not<br />

adequately developed.<br />


At that time I conducted some research on some other issues of project management and<br />

my conclusion was that profitability (or some other similar measures of effectiveness) is<br />

not the goal of the project. As its main goals most authors name the performance<br />

(quality), costs and time. There are also many projects where the profitability cannot be<br />

measured. And finally, within enterprises the general management and not project<br />

managers are responsible for profitability. However, many authors suggest that projects<br />

should be selected on a profitability basis.<br />

So I decided to devote some time to the study of the related issues of project goals and the<br />

purpose of the projects. An additional reason for studying purpose and goals of the<br />

projects is the finding that one of the most mentioned reasons for project failure is<br />

inappropriate determination of project’s purpose and goals. I think also that more<br />

theoretical research on project management would be appropriate at the today’s level of<br />

project management development. Lack of theory could harm further development of<br />

practice, which is very likely ahead of the theory.<br />

To verify my standpoint that performance and not profitability is the goal of the project,<br />

during the roundtable discussion on project management at the conference 2002 I asked the<br />

participants one simple question:<br />

Let us assume a project: construction of a new factory. Project manager A manages the<br />

project and delivers it in required performance and quality, in short time and within<br />

required costs. Factory starts to operate. Unfortunately, sales are low because the market<br />

behaves quite different to the market analysis conducted within the feasibility study made<br />

prior the project. Factory makes a loss. In a similar case the project manager B manages<br />

the construction of another factory. The performance of the factory is lower than expected,<br />

schedules are overdue and actual costs exceed the requirements. Factory starts to operate.<br />

There is an increasing demand for products and the sales are over expectations. The factory<br />

makes profit. The question arises: which project manager is better, A or B.<br />

Although everybody would expect that at least project managers know who is a good<br />

project manager participants felt uneasy in answering the question. Around half of them<br />

thought that project managers were responsible also for the profit of the factory and<br />

according to them project manager B would be superior to project manager A. I tried to<br />

explain that project manager A was superior to project manager B. He achieved the goals<br />

of the project. He was very efficient. Unfortunately, the decision on the new investment<br />

was not so good. However, top management was responsible for the decision on the<br />

investment. In case B this decision was quite good but the management of the project was<br />

not.<br />


Let us briefly look at another problem. At many conferences on project management<br />

authors quite often discuss practical cases of conducting project management. It happens<br />

that they do not explain the project management but the process that is implemented by<br />

project management. E. g. once, at an international conference on project management in<br />

the new economy, one of the authors presented a paper on the project of privatization in<br />

one of the transitional countries. But in reality he explained the privatization process and<br />

not the specifics (if any) of managing such a process. In general, there was more discussion<br />

on the new economy than on the project management. Some authors on information,<br />

construction, and other projects often present more the information systems, construction<br />

and other areas than the management of the projects. Many authors do not distinguish<br />

between the managerial and execution (or business) process.<br />

The third issue concerns the relationship between strategies and projects, which is<br />

discussed by many authors in detail. They have all started with the fact that strategies are<br />

rarely successfully implemented and that projects quite often do not meet their goals. Many<br />

practicing managers come to the right explanation that strategies have to be implemented<br />

by project organization. In this case strategies are distinguished from projects. Very rarely<br />

the relationship is explained and founded within a theoretical framework.<br />

The three issues and the questions that arose within them derive from the same root and are<br />

connected. That is the reason for my joint discussion of them. I will discuss them<br />

separately first and show the dilemmas. I will show the problems as a consequence of an<br />

inappropriate understanding of business/organization relationship and explain them in the<br />

light of a different understanding of the organization. Doing this I will also try to develop<br />

some more theoretical approach to project management, believing that nothing is as<br />

practical as a good theory.<br />

2.2 Goals and the purpose of the project<br />

Most very well and less known authors in project management agree upon three basic<br />

goals of a project: performance, costs and time. Mantel et al. (2001, p. 5) clearly define<br />

the three basic goals for any project. Kerzner (2001, p. 59) also defines project success as<br />

the completion of an activity within the constraints of time, cost, and performance. He also<br />

suggests that today some additional criteria are to be added. According to Rosenau (1998,<br />

p. 15) a successful project management means accomplishing the performance<br />

specifications before the time limit and within the budgeted costs. Rosenau discusses<br />

different reasons why the goals of the project are rarely achieved.<br />

Most authors will describe the three goals as a triangle of goals, whose weights will differ<br />

from project to project. The three goals are often in conflict. Project specifics determine the<br />

relative importance of each dimension of the Triple Constraint (Rosenau, 1998, p. 22).<br />


Some authors prefer to use the term quality instead of performance. They emphasize that<br />

the quality of the product delivered by a project should be in accordance with the required<br />

one. Some authors add quality and talk of quality and performance. E. g. Fuller (1997, p.<br />

xii-xiii) requires that there should be a clear definition of the end product and of its quality.<br />

Performance and quality of a project might include also the requirement to finish the<br />

project on time and at low costs. People involved in quality management will agree with<br />

this definition of quality. Time and costs represent resources that are used to produce a<br />

product. We can conclude that projects should be conducted in an efficient way; the end<br />

product should be produced efficiently. Efficiency is defined as a ratio between output and<br />

input. In a concrete situation the end product and its quality should be achieved within little<br />

time and with other resources used.<br />

We can conclude that the mentioned goals of projects are “technical” goals independent of<br />

the socio-economic system and can be summarized as efficiency. The project manager<br />

has to manage a required project to assure its completion in the most efficient way.<br />

From the above example we have seen that the performance of a project manager is<br />

measured by the degree to which the three goals are achieved. It seems quite natural that<br />

we will evaluate two or more projects or project managers on the basis of the planned or<br />

actual achievement of the three goals. When planning the projects we select them within<br />

the planning process on this basis and later evaluate them within the control.<br />

But if we look at some known books on project management we find some other criteria<br />

for selection of the projects. E. g. Mantel et al. (2001, pp. 8-16) or Meredith and Mantel<br />

(2000, pp. 39-61) tell us that before a project begins it must have been selected by some<br />

criteria, also and quite often on the basis of profitability. Authors discuss different criteria<br />

and models of selection like payback period, average rate of return, internal rate of return,<br />

net present value and others. Kerzner (2001a, p. 123), among different criteria for selecting<br />

projects, names also their profitability.<br />

We could be confused now. On which basis the projects should be selected: the<br />

profitability or the stated goals? We can refer to our introductory question: who is a good<br />

project manager: a project manager who delivers the project on time and at low costs or a<br />

project manager who delivers a profitable project? Very often – but not always – both –<br />

efficiency and profitability - move in the same direction.<br />

Already the authors themselves emphasize that before the project begins its life cycle, it<br />

has to be selected by parent organization (Mantel et al., 2001, p. 8). The selection is<br />

usually complete before a project manager is appointed. Project manager has no influence<br />

on the selection. Graham and Endlund (1997, p. 231) stated clearly that project selection is<br />


normally done by an upper-management team. The same authors are of the opinion that the<br />

top management team has to be informed about the project so that they can make a<br />

selection, basically on the net present value, return on investment, and the discount period<br />

based upon the cost and benefit streams.<br />

From the above it is quite clear that first the decision on projects selection is conducted on<br />

the basis of effectiveness: whether they add to the goal of the company, to the profit.<br />

Responsible for this decision are top managers. Project managers than decide about the<br />

project following the three criteria: to manage the project in most efficient way. However,<br />

the goal of the company has to guide their decision. We can also say that top managers<br />

make the right decision whereas project managers try to manage the selected project right.<br />

From the point of view of project manager the achievement of the profitability is not the<br />

goal of the project; it is the goal of the enterprise, the criteria for decisions made by general<br />

management. It is the purpose (mission) of the project. The purpose or mission is<br />

explaining why the project exists. This is usually explained in a few sentences and in terms<br />

of profitability and similar (socio-economic) goals of the company. By definition the<br />

purpose is supposed to be outside the decisions made on the subject-project. The purpose is<br />

very crucial for the project manager. He should exactly know why company has selected a<br />

project (it would be much better and correctly to say an investment, or a strategy instead<br />

the project) to plan and accomplish project goals in the best way.<br />

Many authors claim that one of major problems in managing projects is the fact that<br />

neither the purpose nor the goals of projects are clearly established (especially the<br />

performance). I would emphasize that we clearly point out that it is the top management<br />

that is responsible for profitability. Project managers are responsible for achieving the<br />

goals of the project through the team. However, they can sometimes influence the selection<br />

of investments, strategies etc. even if this is not their responsibility. In practice both<br />

decisions (on strategy and on project) are connected.<br />

I would also suggest to emphasize that top managers select the strategies, investments,<br />

changes. For the selected strategy we have to find the best project. We have to make the<br />

distinction between strategies on one side and projects on the other. As the mentioned<br />

authors discuss the selection of projects by profitability and similar criteria of effectiveness<br />

they use the word project in an inappropriate way. It would be correct not to talk about<br />

selection of projects but about selection of investments, strategies, changes. The first ones<br />

are selected by effectiveness criteria, the second ones by efficiency. Whereas the<br />

effectiveness is the goal of the business of the enterprise, the efficiency is the goal of the<br />

(technical) organization.<br />


Webster (1993, p. 7) emphasizes that project is not synonymous with the product or<br />

outcome of the project. “The word project is often used ambigously, sometimes referring<br />

to the project and sometimes referring to the product of the project”. The product is<br />

decided through feasibility study using profitability criteria. The most efficient project that<br />

will assure the achievement of the profitability in a rational way should be selected.<br />

If we have to distinguish the goals of the project from its purpose (or goals of investments<br />

or broader, of strategies), let us discuss what is the relationship between projects and<br />

strategies. This relationship is much discussed but mainly only from the practical<br />

perspective. It is not settled from the theoretical perspective.<br />

2.3 Problem of relationship between strategies and projects<br />

There are many reasons to believe that the success of a company heavily depends on<br />

management. Within management two issues are regarded as having utmost importance for<br />

the success of a company: strategies and projects. For that reason, it is astonishing that<br />

many authors and practitioners find that strategies are rarely implemented and that projects<br />

do not meet their objectives. Many authors discussing strategic planning and project<br />

management deal with this problem. Taylor (1995, pp. 71-81) points out that “a key<br />

problem with strategic planning was how to turn strategies into actions”. Worley, Hitchin<br />

and Ross (1996, p.4) agree, saying,” the largest criticism of strategic management<br />

(although being thought different from planning just by including implementation) is the<br />

difficulty in getting good strategies implemented. Hay and Williamson (1991, p. 4),<br />

quoting a survey conducted by Fortune, conclude that “implementation is believed to be<br />

the simple, most important cause of that failure”. Randolph and Posner (1992, p. xii) say<br />

that many books have been written on management, but few of them emphasize the<br />

importance of getting the job done.<br />

Several authors claim that the strategic plan overemphasizes what shall be done rather then<br />

how to do it. Lord (1993, pp. 76-85) asserts that “by focusing more on what needs to be<br />

done rather than how is it to be achieved, corporate planners may have failed to appreciate<br />

that competing can in practice subvert certain key objectives”. Worley, Hitchin and Ross<br />

(1996, pp.4-5) say that “traditional strategy formulation and implementation primarily<br />

involve describing the content of change – the “what”, not the process of the “how”.<br />

Organizational development principles are rarely used in strategy implementation.”<br />

Greiner and Schein (1988, p. 80) agree that organizational development can make a<br />

valuable contribution to the strategy formulation and implementation process”. Taylor<br />

(1997, p. 80) suggests managing the implementation of strategic plans through company<br />

structure, culture, business processes and HRM. Johnson (1992, pp. 28-36) suggests that<br />

proper organizational culture, organizational structure and control systems increase the<br />

likelihood of achieving fundamental strategic change. Wilson (1994, pp. 28-36) suggests<br />


that the most provocative finding is the growing emphasis on organization and culture as<br />

critical ingredients in the execution of strategy. Daft (1998, p. 556) points out that a “key<br />

task for top leaders is to decide on goals and strategy and then to design the organizational<br />

form appropriate for the strategy”.<br />

From the above, it appears, based on these quotes, that the problem of not executing<br />

strategies is the relationship between business strategy and organization. Can we<br />

theoretically prove these practical findings?<br />

2.4 The business and managerial process<br />

The business (or execution) process within a company consists of personnel, purchasing,<br />

production, marketing and financial function. The goal of the business process is to<br />

produce and sell products and services to gain profit. Without a business process a<br />

company cannot be operating. Within a project participants have to execute many activities<br />

to create the end product. Even more is required. Participants have to cooperate in an<br />

efficient and rational way. It is the duty and responsibility of the project manager to assure<br />

such a rational achievement of project’s goals.<br />

The managerial process or function does not result in products and services directly. Its<br />

purpose is to assure the rationality of the business process to achieve the business goals.<br />

Managerial process consists of many processes or functions. There is some disagreement<br />

among authors on management about sub-processes. But most of them discuss the<br />

following processes or functions: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. They<br />

include staffing or HRM either into leading or show it separately; into the leading they<br />

include leadership, communication, and motivation, too. Few authors nowadays discuss<br />

coordination as a managerial function. It is the essence or the basic principle of<br />

management. For some authors also the decision making process is a managerial process.<br />

Yet, it is more the method of management process. So, management process is defined<br />

according to its purpose of assuring the rational achievement of company goal as planning,<br />

organizing, leading and controlling. In its content management is coordination and in its<br />

method it is decision-making.<br />

Let us look at the managerial process. All the authors start the managerial functions with<br />

planning. However, a closer look at their books and chapters on planning will reveal that<br />

they discuss the planning of a company, of the over-all business. Individuals conduct the<br />

execution of such a plan, not the company as a whole. For that reason managers determine<br />

duties, responsibilities and authorities of the employees. They should be assigned to<br />

individuals in a coordinated way. Managers organize, design or plan the organization in<br />

such a way that the plan of the business will be rationally conducted and the goal of the<br />

company achieved. But non-managers or specialists cannot start working yet. First, they<br />


have to be told what to do, they have to be motivated and they should trust their superiors.<br />

This is leadership: to achieve the goals that managers plan through employees. Managers<br />

influence them through their traits and behaviour, by communicating and motivating.<br />

Employees execute the plan of business. Managers control the organization (whether<br />

duties, responsibilities and authority have been executed and used in a planned way) and<br />

then they control the business.<br />

Although authors explain the above process as one, in reality there are two interwoven<br />

processes: the first one being planning, executing and controlling business and the second<br />

one planning, actuating (executing) and controlling the organization. However, also the<br />

HRM is to be included within actuating.<br />

To explain and clarify the three stated problems and to suggest solutions to them let us<br />

look at the developed theory and definition of the organization.<br />

2.5 The developed theory of organization<br />

Most authors define organization in a similar way. For that reason I will mention only a<br />

few of them. George and Jones (1996, p.4) defined the organization as “a collection of<br />

people who work together to achieve a wide variety of goals”. Wilson and Rosenfeld<br />

(1990, p. 2) defined organizations as “social collectivises…filled with people”. Donaldson<br />

(1995, p. 135) describes organization as created and sustained in order to attain certain<br />

objectives. Pfeffer and Salancik (Pfeffer, 1997, p. 7) state that “the goal oriented or<br />

instrumental view of organizations implies that organizations are collections of individual<br />

efforts that are coordinated to achieve things that could not be achieved through individual<br />

action alone.” All the above and other similar definitions define organization(s) as social<br />

unit(s) consisting of people and having specific goals. However, the social unit or its<br />

parts or specific units like companies are studied by different sciences such as sociology,<br />

economics, psychology, anthropology, and engineering. The question arises whether there<br />

exists any specific and autonomous science on the “organization”.<br />

An explanation for the behaviour of a social unit is only possible by explaining<br />

relationships among members. Different authors give the central role of explaining the<br />

behaviour of a social unit to relationships that comprise it. Koontz (1962, p. 11) stated that<br />

a semantic confusion lies in the word organization. Many authors define it as an activityauthority<br />

structure of the enterprise, and refer to it as a technical structure. Some use the<br />

term organization meaning an enterprise, which matches our previous definition of<br />

organization as a social unit. “Yet a large number of organization theorists conceive of<br />

organization as being the sum total of human relationships in any group activity; thus they<br />

seem to make it equivalent to social structure”, according to Koontz (1962, p. 11). Koontz<br />

and O’Donnell (1968, p. 63) feel that relationships bind members of a social unit together.<br />


