Tesis previa a la obtención del Título de Ingeniero en Electrónica y ...

Tesis previa a la obtención del Título de Ingeniero en Electrónica y ...

Tesis previa a la obtención del Título de Ingeniero en Electrónica y ...


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be ITU Telecommunication S<strong>la</strong>ndardixalinn Sector (ITU-T) is a perman<strong>en</strong>i organ of Ihe Inlemalionai Telecomunication<br />

Union. The ITU-T'is responsible for sludying technícal, operating and <strong>la</strong>rifí queslions and issuíng<br />

ecomm<strong>en</strong>dations on ihem wilh a view lo siandardr/ing teleeommunicalions on a worldwi<strong>de</strong> basis.<br />

he V/orld Telecommunícalion S<strong>la</strong>ndardhalíon Confer<strong>en</strong>ce (WTSC), whieh meéis every fuur years, established ihe topics<br />

ir study by ihe ITU-T Study Groups whích, in their lurn, produce Recomm<strong>en</strong>dations on these tupies. .<br />

PU-T Recomm<strong>en</strong>dation H.320 was revi.sed by the ITU-T Sludy Group XV (1988-1993) and was approved by Ihe WTSC<br />

ielsinki, March 1-12, 1993).<br />

NOTKK<br />

As a consequ<strong>en</strong>ce o¡' a rel'orm procesa wilhin ihe Iniernalional Te-lecommunicalion Unión (!TU), Ihe CC1TT<br />

sased to exist as of 28 Fehrtiary 1993. In iis p<strong>la</strong>ce, the 1TU Telecommunication Siandardizalion Secior (ITU-T) was<br />

reaied as of 1 March 1993. Simi<strong>la</strong>rly, in this reform process, ihe CC1K and the 1FRB have he<strong>en</strong> rep<strong>la</strong>ced by the<br />

.adiocommunication Sector.<br />

\r not to <strong>de</strong><strong>la</strong>y publícation of ihis Recomm<strong>en</strong>dation, no change has he<strong>en</strong> ma<strong>de</strong> in ihe lexl to refer<strong>en</strong>ces con<strong>la</strong>ining<br />

le acronyms "CCITT, CC1R or 1FRB" or Iheir associated <strong>en</strong>iíties suuh as Pl<strong>en</strong>ary Assembly, Secre<strong>la</strong>riai, etc. Fuiure<br />

dílions of this Recomm<strong>en</strong>dation will uomaín the proper lerrninology re.Iated lo the new 1TU slrunuire.<br />

In thís Recomm<strong>en</strong>dalion, ¡he. expres.sion "Adminüslralion" i.s u sed for üo n cus<strong>en</strong> es s lo indiuaie both a<br />

ílecommunication adminisiraiion and a recognixed operaling ag<strong>en</strong>cy.<br />

© ITU 1994<br />

Ul righls reserved. No parí of (his publicalion may he reproducid or ulilixed ¡n any ibrm or by any means, elecironíc or<br />

nechanícal, including photocopyíng and microfilm, wllhoul permis.síon in writing from Ihe !TU.

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