BEFFROIS DE LA CULTURE - ecoc-doc-athens

BEFFROIS DE LA CULTURE - ecoc-doc-athens

BEFFROIS DE LA CULTURE - ecoc-doc-athens

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and promoted hyper urban lifestyles in their<br />

Laboratoire Factory. And on 2 0 N ovember 2 0 0 4 ,<br />

the g rand finale of L ille 2 0 0 4 opened w ith an elec -<br />

tronic music afternoon… reserved for k ids under<br />

1 2 ! F or the oc c asion, the top F renc h D J, Laure n t<br />

G arn ie r, hosted the show behind his rec ord dec k s.<br />



T he full c omplement of public authorities - E urope,<br />

the S tate, the R eg ion, the d é p artem en ts, the<br />

C om m u n au té u rbain e and all the partner tow ns –<br />

embrac ed the L ille 2 0 0 4 projec t. O utstanding<br />

financ ial input, a g rand-sc ale information netw ork<br />

and the (c o)produc tion and (c o)realization of<br />

events. T he c ontribution of seven B elg ian com -<br />

m u n es saw partic ipation transc end national borders.<br />

L ille 2 0 0 4 is the first E uropean C apital of<br />

C ulture to spread out over suc h a larg e g eog raphic al<br />

zone.<br />

C O LLO Q U E S (C U LT U R E ) (CON F EREN CES)<br />

Appropriately, for an event of this k ind, the q uestion<br />

of c ulture as a soc ial vec tor c ame to the fore. T w o-<br />

thirds of the w ay into the year (S eptember), on the<br />

initiative of M artine Aubry, the q uestion w as debated<br />

at the C onservatoire de L ille by leading philosophers,<br />

ec onomists, artists and soc iolog ists. T his<br />

exerc ise w as repeated in D ec ember, as the year<br />

reac hed its c lose. In N ovember, the Aé ronef (L ille)<br />

w elc omed three days of debate, this time on the initiative<br />

of N ab il e l H ag g ar, vic e-P resident of L ille I<br />

U niversity.<br />

C O M M E R Ç A N T S (LO C A L B U S IN E S S E S )<br />

T hree hundred loc al businesses supported the<br />

E uropean C apital of C ulture by adhering to the<br />

“ C ommerç ant L ille 2 0 0 4 ” label sc heme. T heir shop<br />

w indow s displayed the c olours of the event throug h-<br />

out the year. In addition, the G roup of L ille c ity c entre<br />

businesses (G AE L ) org anised a series of exhibitions<br />

(A rt au coeu r) in some tw enty tow n c entre<br />

premises. S ome of these loc al businesses even produc<br />

ed spec ial L ille 2 0 0 4 produc ts, inc luding<br />

bread, c hoc olate and ling erie! At the end of the<br />

event, all of the c ommerc ial and ec onomic bodies of<br />

the c ity c entre expressed their satisfac tion w ith the<br />

effec ts of L ille 2 0 0 4 .<br />

C O M M U N IC A T IO N<br />

U nder the stew ardship of Anne-F ranç oise L emaître,<br />

the c ommunic ation team of L ille 2 0 0 4 w ork ed both<br />

on the promotion of the E uropean C apital of C ulture<br />

to the loc al and reg ional audienc e, as w ell as to the<br />

w ider E uropean audienc e. International notoriety,<br />

throug h an almost entirely biling ual c ommunic a-<br />

tions effort c arried out by T ony C oates, c oupled w ith<br />

proximity or leg ibility on a loc al level w ere the dual<br />

aims of the team. A tourism (> ) department w ork ed<br />

in c onjunc tion w ith the big g est E uropean tour operators,<br />

w hilst, at the same time, a partnership w as<br />

reac hed w ith the major reg ional new spaper la V oix<br />

du N ord. E lec tronic new sletters w ere sent to over<br />

2 5 ,0 0 0 subsc ribers ac ross the g lobe, and the<br />

Ambassadors helped w ith the distribution of leaflets<br />

in the street… T he w ebsite rec eived 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 visitors<br />