Robey and Sales (1994, p. 79) define organization as “a system of roles and stream of<br />

activities to accomplish shared purposes. The phrase system of roles describes the structure<br />

of an organization; stream of activities refers to organizational processes.”<br />

Although regarded by many authors as very significant, the relationships among members<br />

of a social unit remain subordinate in importance to the social unit (or to individuals). They<br />

have not become a specific, direct subject of research of whatever science yet. On the<br />

dynamic side of the social units the organizational processes are still seen as aiming to<br />

accomplish the goal of the social unit (according to our discussion the authors do not<br />

distinguish the business from organizational processes). They are not seen as processes,<br />

which adequately ensure rationality of the goal achievement; organizational processes are<br />

thus not clearly separated from business processes. Business processes or execution<br />

processes accomplish the goal of the social unit. Organizational processes assure that<br />

business goals will be achieved in a rational (efficient) way. Business looks for<br />

effectiveness, organization looks for efficiency. The emphasis on relationships among<br />

members of a social unit is a sign that at today’s level of development, relationships are the<br />

most important factor contributing to the success of the social unit.<br />

Now let us quote the definition of organization (of the social unit) as proposed by Lipovec:<br />

“Organization is the composition or a system of relationships among people, who<br />

through relationships become members of a formed social unit. Organization assures<br />

the identity, existence, development and specific characteristics of the social unit and<br />

a rational achievement of the goal of the social unit” (Lipovec, 1987, p. 35). The first<br />

part of the definition shows the structure of relationships in a static way. The second part is<br />

a dynamic, rationality assuring part. The dynamic, assuring relationship is the smallest part<br />

of the organization. It is a subject, an object and a process at the same time. As the<br />

organizational elements are separated from non-organizational (business) ones it is<br />

possible to study organization in the defined sense independently, as a subject of<br />

organizational science. Formal and informal structures and processes compose the<br />

organization. For more details on the above theory that combines Taylor’s relationships<br />

and Fayol’s processes see e.g. Lipovec (1987) and Rozman (2000, pp. 31-39).<br />

Sociology studies social units and groups. To explain them it is necessary to study<br />

relationships and individuals, too, but as subordinated to a social unit. Psychologists study<br />

individuals. To explain their thoughts, feelings and behaviour, their relationships and the<br />

social unit have to be considered. Researchers in the organization (of organizations) study<br />

dynamic relationships. However, they are connected to individuals and groups within<br />

social units. Organization structures and processes are of utmost importance to<br />

management. Due to them the social unit is more than just a sum of individuals. Let us<br />

now discuss the three issues from the point of view of a new understanding of<br />

organization.<br />


2.6 Purpose and goals, strategies and projects, business and<br />

organization<br />

Strategies are the result of a strategic plan. They are the only part of strategic plan that is<br />

supposed to be executed. They are part of the business world. It is obvious that they cannot<br />

be directly implemented by a social unit but by individuals through planning and actuating<br />

of organization. As the strategies represent a unique, important, one time effort and change<br />

in which different people are involved, the most suitable organizational structure (formal)<br />

and culture (informal) will be the project or project matrix organization. To increase the<br />

level of strategy implementation projects’ or project-matrix’ organizational structure and<br />

culture and leadership (and other managerial processes) have to be considered. Many<br />

authors suggest this on the basis of their practical experience.<br />

I tried to give a logical explanation following the distinction between the business and<br />

organizational or managerial process. I see them as two connected but different processes:<br />

planning strategy, planning project, actuating project, executing strategy (by non<br />

managers), controlling project, controlling strategy. If we look at the strategies we can see<br />

that the process consists of planning, executing and controlling strategies. If we look at<br />

them from the project side the process consists of planning, actuating (the term actuating is<br />

used to emphasize that the “execution” of planned organization is conducted by managers<br />

themselves). The connecting phase between both processes is the actuation of the<br />

organization (project). Through actuation (leadership) the actual organization is established<br />

and the execution of business (strategy) starts.<br />

In practice, the preparation of the strategic plan has to be followed by converting<br />

strategies to projects. At least the purpose, goals, scope, appointment of project managers<br />

and similar issues become part of the strategic plan. Let us assume that management has<br />

prepared a strategic plan. Before the acceptance of the strategic plan, a discussion should<br />

be held on how strategies will be implemented. This discussion might even change the<br />

strategy. Following this discussion the strategies and their consequences are accepted and<br />

projects “opened”. The project manager and some team members are nominated, duration,<br />

costs and quality determined.<br />

I suggest that a one page project opening document should be prepared for each project.<br />

Management and execution of strategy as well as management of project are interwoven<br />

and both can gain if their relationship is properly established.<br />

Through the described process many advantages are achieved. Already in the preparation<br />

of strategic plan the execution of strategies is discussed. At the same time it is possible to<br />

assign people to projects taking into account their interest, knowledge, commitment, time<br />

at disposal etc. The implementation of projects is controlled and its influence on business<br />


esults followed. This can be a basis for updating strategic plan once a year. Within the<br />

company project managers gain on importance. General manager can conduct special<br />

meetings with them and not only with functional managers.<br />

Again, we make the distinction between business and organization: strategies are part of<br />

the business whereas the projects are the connected part of the organization (Rozman,<br />

2000(a), pp. 54-58). Strategies and projects are only a part of the business-organization (or<br />

management) relationships. And finally, purpose of the project management is the<br />

achievement of the goal of strategies; the goal of project management is to efficiently<br />

achieve the goals of the project.<br />

2.7 Conclusion<br />

It has been indicated that through increased importance of relationships the greatest<br />

improvement in practice and in science nowadays can be achieved in the area, defined as<br />

organization. The managerial process of planning, organizing, leading, controlling does not<br />

take into account or, at least does not emphasize enough the fact that it involves two<br />

different yet connected subjects: business and organization. The existent description of the<br />

managerial process is not entirely logical. Planning refers to business. Execution is<br />

correctly left out as a non-managerial activity. Controlling often involves both: business<br />

and organization. Organizing is really planning of organization and HRM and leadership<br />

are the implementation of organization. Controlling of organization is carried out within<br />

business control. It appears to be more correct to show the process as planning, execution<br />

(actuating) and controlling either business or organization.<br />

If we look at project management we can understand under planning sub-processes like<br />

goals setting, WBS, scheduling, resources and costs planning; design of organizational<br />

structure, developing projects’ supporting organizational culture, determining stakeholders<br />

and their roles. Actuation consists of HRM, leadership, communication and motivation.<br />

Controlling concerns the same issues as planning. Our explanation of the managerial<br />

process based on a different definition of organization as a system of dynamic relationships<br />

seems to us more consistent and systematic. To prove it I have shown three connected<br />

cases to explain some areas where due to present approaches the doubts have been raised<br />

and different explanations given.<br />

We have to distinguish between the purpose and the goals of the project; between<br />

strategies and projects; and between the business content of projects and managerial issues.<br />

However, they are related. The distinction between organization as a social unit and its<br />

business and organization as a structure of relationships is crucial for studying organization<br />

and management and for the explanation of discussed relationships. It becomes clear that<br />

the business process is different from the (project) managerial process; projects are the<br />


organizational counterpart of strategies and the goals and purpose of projects are distinct.<br />

Following our understanding of organization many areas can be looked upon differently;<br />

many problems can be explained logically and new research can be developed within both<br />

the applied science of management and pure organizational science.<br />

2.8 Control questions<br />

1. Discuss the meaning of the purpose and of goals in a common understanding and<br />

especially connected to projects.<br />

2. Discuss the developed theory of organization and especially the governingmanagement<br />

process.<br />

3. Discuss the similarity in characteristics of strategies and projects.<br />

4. Discuss the relationship between strategies and projects.<br />

5. Discuss the process of strategic plan update.<br />


3.1 Proposal of the project<br />

As we mentioned already the most important changes within the company are known as<br />

strategies. They are proposed as the result of strategic planning process. The result of such<br />

a process - usually based on SWOT analysis - are the desired goals and proposed strategies<br />

through which planned goals will be attained. In the planning process goals determine<br />

strategies whereas in the execution process strategies are executed and lead to results<br />

(attained goals). Strategies are the only part of the strategic plan to be executed. They can<br />

be properly executed only through an organization, which will be based on projects.<br />

Strategies are thus implemented through projects.<br />

General manager (CEO) is responsible for selecting strategies on the basis of their<br />

effectiveness.. Different strategies can lead to the same goal and likewise also different<br />

projects can implement the same strategy. Again, the top manager is responsible for<br />

selecting and proposing the appropriate project. However, he can get necessary<br />

information and support from other employees especially the potential project manager.<br />

We can say that most important projects within the company are selected and proposed by<br />

top manager. Smaller projects, which are connected only to some business functions or<br />

departments can be proposed and opened by functional or departmental managers.<br />

What we argued so far is without any doubt true for “internal” projects. Quite often<br />

companies execute “external” projects e.g. a construction company competes to get a roadbuilding<br />

project. Again, the decision to prepare a bid to get the project is made by top<br />


management. Let us mention that within the bid costs, duration and quality of the<br />

deliverable (which are the goals of each project) have to be clearly proposed. The selection<br />

of the best project is made by the institution (committee) placing the order – asking for<br />

bids (tender). If company’s project is selected as best, again the general manager will<br />

decide whether to carry on the project or to withdraw. In any case we can claim that it is<br />

the duty, responsibility and authority of top management to select, propose and (officially)<br />

open the (internal or external) project.<br />

3.2 The content of the formal (official) opening of the project<br />

Formal opening or authorization of the project includes the title of the project, a brief<br />

description or concept, purpose, and goals of the project as well as the selection of the<br />

project manager. Dependent on the top manager as authorizer of the project some other<br />

decisions can be also made. The mentioned decisions represent the minimum proposed and<br />

decided by top manager.<br />

The concept includes a brief description of the project as understood by general manager.<br />

He can emphasize some issues of great importance and also some content (not only<br />

organizational) characteristics.<br />

The purpose is the reason why the project has to be conducted. The purpose is to deliver a<br />

product (new factory) or service (system of strategic planning) to the customer and hereby<br />

achieve a sound economic result (profit). The purpose is usually understood as<br />

implementation of a strategy.<br />

The project has to be conducted in an efficient way. Therefore the goals of the project are:<br />

duration of the project (which is a specific objective), costs of the project and<br />

performance/quality of the project. Poorly determined purpose and goals are often the<br />

reason for unsuccessful accomplishment of a project.<br />

The selection of project manager is one of most important decisions. The criteria like the<br />

availability of potential project managers and their time, their knowledge and abilities in<br />

management and especially leadership, technical knowledge, and their references<br />

(successfully managing similar projects) play important role in their selection. However,<br />

there exists lack of experienced project managers in almost all companies.<br />

General manager also often proposes directing-supervisory board of the project and some<br />

other bodies or team members, suggests some milestones - important events and dates<br />

within the project, points at some project constraints etc. The whole process of opening a<br />

project can be regulated by a formal organizational regulation.<br />


Quite often many projects run at the same time. They compete for human and financial<br />

resources. It is suggested to prepare a document showing all the projects in work and report<br />

about their status as compared to the plan. This document enables the general manager to<br />

follow the implementation of projects/strategies.<br />

3.3 Control questions<br />

1. Who can propose a new project? Show a few examples and discuss why the general<br />

manager (or perhaps somebody else) usually makes the proposal.<br />

2. Show the elements, which are proposed within the opening document and discuss<br />

them.<br />

4 <strong>PROJECT</strong> PLANNING<br />

4.1 Network programming<br />

Planning is thinking ahead about the process (activities) and result of human actions. By<br />

thinking ahead we assure a rational conduct of activities and increase the probability of the<br />

planned. achievement. Planning is also coordination and decision-making process.<br />

In planning repetitive production the Gantt charts or bar charts have been used. They suit<br />

the repetitive production. As projects started to develop there did not exist an appropriate<br />

planning method to be used within projects. At the beginning the Gantt charts tried to be<br />

used. However, Gantt charts do not show clearly the relationships among project activities<br />

and do not show how critical the activities are. For that reason some managers started to<br />

adapt Gantt charts. Around 1958 two methods of planning to be used within projects have<br />

been developed: CPM (critical path method) and PERT (program evaluation and review<br />

technique). CPM which is suited for more or less determined projects (construction,<br />

maintenance, organization changes) is most used. PERT is suitable for stochastic projects<br />

where it is little known about the activities of the project. Some specific methods (GERT,<br />

MPM) have been developed on the basis of CPM and PERT. Also CPM and PERT<br />

approaches have been developed in more detail and for specific use. We can speak about<br />

families of network methods.<br />

We will discuss the CPM approach first. It starts with preparing a list of activities.<br />

Following CPM procedure the network diagram is drawn showing above all the<br />

connections between activities. It is also – considering the duration of activities, too – the<br />

basis for time calculation: starting and finishing dates of activities. Resources can be<br />

leveled or planned (and controlled). Cost can also be planned and controlled and are the<br />


subject of minimization. Consideration of risk represents part of the PERT approach. We<br />

will discuss the mentioned phases in the project plan.<br />

4.2 List of activities<br />

Each project consists of activities and events. Activity is a determined, logic part of the<br />

project and requires time, human resources and other resources to be executed. An event<br />

represents the beginning (start) or end (finish) of an activity or a project. Important events<br />

are known as milestones. Besides the real or actual activities there exist also “dummy”<br />

activities, which show only the connection between activities. They are introduced in the<br />

case of two or more parallel activities requiring different duration and in the case of partial<br />

connections.<br />

The list of activities can be prepared by people who are experts in the content of the<br />

project. Two basic questions usually arise: what criterion to follow by splitting a project to<br />

activities and how detailed should be activities shown.<br />

Usually the criterion for splitting the project to activities (WBS – work break-down<br />

structure) is the process, which is followed. E. g. the preparation of a strategic plan<br />

(project) starts by internal and external analysis, setting objectives, developing strategies<br />

etc. By deciding about the activities we follow this process.<br />

Especially big projects can be split on the basis of different parts. E.g. a corporate strategic<br />

plan can be split on the basis of strategic business units and then within these units the<br />

division by process can be used.<br />

Sometimes the division of project to activities is based on the criterion of specialists<br />

involved. E. g. activities conducted by maintenance crew, by carpenters, by engineers etc.<br />

This division is very suitable in the case of planning and controlling costs (work packages)<br />

on the basis of activities.<br />

The second question is the level of detail. If we make the list of very detailed activities the<br />

view on the entire project will deteriorate. If the activities are given very broad they might<br />

not respond to real situation. Very often we can start a new activity after part (not the<br />

whole) of the other activity is finished. This cannot be considered if we define activities<br />

very broad.<br />

Each activity has to be determined carefully: its content, the duration, number and<br />

qualification of people involved, costs etc. The connection of the activity to other activities<br />

is of utmost importance and represents the basis to draw the network diagram.<br />


An activity can preceded or follow (come after) another activity or they might happen at<br />

the same time, parallel. The connections can be shown in two ways. Firstly, the connection<br />

of one to each other activity can be shown. In this case we do not distinguish direct and<br />

indirect connections. This approach is systematic and easier. However, the approach of all<br />

connections is not suitable for drawing the network diagram. The network diagram is<br />

easier drawn in the case of determining only direct connections between activities.<br />

Usually we start by determining all connections. Then, following the logic process we<br />

determine only the direct connections. We look at a connection, e. g. activity A before<br />

activity M. We ask the question: is some other activity (except A) before the activity M. If<br />

the answer is no, then activity A is directly before the activity M. If the answer is that there<br />

is some other activity before the activity M (e. g. activity B is also before the activity M)<br />

then we have to check the connection between the activities A and B. If these two activities<br />

are not connected the activity A will be directly before the activity M. In the case of<br />

connection – activity A before the activity B – activity A is not directly before the activity<br />

M.<br />

The result of this process (which can be seen - as well as drawing the network diagram -<br />

from slides) are the direct connections between activities. On this basis it is easier to draw<br />

a network diagram which is a graphical presentation of all the activities included.<br />

4.3 Network diagram<br />

In order to draw a network diagram it is necessary to agree to some symbols. In CPM<br />

approach the activities are represented by arrows. The starting and finishing event are<br />

presented by circles. These symbols as well as dummy activities (and later also the<br />

network diagram) can be seen within slides.<br />

We can start drawing the network diagram by drawing some activities, which do not have<br />

any preceding activities. Then we look at the activity and draw the activities, which follow<br />

directly the preceding activity. We continue the process until all the activities are drawn.<br />

Last activities have no following activities.<br />

However, in the drawing process we have to consider partial connection (dummies) and try<br />

to draw a clear and transparent diagram. For that reason we often have to make<br />

improvements. At the end we have to check whether the diagram corresponds to given<br />

connection within the list.<br />

The precedence or network diagram clearly shows all the activities and connections<br />

between them. It is the picture of the entire project and as such offers a systematic view of<br />

the entire project to the project manager.<br />


4.4 Time analysis and plan of the project<br />

We mentioned already that the project’s main objective is its duration. To find out the<br />

project duration and to determine the starting and finishing dates (terms) we have to<br />

consider the duration of activities. To each activity its duration is assigned.<br />

We assume that the project starts at zero time. All first activities (no preceding activities)<br />

can start immediately. They are finished dependent on their duration. E. g. activity A is a<br />

starting activity in duration of 20 days. It starts on the 1 st day (time zero) of the project and<br />

will be finished on 20 th day. On 21 st day following activities can start. The finish of activity<br />

A is thus the starting time for following activities.<br />

The process of calculating the starts and ends of activities is thus the following. We look at<br />

the earliest possible start of each activity and add its duration. Thus we find the earliest<br />

possible finish of the activity, which is the earliest possible start for following activity.<br />

This process changes if two or more activities are preceding the activity X. It is obvious<br />

that activity X can start after all preceding activities are finished. We calculate the earliest<br />

possible finishing dates for preceding activities. The highest (maximum) finishing date is<br />

the earliest possible starting time of activity X. Following the described process we draw<br />

all the activities and find the (minimum) duration of the whole process (e.g. 43 days –<br />

slides).<br />

The figures within the circles – events represent the first possible starts and ends of the<br />

activities. But we can see that some activities can start or finish earlier. E. g. if activities A<br />

(duration 20 days) and B (10 days) duration have to be finished before the activity C, then<br />

activity C can start after 20 days. The activity B has some time reserve or slack time<br />

whereas the activity A has none. Activity B can finish after 10 days (earliest) possible or<br />

before 20 days (latest allowed finish time) or in between not jeopardizing the start of<br />

activity C. Activity B has 10 days of time slack.<br />

In order to obtain the latest possible starting and finishing times of activities we will follow<br />

the next procedure. In our case the earliest possible end of the project is 43 days. Let us<br />

assume that this is also the last allowed end of the project. Let us ask the question: when<br />

the last activities have to start at latest not jeopardizing the duration of the entire project. It<br />

is obvious that we have to deduct the duration of the activity. E. g. if the last activity is P<br />

and its duration is 12 days we have to start it at the latest on the 31 st day (43-12=30).<br />

Again, the problem starts if two or more activities derive from the same event. The<br />

previous activity latest finishing time should be such to enable the following activity,<br />

which should start first to be accomplished in due time (not to become critical and prolong<br />

the duration of the project). E . g. if the latest starting time for activity P is 21th day and for<br />

activity R the 24 th day then the previous activity has to be finished before 21th day. The<br />


ule is the following: if more activities derive from the same event the minimum starting<br />

time of them represents the latest possible finishing time of the previous activity.<br />

For some activities the earliest and latest starting time and the earliest and latest finishing<br />

time are equal. These activities are critical activities. Critical activities are always<br />

connected in the critical line or critical path. The other activities are non-critical and<br />

possess some time slack. We distinguish different kinds of time slack. The most important<br />

is the total slack, which is the difference between the latest possible end of an activity and<br />

the sum of earliest possible start and duration of the activity. On the basis of time slacks we<br />

can make time analysis of the project. We can try to make critical activities less critical<br />

and/or non-critical activities more critical. By doing so, we can shorten the duration of the<br />

project as well as make all activities approximately similarly critical.<br />

The end result of the described time analysis is time plan of the activity. For each activity<br />

the first and latest possible start and the first possible and last possible finish times are<br />

given. Total slack is also shown. The dates are converted to calendar dates considering the<br />

way each activity is done (all days, all days except Saturday and Sundays and similar) as<br />

well as weekends, holidays etc. The connection of activities are clearly shown and their<br />

criticality, too. The main disadvantage is that the length of the arrows representing<br />

activities is not proportional to the duration of activities.<br />

For that reason we try to show the project activities in the time scale. One possibility is to<br />

draw a network bar chart. We draw it from the time network diagram. First we draw the<br />

critical activities and then non-critical. It is advisable to draw activities at the same places<br />

as they are in the network diagram. A time bar chart is shown in the slides. The activities<br />

can be drawn in their earliest or latest’s starts or ends. Time slacks are represented by<br />

horizontal dotted lines and seen quite clearly.<br />

4.5 Resources planning<br />

Network time chart represents also the basis for planning different resources especially<br />

people employed within the project. To make a manpower plan we have to get the<br />

information on number of people working within each activity. To make a manpower plan<br />

we add the employees on each activity on the same day (see slides). In this way we get the<br />

plan of resources for each day through the project.<br />

We usually see that the plan of employees is quite uneven in time. There are some days<br />

where many employees are required and some days with little employees required. Such an<br />

unlevelled plan is not suitable. In order to make it more levelled we can move some noncritical<br />

activities from very crowded days to less crowded ones respecting time slacks. A<br />

special heuristic approach can deal with this problem more systematically. The measure of<br />


levelling the resources can be sum of squares of numbers representing employees each<br />

day. The measure of levelling can be also the sum of absolute values of differences of<br />

employees each day and their mean value through the project.<br />

The more realistic assumption is that the number of employees assigned to the project is<br />

given. Now the problem is to conduct activities in such a way that all employees will be<br />

employed through the project and the project duration is increased at the minimum. The<br />

approach to this problem is straightforward. We always give priority to critical activities<br />

and then less critical and so on. By doing so and postponing non-critical activities the noncritical<br />

activities are becoming more critical and critical. They are given priority now. The<br />

rule is: always give priority to critical (or more critical) activities.<br />

Very often employees of different qualification are employed at different activities.<br />

Additionally within the same activity employees of different qualifications are employed.<br />

This makes the levelling problem more difficult. There is also the problem of assigning<br />

employees to different projects as projects compete for scare resources. This problem is<br />

already connected to multi-project situation or managing programs.<br />

4.6 Planning and controlling costs<br />

In the case of repetitive production costs are planned and controlled by cost centres usually<br />

on the monthly basis. Total costs are divided by number of products passing cost centre. In<br />

the case of product mix products can be weighted on the basis of time used to pass the cost<br />

centre. Managers responsible for cost centres (departments) are responsible for costs and<br />

try to keep them at minimum. Costs of (raw) materials are usually directly charged to<br />

products.<br />

The activities within the project also cause costs. It is necessary that project managers take<br />

responsibility to keep costs (the goal of the project) as low as possible. In order to do so<br />

project managers have to plan and control costs of the project.<br />

Within most companies repetitive production and costs take part. The question arises<br />

whether costs per cost centres can be used for planning and controlling project costs.<br />

Again, costs of raw materials and some similar costs can be charged directly to activities<br />

and/or project. What about other costs?<br />

Let us assume a maintenance group as a cost centre. Salaries and wages, depreciation,<br />

services etc are costs gathered at the cost centre. On the other hand we know the number of<br />

employee and the time spent, e. g. hours worked at the cost centre. By dividing total costs<br />

by number of hours (planned or actual) we find out costs per one hour per costs centre.<br />

Indirect costs can be added proportionally. Maintenance crew is working within the<br />


project. We know the number of hours (or days) planned for each activity. If we multiply<br />

the number of hours/days by costs per hour/day we will get the costs per activity.<br />

It is the task of line manager (at cost centre) to keep costs per hour/day as low as possible<br />

and the responsibility of project manager to use as little working hours/days as possible.<br />

Costs of a project thus become matter of concern of project managers.<br />

Let us first assume that so far we planned costs per each activity considering a number of<br />

employees, time spent and costs. Let us ask the question what will happen to costs if we<br />

shorten the activity. The activity is for instance normally planned for 20 days. Can the<br />

activity be finished in less than 20 days? The answer is yes. But there should remain the<br />

same number of working hours. We can increase number of workers or workers cab work<br />

some time overtime. But overtime is more expensive and usually less productive. So, costs<br />

per activity will increase if we shorten the activity. Opposite, costs per activity can<br />

decrease if we prolong the activity (see the example in slides). Costs (coefficients) are<br />

increasing and decreasing differently for each activity. Usually, we assume that the<br />

increases and decreases are linear.<br />

Two different situations concerning project costs can occur. First, we have planned project<br />

and activities costs assuming normal durations of activities. However, if we prolong noncritical<br />

activities the project duration will remain the same but costs of prolonged activities<br />

will decrease. There is a limitation of prolonging activities. First, they are not allowed to<br />

become critical and there are usually some technical constraints which prevent us of<br />

prolonging activities. We can also prolong critical activities where the prolongation<br />

decrease costs more, and shorten the critical activities, where there is little increase in<br />

costs. If the sum of shortening and prolonging the activities results in decreasing costs we<br />

can follow the approach. Let us repeat the rule. Given the project duration we can plan low<br />

costs by prolonging non-critical activities within the constraints and thus decrease planned<br />

costs and we prolong some critical activities, which decrease costs quite importantly and<br />

shorten some others, which do not require much of additional costs.<br />

Second question appears of how to shorten the project duration not increasing costs too<br />

much. In order to shorten the project we have to shorten critical activities. We shorten<br />

critical activities where shortening increases costs very little. If we like to decrease project<br />

duration more, we have to prolong activities, which require higher increases in costs. Very<br />

likely two or more critical lines will appear and we will have to shorten two or more<br />

activities at the same time. By shortening the project duration costs are increasing<br />

exponentially (see slides).<br />


4.7 PERT approach<br />

In the CPM approach we considered activities and their durations as determined. In some<br />

projects it is quite difficult to predict the activities and above all their durations. In such a<br />

case PERT approach advises us to evaluate the duration of an activity by provide three<br />

time estimates: the most likely duration, pessimistic and optimistic estimate (see the<br />

example in slides). Assuming beta distribution the expected mean duration of the activity<br />

is:<br />

T expected = (t pes. + 4* t likely + topt.) / 6<br />

Now all the calculations that we practiced in CPM can be practiced with expected time<br />

durations now.<br />

The duration of the activity is not determined but a probability distribution. According to<br />

beta distribution the variance of activity duration equals:<br />

Variance = ((t opt. – t pes) /6) square<br />

The expected duration of the project is the sum of expected durations of critical activities.<br />

The variance of the expected duration of the project is the sum of variances of critical<br />

activities. Thus we can also find out the standard deviation of the project duration.<br />

On the basis of expected duration and standard deviation we can calculate the probability<br />

that a project will be finished in a given time period. Or, we can find out, given the<br />

probability, the expected duration of the project.<br />

We can see that the more uncertain the project the bigger will be the value of standard<br />

deviation. The distribution depends on the risk that activities will not be finished in the<br />

most likely time. If we decrease risk, the distribution of activities and consequently the<br />

distribution of the project duration will become narrower.<br />

In the practice the CPM approach is more used. PERT is more complex and his main<br />

addition is in studying the risk and looking at the probabilities of project accomplishment.<br />

4.8 Control questions<br />

1. Show the steps in the process of project planning.<br />

2. Define the breakdown structure and discuss criteria of splitting the project to<br />

activities.<br />

3. Discuss the information for each activity.<br />


4. Draw some simple network diagrams, time network diagrams and network time<br />

charts.<br />

5. Discuss levelling of resources.<br />

6. Discus planning and controlling costs.<br />

7. Discuss decreasing costs by given project duration and minimal increases of project<br />

costs in case of shortening the project.<br />

8. Discuss PERT approach.<br />

5 RISK <strong>MANAGEMENT</strong><br />

5.1 Project risks<br />

A risk that the project will not turn out as expected arises directly from the uniqueness of<br />

projects. Successful completion requires this risk to be managed. Project risks are either<br />

internal or external. An internal risk is peculiar to a project, such as the inability to get the<br />

parts of a product to work. An external risk originates from outside the scope of the<br />

project. External risks are:<br />

• environmental (weather, natural disasters, storms, flooding, tempests, pollution<br />

incidents, transport problems, including aircraft/vehicle collisions),<br />

• legal and regulatory (changed legislation, loss of intellectual property rights,<br />

unexpected regulatory controls or licensing requirements, changes in tax or tariff<br />

structure),<br />

• public (cultural differences, change of government policy (national or<br />

international), adverse public opinion/media intervention),<br />

• economic (exchange rate fluctuation, interest rate instability, inflation, shortage of<br />

working capital, market developments will adversely affect plans),<br />

• technical (unproven technology, quality of technology, performance failure,<br />

complex technology),<br />

• risks derived from means of production (damages, low capacity),<br />

• risks derived from suppliers (supply delays, cost, quality or quantity of supplied<br />

material),<br />

• risks derived from contractors (inconsideration of demands, poor quality),<br />

• risks derived from customer (demand changes, dissatisfaction, poor collaboration,<br />

unclear expectations),<br />

unrealistic objectives,<br />

poorly defined requirements,<br />

lack of qualified resources,<br />

Table 1: Internal risks<br />

31<br />

vested interests creating conflict and compromising<br />

the overall aims,<br />

individual or group interests given unwarranted

lack of management support,<br />

poor estimating,<br />

resource planning,<br />

inexperienced project manager,<br />

poor staff selection procedures,<br />

lack of clarity over roles and responsibilities,<br />

5.2 Risk management process<br />

32<br />

priority,<br />

personality clashes,<br />

indecision or inappropriate decision making,<br />

lack of operational support,<br />

inadequate or inaccurate information,<br />

health and safety constraints.<br />

Authors presents different process steps (as it is showed in Table 2), but the most common<br />

steps of the process are:<br />

• risk identification and evaluation,<br />

• risk reducing strategy developing,<br />

• risk control.<br />

The goal of the first two steps is to reduce risk of the project by reducing the probability<br />

and impact of potential events with negative influence on project implementation already<br />

during the project planning phase. Risk control is performed during the project<br />

implementation phase. By the early risk triggers detection and promptly corrective action<br />

lounging, team assures lower impact of project risks.<br />

Chapman &<br />

Ward<br />

Define & focus<br />

Table 2: Risk management process by different authors<br />

Kerzner, PMBOK Prince2 Thomsett Turner Young<br />

Risk management<br />

planning<br />

Identify Identification Identification<br />

Structure<br />

Ownership<br />

Estimate &<br />

evaluate<br />

Plan<br />

Quality and quantity<br />

analyses<br />

Developing a<br />

strategy for<br />

managing the risk<br />

Manage Monitoring in control<br />

Evaluate the risks<br />

Identify suitable<br />

responses to risk<br />

Monitoring and<br />

reporting<br />

Analyse risk<br />

Reduce risk<br />

Tracking and<br />

reporting<br />

Identify the potential<br />

sources of risk on the<br />

project<br />

Determine their<br />

individual impact<br />

Assess the overall<br />

impact of the<br />

significant risks<br />

Determine how the<br />

likelihood or impact<br />

of the risk can be<br />

reduced<br />

Develop and<br />

implement a plan for<br />

controlling the risks<br />

and achieving the<br />

reductions<br />

Identification<br />

Ranking risks<br />

Derivation of<br />

mitigation plans<br />

Monitoring<br />

Chapman & Ward (1997, p. 50; Cooper et al (2005, p. 15), Kerzner (2001, p. 904), PMBOK (2004, p. 237), Prince2<br />

(2002, p. 242), Thomsett (2002, p. 158), Turner (1993, p. 237), Young (2000, p. 83)

5.3 Risk identification and evaluation<br />

The inputs to the risk identification process are objectives specifications, WBS (the list and<br />

specifications of project tasks), enterprise environmental factors, project scope statement<br />

and risks data base. For every task, listed in WBS, team should find risk most likely to<br />

occur by asking themselves followed questions:<br />

• what would be the reason for delays or increased cost;<br />

• what would be the reason that project results won’t satisfy customer requirements;<br />