per month.<br />

T he c ommunic ations strateg y w as adapted to different<br />

targ et audienc es, throug h multiple forms<br />

(paper, Internet, telec ommunic ations, posters,<br />

urban sig nposting … ) and an ambitious partnership<br />

polic y (public and private struc tures), in order to<br />

c ommunic ate as best and c losely as possible to a<br />

diverse audienc e.<br />

Flower Power exhibition in Lille’s Palais des Beaux-Arts<br />

C O M M U N A U T E U R B A IN E<br />


P ierre M auroy, the P resident of the Lille M é trop ole<br />

C om m u n au té U rbain e (L M C U ), bec omes fully<br />

involved in the L ille 2 0 0 4 projec t from the outset,<br />

aiming to c reate an event w hic h w ould reveal “ both<br />

the diversity of the metropolis itself and its c rossborder<br />

potential” . In order to ac hieve this, the<br />

org anisation c hooses to g ive partic ular support to<br />

the M é tam orp h oses (> ) prog ramme.<br />

Another important foc al point is Jac q ue s S im o n ’s<br />

P arc de la D eû le and L and Art (> ) projec ts. L astly,<br />

L ille 2 0 0 4 is the perfec t opportunity for the L M C U<br />

to promote the larg e third-season ex hibition<br />

M exiq u e-E u rop e, A llers-R etou rs 1 9 1 0 -1 9 6 0 at the<br />

M u sé e d ’A rt M od ern e in V illeneuve d’Asc q .<br />


S everal types of ac tions typified the partic ipation of<br />

the C onseil G é né ral du N ord in L ille 2 0 0 4 : the<br />

restoration and promotion of heritag e building s<br />

(Forts et Lu m iè res); the rec og nition of historic al<br />

treasures (M atisse et la cou leu r d es tissu s and<br />

C ou leu r, travail et socié té exhibitions); L iterature<br />

(> ); and traditional c ultural c utoms (G é an ts, brass<br />

bands > R ac ines). T hese c auses have been c hampioned<br />

sinc e 1 9 8 8 and w ere g iven full prestig e under<br />

the aeg is of B ernard D erosier w hen, in 2 0 0 4 , the<br />

C on seil bec ame involved in further related projec ts.<br />

H enc e, R enaud T ardy, the vic e president in c harg e<br />

of c ulture pic k ed out ‘G ame on’, an exhibition<br />

devoted to video g ames, as « one of the events of<br />

the year » .<br />

CON SEIL G EN ERAL D U PAS-d e -CA<strong>LA</strong>IS<br />

F or the C on seil G é n é ral d u P as-d e-C alais, L ille<br />

2 0 0 4 is seen as an « extra opportunity to hig h-<br />

lig ht » the d é p artem en t’s c ultural initiatives. T he<br />

M u sé e d es B eau x A rts and the lac e museum in<br />

C alais, the re-opening of the M u sé e d e l’H ô tel<br />

S an d elin d e S ain t-O m er, the romantic exc ursions<br />

org anized by C u ltu re C om m u n e in the form of the<br />

R en d ez-vou s cavaliers (> D é am bu lation s) and the<br />

projec ts entrusted to the T h é â tre d ’A rras… T he<br />

c hairman of the C on s eil G é n é ral, D ominiq ue<br />

D upilet and his predec essor R oland H ug uet oversaw<br />

the org anisation’s c ommitment to L ille 2 0 0 4 .<br />

CON SEIL RÉ G ION AL D U N ORD /PAS-D E-CA<strong>LA</strong>IS<br />

D aniel P erc heron and his vic e president in c harg e of<br />

c ulture, Iv an R enar, (replac ed by C atherine<br />

G é nisson during the year), c reate an initiative c alled<br />

A u tou r d e Lille 2 0 0 4 , desig ned to offer memorable<br />

events to the entire reg ion. T he O rch estre N ation al<br />

d e Lille visits 1 6 tow ns thank s to the Itin é ran ces<br />

sym p h on iq u es projec t. O pera is performed in the<br />

street, featuring La C lef d es C h an ts and O p osito (><br />

D é am bu lation s). L es B effrois d e la C u ltu re bring the<br />

museum experienc e to the street c orner, ultimately<br />

attrac ting 8 0 ,0 0 0 visitors. O verall, the Autour de<br />

L ille projec t reac hes 4 5 venues in 3 5 tow ns.<br />