• what obstacles could cause lower results quality;<br />

• Are there any risk related to project resources (unavailability, poor knowledge,<br />

motivation).<br />

There are five techniques for identifying risk. They are listed separately, but are in practice<br />

used interactively:<br />

• expert judgement uses personal intuition and awareness. The use of checklists<br />

against the categories identified above can help.<br />

• plan decomposition shows risks inherent in the interdependency of work. Any<br />

event that lies at the start or completion of many activities is a potential risk. These<br />

occur at bottlenecks in the network. When analysing the plan, you should also look<br />

at all external interfaces, such as external supply, for potential failure of third<br />

parties.<br />

• assumption analysis is win/lose analysis, and focuses on events that might be<br />

detrimental, considering both events we want to occur but may not, and events we<br />

do not want to occur but may. Expert judgement is needed to foresee these events<br />

and check for completeness.<br />

• decision drivers are influences that might determine whether or not certain events<br />

may occur (inside and outside the project). Win/lose analysis can be used to derive<br />

the list of decision drivers. It can be particularly damaging if decisions are made<br />

for the wrong reason: political versus technical; marketing versus technical;<br />

solution versus problem; short term versus long term; new technology versus<br />

experience.<br />

• brainstorming uses social interaction to enhance the above techniques.<br />

Risks evaluation (“sizing”) involves assessing the range of possible impacts and associated<br />

probabilities. For every identified risk team has to estimate the probability of risk event<br />

will occur and expected consequences. The risk size (factor) is the product of probability<br />

and impact.<br />

Risk = likelihood * impact Kerzner<br />

Risk size = probability * impact Chapman & Ward<br />

Risk priority = probability * consequence / impact Burke<br />


Risk can be entered in matrix which demonstrates the size of risks. Authors presents<br />

different ranges of probability and consequence factors:<br />

• both factors from 1 to 3 (Burke)<br />

• consequence from 1 to 3, probability from 1 to 9 (Young)<br />

Probability<br />

By Young risks can be ranked as:<br />

Table 3: Risk matrix<br />

High 9 Extreme<br />

3 3 6 9 6 High<br />

2 2 4 6 3, 4 Middle<br />

1 1 2 3 2, 1 Low<br />

Low 1 2 3 High Risk<br />

Consequences / Impact<br />

Burke, 2003, p. 261<br />

• unacceptable – the project cannot be proceed without some immediate actions to<br />

reduce the probability of the risk;<br />

• high – has major impact on schedule and costs and must be monitored regularly<br />

and carefully; mitigation actions can reduce or minimise the impact;<br />

• medium - has significant impact on project and must be monitored regularly to<br />

ensure it does not turned into a high risk;<br />

• low– not expected to have any serious impact in the project, but should be<br />

monitored regularly.<br />



Figure 1: Risk ranking matrix<br />

34<br />

IMPACT ON <strong>PROJECT</strong><br />

Low Medium High<br />

High (7 – 9) medium high unacceptable<br />

Medium (4 – 6) low high unacceptable<br />

Low (1 – 3) low medium high<br />

Young, 2000, p. 87<br />

Risk can have impact on schedule (delay), cost (growth) and technical impact (missed<br />

requirements with workaround), hence estimates of the probability and impact may be also<br />

given in different formats as follows:<br />

• Probability – 0 - 100%,

• Impact - from 1 to 10 (or even 100), timescales (weeks / months / years)m cost<br />

(currency units or man days / man months), or quality /( performance (reduced<br />

specification).<br />

Costs are preferred as a more definitive measure of impact as it can be compared with the<br />

costs of mitigation respond.<br />

5.4 Risk reducing plan developing<br />

Having identified, assessed (quantified) and prioritized risks, team is in a position to<br />

consider ways of reducing it and to developed risk response plan which defines ways to<br />

address adverse risk and enhance opportunities before they occur. In literature you can find<br />

five basic approaches / types of response:<br />

• acceptance & contingency (active acceptance),<br />

• prevention / avoidance,<br />

• reduction / mitigation,<br />

• transfer / deflection.<br />

Acceptance means the risk toleration − perhaps because nothing can be done at a<br />

reasonable cost to mitigate it or the probability and impact of the risk occurring are at an<br />

acceptable level. Sometimes contingency plans can be determined in advance - these are<br />

actions planned and organised to come into force as and when the risk occurs; you take no<br />

action in advance of the deviations occurring, other than to draw up contingency plans<br />

should they occur.<br />

Prevention / avoidance is elimination of the risk ��<br />

by removing the cause or by doing things<br />

differently where it is feasible to do so (changing the project plan). Measures are put in<br />

place that either stop the threat or problem from occurring or prevent it having any impact<br />

on the project.<br />

Reduction / mitigation means reducing the risk probability and impact. It could be<br />

achieved by using proven technology, developing prototypes, simulating, early actions,<br />

adopting less complex process, conducting more tests, choosing more stable supplier. The<br />

frequently control actions either reduce the likelihood of the risk developing or limit the<br />

impact on the project to acceptable levels.<br />

Transfer / deflection is a special form of risk reduction where the management of the risk is<br />

passed to a third party via, for instance, an insurance policy or penalty clause, such that the<br />

impact of the risk is no longer an issue for the health of the project. Shifting the negative<br />

impact of threat to a third party does not eliminate the risk! There are three ways of<br />

def1ecting risk - through insurance, by which it is passed on to a third party; through<br />


onding, by which a security is held against the risk; or through the contract, by which it is<br />

passed between owner, contractor, and subcontractors.<br />

Project manager can also insert some time contingency:<br />

• insert small amount of contingency (5-10%) on each activity in the network;<br />

• add an unplanned activity near the end of the project;<br />

• using PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique).<br />

Each risk has to be assign to a team member (risk owner) who has the knowledge and<br />

experience and responsibility for the tasks of the project most likely to be affected by the<br />

risk. Owners responsibility in project implementation phase is to control the risk and to<br />

detect the risk trigger immediately after it appears. Risk triggers should also be defined and<br />

entered in risk register (Table 4).<br />

Risk ID<br />

No.<br />

001<br />

002<br />

003<br />

Issued by:<br />

Contact:<br />

Risk<br />

description<br />

5.5 Risk control<br />

Activity at risk<br />

Description WBS<br />

Table 4: Typical risk register<br />

Project:<br />

Risk<br />

owner<br />

36<br />

Risk factor<br />

Carter et al, 1994, p. 127<br />

Risk mitigation<br />

Strategy<br />

description Trigger<br />

Issue number:<br />

Issue date:<br />

Remarks<br />

Once risks have been identified and plans derived risks have to be monitored to make sure<br />

prompt action is taken when appropriate. The risk control implements the risk management<br />

plan. Continuous risk monitoring is the responsibility of risk owners. Their duty is to detect<br />

the emerged trigger of the risk as soon as possible, and to lounge the planned corrective<br />

action promptly. Sooner the risk is detected, lower are the consequences. Risk should be<br />

controlled weekly, the highest risks even more frequently.<br />

Project team members and other project stakeholders must regularly report project<br />

manager on the following:<br />

• The effectiveness of the implemented risk reduction strategies;<br />

• The emergence of any new risk factors;<br />

• The elimination of existing risk factors; and<br />

• Any change of status of existing risk factors, for example, a medium risk factor<br />

becomes high risk.

This monitoring would typically occur during the normal project tracking and review<br />

meetings and reviews undertaken throughout the project. At each review, the risk tracking<br />

forms are sorted into their order of current importance. A list of the most significant risks,<br />

usually the 'top-ten', is produced, giving rank this period, rank last period, and periods on<br />

the list. However, it is important that team constantly adopt a risk perspective and keep<br />

collective "risk antenna" tuned for any early warning signs of new risks or changes in the<br />

level of existing risks.<br />

5.6 Control questions<br />

1. Define risks and list some typical external risks. What is the difference between<br />

internal in external risks?<br />

2. Define risk management process. When risk management steps occurs in project<br />

life cycle?<br />

3. Show the inputs to the risk identification process and define techniques for<br />

identifying risk.<br />

4. Show tools and techniques for risk evaluation. Make a case!<br />

5. What is the purpose of risk management plan. Make a risk register with five risks.<br />

6. Who is risk owner and what is one’s role?<br />

7. Show basic approaches / types for risk reducing.<br />

8. Make a case of risk acceptance & contingency and discuss a difference.<br />

9. Define risk control process.<br />


6.1 Definition of planning project organization<br />

Organization consists of a set of relationships between members of a social unit, which<br />

assures the existence and development of thus formed unit and assures the rational<br />

achievement of social unit's goal. The first part is static and structural. The second part, the<br />

assurance of rationality is dynamic consisting of organization processes: planning,<br />

actuating (HRM and leadership) and control. In this chapter we will discuss organizational<br />

structures whereas in the next chapter the process of actuation will be discussed.<br />

There exist 4 groups of uniform relationships or structures: technical, communication,<br />

authority and motivational. Structures are sets of relationships between more than two<br />

members of the social unit. All activities necessary to be conducted to produce a product or<br />

service represent the entire activity of a company. Through technical division of labor the<br />


whole process is split to smaller units, tasks, which are performed by individuals.<br />

Technical division of labor appears within social units and can be understood as division of<br />

labor between different specialists. It increases efficiency and quality and decreases costs.<br />

The tasks are connected in different ways and they are not autonomous. The relationships<br />

between tasks, activities, groups of activities are technical. More tasks are the duty of an<br />

individual. The technical structure of a project is the structure of activities (WBS)<br />

Each activity has to be conducted in a successful way. People get reward for properly<br />

conducting their tasks. For the success of a task or an activity people are held responsible.<br />

Managers are supposed to be responsible also for the work of their subordinates. This part<br />

of responsibility always remains centralized. As responsibility is connected to rewards and<br />

motivation we talk about motivational structure (relationships between rewards, salaries,<br />

goals, interests) or responsibility structure.<br />

In order to conduct their job or activities employees ought to have power to execute them.<br />

The formal power of their positions is known as authority. To each member of project team<br />

appropriate authority is given. The referent and expert power are also quite important<br />

within projects. The authority structure represents the relationships regarding authority<br />

between project members and stakeholders.<br />

The last uniform structure is communication structure. Through the communication<br />

structure all other uniform structures are expressed. If communication structure is not<br />

appropriate the other structures do not assure rational behaviour and achievement of<br />

project goals.<br />

All mentioned structures are supposed to be coordinated within themselves. E. g. no task,<br />

communication link, etc. should be missing or doubled. The mentioned structures always<br />

develop to processes. They also have to adapt to each other. E.g. duty of each individual<br />

has to be coordinated to responsibility, authority and communication. A complex duty<br />

requires more responsibility and authority. A simple duty gets little responsibility and<br />

authority. The managerial structure is a composed one: it consists of the 4 mentioned<br />

(coordinated, adapted) uniform structures. The managerial structure determines the<br />

position of each individual member of the social unit. Thus the organizational position is<br />

determined by duty, responsibility, authority and communication.<br />

The responsibility for the achievement of project goals rests with project manager. He<br />

delegates duties, direct responsibility and authority to project members through the process<br />

of delegation. Let us only mention that there are many problems to delegate in an<br />

appropriate way.<br />


6.2 Work break-down structure (WBS)<br />

The whole working process of a project is divided to activities. By division to activities<br />

some criteria should be followed. Usually the project breakdown follows the criterion of<br />

the process, of the flow of activities. The other possibility, especially in bigger project is<br />

the division according to parts (subjects) of the project. Division can be also based on<br />

employees, different professions or different departments.<br />

The next problem is the question how detailed should be the division. Should the project<br />

be split to very small activities? If the division is to detailed many activities will appear<br />

and the overview of the project will deteriorate. If the activities are to big the connections<br />

among activities cannot be shown properly.<br />

The next problem is that within the same activity more different people can be involved. If<br />

we determine activities according to each individual or homogenous group the number of<br />

activities will increase tremendously. For that reason the linear responsibility charts can<br />

be introduced. Activities are not divided to each individual but remain reasonably<br />

determined. However, within the activity the role of each individual is shown. Some<br />

individuals execute the activity, some have to agree, control, be informed etc. An example<br />

of LRC is shown in slides.<br />

6.3 Project stakeholders<br />

Within each project many individuals and groups take place and have some special<br />

position and interest in the project. We already mentioned some.<br />

The person placing the order to start the project is usually the general manager –<br />

CEO. They determine the concept (scope), the purpose and goals of the project and select<br />

the project manager. They can also make other decisions. Through project they implement<br />

their strategies.<br />

Project sponsors represent the financial sources of the project and expect some benefits<br />

from the project. They also take part in decision-making following their interest. They can<br />

also be senior influential officers within the company, who support the project and project<br />

manager.<br />

Control or direction (steering) committee is often established in complex projects.<br />

General manager as authorizing the project assigns some of his duties to the control group.<br />

The committee confirms the plan of the project and controls the execution in shorter period<br />

of time. Committee also decides in some uncertain situations. Members of this committee<br />

are functional managers of (team) members, the users of the project and others. The<br />

general manager can be member or the chairman of such a committee.<br />


Project manager is the most important person within the project. He plans, actuates and<br />

controls the project. He coordinates activities and resources. He makes or proposes most<br />

important decisions. He is selected on basis of some criteria, e. g. his availability, his<br />

references regarding project management, knowledge and experience in project<br />

management, especially leadership, knowing about the content of the project, ability to<br />

work under pressure, his personality and getting along with project team members and<br />

similar.<br />

Manager of projects is not always established. His duty is to coordinate different projects<br />

themselves as well as projects and business functions. He can be an assistant to the general<br />

manager.<br />

Functional managers are important stakeholders. Their employees are assigned to the<br />

project. Whereas the project manager decides about the activity, the appropriate<br />

participants and time, functional managers assign their people to the activities. Middle<br />

managers are often members of the direction or control committee. They decide who<br />

should take part in the project and take care of knowledge and abilities of the assigned<br />

people. The relationship between functional and project manager is crucial for the project.<br />

Manager of a group of activities or individual activity is usually a departmental manager.<br />

Employees of one department often conduct more activities within a project. These<br />

activities are also coordinated. Within one activity more people participate and one of them<br />

is a lower level manager.<br />

Within the project also consultants and expert may participate. Experts provide written<br />

opinion on some business or organization problems. Consultants can also give advise<br />

either on business or project management.<br />

Very important stakeholder is the project team. Members of the team execute the<br />

activities. They are specialists but act connected as a team, as a collective. They also have<br />

to establish strong social relationships, not only relationships connected to their<br />

specialization. Members of the team participate also in planning and controlling the<br />

project.<br />

6.4 Position of the project within the organizational structure<br />

The project is usually placed within the organizational structure of the company. There<br />

exist three basic possibilities:<br />

• project within the existing functional organization<br />

• project organization<br />


• project matrix organization (for graphical presentations look at the slides)<br />

6.4.1 Project within the existing organization<br />

The functional organization is the classical organization of small and medium size<br />

companies producing one group of products. The organization (see slide) consists of<br />

purchasing, personnel, production, sales, financial (and R&D) department. It is suitable for<br />

repetitive operations. If the company starts a project this structure is not suitable without<br />

introducing some changes. Employees from different departments get additional activities<br />

to be conducted. Management of the project is assigned to a person within the hierarchical<br />

functional organization, too. All project activities as well as management of the project<br />

represent additional tasks, which can be conducted overtime and/or some existent or new<br />

employees take over some of the project team members repetitive tasks. The advantage of<br />

this solution is that nothing has changed within the existent organizational structure by<br />

introducing projects. The main disadvantage is that team members always give priority to<br />

their repetitive or functional duties. We can argue that this solution is appropriate in the<br />

case of starting a few projects.<br />

6.4.2 Project organizational structure<br />

To omit the problems of the previous solution the project organization (see the slide) can<br />

be established. The project is assigned to a group of employees, who are supposed to act on<br />

the project. It is like establishing a new department or inn case of more projects more new<br />

departments. Members of project team work mainly on the project, at least some of them.<br />

So there is no excuse of being occupied with other repetitive activities.<br />

The advantages of this approach are:<br />

• the project management bears the responsibility only for the project,<br />

• members of the team report only to the project management,<br />

• there is no need for cooperation with functional managers,<br />

• identification of team members with projects is strong,<br />

• the managerial structure is simple,<br />

• in the case of more similar projects the team became permanent, which could<br />

represent the basis for team structure.<br />

The main disadvantages are:<br />

• team members are not always fully occupied,<br />

• the connection of team members to the business functions is decreasing,<br />

• team members are not aware of company problems,<br />

• there is a problem of employment after the project is finished.<br />

We can argue that this structure is reasonable in the case of a few bigger projects<br />


6.4.3 Project matrix structure<br />

Project matrix structure (see the slide) is a combination of the previously mentioned<br />

structures. Each employee can work (repetitive job) within the business function and at the<br />

same time be assigned to the project to conduct some unique activities. The member is thus<br />

subordinated to the functional manager (for repetitive work) and to the project manager<br />

(for involvement within the project). If both managers posses the same level of authority<br />

we talk about the balanced structure.<br />

The advantages of this most known and used »project« organization are:<br />

• the responsibility for project lies with project manager, who is like the other<br />

members usually part of the time managing the project,<br />

• members of the team are connected to the business function,<br />

• the adaptation to project customer is easy by putting more or less emphasis on the<br />

project,<br />

• for team members pert time job on more creative activities and part time<br />

employment on repetitive activities is quite suitable.<br />

The main disadvantages are:<br />

• lack of cooperation between project (responsible for the activities, dates and<br />

content of work) and functional managers (responsible to decide on employees<br />

assigned to projects and their qualification),<br />

• the matrix structure requires some new approaches in cost accounting systems,<br />

• the coordination can become difficult if the number of projects is increasing<br />

(manager of projects should be introduced).<br />

6.5 Projects supporting organizational culture<br />

6.5.1 Definition and characteristics of organizational culture<br />

Organizational culture is often mentioned as one of important factors influencing the<br />

achievement of project goals. The problem is that in most cases within companies the<br />

repetitive production supporting culture has developed, which does not support projects<br />

management and implementation. It hinders the proper conduct of projects.<br />

The organizational culture represents basic values which are developed, considered, shared<br />

and followed by most employees (strong and weak culture). It is personality of the<br />

company. To work together employees have to adapt: They repeat actions which have been<br />

proved as successful. They thus develop similar values.<br />


The organizational culture can be represented at three levels. The visible level consists of<br />

symbols, legends, artifacts and is shown through the behaviour of employees. The middle<br />

level consists of values shared by employees. The invisible level explains the reasons<br />

(assumptions) for developing a certain type of culture.<br />

The organizational culture depends on contingency variables and above all on the values<br />

and behaviour of managers and owners as well as on national culture. Within a company<br />

different subcultures emerge. We could easily imagine that the repetitive operations<br />

supporting culture will differ from the project supporting values.<br />

6.5.2 Project supporting values and changing the culture<br />

The main values supporting the projects are: the importance of achieving project results,<br />

customer orientation, team work, importance of knowledge and learning, acceptance of<br />

conflicts, flexibility, importance of referent power, importance of creativity and innovation<br />

and similar. The projects supporting culture often represents a subculture.<br />

It is very difficult to change the existent organizational culture and the process takes quite<br />

some efforts and time. General managers as well as project and functional managers have<br />

an important role in changing the organization culture in order to become more projects<br />

supporting. The process consists of the analysis of the present culture, the plan of the new<br />

culture and of the process of changing the culture. As most important actions of culture<br />

change we can discuss: motivation and rewarding (for project goals achievement), the<br />

communication expressing the importance of projects, the support of general management,<br />

the examples given by project managers, symbolic management (by changing symbols,<br />

behaviour influence the organizational culture).<br />

We will discuss the values of creativity and innovation more in detail.<br />

6.5.3 Creativity and innovation as important elements of project organizational<br />

culture<br />

Authors in project management as well as practicing project managers will agree on basic<br />

goals of the project. A project should be conducted according to the required quality, with<br />

smallest costs possible and in due time. All the three goals (their level of importance could<br />

be different for a particular project) are typical efficiency goals. The efficiency within the<br />

enterprises in the past was achieved mainly through repetition of routine tasks and mass<br />

production. It does not mean that no changes occurred within the process. It only means<br />

that the repetition occurred many times and changes were rare and mainly of adaptive or<br />

evolutionary nature.<br />


This explanation of how the efficiency could be achieved cannot be applied to projects as<br />

they, by definition, cannot be repeated. Of course, some activities can be repeated and<br />

some projects are similar. Within the project very often no right way of how to execute the<br />

activities has been established yet. Repetition and routine are not important for achieving<br />

the project’s goals. Verzuh (1999, pp. 10-12) emphasizes two characteristics of projects:<br />

their uniqueness and temporality. He emphasizes that the ongoing operations have<br />

characteristics opposite to projects in that they have no end and they produce similar, often<br />

identical products.<br />

As already mentioned, some projects are similar and some activities are even the same in<br />

more projects. To a certain degree improvements in the efficiency of projects are due to<br />

repetition and gained experience. But mainly, as a consequence of characteristics of<br />

projects, their efficiency should be achieved in a different way than through repetition of<br />

activities. Most of projects and their activities are conducted for the first time. We have to<br />

plan and to implement novel solutions. The degree of novelty can be quite different. There<br />

are different degrees of novelty, running from minor, incremental changes right through to<br />

radical changes which transform the way we think about and use them (Teed, Bessant,<br />

Pavitt, 2001, p. 6).<br />

Projects introduce change and they are an organizational change process themselves. But it<br />

is not sufficient to introduce a change or an innovation, or make a project. This has to be<br />

done in an efficient way. We can say that in the case of projects the efficiency goals are<br />

achieved through innovation. Without creativity and innovation the basic goals of<br />

projects cannot be achieved. Yet, in managing projects, we still often focus on the<br />

techniques applied to repetitive tasks and not on techniques that are necessary to manage<br />

work that is temporary and unique. Due to this fact many projects fail to achieve their<br />

goals. For that reason it is important to look at the innovation process within projects to<br />

increase their efficiency.<br />

Amabile (2001, p. 4) argues that creativity (as the starting process of innovation) gets<br />

killed much more often than it gets support. Her opinion is that this is not due to aversion<br />

of managers against creativity. The reason is that managers follow productivity and similar<br />

goals as apparently different to creativity. Amabile believes that both, efficiency goals and<br />

creativity are connected and it is possible to develop both of them. To build a project<br />

organization that will achieve project goals through creativity and innovation requires a<br />

good understanding of what kind of management fosters the creativity and which kills it.<br />

The purpose of this paper is therefore to increase the success of a project defined in terms<br />

of time, costs and quality. The goal of the paper is to discuss the innovation process, its<br />

connection to creativity and the barriers to both of them. There are suggestions made for<br />


project managers and top management about how to overcome the barriers and support<br />

creativity and innovation.<br />

1. Definitions of creativity and innovation process<br />

We talk often about creativity and innovation. Both are desired by practitioners and studied<br />

by researchers. Yet both are poorly understood. Some authors discuss creativity at a greater<br />

length and some innovation. Others again focus their attention only on one of them, as<br />

creativity and innovation are understood as the same process.<br />

Creativity can be defined as a decision making process that produces novel and useful<br />

ideas (Amabile, 1988, pp. 123-167). Innovation is a successful implementation of creative<br />

ideas. Similarly other authors (like Daft and Noe, 2001, p.116; Hellriegel et al., 1998, p.<br />

458) define creativity as a generation or production of new ideas that may meet perceived<br />

needs or respond to opportunities for the organization. Accordingly, organizational<br />

innovation is the implementation of creative and useful ideas through planned or<br />

unplanned organizational change (Woodman and al., 1993, pp. 293-321). Creativity is the<br />

essential first step in innovation, which is vital for long-term organizational success<br />

(Muller, 1995, pp.16-19). Innovation always represents change. That explains why<br />

definition of change and innovation are almost always the same. However, not each change<br />

is innovation.<br />

There is often the opinion that creating an idea or an innovation is a happy occurrence of a<br />

blinding flash of insight. Drucker (1985, pp. 67-72) tells us that innovation is a systematic<br />

management process based on some principles like starting by analyzing the sources of<br />

new opportunities, studying users’ expectations, focusing on relevant issues, looking for<br />

knowledge, etc.<br />

The steps in the creative process are recognition of a problem or opportunity,<br />

information gathering, production of ideas, and selection of ideas (George, Jones,<br />

1999, pp. 513-521). Creative people can see the problem or the opportunity where the<br />

others cannot. Their personality traits are specific. They are not conforming to others and<br />

they do not adopt the majority opinion. They are a dissenting voice. They know what<br />

problem to focus on (Chickszentmihayi, 1990, p.193). They put no restraints on the<br />

problem or opportunity. In the second phase they gather different information and make<br />

additional investigation. This provides them with a variety of perspectives on the problem.<br />

Creative people are good at generating a high degree of different ideas in a short period<br />

of time. Challenging problems motivate them. They are able to withhold the decision on a<br />

problem until sufficient facts have been collected. They are more concerned with the<br />

meanings of a problem than with small details. Solomon and Winslow (1988, pp. 162-171)<br />

mentioned also more other characteristics of creative people. Innovative ideas often occur<br />

while the person is doing something else. They can appear unexpected, but in most cases<br />


the answer comes usually incrementally (Kuratko, Hodgetts, 1995, p. 69). In the last phase<br />

of creating ideas, different ideas are evaluated and developed into more detail.<br />

Sometimes they are reworked.<br />

The creation and selection of ideas continues in the implementation of ideas or innovation<br />

process. According to Roberts (1988, pp. 1-19), who presents the case of innovating a<br />

product, the innovation process starts with idea creation and continues through initial<br />

experimentation, feasibility determination and final application. Schermerhorn (1999,<br />

p. 380) maintains that the process of innovation within the companies occurs in two forms:<br />

product and/or process innovation. Both processes include invention, the act of discovery<br />

as the result of the creativity phase and application, the act of use. I would add that not<br />

only products and processes but also the organization: structure, culture and processes can<br />

be innovated. Authors in production, marketing and other business functions as well as<br />

authors in management and organization discuss the steps of innovation process in more<br />

details.<br />

We could also look at the innovation process from a broader perspective. The innovation<br />

process consists of more stages: invention as the creation of a new idea (inventor),<br />

development of the idea to practical use (producer), diffusion of the idea to be used by<br />

users (user), integration to make complete change (manager) and the decline as the<br />

innovation stops being used. Often innovations are susceptible to the environmental threats<br />

because of lack of resources and experience. To resolve this problem is to show the<br />

benefits to the user, to show him the importance of resolving his problem.<br />

Within the project the ideas are developed into how to execute an activity, shorten the<br />

duration of the project, how to decrease costs and resources, and/or how to improve<br />

quality. The innovation part of the process includes the implementation of the ideas.<br />

Competitiveness of the project can be achieved only through the innovation. The<br />

innovation includes risk. It is important to manage properly the creativity and innovation<br />

process within the project as well as to manage risk. It is important to emphasize that the<br />

creativity and innovation process can be managed. The creativity of people is not only<br />

inherited; it can be taught and learned. Most people possess more creativity than they can<br />

use.<br />

2. Creativity and innovation within project management<br />

By definition activities within projects are often unique. So are the projects. To conduct<br />

them efficiently the creativity and innovation are more a rule than exception. Project<br />

members are specialists responsible to find new solutions within their activities by using<br />

their knowledge, skills and creativity. Project managers have to provide support to them.<br />

At the same time they have to look for new ways of managing the project: to plan, control,<br />

organize the project, motivate members, etc.<br />


As Cleland (1990, pp.326-329) points out “the important enemies of effective project<br />

management are the failure to use the potential creativity and innovation skills of the<br />

project team, and accepting what is being done on the project as good enough and failing<br />

to evaluate the quality of the project and the quality of the project management. Improved<br />

quality usually comes about through creativity and innovation in the project work.” He also<br />

claims that an effective project manager sees changes as normal, always searching along<br />

with the project team for creative ideas and their exploitation. He has to foster creativity<br />

within the team and on individual level.<br />

Although the importance of creativity and innovation is much emphasized we still lack<br />

them within the projects. Probably one of important reasons lays in the fact that routine and<br />

repetitive tasks and their management were developed first. Quite often managers of<br />

repetitive tasks started to manage projects. As the projects developed still the managerial<br />

approaches suitable for routine tasks were used. Approaches of yesterday were used to<br />

resolve today’s problems. Authors, especially in the organizational behaviour area, discuss<br />

different barriers to innovation. I am focusing on these barriers by adapting them to<br />

projects and trying to arrange them in a systematic way.<br />

Projects are the organizational side of strategies and changes (Rozman, 2000, pp. 54-59).<br />

Through project organization strategies and changes are implemented. The organization<br />

consists of organizational structure and organizational processes. They both can be formal<br />

and informal. If the (formal) organizational structure, (informal) organizational culture,<br />

formal organizational processes (of planning, actuating: HRM, leadership, communication,<br />

motivation and controlling) and informal processes (of influencing and adapting) do not<br />

support projects considering their characteristics, the goals of the projects will be rarely<br />

met. However, some of the mentioned areas are more important in terms of creativity and<br />

innovation within projects.<br />

Robbins (2001, pp. 557-559) names similar areas to be important for development and use<br />

of creativity and innovation and discusses findings on the relationship between innovation<br />

and organization. He emphasizes three sources of change: organizational structure,<br />

organizational culture and human resources. His review of the structure-innovation<br />

findings leads to the following conclusions:<br />

• organic organization positively influences innovation<br />

• long tenure in management is associated with innovation<br />

• slack resources nurture the innovation<br />

• inter-unit communication leads to innovation.<br />

Research and development, historically a separate and isolated function, is being integrated<br />

into a team setting. Peter Drucker (1988, p.11) pointed out that successful innovations are<br />


turned out by cross-functional teams with people from marketing, manufacturing, and<br />

finance participating in research work from the very beginning. Innovative organizations<br />

are also reorganizing themselves into smaller divisions and encouraging entrepreneurship<br />

to remain innovative.<br />

The innovation supporting cultures encourage experimentation, risk taking, promotion<br />

of success and not punishment of failure etc. Without the project supporting organizational<br />

culture the goals of the project are rarely achieved. One of the main reasons people are not<br />

more creative and innovative is the cultural ambience of the project. Cultural blocks<br />

include the conformity to established norms. The organizational culture is often not<br />

supporting projects. The influence of culture is often hidden.<br />

Innovative organizations promote training and development of their members and<br />

encourage them to become champions of change. Once a new idea is developed, idea<br />

champions promote the idea, build support, overcome resistance, and ensure that the<br />

innovation is implemented (Howell, Higgins, 1990, pp. 31-32). Champions are selfconfident,<br />

persistent, risk-taking and energetic. They are like transformational leaders.<br />

According to Roberts the other critical organizational roles are: idea generators (especially<br />

in the creativity phase), information gatekeepers (who serve as links between individuals<br />

and groups within the organization and with external sources), innovation leaders<br />

(transformational managers) and project managers who keep an innovative project on track<br />

with all the necessary resource support.<br />

If the organizational structure and culture as well as organizational processes are in line<br />

with projects we can expect appropriate creativity and innovation processes within the<br />

companies. What kind of organization would we suggest?<br />

Recommendations to support creativity and foster innovation<br />

3.1 What can top managers do to increase innovation within companies?<br />

Senior managers have to establish a proper organizational structure, culture and processes<br />

that will support projects. They are responsible for coordinating projects and business<br />

functions. Changes of organizational structure are implemented from the top downwards.<br />

Much has been written about organization of projects and selection of an appropriate<br />

organization that will formally enable innovation processes within projects. Formal<br />

position and status of projects and project managers within organizational structure is of<br />

high importance for project management.<br />

Organizational culture must support the performance improvement or the project will be<br />

extremely difficult to manage and to implement (Fuller, 1997, p.57). Managers have to<br />

establish a culture supporting the project. They have to emphasize the importance of<br />


projects. Values within project structure shared by employees are the following:<br />

performance rewards, team work, identification with project team, conflict tolerance, risk<br />

tolerance, support by managers for projects, importance of knowledge and learning<br />

process, low differences of power, emphasis on referent and expert power, autonomous<br />

work, flexible working time, less formality, long-term results, supporting change and<br />

innovation, users orientation (Rozman, 2000, pp. 327-335). According to typologies of<br />

some authors the project management supporting culture is task culture (Handy, 1986),<br />

vitalized culture (Kono, 1990, pp. 9-19), etc.<br />

Changing the present culture to a project-supporting one consists of analyzing the<br />

present culture, designing the desired one and implementing change. This is very difficult<br />

due to characteristics of culture. Schein (1985, pp. 223-243) emphasizes the following<br />

culture reinforces: what do managers pay attention to; what do they measure and control;<br />

the ways the managers react to critical incidents; how they model managerial and team<br />

roles; how they teach, coach; how they allocate rewards and status; what ceremonies, rites<br />

and stories they support. Daft (1994, pp. 132-134) also emphasizes the importance of<br />

symbolic management. Dumaine (1990, p.128) emphasizes the importance that managers<br />

live and behave according to the values of the culture.<br />

The organizational processes of planning, actuating (human resources management,<br />

leadership, motivation, communication) and controlling should support innovation within<br />

the projects.<br />

There arises the question of how to develop (project) managers to be creative and to<br />

support creativity of others. We are tracing growing interest in developing managers.<br />