C O U LE U R S (COLOURS)<br />

C olours w ere a main theme in the c onc eptualisation<br />

of L ille 2 0 0 4 . T he idea w as for the territory to show<br />

its ric h diversity throug h « tec hnic olour » . T he<br />

c olours of L ille 2 0 0 4 w ere present in all c orners of<br />

the E uroreg ion, throug h events and sig nposting , and<br />

eac h of the three seasons had its predominant c olour.<br />


K itc hens in the M aison F olies. An Italian c anteen<br />

for the M on d e P arallè le G ê n es. A T o d i box is the<br />

c ombination of the talents of a g rand c hef, tw o<br />

desig ners and the students of a loc al hotel and<br />

c atering sc hool: uniq ue dishes in a c ontemporary<br />

serving c onc ept. T he art of steamed ravioli to savour<br />

in the T ri P ostal during the M on d e P arallè le C h in e.<br />

T he C ondition P ubliq ue in R oubaix hosts a barbec<br />

ue of international c uisine. Jac q ue s B o n affé<br />

reg ales g uests at his banq uets (> L iterature). A traditional<br />

P olish milk bar for the M on d e P arallè le<br />

P olog n e. And, for the main dish, the Laïk a c ompany<br />

from Antw erp serves up 5 days of music al theatre<br />

at the M aison F olie of W azemmes in the form<br />

of a delic ious meal prepared by performing music<br />

ians. 2 0 0 4 , a year of taste and c onviviality.<br />

(D )<br />

D AN CE<br />

C ompare the rig our of W illiam F o rsyth e to the q uirk y<br />

humour of M artin B é lan g e r, and the differenc e<br />

betw een c lassic al forms and a more c ontemporary<br />

approac h c ouldn’t be g reater. B ill T . Jo n e s (> )<br />

opened the year. F estivals lik e B ord erlin e (run by le<br />

M an è g e , M aubeug e), S olo S oli (Le Viv at,<br />

Armentiè res), Le D elta (run by L ille 2 0 0 4 ) and<br />

Latitu d es con tem p orain es offer a blend of new talent<br />

and headline ac ts. A n d rè s M arin imports the flamenc<br />

o, G in e tte Laurin bring s a C anadian touc h,<br />

and S ab uro T e sh ig aw ara c reates an amazing c horeog<br />

raphy for a young blind g roup at the O pé ra de<br />

L ille. M eanw hile F arid B e rk i finds suc c ess abroad,<br />

as far afield as C hina, in the festival Les q u ais d e<br />

C h in e.<br />

D É A M B U <strong>LA</strong> T IO N S (W AN D ERIN G S)<br />

T he M é tamorphoses (> ) w ere an invitation to stroll<br />

around the c ity. T he R en d ez-vou s cavaliers org anised<br />

in the P as-de-C alais mining reg ion, south of<br />

L ille, by C ulture C o m m un e , w ere an opportunity to<br />

w ander along old horse trac k s redisc overing the<br />

mining heritag e and enjoying artistic interventions.<br />

T he N ew Y ork artist, F io n a T e m p le to n , took dozens<br />

of visitors on a zany tour of the streets of L ille.<br />

M ontreal c ollec tive, F arin e O rp h e lin e c onc oc ted a<br />

multimedia visit of the L ille-W azemmes distric t.<br />

W ith A la vie, à l’am ou r, a w andering opera, O p o sito<br />

/ Le C le f d e s c h an ts took fine arias to the streets of<br />

tw elve c ity c entres of the reg ion. F estivities and<br />

parades travelled too. T he Fen ê tres q u i p arlen t initiative<br />

saw artw ork s reac h street level. In his<br />

M é m oire d u vin , the C olumbian direc tor, E n riq ue<br />

Varg as, invited the spec tator on a dream-lik e voyag e<br />

throug h a labyrinth set up w ithin the P alais R ameau<br />

of L ille…<br />

In 2 0 0 4 , w alk abouts and w andering s w ere of various<br />

k inds. T he visitor / spec tator w as invited to disc<br />

over artistic proposals w hic h upset the traditional<br />

notions of stag e / venue and w ork s / museum. S inc e<br />

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