Unfortunately, many development programs are not adequate. The main reasons seem to<br />

be twofold. First, programs tend to develop managers within the present experience: to<br />

produce transactional managers. Second, the needs of individual managers are specific. In<br />

order to overcome this second problem, some organizations have moved from off-the-job<br />

training to more individually tailored and job related programs (Newstrom, 1995) at the<br />

level of companies and for individuals.<br />

3.2 What can project managers do to increase creativity and innovation?<br />

Project managers are held responsible that those involved in a project think about<br />

innovative ways. They should participate in building appropriate organizational structure<br />

and culture. However, managers themselves can be innovative in their way of managing a<br />

project: in planning, organizing, staffing, communicating, motivating and controlling.<br />

It is not possible to argue that some people are creative and the others are not. It is a<br />

continuum. Kirton (1989) contends that not only do people exhibit different degrees of<br />

creativity, but they also express their creativity in different ways, along a spectrum which<br />


uns from adaptors to innovators. Adaptors prefer to work within the existent system and<br />

suggest evolutionary changes and improvements. They are efficient and conform to<br />

existing norms and come up with only a few ideas at one time. The transactional<br />

managers or leaders correspond to them. Innovators ignore the present system and come<br />

up with radical, revolutionary changes. Transformational leaders correspond to them<br />

(Burnes, p. 501). Majority of people are between both extremes and can even adopt<br />

different styles at the same time. Talbot (1997) indicates that there are approaches to<br />

increase the creativity and change the adaptors to innovators and transactional leaders to<br />

transformational ones. Talbot (1993) also points out that changes in people’s creativity<br />

alone are not enough. Individuals cannot be considered in isolation. The organization,<br />

especially the culture influences their creativity.<br />

Transactional leaders guide their followers in the direction of established goals by<br />

clarifying role and task requirements. Transformational leaders inspire followers to<br />

transcend their self-interest for the good of the organization; they pay attention to<br />

developmental needs of individuals and help them to look at problems in the new way.<br />

Transactional and transformational leadership shouldn’t be viewed as opposing approaches<br />

to getting things done (Bass, 1990, pp. 693-703). Transformational leadership is built on<br />

top of transactional leadership. Project managers are required to be both.<br />

Project managers should support creativity and innovation. They have to remove<br />

blocks to creativity and stimulate it. According to Randolph and Posner the major blocks to<br />

creativity are: fear from expressing talents, stress of criticism for failures, instability,<br />

formalization little support and time allowed for innovation (1992, pp. 116-117). They<br />

have to be aware that creativity is within individuals not within a team. Still more, teams<br />

influence individuals to act in line with team opinion. Individual members should be freed<br />

of such influences of teams. The manager has to give the instructions to refrain following<br />

the opinion of others. This is the basis of most techniques supporting creative thinking like<br />

brainstorming, Delphi method, Nominal group techniques and similar ones. Project<br />

managers should lead people (e. g. manage team meetings) considering the philosophy of<br />

mentioned techniques. But to implement the ideas the team support is very important. We<br />

can connect the creativity with individuals and teams with innovation.<br />

Project managers should take care of members already in the recruitment phase. It is the<br />

task of a project manager to provide an appropriate mix of skills and personal traits of<br />

members within team. Members have to possess different skills. At least some of them<br />

have to be creative.<br />

Project managers have to encourage different opinion. There should be no need to hurry<br />

with a solution. The first and most obvious decision should not be accepted without doubt.<br />


In this connection the role of devil’s advocate is often recommended. It is a process by<br />

which an individual or a team develops a systematic critique of suggested alternative.<br />

Creativity is partly inherited. But it can be also taught. Project managers should take care<br />

that members are taught to unleash the creativity. They have to motivate, to reinforce<br />

and not stifle creativity. Creative people respond more to intrinsic rewards, like recognition<br />

and praise. Project manager is more a supporter providing possibilities and broadly<br />

directing the activities.<br />

The innovation process is supposed to be conducted by planning and controlling.<br />

Members should participate in the planning process. After an agreement is obtained the<br />

execution should follow efficiently. Project managers should not over-control the<br />

personnel.<br />

Channels of communication should be open to all members. There should be all-channels<br />

communication structure. Project managers should take care that members have no fear of<br />

negative consequences for making a mistake. Rewarding and promotion should be on the<br />

basis of results and merits. Project managers focus less on how work is going to be done;<br />

they should focus on the achievement of goals.<br />

3.3 What should members of project teams do?<br />

To become innovative members, they have to follow some principles. Innovators must be<br />

action-oriented, always searching and developing new ideas. They should try, test and<br />

revise. They should learn from the failure. Failures give rise to new innovation (Mitsch,<br />

1990, pp.18-21). During the process they should keep the user in mind and deliver him<br />

simple solutions. According to Taylor (1990, pp. 97-106) work is of utmost importance. It<br />

takes work and not genius to innovate successfully.<br />

6.5.4 Conclusion<br />

The creativity and innovation processes are very important for efficient and effective<br />

project management. Due to different reasons the creativity and innovation are rarely<br />

properly managed. This is quite often the reason for less successful projects that do not<br />

meet their goals. We have to find barriers to innovation processes and make suggestion<br />

how the creativity and innovation processes should be supported by managers, project<br />

managers, project team and other stakeholders connected to projects. Top management has<br />

to take care that an appropriate organizational structure is introduced. A project supporting<br />

culture is their responsibility. They should take care of developing creative and creativity<br />

supportive project managers. Project managers should unleash the creativity of project<br />

members and their own. This can be achieved in different ways. They have to become<br />

transformational managers. However, team members and other stakeholders have also to<br />

think and behave in an innovative way.<br />


6.6 Project (management) office (PMO)<br />

6.6.1 Project office development<br />

The idea of project offices appeared in the 50's and 60's of the past century in the<br />

construction industry, aerospace and defence industry. The main purpose was higher<br />

cooperation of project team and contractors on large projects. Project Office was a team for<br />

contractors management and a focal point for communication with the users. Staff were<br />

fully employed, often with incompletely load. The focus of their work was constantly<br />

updating the framework of plans and preparation of all documentation for users.<br />

In the 70's serious computer programs for the project management were developed. The<br />

project office was included experts who mastered these programs and supported all<br />

projects. Project Office amended to project managers support in a range of fields and<br />

combined the skills associated with project management. From the user-oriented office<br />

became an information centre and started to tender full technical support (as corporate<br />

knowledge-based centre).<br />

Latter the project office was responsible for standardization of management phases<br />

(planning, control), the roles determination in the management of projects, defining of<br />

project managers job descriptions, and the implementation and updating of an archive of<br />

experience from previous projects. This was mainly PMO’s role in the 80's.<br />

6.6.2 Project office functions<br />

In the 80's and 90's the importance of the projects was increasing. Literature, conferences,<br />

symposia, experiences, computers and related SW were drawn to each other new project<br />

office:<br />

• project management methodology development,<br />

• setting standards,<br />

• determining the best practices,<br />

• coordination and implementation of training,<br />

• transfer of knowledge and experience,<br />

• oversight of staff in the projects<br />

• risk assessment of projects<br />

• planning in case of emergencies, crises.<br />

At the time the name was changing to the Centre of excellence.<br />

The company should constantly update the processes of project management, provide<br />

appropriate organisational rules, uniform project approach and appropriate computing<br />

solutions. This role is increasingly taking over the PMO.<br />


Now days usual activities of project offices are (Verzuh, 1999, p. 285-292):<br />

• maintenance of project standards (documentation, updating and promotion of best<br />

practice);<br />

• training organising;<br />

• mentoring and advising the project managers, since office employees are experts in<br />

individual fields;<br />

• network scheduling and cost planning;<br />

• integration project information into the enterprise information system;<br />

• participate in decisions along with project managers;<br />

• monitoring of project managers;<br />

• concern for the quality, timing and cost of projects;<br />

• project managers career planning;<br />

• new project managers recruiting.<br />

Kerzner (2001, p. 99-100) declares the following responsibilities of PMO:<br />

• a strategic planning focal point of project management<br />

• benchmarks project management<br />

• concerns for the continuous improvement<br />

• provides mentorship for inexperienced project managers<br />

• a centralized data bank on lessons learned<br />

• shares project management ideas and experiences<br />

• a “hot line” for problem-solving that does not automatically inform senior<br />

management<br />

• creates project management standards<br />

• a focal point for centralized planning and scheduling activities<br />

• a focal point for centralized cost control and reporting<br />

• assists Human Resources in the creation of a project management career path<br />

• an assists Human Resources in developing a project management curriculum<br />

6.7 Control questions<br />

1. What do you understand by organization? Discuss the organizational structures and<br />

organizational processes.<br />

2. Discuss the reasons for use of linear responsibility chart. Show some examples of its<br />

use.<br />

3. Discuss the work-breakdown organizational structure.<br />

4. Enumerate different stakeholders and discuss some of them<br />

5. Discuss the roles of project manager, direction committee and project team.<br />

6. Discuss project management within the functionally organized company.<br />


7. Discuss the organization of a project within the project type organization: its<br />

characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.<br />

8. Discus the characteristics of project-matrix organization. Show its advantages and<br />

disadvantages.<br />

9. Define the organizational culture, discuss different values and levels of<br />

organizational culture.<br />

10. Discuss the values, which are important for achieving project results.<br />

11. Discuss the change of organizational culture.<br />

12. Discuss creativity and innovation within projects.<br />

13. Indicate PMO functions and describe it’s role in improvement of the efficient<br />

execution of projects within the organization.<br />


In the previous chapters we discussed the planning of project: planning time, resources and<br />

costs as well as planning duties, responsibilities, authority and communications. However,<br />

all this planning is in vain if it is not followed by its actuation or activating or<br />

implementation. To actuate the plan we have to recruit and develop people, and lead them.<br />

The leadership in a broader sense depends on motivation, communication and leadership.<br />

In this chapter we will talk about HRM, leadership, motivation and communication.<br />

7.1 HRM<br />

HRM (earlier known also as staffing) consists of recruiting and selecting employees (team<br />

members), placing them, making their evaluation, rewarding, promoting and demoting<br />

them as well as developing their resources. Let us emphasize that the HRM is really<br />

managing of the roles or required role characteristics.<br />

Based on the proposed project and its activities and other characteristics project manager<br />

has to propose the project team. He looks for potential candidates, which is known as<br />

recruitment.<br />

He tries to select most suitable members considering their knowledge on the activities<br />

which they are supposed to be conducting. However not only their knowledge and abilities<br />

are important. Within the team also the social cooperation and complementary of members<br />

is important. The selection of project members thus includes the professional and social<br />

mix of selected members. Especially important is the selection of the project manager. His<br />

managerial and above all leadership skills, technical knowledge of the project, references<br />

and availability are important for the selection.<br />


Project manager explains to the project team the requirement to be fulfilled and explains to<br />

the team and individual members what he expects from them. This is called placement.<br />

Team members start to execute the activities and project. Project manager has to motivate<br />

them. He evaluates their individual and team performance. On this basis he suggests<br />

further development (education and training) of their resources, proposes their rewards<br />

and also proposes their promotion.<br />

7.2 Project (team) leadership<br />

7.2.1 Participative leadership and characteristics of a good leader<br />

Different experts are joined in project team. Because of high specialism and project<br />

specificity project managers are not familiar with activities’' details, in any case not as<br />

team members. For that reason they have no possibility to command team members what<br />

and how to perform the activities. Better way is to enrapture them for independent work<br />

and goals attaining. Managers efforts are directed to personal relations, they rely on their<br />

personal strengths. This style of leadership is known as participative or democratic.<br />

Typical characteristics of participative leadership:<br />

• leadership is built on personal characteristics, not on position - project manager<br />

could be subordinate of team member in company organisational structure;<br />

• team planning and control, team members decides upon the way of task execution<br />

• team work and discussion encouragement, the proper organization culture has to be<br />

implemented<br />

• team decision-making - discussion should take place until the team find the<br />

consensus; no one is final arbiter; exceptionally, under the time pressure, manager<br />

make a decision;<br />

• for the sake of better mutual understanding, it makes sense to change the work<br />

among members and encourage mutual assistance. Eg. members who have<br />

completed their work, helping other members.<br />

• team searches for facts in information when decides,<br />

• empowers and promotes creativeness;<br />

• conflict discussion, either jointly or separately with individual members;<br />

• “theory Y” leadership<br />

• team leader is available for different discussion with team members - the open<br />

door.<br />

• team is open for criticism and praise, every individual in his opinion are important.<br />

Criticism must be constructive and duly delivered.<br />

• communication is predominantly verbal and follows the principle of all channels<br />


(all communicate with each other). Active listening skills are important.<br />

• management is geared to the satisfaction of both (theory of interpersonal relations)<br />

For successful project the following team leader characteristics are particularly important:<br />

• by leader’s persuasion in the project importance, complexity and the objectives<br />

achievement, one leads and motivates team members.<br />

• leader can demonstrate, communicate the importance of the project to members<br />

and others. Communication is open, in order to reach a return communication from<br />

participants. Openness is the basis of the views exchange.<br />

• Team members may rely on a leader. This does not mean that they always agree<br />

with him, but know that it is committed to the project and considered in its<br />

operation. They follow leader on the basis of confidence, because they know that<br />

leader works for the benefit of all. Reliability is greatly appreciated feature by the<br />

participants.<br />

• Leader must be self-managed – one has to know oneself, ones abilities and<br />

weaknesses, acknowledges mistakes and learn from them. Self-management is a<br />

systematic, disciplined and persistent mode of action of the leader. This is<br />

especially necessary in crisis situations.<br />

Hierarchic leadership in companies are older than project management. Many times line<br />

managers are also project managers or team members, consequently their leadership type is<br />

hierarchic, autocratic which is harmful for project goals attaining. Argyris indicates follow<br />

leadership faults:<br />

• to autocratic leadership instead of democratic;<br />

• forcing of solutions;<br />

• it is important to motivate the whole team, not individual members;<br />

• unsuitable methods application;<br />

• unsuitable conflict resolving; conflicts, which are associated with the dual<br />

responsibility - members of the team are often in a difficult situation, because they<br />

must decide between two managers. It is also dangerous to abuse;<br />

• poor project goals and objectives - team should require a clear definition of the<br />

goals of the project and the relevant objectives;<br />

• poor meetings management and directing.<br />

In connection with the work of the project teams we have to mention two more frequent<br />

problem. In improperly assembled teams individual members can contribute less than they<br />

are capable of - problem is called Soccer effect. Their individual contribution is not visible.<br />

They think, why should I work as all the rest, if this is not observed.<br />


Often, the team also makes inappropriate decisions, although we expect that their decisions<br />

will be more deliberate. Interestingly, the majority of the members often do not agree with<br />

the decision, but they fear that their opposition will threatened conflict. At the same time<br />

they rely on the opinion of others, even if it is different from their (Groupthink).<br />

Good leadership can be seen in team members’ behaviour. Members of a well-leaded<br />

teams shared the following characteristics:<br />

• are confident and feel important;<br />

• knowledge and expertise mean them a lot, as well as the personal characteristics of<br />

staff;<br />

• they feel like part of a team and are willing work and are dedicated to the<br />

company, they always present and defended the project and company;<br />

• they are more and more interested in work.<br />

7.2.2 Characteristics of successful teams<br />

Key role in the project implementation has the project team. The team is the organization<br />

of two or more persons who cooperate and coordinate their work to achieve the objectives.<br />

The team definition includes three essential elements: team has two or more members,<br />

work requires mutual cooperation and has collective goal. Many authors distinguish the<br />

team and the group, so we explained the differences in following table.<br />

Group Team<br />

- powerful leader is selected,<br />

- individual responsibility<br />

- goal of group is identical to company goal<br />

- meetings' goal is agreement<br />

- success is measured by company success<br />

- work is assign to individuals.<br />

Table 1: Differences between group and team<br />

- members take an active part in management,<br />

- everyone feels responsible for themselves and for the team<br />

- vision and goal of team are specific<br />

- meetings stimulate discussion and problems solving<br />

- success of team<br />

- work is divided among members.<br />

Daft and Noe (2001, p. 273) indicate the following advantages of team work:<br />

• effort in the team is greater, because the presence of other members will contribute<br />

to greater motivation and effect;<br />

• the satisfaction of the members is greater because of the need to belong a team and<br />

because of socializing;<br />

• accelerating the acquisition of knowledge and skills due to members join work;<br />

• greater flexibility of work, as members execute several different works;<br />

• lower monotony of work.<br />


Disadvantages of working in teams are in particular:<br />

• loss of informal competences and power of line managers, who fear loss of status<br />

or even a job (that is present mainly in the self-management teams);<br />

• exploitation of the team, when individuals gain the benefits of membership in the<br />

team, but are not ready to offer all of their skills, knowledge and effort;<br />

• costs for teams are often greater than in hierarchical coordination.<br />

Project teams are placed outside of the permanent hierarchal organization to implement<br />

significant and creative projects. Although team members are company employees, they<br />

feel team as a special unit. Team often involves employees from different business<br />

functions and / or units.<br />

Authors separate technical and human / personal characteristics of the teams. Technical<br />

characteristics include:<br />

• dedication to the project in a professional context,<br />

• focus on the result, to attain the project objectives,<br />

• the willingness of members for changes accepting as a result of creativity and<br />

innovation,<br />

• the importance of the quality of the project,<br />

• the ability of linking together different skills,<br />

• expectation of next project phases,<br />

• the speed of problem solving,<br />

• synergies between members as a result of the different skills and abilities.<br />

Human or personal characteristics of the teams are:<br />

• involvement of members and dedication to the project,<br />

• the ability of the coordination of the various views, the recognition of diversity and<br />

conflict resolution,<br />

• ability to communicate between all, equal members, not to degenerate even in the<br />

hierarchical communication even in the chat,<br />

• a desire for a collective achievement,<br />

• the appropriate atmosphere in the team,<br />

• mutual trust<br />

• willingness to learn and to develop innovations.<br />

The performance of teams can be affected by various factors. Authors often mentioning<br />

culture, rewards, diversity of members, the knowledge and skills of members, the size of<br />

teams, the merits of installing a team, etc.<br />


7.3 Communications<br />

7.3.1 Project communications characteristics<br />

Communication is the transmission of messages between the sender and the receiver. Four<br />

elements of each message are the message, transmitter, receiver and channel by which the<br />

message travels. Classic ways to convey the message are verbal, written and by body<br />

language. Modern ways are electronic medias, such as telephone, e-mail, Internet.<br />

Communications have different characteristics - duration, direction, extent, volume,<br />

acceptability, directness. Regard to direction we distinguish one-way and two-way<br />

communication. One-way communication takes place predominantly in one direction, from<br />

transmitter to receiver or vice versa. In the two-way messages are constantly exchanged,<br />

the receiver simultaneously clarifies confusions, while transmitter explains the message.<br />

Both sides are equal. However; the communication in one direction can be better prepared<br />

and faster, but the receiver is in unequal position. More relevant is the communication,<br />

which is consistent with the situational variables and other organizational structures.<br />

An understanding of communication is difficult due to several reasons, problems and<br />

communication barriers. These are mainly consequence of the diversity of transmitter and<br />

receiver, the comprehensiveness of the message and the difficulties in the communication<br />

channel. Also, there are a number of recommendations on how to avoid problems, how to<br />

eliminate or overcome, if they occur. Mention few: the repetition of messages, messages<br />

organising, active listening, readiness to transmit and receive.<br />

Characteristics of the project management affects the proper communication. So first we<br />

expect to communicate horizontally and not hierarchical. While in the hierarchical<br />

organization the messages travel mainly in the vertical direction (commands and reports on<br />

the work done), the positions of team members is equal. Communication is therefore<br />

among the members of the same level, and it’s content can not be the commands, but the<br />

interpretations, suggestions, explaining, agreement. Frequently relations between members<br />

outside of the team influence on communication in the team, which makes a team work<br />

more difficult.<br />

Communication in the project team is two-way. Two members constantly exchange the<br />

roles of transmitter and receiver. It is important that the transmitter is open, while the<br />

receiver feedbacks. All team members participate in the communication, therefore<br />

communication across all channels is typical for the team.<br />

Figure 2: Interpersonal communications<br />


Of course it is not necessary that all team members communicate to the same extent. Team<br />

leader has more frequent communications, which are sometimes hierarchical. Leader can<br />

change, what also affects the communication.<br />

A third characteristic are informal communication, which are not predetermined, and<br />

therefore interfere in areas which are not directly related to the handling of specific<br />

problems or into adoption of concrete decisions.<br />

The next characteristic is mostly oral communication, in the meetings, which does not<br />

mean that other communication doesn’t exist. Eg. minutes of meetings are written. Also,<br />

certain techniques for creativity promotion (eg. ideas recording) require written<br />

communication. Finally, the number of dislocated meetings (via electronic mail, the<br />

Internet or teleconferencing) increases. In such cases, we talk about virtual teams<br />

The most common problems in communication within the team are:<br />

• The reluctance of members to exchange information. Individual members,<br />

especially those who feel that they know more than the others, and who fear that<br />

their results will not be sufficiently visible, do not give all of himself, but only hat<br />

much, as in comparison with other seems necessary.<br />

• team leader communicates too much with team members individually or with the<br />

close part of his team.<br />

• At meetings team leader puts into force one’s (hierarchic) position, so the meeting<br />

is not running democratically.<br />

• often Team members do not want to tell bad news, therefore the problems increase<br />

and require intervention in the hierarchy.<br />

• Due to the efforts that the team would work homogeneous, members often do not<br />

express their doubts about the problems or solutions. They rely on each other, so<br />

other members think that the solution is appropriate. This is a phenomenon of<br />

group thinking – team takes bad solutions, because the members wish to maintain<br />

the team, so they do not express their concerns.<br />

7.3.2 Team meetings<br />

Team members communications mainly take place on meeting, therefore the proper<br />

meeting moderating in quite important, as improper cooperation on meetings unnecessarily<br />


causes time loss and doesn’t bring right results. Meetings have to be founded, carefully<br />

prepared and moderated, by proper participants’ collaboration and with precise<br />

conclusions.<br />

First of all meeting purpose has to be known and defined. Why the meeting is necessary?<br />

Usually team leader or members apprise that particular problems or solutions have to be<br />

discussed in team. The following activities follows:<br />

• the agenda for the meeting has to be set. Typically, team discusses several<br />

problems and solutions, or may be a wider problem. Careful consideration should<br />

be given on the order of the topics.<br />

• short explanation for each topic of the problem has to be prepared and determined<br />

the purpose of discussion, for example - the solutions, the definition of the<br />

problem, etc.. Preferred solution should not be proposed in advance, as this would<br />

restrict the discussion only to the confirmation or the opposition.<br />

• next step is meeting participants selection. These could be all members of the team<br />

or just part of a them, often are invited other participants as well. The answer to the<br />

question of who should be present at the meeting, is not easy. It happens that those<br />

who could possibly oppose the proposer, are not invited. The problem of who to<br />

invite is particularly severe if the purpose of the meeting is not clear. Too many<br />

participants paralyse the meeting.<br />

• meeting moderator is not always a team leader. Sometimes it may be a member of<br />

the team, especially if the meeting’s directing changes, or an external actor, eg.<br />

client or user.<br />

• for each item on the agenda a reporter should be establish, who will explain the<br />

problem and clearly show the objectives of debate. For this purpose it is necessary<br />

to prepare the appropriate audio-visual aids.<br />

• depending on the nature of the meeting is necessary to prepare the appropriate<br />

invitations. This must be sent early enough so that participants can adequately<br />

prepare.<br />

• meeting location and time should be defined. Beside the start of the meeting is<br />

desirable to define an approximate duration of the meeting so that participants can<br />

plan the schedule of their activities. The meeting room must allow a proper and<br />

smooth running of the meeting and the tables layout has to allow for equal<br />

discussion.<br />

• In advance has to be determined whether the meeting will have a detailed written<br />

record or only decisions will be recorded. This depends on the nature and purpose<br />

of the meeting.<br />

Meeting directing is pretentious work. Poor meeting directing causes dispensable time<br />

and effort loss. Meeting moderators have to take into consideration the following<br />

recommendations for discussion directing:<br />


• meeting moderator should be prepared for the meeting and has to check whether<br />

everything is prepared for the meeting, were invitations and material timely sent,<br />

was there any excuse for non-participation, is the location free, etc.<br />

• at the beginning explains the purpose and importance of the meeting. Possible, but<br />

not particularly desirable, are the suggestions regarding changes to the agenda.<br />

• explains the way of running the meeting: whether written record will be prepared,<br />

how detailed will be and who will write it, how long should be presentations, will<br />

replies be allowed, will he permit discussion of items that are not directly related<br />

with an agenda;<br />

• leader (or a reporter) clearly shows the problem and the need for solution at any<br />

point. Leader shouldn’t indicate his own solution, since this would obstruct the<br />

discussion. Some members would agreed with him because of tactical reasons, and<br />

some will be against. Already imposed opinion is difficult to change, even if it is<br />

latter concluded that the objections are justified. It is better to encourage others to<br />

propose solutions, and at the end of the debate leader can also present his opinion.<br />

• during discussion leader encourages more shy participants, addresses them directly<br />

and engage them in the discussion. Those, who like to discuss, he limits at the<br />

duration so as the frequency of their discussions.<br />

• moderator tries to keep the participants present, it keeps the discussion interesting.<br />

He allows the sense debate, which is only indirectly related to the item on the<br />

agenda. For large deviations from the topics he suggests that the matter will be<br />

discussed next time. He always returns the discussion to a main topic.<br />

• He clearly summarises the course and content of the debate and propose relevant<br />

conclusions. Always tries to reach unanimous decisions, but he also allows a<br />

different opinion, especially if they do not hinder the course of further actions. In<br />

such cases, the view of majority predominates, while the course of latter events can<br />

show, whose opinion was more relevant.<br />

• Each item on the agenda should be clearly closed, latter returns to the already<br />

closed topics is not desirable.<br />

• Moderator has to pay attention that the debate would not be repeated. It may also<br />

emphasizes that those who do not agree with the previous discussion, do not repeat<br />

the proposals already given.<br />

• moderator arranges proper written minutes of the meeting with the relevant<br />

decisions. He should not persist in the decisions which he has for the most<br />

appropriate, if the debate showed otherwise. Conclusions must clearly show what<br />

have to be done, by whom and when to do it, so next time it will be possible to<br />

determine whether the decisions were implemented.<br />

Summary of discussions, in particular, decisions on future work are the result of the<br />

meeting. Conclusions are formed already at the debate closeout, and recorded in the<br />

meeting minutes. Their implementation must be monitored. It is pointless to draw up a<br />


whole series of decisions, which are already known in advance that they will not be<br />

implemented.<br />

Despite the recommendations and the rules of proper meeting directing we mentioned,<br />

team meetings should be informal and with ease. This depends mainly on team relations in<br />

general.<br />

7.4 Motivation<br />

People work to satisfy their needs. That activity is mostly reasonably managed, that is to<br />

say that people activity is directed to goals attaining (means, that will satisfy their needs).<br />

The needs and goals are not only associated with physical survival. They are also (and<br />

increasingly) the need for safety, socializing, recognition by others and not least the need<br />

to use own abilities for self development.<br />

Employees are rewarded for day by day activities they perform in their departments. The<br />

reward depends on work pretentiousness in the first place. It is defined by education and<br />

experiences, responsibilities, work efforts and work environment. Salaries can also be<br />

remodelled in way that individuals work successes is also taken into account. The<br />

evaluation of individuals’ success is usually made by superiors at least ones a year. They<br />

consider the extent and the quality of performed work, independence of employee,<br />

initiatives, readiness for collaboration, etc. Part of reward can also be linked to results of<br />

the group, department or company.<br />

However, some individuals work on project as well. By the proper team selection, the<br />

project work pretentiousness is nearly equal to the one of day by day activities, but the<br />

nature the work is changing, more stress is laid on different style of cooperation among<br />

team members.<br />

When people work on project they relates to project managers. Line managers can not<br />

evaluate employees efforts on project activities, while project manager can do it easily. It<br />

means that employees effectiveness can be evaluated by both managers, what can be done<br />

in two ways: they can make the evaluation together, or each one evaluates efforts on their's<br />

activities. In that case the time spent on project (or in line department work) has to be<br />

considered as ponder. In that case team members can have equal position as employees<br />

that don't work on projects.<br />

Small problem in mentioned ways is the fact that team should be rewarded as entirety,<br />

while we previously discussed on rewarding manners that leys on differences between<br />

individuals, mitigated by collaboration evaluation. We also mentioned the group or<br />


department reward. Similarly the project success can be considered in defining the part of<br />

reward, related to project work.<br />

Project success is defined by expected attaining of goals (deadline, costs, quality). Those<br />

goals are defined by the customer already at the beginning of the project, or else goals do<br />

not motivate team. At the end of the project the customer evaluates goals attaining and<br />

defines collective reward. This reward can be divided among team members<br />

proportionally, regard on pretentiousness and project work hours. Additional factors can be<br />

defined by project manager: collaboration, independence, initiatives, etc.<br />

7.5 Control Questions<br />

1. Show the recruitment and selection as well as other phases in the HRM process.<br />

2. Indicate the advantages of teamwork and the characteristics of successful teams.<br />

What is your opinion about self-management teams?<br />

3. Explain the difference between management and leadership? Describe<br />

characteristics of good leaders.<br />

4. Describe team communications characteristics. What types of communications<br />

should prevalent?<br />

5. Indicate goals, organization and directing of project meeting. How meeting<br />

participants prepare themselves for the meeting. Indicate some typical meetings.<br />

6. What monetary and non-monetary motivation of project team do you know?<br />

Indicate few cases!<br />

8 <strong>PROJECT</strong> CONTROL<br />

8.1 Control definition<br />

Control is the process of monitoring, evaluating, and comparing actual results with project<br />

plan to determine the progress toward the project cost, schedule, and technical performance<br />

objectives. It is a three-step process:<br />

• measuring progress toward an objective - determining through formal and informal<br />

reports the degree to which progress toward objectives is being made;<br />

• evaluating what remains to be done - determining cause of and possible ways to act<br />

on significant deviations from planned performance;<br />

• taking the necessary corrective action to achieve or exceed the objectives, to<br />

correct an unfavourable trend or to take advantage of an unusually favourable<br />

trend.<br />


The major purpose of control is to equip the project with an early warning signals which<br />

force team to take actions to resolve the issues causing the current schedule variance and<br />

mitigate risks to future schedule. Control's primary purpose is not to determine what has<br />

happened (although this is important information) but rather to predict what may happen in<br />

the future if present conditions continue and if there are no changes in the management of<br />

the project. This enables the project manager to manage the project in compliance with the<br />

plan.<br />

8.2 Schedule / time control<br />

Progress tracking is fundamental to performance evaluation, variance analysis, and<br />

productivity measurement. The calculations used to compute performance, variance, and<br />

productivity measures are usually based on the percent complete for each project task or<br />

work package.<br />

It is critical that progress data (for percent complete calculations) accurately reflect the<br />

physical progress on the work package and not some ''subjective guess" the work package<br />

manager makes. It is the responsibility of project management to ensure that each work<br />

package is accurately statused (progress data accurately determined) each period.<br />

The most convenient and most used method for time control is Gantt chart. The chart is<br />

formatted as a two-dimensional representation of the project schedule with activities<br />

shown in the rows and time shown across the horizontal axis. It can be used during<br />

planning, for resource scheduling, and for status reporting. Information inputs are the<br />

baseline schedule, performance reports, change requests, resource and cost information.<br />

Heerkens, 2002, p. 170<br />


In case of delays corrective actions have to be taken. To find proper corrective action right<br />

causes have to be known, so as the following information:<br />

• planned duration and percentage of performed work,<br />

• time reserve (uncritical task),<br />

• planed work (working hours) and percentage of used hours,<br />

• planned task deadline,<br />

• needed time and working hours for task completion.<br />

Typical causes for poor performance and project delays are:<br />

• poor estimation of planned work and task duration, or too optimistic estimates,<br />

• ineffective or incapable task performer,<br />

• insufficient resources when needed,<br />

• technical and quality problems,<br />

• changes of client specifications,<br />

• inter-functional complications,<br />

• technological breakthroughs,<br />

• conflicts in project team (technical solutions, personal conflicts),<br />

• changes in entrepreneurship environment (market, legislation),<br />

• delays caused by predecessors.<br />

Corrective action can take the form of replanning, reprogramming, or reallocating<br />

resources, or changing the way the project is managed and organized. The corrective<br />

actions that are available to the project manager focuses on the cost, schedule, and<br />

technical performance parameters of the project. Two approaches are handy for schedule<br />

change:<br />

• fast-tracking is focused on dependencies of future activities. Any sequential<br />

activities with dependencies has to be turn into overlapping activities as much as<br />

possible;<br />

• schedule crashing – to compress the duration, the project usually deploys more<br />

resources in performing activities, without changing the project logic; usually the<br />

total cost grows.<br />

Both approaches can increase the number of critical activities and time pressure.<br />

Correcting a problem with one of the mentioned parameters (schedule, cost, technical<br />

performance) may have reverberations on one or both of the other parameters. Such<br />

potential reverberations should be considered by the project team before the decision on<br />

corrective action is made.<br />


8.3 Cost control<br />

Most authors as the most effective cost control method indicates EVA – (Earned Value<br />

Analysis), also known as EVT – (Earned Value Technique). EVA offers the following<br />

benefits:<br />

• assesses true schedule and cost position,<br />

• monitors trend performance and generates an early-warning signal,<br />

• integrates scope, cost and schedule,<br />

• focuses on exceptions,<br />

• provides a single control system for all management levels and projects.<br />

Cost control bases on cost plan (baseline costs), corrected by eventual changes of<br />

objectives, requirements and plans. For the assessment of the current deviations we need<br />

four important data – planned work, the actual work, the cost of planned work and the cost<br />

of the actual work. EVA diagram shows information on spent funds for entire project.<br />

More clear picture of cost variances shows part diagrams for every type of costs – work<br />

hours, material, contract payments, etc. For efficient correcting actions is crucial to know<br />

precise causes for deviations. In some organizations, project managers are held<br />

accountable not for costs but only for the hours actually worked on the project and for the<br />

work actually accomplished. (Lewis, 2002, p. 111).<br />

Figure 3: EVA – earned value analysis<br />

www.projectsmart.co.uk/docs/earned-value.pdf<br />


Cost control problems come about for many reasons, including incorrect estimating<br />

techniques (work, cost, etc.), predetermined or fixed budget with no flexibility, schedule<br />

overruns, inadequate WBS development, customer-generated change orders, unavailable<br />

material, personnel, or equipment when needed, frauds, prices of materials increases.<br />

Despite proper cost estimation, cost changes may also be consequences of delays and<br />

additional activities, material irregularities, wrong recording of spending hours,<br />

contractors’ invoices for the work they have not done yet, and pre-implemented orders that<br />

have been planned for later time.<br />

The cost variance for a summary-level control package is the sum of all the cost variances<br />

of the all current tasks. Consequently, it is possible to have cost variances from different<br />

tasks that effectively cancel each other out at a summary-level. In other words, it is<br />

possible that the overall cost performance goals of a project are being met even though<br />

they are not being met at the task or work package level. That is why some recommend to<br />

track cost for each activity separately.<br />

Successful managers of large projects tend to rely on the Law of Compensating Error to<br />

help them meet their performance goals, because on large projects, there is not enough<br />

time to analyse every deviation from the plan. Managers of large projects normally adopt a<br />

management-by-exception philosophy. They look at performance measures (such as cost<br />

and schedule variances) at summary levels, and, if they are acceptable at the summary<br />

level, they often do not attempt to analyze the problem further.<br />

It is only in the case where performance at the summary level is not acceptable that further<br />

analysis is necessary, and this is one of the advantages of the cost variance: it can be<br />

examined at any level of the WBS hierarchy. Normally, the cost variance at the top level is<br />

observed by comparing the earned man-hours and actual man-hour expenditure on an<br />

earned value plot. Project management relies heavily on these plots because they show a<br />

good deal more about per<br />

8.4 Quality control<br />

Typical causes for quality deviations are technical problems, unsuitable resources, bad<br />

material and equipment quality, demands changing, new technology, poor activities<br />

linkages, and quality unsuitable culture<br />

Because of large differences in quality demands of different types of projects (civil<br />

engineering, research and development, events) experts have not developed unified and<br />

wide used method for quality control, such as Gantt chart for time control or EVA for cost<br />

control. The quality management plan is defined during the planning phase. In<br />


Responsibility and Competence matrix project team usually defines responsible for the<br />

quality control and responsible for the (task, phases, project) results approvals.<br />

The quality management plan also contains quality demands, metrics and checklists, and<br />

terms of quality control, while control inputs in the project implementation phase are work<br />

performance information, approved changes requests, and deliverables.<br />

For typical company’s projects the quality standards and other internal quality assurance<br />

rules can be developed, so as test procedures. Test procedures development can be one of<br />

project activities.<br />

8.5 Project tracking / progress information providing<br />

Excellent project managers work preventive and are all the time focused into the future!<br />

Proactive cycle of project control can be performed by answering to the following<br />

questions (Milosevic, 2003, p. 384):<br />

• What is the variance between the baseline and the actual project schedule?<br />

• What are the issues causing the variance?<br />

• What is the current trend – the preliminary predicted completion date if we<br />

continue with our current performance?<br />

• What new risks may pop up in the future and how could they change the<br />

preliminary predicted completion date?<br />

• What actions should we take to prevent the predicted completion dates from<br />

happening and deliver on the baseline?<br />

The basis of effective project monitoring, evaluation, and control is an explicit statement of<br />

the project objectives, goals, and strategies which provide performance standards against<br />

which project progress s can be evaluated (Cleland, 1999, p. 326). Project tracking has one<br />

major objective: to determine whether the project is in control (i.e., meeting the agreed<br />

business case) or out of control (Thomsett, 2002, p. 239). Monitoring means to make sure<br />

sufficient intelligence is gained on the status of the project that an accurate and timely<br />

evaluation can be conducted of the project (Cleland, 1999, p. 328). Information may be<br />

obtained from various sources, formal and informal. Official sources are reports,<br />

checklists, inspection meetings, letters, notes and bookmarks, and notes and minutes of the<br />

audits. Regular inspection project meetings also provide continuous information to all<br />

participants in the project. Informal sources are informal interviews, observation and<br />

monitoring of contractors and rumours tracking.<br />


You need to establish a reporting system that keeps you informed of the many variables<br />

that describe how the project is proceeding as compared to the plan (Wysocki & McGary,<br />

2003, p. 211). A reporting system has the following characteristics:<br />

• Provides timely, complete, and accurate status information<br />

• Doesn’t add so much overhead time as to be counterproductive<br />

• Is readily acceptable to the project team and senior management<br />

• Warns of pending problems in time to take action<br />

• Is easily understood by those who have a need to know<br />

The method of providing information of project progress is already defined in the project<br />

planning phase. To provide information for the purpose of control is necessary to establish<br />

the following:<br />

• decision terms definition;<br />

• what data will be collected an how will they be evaluated?<br />

• who and where collects data (and evaluate performance)?<br />

• what tools will be used for collecting data;<br />

• types and levels of progress reports;<br />

• regular and periodical project tracking;<br />

• PMIS usage for project tracking.<br />

Project progress meetings should be conducted regularly throughout the whole life of the<br />

project:<br />

• weekly once or twice (Kliem & Ludin, 1998, p. 132),<br />

• weekly or monthly (Howes, 2001, p. 112; Hughes & Cotterell, 1999, p. 172);<br />

• interval of about 4% of total project duration (Heerkens, 2002, p. 169).<br />

8.6 Project (management) information system (PMIS)<br />

Project management information system is a set of (usually computerised) tools, that<br />

support scheduling and resources planning, project tracking and control. It is also a system<br />

of tools and techniques to ensure the collection, recording, screening and dissemination of<br />

information between the project team, and the information management, which includes<br />

modelling, collection, selecting, storing and re-access to information.<br />

Project information system may be composed of several subsystems, which support a<br />

variety of areas. None of the subsystems can operate independently, and the border<br />

between them are theoretical. Some can also be merged, the structure, however, also<br />

depends on whether or not we have a computerized information system, because different<br />

software packages are in place. Project information system should have the following subsystems:<br />


• a list of activities (WBS), the use of calendar and time units, the estimated duration<br />

of activities and the creation of graphs and diagrams, milestones;<br />

• management of resources - the types and number of the necessary resources for<br />

project implementation, their allocation, the load problems solving, HR analysis<br />

and estimation of the costs in multi-project environment;<br />

• project reports, a detailed assessment of the information, a schedule of activities,<br />

details of the tasks and the current time diagrams; plans that relate to the final<br />

outcome of the project,<br />

• drawings, technological processes, procedures, flowcharts;<br />

• economics, costs calculations, financing plan, performance optimisation, statement<br />

of actual costs and earned value;<br />

• work orders, contracts, annexes, material orders;<br />

• project tracking - the state information collection, plan changing, collection and<br />

calculation of spent hours of work, critical path analysis,<br />

• system for early detection of difficulties and problems, a comparison of planned<br />

and actual implementation of activities, adjustment of resources’ load;<br />

• memos, project manual, project library, newsletters, history files.<br />

In addition to the above subsystems Palmer states the following database of operational<br />

information system companies, which are used to support work on the project (Lock, 1994,<br />

p.. 472-492):<br />

• details of materials - details of requirements for materials, details of contracts,<br />

status of supplies according to the contract;<br />

• a list of suppliers - the details of individual suppliers (address, phone, fax, contact<br />

person), past services are important to select the best suppliers;<br />

• tariffs and rates - base contains a standard costs, overtime costs and the details of<br />

the additives for each type of resources.<br />

8.7 Control Questions<br />

7. Define the purpose and the process of project control. What team controls and why?<br />

What team members report orally and in what written? How often?<br />

8. Describe the control of time and deadlines achievement and give reasons for the<br />

deviations. Show few typical questions the project manager use to verify the status<br />

of implementation.<br />

9. Describe the control of costs and give reasons for the deviation. If we are at half the<br />

planned duration of the project, and the current spending is less than planned, does<br />

this mean that we will ultimately spend less?<br />


10. Describe the quality control and give reasons for the deviations. How the team<br />

prepares for the quality control? Is there a uniform method for different types of<br />

projects (according to the professional field)? Describe with examples.<br />

11. Show ways of collecting information about the project progress. Can project<br />

manager control project only from its office?<br />

12. Describe the contents of the meeting recordings and project progress reports.<br />

13. Indicate the contents of the project information system and the importance of its use.<br />

How PMIS supports the project control?<br />

9 <strong>PROJECT</strong> CLOSEOUT<br />

9.1 Steps in closing a project<br />

Closing the project is routine once we have the customer’s approval of the deliverables<br />

(Wysocki & McGary, 2003, p. 230). There are six steps to closing the project:<br />

• Getting client acceptance of deliverables<br />

• Ensuring that all deliverables are installed<br />

• Ensuring that the documentation is in place<br />

• Getting client sign-off on final report<br />

• Conducting the post-implementation audit<br />

• Celebrating the success<br />

The client decides when the project is done. It is the job of the project manager to<br />

demonstrate that the deliverables (whether product or service) meet client specifications.<br />

This acceptance can be very informal and ceremonial, or it can be very formal, involving<br />

extensive acceptance testing against the client’s performance specifications.<br />

The second step of closing a project is to go live with the deliverables. This commonly<br />

occurs in computer systems work. The installation can involve phases, cutovers, or some<br />

other rollout strategy. In other cases, it involves nothing more than flipping a switch. In<br />

either case, some event or activity turns things over to the customer. This installation<br />

triggers the beginning of a number of close-out activities that mostly relate to<br />

documentation and report preparation.<br />

Documentation always seems to be the most difficult part of the project to complete. There<br />

are at least five reasons why we need to do documentation:<br />

• Reference for future changes in deliverables.<br />

• Historical record for estimating duration and cost on future projects, activities, and<br />

tasks.<br />

• Training resource for new project managers.<br />


• Input for further training and development of the project team.<br />

• Input for performance evaluation by the functional managers of the project team<br />

members.<br />

The post-implementation audit is an evaluation of the project’s goals and activity<br />

achievement as measured against the project plan, budget, time deadlines, quality of<br />

deliverables, specifications, and client satisfaction. The log of the project activities serves<br />

as baseline data for this audit. There are six important questions to be answered:<br />

• Was the project goal achieved?<br />

• Does it do what the project team said it would do?<br />

• Does it do what the client said it would do?<br />

• Was the project work done on time, within budget, and according to specification?<br />

• Was the client satisfied with the project results?<br />

• Was business value realized? (Check success criteria.)<br />

• What lessons were learned about your project management methodology?<br />

• What worked? What didn’t?<br />

9.2 Project close-out activities<br />

The following is a list of activities of the project closing process. we have summarized it<br />

by various authors. According to the type of project, they may not all be required.<br />

Customer Issues<br />

• ensure timely completion of the “odds-and-ends” (the punch list activities);<br />

• ensure that the project will deliver what was promised; that the objectives or aims<br />

set out in the Project initiation document have been met; complete, install and test<br />

deliverables;<br />

• prepare operating and maintenance manual, train customer’s personnel<br />

• identify any recommendations for follow-on actions, agree on level of follow-up<br />

support;<br />

• ensure that all expected products have been handed over and accepted by the<br />

customer or relevant subsequent project; conduct formal acceptance review with<br />

customer;<br />

• obtain customer acceptance and verify customer satisfaction.<br />

Organizational Issues<br />

• ensure that the project records reflect accurate “as-built” data;<br />

• capture and document lessons resulting from the project; communicate to the<br />

organization;<br />

• prepare final technical reports;<br />


• evaluate project performance;<br />

• conduct final review with management;<br />

• prepare project historical files and place in archive, project files (most notably the<br />

project plan) should be updated to reflect final “actuals” in terms of cost, schedule,<br />

functionality, and quality.<br />

Personnel Issues<br />

• recognize/reward team performance;<br />

• write performance evaluations for project team;<br />

• assist in reassignment of project personnel.<br />

Administrative/Other Issues<br />

• dispose of leftover project material;<br />

• close down temporary site operations;<br />

• submit final invoices and forward all final payments;<br />

• close out project charge codes and work orders;<br />

• bring the project to efficient administrative closure; if the project has been closed<br />

prematurely, document what has been achieved and recommend the way forward;<br />

• prepare an end project report and request formal acceptance from top management.<br />

9.3 The Final Report<br />

The final project report acts as the memory or history of the project. It is the file that others<br />

can check to study the progress and impediments of the project. Many formats can be used<br />

for a final report, but the content should include comments relative to the following points:<br />

• Overall success of the project. Taking into account all of the measures of success<br />

that we considered, can we consider this project to have been a success?<br />

• Organization of the project. Hindsight is always perfect, but now that we are<br />

finished with the project, did we organize it in the best way possible? If not, what<br />

might that organization have looked like?<br />

• Techniques used to get results. By way of a summary list, what specific things<br />

did you do that helped to get the results?<br />

• Project strengths and weaknesses. Again by way of a summary list, what<br />

features, practices, and processes did we use that proved to be strengths or<br />

weaknesses? Do you have any advice to pass on to future project teams regarding<br />

these strengths/weaknesses?<br />

• Project team recommendations. Throughout the life of the project, there will<br />

have been a number of insights and suggestions. This is the place to record them<br />

for posterity.<br />


9.4 Control Questions<br />

14. Include factors that ensure the success of the project, and some of the reasons for the<br />

failure to achieve the objectives of the project.<br />

15. Describe the process of finalizing the project.<br />

16. Indicate ten project close-out activities.<br />

17. Explain the purpose and show the content of the final report.<br />



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